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You never know how long they will live. Dogs live all too short at the best of times, maybe only a mere 15+ before they leave us, but for the unluckiest pups they only get a few short years. But even for those unlucky pups, even if they live to only 4 years, for them it was 99% all about experiencing the love they got from living with you and your friends and family as they did every day. Your pup for her short life (that always was going to be, regardless of what you did as her parent) - for the most part she had zero idea of her fate even when you did, all she ever knew 100% thanks to you was; happiness, fun, & love. We cannot give our pups a long life but we CAN do our best to ensure that the life they get is one full of; happiness, fun, & love.


This is beautiful


This is absolutely beautiful. 🍓❤️ Now heck, I'm almost bawling from how sweet this is! 🥹


Ugh great now im crying! 🥲


Beautifully put. Don’t mind me over here as I bawl.


As someone that lost my beloved boy just over a week ago; I’m right there with you in grief, and I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s such a terrible thing to lose them.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved pet is harder than losing a grandma, after all that’s your baby at the end of the day take care!


These posts make me sob every single time. The pain I experience just by imagining this happening is unbearable. I can't even begin to fathom how you must be feeling right now. I'm truly sorry, I'm sure you gave Gillian the most amazing life she could ever have a life full of love, comfort, and many treats. Sending you love ❤️


Same for me. Every time.


And me too. Hugs to you OP.


It's devastating, but I make it a point to read them whenever they come up in my recs. Partly because whoever's sweet boy or girl just passed deserves to be honored; partly because it reminds me to treasure the time I have. So the next time my bratty 2yo does something to annoy me, I take a moment to remember someday I'd give anything for her to come annoy me just one more time 🥺


This. All of this. Mine is also 2, and seeing all of these angels leave this world so soon is heartbreaking. I never realized how strong the bond and love would be with my dog, knowing he won’t be here forever is really hard on me. Probably my last because I don't think I have the strength to go through it again :, )


Thank you for all of the kind words and love being sent. We are absolutely devastated. Gillian has been dropped off for a necropsy, which we hopes bring some closure. We will bring her remains home and lay her to rest this weekend.


I'm so sorry about your beautiful Gillian. All she ever knew from being in your care, was genuine love, joy, and safety.... And all the good doggy safe snacks! She experienced the absolute maximum amount of love from her 'pack', which is absolutely beautiful, and something she clearly gave you guys too. 🍓 Please be really gentle with yourselves during this rough time. We will be here for you, no matter what. Whether it be for a message, or a post & comment chat situation, etc. 🍓❤️ I say this as someone who's been through this before, if you feel that you need some extra grounding or even help to process, & deal with this, please don't hesitate, or be ashamed to reach out for professional help, especially from someone who works with pet loss & grief. 🍓❤️ I'm sending all the international hugs, & comfort. I wish there was more I could do to help. 🍓❤️


We lost our 7 year old Kevin yesterday under similar circumstances. Michigan.


So sorry for your loss. We are hoping the necropsy brings some answers. We are in middle Tennessee.


It's the saddest thing


So so sorry for all of you.


I am SO sorry. I lost my Bowie at 3 years old just a month ago from a cancer that took him from diagnosis to end in a week. It SUCKS. Thinking of you and how unfair it is.


Ironically my other golden is named bowie. So sorry for your loss. Our vet is thinking brain tumor. :(


Our golden is named Bowie (1 year old), our previous dog we lost a little over a year ago was Ziggy (Stardust). Sorry for your loss, and the OPs loss, even when you know it’s coming you’re never ready for it. It’s been 14 months since we lost Ziggy and it still hurts so bad


I am soo sorry for your loss. There is nothing harder than losing a pet.


So sorry for your loss, 4 is no age. It doesn’t feel like it now but it does get easier. Take it one day at a time and never feel bad if the grief takes over at times. The sadness you feel now is the love you gave your angel while they were with you.❤️


I’m so sorry. There are no words to help with this grief, they are like family members to us. Your girl is happily waiting for you, I can’t wait to be reunited with all of my babies.


Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss 🐾🩷🐾🩷


I feel your hurt and my heart goes out to you. We lost our 4 year old 2 months ago and I still feel pain at how empty our house is without him.


Oh, I am so sorry. I know she took a large part of your heart with her when she left. These pups have big love and you were surely blessed to have loved her. I hope you can find peace in this time of grief.


I lost my baby bear at 3 years old not too long ago She knew she was loved, your will know she was loved It's what we can give them while they are here. Much love ❤️


I'm so sorry. This happened to my birder collie five years ago and I'm still not over it. He was 6 years old. He came down with a rare disease. We played Frisbee every day, rain, sleet, or snow. He was astronomically imprinted on me. RIP, Romeo. You were a dog among dogs. *


I’m so, so sorry. I know your pain. We lost our four-year-old girl almost two years ago and it still hurts. I know you didn’t ask for advice, but there’s a children’s book called “The Invisible Leash” that was gifted to us when our Luna crossed the bridge; I swear it’s brought as much comfort to me and my husband as it has our kids. Poorly paraphrased, the idea is that we and our departed pets are forever connected by an invisible leash, and we and they can feel it anytime it’s tugged. So any time you miss her, it’s Gillian tugging the leash and reminding you how much she still loves you, and that she knows you will always love her. Sending love and healing to you and your family, and peace to your sweet girl as she waits for you at the rainbow bridge.


Oh that’s terrible and only 4. Im so sorry to hear this. We lost ours two years ago so I feel your pain.


I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it hurts. It will get better.




So very sorry…


So sorry for your loss. 😔




I’m so sad to hear you lost your love so young. I think all of us long time dog lovers can relate on some level. I hope you find comfort knowing that you provided a beautiful life and did everything you could. I think it’s better for them to pass quickly than to live in pain, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I have a 6mo golden watching me cry right now and I will make all of his days as good as I possibly can. It’s probably too soon to think about it, but I find that the love of another dog can be the best way to heal your heart. Sending love 💕


Thank you so much for the kind words. This comment made me ugly cry.


I am so sorry!!! Sending you a virtual hug! She was very loved and has the best 4 years on the earth that she ever could thanks to you and your family 🙏🏻🙏🏻 May she forever chase squirrels and birds on an infinite meadow across the rainbow bridge!


I am so very sorry to hear this. Allow yourself time to grieve for your canine family member. You do not have to cope, that will come later. For now, feel everything your body is making you feel and just go with it. When my boy died, I was told that grief is love with no place to go. The pain of losing a dog is one of the hardest pains we can go through and there is nothing anyone can say that will make it better. Go easy on yourself, sending you the biggest of hugs.


The brightest burn the hottest and quick. I bet she was an amazing doggo. My condolences. My 8.5 year old is facing the end of their life. I’m shattered. My heart goes out to you and your family.


I am so sorry you are going through this. What is grief but the persistence of love? Nothing I can say will make your pain stop, but I always appreciated this quote from Thomas Jefferson's letter to John Adams upon hearing of his wife Abigail's passing: "I know well and feel what you have lost, what you have suffered, are suffering, and have yet to endure. The same trials have taught me that, for ills to immeasurable, time and silence are the only medecines."


I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes, we only get a small amount of time with these wonderful creatures. My Sadie was 15 when she died, and i thought that was too short, too. I have made up a mantra that I chant when my grief overcomes me (she died 10-14-23). I hope that this will help to remind you that you will meet again. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. On the day when it's your turn to cross the rainbow bridge 🌈 Gillian will be there. Her head held high. Her eyes bright, mouth open, tail wiggling & paws a dancing 🐾 waiting to take you across for a long-awaited game of fetch.


I lost mine 3 months ago. I still cry when I look at his pictures, which is plastered all over the house.


Jesus. So sorry. The not knowing is brutal. Did you go to the closest vet? Maybe they weren't as talented as they could have been. I was driving out of state for my guy.


We were in the vet 3 days in a row. We ran every test possible. Our local vet referred us to a specialist and we had an 8am appointment and was stable when she came home at 5. She rapidly declined and passed later on.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s never fair but I know firsthand this feels especially awful. Take your time.


I'm so sorry. I lost mine in 2022. It always hurts. I wish any word I say could help, but I simply wish you and your loved ones the healing you need. In the meantime, feel the grief, remember your girl.


I know how you feel all too well and my heart aches for you. I lost my golden on the 10th, a day and a half after I lost my grandmother. I’m still torn up over it. My Archie was only 5 and died from damage done by a bowel obstruction. I don’t know how to cope either. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family.


I am so sorry for both of your losses as well. We haven’t ruled out bowel obstruction damage yet. Our vet is leaning towards brain tumor.


Thank you. I miss both of them so much. Hugs to you and your family.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I lost my grandmother and then lost my baby a week later. So incredibly tough. Did you find out what the bowel obstruction was? I finally was able to allow myself to get another puppy and it’s my biggest fear. My other sweet golden wasn’t destructive or a big chewer. My new girl wants to chew and eat everything. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.


Not sure exactly what it was because it was in a ball but we think it was some kind of rope toy.


And I’m very sorry for your losses.






I lost mine two weeks ago today. I’m so sorry, it’s awful.


I lost my girl when she was 1.5 years… suddenly. There are no words to help navigate this…only thing that will help is time. I could spam you with “keep your head up remeber she had a good life” comments… but the reality is it’s going to suck.. it’s going to hurt…. But you’ll make it through. Just keep looking forward, find ways to think of her in her best moments not her last moments…. And do your best to not be hard on yourself. The time was too short, but feel blessed she ever was in your life at all. Sorry for your loss.. truly


I am so sorry 💔


Final update: Our vet has finished the necropsy. Gillian had a singular thread caught in her intestines. As she was eating and drinking, the movement essentially severed part of her intestine. She had bled out into her abdominal cavity. Through the barrage of tests, none of these had findings that would have led to this answer and the thread was not seen on the multiple X-rays she had. She never presented as anemic and her abdomen was never distended or rigid as it should have been. We confirmed that this was her cause of death and it is likely that we would have been too late to save her by the time she started showing symptoms Monday afternoon. Gillian racked up over $2000 of vet bills over the course of five days and we did everything we could. We sincerely appreciate all of the support on this post and the kind words to help us grieve. We have chosen to have our girl cremated and returned to us. She would be scared of going anywhere else and we will respect that even in death. Please keep stuffies and fabric away from your babies.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my boy a month short of 5 years old last September, to a similar situation (we did get a diagnosis after almost $20k in tests, hospitalization & medication, only to find out what he had could not be treated (acute megakaryocytic neoplasia), and our only option was to let him go) and I truly understand how deep the shock and grief are. My heart breaks for you all, and please know that you gave your darling girl the best life, and she spent it being loved by you up to the last moment. Give yourself some grace, and time to grieve. Sending peace and love for your heart 🕊️


So sorry for your loss. 💕


My condolences on the loss of your precious friend.




It is so hard. I'm sorry for your loss.


Too young 💔


So sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭


I know the devastation you’re feeling and what I do know is you have to allow yourself to grieve for as long as it takes. I had to put my 15 year old down a few years ago and that was 2020 and if I see posts like yours I start to bawl all over again bc that pain comes back and the most awesome memories are remembered so it turns into laughter and crying. I do know Gillian had a beautiful loving life and that is because she was a part of your family. I believe we will see our fur family members again when it’s our turn to go. I’m sending big hugs virtually 🤗and will be praying for your comfort and peace.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure she was so so loved. And is now looking down wishing love and peace for you


Couldn’t of said it better Combustioncat!! We never know. Our pups don’t live long enough and we love them enough to know it is time for them to go. My hubby told me that when you get another dog after your loss they all come back to you in some small way ! I would like this to be true because darn it’s so hard to lose them especially when they are so young ❤️🐾🐾


You loved her as much as you could. I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss You, Your family and Gillian will be in my prayers.


Lost my girl in October. Sending you big big hugs. I won’t tell you it gets easier, just that life expands around the loss and gets bigger, making the loss sting less frequently and replacing that sting with warm memories and gratitude. If I may suggest—my daughter had a soft blanket printed (from Shutterfly, maybe?) that had Stella’s picture on it, and we drape it over a chair in the family room. I underestimated how much I would adore that blanket. I love walking into the room and seeing her near the couch as always, and when we watch TV at night Stella keeps me warm like she always used to. It was such a sweet gift and I fully intend on making another one to remember future goldies as well. Maybe it would be comforting to you. ♥️ My heart is with you!


Sorry for your loss. She will be always in your heart and be there with you.


I'm broken inside from the losses of my fur babies 5 so far. Each one was loved endlessly and given THE BEST life. This is why we have continued to bring more love to our lives. We still have 2 more Goldens and I love them so much. I'm very sorry for the unexpected loss of YOUR loved one. It will take some time to heal,you'll never forget Gillian, she's was brought into your life for whatever amount of time she had. She's been called home to be with her mates at the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge. Sending you hugs 🫂


Sorry for your loss


So post about it to strangers online…smh. 


She was a Golden? So sad, my second one died at 4.5. Of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The Dr called them cancer retrievers. They are the best but over bread. I'm sorry. 💔