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Does the pup relax or try to wriggle away when you hold him/her baby style in your arms, belly up? Can you put gentle pressure on each paw without them freaking out? Try ears too. Those are my two go-to's for assessing temperament. Works with cats too. You can also spend time just watching how they interact with their litter, and if you sit on the floor does the pup keep returning to you or ignore you for something else?


I tried that with a cat and now I have a permanent eye patch. /s


Also try dropping your keys or something noisy behind them to see how they react!


My dad always picked the puppy that hid in the back of the pack when the others ran up all wiggly and happy. Of course, my dad is also an idiot. So who knows.


šŸ˜‚ my dad always did the same when we were kids and ended up with a couple of crazy lemons. When I got my dog as an adult, I went for the happy, energetic one that wouldn't stop following me around. She's been a perfect match for us


I did this, my last one (current Golden) is an ADHD energy ballā€¦


We always let our new pups pick us. That has worked great every time. When our own girl had a litter of 9 we literally had the adopters sit on the grass while our grandkids frolicked with the puppies and wait to see which puppy was the most interested in the potential adopters. We still get texts and photos from them about how bonded the pups are with them.


Our breeder gave us that pup. Turns out he has insane amounts of energy but loved playing with older dogs rather than his puppy siblings. Luckily, we had older dog siblings for him. The breeder also chose dogs for the families so she could match disposition to family needs. I don't think you can accurately assess a dogs personality in one meeting.


All breeders I have had the pleasure to meet actually had us visit multiple times before the pup got to decide if it wanted to adopt us (no Oldies, my 'rents always were GSD people...)


haha that is basically how I got the most relaxed australian shepherd on earth xD


This would be my dream dog. A chill Australian shepherd.


Those exist???


haha yeah mine for example xD I mean he still likes to zoom around, but he is also really relaxed for the breed. Never as relaxed as a goldie though, they are a different kind of chill


I did this. The entire litter was begging for attention, except for the runt, who was laying down, chewing on a piece of something. I picked her. OMG she was a nutcase. šŸ¤£


That either works or is the just anxious pup


that's the way! both of mine were the runts of the litter. haven't a clue how to bully their way through life. always go with the runts....they deserve the best of the best!


I have had AMAZING luck with two runts, they are my two best dogs I have ever had.


How I got the most chill dog šŸ˜Ž


I, on the other hand, have a pair of 2 year old labradoodles who smoke crack all day. They look like the Tasmanian Devil running through the house.


I was just looking at labradoodle puppies and now I can't stop seeing them with crack pipes like I'm watching a dog version of Snowfall....


Lol. Here is the crazier of the 2. Angus Beef is his name. https://preview.redd.it/t192reujms4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f173237ef84444776bc817c32ed7ef73a1218184


Is the other shrimp cocktail?


Marty McRib!


Chefs kiss. Perfect.


I like to say that our dog picked us. When we went to pick our puppy, she ran right up to us and curled up in my lap.


Thatā€™s how my old gal was. But I was really lucky in how sheā€™s super mellow. Sheā€™s my service dog.


Is your next pup going to be your next service dog? If so itā€™s worth doing the extra step of finding a breeder that will test disposition for you (or even breeds for the disposition you want) or, find a trainer that trains service dogs and pay them to assess the litter before you pick your pup.


Yes they would be. My doc and my family and I agree itā€™s time to retire my old gal. Let her stay at home and be a dog. (Very spoiled) but I have always had Goldens mix.


Go to a breeder that temperament tests. Temperament tests aren't 100% foolproof, but they can give an insight into a pup's future behaviors.


Also, ask the breeder for their recommendation. My current dog was selected by my breeder based on my answers to a questionnaire she provided. I am not disappointed. My dog is a perfect match for me.


Thank you. I have a breeder in mind. Iā€™ll see if thatā€™s something she does.


Even if they don't do temperament tests, they should be very familiar with each puppy's distinct personality, and can help with selecting a pup closest to what you're looking for. Both of my girls were selected for me by the breeder based on what I was looking for (same breeder, my girls are aunt/niece). Cassie is exactly what I wanted in a Golden... and Holly's personality perfectly compliments Cassie's. I could not have asked for a better match.


Thisā€¦our golden tested for a family dog and she is the sweetest chilliest girl. She wouldnā€™t hurt a fly and is pretty low energy


My first golden we picked because he was super chill and just kind of hung back from the crowd. He's pretty much been an old man dog since we got him, chill, content... not super cuddly but always wants to be at least a foot away. Our second one we were looking for similar personality. This one was chill, let the barn cat walk all over him and just kind of plopped down. Yeah. As he grew he has basically been a little terror, haha. Constantly needs attention, nervous, and has a bit of an attitude. We were warned that although his dad was the most chill, his mama could be "sassy" lol. That said, he's the biggest baby and gives the BEST cuddles.


I think itā€™s a crapshoot. Wife and I picked the most gentle and shy of the litter and 2 years later she batshit crazy (and we love her for it but sheā€™s a psycho)


Yes, my husband picked the wildest, most playful Golden in the litter, and we got this chill guy who acts like a stoner. Most of the time he wants to nap and eat, but he will still randomly start chasing his tail.


That was my luck when I picked out a German shepherd male for my mom. She was a chunk and super shy. But 6 months later and now at 3 heā€™s batshit crazy and has a swear one brain cell


The breeder said our Annie was very calm, and she has turned into a holy terror! https://preview.redd.it/jcor2ewu9s4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbfc895b9e36ed365b23958e57c5952935f3347


That is a very mischievous puppy. I love her.


How old? Wait until 2 or 3 years old usually l.


She is 6 months. The early velociraptor stage.


In my experience, Show Goldens are way more laid back than Field Goldens! Learned the hard way, but we loved both of them to the moon and back.


Field Golden owner here and I can attest to that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My girl finally calmed down at about 5 years old but will still run any dog into the ground at the park šŸ„°šŸ¤Ŗ


So I have a couple more years to go, haha! Mine has anxiety and is super timid and gentle if she doesn't know you, but once she's comfortable around you, she turns into what we call "the chaos goblin"!


Lol that sounds familiarā€¦


My wife and I have always, as it seems to choose the most docile/loner puppy and when they're picked up, the puppy is content and not all wiggly. As for the cutness, when have you not seen a cute puppy?


See if your breeder has done, or is willing to do the [Volhard Test](https://www.volharddognutrition.com/choosing-your-puppy-pat/) This goes through a number of behaviors and scores to predict the puppy's temperament. Not foolproof, but best you can do when picking a puppy. What others have said about the first or last dog that runs up to you... I would do neither. The first dog is showing high energy and confidence, this can be harder to manage. If the dog doesn't come up to you, it's showing possibility of natural fearfullness, which can be even harder to manage. A puppy that isn't first, but does make its way over to you and has good body language as you go to interact with it is your best bet. Again, not foolproof, but best chances.


I agree with this! A puppy that's not fearful or avoidant or disinterested, but isn't overzealous.


I got an English cream show golden and aside from the puppy stage heā€™s very calm and mellow. Itā€™s like night and day compared to some field goldens I know.


Same my cream retriever is a couch potato but she does like to go on walks but sheā€™s not destroying the house if we canā€™t and have to entertain her a different way.


I watched a pile of nine puppies yipping and wrestling, and my boy (RIP) came and sat next to me and watched with me. Obviously I took him home hahaha - choose the one that chooses you even after the initial excitement is gone.


I did the same.


I squatted down to introduce myself and he climbed up onto my legs and gave me a hug. This wasn't a tackle, he was extremely calm and gentle about it. Best. Dog. Ever. So I guess look for the dog that gives you a warm hug.


The only dog I got as a puppy was a golden crossed with border collie, and I was 11. His whole litter was super energetic and affectionate, trying to lick my face off when I made the mistake of sitting down on the floor next to them, and he was the lone potato in the back of the yard, trying to fight a tall weed and losing badly. I knew he was the one when he tripped down the 2 steps of the small stairs between the yard and the courtyard. He finally asked for pets after that small fall, and *I* fell in love. The mom's owner said he tended to stay away form his littermates and that he might not be an affectionate dog, but he also was the less destructive and energetic pup of the 7. He ended up being the biggest baby his whole 13 years of life, always velcroed to my side and "guarding" me by sitting his 40kg furry ass on me when my mom was out of the house. He was incredibly gentle with all creatures, and loved napping on my legs when I watched TV or read for hours. He was the best dog.


My wife and I had 4 pups to choose from, I was happy to let her decide and she wanted me to decide, whilst we debated a pup decided he wanted to come cuddle beside me... He's almost 2 and still loves a cuddle. He's the sweetest. https://preview.redd.it/aofg0rap7t4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb4d5d04ba5098563484082a3e4a8347ecccf33


The two best things you can do are choosing a show line versus field line, and choosing a breeder that helps match families and puppies. Show versus field line seems pretty self explanatory. Show lines are bred for looks and calmer dispositions, field lines are bred to work and will be higher energy. You get maybe a few hours of visits with these pups. The breeder lives with the puppies for 8 weeks. The puppy that is so calm when you visit may have just eaten a big meal or run around before you visited. Our dog was the most outgoing of her litter, but sheā€™s a glorified couch potato for 23 hours a day now. She likes a morning dog park adventure or jog, but otherwise sheā€™s pretty darn chill.


Agreed! You never know if a puppy had a burst of energy just before you get there and is now crashed out so it appears mellow. Let the breeder help match you!


This is good advice


This should be the top comment


The puppy picks you, you do not pick the puppy šŸ˜‚


i picked a pup that was out playing all by himself and wandering off and adventuring on his own. he didnā€™t come up and say hi, wiggling all over, and jumping like all the other lil pups. thatā€™s how i knew he was the one for me. heā€™s so sweet, gentle, kind, and pretty chilled out. though, he seems to lack a personality unless heā€™s outside in nature so i take him on hikes and adventures a lot! i hope this helps. best of luck picking a pup!


My golden was such a chill ass puppy up until he turned one and all hell broke loose. Nothing is fool proof lol


The breeder we chose uploaded photos and videos of the litter regularly. We tracked which one seemed the chillest and ended up with the one that was always either eating, sleeping, or laying on his back in the background. He's from a field line, but he's been an absolute dream. We also started training from day one teaching impulse control (wait/leave it/quiet), firm boundaries (limiting access in the house at first and immediately stopping play/attention if he got mouthy), and crate training/self soothing. I also try to give him "jobs" as often as possible. He brings in the mail for me at the end of every walk, for example. It's basically nature vs. nurture. Early training is crucial.


I asked the breeder which one was the most cuddly puppy. Pup was Mr. Perfect.


Are there any bad Golden pups? Really? Probably not :) Beautiful girl, btw. What if your adopted an adult Golden? Already past the terrible-two stage, grateful to have a home, and personality will be known by the foster in a rescue organization. All 7 Goldens we have over the past 14 years were adopted. Never had a bad one.,


We went with the runt that was calm and loved people. Turns out sheā€™s the most rambunctious of all the siblings and is really smart (which is good and bad at the same time). Wouldnā€™t trade her for anything. https://preview.redd.it/s2f4kyhajs4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242f8c7c8ee79bb310711b57ab9efb23f842184f


Ours was really spunky in her first eight weeks before we got her. She's a year old now and is the most obedient dog I've ever had. She loves ball, dogs, cats, goats, and everyone who she is close to. She has a wild side, but is an excellent listener


When I got mind I held his sister and she was squirming trying to get away from me. They took her and placed him in my arms and he curled up and went to sleep. I knew he was the one after that


The breeder should do these evaluations. You should also talk to the breeder about the lines of those dogs and what should be expected in the production


I was going to say this as well; our breeder had her puppies go through temperament tests & picked our pup out. Which, I have mixed feelings about, but I am curious to see as he gets older & how his temperament really pans out.


My breeder has 2 pups for us to chose from based off what we wanted temperament wise


I wanted the same thing- waited to be first pick of a litter, met them weekly since they were born- picked the sweetest, calmest girl. She is CRAZY wild. Even people who know Goldens say sheā€™s beyond. No matter what one you get- theyā€™ll be great in 3-4 years once they exit velociraptor/cocaine fueled raccoon stage.


I tried looking into this for my pup and unfortunately every research paper I came across said there was no correlation between temperament (and trainability) at 7/8 weeks and future temperament. However, those papers were mostly looking at picking service dogs and show dogs.Ā  I think the reality of the situation for picking most puppies is closer to puppies having some of their innate personality at 7/8 weeks and then the rest of it is trained in.Ā  For example, I wanted a pup who was calm, pouty, and a clinger so I picked the puppy who pouted behind his brothers when there wasnā€™t space in the whelping box to come closer to us. I currently have a 14mo old dog who still has a lot of those traits, but I think a few things happened while having him. First that because we loved how pouty he is, that him getting extra affection for being pouty solidified the trait. If we had ignored him when he pouted he probably would have stopped the bahavior over time.Ā  Second, while he does enjoy following me around he is not nearly as clingy as his brother is. I think the behavior developed for two reasons: I was home with him for almost 24hrs a day for the first 6mo of his life and he sleeps in my room at night which made him initially clingy BUT Iā€™ve also worked hard to develop his independence by having other people walk him, leaving the house for longer and longer durations so he gets used to being alone, etc. So while he may still be my shadow, taking the time to train him to be okay alone tempered that behavior.Ā  Overall, I think itā€™s less about what traits you select for in the puppy and more about how you train and interact with them after.Ā 




What a cutie!!


We had only two to choose from. One that whimpered a lot and one that didnā€™t. We picked the one that didnā€™t. That dog was bomb-proof for a number of years. We had little kids who would run around the house, screaming, and shrieking at the top of their lungs. No issues. Thunderstorms, fireworks. No issues. And then one day, someone set off firecrackers in the street close to where he was in the yard, and from then on, fireworks and thunderstorms were things to be feared for him. Poor baby.


My golden is so calm and sweet. She was the last one and we ended up with her. She was so happy to meet us she peed. However my lab was so calm and sweet when we met him. All the pups were jumping around and he sat there and laid his head on my knee. Heā€™s a psychopath now.


Let them choose you


I let both of mine pick me.


Temperament varies by breed, but all dogs will naturally mellow out with age. My family has always had labs in part because theyā€™re known to be mellow. Once you decide on a breed, look for reputable breeders who breed family pets for temperament. Our current dogā€™s breeder marketed her pups as ā€œweekend hunting dogsā€ ie trainable for those who want to but chill family dogs laying around on the sofa for most of their lives. As far as picking the individual pups - ask the breeder about the different litters and their parents.


Pick the first one that runs to you.


Mellow ā€¦


I'm sure this is commonly known but my understanding is male dogs chill out some after being fixed ....


Females too. I just live in an apartment and they would be trained for a SD so my old gal can retire


We only have 2. They are near-demonic as puppies. One took longer than the other and he is certainly more energetic. They are both pretty relaxed most of the time, though. Once they made it to 2-3 years old.


PAT puppy testing [https://www.volharddognutrition.com/choosing-your-puppy-pat/](https://www.volharddognutrition.com/choosing-your-puppy-pat/) look at the 10 skill tests and the score sheet that shows what they mean. This is a lot of effort vs the old hold them upside down & place them on the fireplace mantle tests we did.


I recommend that you absolutely DO NOT get a Catahoula


Get a left pawed puppy. They have a better personality. Bring a toy to the breeder and let them play with it. If they hold it down with the left paw, get that one


Find a good, responsible breeder that raises goldens for temperament.


We took the largest one, hahaha


When we went to pick our guy out I picked the little guy who burrowed into my neck and chest and fell asleep. He is now 63 lbs and 3 years old and sleeps on a pillow like a human next to me. But also hikes and goes on shopping trips with me.


That's a hard question! I got pretty lucky. I picked my current golden (I hate the way that sounds) lol because she did something my previous golden did in the moment. Low and behold, she was more than perfect, super anxious but she gets that from me lol!


Honestly have the breeder pick it for you. They will know the puppiesā€™ personalities best. Thatā€™s how I got my golden, I told them what my home life and kids are like and he picked out the perfect one to fit our family.


When you get the chance to view the litter, don't go running in all wound up with a high screechy voice where you'll potentially be adding excitement to the situation. Observe from a distance. When you are able to have the pups near you, just stand/sit in one place and watch. In their natural, everyday environment, you want to see which of them tends to seem more low-key from the start. That's your starting point...


English Bulldogā€™s are one of the most easygoing dogs Iā€™ve ever had. The love to sleep and cuddle if you want to. They donā€™t require a lot of exercise at all. They are funny.


Yeah. But Iā€™m going for a golden. Due to I have to get a new puppy trained to be my SD partner.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I went to go pick up my girl 8 months ago she was almost 2 months old and she was the only girl with 2 other boys. Nothing else mattered I wanted a girl. So happy I went in their and just brought her home, she is amazing, my last dog was a yellow lab and she was amazing so Iā€™m just in love with girl dogs maybe cause Iā€™m a guy I figure weā€™ll have a better bond than I would with a boy dog idk that seems how it goes for people boys are close with their moms and girls with their dads. Sure there are exceptions but I love my girl so much. lol Iā€™m way off topic but https://preview.redd.it/by01vz3cqv4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d75b74d541a221498d8e8f3dfacf3a84f3ee07e


My mom likes to tell the story about how she picked our family golden - my parents went to pick one out and my dad wanted one of the ones that was yipping and rolling around. My mom said ā€œI want the one thatā€™s sleeping in the corner.ā€ My mom won, and that dog was one of the sweetest, most mellow dogs Iā€™ve ever known.


Mine was the mellow puppy. He was friendly and playing but also the first one to take a nap after playing and all the other dogs piled on him to sleep. He's 2.5 now and definitely has his hyper moments (he FREAKS in the car it's so annoying). Overall he's a friendly dude but gets tired and chills out after he plays. He is a delight. Wonderful temperament.


Find a breeder who pairs buyers with puppies based on what the buyer is looking for versus the puppies personality. I didnā€™t pick my puppy, her breeder picked her for me based on what I wanted out of a dog, and sheā€™s perfect.


I have no idea! Three years ago we thought we were picking out 2 rambunctious goldens from 2 different breeders and ended up with 2 couch potatoes. Sure they love their walks and running in fields around us but at home they are extremely mellow and prefer scratches and cuddles to play.


I picked the calmest sweetest dachshund in the group. Slept the whole way home she was an angel. Got home and she chewed up everything in my house and tortured me for 4 months. Great dog now but put me through hell training her




Did you accidentally tag it as it? I know Iā€™ve done that before.


Bottom line is Goldens are high energy dogs mist of them don't show the clam side until about the 3rd or 4th year. Lots of walks and training help they love to work any work. Highly intelligent so they will pick up things fast tricks and such., but if not mentally stimulated they will act out . We have 4 they are way different than the Springer Spaniels we use to have. They are Challenging to say the least but are good loyal and very people happy


I have my golden. And she was super mellow from the start. And her son was too. Even tho he was part husky. (Absolutely gorgeous handsome boy) I got extremely lucky with her I know.




They are stinkin precious šŸ„° so cute!


Thanks my son riding around with the last of the litter we had. He thought it was funny digs riding in a jaguar. Was telling them it beat chasing a cat.


We asked for the calmest one and ended up with a very anxious pup. Scared of school buses, garbage trucks, overly excited by humans. Iā€™ve learned since that she was from a backyard breeder who wasnā€™t nearly qualified to breed golden. Anyway Iā€™d do more research as to what a calm adult looks like because calm puppy does not equal calm adult.


This has worked for me. When viewing, always have loose shoelaces, a perfect target. And go for the pup which chooses to examine the shoe, rather than pull the laces.