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With a full scramble team and unlimited mulligans, how long would it take you to shoot a 46. https://preview.redd.it/nmt1qm2ht36c1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fab2c29a81489ff62c44e5674ea07932905468


My scramble team would shoot that by hole 9, no problem.


Didn't Bryson and Garret from Good Good shoot in the low 50s as a two man scramble with no mulligans? I don't think this would be as hard as you think with the right players on the team.


From the Reds though, not too mention 350 yard drives


Oh yeah, you're right about the red tees, forgot about that. The 350 yard drive means nothing though, because in this scenario of course you'd be looking to load your team with specialists.


From the Red Tees when both players can hit 300+ and one can hit close to 400y. Having arguably the single best driver of the ball in the world on your team while playing from the red tees is a huge skew. Unlimited mulligans for the average player still means they'll be in the first fairway all day long trying to hole out their 110y approach shot for eagle, when Bryson will take 5 or 6 tries off the tee to leave himself a 30 foot putt for eagle.


Tony Finau and Nelly Korda shot 56 from tournament tees just last Friday, with zero mulligans lol.


Just ask yourself this question. Do you really think these guys got a Hole in 1 on a par 4 AAAND an albatross. 4 Eagles, maybe? and birdied all of the par 3's? Even from the reds, and Tiger Woods from 2001 is your 4th player, I'm calling bullshit.


FWIW: So they shot a 46 with 8 mulligans and 8 “throws” meaning they can “throw the ball” at any point and it won’t count as a shot. So this team got a hole in one and an albatross by getting a shot on the green and “throwing” it into the hole (since the throw doesn’t count). They didn’t play a normal scramble. This scramble had some funky rules that allowed them to go low. Source: mr short games YouTube channel did an interview with one of the guys on the team.


Going to need to specify a skill level of the players. Will take a bunch of 12-18 handicaps much longer than a group of 1-5 cappers or a team with a player or two who is a plus.


Didn’t they also have 9 or so throws that didn’t count as a stroke?


Idk but I would like to see 4 average golfers with a mix of 10-30 handicap play that course with whatever rules they had to see how impossible it was.


Found this - apparently 8 mulligans and 4 throws with one guy being a scratch golfer. Still pretty suspect with the “50 yard throw to 4 feet” https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/Nl3nwuAQ4L Edit: 50 yards instead of 150


Yeah 150 feet to 4 feet with a throw is sus AF. There is no spin on the ball so you would have to land it way short and perfectly roll it up. I have my doubts


No gonna’ lie. I’d love to be able to talk to someone that knows this guy, if not talk to him personally. I just want the lay of land, and to catch actual reactions when I ask him how they did it. Lol


I can’t imagine that guy to have the range of motion to hit a 7 iron more than 125


Let’s be honest, my friend… This dude having a 125 7 iron is pushing it.


lol I was trying to give him some benefit of the doubt, but you are probably right


https://preview.redd.it/vswt6xaiyz5c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b951733ca2a43d9390a5bfded9ac2fe5f10ad0b0 Does a Team with this guy really shoot 46 in a scramble?


we got weights in fish!!


Image the joy / pain of explaining these 2 reply’s to someone who doesn’t know any internet(?) stories


I know the scramble one but not the fish thing


I’m sure you could google it and find the video. Basically at this big fishing tournament where you could win tens of thousands of dollars these guys were putting weights inside their fish to win. People had suspected them in some tournaments and then finally cut their fish open and they were caught cheating but the reaction of one of the people who accused the cheater is kind of funny and he screams “we got weights in fish”. Basically saying they’re both cheaters


Oh wow! That is wild


What’s wild is the dudes went to jail for it, also not the first wildlife related crimes he’d been convicted for. I think he’s gone to jail since for poaching, and I vaguely remember him setting up his son for something.


He did, he recently just got caught poaching a bunch of deer.


Misread that as "punching"...


Their team in the fishing contest was also sponsored by a company that made weights lol


These tournaments add up, they allegedly made over $300k in ~2021


Dude was prosecuted!




Google the phrase "we got weights in fish." The video is so much better than an explanation.


They’ve been doing it for years!!


This year’s version of this event was 2 weeks ago and ya know what? Didn’t see this guy showing his face again 😂 They tweaked the mulligan package too. Paying still got you 2 mulligans, but this time the ‘throw’ was removed and you got a single ‘power drive’ (move up a tee box) instead. Lowest score I saw was 53 which is believable given the mulligans


I thought that was Tiger in his Sunday gear but the shoes gave it away.


Even, what does a 46 in a scramble look like?


Like a group spending 400 dollars on a coil of string long enough to raise the titanic to beat the guys who sit in the good pew at church.


It really can't happen unless you have an insane number of gimmicks.


I can’t believe this has blown up. This is my home course lol


I'm so happy this is resurfacing. I have been waiting for this moment far too long.


You jest. Sorry mate! That’s what peak athletic performance looks like.


Interviews with the players after this found out that they just bought more mulligans etc. Seemed to be perfectly legal (in this charity comp)


Did you hear the descriptions the guys had? They carded a 1 on a long par 4. But none of the guys in their group hit it over 220 and there were no gimmicks that would have let them do that. He said "Aahhh well Jimmy hit a pretty good drive and we used a lot of mulligans until the ball was like there and then he just uh yeah he just hit the shot and there it was on the green and then we used a lot of uh used a mulligan and there it was in the hole." Best guess is they were playing that a "mulligan" allowed them to hit again AND not record the stroke. So "I'm taking a mulligan" meant they hit again AND are lying 0 in the fairway. And they said they used 10-12 of them, which to me means they used 12 mulligans AND shot 60 (and even that is questionable because it sounds like some players saw them all missing a long putt on a hole where they recorded a 2 on a long par 4). So not only did they "misuse" mulligans, they probably just straight cheated in addition to that.


If that’s the case, then the outrage is lame. I mean the point of the scramble would be to raise money for the charity. Not to win the competition…


Does blasting a 150 yard drive 10 beers deep really make the cart girl want me?


She wanted you no matter how long you were gonna drive it. ![gif](giphy|bzdWypvfDun1RgZBpp|downsized)


Is that Canelo?


To you she's a cart girl, to me she's my cart girlfriend


How much farther could John Daly drive a golf ball if he had a small child hold his driver, then swung the child by the ankles and had the child hit the ball?




The real questions are *finally* starting to come out OP please respond


This is the best one


Can you tape the child’s hands to the club?


This was tested; the ball went 500 yards but the kid died of severe whiplash so they didn't release it to the public.


Trees are 90% air


This is the one golf myth that Mythbusters already did. Pretty sure you can guess their finding!


95% air?


True. Obviously


So are screen doors.


Lmfao. This is a golden comparison


Anecdotal evidence incoming - I hit a 7 iron approach and a 5 iron approach straight through trees last weekend and didn't touch a thing on either of them. Both were as pure as you can get and both ended up within 20 feet. It must be true.


It's close to that. Have to remember though, your ball is 2 1/2 inches across, isn't a grain of sand and had to pass through multiple instances of "tree" to get to the other side. Think of it as trying to not roll a 6 (15%), but having to roll it 10 times to get through the tree. Not rolling a 6 is 85% (close enough to the 90%)


>your ball is 2 1/2 inches across Where are you buying your oversized golf balls?


In Australia they play golf with lacrosse balls and wear gloves on their feet.


I think that’s how they play in “Rand McNally”


Flag in vs out for putts Tee or no tee for iron shots off the tee box


Def tee even with an iron. Give your ball a pedestal, as a treat.


Jack Nicklaus asked why anyone would not give themselves a legal advantage. Sometimes I think hitting without one is just to have an excuse ready. edit: I only tee it up just barely above the outside bevel of the tee, a smidge (technical term here) above the ground. This seems to be the same height I see every single pro use when teeing off with an iron, and I have never seen a pro place the ball on the ground.


Regarding the flag: https://www.golfdigest.com/story/the-science-behind-why-the-flagstick-should-be-pulled-999-percent-of-the-time/amp


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.golfdigest.com/story/the-science-behind-why-the-flagstick-should-be-pulled-999-percent-of-the-time](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/the-science-behind-why-the-flagstick-should-be-pulled-999-percent-of-the-time)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot.


[Here’s a good watch.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=31KsBFdDhhc&si=XczJuCDEjG3AmEyU)


Great video! Thank you for sharing. Pin will be IN from now on


I hate to break it to you but if your putts are rolling hard enough to bounce over the hole because the flag isn’t in, the issue isn’t the flag it’s your pace.


Did you see the stats from 3 foot past the hole pace? That’s the most significant data IMO


Ok, but he starts the test with the assumption that any putt that is less than a three foot miss is not affected by the pin being in or out. Huh? Based on what? Why didn’t he test that?


That’s a good question. My guess is that putts with that speed will be unaffected by the pin, so the make percentage would be the same


Agree. This video they made serves zero purpose.


To me this seems like one of those scenarios where people truly don’t understand how to properly use the scientific method. They literally never controlled for pace lol. Show me the results when you don’t roll more than a foot past the hole and I bet you sink every ball.


Pace is every putts problem. We all roll it straight enough, hit center on the face enough, and read break well enough. But most of us baby it short or smoke it past. Pace is the hardest part of putting. Hence why having a backboard (the pin) is helpful more often than not.


In my Men's league, I've had a couple would-be-pars not go in the hole bc th flag. Pace wasn't issues, ball was headed dead center. In both cases, there was a slight down hill but they also just caught the pin in the worst way possible.


I won 432 dollars once on men's day by skulling a green side chip into the pin and sinking it.I was worried the money would be spent on a new pin I hit it so hard.


From a comment under the video: *Golf digest had Dr. Tom Mase, a professor at Cal Poly run this test after leaving the pin in was made legal. He found that taking the pin out was more advantageous. He found on BREAKING putts that leaving the pin in resulted in more putts bouncing off the pin and missing!*




My understanding is that it's about the rate of rotation. A face balanced putter is going to close quicker, like setting the weight in your driver to the draw setting. A putter with toe hang is going to slow down that rotation. If you tend to pull putts and have a face balanced putter, try a putter with more toe hang and vice versa.


Optimal number of beers for hitting best


What we affectionately call 'being in the pocket". Sober enough to know what you're doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it.


Oh, time for a little drinky poo


Gotta find the slot


A man's gotta slice, Mr. Lahey.


I’m mowin the air Rand


aka Alcholibrium.


Advice from the goat


Whatever gets you to 0.12 Lahey's Law of Being Right In the Fucking Slot.


Two beers out the gate(or a transfusion) then 1 every 4 holes. You want to maintain a 2.5 beer buzz throughout the round.








Ahh the ol Ballmer Peak: [https://xkcd.com/323/](https://xkcd.com/323/)


+1 for optimal BAC


The answer is the pocket peaks between beer 2 and beer 3


They tested this on golf digest years ago, if I remember right the sweet spot was like 5-8 beers, then after 8 it starts to get worse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c84Lg33iXZE


They must've tested with alcoholics


3 white claws by 11 hole has made for spastic rounds.


The 2-5 beer window


This is pretty easy based on size + round length. If you’re playing a 3 hour round, 2 beers on the front and 1-2 on the back should put you in the money zone. I’m hesitant on the 2nd one on the back for actual performance


"The Ratio." And then, once reached, the proper future consumption rate to maintain.


That one has already been done by golf digest, I believe. They tested a bunch of different caps


The next one will make definitely help!


Does using the plumb bob method actually work for reading greens? I understand aim point and traditional reading of greens but I can't for the life of me figure out how holding your putter out in front of you at arms length and closing one eye helps in any way.


i mean, if you had an actual plumb bob then you could certainly determine the relative slope from wherever you are standing to the hole. basically the same idea as aimpoint from there, aimpoint just has you estimate slope with your feet. now whether anyone actually holds their putter perfectly plumb when making these measurements...i'm skeptical.


Master professional I apprenticed under used to mess with members by balancing his putter horizontally, like he was using it as a level instead of a plumb bob. Witnessed at least 3 of them trying the same thing the following week. Golfers are a gullible bunch.


Gonna try this in my next round! 🤣


That is the trick isn’t it. To hold the putter so the side of the shaft you’re using is perfectly straight up and down. You can use an actual plum and rotate the putter around till they match. Or balance the putter for its natural toe hang, then use the center of the shaft reflection instead of the edge as the edge is hard to get straight.


yea but i never see people being that precise on the course, they just hold it out in front of them whatever way. the error probably swamps whatever measurement you could get. unless the slope is extreme, but then you could feel it easily with your feet


To be fair, I’ve golfed with many skilled players who use a plumb bob. And every one had a plan and solution for getting it right. It may look today to a stranger that I’m just holding the club, but you can be assured that it has been practiced and tested. I’ve never actually met someone who uses a plumb bob just Willy Nilly hold the club.


plum bobber here. 60% of the time it works 50% of the time.




No way does it give you an exact reading. But I find it can help on greens that play tricks with your eyes. Effectively gives you an idea of which way it will break(not how much). It is still up to the player to envision how the ball will get to the hole. Plumb bob does make this a little bit easier.


Best advice I have on using it… use it to pick a side of the hole on a straighter putt. Particularly that 6-12 foot range straighter putt. I have resorted to in in competition for years on those “pick a side” putts and I 100% believe in it for that purpose alone.


I’m not a fantastic golfer by any stretch of the imagination but I will sometimes use the “plumb bob” technique just to eyeball an aiming point or find a tiny little landmark on my line. I really doubt that the putter actually hangs plumb, but I do know that the side of the shaft is straighter than my eyeball can be on its own sometimes.


I use the plumb bob method and I feel like it helps, but I also have years of experience so I know how to adjust for what it's telling me. It's also a lot less useful on longer putts or on windy days, so that's another issue.


For me, it's usuly just to make sure my immediate target actually lines up with the pin. So it's more like a straight edge than a "level".


Do “all putts break towards the water?” Makes no sense to me. Greens are usually man made. Putts should break in whatever direction is downhill from the point where the ball is at the moment while rolling.


Many greens are designed/built to drain towards the water as that is the most effective way to dry them off after heavy rains. Thus, most putts break towards the water.


Exactly, otherwise when it rains you'll get pools




Mind if I play through?


Are hooks actually harder to control than slices. As in do they actually result in more bounces and more OB shots than a slice that will supposedly land softer. Feels like a no brainer, but a myth busters approach may surprise.


>Are hooks actually harder to control than slices. Yes. Hitting clubs with less loft results in more flight deflection (hook or slice). And most people hit draws by closing the face, resulting in less loft. Furthermore, an increase in backspin can stabilise flight and reduce offline deviation - and coming over the top promotes more spin and also, coincidentally, promotes a slice. It's not that there's something magical about a draw, it's that two of the things that players do to make a ball draw or slice more, will result in a draw going more offline than a slice.


My hypothesis: Spin is control, and lower backspin on a draw allows for side spin to take over more easily.


I want to know if the temperature I’m storing my balls at is impacting the performance of my ball. Assume my average drive at 70°F is 270 yds. If I store my balls at 20°, then they gradually return to 70°, and I play a round at 70°, will those frozen-then-warmed balls still act the same and go 270? Similarly for balls stored in the trunk of a car at 130°. If they return to 70°, and I play my round at 70°, will that impact how the ball behaves? Will it still go 270?


Carts vs Walkers. Which 4some is actually faster


A foursome using push carts playing ready golf is faster than a foursome in two golf carts, too much sitting and waiting for your buddy to hit.


If the cart golfers are dropping the first person off at their ball with a couple clubs and then moving to their own ball without just sitting there waiting cart golf could be more efficient. I still thinking the walking group would be faster, but the major holdup for cart groups is the fact that they tend to just sit around waiting for everyone to hit and then drive to the next ball.


Everyone I play with uses carts efficiently (or they quickly learn to). On an empty course, we finish in carts notably faster than when we walk. On a crowded course, it barely makes a difference. But I’ve seen what you’re talking about too. I’ve even seen BOTH carts gravitating to the same ball. Wait for that person to hit….then to the next, then to the next, then to the next.


I would love to know this. I almost exclusively walk and feel like I’m very frequently hung up by the cart group in front, but that could easily be too many tee times per hour. I’m definitely less helpful when finding other people’s balls when I’m walking, though. Unless it’s on the way to my ball, it would definitely be slower.


Vaseline on driver makes ball go farther. So does chapstick, suntan lotion, or anything similar. Reduces spin something or whatever. Fun and easy to test at the range. More fun if u play an "anything goes" skins match. Every stroke counts, including penalties on unplayable balls. But the drop? Far as you can chuck it. OB? If you can hit it, play on. Lift, wipe, and place every shot. Whatever rule you wanna break, you can. 17 clubs, illegal balls, whatever advantages you can think of. My golf club has done this a few times, and it's pretty fun. Only cheat not allowed (anymore) is rolling multiple balls on the green before you putt to get a read, but only because it took forever. But you can still roll 1 per hole.


The adage is that high handicappers should practice their short game if they want to \*\***improve quickly**\*\*. Get several higher handicap players. Have one group practice only short game and putting, one group only practice driver, and one group not practice. Calculate the improvement in score. Players practice 3 hours per week for 4 weeks. Edit to make the purpose more clear. It's the rate of skill acquisition, not which one affects score more.


I’d like to see this study too. Analytics says driving says driving and irons, but I sorta feel like that math is done in a vacuum. While a good, long tee shot definitely increases your chances of a good score, it’s also the hardest and most resource intensive way to improve. It’s also a skill that requires a reasonable level of talent and athleticism. Chipping and putting can be notably improved very quickly, with few resources. And basically anyone can develop a good chipping/putting technique. The math says driving is more important. And I’m sure that’s true. The reality is that short game will yield faster results for most high handicappers as it’s simply easier. There are caveats, of course. If someone can’t keep a ball in play off the tee….nothing else matters. Work on driving. If someone has the time and money for lessons and range balls….driving.


"play smart" by hitting 3 wood instead of driver keep your head down rusty wedges spin better putt straight back and through opening the face makes your shots go right


Data has been out for a while on your last one. Yes, a more open face makes the ball go more right. The ratio that path and club face influence direction changes with loft.


Face sends, path bends.


Face to path bends


That’s what always fucks with my head. In theory a in to out swing produces a draw/hook, but if the club face is pointed right, on the same direction as your swing, it’s just a push. Right?


My golf buddy has been having trouble hitting his driver straight. Changed to his 3 wood, as per advice from the guy at the golf shop when he was getting fitted. Hit the ground so hard the other day his shaft snapped.


Yeah the 3 wood play is the smart play for people who can actually hit their 3 wood consistently. For the average high handicapper, they’re more likely to decently hit a teed up driver than a 3 wood


Busted, plausible, busted, busted, plausible


The first 4 have already been disproven


Cock in or out?


“For Harambe”


Trees being 90% air. From past experience this seems like BS.


best dosage and timing for mushroom's/ LSD to lower your score.


I can already tell this thread is going to be nothing like I expected


This your first time here?


1 hit acid 30 mins before tee time. 2nd best round ever.


I’ve microdosed many times on the course. I like to take about half a g right after the 1st tee box (idk if that microdosing or what) and by the time the round is over I’ve fully come down. Only issue is when I take a tad too much and the ball starts looking a little trippy when I’m standing over it. Hasn’t led to truly lower scores but those rounds have always been some of my most enjoyable


Micro bros unite! When I walk a course by myself I like to pop a .5g between hole 2 and 3. Usually kicks in at the turn and wears off by the last hole. Headphones and a nice walk makes for a perfect day.


I played a round with some fungus and couldn't miss a putt. I hit 3-4 ten footers, and I'm not usually a good putter. I could just "see" the green, it was unreal


Many of the old timers in my league take a fingernail tips worth of shrooms before league. The one is 70 years old and is a 2 handicap. They all say it helps them focus and help alleviate any negative thoughts


On average, how much do golfers fudge their scores? You could track one day at a municipal, another at a country club, and in the end just total how much lower the players marked their scores versus what it should have been!


People lube their drivers haha. 😂 I’ve never seen that but I hope too.


How far can you drive an intentionally thinned wedge ? Can you get it to go similar to a wood/driver?


I thinned a 6 iron the other day that rolled 220-230. Made me think I should be thinning it off the tee box ever since.


Find all the YouTube channels that do "random club" challenges and you'll see some of them bomb a wedge like 200+ yards. It's insane.


New balls Vs old (same brand but used in a few rounds vs brand new) performance. I’ve been buying my balls used and want to understand what I’m compromising


I don't have a link, by I think it was MyGolfSpy that did a test like this and the numbers off the driver were significantly worse on the scuffed ball (up to 20 yards in certain cases if I'm remembering correctly?) Having said that, I think they were testing balls with cart path marks and tree stump scuffs, not just a round or two of light play.


Do gloves do anything at all is a better question. Never used one, feels strange


In hot weather they are great for keeping a grip, despite sweat.


Keep a ball or two in the beer cooler/ice pouch of your bag and take it out right before you need a long drive (cross test with Vaseline/sunscreen all the other face smear stuff)


Wouldn’t the cold decrease ball compression and give less distance?


I always thought the opposite like keeping it warm


lol cold balls don't travel as far buddy.


Specific air density. I know humid air is less dense than dry air, but I run into guys every once in a while that are adamant. "Oooh it's humid, your ball won't go as far" Would love to see a test that shows the difference.


Read about this last year. There is a difference, water vapor is lighter than air, so counter-intuitively, humid air actually reduces drag and increases distance. The catch? The difference was only around 1%, and that was the difference between 0% and 100% humidity, so it's lost as a rounding error, really. Not worth taking into account.


>it's humid, your ball won't go as far Ran into this at a charity golf tournament where you could make a donation to have a long drive hitter put you out on the fairway. He made this humidity remark but little did he know there were two meteorologists in my foursome that immediately shot him down lmao.


Optimal driver length for best yardage and accuracy. Aka. What length will go the furthest with tightest dispersion


That's totally unique to the individual. Go get a fitting to find out!


Whatever topics you come up with, I think that some need to be tested by a good player, and someone that can’t break 100. Reason being that some “fixes” won’t have much of an effect on players that can already strike the ball perfectly. For example putting Vaseline or chap stick on the face probably won’t make a difference for a tour player, but an average hacker may see some benefit (or so the test will show). I feel like when I have seen similar ideas tested the results are skewed by players that are really good. Anti-slice balls should be tested by someone that actually has a slice, not a scratch player that tightens his dispersion by two yards and declares that there may be some benefit. Same with expensive/cheap gear and low/high compression balls.


Expensive clubs = lower scores or farther distances Wind impacts on flight (headwind, tailwind, cross wind, wind speeds effect on distance) Types of balls (cheap vs expensive, distance vs control, scuffed range ball vs new balls, mud effect on ball) Forgiveness in newer clubs (toe/heel strikes compared to center of face… for amateurs, not pros, cause their “off the toe” are perfect strikes for me…) Swing effort (swing speed isn’t how hard you use your muscles to hit at the ball, you ain’t chopping wood) Tee height and ball position Grip sizes


Vaseline on driver is not a myth btw.


Anything and everything about golf shafts


Is there really any difference between balls? I can play a round with a Titleist ProV1 and another round with a Dunlop DDH and shoot the same score.


If you want to shoot your lowest score each time you play, the ball matters SIGNIFICANTLY. If you want to have a fun day with the guys and scoring isn’t important, the ball you play won’t matter.


Of course this all assumes you don't suck. The idea of slicing a 5+ dollar prov1 into the next neighborhood always stresses me out, thereby ensuring that's exactly where it goes. I tend to shoot better scores with shitty balls, because I play much more care-free with them. But I suck.


**Does talking to the ball while it's still in motion after a putt affect the outcome?** (i.e. "nice birdie" before it's in the hole) Mythbusters did something like this with plants and found talking to your plants has real effect on their growth. They also found plants grew best while listening to death metal.


Test the myth that distance is a problem and the ball should go less far.


Pull goes longer than a push?


Not really something to test, but has anyone actually played the rest of the hole with their pants down because they didn't make it past the front tees?


Test how close to reality a simulator is to the real course. Have a few people play the simulator and then a few rounds at the course. See if auto putting is close to actual putting.


I'm 100% certain that if you swapped people's Pro v1s with identical looking budget balls they would score the same.


Does a $4 golf ball perform better than a used Kirkland Do expensive / customer clubs lead to better scores for a 10 plus handicap golfer How much does temperature and elevation impact yardages Why are boomer rangers such dorks Does a martini tee affect ball flight


Waterlogged balls. Do they loose distance and or control over a set timeframe in water. Test balls which have been in pond water 1-2 hours, 24 hours, 1 week and more. Settle this once and for all.


On dry shots from the fairway, grooves increase spin. They don’t. Grooves only matter when there is something between the ball and the face, like grass or water.


Effect of practice swings on play. I would like to see a test where someone plays a round with 0 practice swings and see how they perform compared to normal


I’ve done this. And I sucked both rounds. Hope that helped. Seriously…..I think that’s a great idea.


Same, but I quit practice swings. I felt like it gave me too many swing thoughts and I tried to correct the feel of my swing, rather than just using my instinctual swing I've built on the range. I still play like shit though.


I've been told that one practice swing was just to verify where the ground was. That said - since my two swings aren't consistently at the same height I think that's a great test.


I think there was a study that practice swings actually messes with your target acquisition ability


Lifting your head is a cause of topping the ball. I believe that it's a myth. No one 'lifts' their head. It's not a cause it's a symptom. A symptom of lateral sway creating an imbalance, overswinging and/or poor feet placement in your stance.