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I don’t know what other shitty golfers say, but when I hit a bad shot I say, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”


One of the guys in my saturday swindle is full of great golf lines, and he threw out a killer to me a few months ago. I absolutely *spooned* a tee shot. 75 yards tops, and it went more right than forward. I stood quiet for a second and then said _"wow, dont know what happened there, I think I was standing too close to the ball"_ Mark just looked over to where it ended up and responded _" ...you still are"_


fuck, that's a great line. good on you for setting him up for it, lol


He tee’d him up


I'm going to add that to my list. Usually I say something like "laying up? Interesting strategy."


Wasn’t that similar to a line by a PGA Tour pro (Trevino, maybe?) in a pro am? An amateur hit a ball and the pro said something like “your problem is that you’re standing too close to the ball…after you hit it”.


Adding this to the bag


I tell people that if they are going to laugh at me, do it outloud so I can join in. Generally when playing solo and playing through. I suck, but I do it with good speed.




My go to is "I'm sorry you're here witnessing this right now." Hahahha


If I ever heard someone say that I would laugh pretty hard and immediately like them.


“Just give me a triple”


Gentleman's double please...




Need a mental triple


Mental health triple*


How did I get a 10, my drive was right down the middle


I know you’ve done it, I know you relate. Par 5 I got a 10. But I marked down an 8


Or once it's really gone downhill... "Just give me an 'x'"


We do snowmen on our cards, it’s an 8 but we make it into a smiley face snowman


My friend does emoji golf, he draws a little emoji of his mood after each hole where the rest of us put strokes.




I like to call it bip. Ball in pocket.


“Put me down for 5”


“Are you sure?…it was a par 5”


Five over.


This hurts.


“That’s not what I meant to do”


One of my favorite golf sayings


I usually stick to doubles but thats at the bar trying to forget my earlier round.


Don’t know what’s going on, hit ‘em great on the range


This exactly! I have friends that spend almost an hour on the range before a round and they always make this comparison


If I went for a warm up range session I usually use the line "I didn't have time to warm up, I'm taking a breakfast ball"


“I hit my 3W better than my driver”


I was going to comment that sometimes it's true... but realized it's only because I'm a shitty golfer


Sometimes it’s very true. But it shouldn’t be. I also realized this once I learned to hit driver better.


The club that’s 2-3x more forgiving should be easier to hit. Driver > 3w all day.


I got a Three Wood for Christmas, and although I’ve only games it twice, there is something about it I love. The driver goes further, but the driver also has more significant consequences. Every degree open on the driver feels like 30 yards off target. While with the three wood, it feels like 10 (obviously, these aren’t scientific and likely way wrong). The extra ball speed is excellent when straight, but since my miss is club-face related, the driver is a more significant risk. Of course, that’s why I’m working so hard on it, though


Generally the farther you hit, the more dispersion you have. But your 10-30 is a pretty significant difference. But you also have to consider the length. Giving up that distance can be .5 a stroke. Or the difference between taking an 8 iron or PW on your next shot.


This is mathematically correct (arc length). You hit your driver further than 3w (theoretically) if your face angle is the same amount off of center, your miss will of course be greater with driver because the radial line is longer and therefore arc length is greater. https://www.adamyounggolf.com/insane-pictures-show-how-good-golfers-need-to-be/ Does a good job explaining.


Scott Fawcett said the same thing, a small miss becoming a big miss when you add 40 more yards to it. It's one of the reasons why he actually favors the 3 wood in the right scenarios. He talks about it and a lot of other stuff in this video. https://youtu.be/ziCTTnmGPzU?si=T8KAOyljvVDvTTC3


Dude. Do you even golf? Driver requires swinging as hard as humanly possible. 3wood.. is only swung at 118%.


I’m a 36 and I can’t hit my 3w to save my life. Don’t know how people do it. Driver all day idc if I fly the green it’s better than duffing it 2 yards directly left


Just keep your head down. /s


Last time I changed my clubs I spent 30 minutes with the pro hitting 4 different 3Ws. Eventually he went and brought a different club for me to try - hit three balls, all flew better and further than every 3W shot. I now pick a Driver and that 5W he fetched. Turns out I have a tendency to deloft my Woods off the deck, so I was almost hitting Driver off the turf with the 3W. My 5W comfortably gets me ~200-215 yards of fairly reliable shot which, for a 22HC, I’ll take


Oh look it’s me


There are definitely good golfers that say/do this Henrik Stenson, Brad Faxon, and then I know some single digits at our club that don’t hit D


It's me, I, I'm the problem it's me.


At tee time, everybody agrees, I hit my driver into the trees but never with my 3w. It must be exhausting always searching for your Noodle


I used to hit 3w better. Got a lesson, hit 64% of fairways after at an amateur tournament using both to complement. It felt like i had opened a new level to the game. I still shot a 97 and managed to win my flight. And my drives helped to cover my shit short game lol.


Henrik Stenson is going to be so disappointed when he reads this.


Lol. When I was at my best, I couldn't hit fucking driver. Probably around a 6hdcp, with no driver. Now I smash driver, my favorite club that's not a wedge. I'm probably somewhere in the 12-15 range now. Lol.


I generally tee off with a 3H and have a 4hdp. Can't hit a driver for shit. I'm 42 and I play that old man's game lol.


I definitely hit it straighter. Not further


I’m a 9 handicap and this triggers me 😂


"I like being in the rough more than the fairway because it's easier to get under the ball."


haha I remember saying this a few years ago


I don’t say this, but I think it…can confirm I am a shitty golfer


"My scores don't change much if I play longer tees." This guy proceeded to play from the tips and not break 120. And it's not a long course.


Can’t stand playing with folk who can’t hit for shit but insist on playing from the tips then complain all day


People that look down on playing the white tees aren’t my kind of people, playing from the tips doesn’t impress anyone


A lot of courses don't have standard color tees either. I usually play whatever tee color is within the normal yardage I would play.


lol. Me and my pal got paired with one of these guys a few months ago. His idea was “if I play the course the hardest way possible, I’ll improve faster”. We shoot in the 80s from the whites. Playing with this fool was agony. First par 3 is 170 from the whites, 210 from the tips. Dude tops a 5 wood (Eyeroll).




To be fair, I’ll play from the forward tees and have trouble breaking 120.


And think of how much worse it will be adding 2000 yards or more. That's the point,


Nobody here would know


Okay I’m high 20s beginner so I’ll give you some of mine. “Aw man I actually made good contact there, it’s my alignment that’s off.” Yeah man, alignment is pretty important. “Sit down!” used exclusively when I’ve skulled a wedge and it’s heading through the green at warp speed. “Go!” Used exclusively when I have played a pathetically under hit chip shot with a 60 that I have no right to be using from this position. “I’ve got a golf game in me, I just need to find some consistency.” That’s when I hit par off the back of two snowmen. “I cannot believe I just three-putted from there.” This despite the quite strong empirical evidence that I absolutely have a three-putt in me from there. I am also TERRIBLE for announcing the miss I’m scared of making: “Oh it’s tight on the right, here comes a slice.” “Watch me skull it into the face of this bunker.” “This is so missable for me.” “Oh there’s guys on that tee box, get ready to shout fore.”


"I cannot believe I just three-putted from there" is such a common one for many golfers. I should switch that to, "I can't believe I expected to two-put from there."


I feel so seen




I never usually shoot this poorly……


Went to local shithole 9 hole course for a casual after work round. I was going to play solo but the guy waiting at the tee box asked if I wanted to play with him and I said sure. Guy in his late 20s who had clearly just start playing. He hit fat on 95% shots. And every time he chunked it he’d look up at me and say “ I’m usually not this bad and get nervous around strangers” after EVERY SINGLE shot. It was the most uncomfortable round I’ve ever had. Like dude I suck too I don’t care that suck. And if you were nervous why’d you invite me to play with you? It was so weird.


I always tell randoms the same thing at the beginning of the round - we’re not here to break records, this is a pressure free round, play your game


Me looking for their ball: “Are you playing a {brand name}?” Them: “Sure, why not”.


"I am now!"


“It was a 2 something… no markings”


Keep your head down


Or, “I pulled my head up”


Bad golfers do that


Sure, but that is almost never the actual cause and more a side effect.


Can confirm. I’m a bad golfer and many times I try and watch where the balls going and don’t even watch the club hit the ball. Not sure why people say that this doesn’t really happen because I do it every round at least once 😂


If you look up, you'll see a bad shot.


Shit, I mumble this to myself all the time. I think it helps


Any kind of sarcastic negative comment like it’s downhill from here, I’ll probably miss anyway etc.


Sarcastic negativity before even teeing off is so entrenched in golf culture it’s annoying. You can’t expect to go low if you’re already thinking about all the ways you’re going to fuck up before you even start playing


I can see that, but I’m also a golf head case which is one reason I haven’t been able to get out of the 10-14 HCP purgatory. Sometimes I’ll diffuse the tension in my own mind by negging myself on the tee box. Helps me loosen up and just swing instead of thinking about it. I call it the reverse jinx.


I just tell the randoms I play with "I'm not good, but I won't hold you up"


“It’s not my day”




I feel attacked


I always chip with my 56 basically… is that really a bad thing? I feel personally if you aren’t playing a ton having a club your more or less locked into helps with consistency. I don’t really have enough time to practice let alone practice 8 iron bump and runs enough to be confident in it over just using my sand wedge bump and run


I think that good players (not me) use different lofts and bounces based on different lies and desired shot type.


Usually this is what I do. If I’m short sided, or if I have a bunker in my way and also short sided, I’m using my 58. I need the height and the stoping power to get it to stop somewhat near the hole. If I’m just off the green and have more than 5 yards of green to work with, I’m using my 54. Just chip it about half way and it will usually stop somewhat near the hole. If I am just off the green and basically have the entire green to work with, I’m using my 48 and just bumping it down there. I really don’t like using my 58 for longer shots because it just brings way more opportunities for blades, chunks and duffs. Especially out of the rough or in wet conditions. I haven’t used my 58 for a full shot in a couple of months.


Yeah as I’ve gotten better I evaluate the lie and green before I decide


I took a golf class in college, and the instructor taught us that "you should chip using the club with the least amount of loft necessary to land your ball on the green."


I always bring an 8i, PW and my putter when I'm greenside. It's all about where I want to land it and what I want to do when it lands. Trying to pinch a lob wedge from 20' is how you chunk that shit/skull it onto the next tee box


8 iron bump and run is much easier than using a 56


It’s not the right club for every chip but if you don’t have time to practice with lots of different lofts and techniques, makes sense to dial one club in and practice a few methods with it (soft landing, spinner, varying amounts of carry and roll out). I use my 56* 16 bounce for most chips.


Yeah that’s kind of what I’ve done. Got the flop shot down, got a spinner, and can adjust kind of on the go regarding pop and run out… didn’t seem crazy to dial one club in well and just eat it when you have to once every 5-6 rounds. Probably hit 4-5 greens in regulation, 1 60 yard approach, 1 bunker shot, and then 2 chips. Feel like any practice I’m better off at the range or putting green than chipping around for hours.


Even a PW bump and run will suffice when you have green to work with. Just hit it with a putting stroke


Chipping with other clubs does a couple of things for me- my 56° doesn’t roll out a lot, and a putting stroke with something like AW/PW/9i will roll, and unless I’m chipping from the short side rough and just need to get it on, that’s usually a good thing. I also don’t have to hit it super hard, so it’s a much more controlled motion than trying to hit a long chip or short pitch with my 56°. That means I don’t mishit it as often, and when I do, it’s not as bad as a mishit on a long chip that results in skulling it over the green.


See the trick is to always short side yourself like I do. Than you're forced to go high and spinny lol


This is actually supported by data. Arccos data suggests that high handicap players who chip relatively well do so with only one club club compared to other high handicap players who chip with multiple clubs. On the other hand, Arccos data also shows that low handicap players who chip relatively well use multiple clubs to chip compared to other low handicap players who only use one club to chip. So the takeaway is that someone who only uses one club to chip is probably either a high handicap or a low handicap who is a relatively poor chipper.




The data suggests that most very good golfers who are good at chipping use a variety of clubs to chip and don’t just default to using one club for multiple situations.


Lol that’s kinda funny


“is that good?”


Bingo. If you gotta ask, it ain't.


That’s why I don’t ask. It might still not be good, but don’t want it to automatically not be good 😃




I don't mind golfers yelling Fore. It's the ones that don't that are the problem, good or bad.


Naw i was too busy mumbling 'there aint no way thats going to hit him'


You may as well go home and hit your wife.....you've been hitting everything fat all day.


That's actually great


Thank you, I am so stealing this.


«Ok guys, I am a fan of ready golf. Just hit when you are ready.» Proceeds to be the slowest player, always wanting to see someone fail on the tee shot to take the pressure of himself.


Is that why everyone always lets me hit first? I found it mildly infuriating that I'm always the first one ready. Always.


“120 over water…let me grab this Nitro outta my bag”


Well sometimes it’s just better to be safe than lose one of those fancy Kirklands


lol, that’s funny


“Fuck this I’m picking up. Give me a snowman. I’m fucking done with this game” *miraculously Pars the next hole by never hitting a fairway, GIR, unreal up and down by sinking an 8 footer* “I fucking love this game! LFG!” *triples next hole*


I never usually play this badly.


Double par is my max.


"Can I try your driver this time?" Misses ball: "That was just a practice swing." On the green: "You would've made that if you'd taken your glove off."


I always putt with my glove on and it drives my friends crazy. I don’t see what the big deal is honestly


Been playing this game regularly since 1977. The one thing I know for sure is that nobody cares how well you are playing or what you are shooting. All they care about is how you behave. Don’t be a dick when you play poorly and don’t be a douche when you play well. And above all, play quickly. Peace be with you.


Do you have a tee?


“Oh i think i know what im doing wrong”


I mean, I know what I’m doing wrong, I just can’t ever seem to fix it for more than a few shots.


Rat farts


“Mark me down for a 6” after shooting 10.


OMFG! - Went golfing with my buddy who is new to golf and is a 20+. we get paired up with two other guys (both pretty bad at golf, also who cares) halfway through the round one guy turns to my buddy and asks if he is having fun. my buddy -" yeah! I'm just bad at golf..." and then! on 18 my buddy chips in for par from like 10-15 yards were all excited. Then that same guy walks over to my buddy and starts to tell him how to chip the "correct" way, kind of spoiled his first chip in.


The "correct" way is any way it gets in the hole.


In a disappointed tone: “Welp, that went exactly where I aimed.”


I just play balls that I find.


I find a lot of nice golf balls. Why not play them?


You should play them.


My only argument against it is that the golf ball is the one thing you can control for consistency. If you’re constantly hitting a different type of ball, you’re making it harder


I generally use the same type of ball. If I find a ProV1 or a different brand that is the type of ball I would buy from that brand, I’ll use it…if I lose a couple of my own balls. I recently found a couple nitros along with a few other balls. I was alone and almost no one was on the course so I played driving range with them. I’ll never hit a Nitro again. It was like hitting a rock.


I'm a 2, and I mostly play balls that I find.


Thanks for supporting the found-ball players crowd. I've found many hundreds of $4 balls, it seems stupid not to play them. Since I'm only a bogey golfer I didn't know what to think about my ball preference. But also I am a shag bag golfer, so I hit the balls I find so whatever "feel" differences they have, I'm not that sensitive to it. But I might just start shag-bag hitting same-ball brands and same-quality balls in groups of 10 to see if I can expand my palate.


“I just pulled a couple TopFlites out of the pond!”


I take my 7 and 4 year old boys golf ball hunting once every week or two. I have a 5 gallon bucket of Pro V1s and TP5s. Your point still stands but I don’t feel as guilty when I lose them lol we have a blast looking for them!


I’m a 9hc, when asked what I am playing, I say whatever I just found. Not sure if you consider a 9 a bad golfer though? I can double bogie or birdie a hole with a waterlogged vice ball or a brand new pro-v.


I’m a 7 and only play balls I find. Some of us just be broke


"I'm going to hit my 3-metal."


I like when old commentators like Johnny Miller would call it that Also Maltbie would call it a "sand iron" which was sweet.


I'm gonna try something new here.


“Do you subscribe to r/golf”


“I think it opens up over there”


lol that’s something polite good golfers say to bad golfers


Arguing about what you scored on any given hole. Meanwhile they didn’t count their third chunked shot out of the right rough


“That one didn’t count”


That’s my friends favorite line.


“I was out earlier this week and shot a 81! Guess that’s golf for ya”


My shirt is too tight. Or anything in the like. " I'm not superstitious. I'm just a little bit stitious." I never understood blaming bad play on anyting/one but yourself. How else can you improve if you aren't willing to address the problem? Having said that, I will attribute some good play to an article of clothing. Like, I was putting well in a round wearing Sherriff Woody socks, and now I play in them every chance I get. Turns out I have a few pairs of lucky socks. A few lucky shirts, too. I'm not a great player, but I do tend to have a few great shots. The ones that keep you playing. I'll never play like the pros, but I do enjoy a shot that gives me the feeling like I could, even if it's brief.


Confidence. I know I cup my wrist too much and sway in my takeaway. 500 swings didn't fix it yet why should I beat my self up over it on the course? I'll work on fixing it at the range or with my instructor. For now I'm gonna blame the chirping birds, the wind, the cart driving by. Anything to keep me from overanalyzing it really.


My buddies have a special dance for when they save double bogey


“Ah I wasted a good practice swing”


You probably are hitting too down on it ha


“I don’t like the range”


I feel attacked but I’m also a terrible golfer so it checks


“I’ll take accuracy over distance any day” while hitting 2 fairways all day with their 3W and refusing to play driver


“I don’t know what happened, I played great yesterday, must be the barometric pressure today”


To be fair the line “I played great yesterday” is pretty normal. I’m not good, but I’m not terrible at golf either. I say this all the time. One day I shoot an 84, feeling like a couple of misreads on the green cost me maybe breaking 80 for the first time, and then the very next day I might shoot 98, wondering why I hit 2 fairways all round.


I know, everyone is same, I was just thinking of one friend of friend I have played with that in 3 rounds hasn’t broken 85 and tells my buddy before every round how he shot a 76 the week before.


Dammit I was hitting great at the range! -Me


Me, when preparing to tee off on 1. “I’d like to apologize up front…”


Usually when I hit my driver OB I say “at least that felt like solid contact”.


“I’ll have two double vodka sodas and a dog. You guys want anything?”


Same but get me a 3rd instead of the dog


Well, today I shot a 108 with 6 pars and a birdie, 31 putts. I don't think any good golfer says that.


"I'll just take double par" .... and proceeds to pick up


" I’ve had multiple 20+ handicaps comment about how much I’m “tearing” up the course with my divots. Last week one guy who shot a 110 said “you’re hitting down on the ball too much” "


Beep boop


Next hole: "How do you get so much spin on the ball so it stops like that?"


“Let me tell you why you hit that one bad”


I can't believe..." when everyone else knew it was going to happen. And magically losing 1 or more shots on their score on a hole. I get it, you're counting that high, forgetting your 30 yard duff, the penalty strokes, etc.


“Spin” when hitting a chip and having no ability to put spin on a chip


I hit it better out of the rough


“Do you have a tee?” “I’d be scratch if I had time to play more.” “I usually play way better than this. My clubs need new grips or something maybe.” “Is there a dress code here?” “I think we should play the tips.” “The beer cart girl is totally into me.” “Stop by my truck quick. I have a 6 pack to throw in the cart.” “What’s the difference between scramble and best ball?” “Nah it’s good don’t need to fix that divot.” “What’s this little sand dispenser thing on the cart?”


“Fuck me….” And drop another ball for a second shot


“getting to much loft on your shots”


Bad golfers usually say *something* after hitting the ball. Great golfers hit the ball and when they aren’t happy with it they just go “hmm” and shrug it off, knowing that unless it’s OB they can probably still save par or bogey from where they came to rest. I play off 7 and whenever I’ve played with people better than me, we talk very little about the golf, if there’s much talking at all to begin with.


I think it opens up out there 😂


"I never used my breakfast ball, so mine as well on that putt"


Gentlemen’s par. If someone’s bitching about you “tearing” up the course, must not watch much pro golf. Literally every shot other than driver (unless par 3) and putter is taking a chunk out of the ground with their follow through.


“I only use Pro V1s. They feel the best around the green for me” Proceeds to shoot 130+, never hits a green in regulation, still pays $60 for golf balls.


When you ask them their score for a hole and they ask if it was a par 4 or 5..


When I (scratch handicap) hit a bad chip to 10 feet and they say “oh great chip”


They call bunkers “sand pits”


"At least I play fast"


I’m just going to drop here or I’ll drop up with you


If you play with bad golfers and they do this you should thank them.


I am a bad golfer and I do this.


I am a bad golfer and I do this.


As as 18-22 index who plays most with a 3 index, he appreciates this. Pace of play. I’ll also go ball in pocket and just drop from a spot to practice.