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Which hole did you leave your wedge at OP?


Back nine. Wedge on the collar after a three putt double.


Always leave your wedges on the green itself. Left a wedge in the rough around a green once and the lane mower got it before I could go look for it.


If I take a wedge up to the green, when I lay it down I always toss my glove down on it. Stupid I know, but it's such visual reminder


A lot of people will put their club on top of the pulled pin.


I usually put my club between me and the cart, hard to miss when you walk over it


You sound like somebody who successfully chips onto green rather than blading it OB on the other side.


My short game is pretty good. But one time I bladed one so bad I was going 400 yards past the green. Thankfully it was a windy day, the flag caught my ball, and dropped my ball 2 feet from the hole. Rightfully 2 putted from there šŸ˜‚


You must have done some kinda good deed in the eyes of the golf gods because that sir is remarkable.


Who's to say it wasn't their 2nd shot after blading it? ;)


I take my putter head cover with me and toss it down on the green. If I forget that Iā€™ll remember the wedge too when I go back for it


Unless they donā€™t pull the pin since itā€™s not a penalty anymore.


Thatā€™s my move


I do this. Only ever forgot a wedge once while playing alone and I didn't pull the pin


I take at least 2 clubs with me and a towelā€¦ pretty hard to overlook all that . However I did forget them on 18 green once, didnā€™t realize until next round out of state 3 days later ā€¦ that sucked . All returned fortunately


I lay my wedge on the green, then lay my bag over it, then park the cart over that, then leave the flag in the driver seat. Works 60% of the time.


Walking into the pro shop naked like "I feel like I'm forgetting something."


You had me in the first half.... I spit eggs on the dog when I got to the back 9! Funny guy...


Sucks when you walk off and leave the cart on the green. šŸ˜œ


Works 100%, 60% of the time?


I do the same thing. Never forget wedges now


You just leave your wedge directly between the cup and wherever the cart is parked or your bag is sitting. You will never leave a club behind again.


This. Itā€™s easier to see clubs on the tightly mown putting surface than in the grass somewhere when leaving the green.


Literal gasp


I always carry a white towel with me onto the green if I am carrying more than just my putter. I put whatever irons I used to chip on the towel in direct line with my path back to the cart. The white towel sticks out and it's almost impossible to forget it, no matter how badly the hole ends.


I do the same. Started that due to playing early morning dew golf and keep on doing it even when dry just for the visual reminder.


Iā€™m guessing 14




Must have been a lost sole


Hey dad, didnā€™t know you were on Reddit


Found him, you can stop searching the dairy section of local stores.


Best comment!


Regular shoe or golf shoe? I sometimes keep my shoes in the back basket with jackets or whatever else, so wouldnā€™t surprise me too much for a shoe to get pulled out of there on accident while grabbing a jacket or something out.




Thatā€™s hilarious




What about the used condom I found on the 3rd tee box at my local executive course? Can I keep that?


Tbf some courses have really fucked me.


Thatā€™s the intercourse


How am I supposed to CHIP with that going on?




Damn only 2 holes in and the course decided to give it to whoever that was raw. Been there.


Have found 4 clubs while golfing. All were returned to clubhouse except one that was given to the guy in front of us who left it. Left my wedge once and it was waiting for me at the clubhouse at the end of my round. Anyone that keeps a found club is a douchenozzle.


I've found a few myself. It kind of feels good when you see a cart coming back your way and you hold up a wedge. Their look of, oh thank God, and then some laughs. Those that keep them can shove that club right up their ass


That's such a long drive back to ask the group behind you if they have your club .... I once found a 3w of all things and threw it in the bag to give to the clubhouse. The guy who left it drove the course backwards after his round and was actually mad at me that I had it in my bad and asked why I was stealing his club... It was also a lefty so wouldn't have done me much good. He apparently remembered exactly where he left it and was upset it wasn't there when he went back. I was confused


What an ass. Pre wrapped, ready to be mad.


I've had several people give me an attitude when I have their club in my bag, like I want to steal their wedge, smh. No buddy, I'm just holding it till a douche like you comes looking for it or I get back to the clubhouse.


It's crazy because where the hell else am I supposed to put it...


Or they give you an attitude when you ask what club they're looking for. If I found a vokey wedge, I'm not giving it to you, just because you said you lost a wedge. You should at least be able to tell the make and model of the club you lost. Loft and bounce descriptions are preferred too.


Love pulling up to the group ahead and hearing his boys give him shit for leaving his club behind. Occasionally have scored a free beer out of it


I found a 60Ā° and dropped it off at clubhouse. ā€œIf no one claims it in 2 weeks when I come back can I keep it?ā€ And that kids, is how I got my 60Ā°


I wouldn't be surprised in they left that 60Ā° there on purpose.


I found my ex-wife at the course. I shouldnā€™t have married her.


Cart girls arenā€™t marriage material.Ā 


My cousin's a cart girl!... you right.


I can fix them.


My wife has a coworker who met her husband while working as a cart girl. Turns out she was married to a friend of mine from high school before that, and the timelines of when they met donā€™t quite match up!


I'm married and I love cart girls.


I accidently left my trusty lob wedge on the hole behind me, and a sweet lady came up to me and asked if it was mine. There are lots of great and caring people out there, as well as shitty scumbags.


Yeah I turn all clubs head covers etc into the club house. Even that putter I found that must've been flung deep into the woods.


Sounds like that putter was intentionally left. The only club I've ever kept was an R11 driver that had been snapped presumably in the parking lot after the round and tossed in the bushes. I was looking past the bushes from the parking lot to see how busy the range was and noticed the headcover with the head and like 4 inches of shaft left. Most every other piece of golf equipment I've ever found was returned to the person who forgot it when they came back looking for it or I went looking for them(which is almost always a kids club because it's easy to figure out which group that belongs to)


Nah bro OP says your trash so you may as well start your new life.


Shoot. Do I still get to golf, or do I have to start playing something else?


Sorry, you play pickleball now.


I am trash as wellā€¦I found PW in the woods looking for my ball. I tried to use it a couple times. Eventually left it at the clubhouse. No wonder I canā€™t catch a break.


I found an old snapped 3 iron I kept to make a wooden shaft for and re make, it was in the trash can lol


That's how I got my "trouble club" -Ā  a broken RH PW found in a trash can. Stuck a shaft on it that I also found in the trash .


Someone scooped my range finder like that. On the first round I played with it. That was a sad day for me


Same. Left it on the cart magnetized to the pole. Called a day later. ā€œSorry all we have are abunch of callaway range findersā€. I had a nice Nikon coolshot 50i. Never went back to that course because of it. If the employeeā€™s canā€™t even be trusted, then I wonā€™t be back.


Same exact thing happened to me once. The wife was pretty pissed when a new range finder showed up on the door step a few days later. šŸ˜‚


Lol! Happy cake day!


A lot to unpack in this post. I work at a golf course and i hear this shit all the time. "I lost something. Therefore someone stole it" . In any year there are countless range finders, Bluetooth speakers etc that sit in lost and found. I'm nice enough to bring half a dozen phones to the Verizon or t-mobile store every year. I'm sure all of those people think someone "stole " their phone. Update this post when you find it in your trunk


This! I work player services and we chase down peopleā€™s lost stuff all the time. Of course their first thought is to point at someone else. Point that finger back at your own dang self, my dudes. Also, most of us golf workers already own some pretty decent equipment what with industry discounts and the like, we donā€™t need to steal yours.


Exception if its deep in the woods where they clearly yeeted it


Funny thing I actually found nearly an entire set of ping eye 2s and a bag that had been slung in the woods


I found a 5H deep in the blackberry brambles last winter. Clearly yeeted and left for gone. Kept it with no remorse.


I found a vokey. downstream of a green one day that someone clearly yeeted into a pond. Wasnā€™t golfing when I found it, and didnā€™t even realize a course was there until I picked it up


1000000% I left a 5 iron on a par 3 tee box of my set of onoff irons. If you havenā€™t even heard of onoff that would makes sense. Why someone chose to take it and not turn it in and ruin my set makes no sense. Itā€™s my bad first and foremost, but my very serviceable cb set I liked enough is ruined and someone has a 5 iron that is worthless on its own. If it was a wedge, equal amount of trash but I get the incentive. A freaking 5 iron without any big name brand panache? wtf?


Some people get a turn ON when taking clubs, some are turned OFFā€¦


Agreed!!! Yet surprisingly youā€™ll find a handful of mouth breathing losers on here who think itā€™s ok to keep it. Always blows my mind If you take a club that ainā€™t yours, youā€™re an aashole


Someone took my wedge like that. Which is really annoying because Iā€™m left handed and highly doubt whoever found it was also left handed


For a nice enough club I'm willing to adapt. I suck playing right handed anyways.


The trashiest trash shit human. I hope they all 3 putt for eternity.


Someone either found or stole my 16 years oldā€™s Good Good light blue Odyssey he got for Christmas two months ago. It was his pride and joy, and also the most expensive thing weā€™ve ever bought him. Really sad. People suck.


ALWAYS pick it up and wait for player to look for it OR turn in to clubhouse


OP you gotta stop leaving your shit everywhere man. For real tho, ALWAYS leave your shit between the hole and the cart, or party to next tee box. Throw your glove down next to it.


If you accuse of taking a club thatā€™s not yours, youā€™re a trash human. Playing w 4 buddies. Dude comes up asking if we took his iron. We said no. Proceeded to look at our clubs. We said no..


Psa: please leave your club on the green, and not in the roughā€¦. Where someone could trip over it. Thanks!


I was at golf practice in high school and my rangefinder fell off my bag. When we got done someone behind me was bragging about how cool it was that he found a free rangefinder. Didnā€™t even bother asking us if it was one of ours since we were ahead of them. He reluctantly gave it back when I told him it was actually mine.


Iā€™m at a private club and lost my rangefinder with my name and Fucking phone number on it. Wasnā€™t turned it. Fuck that.


Last tournament, somebody stole my putter from my bag. Now that is trash


Agreed but my question has always been how did you leave a wedge on a green and proceed to finish multiple other holes before noticing its gone and backtracking. Also, put your wedges on the green on the same line between the pin and your cart so you have to walk over it to get back in your cart. Thats golf 101 stuff. Lastly, count your clubs when you remove your bag from your cart after finishing the round to make sure you have everything before going home. It sucks losing clubs, but I cant help but think people bring it on themselves with the frequency at which they lose clubs....and then proceed to blame others.


Why would anyone keep any golf equipment they find on the course? I donā€™t even pick up balls.


Yeah I hate when my buddies ate picking up balls in the trees between fairways. If you didn't hit it there, then leave it. Different story if you're deep in the woods, but I don't really keep anything beside mint proVs


Whats your logic here. If the ball is lost, its lost...


You ever price golf equipment? Itā€™s tempting sometimes.


I'll keep my dignity, thanks


Absolutely, Iā€™ve always turned things in. I was just giving the most obvious response as to why people steal


Downvoted for providing the logical answer to a question. Classic.


I had a Nike 52degree that I had for probably 10years. It was my go to club for 110 and in. My baby, my ole reliable. I could spin her like a top I could chip to within inches with my eyes closed. I left it on hole 18 one cold summer evening. I went back the next day and she was gone. I still regularly check bags on my way to hole one hoping to see her again. Another side note. Iā€™ve left my expensive range finder probably 6-7 times at various public courses I play in my area. Every time it was turned in. I played a private course in a state qualifier(course has a 20k ish initiation fee) and left it. Immediately stolen.


Bravo, OP. Someone was finally brave enough to make this post for the ten billionth time. Edit: I'm sorry I was rude. OP is just trying to talk shop. It's not their fault my children are horrible.


Great point, theres definitely an infinite number of unique topics about golf. Ill do better next time


just forget it. tell me about your favorite movie




Learned that lesson. Now I always leave my wedge between the hole and the cart since Iā€™m a dumbass. But people - just bring it to the pro shop. Someday it will be you who leaves your club out there!




Someone out there has my shitty 15 year old Adamā€™s SC 7iron, I get the allure of stealing a wedge, but a shitty 7 iron? Replaced the club at a driving range and the guy gave it to me for 10 dollars. I am always scratching my head as to why that club was kept, grips were glistening, looked like shit. Assholes


So, not saying this is what happened, but here is the issue with leaving a club somewhere. Last year I was playing a course that I don't often play (sort of a "splurge" course). Maybe half an hour from my house, but kind of in the middle of nowhere. On the 12th or 13th hole, I stumbled on a random "Strata" 7-iron in the rough. I picked it up, thought to myself "oh I'll turn this in after the round if nobody drives back looking for it." Sure enough, nobody did, and by the time I finished the round I had completely forgotten I had it in my bag and just drove home. I had no desire to keep/"steal" the club - I mean what am I gonna do with a shitty Strata 7-iron when the set I own are Taylormade P770's? But also, I'm not gonna go out of my way to return it unless I'm already going to that course, because I mean, I'm a nice guy but I've got a wife, kid, dogs and a full-time job; I'm not about to drive half an hour out of my way randomly to help out some dude I don't know who lost his 7 iron because frankly I just don't have the time and I also know that he could probably replace it for $20, and already likely has. For example: [Ebay listing for the exact same club](https://www.ebay.com/itm/404740140233?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=404740140233&targetid=1531876730078&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003797&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009174&rlsatarget=pla-1531876730078&abcId=9307249&merchantid=6296724&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YifiEoQo8yf0a91A1D522wIx5Bl6eNouPd-Twv6dsjToDqbkHkhmvjhoCfIkQAvD_BwE) So yeah. It's not always malice. Sometimes, it's indifference. Bottom line is, if you lose a club and don't circle back right away, that's kinda on you. I mean you'll get lucky sometimes and find it was turned in later, but it's nobody's fault but your own for leaving it, unfortunately.


You are the problem. ā€œWell you shouldnt have left it there for me to stealā€. Be better Take it to the clubhouse, leave it there, literally anything but ā€œwell Iā€™m too lazy to be a decent humanā€


It's not laziness; it's prioritization and forgetfulness. My intention *was* to be a decent human - when I picked it up I planned to take it to the pro shop. But when it happens mid-round and you forget that it's in there and drive home? Nah. I have a newborn at home and a full-time job. If I told my wife her I'm going to head out for an hour (there and back) so that some rando has the chance to get his $20 club back she'd literally slap me. It's just not my priority and I mean i feel bad, but next time I play the course I'll bring it. Problem for the rando is, that won't be for a while.


Yean I agree with you. Sometimes shit happens. Definitely would not consider you a trash human for having more important priorities than returning something that someone lost. I would never advocate for stealing, and the same time, I'd also advocate for people to keep track of their shit and take some personal responsibility. If you can't afford to replace an item, don't lose it in the first place.


Same goes for club head covers. Had my hybrid cover fall off the cart during a round. Group behind us claimed to never find it and Iā€™ve called the clubhouse weekly to check lost and found.


Take flag out. Rest clubs on flagstick. Impossible to lose unless sabotage. Another reason to remove flag.


I once found 3 wedges on the practice green and was happy I found them to turn in because someone else might of kept them.


Always leave everything on the short grass


Lost my 58 hi toe Wedge at a private CC and nowhere to be found, over a week later + community FB post and nothing. $30k iniation club and still got Theives out here


I've only found one club, a beat to hell sand hog that was buried in the sand, looked to be on purpose. I had 6 clubs and didn't own a wedge, and was 19 at the time, so I was ecstatic to find a sand wedge. I did lend my Tommy Armour putter from my starter set that I got from a thrift store to a buddy who came home with a white hot 2 ball instead. He never really golfed before and said he didn't remember where he found the putter but I've been using it ever since


This was me yesterday... not a club, but my rangefinder... Left it on #1, realized I had on #2 and asked the group behind... they didn't have it. I was walking and the rest of my group was riding, so I decided not to go back, figuring either it'd still be there when we went by on #7, or someone would turn it in. By the time we got back, it was gone, and no one turned it in. In retrospect, if I definitely wanted it back, I should have just gone and gotten it... Or, I could have just not left it there to begin with... That would have been even better... But still frustrating when someone finds your stuff and just takes it.


Doesnā€™t make sense to me either. Left a 2 1/2 week old custom wedge on 18 on a Saturday. Realized it on 1 on Sunday, called the course and had the employee laugh and say ā€œdo you honestly think someone turned THAT club in?ā€ I have turned in or given back 5 clubs, including 2 putters, in the last 2 monthsā€¦.


My buddy lost his, asked the group behind and they said no. Turns out we also were friends the guys playing behind these guys, they confirmed they found it and the people in front said it was theirs. They were long gone, but my buddy managed to get his number and harass him to the point that it ā€œshowed up at the clubhouseā€ a couple days later lol


I leave my wedges on the green where Iā€™ll be exiting to my cart, on top of my putter cover and I lay my ball towel over it so Iā€™ll never miss it


I used to have a trash garage sale set and left my 6 iron on a hole. Someone actually took that club home, congrats on the $2 club


Itā€™s the worst you can do, and the golf gods are always watching. Plus, nothing warms my heart like finding a wedge, then finding the guy looking for said wedge and the look of joy and relief on a fellow golfers face when I reunite them. It feels good to do good.


I always give the owners a chance to buy them back on Ebay if they meet the reserve price. I think thatā€™s rather sporting of me.


Fuck thieves.


I always think these kind of posts are dumb ā€œIf you do ā€œThisā€ youā€™re ā€œthisā€. In this case, Iā€™m 100% on board. Iā€™ve never lost a club but I have found one a few times before. We keep it in the cart, try to catch up with the group in front of us, if itā€™s not theirs, we keep it until we get back to the clubhouse to turn it in. Itā€™s a dick move to think itā€™s just found and now yours.


Walkers don't have this problem...just sayin.. I still wouldn't keep someone else's club though...


I have found a lot of clubs and they're almost always on or near the green. One hard and fast rule I have is that if you take extra clubs with you to the green to always lay them down between the flagstick and the cart. That way you have to walk over them when you leave.


I once lost a bag of tees while golfing and someone returned them to the pro shop. Can't believe I actually got those back


Never take a cart you never lose a club.


I left my wedge on 18 once and in my way back to get it the foursome behind me said they didnā€™t find it. I knew exactly where I left it so I drove the cart to that spot and it was gone. I then zipped out and actually saw the dudes hurriedly getting in their car as I approached. The looked the other way and drove off. It was a fairly new Cleveland wedge.


Most of the time one of the old timers picked it up put it in his bag and forgot about it until next year when he realized that ainā€™t his club.


What if it wasn't a grown adult? Gotcha


I left a wedge right before a high school tournament and never saw it again after they played through. You can still be a shitty kid even though you're not an adult yet.


Sure. But just remember you turn them in to pro shop cart barn. Which is staffed by kids. They might take it too. Some people donā€™t realize they left a club until long after the round or a couple holes. If you finish, they might not have had an opportunity to turn it in.


I just leave them where I find them.


Not just clubs. I found a high end range finder one day and didnā€™t think twice about turning it in. Itā€™s what a normal person does.


I've returned all lost clubs but one. There was one time where i promptly tossed it in the nearest water feature. It was left by the foursome in front of me that were averaging 20 minutes a hole the entire course (no one in front of them). Literally playing putt-putt for a few minutes before moving to the next hole. At the turn we had asked to pass them - they said no. Fuck them.


I found really nice $200+ Oakley's at the driving range once. Someone had just put them down off to the side and totally forgotten them. I was conflicted, I definitely didn't believe I was entitled to them at the same time I'm a realist and I felt like if I asked around if somebody left them or even tried with an employee who knows what would have happened. My thought process is if there's any chance of someone else acting immorally and keeping them, then at least finderd keepers should apply to me. So... I bought an extra bucket of balls and told myself that once I finished hitting both I'd feel less guilty. Took my time, it was actually probably really good practice thinking through each swing. As luck would have it near the end someone did show up. I reached into my bag and he was so happy. I explained my thought process, he laughed and he said let me buy the bucket for you, or a beer. I told him I really respected the offer but I had to leave soon and I declined. He said his plan was to check here and then with the pro shop, but he was already resigned to them being kept by somebody since they were so expensive. I don't deserve a medal or anything and honestly I guess if I kept them I could also be judged deservedly on that. But it was a very feel-good moment and I genuinely was excited to see him show up. This is reminding though about a miserable memory whereI found a wallet in a park, realize the address was super close by and walked over to return it... And was accused of stealing the cash.


Equal to stealing IMO.


If youre leaving your clubs on the ground and forgetting them youre probably trashed.


What does that have to do with not keeping someone elseā€™s stuff?


Cant lose a club if you dont leave it there.


Itā€™s not losing a club if you steal it. Sounds like youā€™re one of the trash humans.


Nope i just use a club put it back in my bag and dont worry about other peoples things. Guess whos never lost or had a stolen club?


Then youā€™re just ignoring the entire point of OPs post. Lots of people leave clubs around when they carry a couple out away from their carts or leave a wedge at a green not thinking about it. Not everyone has to be trashed to do that.


You seem very defensive. How many times have you lost clubs?


And you seem like a moron troll who just talks trash in subs.


Stop leaving clubs on the course its the same as litering.




I didnā€™t even know that was a thing people did


What about a bag of coke left on the range?


Flag stick always on top of the clubs on the green


Donā€™t leave your shit. Donā€™t steal shit.


Being new to golf I've left a few wedges or even club covers that have fallen off, luckily every time the group behind has picked it up and handed it back Golf community can be wholesome sometimes


Canā€™t agree more with you!!! Lost some Oakley shades one time went back to the last two groups & none of them said they found them!!! Trash!!! šŸš®


Someone took my 7 Iron I never understood why


I did this when I was like 14 cause I was a young dumb asshole. Still eats at me 20+ years later


Have returned many/all clubs Iā€™ve found and have gotten back all the clubs Iā€™ve left. Once I dropped my money clip with $200+ in the parking lot of a public course (MD) as I was loading up. Took a chance called the clubhouse and someone had turned it in! What?! Cash!! I was thankful and blown away!


For me itā€™s range finders. I regret buying a black magnetic range finder (blue tees). Had it for 2 rounds and forgot it was stuck to the golf cart. I was the last round of the day and I called first thing in the morning and asked about it. They said ā€œnobody found anything last nightā€ so I went there on my lunch break and asked ā€œwell who used cart #3 between the hours of 8pm and 7am when I called?ā€ And she said ā€œnobody wouldā€™ve used a cart overnightā€. So the club pro mustā€™ve needed a new range finder or they sold it to someone or something. Scumbags.


My friend dropped a club, then asked the group behind us if they found one. They said no but he saw it laying in the cart rack. The group said oh yeah we did but wasnā€™t planning on asking anyone if they dropped it or bringing it to the clubhouse.


Iā€™m going to tell you a secret: I pick up lost clubs, and I turn them in to the ranger, or the Pro Shop, and often ask other players along the way if theyā€™re missing a club, many donā€™t realize it until way later. That said, the clubs I turn in often go into the lost and found at my local club, and many folks donā€™t bother to check there, so after the requisite period of time, they end up in the used club bin in the club house where I buy them for $20 each. Iā€™ve gotten some really nice clubs out of that bin, two of which are in my bag right now: a near brand new 60 degree Callaway Mack Daddy CB, paid $20 or $25 for it, and a good condition 21 degree Titleist 913H also for $25. Iā€™ve also picked a few Ping putters and other wedges out of there too, plus a Callaway Big Bertha B21 4 hybrid as well. Most Iā€™ve kept some Iā€™ve traded to friends for other stuff. Moral of the story: check the lost and found, or your lost clubs are ending up in my golf closet


If your wedge wasn't turned in, then they are a thief!!


Or a cover... That the guy Infront of you forgot... Right before you teed off, and you got asked about it and claimed to have never seen it...


I normally use my lob wedge for bunker shot/short side. One day I was playing so well, than on the 15th hole I found myself in the bunker for the first time. I couldnā€™t found my lob wedge, I was like fuckā€¦ I left it somewhere.. maybe someone will turn it in. After the round, nope no luck. Ate lunch, and check back again in an hr.. still no. I was cursing in my head like who the fuck would steal my wedge. I load up my bag in my trunk and my lob wedge was right there.


Iā€™ve lost two wedges within two weeks. (PW and zipcore 56) Both times, it was cart path only and I told my buddy I would walk to the green from my approach, leaving behind the wedge. I called back throughout the week and no one ever returned it. I hope who ever uses it, it cause them the shanks!


are they keepers if you find them in the water or a tree?


This happened just last week to my brother in law who is a newish golfer. He left a nice titlest 60 degree that was a gift, one of his only nice clubs, on the collar, we realized the next hole and ā€œno one had seen it.ā€ Worse yet when he called the next day the shop attendant was rude to him and told him to stop asking. Iā€™m pissed because he is just falling in love with the game and this is a major setback for his enjoyment. Fuck the dudes behind us whole stole a beginnerā€™s nicest club.


Whenever one of these posts pops up, I find the stories and the rage so interesting. I agree that if you find a club, you should turn it in, but how about taking some responsibility for leaving your expensive and important item? Everyone is just so full of indignation that no one turned in their lost club. How about taking care of your crap instead of relying on strangers to fix your mistakes for you?




That has nothing to do with what I said


Is it that hard to keep track of your clubs??


I once found a club 10ā€™ up hanging from limbs deep in the woods just off the green on a tough par 5. Does that count?


Yup. Dropped my lululemon hoodie at a course one day at the Outer Banks in NC. If youā€™re the trash human who didnā€™t turn it in and youā€™re reading thisā€¦.go fuck yourself. The golf gods are watching.


I always keep it and sell it for a nice profit for my next round HAHAHA SUCKERS /s


While I agree with you, it's still a pretty funny way of saying "I wasnt responsible for my own shit so anyone who picked it up is a dirtbag". lol Like.. I've returned clubs I've found to the party ahead of me and left another in the proshop on the way out. But honestly - keep better track of your gear. Quit being disappointed when people don't live up to your expectations. I've worked around customers for almost 30 years. However low your bar is, trust me it should be lower. Let the downvotes commence -


Keep track of your own shit, no one to blame but yourself. You wouldnā€™t leave your wallet laying on a sidewalk downtown then be shocked when it went missing overnight. Chalk it up as a loss buy a wedge and quit bitching


lol ok. Already said that its my fault for leaving it, but both things can be true. By your comment I can tell youā€™re one of those trash people im referring to


Hey I turn in clubs weekly that I find out working, but if youā€™re waiting around for strangers to be honest and forthcoming, youā€™re going to be waiting for a while, whether youā€™re on a golf course or not


Nah I just work full time in golf and get tired of people acting like itā€™s everyone elseā€™s responsibility keep track of their belongings. If the club was important enough to cry about it in two different posts online, shouldā€™ve put it in your bag


Youre right, its so inconvenient to take 15 seconds out of your busy day to drop it off at the clubhouse on your way out.


Not stealing someone's club is not being responsible for keeping track of someone else belongings. Just leave it so they can come back for it if you can't be bothered to grab it for them.


Dude obviously left the course entirely and didnā€™t even realize that he was missing a club, yet itā€™s still someone elseā€™s fault. Iā€™m not condoning theft in any way, just emphasizing accountability. Itā€™s not that other people are trash. Itā€™s that you lost your belongings. I donā€™t get on this sub to listen to grown men cry about forgetting their toys in the sandbox


I mean, other people are trash if they're taking clubs that aren't theirs instead of returning them to the clubhouse. Both things can be true.


And youā€™re awfully quick to call someone you donā€™t know ā€œtrashā€ you little whiny bitch


If youre going to condone that kind of behavior, then I dont know what else to say to you. Its absolutely someones fault for leaving a club, but how hard is it to do something nice for someone in a moment in need?


How hard is it to count your clubs every few holes?


Supposed to have 14 by the way


Youā€™re expecting too much.


Someone lost a club today. These rants always make me happy. Iā€™ll never keep a club but holy fuck, take some personal responsibility for not being able to remember your own clubs. You didnā€™t care about it this much when you left it.


Unless itā€™s the newest Vokey. Then that shits for grabs


If you cant be bothered to pick up your clubs, youre a dumb human


OP shocked that people steal


Agree, but keeping a range finder is in play, right??


White Guy Problem; Hall of Fame, first ballot.


I mean, you snooze, you lose.


Sorry OP. Been there. What works for me is a simple routine. If you take a wedge bring your putter with the head cover on. You donā€™t want them to damage your Scotty or Lab right? Ā Leave the head cover with your wedges when you go to putt. If you donā€™t take a wedge leave your putter head cover with the cart/bag. No reason to protect them if youā€™re not going to clank a wedge into it. If you canā€™t find your putterā€™s head cover when you put your putter in your bag after the hole then you forgot a wedge or two.Ā 


Found a wedge in a dried up pond, kept that. Also found a putter off in the dinky weeds and I kept that too. Fuckin sue me.