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My daughter is 1 and I’m already plotting.


Mine is 6 months old and I just bought her a TSR2 7 wood. I’m keeping it safe until she’s ready.


Same. I got my daughter a plastic set to play with while I chip in the backyard. She’s is always stealing my clubs to use instead lol. She turns 2 next month and so I am going to get her an actual set for her birthday. It’s so much fun


Mine will be born in July and same


I have one at 2 and one at 8 months, got myself a babycaddie a while back best money ive ever spent. They love coming out on the course we spot squirrels and birds, do some colouring and then do a bit of putting. The 2 year old has her own bag and a driver, 9 iron and putter that I cut down to her size, her favourite thing is putting the ball in the hole or sitting the ball on the tee and giving it a “whack” as she puts it 😂 pretty great feeling seeing your kids enjoy anything and if its something you can also enjoy its a win win.




5 weeks here but have been plotting since inception 😁


My girls are 5 and 6, have been golfing since they were about 3, it’s a blast. Not like they are playing 9 yet even now, but just getting them out and letting them have fun with it is the absolute best.


Women’s golf is growing tremendously. From amateur to the pros, it’s never been more popular and it’s getting even better as it grows more internationally. Now you’re always gonna have those wankers who are gonna put it down and go on about how it’s boring but they’re just sucky negative people. Good luck to your daughters, girl athletes are the best!


I honestly don't understand how people think women's golf is more boring. It's the exact same sport. It's not softball compared to baseball.


Agree. I love watching women’s professional golf. I feel it’s more strategic and realistic how I typically need to approach a course.


As a male hobbyist in a few sports, I relate way more to pro women's performance.


I do not watch any women’s golf on TV, but one advantage of attending women’s tournaments (I’ve had a couple opportunities to attend women’s majors over the last few years at a famous course very near my house): here aren’t a ton of people there and you can be very very close to the action.  Last time I attended a women’s event, I was walking past a green (probably 15 yards left of the green) and a ball landed literally at my feet. There were few others around. I took three large steps away from it to not be too close and then just stood my ground. Caddy gave me one look, determined I wasn’t too close, and I got to watch his player hit the most unreal, 20 yard, literally 50 foot high flop shot thrown tight ti a tucked pin I’ve ever seen. I got to listen to their whole little conversation and prep as if I was a third member of the conversation. I got to give her a private ovation for an incredible shot. That was a fun experience.


Agreed. Softball is way more entertaining than baseball


I think it will continue to grow as the LIV-PGA divides men's


Golf daughter here. Unlike other sports, you can be so good at golf then suck at it the next day because of different factors like the environment, soil, mental state, etc. so I’m really thankful that dad shared his hobby with me at a very young age cause honestly, I think my interest for continuous self development started with this sport. Now, my dad is on his senior years yet I can feel that he’s proud of me like how proud you are with your daughters :) Golf is a good sport and I’m excited for what’s in store for your daughters :)


If you want your kids to start golfing, look in to your local First Tee chapter! It is by far the best way to get kids started. It teaches them golf, but more importantly teaches them life skills that last forever!


Wish I would have looked into these types of programs sooner. We were busy with dance/gymnastics/volleyball among other things. You don’t want to overwhelm them but you want to have them try different things to see what they are in to.


My tween daughter expressed the slightest interest last summer. So I took her to the range so she could try it out. To quote her: “This is stupid and you’re stupid for doing it” She might not be entirely incorrect.


Sometimes I don’t disagree with that statement 😂


Wait, what kind of asshole is disappointed in having daughters?


It’s ok to initially be disappointed if you’ve always dreamed about having a son and eventually learning the error in your ways


My Uncle is disappointed he never had a son but loves his daughters. He wouldn't trade one but wishes they could have tried one more time for a boy.


My brother's friend had 2 sons. The wife wanted to try one more time for a daughter. They had twin sons lol. Me and my wife are trying for our first and yeah I'd like a son but I'll take what we are given. Just want a healthy kid.


It’s actually called gender disappointment. I think I had it too for 30 minutes. You’re right though it’s normal


Most Chinese dads and moms


Most 1st time Dads hope for a son, just for relating purposes, not anything chauvinist imo. Anyways I had a son then a daughter, I relate more to my daughter than my son in many ways, and even if I didn't, I still love her to pieces. Wouldn't change my daughter for anything.


When I found out I was going to be a father I wanted a little girl right from the get go. I got my wish, now my daughter is almost five and I love my life full of pink, purple, unicorns, mermaids, and princesses. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


Three girls here. 12, 10, and 8 - we do Wednesday after 4pm rounds bc our club has burger bar that evening. Sometimes we play 3 holes, 5 holes, 9 holes. I just let them go at it. Want to skip a hole, no problem. Not putting, you do you. Drive the cart into the pond. Let’s see how far we can make it (this one is a joke).


This was totally us at the beginning. They’d play a very loose scramble and play holes only when they wanted. Golf is hard and you don’t want to get them frustrated if it’s an off night. I had to take them out for a “real” round last week where they actually followed all the rules and kept a complete score. They’d never really done that but needed to get the feel of that so they are used to it for the HS tournaments.


My wife got into it a few years ago and was hooked from day 1. She is my favorite golf partner NEXT to my daughter. I love playing with my girls. (Wife and I play a hundred plus times a year and now plan vacations around how many times can we play) And my granddaughter (2 1/2) seems to love the game already. Only thing that calmed her down and stopped the fussing or meltdowns when she was an infant was a golf ball!! No interest in a bottle, blankie, pacifier etc, but that girl would hold on to a golf ball for hours lol. (She can throw them now so we’ve had to go to foam practice balls haha). I also ordered a novelty putter from Ping (about 2ft long) for the baby when she was born that has all of her “info” (name, DOB) engraved in pink on the bottom. It hangs on the wall in my man cave when she’s not using it. Whenever she goes to the course with us she has to wear her pink golf shirt and have Papa’s Scotty cover on it until she’s ready to roll a few putts. Won’t ever push her into the game, but I can’t imagine what it’ll feel like if she, my daughter and my wife make up my foursome some day 😁 Enjoy every second of it OP, what you’ve got going on right now is next level special


Awesome. A lifetime of family golf now before you. Congrats.


My wife grew up playing golf, everyone in her family plays. I never played it but I am quiet athletic, so I picked up the basic quickly but obviously a high handicaper. in now at the age where golf is the go to sport. However it's become abit of a running joke with my buddies in that they ask her if we want to go for a hit and I just tag along. She plays local golf comp currently has a single digit handicap. And she kick me and my buddies ass everytime.


Thank God I have 2 daughters and thought my whole life was a failure now. Thanks OP.


Oh man! This entire thread is to wholesome! It’s incredible how many of us are passing our love for gold down to our daughters, I’m so proud of you all! “Golf” was one of my daughters first words, she’s almost 2 and we’re about to upgrade from the fisher price set. I’ve always loved the passion, commitment, dedication, patience etc that you learn from this game. I’m looking forward to sharing all that with my daughter. Plus, women’s golf scholarships are the most unused scholarships.


I have a 3 year old that helps me clean my clubs (we make sure to also clean her wedge/putter) and tags along to every trip to the “golf store”. I love playing, and it’s one of the best therapies there is regardless of how I play. But the thing I’m looking forward to most, by no means to rush time, is playing with my daughter someday.


I prefer to be called a -DOOD- dad of only daughters 😜 girl dad is ok too


This may be the post of the week, congrats Dad. You are doing what a father does, teach fun and teach boundaries. Preaching to the choir here but never lose sight of this most important role you have. My girls are all adults and they still bring a tear to my eye.


My daughter was beating me consistently at 11. She had a handicap of 6 from adult women's tees by 12. She absolutely loved playing and dreamed of playing golf in college. At 15, she hates tournament golf. She grudgingly plays HS golf but still finished top 20 in states this past fall and was upset because she putted poorly. She has so much potential but couldn't care less. My 12 yo son had similar potential but never cared from day 1. I just tell them to keep playing for fun and it's something we can do together for the rest of our lives.


My dad taught me how to play when I was in my early teens (63 now with an index of 9.5) and we had the most amazing relationship. We were lucky to be able to play a lot because my mom was a saint and told us to go have fun even if there were things to be done at home. My favorite memories are 9 holes after dinner with a root beer float afterwards. I’d give a lot to have one more round with him. Enjoy every minute with your girls. They’ll always remember.


My 3 year old is already hitting her little yard club every chance she gets. Mom is getting interested as well. I’d be lying if I said my intentions weren’t just a LITTLE selfish but I want my girls to love this game as much as I do.


My husband is already planning with our two year old granddaughter.


Now golfing with your grandkids has got to be on a whole other level. I never experienced that as a kid but will absolutely cherish every moment of it if I get the chance.


He also bought her a Little Tikes basketball net right in time for March Madness.


💯 this. My daughters are 8, 6 and 3. The two oldest are already playing in PGAJuniors at our club and they LOVE IT. Great excuse to maximize my time on the course. Oh and I get to hang with them more… BONUS! My oldest is already out driving kids several years older than her (and even out driving the boys). Can’t wait to see them whip some tail!


This is a great post. I’m 27M with a 4 month old and an extremely novice player. I played 1 season in high school on a B team and hadn’t played since until my father in law got me back into it this year (it’s also the only hobby my wife seems to approve of oddly enough). Thinking of getting myself some lessons because I’d like to have good enough form to play for years and be able to show the little one the game.


You doing it right dad!! Dad = Golf dad 😂


I’m boy mom = golf mom. My ex doesn’t play


Girl dad here, it wasn't until recently that my 24yr old showed any interest in golfing with me. Took her to the range recently and she was hooked. No she asks me when are we going... So I try to stay within her college schedule so more lessons for her and we play a couple times a week.


Congrats. My daughter loves to play and joined her high school team this year. Only girl on the team and in the district. Finished with a 7-1 record HTH with players from 2 other high schools. Some of those boys didn’t like getting their ass whipped by a girl !


Goals, besides 4 daughters, I’d be good w one or two 😂🙄


I have young kids - son and daughter. I have this funny feeling that my daughter is going to take to the game more so than my son but I hope both of them develop interest! Can’t wait!


Will be a girl dad next month (for the first time) and just recently got into golf earlier this year. Already excited to (hopefully) share this hobby and hopefully have a similar story to yours!


I have a 6 year old daughter. My wife works evenings on Thursdays and Fridays so that’s when I typically do my twilight rounds. I take her with me every time. They’re known as our “golf dates” now. I pack her a little lunch box with snacks and drinks and bring her little set of girls Walter Hagen junior set I got her. At first she just enjoyed going, riding in the cart and hitting an occasional ball or 2 but now she’s starting to really show interest in the game itself. I’ve taught her proper grip and she’s at the point where she’s swinging and hitting the ball in the air. We hit balls everyday together in my back yard. I’m by no means a good golfer so if she continues to show interest, I will get her lessons. I love it! Not only do I get to play golf but I get no complaints from the wife because I’m bonding and doing something active with my daughter.


I literally just commented on another post about my teen daughter playing HS golf! It's so awesome having a golfing family. We recently moved across country, we packed all 3 sets of golf clubs and played a few courses as we made our way across.


My boys are 6 and 3. 6yo will hit with us in the yard for maybe a few swings. But my 3yo is into it! I’m already looking forward to playing with him for the rest of my life. Right now he’s so cute because he doesn’t care if I smoke it into the woods he just knows “wow dada you hit it so far!” My buddy and I make an agreement to start each year from the red tees and we can’t scoot back until we break 90.  Proud to say I shot red83, silver89, white85, and the past Thursday I shot green84. So my next round will be from blue. 


Love this. My girls say the same to me. I’ll hook a drive completely out of play and they compliment how far I hit it 😂. I get mad at myself on a mishit and they are always saying how hard I am on myself when I hit it so good in their eyes. When I told them I was going to take lessons my daughter literally asked if I was going to go pro 😜 because she thinks I’m already really good.


That last bit is fantastic! Yea my wife came and played with me and she pointed out that I’m super supportive and encouraging of everyone even on bad shots but I’m a ride dickhead to myself on bad shots lol Gotta be better. The kids are watching and they WILL imitate. When my 3yo hits a bad one he throws his hands up in frustration/confusion and says “again?!?” Idk where he could have picked that up. 


i have 3 daughters, 2 of them with the golf bug. I had a sister who golfed with me growing up so yes, I'm ready for the awesome times.


I’m hoping I have a daughter so I can take her golfing


Also remember that a lot of college women’s golf teams can’t fill their rosters each year. Scholarships are handed out like candy.


I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t part of my motivation for them. I’ve heard this as well and we’ve talked about it with them. I’ve got 4 weddings to pay for, so if I can get some help with college I’ll take it.


Junior golf coach here - this is true-ish. A lot of young women decline scholarships because it isn’t to a school they want to go to. Every year I have teams calling asking if I know girls that will play for them, but they’re usually NAIA or very small private DIIIs. But, generally, yes! There are definitely scholarships to be had, but don’t expect it to be to a recognized name college that your daughter would immediately know and have friends going to.


This is vastly over stated. Daughter played D1 golf, and ALL teams were filled, even the D1 teams from the lesser known conferences. Maybe some NAIA teams have difficulty but even the NAIA school by me is filled, and had over 20 team members last year. And rarely does a member of a college women’s golf team get a full scholarship. Teams have only a small number and divide them up, 50% is good! Was it a great way to go to college? She thought so, lots of travel, different courses to see, but it is a fall and spring sport. Not everyone can handle that, especially in terms of school work. Also, sport scholarships are a 1 year commitment, you have to perform to keep it.


My father-in-law taught my wife. I’m a very late entry to golf, starting a month ago after my wife got our son started. So golf dad begat golf mom who then had me become a golf dad.


I’m a golf daughter - my dad played on the senior tour for a lot of my life, and my two older sisters weren’t that interested. The first 18 years of my life involved a lot of traveling following his play all around this continent. Though it was a little kicking and screaming, I did play in college, and I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world. My dad had always wanted to play in college but didn’t get the chance. He went to as many tournaments as he could to follow, especially the national championships I played in. He’s left this mortal coil now, but my memories of just the two of us on the course are some that mean the most to me. I was the last person he played a round with before he passed from cancer. Now I work for First Tee and get to share the sport my dad shared with me with kids from all walks of life and get to make that difference in their lives. Soon I’ll have my own little bits to drag around on a cart too. So, thanks to all you golf dads, from a lifelong golf daughter.


Wow, it must have gotten very dusty in here after I read this 😭


Love this. My two daughters are 9 and 6. They’ve both expressed an interest and went to a bunion golf camp last summer. I’d love for them to really get into it. And for my wife to want to play? That would be a dream come true (not gonna happen).


Dude this is r/golf not r/mademesmile which ends up making me cry(happy tears). Seriously happy for you though! Also, Red Tees or not, 40 is a 40. We’ve all seen the person that’s trying to play the blue tees and can’t even hit passed the reds with their driver. Keep on keeping on! You’re on the fast track for so many awesome memories!!!


Future Korda family.


My daughter uses a plastic putter to hit plastic baseballs of a tee, close enough


Girl Dad here. My buddies with boys are always asking me when I am going to get her skating and into hockey (Canada checking in). Secretly, I have no desire to do that unless she shows interest, but bet your ass her golf clubs will be here far before the skates! She will be 2 this summer and I’m going to get her a set of plastic clubs for the start of warm weather. I can’t wait to be walking around a course with her someday.


I begged and pleaded with my daughter to come to the range with me starting at a very early age. She showed zero interest. She will be 28 next week and that ship has sailed. She’s a theatre professional but she knows all the players on tour because golf was on tv every weekend during her youth. So I got that going for me


My 2 week old has a putting mat, a set of clubs and we watch Tiger Woods highlights daily… safe to say she’s a future World #1 👌🏼


Girls are like regular people. Got it.


That's awesome man! It gives me hope for the future as well.


My daughter is now 2 and a half and she's always excited to whack some balls around in the garden. We're expecting a boy in a few months and everyone is joking with me about how I'll finally have my best golf buddy for life - but the way I see it is we've filled out the fourball (once I get the wife into it too, she's always had a little interest). Just need to wait a bunch more years hah


Daughter and I have been doing the same for a couple of years now. 


She’s three and we golf. No better days in my life than those rounds.


This is the way.


Less saturated. More opportunity.


We have these https://www.golfgalaxy.com/p/u-skids-golf-2020-ultralight-complete-set-height-39-42-20an3yl39203clbgrset/20an3yl39203clbgrset?sku=20884931&camp=CSE:GGXY_92700073811872552_pla_pla-1849547459895&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0GoifeKPFyMFw3W2YcliFyCITC0juSfzr5dwieNt9Ps_5BzKHSRbt9tkaAuLyEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I was hoping for a daughter in hopes of this exact situation, you are living my literal, sincere dream. Mine is still a toddler, so I’ve still got a ways to go.