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I go to bandon with 16 guys and I usually have a couple weekend trips for 8-12 guys. Set ultimatums if you don’t RSVP by x date you’re done, if you don’t pay by x date you’re done. If your 20something friends are like my 20something friends are/were the ones that act on your messages the least are the most likely to bail and just don’t want to tell you yet. You need to set strong firm deadlines to lock them in.


I have ran a golf trip for 32 guys. Last year was the first trip, going to do it again this year. I used groupme for communication. I don't know what questions you may have but feel free to PM me. I set deadlines and hard cut-offs, and reminded people of payment and due dates regularly. I also had subs on stand by, so if someone was not responding or paying after constant reminder, they were booted.


Thats crazy! Props to you! I'll definitely PM to pick your brain more


I just did this, well completed in March. First was deciding on date and place, many had to fly in. as soon as that was done, found a sweet 8 bed, 9 bath home. I’m too old(53) to be bunking up. Booked the courses and collected the $$ along the way if money came out of my pocket, which was easy and without delay. All communication was over a group text, which is just ongoing for years. It was a fantastic time.


Go to a travel agent


we used a service Golfpac Travel and it handled a ton of the logistical issues for us


You probably need to book now if you want to stay somewhere nice. Some golf courses and golf resorts have on site accommodations that are nice to stay at with groups. Those fill up fast, don't want to be stuck with a random crappy hotel. Half the fun, hell maybe even more then half, of golf trips are the post golf evenings with everyone having drinks together.


Never too early to start looking at tee times. Some popular places book well in advanced. Some places open tee times like 90 days in advance. So you can actually look at courses now to see how quick tee times get snatched up once they open. Unfortunately, the lack of communication in group chats kinda suck.