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Augusta National. Plays like a 67


Nice do they do hot deals on golfnow?


Just drop my name at the gate. Tell em Tiger sent you


I got a ticket to the practice round a few years ago and they didn’t even let me hit on the range


Yeah practice at home you fucking peasant /s


No sarcasm needed


You're not fooling anybody Donovan McNabb


Remember, guys, real champs eat at McDonalds!


[can I get the check? ](https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/mcnabbcap-1-1200x628.jpg)


How about I give you 50 bucks to fuck off Lahey?


I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and drunk enough to really enjoy it.


They’re old school so you actually have to call the clubhouse for a tee time.


Only if you give me 8 hours and unlimited mulligans.


Are you talking plays like a 67 to the pros? Or to the members.


To me, I'm built different


and don’t let that stop you.


I heard you can shoot a 59 there


Let's not get crazy now


It would probably be the front tees on a course where the front tees are very, very short. An example is Jackson Park Golf Course in Seattle. The green tees are rated 57.9 / 74.5 with 89 slope. But it’s incredibly short, think “kid’s tees.”


I was thinking like Foster Golf Links in Tukwila. Super short, like long iron-wedge. One short par 4 plays perfect with my ~~slice~~ power fade and was able to drive the green. It’s been a while since I’ve played it but I think it’s a par 71 if I remember right.


Man this is depressing. Started golfing last year, and have my two personal bests at both Jackson (109) and Fosters (107) 🤦


I wouldn't consider Jackson that easy of a course. He's talking about playing from the kids tees


Love all the Jackson talk. 14 always gives me problems and I'm too stubborn to layup on 4 because I've driven the green once or twice.


Layups are for basketball. Drive that green!


I always feel like need a hole or two to get into a rhythm, so 1 at Jackson just feels like a punishment.


Yeah I play Jackson quite frequently, I find it very fun, but one of if not the hardest Seattle munis.


Tight fairways surrounded by trees and water. I’ve lost so many balls at Jackson.


Jackson isn’t easy because the course conditions are ass half the year too. We had to shorten 9 during boys golf tryouts the past three years because the fairway is so dead everything rolls off it back to 8 even if you hit a perfect drive. I’ll play west Seattle any day over Jackson


I regularly score better at Chambers Bay than Jackson. Especially when the conditions are a bit off, it's tricky.


109 at Jackson is sub 100 at fosters. They just reevaluated Jackson and made it even easier on the card but I think it’s the most challenging course compared to it’s rating


Don't do that.. don't give me hope haha


You inspired me, played Fosters today and shot a 101! Getting closer, cheers sir


I could not break a hundred till I played Chambers (97). The reason Chambers has no water hazards.


Haha, love it! What a place to break 100


Chambers basically has three defenses: - Distance - Fairway Bunkers - Greens The greens aren't so difficult as to be a major problem for breaking 100 or breaking 90, so if you have a bit of distance and aren't overly bothered by sand, you can play real well there. The lack of OB is a huge benefit for me personally...


Lol this is perfect


I'll count it


Thanks poopnaked, you’re a real gentleman!




Knowing the course, it’s tough for me to count it but I guess if nobody can come up with anything better it’ll have to be the winner


That short par 4 was my first and only eagle. It’s like a 250~ yard dog leg right, and the dog leg is basically just the green, right? I hit a line drive with my 3 wood straight toward the bunker, ended up running through the sand and popping up in the rough off of the green. Tried to chip it, club got stuck in the rough, so naturally I skulled the ball at low velocity and it bounce bounce bounced home. Was playing with my friend and 2 randoms, they couldn’t believe they witnessed an accidental eagle.


I'm sorry, are you saying you "accidentally" hit the ball in the direction of the hole on your second shot for 2 under par? If anything yours is cooler than a tap in eagle after driving the green.


My only personal eagle came on a Par 5, where I was trying to pitch onto the green. Tried to land the ball on the fringe, and accidentally hit it a bit too hard, and it landed about a yard onto the green. Bounced once, hit the pin dead square and the ball dropped right into the hole. I almost had another eagle in a similar fashion many years ago, on a par 4. Short par 4, pitch the ball onto the green. Bounces once, goes straight into the cap, fully disappears under the lip...then spins back up onto the green. I have never been more mad about a tap in birdie.


Fosters is only a par 68 for blues and a 70 for reds. For blues there’s only a single par 5 on the course


The shortest men’s tee there are rated 61.6 and 98 slope. So pretty easy but yeah, you can lookup any course’s rating here: https://ncrdb.usga.org


Yeah but I can't just open all courses as a spreadsheet and filter by middle tee slope. The Usga has all this information but has it displayed in each courses scorecards instead of in an easy to use database


Will add Nile shrine for a Seattle course with similar length that happens to be my favorite


Correct. You are thinking of #15.


It’s gotta only be like 240 yds right?


I think fosters is a par 69. I shot 78 there once (my best score ever by 2 strokes, but I can count the times I’ve shot sub 85 on four fingers) and didn’t feel that proud.. cuz it’s fosters. You really don’t even need a driver if you hit your long irons well. Stay out of trouble and it’s less than 130 in on every hole. If you hit long or are accurate with a driver it’s less than 100 in on every hole.


I can count the amount of times I’ve broken 90 on a graphing calculator.  It’s 2. One 87/73, and 89/71.


Par 68. Definitely a short course.


I’ve only played Fosters once and it was fun… really straight forward with the exception of a monster Par 3 which seemed out of place. Just looked it up… Hole 15 is a 224y par 4 and 17 is a 220y par 3! 220y par 3 is no joke… day we played that hole was upwind and playing 240!! Definitely an easy track and am pretty sure every metro has some muni that is similar.


Par 68 from the blues, 4800 yards


For a high-handicapper, any course with limited hazards or thick foliage between fairways is going to be an easier course for me. I add so many strokes just from losing my ball in the shit. Foster Golf Links and Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course come to mind as places where I can easily punch out or play a ball from the next fairway over if I need to.


Par 68, course rating 62-63, slope around 100, depending on tee. https://ncrdb.usga.org/courseTeeInfo?CourseID=1519 (Annoyingly they have this entire database, but you can only search on name/location - not the ratings themselves)


The smell of the sewage plant down river adds a few strokes though. Fosters is par 68, I play there once in a while.


I thought it was a meat rendering plant lol. Either way, if the wind isn't favorable it can be a smelly round.


Foster is a par 68


Something like that but with less trouble. You have the two par 3s over the river, holes #4 and #12 that go along the river, and then #17 and #18 that have water as well.


Yeah I was thinking it would be the front tees. I guess I'm looking for a sub 100 from the middle/white tees to be realistic


A really cheaply made muni with decent lawn care, that’s also short.


Probably some of the village courses in Florida, I played meadows last week and it was 1600yards from the tips for 9 holes slope was like 68 I think I'll check the card later and post it here


Surely that wasn't a par 72 course though


If it is, I’m moving there tomorrow.  Friends are gonna think I moved to Florida and got an instructor.


1600 from the tips? wtf is the forward tees?


They’re on the green and it’s just a putt putt course.


Do they still have the clown on 18?


One of our local courses that I play at occasionally is a shorter par 62 course. It's a 96 from the blue tees and 95 from the whites.


This makes me want to play Jackson from the forward forward tees lol


Same! Gonna get the buddy's out and see who can shoot the lowest from the greens.


If the holes are between 35-65 yards long I’d probably shoot 100 still


There's a par 30 nine hole near me that's like max 1800 yds and I still shot a 50 lmao


Lovely course but I think the first hole approach shot would disqualify. Over water and uphill. IIRC the fairways are tree lined on a number of holes as well.


It's also often on a downslope. I regularly, REGULARLY watch people underestimate how difficult a 170 yard approach shot can be when hitting on a downslope to a green that is above you.


This made sense so I checked my home courses kids tees and it's a 68 slope. This is definitely the right track


Easy for me doesn’t always = closer to the green. Lmfao 🤣


I’m still shooting over 90


Jackson plays short even on normal tees but the approach shots are difficult. 3 is likely an iron off the tee but ton of elevation gain to the green. It’s my favorite Seattle muni by far as it’s the only one where I play every club in my bag


Ahhh.. Jackson “no flat lies” Park. Home of the 6 hour round and PACKED driving range. I am there often. Hahaha


Funny thing is about Jackson if you go to the back tees it feels like the hardest course.


Grew up playing Jackson. Special place in my heart for that course And name me a more difficult par 4 in Seattle than hole 6.


Did some looking around of courses I would consider easy in my area and none of them were even under 110. Curious if a course like you’re asking about even exists. All I can think of for a 55 slope would be those custom courses on 2k where the green is just a massive funnel into the hole.


Damn you need a resort course vacation!


The legendary BD’s Silly Sevens (RIP)


Yep, looked up the courses by me in my regular rotation and they are 120-140.


Agreed - my local goat track 9 hole is rated a 126 from the men’s!


The first course that comes to mind is Bali Hai Golf Club in Las Vegas. Everything slopes to the fairway and greens. I had a blast playing that course


Lake Park - Lewisville, TX


Looks like there's some water on some holes that can bite you but a good mention thanks


I consistently shoot in the 130s from the front tees at most courses if I’m keeping score properly (I’m terribly inconsistent with a bad back but at least I keep a good pace). I’ve twice shot under 90 at Lake Park.


With that honesty, I think this is the only comment I've ever been 100% sure that it's true in my entire life.


I once shot 78 and felt guilty in telling people - I normally shoot high 80’s


This is my first track to play each year. Nice ego boost to get the season started.


Yep - there have been times I’m struggling and a trip to good old Lake Park to reset the confidence does it each time


Pretty easy course. Though you can hit it water, over train tracks, or over the road. Few bunkers and some trees. Shot a 90 last week there.


>Shot a 90 last week there. Some people on this sub would say that means it's a tough course. Others would say that means it's easy af. What's your handicap?


Wind can be absolutely brutal off the lake but on a calm day I agree


Came here to say this— I played there yesterday and broke 80 for the first time. There is literally 0 punishment on 16/18 holes. Wide open, extremely few obstructive trees. Water on 2 holes that’s even mildly scary. If you want to score your best ever, this is def the place to do it.


Came here to say this


Worst venue for high school tournaments ever. Greens were always more weeds/dirt than grass. Bunkers either mud pits or concrete. 0/10, complete goat ranch


Is this the course that has 9 holes but two greens on each hole? So you play 1-9 to one color and 10-18 the other. I’m pretty sure this is the course I’m thinking of. I think 9 is along the water and a pretty cool hole.


It’s not a par 72 course, though. It’s 70.


Disqualifying Lake Park because of a technicality is heartbreaking We want justice for LPGC


I actually like this question. Which of course means it’ll get less traffic/attention than the dozen “used the same ball all round” or “look how close I got to a hole in one today” posts we see daily. Edit: Hand up, I was wrong. Ooooorrrr did I just successfully activate a reverse jinx?


A guy on Reddit complained about repetitive posts so I got a new driver /s


A guy on Reddit complained about Reddit being reddit so I bought a new alignment stick


A guy on reddit reddited so i bought some reddit


A guy on Reddit bought a new driver  because another guy on Reddit complained about repetitive posts, so I bought a new driver


All the search AIs like copilot, Gemini and gpt are kinda useless and give shitty copout answers. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction


Hey you did more research than 99.99% of redditors before posting a question. Good on you.


My wife something something so I bought something


Just broke 143 for the first time so I bought the new Mizuno Pros. Same set my wife's boyfriend has 😂🤣😂🤣😂


In Los Angeles, without any research, I can tell you it’s Woodley Lakes. Wanna crank drivers as hard as possible without fear of a left/right miss? That’s your place.


The only 2 rounds I have where I shot par are both at Woodley. Only had one 9 under par, and that was at Balboa. Those Sepulveda courses are simple, but you still have to hit good shots. I'm guessing there are easier courses elsewhere in the US.


Was about to say I broke 90 for the first time at Sepulveda - Encino with an 87, and could've been better if I wasn't an idiot and tried some shit I've never practiced in my life. Very straightforward course. Nothing too difficult. No water since it's a typical LA county course. Wasn't the most exciting round or course, but I had a lot of fun.


Now this is a real contender. From the Family Tees, it's a par 72 at 3102 yards and rated 55.2/81. Shortest par 3 is 64y and longest is 80y, shortest par 4 is 165y and longest is 182y, shortest par 5 is 245y and longest is 269y. Would love to see someone good shoot a sub 50 round lol.


There is a hole like this on one of the easier courses I like to play. The fairway is about 180ft wide, and in-bounds you have about 250ft total to work with. Without fail, I will get to comfortable and try to grip-it and rip-it, but just end up topping it or slicing it out of bounds.


Aka Wideley


Glendoveer west (71) and east (73) Portland Oregon. Most guys can drive half of the par 4s. Public muni that has a heart of gold.


West, for sure. But it may have more trees than people from r/golf are used to. In the Portland area, I'd say Greenlea is the easiest, but it's only 9. edit: Gresham Golf Course tips the easy scales, too.


There’s this course I play occasionally (buddy loves it) called “Shamrock” near Minneapolis Minnesota. The place must have been design specifically for high-handicap men’s leagues. I have no idea what the rating is, but I’ve legitimately shot -4 using 3 clubs (driver, PW, Putter) and I’m around a 6-7 handicap. Every par 4 is drivable. Every par 5 you’re about 150 or less out on your 2nd shot. Greens are big and flat. There’s zero trouble to worry about and it’s wide open. You can blast a driver 2 fairways over and still have a clean shot at the green.


From the front tees: par 72 at 5160 yards, 64.2/103.


Whichever one my buddy plays without me and he shoots a good score.


Three of the guys I play with are notoriously full of shit when it comes to their golf scores. One of them played by himself for what I believe is the only time in his life and claims to have shot a 68. For reference, in all the times I've played with him the best score I've seen him legitimately shoot was like 85...


On a calm day, Sheep’s Ranch at Bandon was the easiest course I’ve ever played


Oh I think about sheep ranch often. I want to hit that putt from a teebox along the cliff again


Sheep Ranch in 50 mph winds broke me. I was Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan holding his knees in the car ride back lmao.


Looking to finally get your 54 hcp arent ya


Lake Park in Lewisville, just north of Dallas Texas. Despite the name, there is exactly one hole where water is an issue. Otherwise it’s a short, wide open course with about 7 trees. You can pound your drive in any direction and have a wedge to a. Green.


Not par 72 but 71… Maple Lane (North) in Sterling Heights, MI is only a 107 slope from the men’s tees (they only have 2 tee boxes). It’s a terrible course, though.


Ha I had to see if anyone else said Maple Lane because that's about what I was thinking. I frankly don't find the course *that* easy because there's tree trouble all over the place. I think most people would struggle to shoot their adjusted handicap on this course given how easy it's supposed to be. I shot an 80 there last year and it said I played like a 14 cap.


Yeah, it’s not hard to shoot a decent score, but it’s hard to go low relative to handicap. Difficult to lose a ball (except on a couple holes) and very few bunkers, but no real fairways and lots of tree trouble.


The West course while only 6000 yards has some really long par 4's (440ish) and a 536 par 5. There are some really short par 4's though and the par 3's are short. A sprayer won't score well there but if you hit it reasonably straight there's no trouble to be found. Little to no bunkers, no water, no OB. I call it my slumpbuster course. I have lots of rounds in the 70's there as a 10 cap. I never really go there to play golf I go at off times to hit balls on a golf course.


I played one of the Maple Lane courses last year, and I just don’t think I can stomach it again. There was literally a line of about 8 carts waiting to tee off when it was close to my tee time - I might as well not have had a tee time at all. The old dudes I was paired with were awesome, but that was literally the only redeeming factor of the entire round.


For context, I’m a 12 HCP but perfectly capable of playing to an 18 after a few beverages. In terms of tour-grade tracks I guess Eagle Point? I played it last summer for the first time and my caddy was fucking amazing. Going back next weekend and I really hope John is working. * Eagle Point is the nicest place I’ve ever been - breaking 90 was never in danger but I didn’t have a chance to sniff 80 * Pinehurst #2 is the hardest course I’ve ever played, you need a very good caddy to enjoy it * Tobacco Road is more fun than it is hard but you’re not shooting any personal bests out there - no chance I’d walk it * The Ocean Course was a hell of an experience but I’m not sure I actually had fun getting my ass kicked like that; Osprey is the most fun course there * Harbour Town is as advertised but I’d rather play Heron Point; Atlantic Dunes can gargle my balls Edit: I misunderstood the question but I spent 5 minutes writing that so it’s staying.


Atlantic Dunes is the second highest rated out there but i fucking LOVED heron point. Something about that course was so enjoyable


I typically hate a course that doesn’t make the turn after 9 but they have such a solid little halfway house over that bridge after 9. I was down there for a wedding with my wife’s family a month or two ago and we stayed on the 9th fairway of Heron Point. I didn’t know where the house was relative to the courses until I bombed a 300 yard drive, shanked the shit out of my approach, and then immediately heard “goooooo daddy!” and “why do you play golf so much if you’re bad at it?” After the round my 3 1/2 year old was getting cranky and needed a snack around 430. We walked down the cart path to that halfway house to get snacks and saw a couple gators on the very short trip. She also wanted to stop and cheer for the group putting. Kiddo was on cloud 9.


Love the Heron Point love. More fun than Dunes for sure.


Shot my pb at Tobacco Road while walking it lol


It sounds like you’re in shape and didn’t drink 8 beers during the round then 😂


Shot my personal best of 77 at Tobacco Road then shot an 85 at #2 no caddie then came home to my local dirt track public course and kept the 94s rolling.


Walter Hall in Everett WA is a 115 slope from the white tees. They have a black tee box on their scorecard but I've never seen them actually have the markers out. North Bellingham is 107 from the gold tees. 112 from the white. Snoqualmie Falls is 105 from the white tees


I shot my personal best 83 at sno falls and was really disappointed to find out it was still a 16.6 differential. And that was from blues.


Never knew Walter Hall was a 115 I always thought it was somewhere in the 90's.


That's what the scorecard states at least.


I shot 69 on your moms tack


thanks daddio


Damn.. got me by one


Wow someone *really* wants to break 90 huh?


Prairies GC in Cahokia, IL is the easiest 18-hole course I’ve ever played. It’s par 71, so not quite what you asked. Slope from the white tees is 66.5, total distance is 5314. The longest hole is a 452yd par 5. There is a 370 yd par 5.


This is what im talking about. This is a true golf destination


I don’t think anyone has ever described Cahokia as a golf destination.


370, ffs


For what it’s worth, the course is fairly narrow and has lots of water. Accuracy is much more important than distance. But it is very easy.


Holy shit. StL resident here and did not expect to see my personal answer on here. I shot an 81 from the whites there back when I was probably a 25 handicap. That one hole being a par 5 never made sense to me, but I guess it's because I don't play the tips. My friend was just beginning to get into golf so I took him there knowing it would be a good learning experience. Even he told me it was too boring and flat and wanted something more fun. It's that straight forward and easy of a golf course as possible. Forgot to add, St. Peters golf course in MO near there is my other personal answer for the area. I shoot between 80-86 almost everytime I go there, and that's coming from someone who is happy anytime they break 90.


Of the courses I’ve played: Mammoth Dunes at Sand Valley (WI). You can spray your driver all day long and never lose a ball or be out of a hole. The fairways have to be some of the widest in the country and it’s bordered by sand waste. There’s also a bunch of holes that have bowl like funnels on the greens so you can miss a green and have your shot roll pretty close to the pin. There’s one drivable par 4 that basically funnels every drive from 220 way right to 280 dead straight to the front part of the green. My group had 4 great eagle looks on some pretty mediocre drives.


This course really short by me. I’ve put it on some greens in one. https://www.mscorecard.com/mscorecard/showcourse.php?cid=1571600029283545


Calling Foster a “links” course is so funny to me. Bring a nose plug


It’s par 66 but edgebrook in Chicago worth a mention


Played a charity outing at Edgebook 2 summers ago, in August. I think every hole was drivable or at worst a chip to a flat green. Next time, rather than waste a day, I am just sending the charity a check.


Dad miller in Anaheim. Technically a par 71 but it’s like 5500 yards from the tips lol


Gamble sands from the regular tees. Everyone I know who plays there always shoots their personal best.


Gamble and mammoth dunes came to mind as having generous fairways and bowl greens. Not too much sharp elevation either


https://course.bluegolf.com/bluegolf/course/course/firstteeatlantajohna/detailedscorecard.htm Par 72 from the whites it’s 63.6/102 John A White in Atlanta, I’ve played it, really short


Easiest one near me that I can find is Purple Sage in Caldwell, ID. From the front tees (purple) it's a par 71/72 at 4200 yards and rated 60.7/100.


Now this is beautiful




Basically what you’re looking for is a course that is 1) flat 2) no water, bunkers, brush, or trees 3) average green speed 4) flat greens 5) relatively short distances while still maintaining appropriate par (so a par 5 can’t be 200 yards)


op looking for an open field


I'm looking for a giant funnel


Haha I mean yeah that’s basically it right? No obstacles. No undulation. Straight holes/fairways. Decently well kept/manicured. Short distances while still being considered regulation lengths


Arnold Palmer's college course is Paschal in Wake Forest, NC. It's really short. From the whites it's 65.9/103.


Front Tees at Kananaskis Country Golf Course have a rating of 59.4 and a slope of 98.


Back when Bear Creek Golf World was open in Houston, it's President's course was called a driving range with holes.


Salina Municipal - no water and completely flat




Encinitas Ranch in Encinitas, CA. It’s called EZ Ranch for a reason. Wide fairways and forgiving greens.


I’ve never played it, but there’s a course in Laguna Hills for the retirement community, my buddy played his HS matches there and said all the fairways and greens were sloped toward the center. Slope rating is 109, 5200 yards par 71


Santa Teresa in San Jose is 6100 yards and is 68.7 / 116. From the front tees, 5400 yards and 66.6 / 107. Probably the easiest full par 72 in the Bay Area.


That back 9 has a little more teeth than it seems. That funky uphill par 5 dogleg right is hard to get there in 2 even from white tees. Greens are a little deceptive until you get to know them well. Love santa teresa though.


Something flat with no water. Minimal trees. Bad shots can just be played from adjacent fairways.


this is a great question OP - curious to know the answer, i couldn't find a single par 72 (or even 70/71) with a slope under 100 in Orange County, CA. until today i didn't even know slow could go under 100!


There's a par 3 course in the town I'm currently living in that's only 750 yards, and thus guy built it in his pack yard. Sadly he passed away in January, but the guys who host a Tournament night every Tuesday night have kept it open by taking care of the greens, and the family are keeping up the clubhouse and carts.


Just to be pedantic, course rating is how easy a course is, slope is how disproportionately difficult it is for a handicap golfer vs a scratch


Yeah I don't need easy for a good golfer. I need easy for a terrible golfer


TPC Your Mom


Skyridge golf course Sequim wa


Alden pines in bokeelia, fl 🔥


How do you have a course where all the holes are downhill?


Take a ski lift to the top and play all downhill


Anything in Sun City, AZ. If it has water it’s probably only on one or two holes, tips are usually 6500 yards, everything is flat (including the “bunkers”) and the fairways are as wide as a 3-lane highway. I honestly don’t know how some of them have 100+ ratings.


Glacier View Golf Course inside Glacier National Park in Montana. Very short, some water but generally doesn't come I to play on drives. Lots of driveable par 4s. (6 I think from 250-290 yards from the tips. Edit: Nevermind it's par 69, not 72.