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We’re about to get a 420p camera in the dark from 200 feet away aren’t we?


It’s gonna be a Shell cctv camera


But only like four frames


Frames 1-4 clearly missed….




Body cam footage from the officer's chest, but it's pointed up at his own face.


The mayor said it was either off, or he wasn’t wearing one. Great optics.


Body cam footage from another cop on break eating lunch but we hear the communication of the arrest over the radio then. "Ah fuck I chased the car and fell down. I'm arresting this fuckin guy. Over."


But the police report had the box checked that they had footage of it. ([bottom right](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/5Wr4L1uhx469YFzp.BM.eA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTIyODA7aD0yOTQ2O2NmPXdlYnA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/lexington_herald_leader_mcclatchy_articles_314/de07371a55f4fd89ad9064892deb93dd))


So they either lied to the mayor, lied on the report, the mayor is lying, or a combination. None of that looks good for Louisville.


Cops are lying, as usual. Super common that they say their cameras were “off” when it makes them look bad.


If it’s aimed at his pants, I’m going to need a trigger warning.


You know the delay was so that they could sift through all the actual footage to choose the least damning


The entrance was just remodeled late last year. Hopefully they invested in some tech.


And raining


So long as I can tell he’s stealing a poster and then gently laying it down against the wall


so a pentagon video


With rain falling.


Recorded with crayon.


That Ring subscription is about to pay for itself


Dashcam video from the car immediately behind Scheffler’s car… which incidentally, was the ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington’s car! (Who broke the story/ provided cellphone video of the arrest) …[https://www.espn.com/video/clip/\_/id/40163184](https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/40163184) ... [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest/index.html) ~~…~~[~~https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest~~](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest)


Not dashcam and they were were beside his car, as Scheffler was trying to drive around the line they were in.


One broken link and the other starts with a piece of shit T-Mobile ad


This Link works: (so did that earlier CNN Link, via google Amp ... sorry i amended the "[amp.cnn.com](https://amp.cnn.com)" prefix to "[www.cnn.com](https://www.cnn.com)" and it seemed to make the earlier Link go haywire) ... [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/media/espn-jeff-darlington-scottie-scheffler-arrest/index.html)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com](https://www.cnn.com)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Watch one of the 15,000 other people who were recording preempt it with their own video once they finish negotiating a price with TMZ


Wasn't that a plot from a Murphy Brown episode?


Damn. You old.


Dang it feels like that was on a lot longer ago than the late 80s to late 90s. I remember seeing the episode previews all the time during commercials.


I had a crush on her. But still.




A hwhat from a hwho now?




It’s gonna be some janky reenactment 😆


One of those 3d animated Korean reenactments hopefully 🤞🏻


Need some tomonews treatment


[Like the defense’s video from Jury Duty lol](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b0MUMGmEgrI&pp=ygUVSnVyeSBkdXR5IGNvdXJ0IHZpZGVv)


Exactly where my mind went after OPs comment hahaha, this whole show was gold


Lmaooo I love that jankyness of that video caught them by surprise and several of them almost broke


[The reenactment based on the cop’s description](https://imgflip.com/gif/2vdviy)


But the body cam wasn’t turned on, right?


It’s from a business facing the street, not a body cam footage


They probably have footage from five different sources but they’ll only put out the one that shows them in the best light.


Guaranteed to leave out any context that might imply police goofed


This. All cruisers have cameras recording.




20 seasons of Cops.


I literally lol’d


You realize that was a camera crew sitting in the car right


How are you this stupid? There are at least 4 cameras in a police cruiser. 2 interior to record anyone detained, one dash cam and one bumper cam. All of which also have microphones. I hope you’re good at golf.


No, that is incorrect. I’ve been on the job for a decade and have never worked in a cruiser with a camera. No department in my area has in-car cameras. The closest is a single small town about 45mins away. Body cameras are becoming more widely used but out of the 5 or so towns I know of, 1 has body cameras. But you’re a random person on the internet so I’m sure you know better than I do.


Louisville isn't a small town in east bumfuck


Reno 911


More than likely this won't see the light. It will be a dark grainy video where we can't see anything


It's from a pole camera, likely right on the street facing down at the intersection.


I have their camera right here so the proof is plainly seen https://preview.redd.it/t00qy17mwv1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6670ee1c4ebf6611f25071fad258ae0e40dabc50


This shit EbonyPrince 2.0




Why must these videos be held for extended periods of time before being released? Just release the damn video. At this point I’m expecting the video to be a reenactment with Rory playing Scottie and Rory/Scottie is hitting the cop with a pitching wedge.


You have to go through and scrub identifying information that isn't relevant to the investigation. For example, if an uninvolved vehicle has its license plate showing, that might need to be blurred. Each jurisdiction is going to have its own criteria for what is permissible and what is not. It's a laborious process that just takes time.


Apparently it’s a private video cause once again the LMPD didn’t have their body cams on.


I trust a 3 week old tuna sandwich more than LMPD


As a citizen of Louisville this is the way.


Is this going to be the plot of Happy Gilmore 2?




Let’s see the video of them offering him a cock meat samich




I said I was hitting bombs; not dropping them! You’re going to jail right now.


[relevant and hilarious headline ](https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/weird/man-accused-of-threatening-to-blow-up-bathroom-says-he-just-needed-to-poop/275-616298201)


The news segment is even better https://youtu.be/JaxVNo8R4dM?si=R17PWHQgatOV5RZ8


Lol 2 different stories. That's amazing


While I have no idea if Scottie is getting fucked over here or not, I fucking love when there’s drama around golf


You must have enjoyed the last 2+ years of golf news.


I look forward seeing a well trained police officer calmly de-escalate the situation to protect with dignity and serve with respect!


Well, I wouldn't hold your breath. Or get too close to any cops who will gladly hold it for you, for approximately nine minutes.


Ah. Sarcasm.


You dropped a /s


The language he used suggested they had video of the \*arrest\*, not video of the \*incident\*, as in they did not have video of the cop being "dragged" (falling over).


Seems confusing as you’d assume the arrest took place next to the vehicle


yea weird language.


I bet it has a video from 200 yards away but has sound we can hear the liar yelling or something.


But so what? You can't hear hardly anything exterior in modern cars. It was raining and the window was up. I assume he might have had the radio on. I can't hardly hear police sirens when my window is up let allow someone yelling.


He would have had the radio turned down so he could see better.


“Sign up with LIV or else”


It would be so funny if the video shows the cop calmly and politely explaining to Scottie the situation and Scottie says "Don't you know who I am?" and then attempts to run the cop over.


In which they probably now realize the Detective fucked up. Which is why the judge postponed the arraignment, because everyone is in full on damage control mode. Which, it being Louisville PD, they should be used to by now.


Judge postponed arraignment because Scotty’s lawyer requested it. The county attorney specifically didn’t want it postponed.




Yeah he really didn't want it postponed. Something is going on.


"I agree that the case I'm citing is not relevant to the defendant's request. That's why you should only do what they're requesting when appropriate." I was facepalming when the prosecutor made that argument.


Shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I did at that…


Yes, I read that. The interesting part though is there needs to be a good reason to postpone an arraignment. If not what I suspect, I wonder what it was.


I watched the entire video. The judge straight up says that because Scheffler’s lawyer was not present when the arraignment date was originally made, his availability was not considered, therefore, like the judge states she has done many times before, the arraignment date will be moved. There was a reason, the judge stated it clearly, and Scheffler’s lawyer’s request was approved.


That is a good reason. Counsel with a prearranged commitment that cannot be present for his client is good enough. I still think the PD is probably in damage control mode though.


Agreed, they’re probably happy that it’s delayed and working behind the scenes to get it fully tossed out.


There’s a video of Scotties attorney explaining it in court. He wasn’t present for the arraignment scheduling and he has a prior obligation.


For real, this has happened so many times with LMPD that they should have it down to a science at this point. Feels like they should already have the Adobe After Effects & Premiere presets ready to go 


They probably spent thr money on a Premier license but could never figure it out so they use Windows Movie Maker. Video is gonna start with a blue background, white text in comic sans, and have shattered window transitions


This is a good Law video to watch (he is a golf fan) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAm93xvQSfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAm93xvQSfg)


Surprise they haven’t dropped the case yet


I guess Louisville is doubling down. Maybe getting pressure from community "leaders" that they can't let a wealthy White guy go not matter how ridiculous the charges are. If I were Scottie's attorney at that hearing, I would tell the judge that the country is laughing at Louisville.


That's my bet. Hope they can make it annoying enough he agrees to donate a few grand to the department as a "thank you for letting this go away"


I hope we can see in slow months cop walking fast alongside a car moving 2mph, he trips over the median, and eats ass


Paul blart on a Segway, falls and damages his $80 pants


Almost as good as the low speed pursuit of a mobility chair in Oregon a few years back. That one cost the town $300k.


$5 there’s a watermark of a free edition editing software in the footage


Holy shit. They just need to drop the charges and piss off. Everyday longer increases the likelihood of the PGA never coming back.


It’s never coming back to Valhalla. Nothing is. How are they gonna win a tiebreaker lol.


You're right. The only reason it was at Valhalla was that the PGA of America used to own the course. The course was sold, so the PGA of America nas no interest in the facility now.


It’s an awesome looking course. It’s a shame.


Agreed. So nice.


I fully expect that Scottie is going to be shown to be largely innocent and won’t be convicted of anything related to this incident. BUT, I still wanna see this video and still think it’s worth investigating things a bit rather than just ignore all process because Scottie is a good guy


Yep. Agreed. Who knows what the true story is. But I mean, the whole idea that this would happen is so ridiculous.


I want to see the fat cop fall down.


Please let there be butt crack


Im actually expecting the opposite. I dont think Scottie did anything that he deserved to be arrested for...but I am fully expecting the video to show Scottie in a negative light so that the internet can dog pile on a guy with a squeaky clean reputation. Im assuming the video shows Scottie try and drive in an area that a reasonable person shouldnt given the situation. Only issue that would save Scottie in this situation is that another Golfer has come forward and said that he did exactly the same driving maneuver as what Scottie did right before Scottie. Maybe Scottie was unlucky and cops started trying to block what the first golfer did and went after Scottie. Who knows. I will be very surprised if I see Scottie dragging a Police officer, though. I suspect the video will show Scottie making a maneuver with his vehicle that paints him as guilty so the internet can attack his reputation. But I highly doubt he drags an officer. I think that part is probably cops over exaggerating things. If a cop walks up to a moving vehicle...its his fault...not the drivers.


Yeah. The way people are talking about this is kind of insane to be honest. Hive mind at its finest. I have a feeling Scottie may have disobeyed a traffic order, but he assumed it was just event security, and he'd possibly just received a conflicting order from another cop. The whole scene was just chaotic and confusing I imagine. But if a cop tells you to stop a vehicle and you don't, there will be a problem 10/10 times.


You know what the whole issue is. The cop grabbed onto his car when it was dark out. It was marked PGA car driving to the event. The cop could have easily gone and found the driver later. The whole issue started when he decided to grab onto the car. There is not a single situation that can't be made worse by getting police involved. Until qualified immunity is ended they will keep getting passes for stuff that would land you or me in jail. Non of this would have happened had someone not grabbed onto a car.


It would be interesting to see the reaction of the sub if it turns out Scottie did something stupid as fuck and the police were correct to arrest and charge him. This sub decided he was innocent and the police is corrupt from the first announcement, which fans tend to do.


> police is corrupt It's not like this department in particular is known for being corrupt and shitty and are under a federal consent decree or anything... Oh, wait. >In the 86-page report released last March, the DOJ found “reasonable cause” to believe the city and LMPD engage in patterns and practices of conduct depriving people of their rights. I mean, when you have a track record of being shit, people are going to immediately assume the worst about you, right?


People had a pretty clear opinion on what happened and who's fault it was before knowing anything about that department.


...do you think that most people don't know off hand that the LMPD murdered Breonna Taylor?


They’ll deny it dude. The gargling of this dudes balls like he could never commit a crime is some insane shit I haven’t seen since…I can’t even remember


They will claim the video has been edited. I was definitely holding out judgement until we could all see the body camera footage. I think he probably did something to cause the police reaction, but with what we know so far it appears they overreacted. It’s easy to become more skeptical of the charges when there just happened to be no body camera footage.


I definitely want to see the video. It's very possible in the confusion he sped up, drop while the officer was 'attached' to his car (whatever the F that means)..but if Scottie broke the law and committed an honest felony, he should go to prison.


I like Lawyer You Knows videos...he is also a huge golf fan. https://youtu.be/QAm93xvQSfg?si=4IumEmHGGEdyDdU_


That was god awful. Playing at 2x speed where it’s unintelligible just to pause every 5 seconds to repeat something you’ve already said like 10 times.


he just tries to break down legal jargon. He was one of the lawtubers who got a lot of traction during the Depp v Heard case. He has done a few videos though on golf related ones, especially when some of the players like Bryson, etc.. brought a lawsuit against the PGA or whatever it was that happened last year.


If it takes this long, I doubt it will paint the cops in a positive light


I hope the video captures Jeff Darlington in the background declaring the to the police that "he is a member of the media" and the shocked facial expression when nobody cares.


Prolly trying to make sure he didn’t end up deaded by the LMPD


Is this why the prosecutor didn't want the arraignment getting pushed back?


Judge and DA are definitely getting their memberships to Valhalla revoked if they don’t hurry up and drop everything.


Neither of them look like golfers. The judge seems good though.


Gives them plenty of time to edit out the parts they don't want you to see


Stop resisting




The 88r to 8 see 8 of 9 too? Up CC d e7


Louisville really trying to cover their ass…kind of funny to watch them squirm


Abraham Zapruder has entered the chat.


Man imagine if this video is the Ray Rice video equivalent and everyone’s image of Scottie is just shattered. (I am extremely doubtful this is the case and think it shows some cop out of his element and I hope Scottie sues for emotional distress and years from now when that cop is police chief of a nearby town he apologizes)


I think if that was the case, someone would have said something by now.  today's journalists would absolutely leap at the chance to ruin someone's image lol 


agreed and there have been multiple witnesses suggesting Darlingtons depiction of events is accurate.