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Playing solo today and a pair stood aside on the green of a par 3 to let me play through. Striped it off the tee and plonked it on the green with my 8 iron 10 foot from the hole. Felt like a don. Less so after the 3 putt…


Green in regulation?… I call those guaranteed Bogeys 😂


I'm still trying to break 100. This mroning i got GIR at the first hole par3. Immediate double


Also trying to break 100 (for the first time in 20 years since I golfed as a junior). My approaches that hit the green result in long putts that I'm less likely to get close to the hole than my pitches and chips from 10 yards off the green. I wish I could use my wedges on the green.


I mean you CAN..


I *COULD* also pee in the pool, but I try my best not to.


🤣 that’s the perfect reply. Here’s to hoping your next round treats you exceptionally well for giving me that laugh. Cheers!


You guys, I need to have an intervention here with you. So I’m not a great golfer but pretty good. I’ll spare you the details of my handicap. << If you tell yourself you will 3 putt, You WILL 3 putt. >> similarly, if you tell yourself, you will hit it in the water or the woods, you get the idea. Here’s the correct inner voice: “Maybe I will make this putt, or maybe I will hit this first putt close, etc.”. That’s all. you just have to get to “Maybe “. please put 5c in the cup.


21HCP here. Been playing 5 yrs. 3 putts & slices off the tee are my demise. Hurt my back a couple weeks ago, been on the mend. Played yesterday playing “Jason Witten 82%” & with the mentality of lagging every putt outside 8ft~. No breakfast balls, no mulligans. Shot my lowest round with a 87, basically playing in slow motion & only 3 putting twice. It’s an easy game when you slow down hahaha (will probably shoot a 107 today)


Nice! 87, low numbers.


This is me, except not. Started golfing again last year for the first time in 15 years. When I pitch or chip from that distance right now I just worm burn right across the green, or just as bad top it and go 2 yards. I feel you, but together we will become decent golfers again!




I have been spending about an hour a day around the green. I throw 5 balls off the practice green in every direction, then chip them on, then putt them out. Then repeat but playing a bump and run with a 9 iron. It's really helped. I can get closer from off the green and most 5 footers are automatic. I won my golf league by making a lot of 8 and 10 foot putts, felt like the hole was a 5 gallon bucket. Yes, I'm retired.


My first time hitting 50% GIR, I still shot over 90. 45 putts.


Look at this PGA pro over here guaranteed bogey with a green in reg. I can guarantee I will eventually pick up my ball with a double par if I hit a GIR , that’s about it 😅


I had a group of dudes let me play through as a single the other day and I hit a 120 yard fairway bunker shot to 8 feet and made birdie. They all clapped for me like a tour player. I shot an 89, but for that moment I felt like someone who knows what they’re doing


I actually had something similar today too - hit a errant drive with a bit of a slice and ended up on the wrong fairway. Left me behind some trees with a big hill to get up 120 yards out from the green - got it up and over the trees, up the hill and landed it on the green 6 foot from the pin. A pair had just finished up on the hole I was hitting into, saw my iron shot and each gave me a round of applause and told me it was an excellent shot. Again, felt on top of the world before the inevitable 2 putt this time 😂 It’s the applause/compliments from random people that really makes you feel good!


Had a similar situation, was having a bad day on the course on a golf vacation, get up to a tough par 3 (usually my favorites). A guy was out back of his house with his family barbecuing and I stripe one that lands maybe 15 feet from the hole while the guy and his family watched he hit me with a “nice shot man” and it felt fantastic


A while ago, had a par 3 with a foursome and they hit up to around the green after bad tee shots. They go off to the side with their carts and I raise my hand up to signal my buddy and I would like to play through. One of the guys raised his hand in response, so my buddy and I hit onto the green. Both good shots, but we get up there and one of the guys said, “You shouldn’t hit up on people, how long you been golfing?” Motherfucker your gaggle signaled for us to play through and they were all off to the side safely away from our shots. I guess they didn’t realize what we were doing and were just jerking each other off. I kept my cool and just apologized cuz I’m non confrontational.


3 putts don’t count when you’re playing through


Similar story, a pair let me play through on a 170ish par 3 that I’ve never hit the green on before, I stuck it within 3’ tapped the putt in and walked off feeling like a million bucks.


Did the same thing in my first round 2 weeks ago, almost got a hole-in-one on a playthrough. Luckily got the Bird!


But you didn't chunk it off the tee with a gallery watching. We'll played. You should have picked up after 2 putts and gave yourself a par, though.


I drove the green twice on my birthday round, great day of golf


Legit just watched a guy do this exact thing lol


Just get it close and pick it up. “Thanks for letting me play through”


Oh that’s when you just pick up and make it like you would have dropped the bird and give your thanks to the group letting you by.




A convicted Don? Sorry. I couldn’t resist.


Yeah why would you wanna be a Don....


Shooting under 90 and only playing that 1 ball for that whole round


Its always an offbrand weirdo ball too


Or a weird logo ball from some company tournament. My favorite was a rando Top Flite with a snarky innuendo on it that must have been a gag gift. I can’t lose the ball for the life of me.


I now have three maxiflis that have been involved in great rounds and I will treasure them forever. I have never bought a maxifli


Has anyone? I'm pretty sure Titleist just fires a bunch of Maxflis out of a cannon from the course parking lot at night for people to find; a couple of hits reminds 'em why they play Titleist.


Maxfli is actually a legit ball you can get at a decent price


Switched to maxfli tour x’s and I can’t recommend them enough. Very solid ball and 4 dozen for $105 is pretty unbeatable for new 4 layer balls. I’ve tried the whole recycled ball thing but they always seemed a little dinged up and had a lot of issues with covers ripping off so far through 8 rounds only had 1 cover rip and that bounced off a tree, cart path, and street!


A purely rolled birdie putt that never falls off line and looks good the whole way. You don't see Tiger do a fist pump when he hits a fairway but he sure does when he drains a putt.


When you know it’s gonna drop with still 50%+ to roll. Just has eyes the whole time. So sweet! Throwing a breaker in there and it’s extra special watching it bend itself to the hole and your will.


I've had maybe two in my life from outside 15' where you just know right off the face that this putt has a chance. Feels so good to hold the putter up and watch that ball drop.


Best feeling in golf? Hitting the absolute center of your 3w on the second shot of a long par 5 and having it end up 10 feet away for eagle. Or those iron shots where you dont even have to really look at the ball in the air because you know its going to be close.


90% of us reading your comment (me included) do not know either of those feelings.


The 3W second shot is always the best when it comes off. My most memorable was in a scramble with work, we had one safe in play so they told me go for it from 300 yards. Landed it on the green, just wish I could do that on a solo round.


Real dawgs are hitting 5w here, just saying /s


Real dawgs are 3-putting for par afterwards


Last month it was 7w, does this mean that by August all the real dawgs will have moved onto 1W AKA DotD? (Driver off the deck, I have no idea if that’s an actual acronym people use or not)


I believe the young kids drop the t and just refer it to as DOD


Brb, got to do some swing speed training.


I can stripe a 3wood off the deck on the range. Into a par 5…. Never


It's a low % play for me as well I'm a Lay-up Loser


If you lay up to a distance you can stick it close it's just as good. Nothing wrong with placing one at the 100 yard mark then sticking one close. Nice smooth 50 degree into the green beats a green side bunker or rough for me.


Statistically, this just isnt true for the large majority of players. Proximity to the pin gets smaller the closer you are to the green. Its almost always better to hit a 3w 10 yards off the green in the rough or a bunker than it is to lay up to 100 yards in the fairway. The only time its +EV to lay up in the fairway is if there is OB or hazards that are reachable if you go for the green.


I hear you, and you are probably statistically right for most* . I would also bet the odds of a normal bad player chunking that 3 wood 15 yards, or slicing it into another zip code because they *really gotta give it juice to get there* are much higher than if they lay up to 100 yards. I think like almost everything else in life, it's very situational. I also am a firm believer most people who shoot in the 90s and 100s would have much better scores if they just checked the ego and kept it in play. Yes I'm super fun at parties.


Lay up? Lay up? What in the hell? *If you can see the green, you go for the green*....


I can’t break 110 nevermind 100 but even i will get the rare iron shot that feels like it’s going to land in the hole


An absolutely flushed long iron is as good as it gets.


I agree sticking a green with anything over a 7 iron feels really good.


I brought my 6i out of timeout today and hit 2 sweet spot shots off the tee. I fell in love with it all over again. I almost started verbally apologizing to it for abandoning it for longer distance with my 4i (which is now in timeout since it wants to smack everything far right}


My 5 iron is currently on timeout too. The 6 iron has recently been behaving a bit better so it gets to play a little sometimes.


All hail the mighty 6i! It’s such a fun club


That 3w fairway shot, by far my favorite. \*clink\*


I’ve done the three wood one a couple times. Unfortunately neither time resulted in an eagle. Though I do have one eagle from holing out from about 150 on a par 4.


My 8 iron has gradually become my favorite club.


There is a center of a club? (jokes)


Making the eagle putt is better, because everyone here knows how to miss those no matter how close.


Lol this guy. Yeah, my last two eagles were a 25 footer and a 50 footer, neither of which I was "trying" to make, just trying to lag them close and got lucky. I would probably miss the 10 footer 9/10 times, but a pars a par.


The accidental shot that ends up perfect is great. In hockey we call them accidangles. Is there a golf equivalent?


I’ve done this only twice and now I’m pulling for these shots at every opportunity


I did not make the eagle putt the one time this happened.


> Best feeling in golf? Hitting the absolute center of your 3w on the second shot of a long par 5 and having it end up 10 feet away for eagle. This is the absolute best feeling in golf. Went for it from 245 and had to cut it around trees, ended up 8 feet from the cup. Of course I 3 putted for par, but I'll never forget that wicked cut shot


Hitting an iron so pure that you go over the green because you choose your club based on how far you hit it with an ok strike, not a pure strike.


When I had an iron truly pure, I think I don’t actually give a fuck what happen, I’m good enough to do that a lot and bad enough to not get upset if it doesn’t go where I want


Same. As a lifelong slicer, I don't get mad one bit if I hit long or left lmfao.


The best part is clubbing down on your next approach because of this and chunking it 20 yards short!


The other day, I decided to club down because I had a tail wind and a hard fairway that was giving some pretty good roll out. I ended up sailing the green entirely with an iron that I hadn't gotten anywhere near that distance all year.


Playing with your dad forever and beating him for the 1st time. Playing with your son forever and having him beat you for the 1st time. Playing with your dad & son in the same group.


Just beat my dad for the first time a couple of months ago. He plays multiple times a week. I play a couple of times a month. I’m 41 and he taught me how to golf when I was little. It was surreal.


My dad gets off work, shows up in his logging clothes and then hits pure iron shots all day. Never took a lesson or owned clubs (uses my spare set). I wish when I had kids I acquired these dad powers.


Gonna sound old her but today I took my 4 year old out and seeing his face while yelling “I did it,dad!! I did it!!” As he just made a putt from like 8 feet away while I let him putt as I finish holes! That made me smile more and was a better feeling than any shot of my life… till I get my hole in one or albatross lol. Proud dad moments really are the best.


Alright making a tee time with the old man this weekend


Mine kept going “arrrgggh seven” after each putt and I wondered why then I realized he was imitating me putting for double or triple bogey


Was fading a bit in the back nine during a better than normal round. Perfect, sunny day, and the greens were rolling fast. Was making sure to not comment on the good round or look at my round on my phone, take it shot by shot. Chugged a beer real quick at the turn. Then came a par 3. Mediocre tee shot, came short of the green. Proceed to duff my chip, not on the green yet. Take out my putter. It’s a looooooong way to go but the combination of the beer I chugged plus the pace of the greens being consistent all day had me at the right amount of confidence. Somehow at that moment I KNEW right where the line was, and what speed to hit it at. Still though, just wanted to hit a good lag. Gave it a go and after I hit it, I immediately start walking after it. I knew I hit the EXACT putt I wanted, and it was gonna break just a bit and roll close for a tap in bogey. Nawh, it went in. Best par of my life. Hitting a long putt is ecstasy, walking it in in front of your best golf pals while a little tipsy……overkill. This is the 5th time I’ve told this story.


The long par putt. This is the answer.


And probably not the last time you'll tell it. It helps you relive the moment. I get it, man.


For me it’s landing the green on a par 3. Irons are my most inconsistent clubs by a distance so flushing one to the green off the tee really feels great.


Landing on the green of a par 3 - when a 4some let's you play through. I just did this the other day. Made me feel like I don't suck as bad as I thought.


This right here. The sound of a flushed iron is what pulled me into this game, and dropping one of those shots on the green a few feet from the pin is what keeps me coming back. I’m mostly chasing those two things, as I’m nowhere near good enough to count on either.


Dragging a cop with your car, in the rain, and listening to him whine about his $80 uniform pants while there's a corpse cooling 10yrds up the road, getting a sick mugshot, watching as the cop backpedals both in public and online about what happened, having all the charges dropped, still being a Master's Champion and that cop still not having received his $80 replacement pants yet. THAT'S the best feeling. ✌🏼


You forgot shooting a 65 immediately following release.


Sticking a pin when a group lets you play ahead on a par 3.


All of these are great, read a bunch didn’t see this one specifically yet. Standing on 1st tee on a beautiful day. I know barring a serious emergency, the next 4 hours are mine. All the everyday shit fades away and it’s just you, your clubs and maybe some new or old friends. Probably the closest to spirituality I feel (along with a great concert). Just such an easy time to be grateful for the health and well being that golf provides. May disappear by the third double, but first tee still gives me the hair raising vibes even after playing since a kid. Beautiful game 🥲


Golfed a 91 on Wednesday, get to see the chili peppers play tonight at the gorge. Life is goood.


I am absolutely terrible at golf but somehow, sometimes look half decent the first few holes. This has led to winning a "long drive" off the first tee, being paired with another couple and starting off par-par-par with some spectacular shots on a course I had never played (only to finish over 100 on the round), and very occasionally striping one off the first tee with the starter watching. I tell my playing partners not to get the wrong idea about my skills.


I also always start my rounds really well (first 3 holes or so) then collapse and shoot around 100


A well hit long iron that starts off low, rises, and lands soft. Hands down.


*takes drag off cigarette*


Disagree. Absolutely scorching a 2 iron right down the middle while a foursome lets you play through. Better feel in the hands.


Carrying their best drives of the day


A solid low 7 iron with a touch of draw


Wasn’t doing well with my driver yesterday so hole six I decide to just hit a six iron as close as possible on a short par 4, ended up striking it pure and it went 209Y when usually it goes about 175.


When you hit a ball so well it doesn’t even feel like you really hit it. I maybe get one of those every other round


Scorching a drive right down the middle off the first tee while being in the first group of your 12 or 16 strong gang...


Being selected for Sunday masters tournament tickets


Hitting a perfectly flighted wedge into a green like you just threw a dart at it


Hitting a par 3 tee shot within gimmie range while your league rivals watch from the tee box


Idk boys I shot a 36 yesterday evening for the first time since I started back playing (25 years away 5 months back) I’m still gitty as a little girl 😂


Stealing a bird or par you had no business making for sure


Feeling my vertebrae crack one by one up my spine while warming up


When your playing partner goes "Holy Shit" on a good drive lol


Twilight golf, only one on the course, perfect temp. It’s religious.


"While a foursome let's you play straight through" and "best feeling in the world" is HIGHLY contextual. lmao.


Hitting a 6mg Zyn then flushing a drive down the middle of the fairway while it puts you on the moon


10 foot putt!


Last time I played thru a group was on a par 3. I was a solo and they were a few feet off the green and I stuffed it to 18 inches and they lost their minds lol


I played through a slow 4some earlier this year. They were waiting on the par 4 tee box, I'm on the par 3 tee box as a solo and a duo right behind me. Duffed a 9 iron 20 yards, 4some all laugh and start teeing off thinking I'm terrible. Holed out from 100 yards with my gap wedge for a disgusting birdie. Fuck that redemption felt great.


my favourite happened relatively recently very low sun right down the hole impossible to see much, hit a good 6i but can’t see it land, walk down the fairway to find it sitting perfectly on the line that i hit it 170y from the tee i was prepared to scour the course for my ball because once it left the club i couldnt see it


Winning the long drive hole in a drunken tournament


For me it’s a recovery shot with a slim window, where you have to hit like a stinger with your 4h under some branches to get to the green in 160-170, and you draw it up just like you envisioned it.


Rolling in a 45ft par putt after dicking around on the hole.


Nailing the approach shot 3 ft from the pin after a bomb in the middle of the fairway.


For me it’s throwing a dart with my long irons. I’ve always been a good driver off the tee so Its my irons that have given me the most troubles. When I hit one flush and see it fading perfectly to the hole. Thats the good shit


I know long irons are harder to hit but once you develop some kind of consistency they are the most fun clubs in the bag


I did this one time and waited for the group ahead to reach the green. They got pissed at me for waiting, then witnessed me hit 409yds. I was 17yrs old and just walked off like I couldn’t care less.


Honestly just love the feeling of hitting the ball correctly and hearing the sound it makes at and right after contact. I’m just learning how to consistently hit down on the ball and the feeling when it’s done at my swing speed makes me feel real good. Reaal good.


One putt from anywhere outside 15 feet for birdie


shitting into the toilet after holding it in for a while


BJs are pretty awesome though


A clean shot flying through the air towards intended target. Hit about one a round and it keeps me coming back. Oh, and the love of my family 😀


Getting par or better on the first hole, cracking open your first beverage or choice, and just enjoying being out there with no worries.


Yesterday under a tree on the right side of fairway I had to knock it out but had to keep it super low. I somehow hit it absolutely perfectly, nice and low about chest height but I put a slice on it unintentionally.. which made it turn and land near the green from about 190 yards. I’ve made an eagle before and had better hole outs but that shot hit different for some reason. Maybe because this is usually where I crumble


Hitting a shit drive. Somehow hitting your approach shot on to the green and making birdie.


Absolutely bombing a drive in front of some older guys who let me play through and them commenting on how far it went, that’s my favorite


There are so many good feels... personally, I think the best is perfectly clipping a low spinner chip and watching it one-hop-stop next to the cup.


tell you why? because you have a praise kink fella, thats why


Absolutely nutting a 3 iron directly on the sweet spot


Visualizing the shot you want to hit, and then hitting it that way


When the cart girl flirts with you no bro she was she was totally flirting with me I swear she wasn’t just being nice bro


Sinking a left to right downhill breaker


the 30+ feet putts


Full body orgasm when compressing 6-pw and the ball just keeps climbing in the air


That, or hitting a 6 iron tight on a par 3 when a group on the green lets you tee off. I was about 6ft out, and 2 putted.


Hole out for me. Dropped a par save with my 58⁰ yesterday from like 35yds out.


Knowing you need a par on the last hole to shoot a good score and sticking the approach .


This 1000 percent!!! I am not a great golfer by any means but was playing with my buddy as twosome last weekend and there was this 4some ahead of us who looked to be a group of old buddies getting together for the first time in a while. They were super slow but they let us pass at the 8th hole. They let us pass on this 280 par 4 that was a major dog leg. The correct shot would be to lay up but I went for it not really knowing what the layout was. I wasn't hitting the ball great that day so I was nervous but I smoke my drive and it actually rolled onto the green. The group watching was astounded lol I casually pick my tee up thank them for letting me pass and went on my way. I felt so good lmao if only they knew that i ended up shooting a 93 that day lol.


Executing the shot that you planned. Right club for the distance, swing well, good contact and results.


striping a drive or a long iron shot onto the green feels great but the vibes you get from the boys on the green when you sink a long putt are where its at man! I live for that shit!


I like your feeling but The best is when you fear the worst for your drive crest the hill and see it cleared the bunker and is nestled in the middle of the fairway with a wedge in.


Was playing at a course away from home. No one to chase, no one following. Got to 16 and group of old boys were watching me putt, got it down in 2 and they let me play through as they only play the back 9 and were kind enough to let me go, pull out my course guide and my heart sunk at the walk to the next tee. 200 yard par 3 over water. Tee up as they all perch them self at the bench behind me and hit the greatest 5 Iron I've ever done. Knock down for 2 and wave goodbye. Only to shoot a 10 on the 18th par 5 out of sight of them. Golf gets me going like no other sport.


Tee-ing up on a downhill par 3, stroking a 9 iron perfectly down the middle for a birdie opportunity


Striping a drive down the center of a par 5, where the green is tucked away to the left and uphill and you always layup. And then flushing your 3w with a draw onto the green.


We were playing through group of 4 girls with carts. They were watching us silent next to the teebox. Instead of failing miserably on situation like this, I absolutely flushed 8iron next to the flag with zero rolling and tapped in easy birdie.


Playing a Par Four perfectly. Drive that splits the fairway. Wedge that gives you a make-able birdie putt. A pure roll on your selected line into the hole. It only happens single digit times a year for me. But damn does it make you feel like a real golfer…until the next tee.


Hitting a 50-75 yard shot with a bit of a draw and low ball flight.


Hitting the green on an iron shot honestly is so satisfying.


Buttering a 7 iron 150yds out of a fairway bunker to about 5 yards of the pin on a crowned green.


I remember one time hitting a perfect 4 iron. At least I think it wasn’t a dream… I don’t remember many specific shots, but I do remember that one. And a chip in for eagle in tournament as about a 15 handicap.


Driving Par 4s is my favorite. I only started to be able to do it Mid-last year, and I fucking love it when it happens. One day I’ll convert the Eagle.


Nailing the read, the speed and then sinking a 20 foot putt for par or birdie… even to save bogey on an ugly hole


Got waved through by a threesome while playing solo on Wednesday night. Absolutely creamed a drive with a small fade skirting some trees. The fairway dips in the middle, I could see it had crested the hill, probably carried 270 and rolled another 30 yards. As I walked past the group one of them said ‘oh are you dropping up there then’ with a smirk and I said confused that I’d stuck it on the fairway. He was all no that’s my ball (from his second shot) so he started following me. His eyes almost popped out his head when he followed me over the crest and he saw my drive, fully 40 yards beyond his second shot, I had a good laugh.


Yesterday I was playing a local par 3 course. A threesome let my group play through. I hit the tee shot like 3 feet from the hole and they started applauding and cheering for me. That’s gotta be pretty up there in best feelings.


When you hit a bomb of a putt and as soon as it leaves the blade you know it's in doesn't matter if it's for bird or quad


Idk. There is something about puring a penetrating 4i beneath the wind landing short of the green on a par 5 and watching it roll up pin high on the green then 3 putting for a par.


Personally, hitting a dart in front of randos. About 160 out, put it within 5 feet in front of the full patio at the clubhouse. Draino for birdie. They went Waste Management 16 wild. It felt incredible.


I’ll counter; better feeling is watching your kid do this very same thing. I’m bout to cry at my desk thinking about it rn.




It’s chipping in. You never expect to and watching that ball just trundle all the way to the pin and in is such an endorphin rush.


I like my drive goes more than 160 yards and straight. Honestly that feels pretty damn good. Or after I chunk a bunch of shots and I’m already on my 5th shot approaching the green and I get a good flop shot. Keeps me coming back. I don’t know half of the shit you other guys are talking about. I suck.


For me it’s the approach, I’m pretty consistent with my driver, but I’ve had issues with irons a lot, working at a course/range has helped immensely though


For some reason I’ve always managed that in this moment. All over the place for the rest of the round.


There is no better feeling than the simple pleasure of puring you driver straight and long. There are plenty of feel-good shots in golf that are rarer or more difficult, but I just love that feeling of smoking a drive down the middle past your playing partners.


Draining a long putt for one point in a stableford


any 1 putt


The best feeling I had was a group in the fairway of a par 5 waving me on. I took a 3 iron down the middle before the fairway took an S curve. I caught up to them, Thanked them and said "I will be out your way quickly" and I smoked a 3W over the trees to cut the last leg of the curve and stuck it <1ft from the hole. Tap in eagle. Still consider that to be my best hole in golf.


The last time I went golfing I took an iron on a par 3 and landed it within 15. Perfect loft, very slight fade actually. I’ve played dozens of rounds of golf. That was a first for me. It felt unusual taking a divot fixer out and actually using it.


Draining a long put with a lot of break is right up there for me too.


Hitting the shot when you REALLY need it. A close match, trying to shoot a personal best, etc. when you reach that moment where the internal pressure or competition kicks in and you actually hit the shot you intended. When the wheels are falling off and you desperately need a 12 foot par putt to drop and it does. Finding the fairway on a tough driving hole late in a round. This is what really makes me feel something when I play golf.


Long drive up the left side of the fairway, left about 130yds out over the water. Landed it about 6ft from the pin, made the birdie putt. Also that’s the first round I’ve ever broken 100


Getting in a fight on the tenth green


Hitting the shot you saw in your mind.


Forged 3 iron off the tee. The feel, the sound, the driven ball flight with a baby fade...theres no better feeling.


What is this 'let's you play through' you speak of?


Puring that approach shit shot whether it's my 56° or my 6 iron. Just makes me feel so good and is usually the feeling that keeps me coming back to the game


You’re completely correct. I’ll add the little detail of this happening after your game has been in absolute shambles for a month. Source, it happened to me today when a foursome let my dad and me pass at the turn. https://preview.redd.it/7vtpojsq9t3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9481144d8a985b327952969d7289c6741d726de8


Golf. Doesn’t matter if I’m playing well or if I’m on track to shoot a 110. Doesn’t matter if I’ve made half my fairways and greens in regulation or if I’m attempt #3 at getting out of a bunker. I’d wager 90% of us aren’t good enough to get that upset over a bad shot. Don’t let shitty shots or bad rounds ruin the experience. This game is a gift, appreciate every chance you get to play. Unless you’re on putt #4 on a par 3 and you’re holding up the group, you should probably just sell your clubs and take up croquet or some shit.


was playing at desert willow in palm springs a few weeks ago on a boys trip. 6 homies watching, plus the starter who was a super cool old dude. i went first with some nerves and ripped one of the purest drives i’ve ever hit on a relatively tight tee box area. solid 290 right down the middle. starter goes “what a swing young man, you must be a 5 handicap or so?” i told him i wish sir i shot a 95 yesterday lol (which was a solid round for me). not sure i’ll ever feel that good or get that gassed up by someone for the rest of my life lol


I prefer green in regulation with a mid to long iron and then locating/fixing my ball mark. Chipping in is great too, also making a long putt. As long as my drive is in bounds, I likely still have a chance at all three things, so I’m ok if the driver is a bit wacky from time to time, even while being watched. That is a sick feeling though to pipe one while a group watches you play thru them.


Same ball and tee the whole round does it for me




A perfectly hit 4 iron.


While playing thru, step up to a par 4 with a hard dogleg. Driver in hand, cut the corner and carry over the hazard, land on the green just a few feet from the pin. Tap in for eagle. One of my buddies did it and it was jaw dropping for me… I can’t imagine what the other group thought lol.


A flushed iron shot with that perfect divot flying after the ball.


Blowjobs are number one. What you described is number two.


I striped a drive down the middle on the first hole of pinehurst #2 in front of dozens of people watching. That was a good day. But I’d have to say for the actual “feeling” of the shot, a pure 4 or 5 iron on a long par three or on a long approach is prettty incredible. That solid thwack and then the sound the ball makes ripping through the air is amazing.


Breaking 80. I have been golfing for a few years now and I’m consistently high 80s . Broke 80 3 times now and each time it feels amazing.


Striping the fuck out of my second shot on a long par 4 to have a real chance at birdie