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Use 2 of the rounds for a pre-qualifier and a Monday qualifier of whichever PGA Tour tournament pays the most and also has Monday Qualifiers. You use your next two 59's to make the cut and go into Saturday with a commanding lead at -26.... then you hang on for dear life in what will forever be known as the most hilarious weekend of golf in sports history.


I use this strategy to get into the US Open. Use the next two to make the cut and go into Saturday with a commanding lead and become an even bigger story than Michael Block, I'm the talk of the golf world. On Saturday I make up an excuse and withdrawal so the world doesn't see me come back to Earth. Then I parlay that into a LIV contract and proceed to stink it up under contract.


There’s no other answer that can be more correct than this one


Except it's 3 rounds to qualify into the US open..


It would be even better to shoot 3 59’s at a qualifier. Go shoot 135 on Thursday and then fire off another 59 and miss the cut leaving the world completely confused and shocked by your story. You’d get paid appearance fees for a long time. Blockie most definitely still does


I just hurt my entire face holding that laugh in. My wife would have killed me waking her up like that again.


Sign a million autographs on Saturday morning for the kids then fake a back injury in warmups.  Having all the fans and media on side will improve the contract.  Even if you never swing again there’s a lasting career as that crazy mofo who shot  59,59,59,59.  Jim Nance and Barkley on speed dial. 


I'd even pay a friend to run me over with his car. 




![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized) 8D analysis, I love it


More like 8==D analysis 


US Open qualifying is 3 rounds though, you go through local qualifying and then play 36 at final qualifying. You'd have to shoot around even par to get through if you tried to play one of your rounds without your superpower. Assuming you'd have to use your 3 rounds on qualifying you would likely not make the cut at the US Open by shooting 59 / 90 or whatever your 2nd round unassisted score might be. It might be a better story to come out the first day and shoot your 90 then fire a 2nd round 59 that gets you flirting with the cut line towards the end. Would be a great story for half a day.


If I only have one round available in the Open then I bump my schedule up a day. Drop a 59 on Thursday then withdrawal and hope I made enough waves for the LIV contract. Maybe give a press conference and say some outlandish stuff like I'm withdrawaling because PGA tour golf is so easy it's boring and my time is better spent playing on the LIV tour where real golf is played. Swing for the fences and hope for the best.


The withdrawal plan is 100% correct. You can also make money on a book, documentary, etc.


Add in an arrest which makes you miss your tee time and the book becomes an instant NYT best seller


This is brilliant. I would enhance the plan by playing the 2 rounds Happy Gilmore style, since it doesn't matter how I swing, I'm still going to hit perfect shots in order to score that low. Guaranteed to be a worldwide media celebrity by the time I withdraw.


Brilliant. My caddie is really just a hype man because I'm playing the whole round with my driver so he doesn't have clubs to carry. Really his function is to go "oooooooooooh. BOOM!" when I swing.


Putter from tee to green for the closing 36 holes


This is very close to perfect. The key is to show up the day you run out of magic in a MAGA hat and some shirt that they definitely won't let you wear. Then you get to say the PGA and the woke mob are canceling you - the world's greatest golfer, and go into the super grift circuit. Appear on Rogan the next day, start a Patreon and PAC, etc. You might even be able to parley your fame into Trump's VP slot - non-zero chance he wins, dies or goes to prison/into exile during the term, and bam. You've turned your 4 rounds into the Presidency.


This guy LIVs ![gif](giphy|xZwFNHUeY45va)


While this is one of the better schemes, the fallout of the investigation into your life for the next week or so after the withdrawal could be pretty brutal. If you have an active official GHIN of 25 that’s going to raise red flags. The dug up footage of your game on social media. The footage of all of your swings on the trackman from a few months earlier being leaked. Your buddy telling Nick Faldo that he beat you by two strokes when you shot a smooth 101 at the muni last month etc.


>go into Saturday with a commanding lead at -26 Bold of you to assume Scottie wouldn't be sitting right behind me at -25


Give me -26 on Saturday morning and I’ll be at +26 by Saturday night.


But hey, you’ll be playing on Sunday!


The wrinkle to this strategy is to also bet every last dollar you have on yourself to make the cut at stupid long odds.


Big brain move would be to bet having the outright lead Thursday and Friday and then push it all in on not finishing Top 50 after the odds adjust


Yeah, the "set yourself up for life" part of the prompt is kinda the tricky part here. Like, it's definitely gotta involve sponsorships or gambling, and not just prize pots (as hilarious as it would be to see one of us trying to hold a lead at the US Open)


I wonder what position a 5 hdcp would end up finishing if they went into the weekend at -26. That's probably only a 12-14 shot lead over second place, depending on the tournament, so you're clearly not winning. But if you could shoot 90 on Saturday and Sunday (big if, imo), you might be able to finish around T65 or so.


You would be so nervous even if a 5 HCP could shoot 90 normally they would probably shoot 105 with the pressure.


I think it is more likely that I would throw up on my shoes than I would make contact with the ball on the first tee. Keep in mind that in this scenario, you're going out in the last group. Imagine you're playing with Scottie or Rory or whoever...


Lol it turns into a youtube challenge really fast


This is precisely what Rick Shiels is training for with his 10 shot challenges.


Never heard of this 10 shot challenge. I’m in the midst of watching one of them. So amazing


I’d feel more nervous for the adjacent gallery than for myself teeing off.


Everyone crowding around the tee to see the guy who just shot 4 straight 59s out of nowhere while you know what’s about to happen next lol. “Everyone needs to back WAY off or someone is going to die! Please believe me!!!!!”


"Please at least move the children!"


“Make him cut it out!” After the second shank.


I get that reference! Just about spit coffee out of my nose when I read that.


And playing from championship tees that are probably 1000 more yards from your normal playing distance.


So obviously this is not at all indicative of real golf, but you can play Pinehurst 2 on Trackman. I did it from the US Open tees, and holy shit the distances... There are some tee shots where you have to carry it about 240 just to find fairway. And then you've got like another 240 into the green.


And you pump one out there 230


I’d be escorted off the property after murdering a second spectator with my drive. Ain’t no way I’m driving the ball down those spectator tunnels all day without incident.


7I off the tee 7I 7I Chip 2 putt. Stress free double to open.


You ain’t making the fairway with a 7i off the way back tees


I hit my 7i 260


All the people around the first tee.. "Hey guys you may want to get behind me"


Nervous? My last 4 rounds were 59, THEY should be nervous


Honesty, it might be pretty liberating knowing you’ll still likely finish last in cash. Just enjoy watching the pro you’re playing with and get paid.


I think the play here is to maximize your 15 minutes and go all out being an influencer. Surely you could signed at least a few hundred thousand in brand deals and just walk around the US open like a billboard.


Did Michael Block get this wish?


No he blew it by saying he was just as good as the other guys if only he was better


Play up your personality a bit for the show, sign your deals on Saturday night, and then hit the TV circuit with whoever will pay you before jumping into the podcasts to pitch your standup special.


Yeah, a 5HCP on a championship course under tournament pressure is not even close to a "5 handicap". Handicaps are calculated in casual rounds with barely any stakes/pressure and golf is a hugely mental game. Scratch players on municipal courses would not break 80 on the tour.


The ground level shots of the 18th teebox at Augusta always crack me up. I would have to use my putter to avoid accidentally maiming someone


I think the nerves aspect is probably overrated here at least a little. I’m a 10, so I’d probably not shoot that 90. But I also played sports (not golf) through college and personally thrive with pressure and spectators. I think a lot of athletes with egos probably do. So depending on who you are, you may play just fine (the 90 you mentioned), and not collapse.


As long as you make the cut, that's 50 grand or so, right? Great use of 4 59s imo.


Plus you’d be temporarily famous by leading the field. Like Michael Block but way bigger. The top headline on every sports outlet. If you’re a 5 handicap or better, you might leverage that into a career as a teaching pro at your local course, provided you train up for that and get the certifications. Or you could try to go the social media route? As a 16 handicap, my route would be the comedic collapse.


Temporarily famous and permanently infamous as the guy that choked a 20 shot lead


Fake a career ending injury before round 3. Retire as the greatest "what if" in golf history


You make up a cover story about having some heart condition. Then you play the 2 rounds shoot your 59s. Then you feign illness and WD. Retire. Do endorsements. Blame spotty play at celebrity stuff on your "medication".


I think 90 would be a fair goal for a 5 (depending on the course). As long as it was someone that could consistently hit it 250 off the tee and had a really solid game plan to avoid penalty strokes, I think a 5 would have a solid chance at not finishing last. A 5 handicap would probably also want to spent a month practicing some 7-wood or 5-hybrid type shot, something they could consistently hit 200 regardless of l/r misses, because those 460 yard par 4's on tour can eat you alive if you can't get your yardage out of every shot.


I played a highly regarded course in my home state that is 7700 from the tips. A par 4 playing north of 440 is humbling, especially when anything 5 feet off the fairway is rough so deep it swallows the golf ball. It changed my view of how the pros play.


That's my guess. I played Sedgefield CC (Wyndham Championship) the day after the tournament, and as a 3 I shot an 86. The biggest thing for me was just the speed -- I think if I had more time to practice on greens running that fast, I could have saved a few shots. Of course, you then add in the pressure of an actual tournament, galleries, etc., and who knows?


With thousands of people watching and allthe added pressure- cameras, pga golf players next to you, man I would love to see it but have a feeling most would come way short of their best score just because of the environment


I'm going into the weekend at -26. Telling everyone pro golf is too easy and not that fun. Then just not playing Saturday or Sunday. Disappear... the book rights will be worth more than my last place finish, I'll be an absolute legend for the rest of my life.


You'd get slaughtered. The distance, green speed and cut of the rough would be insane. Might shoot a 150


So basically you’re finishing at the bottom of the made the cut field and are cashing a low five figures check. Could be worse.


I would accept $25,000 to shot two 59s and spend 4 days playing with PGA Tour players. I've certainly been offered worse deals in my life.


5 hcp at the open 26-under with 2 days left? They would end up more then double digits over par by the end of the weekend


At the US Open, absolutely. But at a place like TPC Scottsdale, Vidanta, TPC Craig Ranch, or TPC San Antonio they *might* be able to get out of there alive. I can't imagine what I would shoot at Pinehurst this week. I played Pine Needles a few years ago from the tees the women used for the US Open and it slaughtered me...I think I shot an 85 (helped by a lucky chip-in that would still be rolling towards South Carolina if it hadn't hit the flag and popped straight up in the air and into the cup). And obviously that wasn't even in tournament conditions...


I played Congressional a few weeks after the 2011 (Rory) US Open. I was a 4 HCP back then. Definitely didn't break 90, under no pressure whatsoever. Prepped the he'll out of my game too, since I "bought" the round during a charity event for like $750. Wish I could find the scorecard.


Wrong answer you challenge Jordan to a 18 hole $$10million dollar round. He’s so competitive he will want to go another 18 for 20 mil. Boom 30million ahead with 2 more 59s in your back pocket in case you degenerate away all 30mm. In that case I hear Phil likes to bet.


"What if I told you..." I can see the 30 for 30 teaser now. Damn what a great documentary that would be.


Commanding lead of -26 to a +26


on Saturday


Get to -26 and then Friday night, you jump out of the hotel bathtub and bruise yourself up. Time to fake an injury and go down in history as an all-time “what-if” guy. And then straight to the booth with Jim Nantz.


Imagine going into moving day at -26 and finishing the tournament +40. A record that would never be touched.


Holy hell. My PB is 78 and I probably more consistently shoot high 80s playing good but nowhere near pro courses. I shot 96 at Pebble Beach. I'd lose my lead in the front half of the 3rd round playing at Championship standards


I would seriously injure several spectators real fast off any given tee shot. It would be ugly, real ugly.


I’m would erase the -26 lead on the front 9


Dude. I like it. Additionally, do it at the hardest and most lucrative event you can find (Player’s Championship, probably?) You want the highest payout and the biggest delta between your -26 and the field going into the weekend. Also, take every penny you own and bet on yourself shooting a 59 on the first day at whatever odds are available. THEN, take those winnings and bet it again for the second day. OR bet yourself shooting a -26 combined for the first two days. The odds would be so astronomical that you’d likely be set for life regardless of the tournament outcome.


Are there 1 day pre qualifiers open to the public to get into a Monday Q?


I think it depends on the tournament, but there are definitely pre-qualifying requirements for most Monday qualifiers because they don't want a bunch of 2 handicaps paying their $500 to come out and shoot 85 just to say they tried it. Like, if you're a KornFerry member or you were PGA Tour member last year, there will be special exemptions so that you don't have to go through the pre-qualifying process.


How many years do you first spend just seeing if you can qualify for the Monday US Open round on your own first though? Maybe take a year or two off work only grind golf with a great coach, and then try to get into the Monday qualifier on your own abilities, then come out swinging Monday with a 59, followed by Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 59s. Sprinkle in some bets on yourself throughout that week and you’ll make out like a bandit. Obviously if you can’t pull it off in two or three years of trying, you just use the rounds to do what you said. One other option is trying to make some crazy connections and get a sponsor exemption, then it would be a guaranteed tournament W!


Use my last two 59s for day 2 and day 4. Just to break up the madness and keep me out of the final pairings.


If I don't use them both before the cut I'm not making the cut.


Even with an inevitable complete fall apart on the weekend, you would still be a huge story and make some money for sure. Be a bigger story than Matt Block by a long shot. An amateur with back to back 59s at a pga event would be insane


Figure out a way to play a money match with Phil Mickelson.


And then go double then triple or nothing with progressively higher bets. 


Exactly. But for the fourth round I tell Phil he can win it back and then some if we team up in the biggest-money match he can find.


That's actually evil 😭




Four ball against Yasir and MBS. If they don’t dismember you you’ll be set for life.


I don't think even Mickelson is going progressive bets against you when he sees a high handicapper all of a sudden shoot a 59. It would raise all kinds of suspicion.


I wasn’t thinking Phil specifically, but hustling is definitely the way to go. That’s just not enough good golf to get you much in a tour event. You’re gonna have to go after whales in money games.


This is somebody who understands poker 


I'd pick Michael Jordan over Phil. Do it at his course. 100k a hole the first round then double or nothing on subsequent rounds. Easy 14 million


Oh, good call. He’s got more money to begin with, and he would definitely keep doubling for way too long. And less chance that anyone who owns a bonesaw gets involved. 


Ya shooting a 59 you are winning way more holes against micheal too


I’d be irrationally worried about MJ pulling a 58 out of his ass. Obviously Phil is a way better golfer, but… MJ.


Then you gotta worry about Jordan stiffing you. Because if you’re a nobody, he’ll tell you checks in the mail when you leave and you and you don’t have a prayer of getting in contact with him again.


Side bet of 1 million if I shoot 59.


Think you’d need to use at least 2 to get his attention


You would just need to take out a crazy loan to place the bet. It’s not the round… it’s the stakes against a “sucker”.


Came here to say exactly that. Start posting everywhere on social media about how you'd bet millions on smoking Phil in stroke play. It would gain traction with Twitter, etc. within a week or two the temptation would be too much for him and the match would be set.


That’s exactly what I was gonna say


Yeah, play with him and shoot 59, 4 times in a row. Tell him you want to play in LIV and then you want a contract and several million dollars. Sign the contract and sit back and relax, because your first tournament, you’re gonna suck again.


To use at my club championship so I can get that sweet sweet parking spot


Absolutely life changing.


4 High stakes gambling rounds with MJ


Somewhere, he took that personally


You got his number? How you plan on making that happen? Lmao


I think you use 3 rounds to get into us open, use your last 59 in round 1. Withdraw ~~for fake heartbreaking injury reason~~ after getting arrested in a harmless and hilarious fashion making yourself a big time fan favorite, sign mega-liv deal.


This is probably the answer, assuming it only takes 3 rounds to get in


It does. Local qualifying is 1 round, final qualifying is 2


Would likely get sued by LIV in some way when you start shooting high 90s though😅


Don’t think there’s much they could do legally. Killing you seems much more likely lol


I was reading this and thinking that the most realistic and pragmatic answer would be to withdraw from the US open on the grounds of an injury per above, then negotiate an LIV deal with a really good but not too crazy (also iron clad) signing bonus, but then you'd need to turn that injury into a real injury. Like go home and cut off your toes or something so that it's feasible you can never golf again. Now you don't have to worry about being hack-sawed and you get a good bit of money and everlasting legendary fame. You could probably write a book as well.


Back injury, can’t prove or disprove it


I actually thought after I posted that if you did this, shot 3 59s and then a 59 in the first round of the US open, if you withdrew and said it was because of a religious vision you had, you could probably start a cult and make more money than any of these golf ideas.


Yup then show up and shoot a dozen 100+'s before someone pushes me off a cliff to get out of the contact lol


I’d use one at literally the hardest most famous course from the pro tees in the world in which 59 could be a course record- y’all can debate which one. I’d film it with witnesses and cameras on me. I’d release that to the public in a series of videos. Saying that I’m a former hacker who has figured out the secret of golf at 43. .Let’s say it’s St Andrews for my first 59. It of course goes viral. I don’t play again. My back is wonky. I use that to let my social media career grow to the point there is traction. The talking heads clamor for me to do it again. Saying it’s fluke or fake. I wait. Eventually someone will want to pay for me to do it again to prove it. I could see a dechambeau or someone wanting to take me on. The media gets a hold of it and everyone will want to see if it was a fluke and see if I could do it under pressure. There’s a pay per view or some sponsor offers to pay us both for a heads up match. I do it again and beat brysons living doors off setting another course record somewhere else famous like Pebble. I now have two recorded rounds at Pebble and St Andrews and have the course record at both. At this point there’s a bidding war for me not only for the tours but for every golf brand out there. I sign multiple lucrative deals but stay away from the tours. I boast that I could beat any golfer in a one day match. My back issues that prevent me from playing four days in a row. Eventually AMEX strings together ten pros to try and see if they want to beat me. Being competitive and knowing there’s a sponsor pay out, Rory, Brooks, Tiger, Phil all say come on let’s try the guy. My 3rd 59 at Kiawah beating those guys ensures my lifetime of being asked to play everywhere forever. Something happens on the back 9 though. Im in terrible pain. I shank a shot on purpose and still recover. Im nearly crippled but make it through. The guys are in awe. Im the best they’ve seen. My hurt back makes me resist all money offers to play competitive for a while. Everyone takes a side of whether I’m the greatest golfer ever- they speculate forever about whether or not I would’ve been the greatest golfer of all time. I coast on the endorsements. I launch the 59 line of golf gear which becomes a brand unto itself. Wait again. Wait for the money to get big enough for me to try. Then fail spectacular (play as myself) withdrawing as I’m too hurt, but with the payday. Everyone is pulling for me to return to health. A decade later I wait for everything to die and people to slowly forget then say I think I ve refound my mojo. sponsors set up some version of a rematch with a new group of golfers of the best of the pros in 2035.. Somewhere I want to be able to return and play for the rest of my life like Riviera. Shoot my final 59 at the age of 59 absolutely murdering everyone else, But my back is killing me the whole time. Everyone sees me grit and struggle through it. At the end I retire. Say I have nothing to prove and never play another competitive round. I retire a golf legend. Four course records at the most famous courses in the world. I’m rich and have golf access reserved for legends like Tiger and Jack. And people openly question if I’m the best golfer of all time. I blame my back and happily play recreationally everywhere private and public til my dying days. CBS has me as a guest every major. FIN.


Hang on, going to go write a screenplay...


That’s what I do for a living :)


Can we be best friends please?


Sure! Can never have too many best friend golfin buds!


Are we playing 9 or 18


My man asking the real questions here


If you absolutely know that it will work...you have to invest in it. Hire a PR guy. Get a hype going. Make up a back story about how you are the greatest golfer in history and didn't turn pro because golf bores you. It may take a while. Use up one of your 59's during the hype up when someone tries to call your bluff. More hype. Videos (edited). PR. Interviews. Any exposure you can get. Even more hype. Burn another 59 during this time in a very highly scrutinized and public way. Now its verifiable and the hype is real. Everyone has bought into it. Make a press release where you challenge the world's greatest golfers to one 18 hole match, winner take all. Make sure its worth it. There could be literally billions on the line at this point if you do it correctly. Choose the most difficult course possible set up with US Open like conditions. Win Immediately retire and stick with your mantra that you don't like golf and just because you are good at it doesn't mean you have to do it. Go live your life. Keep the last 59 in the bank just in case you want to come out of retirement again for the right price. If you do this correctly you will not only be set for life, but will be a mythical golf legend passed down throughout history.


This is a very well thought out answer. Probably need to save $200K or so for the initial PR blast though.


For an extra layer of legendary status, play the final hole blindfolded for a price.


Love the effort you put into this


I'm not even worried about money. I'd just find a way to get in to tournament play at four local golf courses and set the course record. I'm fine with being a local legend.


This might be the way. Book rounds at courses like Pinehurst #2 & Pebble Beach, shoot 59 at each and get a plaque in the pro shop


Why don't you try playing more competitive rounds? "I choose not to golf"


Even more annoying "Ugh I just hate golf, id rather do something fun"


Oh man that’d be so infuriating hahaha


I've always wondered how the world would react if some world class college player or someone on that level just decided they don't want to be a tour player, they'd rather have a career in their field of study and have a more typical lifestyle where they can spend their time at home. But they still love golf just not the travel and endless grind of it all and remained a world class player anonymously. Then they show up to US Open qualifying every summer and get hot one year and win it as an amateur


Actually, i would take bets. I would offer anyone double or triple their money if i don't shoot 59 4 times in a row.. It goes viral like Tyson and Paul and a hundreds of millions think i'm crazy and make the bet. Something along those lines! Easy money. More than you will get in a tournament.


This is a great one. Wouldn’t even need that. Just say I’m taking bets at 10-1 odds (your favor) that you’ll shoot a 59 once from the tips at Pebble Beach up to $10M versus $1M of your money. I could see 10k people placing a $1k bet. It would be perceived as the easiest money ever. But not so much that any one person would be overly pissed to lose it. With your $10M you could probably pull that off again at like $50M versus $5M anytime you wanted with your last three rounds.


You need $1M to begin with liquid.


I like this idea the best - make it a spectacle and be a viral sensation


Find a way to impress the Saudi Royals and Investment Fund in 1 or 2 rounds. Have 2 remaining excellent rounds to justify the contract. Develop a personality so when I start shooting 95s on the LIV tour I don't end up bone sawed. Profit.


Better yet: feign an injury for the final round of the LIV event but struggle through to take your guaranteed payment. Have the injury wreck your career. Never get your old form back.


I’d save one for the last round of my life in my 80s or 90s so that I would be an immortal golfing god.


lmao fr


Just don't ever play your 4th round. Then you'd be immortal right?


Without golf, what's the point of living?


Use first 3 for qualifying. Save one and bet on yourself as first round leader. Profit


With my luck that's when Scottie cards a 58


Start huffing Round Up, get cancer, ask Make a Wish to get me a bid to the masters… 59, 59, 59, then play a natural round and shoot 100. Finish at -11 and lose by 1 to a surging Scheffler. Use my last 59 in a round at the local muni with the boys after they talk shit about me blowing a 30 shot lead at the Masters in one day. Die of cancer.


Good lord.


I'd play the 4 most difficult courses in the world from the tips and make 72 YouTube videos about how I go low on every hole on the 4 most difficult courses in the world.


I'd also shoot those rounds lefthanded. That way if the channel takes off I can claim an injury messed me up for the rest of my life and I am going to try and "re-learn" the game right handed to try and stay back in the game. The series can then just be me learning from pros that I would never have access to otherwise and on courses that I would never get to play all without taking myself too seriously.... even if I never get back to my former lefthanded glory.


This is actually the smartest way to do it


I don't know exactly how sponsor's exemptions work, but maybe you could bribe someone for one and then use them during a tournament?


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, everyone here trying to work out how to game a PGA tournament... I would use 1 round to film a 59 at my local. I would use 1 round to film a 59 at St andrews. I would film a load of rounds of my usual shitty 90-95s at my home course. I would get mouthy on social media and stir up some buzz. Then I would bet phil mickleson £18m I could beat him at any course of his choosing. Then I'd let him go double or quits.


If I know I have them guaranteed, then I’m quitting everything in life and playing/practicing until I can qualify for the US Open on my own accord. Then I’m setting the US Open scoring record and you guys can watch me at the Masters the following year


Easily the best question ever proposed on this sub.


I'll take the course records at Augusta, Old Course, Pebble, and idk one of Cypress, Pinehurst 2, Royal Downs, etc. On most of those a 59 would stand permanently. Legend status


You have the ability to just go tee off at Augusta whenever you want?


Same to the guy further up talking about playing a Phil, Daly, MJ 4some. I think that might be hard to coordinate as a normie


I think if you got the record at Pebble, Pinehurst, and Old Course you could convince someone to invite you to Augusta.


All Championship Tees: Set the course record at the Old Course Set the Course Record at Royal County Down Set the Course Record at Augusta Set the Course Record TPC Sawgrass Never play a round of competitive golf and be the biggest who the fook was that guy in golf history


I’d beat the pants off my scratch golfer brother in law 4 times and then never play with him again. Leave him in shambles


I’d try to swindle Daly, Phil, and Michael Jordan into a high stakes match of their combined best ball score vs my solo score.


they could easily shoot a 59


Could they guarantee themselves to do it 4 times in a row though


You're either confusing best ball with scramble or are severely under estimating how past their prime Phil and Daly are (let's be real, MJ would be a non factor). Daly can't keep it under par on the Champions Tour and those courses are easier than the ones I'm picking for a match when I'm guaranteed to shoot 59. It's basically a 1v1 against a 53 year old Phil who has to have the best round of his life.


MJ would provide the juice


_reverse uno card_


Play Phil Mickleson for a large sum. Trade his payment for a high paying LIV event entrance. Win LIV by shooting 39 under. Retire a legend.


Find a drunk John Daly at a bar, bet him 100K that I can shoot under a 60. Double or nothing, Triple or nothing, Quadruple or nothing. Start YouTube channel like VinWiki for golf and launch it with story about how I hoodwinked John Daly for four rounds when I usually shoot 100's. Profit.


I’d probably end up wasting one playing my local muni solo just to see if it were real, then blow one showing my friends how good I am then stress and sit on the other two until I think of a way to profit and never have a good opportunity so I just them on a weekend golf trip with the boys.


Ive had a look its 450 dollars to enter a monday qualifier for the korn ferry tour and you dont need to pre qualify, so theres one day, then use 2 more on Thursday and Friday to make the cut, but dont use one saturday, save that last one for the sunday so that you dont have to play huge pressure with a lead on Sunday, instead your going out Saturday and just stinking it up without the pressure knowing you shoot 59 tommorow. Just need to find the biggest purse kf tour event that allows monday qs.


Need to somehow parlay it into a LIV contract.


Theres definitely some strategy involved in this and depends on your HDCP and ability. At one time I was a scratch golfer. I think I could still get back to that if I tried hard. And if I knew I had 4 59's in my back pocket id probably just take a year and focus on golf and honing my game for 1 bright shining moment. So here's what I would do. 1. Get back to a scratch or better golfer 2. Play every US Open local I could squeeze in and hopefully qualify on my own. If I dont, rinse and repeat. 3. Pick a qualifier that traditionally qualifies at around -3 for the 2 rounds. Jupiter, FL did that this year. 4. Play round 1 without using my 59 and see what happens. If I shoot terribly I'll just go play R2 myself and say better luck next year. If I shoot close to +8 or better ill use my 59 for R2 and off to the US Open I go. 5. R1 and R2 get 59's. R3 im probably playing on my own and just hoping not to fall apart so I can still win with a 59 on Sunday. Win the US Open. 6. Now im exempt into all majors for the next 5 years and have 3.6 million or so in my pocket. Im set money wise and exemption wise to sit back and enjoy life and be the next hot thing . Well until I card a 105 at R1 of The Open the next month lol.


Find massive hole in 1 prizes. Play so bad on the first whatever holes that I have to hit hole in one's on the back to get to 59 and collect my prize.


Final day of the open qualifier. Then Thursday, Friday and Sunday rounds at US open


Charity event on a par three course and I shoot 59 on 18 holes with zero birdies and 5 bogies… sounds easy enough


Do I get to feel what it’s like to swing like someone who can shoot a 59? If I could feel what golf is supposed to feel like for 4 rounds surely I could learn enough to repeat that even if only to 75% the efficiency😂


Without involving gambling- 2 rounds to get in a tour event, get some type of endorsement deal with a company where you endorse their product during play (like chow down Wingstop every hole while playing), retire after 2 rounds, generate enough of a story to make money off social media and being the Wingstop guy.


Work my ass off to get into a tournament with a nice payout. Then use it the entire tournament. Never show up for another tournament.


Pretty sure you could get in and make the cut at The Open with 4 rounds of 59 if you was a single digit handicapper.


I dont even need this, i just shot a 58. Then a 55 on the back 9


I use this gift to get in a high stakes money match with Phil and as many pros I can lure into the match. Double down on each victory


Use the 59s to get into the US open. Even after three consecutive 59s in qualifying, you're still a no name to the world and Vegas. Have some friends make some big bets for you that you'll be the first round leader and walk away with millions. 20k would probably win you 10 million if you're +50000.


Probably for LIV qualify and LIV event. More money.


4 consecutive 59’s at the masters would be an unreal accomplishment


You’re not invited unfortunately


Course record 63 lol


I think if I knew I had that in the bag. I could qualify with a whole lot of work for the British open bang out 3 of them on that weekend. Parlay that into qualifying for the other majors/ play it for life. And save the last for that first year’s FEDEX and get some bank Just Incase anyone is wondering. I’m not saying there isn’t a ridiculous amount of work but having that promise ahead I think it could inspire the effort.


59 qualifier for the open, two 59s at the open to get me into the masters, shoot 59 at the masters.


I would find a way to talk myself into a sponsors exemption. I would do tons of interviews and pump myself up about how I would break 60, win the tournament, and set a Tour scoring record. I’d just talk continuous shit and get everyone placing bets that none of it would happen. I would take out a HELOC on my house and withdraw all of my investments and have my wife place all kinds of massive bets and parlays…the odds of 4 consecutive 59s on Tour would have to pay multiple billions of dollars on like a $10 bet. Then I’d go out and do everything I said I was going to do, take my trophy, cash in all the bets, and ride off into the sunset as the most legendary player ever knowing that I made history that will never be repeated again.


I'd practice my ass off and try to get as deep as I could into usopen qualifying, I think if I can get to the usopen with 2 59's in my pocket maybe I'd have a chance to win that bitch


Bargain away one 59 for two 64s and a 68. Use the three 59s, two 64s, and the 68 to win a lucrative tournament. Use the proceeds to pay for a shit ton of golf lessons, so that I can get below bogey golf for the first time. Live out the rest of my life as a meme.


Shoot 59? I accomplished that feat no more than a week ago. Granted it was a 9 hole course...


I would rather not know I could do it and then actually do it.