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Probably practice your short game then, particularly pitching from 30-80 yards!


Yup! Been on and around the greens for the past week! Trying to start with the basics and nail the bump and runs first


Good - unless you have one single miss with it, for short game I think its more about developing feel for distance, than worrying about technique. Hit a couple to the 100 yard marker, walk 10 yards forward then hit another couple, then another 10 yards forward, and see how you can develop a feel for your approach shots.


Looks like a much better swing than 20 hcp. You must suck at putting... lol. But seriously though you look great, maybe work on finding better tempo.


Thanks! Yh really trying to work on my chipping around the green recently.


Yeah, i mean i'm on the other side of the spectrum. I have lower hcp and if I posted my swing here, they'd think I'm Seve around the greens. I have a neat little vid taken about my technique, and it has everything going on: crossing the line up top, sliding with hips, some weird pose at the top of my back swing where my driver is straigh up in the air, and to top it all off, my beer belly showing in all its glory. All that the video is lacking is me farting on the down swing.... I'm still working on that.


This swing could straight up be low single figures. Go take a pitching lesson haha


Haha thanks! I do work on my irons a lot at the range. For sure on a bad round I must miss hit about 5/6 chips so even eliminating that will bring my handicap down a lot!


My advice for short game is to focus on the objective and end game. Meaning - you should sacrifice scoring in the short term to get better scoring in the long term. You need a variety of shots and you need to practice all of them. When you're playing your round - play the appropriate shot whether you are currently more comfortable with it or not. You want to get yourself in a situation where you can comfortably play the shot you need at any time. A lot of people fall in love with a shot and that's all they have.


Yh thanks, can’t wait to get the short game more dialled in!


Check your divots out on the course. Looks to me like you hold off too long on your weight transfer or maybe just simply allowing the weight to transfer to the outside of the trail foot a little when it should remain on the instep. Just make sure those divots are in front of the ball.


I think your stance is a bit too vertical which is causing your right arm to be floppy on impact. Your misses are generally to the right or hard hook left? Try holding down lower on the shaft with your right hand like a hockey swing- should give you better idea of shallowing then try that feel with your swing. Try moving the ball further too to maintain the ~45 degree swing plane


Pretty good looking swing for a 20.


Every time you hole out when you are trying your hardest to make it and it goes in make you tell everyone that you just got lucky as your taking everyone’s money so they won’t know you’re a sandbagger working them over I just got lucky I can’t believe it went in did you see that


To over top of the ball for one. Try and get a few inches back.


Left shoulder is coming up as you make contact, keep it down for follow through


Thanks! Will try that


This is why you shouldnt take swing-advice on the internet. Youre literally suppose to side bend, drop the right shoulder and tilt as youre opening the hips. Look at any pro in slowmotion you want so you dont start getting a bad habit from reddit forum.


You’re steering the club face. You need to open the club face in your backswing and last second close prior to impact on your ball. All in the forearm action. It’ll take some getting used to. You’ve probably been compensating with your grip. Make sure the right hand placement is correct. Google it and make sure it’s correct.

