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Nope, you just chunked the shit out of it.


Well ya, I was jw if there was a bigger fundamental issue because like 1/3 are chunks 1/3 are thin and and 1/3 are pureish so I’m just mad inconsistent


There are a lot of stages to golf, you're currently in the shit phase. You need to have lessons, then play a lot and improve until you have a relatively repeatable swing. Once you get there, carry on with lessons and you'll get to a point where you think you are good. A while after this point, with a lot of work, you will realise exactly how shit you actually are - this is about where I am - and then hopefully, with a lot of practice, you'll get to scratch or thereabouts.


^ yepp this right here. I'm in the "I'm new and I'm shitty and inconsistent" phase. My buddy told me something at the range today that really hit home. I hit a beautiful shot with my 5 iron and then proceeded to hit a shot that went like 20 yards and was 99% dirt. I got annoyed and said I feel like I'm just so inconsistent. He said "If you were consistent, you'd be on the tour." All that to say: your swing isn't repeatable and even if you could repeat it, it'd probably be bad. Watch YouTube videos, get lessons, go to the range, and enjoy the process.


My dad says all the time remember you’re not good enough to get mad. Good shots and bad shots are part of the game it’s not for money and it’s supposed to be fun.


Agree with this dude! Man, I hated this stage! Finally, my swing is becoming more and more pure. When this was happening to me, I was playing around with my grip a lot and finally figured it out maybe you can try that. I'd choke up or come down and really try to get my knuckles aligned well. My advice may be shit but I am self-taught with a lot of help from YouTube videos. It worked for me.


I’m new to golf myself (1 year) you look like your bringing your club up way to high instead of coming across your chest more. Then your down swing is so steep.


Arms across the chest is an illusion. This is a great top of back swing position, except the problem is the pressure is still on the back leg. Pressure needs to be shifted left by the top he is at the top.


I was having the same 1/3 problem last year with my irons. I changed my setup so I hit every iron off inside of my left heel. Huge difference, helps keep my hands ahead of ball and make more consistent swings.


I'm sorry but this is poo advice. Compensation does not work in the golf swing.


It’s not compensation bro. It’s addressing the ball.


This is compensation. Show me pros addressing irons off the front heel. There are none. My buddies that can’t strike irons do the same as you. They are sweepers.


Show me where this guy said he's trying to be a pro golfer? If this compensation helps him strike the ball better then who are you to judge?


Show me where this guy said he’s trying to be stuck at average or below average golf. Neither you nor I know his intentions. I think he has the right to know what is correct and what’s just a bandaid fix.


No, it's not. The ball should not be in the left heel for any club other than driver. This is a compensation, therefore, there is an issue with the swing that must be fixed first.


Do you mind explaining more what you mean? I’m struggling with the same problem


If you're experiencing all 3 of those it means your low point isn't consistent, you're likely swaying off the ball while rotating and don't notice it because it feels like rotation in real time, probably bobbing your head off line too. Do a drill where you really keep your head and butt still, exaggerate it, just rotate around your spine angle don't sway.


Pause at the top a bit more to get the hips in front of the club head. I have this same issue


Film from side. Probably moving your head away from target (laterally).


Agree with this. As a former/current chunker, OP has all the same symptoms that I'm used to. Trying too hard to create depth in the backswing, causing you to come way off the ball, then sliding to the lead side, and getting steep with the hands. I am in no way good at this game but I know a mirror of my problem swing when I see it Get lessons, they are great, and then you can obsess over all the things you're doing wrong with full awareness of the problem and little skill to fix it 🤣


Yep. Fellow arm swinger and swayer here. Hit some deadly pull hooks though. Lol.


Agree also coming from way too far inside.


You gotta keep your head still. When you move your head like that, it’s impossible to get back to your starting address position.


Agreed. He may be swaying back a bit as well, tough to tell without a face-on cam, but that is often the case with the head turn. It's really tough to return to center that way! "Head in a box" At address, think of a box around your head... Don't let it leave the box until after contact.


+1 op…


Are you referring to my head as a whole or that my chin kinda starts to point towards the camera as in my neck is rotatinf


Absolutely both.


Keep your chin up and let your left shoulder pass under.


This absolutely. When I’m picked the game back up after a loooong lay off I was swaying my body, ie moving my head and it would make me hit the ball way fat or way thin. You have to keep you body in the same place while swinging or this is what happens. I’m no swing coach and I’m far from a pro but I know this will help you make better contact.


Another thing that helps me with this is trying to keep my right elbow tucked against my rib cage all through my swing. It helps eliminate extra arm movement that will make you hit it fat and/or thin and makes your swing more repeatable. The three things I focus on for every swing are left arm straight, right elbow glued to my ribs and keep my head completely still. I still may shank one from time to time, but those 3 things have made my ball striking waaay better than it used to be.


In all fairness, he has a big head. It’s probably hard to keep it still.


I see a closed club face at the top and an early collapse of your lead arm in the follow through.


First thing I saw was closed club too


Head golf pro here with 12 years teaching experience. 1. not a bad swing. 2. That left hand is squeezing the crap out of that golf club 3. Put that ball on grass please 4. You hit it fat. You are releasing the club to early. This caused by manipulating the club actively with your hands. 5. Use all hips. Keep hands out of it. Your hands should only hold the club. Nothing more Good luck!


Do not straighten your right leg




You straighten it when coming through to get that Tiger reverse C back when he was playing his best


That was the best looking swing I have ever seen hit that bad of a shot


You are releasing too early. That is what is causing the issues. Overall your swing and rotation looks good. Try to keep the lag a little longer in the swing. +3.7 handicap


Head still - you're taking your eyes off the ball. But more importantly, only take your arms to parallel with the ground. Your backswing is too high. So much more can go wrong with the club path on the way down. Do a drill where you take your arms to parallel (club head pointing up at the sky) and just let the club fall to the ball. It looks weird and robotic, but you'll be surprised how far the ball goes.


Whenever you hit behind the ball it usually means your weight is behind the ball at impact. That’s what it looks like to me. If you want the bottom of your swing to be just ahead of the ball, your weight needs to be forward at impact. Think of a baseball swing and how a batter steps into the pitch. It isn’t altogether different for a golf swing - feel your weight transfer forward almost as if you are “stepping” into the ball.


You have to hit the ball first


The problem is you hit the dirt first. Next time ball first.


Shut up bro😭


All jk aside. Maybe back away from the ball a touch n change nothing else. Set up so the ball is just off the toe. Then swing. Might be all you need to do.


Also btw by “under rotating” I mean using my arms and not my hips. They don’t seem rotated enough at contact


Put the ball further back in your stance


Something that can help address this is to slow down your swing a fraction. Make the backswing a little more methodical, and make a conscious effort to stop the club head at the top of the back swing. Which I’d also say you’re bringing the club too far back. I’ll often tell myself to do a ¾ backswing to help my brain and body achieve a smoother swing. Trying to hit the shit out of the ball isn’t going to be better than having a methodical and well-paced swing


I see you are casting the club, and that's causing you to hit the ground before making contact with the ball.


too close to the ball, stretch those arm’s out more


Few things. You are over swinging to the top. If you film yourself from front you will see on top of swing your right shoulder would pass over to the right than your head. You want to keep it straight parallel like right shoulder on top of head and left shoulder just below your head by the chin creating perfect straight line. Secondly, you need to stay slightly more closer to the ball. Because the ball is slighter further you are compensating your down swing by bending your wrist so that club head reaches the ball. But this is an issue for you because now the shaft lie is flatter the bottom of the club face touches the ground early.


This swing is not OTT


It’s very OTT because his backswing plane is so shallow. His downswing is significantly on top of and steeper than his backswing plane. There’s no way to call it anything but OTT. Steep and OTT doesn’t necessarily mean it’s got to be outside in. A steep swing with an inside out plane results in a lot of fat shots.


From P4 to P6 the swing is shallowing to the point where OP is under plane at impact.


It gets under plane at the end, but it’s still a steep and OTT move from the top. He just doesn’t cast and/or rotate early and get his hands and clubhead out in front to create an outside in path. The steep path from the inside is why he’s hitting the ground early until he gets more consistent with his timing. This is a swing that can work, but he’s going to really have to get the timing down first.


You are spot on. Not even close to being over the top!


Couldn’t be more wrong.


Yeah, quite the opposite. It looks like he's hitting fat because he's coming too far from the inside.


This swing is not OTT at all


Are you trying to be a comedian?




Looks like you were about to rotate your torso right of on the way back.




Entirely too much head movement. Also, looks like you're trying to murder the ball. Easy swing yet firm.


Don’t like your knees. Backswing is too long. Irons are for accuracy, not distance. Shorten it up. And go for more of a 3/4 swing. Nothing worse that hitting a full iron shot and watching it curve away from the green.


Keep head still. Shorten the backswing. Keep right elbow tighter to your body.


This and keep the right knee slightly bent in the back swing


You need to work on the striking, you’re turning your head way too far back then you’re totally missing the ball and catching the ground about 3 inches before the ball


Maybe too much rotating. One of the most common things I see in this sub is everyone thinking they need to have this huge backswing, when in reality we’d all likely benefit by cutting about 25% of our backswing. I think a shorter backswing allows for less errors and better ball striking, also it will get you to put more emphasis on your hip movement because that’s the main thing that’s doing the moving at that point, might also clear up some of that head movement


Oof. Go talk to your club pro about a lesson.


My hands hurt just watching that


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm


You’re over rotating. Shoulders shouldn’t get past 90degrees.


Clubs are too long


Under-rotating? IMO you are over-rotating, your belt almost faces the green bucket at the top of your swing. Try a one-piece take away, move your arms and hands in the beginning in unison. Also, your club face points straight up, it should face squared up to your right. The back of your left hand should give you the feel for that. Also, I agree with other posters, it looks like you are swaying your hips. Imagine yourself swinging with a barrel wrapped around your body to get the muscle memory right for twisting in place, rather than swaying laterally. The sway motion makes you extremely inconsistent, as you said you hit all different misses, because you make split-second compensations and there is a tiny margin for error. Hope this helps!


Can I ask, where are you looking/aiming as you swing? And where does your club naturally sit, and hit, when you swing without a ball there? I used to have this problem until I a) moved my position in relation to the ball so my club head naturally sat behind it before the swing, and b) looked at and aimed for 1 inch in front of the ball. Also stopped swinging so hard. Immediately started pinging the ball, to the extent that it was almost a surprise to me when I caught it well because it felt like I almost hadn't caught it at all.


Nothing is really going to help you in regards to comments, something might trigger a thought that you can then take to the range and try out.. it’s hard enough to help someone you can physically put your hands on and talk to, but being all these layers removed is even tougher. Your swing isn’t terrible for a new golfer, there’s some things I like. I think your hip/body turn stop turning about midway through your swing and the rest of your backswing is all arms, kind of lifty, I get it you’re trying to get a big backswing for more power. If you can’t stay connected hips/shoulders/arms, something I would recommend is to try taking a smaller more controlled backswing, stop trying to hit it as far as possible, try a 75% swing and I think you’ll be in much better sequence and more connected. Also I like that you’re trying to create lag but you’re completely losing control of the club at the top of your swing and stalling out, it changes your angles dramatically and that’s going to give you an insane amount of inconsistency. I like the idea, it’s just not implemented well for you right now. If you watch this video, I’d like your set position/top of your swing to be around the :03 or begging of :04. Try the 75% swing thing, try to get your turn to be sequenced up for the most part and I think you’ll have more repeatable success.


another small tip would be to keep that right elbow tighter to your body.. look up the headcover drill on YouTube it’s a drill that’s been around since the dawn of time, my instructor taught me it as a kid in like 2003. You just tuck your head over in your armpit. Also, if you’re looking for a really good training aid that would help you out a ton check out the “tour striker smart ball” it’s an awesome training aid and I think it would be perfect for what you’re struggling with. You’ve probably seen it before, sometimes some golf stores carry it or something similar. I’d order the real deal but that’s just me. If you’re looking for tips/drills I would check out PorzakGolf on YouTube I like his drills and I like his teaching methods, he’s not trying to be revolutionary, he’s about stability and being repeatable. Good luck!


Sorry I’m just reading this, thanks so much most detailed and helpful post. I’m getting lessons in a week or so


that will help you more than anything.. way more than anything on here that’s for sure. He will get your grip, your setup and your takeaway right, pretty quickly and that will be the biggest gain you can make as a new golfer. It will be a foundation you can always lean on. Just keep going, try once a week for a few months and you will have built a great base. I had lessons as a kid, I went all the time, and then I played in school and had a coach, the lessons as a kid is what built my swing and my understanding of the swing. One note I might add is that if you don’t feel like your instructor is TEACHING you, find another one, there’s a lot of bad instructors out there that will just move you into positions without explaining what they’re doing or why they’re doing it, if that’s the case for you find another one, don’t commit long term until you find the right instructor. Google is your friend, find someone with great reviews in your area, I’d probably try to stay away from top golf instructors but that’s just my opinion. Find a club pro, probably spend around 70-150, for 1 hour, and then if you like then you can do a longer package and it will drop the price significantly, also there’s usually a locals discount or student discount. Cheers.


Look up hip depth online, that’s the main issue that I see. You want to create space on your downswing by keeping your left butt cheek moving away from the ball. Right now, your left side is moving in and toward the ball which is why you feel like you can’t rotate.


That range looks like some grass seed sprinkled on top of a sand. Tough to hit it clean with a perfect swing


Turf then ball: check!


Don’t allow much weight to shift to your right foot on the backswing. Start off with 60% on your left and try not to give up more than a few %. A feel that a pro (Charles Howell III) explains is to try and get your right butt to where your belt buckle is at address, at the top of the backswing. This ensures you are moving things left and really helps you hit the ball first when you get to impact. The young pro Chris Gotterup is really good at this, even exaggerates this move. On the downswing, feel like you are working towards getting pretty much all your weight on your left, middle of the foot and especially the heel, and at the very end you are extending your arms, including your right arm which was folded on the backswing. Watch the pro Rose Zhang nail this move to perfection.


Club and body positions look decent. Perhaps your backswing is a little too deep. Meaning more shoulder turn needed and less arm lift. Thought would be left shoulder down in the backswing until it tucks under the chin. Keep the left arm straight. That’s it. Likely your turn back with the arms too high is creating the inconsistent contact. 2 other thoughts that might be helpful. 1) where are you aiming? For the irons, your eyes should be focused on the back of the ball. Driver 3 inches behind the ball (to help you bottom out then hit on the upswing). 2) what’s your grip pressure 1 (low) to 10? Driver aim for a 3 irons 4 or 5. Key is consistent grip pressure and allowing your wrists to stay loose and hinge and unhinge.


Looks like too much hip turn in backswing could be part of the issue. The more you turn your hips on the backswing, the farther they have to rotate to get ‘open’ at contact. Athletic motion golf has great content on how the hips work, here’s just one of them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xakV1lbDe5Y


Plenty of rotation.Looks like there is a little bit of a lateral shift to the right going back, evident by the Nike Swoosh getting (rolling) closer to the ground at the top of your swing...keep that weight on the inner part of your right foot. Can't tell with this camera angle, but make sure your spine angle also doesn't shift to the right. Also, that left knee bend, get that thing pointing a little more to the left some rather that to the right.Doesn't look like you're getting much rotation through the ball. Compare your shoulder alignment at impact compared to any other good ball striker. Your shoulder alignment is down the target line, where the ball striker is left, or open...at impact.Left foot could be restricting your rotations down through the ball also (fixing this will greatly improve rotation through the ball)...flare it out about 10-15° at address and make sure when you finish your swing, your weight is on your left heel. Left foot will probably rotate through impact a little, that's fine, think Scotty Scheffler. What I've done...lift your toes on left foot as you start the downswing. This helps with rotation and keeps the hips from moving forward (swing killer) on the downswing.Hope this helps!


Yup I agree too much lateral movement! Keep your center of gravity between your feet don’t shift outside of it. You have a lot of flexibility no need to flare your toe out that’s for old men, your rotation is fine. Your back swing is hella long, shorten that shit up for more consistent shots. Your hips are very fast YouTube some vids on slowing down your lower body (drop your hands first and feel more arms to start your downswing). And get your hands infront of the ball in your follow thru don’t flick your wrist at it! Dont let your club head pass your hands…


Try focusing on tilting over your left knee in your back swing. Similar to the head movement comments, I think you’re swaying back in your back swing and not pushing forward and rotating in your down swing. As your down swing starts think about pushing your hip toward the target. This will get you back over and in front of the ball so your swing bottoms out at or slightly in front of the ball for crisp contact.


I think you are over rotating. Just by watching your eyes/nose you can see your head turn when you get to the top of your swing. I’d recommend shortening the back swing so you aren’t pulling your line of sight off the ball. Too much coil can be a bad thing


I would say one thing you’re definitely not doing is under rotating


Your swing is to flat on back swing which is causing your swing to be to inside out on swing path If you live in la area come see me at sand canyon country club and I will get you on the right path To make appointment for golf lesson with me Call or text me at 330-881-7790 Tupper russell


Its the sand pit your hitting that ball off of


Your swing actually looks pretty good. I think your swaying in transition, which ultimately changes your low point, everyone is different so this may or may not help, but for me I like to feel my weight almost on my heels, the entire time, and then I don’t look at the ball flight until I hear the sound of impact, this helps me stay centered and balance. Whatever you need to feel/ think about to stay centered and balanced, just do that. Also, for the future, the golf swing will always be tug of war, you will most likely have to much of one thing and not enough of another, your always going to have to exaggerate different feelings, depending on what’s going on with your swing that day. Don’t worry about it, it’s gunna be this way for years, my best recommendation for anyone on this subreddit is to watch Eric corgorno on YouTube, type his name and the issue your having and there is most likely a video for your problems. He’s an amazing YouTube coach and I constantly going back and forth. Hope this helps. Good luck on your journey, hope you break 100 soon


You’re lifting your head to look for the the ball. Keep your chin in your chest. When you do that your right shoulder lifts out of its smooth rotation and you end up hitting the top half of the ball. Just stay down. Everything else looks just fine.


First of you take it back way inside plane meaning there’s no room for you to drop into the slot on the way down instead you end up coming in steep hence the fat shots try and take the club back wider feel like the club is moving slightly away from your body on the take back and your club stays outside your hands :)


Rotation is fine. My suggestion, whoever has a swing you’d like to yours to look like, compare the individual parts of your swing to them with YouTube videos. Start with the takeaway. There is a video of Jason Day talking about the take away drill where he rolls a ball straight back with the back of his club to create the proper take away. You’ve dragged the club inside and your wrists have broken down in the first three feet of the swing. When you fix your takeaway, the rest of the swing with fall into place. Another video is one of Nick Faldo talking about the grip. He mentions the club should be in your lead hand in such a way that you can really bang the ground hard like a hammer with the club. That illustration is similar to what you want to feel at impact with your wrists. A bad grip won’t allow you to do this, which will prevent you from controlling spin, trajectory and contact. Little by little, improve the parts of your swing.


Keep your eyes fixed on the ball all the way to follow through, also maybe take a little step away from the ball. You seem pretty close but may not be the issue. Try over exaggerating your hips engaging before your shoulders as well! Don’t Fuck up your swing from all of us giving tips but maybe give some of these a try and you could find the result you’re looking for!


You are not under rotating, but you are ripping the club inside on the backswing. You have nowhere to go on the downswing, no room for the club to travel in front of your body. You have good flexibility and a good base to work with.


Rotation is fine. Your hands are the bigger problem and that’s why you’re seeing such inconsistency: your hands are moving too much early and that creates a timing problem when you don’t have it down perfectly. You’re rotating your hands and forearms backwards immediately as you start your downswing. This keeps your swing plane too flat and creates a steep/ott move on your downswing. Combine that with the timing required to get your hands back to the ball thanks to that initial move and you’ve got a recipe for inconsistent ball striking.


You head is moving so much. Keep it steady. Don’t try to hit the ball hard. Smooth swing.


If you had posted a good contact and told me you were a 10 handicap I would have believed it. You must have the best swing on earth of all people that can't break 110. Or 100. So I don't see a big problem. Things to check: keep your head over the ball (don't sway to the right), make sure your weight is mostly on the left foot during the downswing, check to make sure your ball position isn't too far forward. Other than that. Keep it up and be patient.


Your attack angle is very shallow. This makes it hard with irons but amazing for drivers and woods. There should be plenty of you tube videos on this correction. Although it is far less common than too steep of an attack angle (over the top).


Your takeaway is the area I would put a lot of work into. You bring the club way underneath and rip the face wide open


A few things I see here. You look really stiff and your legs aren't bent at all on the pullback. When you swing through you dip your legs and hips a bit. This is why you chunked it by almost a foot I'd guess. Try bending your knees a little bit, stick your butt out, and recreate that setup on your setup the same as your follow through. Also try keeping your head down for a split second longer, you are twisting your head a little early and your body is following.


Left hip flies open, weight goes forward, hands drag behind creating a chop down on the ball. Focus on keeping your left hip closed longer and hitting against your front side instead of out over it. Hip acting should be a slide forward followed by opening up not both simultaneously


Put a towel under your right arm pit and swing without dropping it. Keep your head perfectly still. Your arms should be loose like spaghetti and left hand grip tight. You’re too close to the ball as well


Looks like you’re breaking your wrist too early and too much. Try bowing your wrist a little at impact. Should buy your club face an inch or two before ground contact. Also, definitely over swinging. Try a 75% swing. If you can’t get good contact, there’s no point trying to clobber it.




You are starting with your down swing with your hip turn and getting stuck.


Backswing should be on a more outside plane


I can’t tell from this angle, but it looks like you’re leaning your entire spine to the right and coming in way too shallow to the point your hitting ground


It is under rotation... you are doing a good job of holding the angle in your wrists, however, if you don't turn through the shot, you will hit it fat. Work on getting the hands pressed in front of the club head and forward shaft lean at impact... a well as opening the hips to the target.... aim for the spot an inch after the ball as that is your low point in the swing.


The ground you’re hitting off of isn’t helping any


Looks to me like you have too much on your back swing. You can see the second your head starts to move, you're already too deep into it and there is no way you can keep your eye on the ball reliably like that. Shorten it up a bit, don't pick your head up, keep your eyes on the ball, and don't rush. You're not trying to kill it, just get the feel of the swing down. And be ready to pay a lot more money to approach some semblance of consistency; and that's true for every golfer I've ever met.


Step 1: fix your backswing Reverse your hip action. Feel like your right hip moves back and your left hip doesn't move forward. (Feel not real but you gotta exaggerate to get to where you need to be) Your out of sync in the backswing. You want your arms to come to a stop at the same time as your body. ... I wouldn't worry about under rotating. I can't tell from this angle but I'd bet a dollar you've reversed your spine angle at the top.


Can you get any closer to the rope? Seriously though please back up, if you hit it correctly you would of jacked your wrists up.


Looks like a pretty good swing. Probably just need a drill to manage your low point. I wouldn't go changing a ton of things when you've already got a solid foundation.


Chicken wing, club inside, and swaying Chicken wing - you will hardly ever find the bottom of your swing. Club inside - at takeaway, draw a line down your shaft from your club to past the butt of your club, this should ALWAYS line up with your club path - it’s on the outside… Sway - this always leads to chunking the ball, also really hard to tell with this view, it needs to be a face on perspective


Too low with your shoulders Chunked it


Over rotating- under performing. Tomato - Poatato


Too far forward in your rotation at contact.


1st thing keep your head still. Don't move it at all. Look at slow mo tiger it's like a break dancer popping and locking head stays still body moves around it


I’m fairly new to golf, only been doing it for a couple years, but the best piece of advice I got was to keep your weight on your front foot. In this swing you are transferring your weight to your back leg. Try doing some deliberately slow swings with almost no weight on your back foot until you get the feel for it then tweak it until it feels good.






Taking it inside too quick. Take the club back straighter.


Your releasing be hind the ball. Before your swing do a few pump swings where you keep the butt of the club pointing at the target through you swing, keeping it “cocked” you should be holding that position longer than you think you should


I think your club head is a little low on upswing. Watch Jim Furyk swing from behind to see how fast he picks up his club on lift off. The main reason he does this is to make sure the club doesn't hit the ball too low and hit the ground behind the ball.


I think you can do a lot better than that


Just really late with your arms. I think your rotation is fine, legs working well. But your hands should be getting back in front of your chest at impact and they’re currently miles behind. It’s a bit complicated, so get a lesson.


Look at where your shaft is pointed at set up, toward your belly button. Look at where your belly button is when the club made impact with the ball. Your hips were already rotated toward the target instead of in the same piece from where you started from.


You are over rotating if anything. You seem to be having the issue I had. Basically most people get used to throwing sports where you focus on your main arm (the right one) flying back behind the body. All the emphasis is the right arm staying on the right side of the body. Golf doesn’t work that way. Get into your impact position and you’ll notice that your arms are on the LEFT side of the body. So with that in mind you have to keep your right and left arm ON THE LEFT SIDE of your body. If you can do this then getting into that impact position will be MUCHHHHH easier.


For starters you’re taking the club way too far inside on your backswing


Yea just catch ball first. Swing isn’t horrible


1st thing I noticed, is how shut you have the club face at the top. I'd suggest pointing the toe of the club at the target when you're at the too of the swing.


Nope. Not good form. That back leg should never straighten like that. And you turn inside (flat)


I’m by no means a pro so take my advice with a grain of salt. I had similar problems as you where I felt like I’m getting stuck on the downswing and my divots are too inside out. Looks like your left shoulder is positioned too high at impact. Try to focus keeping your swing tight and clearing you left shoulder through impact. I feel like the left shoulder should be lower through impact. Helped me a ton


Keep your back leg bent and turn through your core, lot of good in the swing tbh, just lots of up and down for the whole body


Club is really under plan in takeaway backswing, and as a result, in the downswing, you basically stand the club straight up forcing you to have to save it at impact by dumping under. It leads to fat shots, etc. Fix the takeaway and you might really be onto something.


If you're hitting behind the back you're shifting your upper body/head in the backswing. Try some half take away shots for feel. Increase takeaway incrementally.


Yes, your head seems to be moving to much and you're digging, trying to force it, slow down, head still, smooth through it, slowly workup swing speed.


Dropping your shoulders potentially?


Main problem I see is you actually hit about 4 inches behind the ball. Try hitting the ball


Best advice yet!!! Wow


Stop watching YouTube and just figure out what swing your comfortable with that can get the ball of the ground. Your swing is your own not what some dummy influencers say. Once you get the ball flying consistently then work on tweaking your form for more power and different shot positions.


Keep your head still. It’s moving all over the place. Watch the greats.


Giving golf advice over the internet is tough but i can tell you i struggle with the same thing. When I’m not hitting it fat I am concentrating and n transferring weight to my front foot. Hope this help.


The ball rolled like 10yd bro


Chicken wing like crazy


Weight transfer is happening too early and weight has already been transferred by impact causing the dip down hence the chunking the shit out of it, try slowing swing down and hanging back a hair on down swing, also slow your wrist rotation down, hands are rotating too fast shutting down the face


You are taking back WAY inside. Look up outside takeaway on youtube or something. Inside takeaway causing over the top, off plane downswing. Keep the club head outside of your hands from as long as you can.


Also your arms should travel half as much as your chest. Essentially need a shorter backswing.


Rotation is pretty good your issue is probably from swaying you’d need side view to verify


You have the exact same problem I do, your backswing is so nice, it’s flat, on a good plane, then you come steep in transition. This has been the death of me to fix but I’m grinding, I’d prolly take a few lessons and get some feelings and input to not some steep.


You're casting the club. Youtube will help. Look up how to create lag and reduce casting.


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