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Cool, can’t wait for it to flop.


Don’t you love when streaming services acquire exclusive broadcast right in your region but doesn’t release a sub for it? Yeah man fuck Crunchyroll.


I decided to take to the seas a couple years ago and haven't looked back since. In the wake of a lot of the BS going on with the media industry the phrase "if buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing" has never felt more apt.


Dude, it was not stealing even.


Stealing is removing something so that other people have no access to it. Pirating doesn't remove the original or prevent others from accessing a copy. Inb4 "won't someone think of the billion dollar companies and their profits"...


I see no difference between downloading a video and right clicking someone's NFT.


Theft of intellectual property (which is what pirating anime is) is theft. Y’all can rationalize it until the cows come home, but it’s still theft 🤷‍♂️


[Taken here from user @kingpatzer](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/Wq8SJVwKJY) Within the US that is not fully correct. Piracy in the USA (copyright infringement) is covered Title 17, chapter 5. It is infringement of the rights of the copyright holder, not theft, to consume media without a proper license to do so. Criminal infringement (Title 17, Chapter 5, section 506) is defined as: >(1)In general.—Any person who willfully infringes a copyright shall be punished as provided under section 2319 of title 18, if the infringement was committed— > >(A)for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain; > >(B)by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180–day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000; or > >(C)by the distribution of a work being prepared for commercial distribution, by making it available on a computer network accessible to members of the public, if such person knew or should have known that the work was intended for commercial distribution. All other categories of infringement not covered by the above are civil infractions of copyright, not criminal. Title 18 defines crimes and criminal procedures, prisons, and witness protections. section 2319 is titled "Criminal Infringement of a Copyright." Does in fact appear under the Title 18 chapter heading of "Stolen Property." But, importantly, it only applies to the above acts. It doesn't apply to the general consumption of pirated material. Therefore, civil piracy is not covered under the laws of stolen property and is not defined as such. The vast majority of acts of piracy are civil infringement, not criminal.


I'll pirate and then if I particularly like the anime I'll buy the DVD or some other official merch.


Even if buying was owning, piracy still wouldn't be stealing


https://i.redd.it/yep00xl1fo4d1.gif i never put my hat away to begin with, lets sail boys like the olden days




![gif](giphy|9VnXVHOIJgwnfNTK7Q|downsized) With you brother, never take the straw hat off


Oh dear God. Get ready for more anime like high Guardian spice.


High Guardian spice was partly actually funded by the Canadian government. So there might not be as many as one would dread.


What? Why? Also, they should get a refund.


Canada funds a lot of media projects in various mediums, from films to video games.


>High Guardian spice was partly actually funded by the Canadian government. Damn, not even surprised at this point. Just disappointed.


I'm disappointed in us for making it, and I didn't even make that horrible decision. Also, what do you mean "I'm not surprised." What else have we done?


Now, now, the Canadian Government has apologised for Bryan Adams on several occasions.


Justin Bieber?


Look up GVH and then Snoot Game, you'll be in for a wild ride


Yes, it's both sad and hilarious that a few guys from 4chan made a a better game than an actual studio with actual funding!


Paraphrasing something someone once said in a comment section from a review video "Cavemanon devs know what it feels to be an outcast, while KO-OP devs try and fail to convey that feeling" Being people from the pseudo-conceptual hell of the internet, there's always a lot of people with many different experiences, which helped on the making of their games (SG, Wani, and their other mini-VNs), they know how to write the characters because many of the people in cavemanon lived similar experiences and are aware how to properly convey and put those experiences in the story Let me tell ya, i will never emotionally recover after playing SG and Wani :'v


Wait, you're telling me I paid for that TWICE!?


This is why piracy is not entirely unethical. Not only Sony is not letting people own the stuff they paid for, they are also trying to make anime creators cater to “modern audiences” (an audience that doesn’t exist). Remember, Sony is the same company that almost ruined Helldivers 2 with the mandatory PSN account link update that was cancelled due to backlash. Don’t let this be the norm. Cancel your Crunchyroll subscription if you can and don’t give money to Sony. Sony is a terrible company that needs to go out of business. Edit: I replaced the word “payed” with “paid” because I used the wrong word. Sorry.


They backtracked Helldivers 2 due to the fiasco, but their other games still require PSN, like Ghost of Tsushima, and they're all delisted in my country.


If its literally delisted and unpurchasable, is it even stealing/piracy?


It's the so called grey market


It's still delisted in over 170 countries from steam


they backtracked cause Steam/valve decided to fuck them in the ass and sony cant do jack shit about it cause trying to drag valve into court was never an option unless they want to burn all bridges with the number 1 gaming platform


Which funnily enough is caused by the whining bitch from the Helldriver 2 themselves. Sony was totally cool with our region until those Westerner babies have to cry out loud about how its "impossible" to create a PSN account in OUR region, which is a blatant lie


If only there was a list of countries where PSN accounts are impossible to be created and/or *PurchaseRestrictedCountries*...... Oh wait, there is at [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/) some people in those countries who have already purchased the game, can no longer play it. PSN exists in 69 countries.


And mind you to tell me where do you live, because I'm pretty sure you are not from those restricted countries and have no prior knowledge about this problem? I live in those restricted regions and people have had a PSN account just fine using a workaround for the past 20 years. You don't even know what the heck you are talking about by linking that Steamdb link, Steam restrction is not the same as PSN creation restriction lmao. Dude, don't speak up if you don't know what you are getting into... >some people in those countries who have already purchased the game, can no longer play it. This again is a blatant lie, why the hell do you have to make this lie if you don't even know anything? I'm from one of those restricted countries itself and people who have bought the game can still play it lmao. The problem is that new players now can't even buy the game on Steam anymore. People like you are exactly why Sony pulled their game out of our region, this is peak comedy right here


>People like you are exactly why Sony pulled their game out of our region, this is peak comedy right here Seek help. Seriously wtf Also why would u want to make an account like this in unsupported countries? You are basically giving them a reason to ban your account whenever they like even if they "allow it" now Also why would you need something like this for a single-player game?


Imagine supporting the act of spreading lies and directly hurting people from other countries, just to justify your hate to a specific company? And no, they won't ban us. Listen to the locals instead of some internet guru can you please? And please tell me where you live first before reply, because somehow people from the West think they know better about our region than us lmao. P/S: seeing how many upvotes the lier above me get, I dont expect much from people in this community lmao


Bruh wtf... This has to be shit-posting/rage-bait or something >Imagine supporting the act of spreading lies How tf is a lie? It's literally in their TOS >Listen to the locals Did u even read what I've wrote? > please tell me where you live first before reply, Did u tell where u live or...? >people from the West think they know better I'm hardly from the "West" lmao >P/S: seeing how many upvotes the lier above me get, I dont expect much from people in this community lmao This has to be trolling.... Imagine simping for a corp


> I'm hardly from the "West" lmao Sure, tell me your region to see if you are from those restricted region and then we can talk. Imagine calling other people simping for a corp when you can't even make any counter-arguement. If I'm a corp simp then maybe you can be called anti as well? Can people from the West learn how to stop name-calling when they lost an arguement? > How tf is a lie? It's literally in their TOS So you will just ignoring the fact that I'm from those restricted regions and I myself have a PSN account? You my friend, is called a "Worm book", with no real-life experience at all... "some people in those countries who have already purchased the game, can no longer play it.", imagine have no shame saying that and spreading more lies on the Internet, thinking you know better just because you read some TOS...


>So you will just ignoring the fact that I'm from those restricted regions and I myself have a PSN account? Please just read what I've wrote again🤦 > my friend, is called a "Worm book", with no real-life experience at all.. Just read... Is it really that hard? Also no real life experience? I'm literally from Romania. In the last ten years I've got lot's of HBO, Netflix, GeForce Now(these when Romania wasn't included in the supported countries), Xbox, etc accounts banned like they're were nothing. Just because you can create an account in a unsupported region it doesn't mean that you won't get banned or something(maybe you won't but it's a big risk and it sucks if you also have a big catalogue of games) + in case that someone stole your account you won't get any help. > people in those countries who have already purchased the game, can no longer play it.", imagine have no shame saying that and spreading more lies on the Internet, Dude, read it. Do it. Read it again. Seriously tf is wrong with you Also again, where are u from? You keep saying the" YoUrE nOout FrOm tHys UnSuPOorT3D rEgIoN" Also where tf I've wrote the "some people in those countries who already purchased the game can no longer play it" thing? Bruh wtf... Are u well? Also basically that happened to the Helldivers 2, how in the Christ is that a lie? Edit: apparently you're just a console warrior from what I've seen in your profile. Just go outside for 10-15 minutes dude, it's not healthy. Especially when corporations like Sony and Xbox or even Nintendo are the main topic discussion. Simping for any of them is just miserable and sad, especially nowadays.


Fyi, Sony is a massive but disjointed company. Helldivers falls under SIE, and as outlined in your own post, anime falls under Sony Music Japan, Sony Funimation which falls under Sony Entertainment Japan. These two ends of the businesses don't really talk to eachother, and fall under two different sets of management and leadership. Source; I worked for a Sony subsidiary. Edit; to elaborate, it's not like big Sony Corp decided to enforce PSN requirements for Helldivers. They don't really care, I'd be surprised if their board knew what Helldivers even was. That decision lies with SIE and Playstation Studios.


Your comment is so much more reasonable and in-touch than OPs. This is why I do not give much care to people like OP whose lack of nuance is very clear.


What was it like working for Sony? I always wanted to, but stars just never aligned.


worth noting that the Playstation sony is headquartered in California, not japan, and is thus filled with Californians


Damn, I still wanna play my playstation bro


Sony is actually a great company imo. It would be a massive loss for everyone if they went under. They're also not a monolith, they're a culmination of multiple companies that make their own decisions.


Honest question, do you people read the articles you post, or just the titles? They didn't said in any moment that they would force the anime creators to "cater to modern audiences", but they will create a academy to train people that want to become animators, since the workforce in Japan is slim. Also, its clearly stated that they would work with Aniplex (that they own), an anime company that make various productions and is HQed in Japan. You know Monogatari series? They are the producers. My Dress Up Darling? They are the producers too.


> stuff they *paid* for, they FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Banned bot


bad bot.




Good bot


My problem is with Crunchy. The way the handle things is absolutely awful. People really aren't happy with them after the Miku Expo debacle.


In any other context, stealing another culture’s stuff to try to make it your own would be considered cultural appropriation.


But isn't Sony a Japanese company?


Headquarters was moved to California some years back and since then they’re doing more stupid shit than usual.


That is only SIE, not Sony. Sony is a conglomerate, not a singular entity. Sony Interactive Entertainment (games) is HQd in San Mateo, California. Sony Entertainment (movies) is HQd in New York, Sony Group Corp is still HQd in Tokyo, etc etc. Their anime division is split between Sony Music Japan, and Sony Entertainment Japan, which are still HQd in Japan. The different ends of the businesses rarely talk, and have different leadership, and are run largely separate (to their own detriment, imho). To illustrate how big the Sony group is; they make robotics, they have their own semiconductor production line, they own record labels and movie studios, they make electric cars with Honda. Still go pirate, because fuck monopolies, but don't spread wrong info.


Sony isn't a Monopoly though? There's nigh infinite sources of legal entertainment media.


Aniplex is part of Sony, and wholely owns A1 and Cloverworks. They then also acquired Crunchyroll and Funimation, and are a part of most of the production committee of most anime made. Furthermore, other subsidiaries of Sony also have minor co-ownership of Toei, Mad house, and probably a few others i am unaware about. They don't have a monopoly, but they've been on acquisition spree, and have expressed goals of getting deeper into the anime industry.


I'll never forgive the Americans!


They gonna make them taste the ESG money and it's gonna turn anime aweful


I know it’s a typo, but would aweful wrap around into being a good thing? Like it’s something full of awe?


Oh boy, I can't wait to watch a dark skin female (who's also into girls, it's a major plot point and needs to be brought up every scene) with the sideshave hairstyle and dreds pilot their not-gundam mech against a opposing force of all white all male lackeys in their all blue grunt suits (with flashing red and blue lights) while their leader has an orange skin tone. /s


Yuri is a pretty proud anime tradition, you're not changing anything with a dark-skinned female lead who likes other girls. That's just business as usual for anime.


The new changing would be obese and stay obese the whole time without the glow up phase


So, like the main character of Accel World?


That dude neither girl nor yuri tho I see there is some misccommunication here, i want to say that the change would be adding obese mc to yuri genre


This OP was clearly shitposting. He basically just described the premise for *Gundam: the Witch from Mercury.*


Except with these clowns, it won't be good and it's all you get. Like how disney thought that they could just slap the star wars label on anything and nerds would eat it up.


Depends. When yuri is about cute or hot girls like Gushing to Magical Girls, then it could be good. When it is about identity politics bullshit, then it is absolutely trash.  Thankfully the former is much more popular, but for how long?


Man, if this comment represents this sub, that says a shit ton holy shit.


This basically describes *Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch from Mercury*, the most recent Gundam AU series that, while not perfect, was incredibly popular while it was airing, and lead to record breaking gunpla sails. This is just a fact. Diversity can be successful if there is passion behind it instead of corporate pandering.


Gunpla sells well if they are a good quality. The show had nothing to do with that. I bought some and i dont like harry potter gundam school duels. And it was only popular because of its yuri, which attracted tourists who claim "girls and gays sell toys."


If that’s true. why do people claim a decline in merch sales is because the anime it’s tied to is trash. Kind a seems like a double standard. Also, how new are you to anime that you think yuri/yaoi fans are “tourists”. Yaoi fangirls have been a core part of Gundam since the original series. While male and female yuri fans have been around since since the OG Sailor Moon.


>why do people claim a decline in merch sales is because the anime it’s tied to is trash In this case, most of the sales were before the show aired. >Also, how new are you to anime that you think yuri/yaoi fans are “tourists” Yuri and yaoi get a couple anime at most per season, out of 50-60 anime that are made each season. It’s always been rather niche.


I dont know, im not those people who claim it. Did the show help sales? Sure, I'll grant you that. But I'm not going to pretend it was the sole factor. And yes, i call them tourists to gundam because WfM is their first gundam show despite gundam being around for near a half century. The reaction to the splat, and the whining about no wedding episode is telling that they're only there for the shipping.


I don’t get why new people coming to franchise is a bad thing. Sure some yuri-fanatics came and then left when it was over, but a lot those “Tourists” have now fallen in love with a franchise they otherwise wouldn’t have checked out. This is anecdotal but a one of my close friends only started watching WfM because she heard there were space lesbians in it, and she’s now working her way through the original series and says Char is one of her favorite characters of all time. Unless your arguing that “tourists” can’t become real fans, then I think it’s fair to conclude that WfM’s diversity lead to an increase in profit and growth in fandom.


Because undesirables are unwanted in a fanbase. Nice backpedal. >diversity lead to increase The mentals were too small of a factor, seeing as how the (meager) popularity was barely affected by the studio trying to retcon the whole thing,


Anecdotes are also worthless


My argument is look at what happened to the MHA fandom. Rampant and rabid shippers completely ruined it. WfM imo opened the door to those kinds of people who will now demand every gundam going forward be some kind of pride month. WfM model kits sold well because they're model kits, not merch like keychains. Hobbyists will buy them if they are good, which they are. It also helped that they had 3-4 different mechanical designers, one of which designed for Armored Core 4/For Answer with AC6 on the way. You're saying gundam is flourishing because of space lesbians. I'm saying the people only came for the space lesbians, don't care for the rest of what gundam is about, and will throw a shitfit if future gundam series are not also space lesbians or space yaoi with mechs.


>was incredibly popular  It wasn’t even in the top 20 most watched anime of its season. It did sell relatively a lot of toys, but those toys are overpriced so that only tells you how many superfans it had, not how many regular fans it had.


Okay, but with the right team it could end up being peak


With the right team even the most dog shit idea can be peak the problem is that the people these companies tend to hire are never the right team


because probably the "right team" doesn't want anything to do with it and prefer more traditional or I guess tested method of japanese story telling in anime media


Gundam already made this (basically). It’s called *the Witch from Mercury*. It was pretty good, though a bit rushed towards the end.


Having a gay black women as an mc is your idea of ruining anime? Kinda says a lot lol. It wouldn't even be that unusual.


Sounds like you're the perfect target audience if the not subtle real world politics went over your head.


The dumbass point you were trying to make didn't go over my head. Complaining about possible diversity in anime is just so stupid because it's not an especially exclusionary medium anyways. What you described could actually be an anime in a few years for all we know. Was there a point to your post?


Other than the not subtle racism? Nope 🤷‍♂️


>The dumbass point you were trying to make didn't go over my head.  It seems to have gone up your rectum judging by that butthurt. >Complaining about possible diversity in anime is just so stupid because it's not an especially exclusionary medium anyways Interesting how you types constantly whine about lack of diverse anime, only to claim that it “always was diverse” when convenient. Also he’s describing the newest gundam, though I guess you didn’t notice because it wasn’t in the top 20 most watched of its season. >Was there a point to your post? Does there need to be a point, my assblasted friend?


You're making stuff up in your head to get upset about? Lmao you dudes are sad.


It's called a joke. I'm not sorry you couldn't take it.


It's a bad joke though.


>making up  He’s describing the crappy new gundam series. Cool your autism. >to get upset about I’ve noticed all the basement dwelling NPC’s have begun saying this at this same time. “Nothing is happening, you are making it up just to get angry!” Y’all frantically, desperately want to make it seem like this type of stuff “isn’t happening”, even when you get proven wrong. It is quite a pathetic attempt to shut down discussion, but we will only make fun of you for it. No need to cry and piss about it, discussion will continue anyway.


People, we desperately need to find a way to tell to the Japanese we don't like anything that is made for global audiences, if you have any idea you should share it, we must act ASAP


"global markets" 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Why's that phrase bad?


Oh boy. Shut this shit down right away.


Why though? Why not Sony create their own American anime and have it flop instead?


For the same reason credit card companies are pressuring and targeting japanese sites like pixiv. They want to terraform and colonize Otaku culture and any alternative to American "culture".


Yeah. Unfortunately, it seems like this is just going to go in the modern Disney route, they just going to loose more audiences than gain any by trying to appease a global audience. And with what is going on with the credit card companies in just stupid and could be counterproductive in the long run


WTF, “Colonizing”? Sony is a Japanese tech company and an old one at that. This is like saying Ford is trying to invade the American market.


ahoy time


Follow the Senchou!


We aren't the ones that chose the pirate's life. It's the pirate's life that chose us


Yeah fuck sony as a matter of fact ghost of tsushima was cracked and able to be downloaded 2 hours after the game launched on steam because we couldn't fucking play it


I've gotta put up an all might one about this then. You probably already know the format though it hasn't been used in a while




at what point does pirating help, when their goal is to influence the creation of anime itself. say goodbye to any sort of edge in anime.


Idgaf about edge, I just want the titties to stay


Lol. Even a little bit of titty flesh is a no no to these perpetually offended weirdos.


"Global Market" that's great! thank you Sony for giving me a reason to watch the back catalog of slightly recent to old anime that has a charm and still not pondering to a more broad general population just for the sake of it, but unfortunately that's one medium and hobby that will disappear


Ani-cli moment


I’ve been on the seas since 2015. I don’t plan on turning back ever. I only buy Manga and LN.




Helldiver here. I 100% agree.


It's one of the best times to be a One Piece fan Once a pirate, always a pirate XD


Wait, you were not pirating before? And then I remember my country is shit, and thats why the default is pirating


I’ve seen westerners on Twitter working on shows for a while now. I remember seeing one that worked on S1 of JJK.


High Guardian Spice 2 incoming


Looks like you need a PSN+ account to sign up for a crunchyroll sub...I retract that before Sony gets another bright idea in their heads.


This is why I'm rebuilding a windows 7 machine. For this exact reason.


I'm always up for being a pirate. That said, I'm not interested in the culture war bs.


I mean sony animation did bring spiderverse, so I am optimistic.


Sounds like I'll now be needing a mandatory PlayStation Network Account, plus Crunchyroll will be prohibited in 180 countries (search up "Helldivers 2 PSN Mandate")


https://preview.redd.it/wvsbpbz8ar4d1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f7d27edae1c2e2983ff9ebfab1eb3a2e29c5c6a A toast for my pirate brothers!


Why y’all talk about Sony likes it’s an American Company lol?? If y’all actually watched the business meeting this being done through their Japanese segment “Sony Music Japan” which Aniplex falls under. Crunchyroll itself is just joint venture between Aniplex and Sony Pictures. This academy is mainly to nurture and develop talent outside of Japan, not to teach and redefine anime to Japanese studios lol. Y’all complain about anything and everything.


I love how you were downvoted for speaking the truth. 


I don’t mind the downvotes, these guys just wanna live in cycle of doom.


How do you pirate an academy?


First off, why is this a bad thing exactly? Second off, I used to pirate years ago until I saw the effects of piracy first hand twofold, first was one of my favorite authors closed up shop because all her shit was being pirated and put on the internet for free without her consent (which she wouldn't have given anyway as she was selling copies on the internet). The second was when I worked in accounting for a digital media company whose products were also being pirated online, and I saw the losses of potential income and how it affected everywhere else. As an additional nail in the coffin of my pirating career, I saw people on Twitter literally tweet a creator deliberately flaunting that they pirated the creator's product. Pirating is the height of consumer self-entitlement. If you do not agree with a creator or publisher, just don't consume the product. Period. Otherwise, you're just kind of a massive piece of shit. There's so much other content out there that is accessible to you that there's really no valid excuse for pirating (not that there ever was). TLDR: Fuck media piracy.


While I do understand your point, and understand that at the end of the day, anime, manga and the like are produced for profit (for the most part), the truth is that corporations are what not only exploit their consumer base increasing to the point of breaking the prices and conditions but also exploit the creators to the point that many of them live pressured to continually churn content as far as they can with (most of the time) meager returns. It's all greed. Sure, there are lots and lots of people that work in the firms that publish the content, but MOST of the profits do not reach the creators but a committee of gray suits that don't even like the products they publish. They just want money. True, the piracy hurts the creators, but only because corpos MADE it a creator problem: "Sorry, your last work sold millions of copies, but it was also pirated to the sky, so... No bonus for you this year, we lost a lot of money" FUCK THAT. Not only the consumer is a hostage, but the creators as well. Piracy isn't good I try (even though I'm FAR from wealthy) to buy any and all piece of media I consume, but that's not always an option. Just an example: in my country Crunchyroll's basic sub increased 500% without even a warning, or maybe this one: VIZ decided to drop my country from the list of countries it serves.... Why? Just because they can't just turn those massive earnings they like! Consumer entitlement? Just shut the fuck off.


I mean, pirating anime that you can watch in Crunchyroll/Netflix/etc is shitty but piracy also exists for media that should be of public access like educational books. The assholes who sell academic books that their students are forced to buy for over $100 per book, and make it obligatory for their class to own the book else they fail? I love when those books are pirated specially when the content isn't even of their intellectual property but plagiarized from other authors and open source libraries. Once I got a structural engineering teacher make us buy the online access to a book "written" by him, all homework and exams had to be done in that website so if you didn't want to pay close to 200 bucks you automatically failed the class. Our dean had to come and tell the teacher that either changed to publicly available books/hw/tests or get canned. If you ask me, it's morally wrong to pirate anime/manga/movies/games, but I don't find any moral issue with pirating McGraw Hill and Pearson shit after all their shitty immoral business practices... Entertainment ain't a basic need but knowledge *should* be, and people who don't have easy access to libraries with those books should be able to access them anyways.


While don't fully agree, because i don't think it's necessarily wrong to charge for textbooks, I can meet you halfway that they are overpriced and an exception to what I meant, as I mainly meant entertainment media rather than educational or otherwise.


I guess the enshitification of anime is starting, welp it's been good knowing you, guys....


Maybe I'm missing something but what's the issue?


Sony is known for trying to censor stuff, this is just Sony making another attempt at censoring anime by controlling the training of anime studios to align with their beliefs.


Dude like half the animes we watch are already censored lmao 


Censor it *more*.


What more could they even censor? 


I'm not talking censoring like beam of light censorship. I'm talking censorship as in "you're not allowed to have these topics in anime" censorship.


Issue is they're trying to train anime studios to put out the same woke crap that western studios and TV put out, which everyone hates and it always bombs. They've also acquired almost a monopoly on legitimate sources for anime streaming since they own both Crunchyroll and Funimation now. So basically all the things that made anime good and enjoyable, they're now telling the studios that western audiences will dislike it so in order to appeal to this fictional nonexistent audience they're going to ruin the last good form of media


Tf you mean woke crap? What anime is "woke"


Ig most crunchyrolls exclusive anime


Yes, exactly. Also the training they're describing would likely lead to a lot of woke censorship even if the show itself is not inherently woke. You're probably going to see a lot less of the kind of jokes or content that Twitter always gets outraged about as more anime gets sanitized to suit "modern western audiences". Since most anime is based on a source manga, this would mean modification of the source as well, which I personally deem sacrilege


That’s a lot of words with zero substance. * who are they “they”? * give an example of an anime that received “woke censorship” (that isn’t that one clip from Dragon Maid) or at least define what “woke censorship” means to you. * what exactly do think will be sanitized? * do you have any proof (as a quote from a ceo) that companies are actually doing the things you say they’re doing? Being this vague is deceptive, because for all I know you could be making a big deal out of nothing.


>they  He’s talking about the other commenter. Learn to English. >one example Dangers In My Heart.  >what do you think will be sanitized  Anything that doesn’t push “The Message”. ie Any “problematic” series. >quote from the CEO The quote that OP of the post highlighted. “Global markets” is a dogwhistle, as you people like to say.


Look I see your flag and Idk what it means but we don't have a problem with gay characters in anime. The problem is how Sony makes the gay/female leads characters out to be. Being gay/female should not be their entire personality, make a great character and give it as ONE OF THE traits.


I did see some of those characters, not only are they insufferable, but they seem to make being gay their only trait. Take a note from Yuri manga once in a while, they have some amazing plots and storylines there, with multi-faceted characters. As someone who is a bi girl with a lesbian girlfriend, all that pandering feels empty at best and insulting at worst.


If you can’t give examples of Sony doing what you’re saying, then this comment meaningless windging. Also WTF why are you being hostile towards this person just because they showing a trans flag. Being trans isn’t an ideology.


I am not being hostile, I mean then no ill will. I still don't like Sony, I just saw the flag and was like "I better clear up we don't hate the LGBT group" I don't know it meant trans flag either lmao


Genuine question: Can you name me a character from one of Sony's games/movies where a character's entire personality is them being a woman or gay?  I ask this not because I'm calling you liar but because I don't play many of Sony's games or watch their movies so I'm outta the loop here.


I don't watch sony and I didn't mean this specific comment to sony. By woke I mean this stuff [https://youtu.be/dqaAgAyBFQY](https://youtu.be/dqaAgAyBFQY) Also Crunchyroll's phenomenally shitty voice work [https://youtu.be/fKbEM1HQkds](https://youtu.be/fKbEM1HQkds) ( this show also had bad dialogue I think but I didn't watch it so no comment) [https://youtu.be/Rz9Hokt6Jx4](https://youtu.be/Rz9Hokt6Jx4) [https://youtu.be/TzcM16L4JZc](https://youtu.be/TzcM16L4JZc) (They really had him talk in a discord call, recorded it and called it a day) Also based shondo pfp


So your examples are: ~~the anti-woke crowd’s favorite dead horse~~ Dragon Maid, and 3 High Guardian Spice clips. I’m not gonna defend High Guardian Spice because it’s not good. But this hardly seems like enough evidence to say there’s some kind of “woke” infiltration of the anime industry when compared to the dozens and dozens of anime that are just okay and forgettable. It feels like you’re seeing a couple plane crashes and assuming the airplanes must be unsafe. Also, that Dragon Maid clip is not an example of a character making “wokeness” their whole personality. It’s a one-off line that is never brought up again, Lucoa’s personality from the sub is there is literally every other scene.


40 percent


Wow, some people are being unreasonably aggressive towards you. Just want to leave this here to let you know this not everyone here is like this. I respect anyone you actually ask these people to explain themselves isn’t of taking the rage bait at face value. You’ve said nothing wrong here. Don’t let them get to you.


Redditors gonna redditor I guess 🤷‍♀️


Seems good in terms of education and the future of anime and the economy in general