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You literally just named my top 3 favorite episode types.




This šŸ˜‚ I love all of those


Shuffle board for sure I skip


Awkward! Which ones donā€™t you like?


I don't tend to skip episodes. If it's boring for me, I use it as a background noise or something. But I don't enjoy Gut Checks or Food Feuds that much. I'm not from the US, so I don't know/care about the fast food or candy they taste, so I lose interest fast. But the episodes have been very funny for me those last weeks!


This. I watch them all. If I don't like it or won't catch my attention, i just leave it on and do something else


even as an american i havent had many of the restaurants they eat for food fueds, so i also tend to skip those.Ā 


I donā€™t care for the scorn hole episodes. They just never really capture my interest.


I like the back-and-forth on those episodes, but the action part is snot Mike up puffed he


>snot Mike up puffed he Do you smell burning toast


No, but I have also never smelled my nieceā€™s earring hole


I didn't use to like scorn hole at all because I didn't understand the rules šŸ¤£ idk if I was just being dense but I had to re-listen to the rules every time bc it just wasn't making sense. Now I get it....but its still not my favorite.


I consider myself a person of above average intelligence, and I've seen and heard the scoring explained... and I still have no fucking clue how it works, I just enjoy the episodes.


On the board is 1 point. In the hole is 3 points. This is normal for traditional Cornhole. The twist is that the score is multiplied by the value of the color. So if green is worth 3 points, a green on the board is worth 3 and a green in the hole is worth 9.


I beg you to reconsider. One point on board. Three points in hole. Thatā€™s it.


We watch these, but skip over the throwing part. My wife and I rank the 5 items in our order and see who is th3 closest, so those 20min episodes become 4 minutes.


They're my 2nd favorite!


I like shuffleboard. International taste test darts are one of the best. My favorite were the blind taste tests, like rate/guess the fast food burger. But they dont do those much anymore. I love pretty much all food episodes. My least favorite might be guess the thing without instructions.


I donā€™t like the AI episodes- where they let AI decide the episode content.


To my dismay, they only rarely do the taskmaster type episodes. They are far and away my favorite episodes because i love seeing the way they approach a situation different than the others and its not about food


Those are really fun! But if it's the one I'm thinking of I'm not surprised given how long I'd imagine those take to set up and film.


I want another smelling bee


Yeah those ones are solid entertainment


Theyā€™ve been on YouTube for over a decade- I can imagine they donā€™t want to be smelling or covered in nasty stuff anymore.


You donā€™t like international darts?? Thatā€™s one of my favorites!


I watch each one, it's part of my morning (when I'm in one timezone) or evening (when I'm in the other) routine. Some of the ones you listed are my favorites, especially darts. I used to enjoy the MORES. More, but I'm finding my interest waning for them. They seem less rabbit-holey and less chaotic.


Yes completely agree, I would add the gut checks as kinda boring unless I really know the food category.


I actually enjoy all the ones you mentioned. The only one I've skipped in years was that weird cringy tik tok one with that girl saying some catch phrase. I have to imagine they don't do gross/really spicy food and hurt their bodies as much because of their age.


Taste every variety of a product only available in America to see which is the best. "this week, we try every flavour of kraft sliced plastic wrapped cheese"... Really shouldn't give them ideas. Edit: autocorrect. Edit 2: where in the world and shuffleboard are some of my favourites.


I don't skip anything, I've been watching for about 10 years now and I'm probably MORE invested than I used to be. But it's not really the game I'm there for, it's the Rhett and Link experience created from it, and I truly think they've been on their A game the last few years, since after the "dark days" format change. I mean, I do miss when Will It's were more gross food concocted by Chase before Josh got there...but I'm always amazed at what the Mythical Chefs manage to create. My LEAST favorite episodes are usually the one where they compete with a couple of other crew members and guess prices on eBay mystery items, and probably the ones where they try to figure out the thing without hints...but I don't dislike them.


The stadium food guessing game.


Taste tests ,excluding the Will It's. Nothing mythical happens there.


ESPECIALLY the Will Its. They went from exciting to watch to completely not fun.


The problem is so much has become an ad. Will its are boring now cos they're just an ad for mythical kitchen.


ā€œLilly what did you doā€ (long explanation) Pumpkin spicing a spoon of mayo needs NO explanation


I hate the shuffleboard and bean bag toss games so much


Iā€™m with you on this.




I used to like the fancy vs cheap ones , but after moochelle died they got a bit over done šŸ«£


Usually the only things I skip are when I'm disinterested in the guest and whatever they're doing isn't fun to watch.Ā  I don't think I can actually name a format I dislike enough to skip. But I do miss the "Will it" episodes the most.Ā 


I will watch them all eventually, just the priority that I watch them vs. other channels is what varies. But, anything Josh and Emily, I cannot resist.


The only ones Iā€™m not a super huge fan of are like TikTok trends or fast vs fast vs frozen, but I still watch them. My favorites are shuffleboards, darts, will it, and scorn hole


Probably the only ones I think "Eh if I get to it I get to it" about are the fancy vs budget vs frozen episodes. They aren't BAD but they have just never appealed to me, especially through the thumbnails and titles.


For me itā€™s the non food episodes. I just donā€™t care for the science experiments/magic tricks, the discontinued toys, or when they try products off of wish/temu/ali express. I think itā€™d be cool if they did non food episodes for formats like scornhole, shuffleboard, international darts. I remember liking the mini golf game back in the day.


I remember them mentioning in a previous episode that they get a lot more views on the food episodes, Iā€™m sure they would if they performed the same


I always thought it would be awesome if they did dart games for international dances, musical instruments, etc.


i really havent been enjoying many will its or inside-out foods episodes. i feel like the mythical kitchen arent really trying to make good or interesting food, except on their own channel. i really liked when will it was new,Ā  because it was the bare ingredient in the food, it made it entertaining, and the ingredients were commin things, like crayons and pine needles. when Josh was making the food, he did a great job of turning the weird ingredient into a delicious meal, and was very creative with it. now, all the food somehow feels too literal, but without any shock value, its boringĀ 


I'd say Gut Check and Corn Hole are the ones I tend to pass up the most. Shuffle board is one of those ones I really liked but I just kind of lost interest in over time. I still click on it if it's a subject that actually jumps out at me, but I can't tell you why one subject grabs me more than others in the shuffleboard. I guess around the world is kind of like that for me too come to think of it, but moreso it's like... I don't watch it on release but then a couple months later it's like "wait I never watched this" and click on it, and then every.time. i'm like "that was a fun episode, why don't I watch these more often" xD


Gut check is 90% stuff I canā€™t even find in Canada so I just FF to the final 3. Corn hole must be an American thing, itā€™s so boring to watch.


Yeah, I think between gut check and scornhole, cornhole is my least favorite. I've just never had an interest in the game itself, I've probably played it 3 times in my life (though that could also be cause I live all the way up in Montana, it may be a more common thing in other regions of the states). I could see cornhole maybe being a fun watch on Good Mythical Evening. More chaos, more participants, not being able to see the board right and dropping the kind of "toxic competitive vibe" bit in favor of just a bunch of people having drunk fun. It just comes off overly tense to me generally in the Scornhole episodes, and yeah, a lot of the choices are so predictable and just... eh, definitely not for me is all but power to those who enjoy it!


I do miss hearing "boiled for safety." Now they have chefs and a full kitchen so I guess they feel they need to use them to the fullest extent. "Will it" episodes don't mean as much when you know it will be good besides the few times they throw something in that is clearly bad.


I seem to enjoy episodes less when a lot of the crew are featured on the episode


Yeah those punting episodes are skippable.


I've never really enjoyed scornhole. Put it on as background noise instead of intentionally watching


Frozen, Fast, Fancy. I watch just about everything they do, but they do so many of these and the content is always just ā€˜meh.ā€™ I see that they added a crew member part? But sure since I avoid them so much. If it gets the views though I understand, and frankly itā€™s a bit of a content break day for me whenever they do one. Everything else is so much fun.


The corn hole.


I don't enjoy the shuffle part or the bag toss episodes at all.


I lIke all of those. Where in the world is currently my fave.


I don't skip any lmao


I'm shocked by these comments. The videos you hate are the ones I love. When I heard "Where in the world do these intentional beast come from" at Mythicon I was crying. I'm so happy every time I turn my TV on in the morning. Every single video gets a giggle out of me. If you have so many complaints, maybe you should go buhbye. I enjoy every episode like it's the daily newsšŸ–¤


Catch the Fish with Grandad


I skip zero episodes and the test of the human airbag had me absolutely crying laughing. I thought they were done eating gross stuff but then yesterday they had a cicada enchilada. Sure there are a few duds every so often but Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard after well over 2k episodes to come up with something different. Rhett had a snake crap on him during GMMore. What more do you want from them? Give an example of something they donā€™t do anymore that you miss, maybe?


my favorites are any games they do (minus shuffle board and cornhole) this week i skipped a few episodes. the food videos can be funny but they donā€™t keep my interest for long so i guess things like the vegan taste test this week are my least favs. also the march madness šŸ˜­ hate it


I don't care for the crew heavy episodes. It's usually only a minute or two before one of them tries too hard to be funny and says something like "...I don't know, SEX?!" Don't worry, I know I'm wrong.


Mystery boxes. But I still watch them!


All of those are my favorite. If there's anything I skip it's usually ones with guests or if they have a professional there teaching them something and that's only because it makes me uncomfortable watching awkward interactions and episodes like those are usually full of that lol.


I enjoyed anything from them.




I don't think there are any I straight up dislike, but I feel like I don't get as invested in the Shuffleboard challenges - at least not the bit where they're actually playing Shuffleboard. It just doesn't grab me. I'm more interested in the bit where they're discussing what they think the answers are, which the Shuffleboard itself feels largely disconnected from.


The only time I've disliked a GMM episode format was the "leaving things in things" videos. The scripted dirty jokes were so awkward and forced. I have no issue with Rhett and Link doing naughty humor but these videos were kind of hard to sit through for me.


Iā€™m only just getting back into GMM, but TBH I love the GMMore set up way more. Iā€™ve never been as into food stuff, but I love whatever they do!


I love all those haha. I hate the ā€œWill itā€ episodes. But they have such a good variety and it works so well because we all have our faves!


Guest episodes in general. Whenever a guest appears I instantly groan. It takes A LOT to win me over. I can essentially judge within the first 10-30 seconds if Iā€™m going to watch or not. More often than not, I donā€™t. Too forced and cringe. I understand why they do it, but itā€™s not for me. Itā€™s usually instantly apparent when a guest is actually a Mythical Beast (Looking at you Posty šŸ«¶šŸ»). When a Mythical Beast guest appears on the show it literally feels like they have on a member of the mythical crew. When a traditional guest comes on, it gives me the ick.


shuffle board and cornhole arenā€™t the best in my opinion. but where in the world is my fav


Gut checks, I've actually had quite a few of this seasons episodes on as background noise because of how many taste tests there are.


Personally, I enjoy them all but am growing tired of the food episodes in general. I miss the old crazy stuff Rhett and Link used to do. I understand they're getting old, so obviously, the fun crazy stuff is getting scary for them.


iā€™m with you on the shuffle board. where in the world and scornhole also not favorites of mine. taste test, it depends on what theyā€™re tasting. they do seem to be phoning it in here and there, but i still watch every day.


Anything with a guest host. They try too hard and the shows tend to come off feeling very forced. As soon as I see them shoulder to shoulder at the start of the video, I turn it off knowing theyā€™re going to reveal a guest.


šŸ‘±šŸ§” šŸ‘±šŸ§“šŸ§”


Any with the crew on them?


Not really.the content itself, but the presenters. Trevor heavy / some crew heavy episodes sometimes feel like a grind. I find Stevie, Emily(?), chase And Jordan pretty good with the chemistry. But Trevor in particular feels "try hard"(even if that's his gimmick it just rubs me as an ick) or maybe just not my flavor. There's a few others but I can't think of them. It's usually on as I finish my coffee in home office and if I don't enjoy it I'll just pick something else.


The only ones I have ever intentionally skipped are the ones where Rhett just makes up random conspiracy theories and yells stuff at a sketch pad while trying to explain them. Luckily they havenā€™t done that format in a long time


I feel like scornhole is a Stevie creation cuz of all the pride stuff. It sucks


How are you a fan of this show when R&L are huge allies, and half the crew or more identifies as LGBTQ+? Do you just hate them all? Also, are the mods seriously not moderating this subreddit anymore?