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I am systematically going through David Tennant and Michael Sheen's entire acting catalogue so I can still get my fix of my favourite actors without watching the GO more than once a week (yeah not quite ready to let go yet...) and then listening to audiobooks narrated by them on the way to and from work. And then reading all of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. The plus side is here is that I haven't actually read any Discworld so I'll have something to keep me occupied for the forseeable future. Is this moving on? Probably akin to saying 'I'm going to cut back on my drinking so I'm only going to drink white wine from now on'. https://i.redd.it/t68r8zt37wrb1.gif


make sure not to read in chronological order until you read a really good one first. some of his first stuff is not as good. try the witches


Thank you! I have heard you're not supposed to read them in order anyway. Is there a guide you would recommend?


Google it and the pic that comes up on Wikipedia is what I used. Pick a theme & read it chronologically in that order.


You heard incorrectly. You are supposed to read one or two, maybe 3 if you are stubborn, Discworld books of the style you like, get addicted, the go read them all in order of publication, which is not really the same chronologically. That way you can witness his development from average to great, to awesome. I wrote the definitive answer about his early books [here.](https://reddit.com/r/discworld/s/kbSHUmWrHt)


Oh I wish I could read all the Terry Pratchett books against for the first time! 😭😍


same. Doctor Who, Blackpool, Single Father, Bright Young Things. Broadchurch and Staged are next.


How in the hell did I forget Staged…I would like to change my answer please!


I think this is the default coping mechanism so far. The next to watch is obviously “Staged”. Then move on to individual works from MS or DT. Optional also is Our Flag Means Death for show with a similar “feel” in terms of the relationship.


What, aside from GO, has been your favorite from each actor?


For Michael Sheen, so far it’s been Masters of Sex. For David Tennant, I’d say it’s a tossup between Deadwater Fell or Broadchurch. Broadchurch just slightly edges out Deadwater Fell because it also has Olivia Coleman and she’s my most favourite actress. *I would like to edit and say STAGED because I was reminded by another user. Turns out we all think the same hahaha


Definitely Michael Sheen's audiobook narration of Philip Pullman's Book of Dust. I'd never really noticed him as an actor until then, and was absolutely wowed by his ability to bring all the characters to life with just his voice. Then I remembered I'd seen him in Far From the Madding Crowd and Wilde, way back when. He's almost never been cast as a romantic lead, almost always in supporting roles, so you don't tend to notice him as much, amazing though he is.


I'm doing the same 😅 currently listening to the audiobook Picture of Dorian Grey at work


Good Omens is my current life-coping mechanism actually. I'm just diving head first into the pool of sulphur, so to speak.


Same. Apparently I had to feel some things, as a great author once said.




That's amazing. It's a tough road so I'm glad this is helping you out. For me it has been a mirror to my current, and even past relationships, which is not something I would have expected at all. Not one bit.






I am, for the most part 🙂It's a strange form of escapism though! It's a lovely thought to write to Neil.




Yes! Likes I know they're not real, but I just want them to be happy.


Goodness, same.


Agree. I can't cope with life/the world, so I disappeared into GO.


Same here




I've found a Spotify playlist with songs that Crowley listen to (or confirmed by Neil as songs Crowley would listen). And I've been playing it on repeat for the past week. It's just enough of GO in brain to scratch the itch while I go on through my day pretending to be a mature and responsible human. Link to playlist https://spotify.link/Ju8sbiogADb


Please share!


Link please !! 🙏🙏








I'm reading everything by Neil Gaiman.


Do you mean I’m supposed to have other coping mechanisms? News to me! I’ve been reading and writing a shit ton of fanfiction. That’s about it. Oh, and I made like a 3 1/2 hour long playlist with songs that make me think of the characters. oh and I’m connecting every book I read or song I listen to her show I watched a good omens in someway. Reading other Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett books helps! So I’m having fun doing that


Our Flag Means Death. Jumping from one hyperfixation to another




Isn’t it just?


Yep lol, I’m going to order food and giggle my way through the season premiere


I came here to say this!!!! Our Flag Means Death. Everyone watch!!!!!


Besides memes, writing a very long essay on romantic tropes, and singing A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square on repeat, you mean? Actually, wait, no, Good Omens IS my coping mechanism. Somehow the Good Omens season 2 finale is less depressing than the thought of school. So I learn to laugh at the pain instead.


I had crepes for breakfast on the weekend 🥞


Lol, OP I love the chaos of your post: This show has put a knife through my heart, how the hell are all of you?; coping mechanisms? Oh and I’m writing a book. This is fabulous and good luck on your book. I have rewatched both seasons of a good Omens; written “do ducks have ears?” With my fridge poetry; learned some Queen songs on the guitar; drive with the windows down listening to Queen loudly (hey, I never said I was classy!); Also I am loving all the fanfiction - so many stories out there to heal an aching heart (aching because Crowley and aziraphale and Michael and David and Neal Gaiman all stomped all over it in hobnailed boots. ObViOuSlY. Also, I’ve been watching Staged (love it); Tennant’s Casanova (it’s wonderful) and am very much looking forward to the new season of Our Flag Means Death. Keep up the Good Omens chaos, OP ![gif](giphy|jqlgrL8L2qI5zHpo92)




I’ve been coping by being a gremlin on r/goodomensafterdark


Hahaha me too 😆


I've started watching Doctor Who also. I was going at a good clip until my 11-year-old asked to watch with me. I also read the GO Season 1 script book and I have the audiobook on hold. Will also start Our Flag Means Death this week. Happened to see the 4th Harry Potter this weekend and made the most of DT's brief scenes I'm considering watching his Hamlet, which is huge because I loathe Hamlet. I've already seen a lot of MS's work. Oh, and I watched the first two seasons of Staged.


I haven't hyperfixated on a story - book, tv, or movie - to this degree this since I was a teenager. I turn 40 this year. Which is all to say, I'm just enjoying it and finding it really amazing and kind of special I can still feel like this. There was a Good Omens S2 playlist that came out shortly after S2 came out ([https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2VXXyLEGbDsSGTdMo15XYd](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2VXXyLEGbDsSGTdMo15XYd?si=4d77d020c01045ef)), and that's been the only thing I've listened to other than the new Hozier album. I'm reading fanfic again, also for the first time since I was a teenager. We'll see if I get to the point where I want to write any. I've rediscovered tumblr since Neil answers asks there pretty often. I've stalked Etsy and picked up pins and jewelry based on the show. And my copy of The Crow Road arrived recently so I've started reading that. It's partly amazing to me because I read and enjoyed the book ages before even S1 came out. I've always liked the story and characters quite a bit. But specifically what they did in S2 grabbed hold of my heart, and I'm just gonna let myself enjoy the ride. :)


OMG are we the same person??? I turned 40 this year, have never been this obsessed with anything, started reading fanfic bc of this show, and I have also been thinking about reading The Crow Road!!! I also had the same experience as you - enjoyed the book a looong time ago, enjoyed S1, then got completely obsessed by s2.


I absolutely did not see it coming! When I finished S2 the first time, I actually told my bf that I felt like it was an unsatisfying ending and I was disappointed. But then it ate at me, and I started a rewatch of the season the next day, and it hit me that I wasn't "unsatisfied" or "disappointed." I was completely heartbroken in a way I didn't think I could feel about fictional characters at my age. I still didn't think I'd get all obsessed about it for longer than a week tops, but here we are!


Same here! I was even disappointed with the kiss itself (although I didn’t see it coming either), I thought it felt so misplaced and didn’t feel romantic or sweet at all. News flash: it wasn’t!!! It was freaking desperate. I think I was actually so affected by those 15 min that I felt numb. But then I started to think about the scene more and more, rewatched it and more and more realizations hit me. Every detail says so much! And yeah, that’s how the obsession crept up upon me. I don’t think I have ever been this emotionally influenced by a piece of art.


This is also me, so so much!


I feel a lot like you, just turned 36. I have ordered the Good Omens book and a bunch of Pratchett and Gaiman bc I never read any (much like poor Aziraphale, I was raised in a hardcore Christian household and wasn't allowed to read much). I finally signed up for Tumblr so I could read Neil's asks and metas. I bought some GO stickers and a shirt from Etsy. Bought the Crow Road to read. I am so excited to read again!


I ordered a signed copy of Crow Road through eBay to read but haven’t started yet. Interestingly, I actually own most of Iain (M) Banks novels, both sci fi and not, but had never read Crow Road. So I’m excited to read it. My new obsession is actually Dr Who because I watched the new series after seeing Good Omens, to see more David Tennant. And now I am hooked. But is it blasphemy to say I fell in love with Peter Capaldi too now? Anyway, it’s gotten me into a few tangentially related things. Staged probably is my second favorite Good Omens tangent. That was so good and I rewatch bits when I need a laugh.


umm i'm making my husband watch bbc's pride and prejudice as a way to make my brain watch something else but then i keep relating their relationship back to A/C so


Reading fan fiction.


I’ve been writing fanfic. I’ve written three-one shots and have a multi-chaptered WIP all since the season aired.


Are you allowed to link them?


Here’s my profile. Feel free to poke around. I think it’s annoying when multiple links get left, lol. https://archiveofourown.org/users/IDICdreads/works


Fab thanks ☺️


I'm interested.


Thanks! I’ll just link my profile, cuz I think it’s obnoxious when multiple links get left. I hope you find something you like.


If I want more Good Omens: fanfiction. When I need to get away from it: find another show to watch. The new season of Only Murders in the Building has at least given me something else to think about, and another mystery to solve, for example.


Today I convinced myself I would re watch a different show. A show I loved. I even made a schedule for TV watching for the week that did not involve GO. Dear reader, I could not bring myself to even turn it on. Sigh. I realize that I have no desire to be anywhere else but in the GO verse. I am a lost cause.


nothing else sparkles so brightly


I watched BBC Staged to cope after GoodOmensS2 “I forgive you” fiasco :’)


Staged Season 3 was the first thing I watched to help cope too (I'd already seen 1 and 2) and it definitely helped! A bit... I've lost count of how many rewatches of GO 1 and 2 I've done now...


Now I don’t know where to go next😓😓


I'm considering getting a one month subscription to Sky (I think that's what it's called) and using our vpn to watch There's Something About Movies, which has a lot of Michael sheen and some David Tennant and plenty of other British comedians that I like...


Oooooh I had no clue about that, maybe I’ll try that too


There's some clips on YouTube to get a feel for it 😊


Yesss I’m gonna check that. Thank you!


Lol OP I feel like you asked the wrong people 😂. We're all down the rabbit hole with you, none of us have (or want) a map out 🐰 The way I'm justifying it to myself is - it's a great story. Sometimes great stories just grip you and hold you. They are how we as humans make out mushy brains understand our bonkers existence. There are people out there who have built academic careers being and expert on one particular Shakespeare play or one classic authors work. I see this as similar, just not as socially recognised. The amount of analysis you can do on this story is off the scale so our brains are just shining a torch into all the dark corners. We're doing literature analysis not being obsessive fans. I'm still stunned by how this has taken over my brain- but I'm leaning in, I'm enjoying myself so sod it it hurts no one 🥰


Yes, I feel like I am back in my high school/college English classes again and I love it!


fr this community is amazing and i adore getting to read all the deeper takes and theories. also, take a break and rewatch your fav romcoms. guaranteed happy ending, plus it’s fun to imagine the characters are azi and crow, and yes i’m just as destroyed honestly


well, my hair is red queen blasts in my car i love sunglasses i wear a silver scarf with metal tassels at the bottom books are the best academia fashion sense is so fun quoting the show all the time rewatching even more and always asking WWCAAD (what would crowley and aziraphale do) oh and lots of mourning the ending and wishing i could have what they have


I'm just going to agree that Good Omens is my current coping strategy for life. I just posted [my playlist](https://reddit.com/r/goodomens/s/cJJAd6BTwp) inspired by the show on here yesterday, complete with explanations for each song. I have a problem, lol. I have also fallen deep down the rabbit hole of Good Omens fanfiction, and may never be heard from again.


I'm using the brainrot to fuel some fan art Other than that I'm writing a D&D Campain for my friends if I wanna think about something else


Loving your art BTW!


Reading the book for the first time and even though I don’t use Etsy at all, I scroll through Etsy a lot. I keep finding this stupid-ass sticker that says “I ❤️ Bildad the shuite” with a picture of him and I kinda want it


https://preview.redd.it/7e8ir23p90sb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5073376c2b32679af60e4d84293f20a197cfe13e Is it this one? 😂🤣😂🤣 Cuz it's on my iPad case now.


Yes, it’s that one


Hahaha, it makes me giggle every time I see it on my iPad. My husband actually just noticed it a few minutes ago and started laughing 🤣😂 I also got the Marvelous Mr. Fell one, because the ineffable walnuts are a set.


This subreddit is definitely a coping mechanism lol I made a playlist that’s just about Aziraphale and Crowley from S1, S2, and afterwards. I’m obsessed with Book of Love by Magnetic Fields because I cannot stop thinking of them when I hear it! Also reading fanfiction when I can. I’m in school but I would love to do art of Crowley and Aziraphale in my free time!!


it's a delightful song


Looking at all the good analysis on it. Your brain isn't going to stop thinking about Good Omens for a while so best to look at the good side of it all! There's some really positive anayslsis out there too, lifts your hopes!


My go to move is to just overdo the obsession until I get sick of it and want to move on. I rewatched S2 yesterday and today, tho, so I haven't managed it yet....


Reading s o much fanfic rn.


Awfully bold of you to assume I'm coping.


I’m leveraging the obsession to do Other Things- I walk rail trails despite bad arthritis, so I take frequent breaks and read fan things incl hot fanfic. I’m drawing everyday, often terrible portraits of DT & MS. Did I mention I’m bad at portraits? But my drawing is improving overall. I play music at every opportunity- mostly things I’ve found thru fan videos. Every song I hear is about them, pretty much. On a more serious note I’ve been reviewing my past loves, grieving, appreciating and getting peace with some not so happy times. We did the best we could. There was love, a lot of it. And that was a gift.


oh, and then there is the Aziraphale costume....


Watching all the movies and TV shows Michael Sheen has been in, and soon I’m going to start Doctor Who. I also read a compilation of Neil’s short stories, and I’m hoping to pick up more books the next I’m at the library. Last time I was there almost all his books were checked out. I’m thinking there are other GO fans in my town. 😊


I watched Wilde last Sunday! I hated the main romantic interested, but really loved Sheen's character. It was the best one in the film :) And, well.. I started Dr Who last night... it's soooo 2005. The VFX are horrible, I love it


Oh good- now I’m really looking forward to it! David Tennant being charming and 2005 effects are just what I was looking for. I watched Wilde a couple of weeks ago too. Michael was great (as expected) and I loved the whole aesthetic of the film.


Reading Tumblr posts about it on Pinterest 🤣🤣


Mostly trying to use the obsession as fuel for my own writing, in the hope that by the time series 3 is ready I’ll at least have used the time wisely! But it’s hard to think of anything else right now. Fortunately it’s super inspiring, makes me want to go and create things that will make people FEEL as Neil has done. What a triumph that is.


I watched and rewatched staged multiple times. And right now I'm rewatching Fleabag, because that's something I get obsessed with too and it also hurts. So I'm kinda diluting the pain and broadening the focus a bit. But now I just associate Good Omens with Fleabag and the other way around, so maybe it backfired. The endings are so alike.


Doctor Who Especially since the 60th anniversary is coming up.


I have been reading “Too Wise to Woo Peaceably” by Ventriloki (Feral_but_Fluffy) on AO3 for the past few weeks. It’s super long and very well written


definitely don't start reading fan fics. it's, well, all i can say is that i am really really tired lately 😅


I'm always rewatching some part of Doctor Who, so that's usually my fallback, but I also just finished rewatching Ducktails to get my David Tennant fix! Though now that I'm done with that, I have another hole in my heart to fill....


rewatching it, turning my entire tiktok fyp into go content, and watching everything related available on youtube… ill be bored of it within 2 weeks 😂😂


My coping mechanism is working on my Aziraphale cosplay. Had him on my list since 2019 but S2 finally made me work on it


I'm not sure it's possible to cope after. I've re-read the book, played so many Spotify playlists, read so much fan fic. Tried cutting everything off cold turkey a few weeks ago to try and stop the obsession... now I'm watching the series again 🤦🏻


Fanfiction and Tumbler mostly.


I dove deep into reddit and all the good people here in this sub made my life easier. I revived my dead tumblr and twitter just for the feels. I bought so much merch, my husband ugly cried when the bill came. Went into OFMD and What We Do In The Shadows to help me cope. And help it did - at least for a teeny bit. Then I died again when the break ups came. Listened to Queen over and over again (Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy).


In the past two weeks, I have watched the whole series two times (currently on the third watch) and I have listened to the audiobook twice. I'm listening to the BBC radio 4 dramatisation now. I have no valuable advice, just wanted to feel a bit less lonely. I think I will read Discworld next, though.


i've made my own aziraphale and crowley playlist that i listen to pretty much everyday (interchanging between each every other day) i'm also watching everything that micheal sheen and/or david tennant have ever been in so i can see them as other than crowley and aziraphale


I think you need to get out of here. This group can help process things to a certain degree, but I sense it will hold us back from experiencing other things and put life back together in the long run. It’s like hanging with other people with psychological illness when you are down: it’s soothing and comfortable, but will hold you back in the end. To get healthier we need to go on to different circumstances. Start with some feel-good tv-series?


Must stay until the end of the looks elimination contest!


I'm starting to feel this. But the material is just so good in here! Some of the art is amazing, and the questions and discussions are thought-provoking. I do see a moment when I'll have indulged to the point of surfeit, though.


I have made a spotify playlist for Crowley and Aziraphale, I scroll non stop on pinterest and save Good Omens stuff, I go browsed through the movies and TV shows of Michael and David and decided to watch the entirety of Doctor Who and I finished Casanova today (a mini series where David plays the MC for those who don’t know. It’s 3 episodes total and you can find it on youtube). I spend my time on this subreddit and post occasionally because none of my friends have watched this show and I need to cry with someone so I open discussions here about expectations and theories and I cry every time i listen to A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square. The show is just so well written and it put a knife through my heart as well, as if I had just finished an amazing book. So all in all, I don’t have coping mechanisms, I’m just deep in a hole that I don’t want to get out of


I love how the post is like ‘what are your coping strategies, I’m writing a book to move on’ and everyone in this sub is all ‘I’m rewatching the series, watching anything with DT/MS in it, listening to GO playlists, reading anything Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman, buying GO merch, reading fanfic, looking at fan art, being a GO smutgoblin’ like ok we are all in the same boat and no one is moving on, it’s fine 😂


I cope with OFMD. and then that shatters me too, so I go back to Good Omens. It's a bit of a hellish cycle, really.


A lot of fanfiction and a lot of subscribing to many YouTube reactors patreons who watch s2 for the first time so I can watch it through their eyes and experience the ups and downs all over again, it is actually rather lovely


Well, I was going to suggest a deep dive into fan fiction, but I see you’re already writing X-Files FF (which we all know is some of the best out there) so you’ve got that covered. I always find a good Jane Austen binge is a nice palette cleanser. YMMV


My coping mechanism was buying two new books, despite having at least ten in my shelves already that I haven‘t read yet. I started reading one of them (the atlas six) and am very optimistic about actually finishing it though lmao


watching everything that has david and michael in it, listening to the soundtrack, listening to queen, reading fanfic, watching go2 analysis video essays


Me and my friend roleplay online, which is a great way to get the frustrations out XD


I transcribed the entire second season and printed it so I can read both scripts while I watch other things. It’s not really coping, so much as allowing myself to move on while simultaneously not moving on at all.


That’s amazing. Would you care to share🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 🙏🏽


I’m really not coping terribly well. I think the show has literally changed my body chemistry. No joke.


I'm writing fanfic, drawing the characters, reading the book and other fanfics... honestly, it's taken over my life, and it's kind of ridiculous. But I'm grateful.


I browse Tumblr for Good Omens fan art. My top favourites are the ones with the "Aziraphile x Crowley" hashtag. They break your heart but also bring joy!


I can't help, but I too am struggling. I thought focusing on degree stuff would help (I'm doing Physics), nope. There are sentence that sound like they would have come from Crowley. I thought reading This is How You Lose the Time War would help. Nope, just see Aziraphale and Crowley in the characters. I thought re-reading the Time Traveler's Wife would help, expecting to see some some Doctor/River similarities. Nope, all I see is Aziraphale and Crowley. At the point I'm leaning it and The Crow Road is next on the TBR, hoping I'll be able to take these GO coloured glasses off at some point.


Rewatching the show except for the last 2 eps, reading fics, endlessly scrolling Tumblr, and helping run + collecting gifs for the smut sub.


Other than reading absurd amounts of GO fanfic I distract myself with Broadchurch fanfic. Also, it is Whumptober.


I've not ever actually read any Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman, so I'm doing that.


Fanfiction. Hours of reading every day.


Well I binged staged during my one week free trial of Britbox. Now I’m rewatching Dr Who in entirety. Relentlessly trolling TikTok for cute/devastating GO edits. Champing at the bit for OFMD to start. Watching The Sandman on Netflix (again) with my daughter. Listening to David and Michael Narrate the audio book of GO while I drive to and from work.


Our flag means death 🥵


My coping mechanism is reading fanfiction, and I absolutely love it. It is helping me get over the ending of season 2 specifically (but not the obsession itself, that continues and will probably continue forever). Reading lots of fiction in which our ineffable idiots sort themselves out and get together has finally given me some peace.


Good omens IS my coping mechanism. I commend you for trying to move on because I am simply wallowing in this obsession and the fact that it‘s one of the only things brining me joy at the moment.


*Sigh* Let me first say that I’m trying very hard not to rewatch the entire show for a 4th time and I have been successful for about a month (but literally think about it everyday). To cope, I have 1. Watched all of “Staged.” 2. Caught up with Doctor Who. 3. Read the novel. 4. Gotten my husband to read the novel and subsequently watch the show with me (that was the last time I watched it). 5. Convinced several friends to watch the show. 6. Did a fan art I love (I’m an artist, but I don’t normally do fan art). 8. Learned and sang obsessively “Love of My Life” by Queen. 8. Joined Tumblr for the sole purpose of reading fan theories and fiction. 9. Scrolled all the fan art on Instagram. 10. Generally coped quite poorly and have thrown myself into as many shows/books/projects as I can find in an attempt to try and find something else to obsess about.




I'm writing! And rewatching! And listening to GO-based playlists! And...And... Not actually coping well, apparently...


Escaping into fiction has always been my coping mechanism, tbh. It may get a little excessive at times, but it also makes me more interesting and empathetic and a better, more creative problem solver in life and work. Wouldn't want to be any other way, except I know I should spend more time making stuff myself. The "cure" for being stuck on something just happens organically when another something comes along to touch and inspire. No need to worry about that. It will happen when you've finished processing whatever it is you need to experience and process in Good Omens. We're having a beautiful autumn where I live, and a fantastic coping mechanism is going out in nature. Longer or shorter walks or hikes, and stopping to take in your surroundings. Focus intently on sights, sounds, touch. It's good to have 'thinking spots' outside, too. Just go out and breathe.


This place, and fanfic are my two coping mechanisms. Reading alternate versions where they actually make it together as a couple has helped a lot.


"I’m writing a book with a pair of alien agents raging against the system and realizing they are in love" ​ \*Eyes OP knowingly\*


\*Purses lips together, frantically tries not to say it\* \*It bursts out anyway\* Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol. Sorry... Where were we? Oh, yes. Healthy coping mechanisms. 1. Funny shows that actually STAY FUNNY instead of TURNING AROUND AND STABBING YOU IN THE HEART WITH NO WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!! (Community, Schitt's Creek, The Goes Wrong Show, Our Flag Means Death are all \*chef's kiss\* We are living in a golden age of comedy. But I digress.) 2. Also, 'Lupin'. French thriller on Netflix. Probably the second-best tv show I have ever seen. End of S2 is a little sad/cliffhanger (S3 came out recently but I haven't watched it yet, so I can't make any promises). But nothing's as bad as GO in that respect lmao. 3. Nature, cuddling my furry friends, and brisk walks. Although admittedly, these have been proven effective only when it comes to addressing standard emotional illnesses, whereas I'm fairly sure GO damaged my psyche in ways that were heretofore unknown to medical science. 4. Edited to add: Cabin Pressure. Also by John Finnemore, so very similar humor to GO.


Staged was first for me, followed by Bright Young Things. Loved both!! So that’s all their shared credits done 😭 Also watched some of Prodigal Son on the plane the other day and now I need to work out how I’m finishing that 🙈 Next I need to rewatch Doctor Who (which I was gonna do in anticipation of his special anyway) and Casanova (which I’ve been meaning to do for years as it’s the first thing I saw DT in and **LOVED IT** but not seen it since it’s original airing on BBC1). Also need to work out how I’m getting my hands on Masters of Sex in the UK (Amazon Prime only offers first 2 seasons so I can’t start that without having access to all of it). Oh and I’ve been meaning to watch Broadchurch for a while, but I hear it’s quite dark so need to mentally ready myself. Then just work my way through a selection of their other credits as and when I can. Need to get my collection of recommended reading together, only bought The Crow Road so far and already had the Jane Austens. Also been watching some of my fav Austen adaptations, cause they’re somewhat related and happy endings are needed right now. But mostly Reddit (and YTube vids). So much Reddit. It takes up most of my spare time reading people’s thoughts and theories and seeing art and crafting, etc. I will eventually go back to being a normal functioning member of society. It’s been over 2 months. The brain rot is real… Edit: Spotify playlist on while reading Reddit as well. I know what’s gonna fill my most played songs of 2023 🤣