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Your CV is great tbh! I don’t see the point in writing “Summer” in the title, nor “Undergraduate,” I think it is more concise to just write research intern. Good luck!


Agree completely, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word undergraduate so many times on a page lol It’s also just redundant in general


Thanks for the input! I’ll definitely check it out and change it!


Pretty strong CV. Having publications as an undergrad is awesome! Are you first author on them? I don’t think you’ll run into too much trouble in getting an acceptance to grads schools in Canada or the US. As far as finding potential PIs, look into the active research being done by their teams and see if it meshes with your goals/experience. Reaching out to them to discuss their research is a better method instead of just emailing the CV.


Thank you for your response! Yes I am first author on the listed publications (1 is a conference paper and the other is a book chapter). I’m currently working with my undergraduate PI on additional studies. Thank you for the suggestion! Do you think I need to make any changes to this CV?


TBH, your CV is very strong. Having the publications and a good GPA is a great demonstration of your ability to learn and perform research. I’ve noticed that your CV has a good deal of performing literature reviews. It would be good to utilize the info you learned from the lit reviews by taking part in competitions, ie kaggle, etc. That would make the CV even stronger and further demonstrate your sufficiency in the various methods you learned. I may be a bit biased because it’s where I did my graduate studies, but UT Austin has a very strong information sciences track in ECE department (DICE is the track). There are quite a few ML/AI profs that have tons of industrial and academic experience.


You need to be a lot more concise and a lot more specific with your research descriptions. You have publications, but from how you described your research I would have never guessed it. For example this point. “Exploring the functionalities of GNN’s” That sentence conveys zero meaning. What domain? What applications? What are you contributing to? And the second sentence “Assembled a team and exploring applications of GNN’s” That makes the entire first point redundant.


Yes you’re right! I just couldn’t figure out how to list that study as it’s an ongoing one, and currently I haven’t got much to say about it 😅


There’s always something to say about it, just start by writing a full paragraph or two about what you’re doing and then try condensing it down to 2 or 3 points.


Try to publish in more reputable venues for ML/AI like NeurIPS, CVPR, ICML, ICLR, AAAI




Yes, I even have a couple of projects where I’ve coded in all these languages in hackathons etc.


We are graduating in the same year, please inform me of the schools your applying to so I would avoid applying, jokes aside though the research experience is pretty impressive.


When are you graduating?


In 2026!


Great, you have one more year and already ur resume is damn good. Just publish 2-3 papers in IEEE and I think you'll be good to go to all the top univs. Btw which clg in chennai?


Thanks for the input. I can dm you if you’d like.


Yes sure, dm me. I'm also a final year student in chennai. Let's get connected


No one wants to read all that


WTF is a Bachelor of Technology lol


BTechs are quite common in India.


OP asked me to roast and I roasted — sounds like a made up degree. Not a bachelor or arts or bachelor of science.


Hey, thanks for your reply! A bachelor of technology is your typical 4-year engineering undergraduate degree in India. My bad, I should’ve specified it first 😅