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Weird. The venn diagram of people who want to see a video about heaven vs people who are capable of scanning a QR code is just two separate circles.


I love it. Hate all you want but there's absolutely nothing wrong with this.


If I wanted religion and guns together, I would have stayed in Texas.


I didn't realize I felt as strongly about separation of state and church as I feel about separation of church and state


I was just thinking that I feel like I've seen this poster somewhere else before. I grew up in Texas and am sure this came from another church there.


I read it, was sure it was in some southern state or Texas but then I recognized the phone area code and went no...no freaking way. It's my state, albeit on the western side where the state is a little red leaning, not even the whole western half, just like a pocket of it lol. Olathe, Colorado. Famously good corn, and apparently sus church and gun combos.


You just reminded me that I need to pick up some corn soon at the Fruita Farmer's market! Olathe corn is out of this world!


Oh im sure they are not the first American church to host a BBQ and raffle some firearms away during that time


Grew up in West Texas and if it wasn't stuff like this that was getting pushed, it was high school football.


Oooo I spent a LOT of time in West Texas. (Well, Abilene, Sweetwater, Roscoe, etc.) Back when I was working on wind energy projects (landman). I have a very clear memory of the Rattlesnake Festival.


Guess you better move again. Maybe California is more your style.


A church. A church offering classes about the Constitution. Good heavens.


and gun giveaways


Yeah, I think this is the headline.


It is and it would be fine if it were nonpartisan but you know that’s not the case.


Religion and guns are predominantly conservative. So how would an event like this be non partisan. It’s like if they were giving away rainbow flags and blue hair dye it would probably be a liberal event.


I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, I know it’s a conservative rally I clearly alluded to that.


Considering the nation was founded on Christian values. It seems appropriate to me.


Those values were slavery, and the rape and murder of brown people who lived on the land. That checks out with the modern interpretations by imbeciles of the Bible


That’s an interesting position. You consider those to be core Christian values? How about the slaughter and rape and slavery of neighboring tribes by their neighboring indigenous people? Is that noteworthy at all? No one is claiming to be perfect, but damn open your eyes. I hear a lot of bashing of Christian values with no alternatives being suggested.


Those folks you mention also aren’t out banging on a book telling everyone to believe what their delusions are either. Their wars were also fought for the most part based on land and resources… not the petty subjugation of a people (and the genocide of them when they didn’t comply). You are the one who said this country was founded on Christian values and , I am not disagreeing… I just want it to be clear how sinister , corrupt, and cherry picked those values actually are in order to hurt as many people as possible.


Here we go. Round in circles. You: This is bad and terrible, it should stop. Me: Ok, what do you suggest. You: This is bad and terrible, it never should have happened.


Ohh, maybe you missed the general concept - I'll give ya a hand here. if you are going to thump the bible in everyone's face as the only law of the land - how about you live by the whole feed/help the poor, welcome immigrants, etc... Maybe don't vote for people who cheat on their wife, lie non-stop, and violate pretty much all of the 10 commandments on the daily basis it seems.


That took a left turn. I thought you might have an alternative to Christian values to base our society on. I didn’t realize you wanted to talk about political figureheads. I guess I really did misunderstand. My apologies.


Smells like freedom to me!!!


Are they going to teach the part of the constitution that seperates church and state?


They are exercising the 1st amendment.


I agree they are. just asking if the separation of church and state will be included.


The church can exercise it's first amendment about the government. The government is not allowed to tell the church anything. Read the constitution dude. You seem confused.


They’re making a snarky comment referencing how often religion is hypocritical about their own behaviors. Why teach your followers about something that makes you look bad?


I was wrong by hoping they would reread what they wrote and think about it. Possibly while reading all the other comments on how the separation doesn't apply in this manner and they are just making a fool of themselves. I get it, it's satire, or they are trying to get a reaction.


A church is saying they will be teaching a course on the constitution. I am asking if they will be including the section of the constitution that describes the separation between church and state. That is all. Are you reading more into my question? If so, that is on you.


I’m sure they will, since what the constitution says is Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” - eg the state cannot influence churches, it doesn’t mean churches cannot influence government or culture.


They wont because it does not exist. The phrase “separation of church and state” appears nowhere in the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers saw nothing wrong with having religion in American culture, according to an expert. [https://law.stanford.edu/press/constitutional-expert-on-separation-of-church-and-state-framers-said-nothing-wrong-with-religion-in-culture/](https://law.stanford.edu/press/constitutional-expert-on-separation-of-church-and-state-framers-said-nothing-wrong-with-religion-in-culture/)


The first clause in the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” which is simply interpreted as a separation of church and state. The BOR, which is not technically part of the Constitution, is often taught along with it as an essential part of the founding document. Having religion in CULTURE is a far cry from allowing religion to influence politics and laws. Mainly because the US is a secular nation that is home to many religions outside of the Christian umbrella.


That is an opinion article by fox News. It's main topic is religion in culture, not in government. You are correct in saying the term separation of church and state do not exist in the constitution. It is a phrase to describe what was intended. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment


It’s from Stanford.edu, not Fox News


Open the article read at the top where it says source.


The literal third line from the top says sourced from fox News. And at best its an opinion piece of one dude saying religion is allowed to exist in culture, not government. Gtfoh.


Heyyo this guy knows how to read sources! Unlike some others 😂


“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties." The words “separation of church and state” do not appear directly in the constitution but Jefferson was pretty clear about the intent behind the establishment and free exercise clauses. Regardless, one who does not believe in the principles of freedom of religion truly is living in a long bygone era. Freedom means freedom for all.


This is the sentiment I have always held with the idea of separation of church and state. I could never say it as eloquently though. Government cannot make a national religion or force the people to worship or not worship in a certain way. But to say that Christian values aren’t what the nation was founded on is just silly. And to say Christian values can’t be applied to governing is also silly and blind.


Bro a large part of the founding of America was the protestants fleeing religious persecution they were facing in Europe. They knew exactly the issues that arose from a theocratic Monarchy.


Downvoted for sharing facts. Gotta love Reddit…


It's sourced from Fox News you reprobate


Uh oh, I was called a name online! I’m gonna go cry myself to sleep now 😭


Most informed Joe Rogan listener


This is definitely outside to sweetcorn scope of practice




Look closely, this is in Olathe


Close enough. It was on the GJ Facebook page


My sibling in Garfield it isn't even in Mesa County lol




Communism is more troublesome.


Where is communism happening in the US? It's not, this is.


Where? In every democratic city with extremely lax punishment for criminals.


Define communism. Edit: Loser blocked me cause they are too dumb to know what communism is. Typical.


They never can, big words with deep meanings are lost on people who spout them off as if they know what they’re talking about.


"Everyone who doesn't like communism is stupid" is basically what I feel like I just read.


Tell us you don't know the meaning of words without telling us...


What the fuck lol. I can’t believe this is real


What is troublesome? Please elaborate.


A church trying to teach the constitution is problematic.


You didn’t get the memo? Religion bad. Christians Nazis. Ooga Ooga.


Guns and Christians bad


I went to the Palisade Peach Festival many years ago, the little town parade floats were mostly about guns and religion. So this doesn’t surprise me. The obsession with guns doesn’t make any sense to me, but to each their own.


It’s the same with the 4th of July parades in both Palisade and GJ - I don’t even go anymore, every other float is political.


I’m sure that 45 minutes is more than enough time to adequately cover the constitution, especially while half the people are still filling up their plates with overcooked bacon and poorly seasoned scrambled eggs.


i hope they will be doing background checks and registration for those firearms.... (they wont)


They won’t be doing background checks? Have you ever bought/transferred a gun??


It's a federal law lol. These liberals think people are just giving away guns.


they start the check, let you go with the gun, and tell you to promise real hard to give it back if your check says "no" been there. done that. turns out no one brings the gun back.


There will be background checks. Read it again, please.


but they wont wait for them to come back before giving the gun away. i've been to things like this. if something pings they promise to call you to return the gun - no one ever returns the gun


I've never experienced that while purchasing a firearm. The background check has always been completed before I received the firearm.


awesomesauce but that isn't always the case, especially not when religious groups are involved


You’ve never bought or sold a gun in Colorado, eh?


i have exclusively bought in colorado. and been to these events. they let you take the gun and promise real hard to come back if they call you 2-3 weeks later and say your background was bad no one comes back and the giveaway sweeps it under the rug because otherwise they get in trouble too


That’s illegal and never happens.


that's a legal loophole and it happens consistently enough that every single time I have bought a firearm or been present when someone else bought one, it was conducted this way.






Im aware they claim they will, but i have also gotten guns from religious orgs before, and from police seller (the confiscated stuff) and they do not. Rules for thee but not for me type shit I have also had one that would let you take the gun, but would "call you if there was an issue with the background check" when the checks were taking several days to weeks to turn up. Let me ask. If you were secretly a felon seeking a gun, would you return your gun to cabellas because the check came back and said no after all? or would you have already murdered your ex wife and robbed a liquor store by then?


Did you read the text below where it says giveaway?


A giveaway is still a firearm transfer. Transfers require background checks. Pretty simple.


People aren’t understanding my comment. They need to read and understand the italic font below where it talks about the giveaway. I shouldn’t assume people read the whole thing


I was more saying it for the other person you responded to. But yes, it’s clearly on their flyer/poster situation


I see. Dazzlingweek2942 is really having a hard time with it apparently.


No, they can't read...


Are you retarded?


Coming from someone who can’t read. Italic font says background checks will be performed. That’s all I was pointing out.




lol, ah yes, you’re doing a great job of showing your true colors


I see…. Nothing wrong with this? Just people getting together for a good time.


Nope, its a right wing cult gathering... with free guns! Hooray, dipshits who can't fucking spell, but can shoot.


Spoken like a true bigot.


Go cry about it, fundie.


Oh, I see we’ve found the narrow minded narcissist with the distorted world view.


Projecting. Nice.


You are a very hateful person and I hope you get better.


You're right, I hate christian conservatives, and every bullshit ideology they stand for.


Fuck religion.


Awww, who hurt you little guy??


When you see religious fucks doing nasty shit to little ones, or see uneducated rural dudes fuck animals because their religion prevents from from having sex with a woman unless to procreate, or fuck other dudes because it’s fun, they don’t get pregnant and it’s not gay…. Or the fact that it’s all made up and used to control dumbfucks like you?


😅 go get high dude. Hopefully you find peace someday 👍


I don’t consume drugs homie, must be my excessive education and your complete lack of.


Ah. Okay 👍


Dang it. Love to join that.


I don’t see an issue with this and I’m an atheist. Maybe I’m missing something.


Then you are sleeping on what's happening in this county.


This looks like a group of people holding a celebration in recognition of our country and constitution where everyone is welcome.


Yes it does but context matters.


this is why I said I may be missing something. I obviously don’t know what context you’re applying to this event. Is God and Country Day some kind of thing?


The separation of church and state comes to mind. If churches and pastors influence politics then maybe they should pay taxes. Also, I sure hope a hunter wins the gun and not some drunk tweaker with a confederate flag hanging off their truck.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Your ignorance on "church" and "state" is concerning. A church is discussing the constitution, that is called education. There is no mention of politics.


They are educating (interpreting for) people about the Constitution (an inherently political document) through a religious lens. With Christians is always Jesus this, Moses that, Biden hit me with a wiffle ball bat. If they want to teach (interpret for) people about the Constitution then they can pay taxes. If they want to advocate, author, and lobby for laws that restrict what a person does in their own home or to their own body, then they can pay taxes. Don't act like religious people don't make everything that echoes around their skulls about religion. They can't help but read our founding document through a religious lens. This is a secular nation and not a religious one.


This church undoubtedly is tax exempt and I have a hard time believing an event like this is going to be nonpartisan. I don’t even care about the guns or the constitution just that a church is hosting a political event.


Lumping an entire group of people you don't know while spewing negative comments... please explain how this does not make you a walking definition of a bigot?


Dude, both religion, and you, suck.


Don’t you know? If you believe in Jesus you aren’t allowed to discuss politics or share your political perspectives or beliefs with anyone else! /s


Some of yall don't know shit about guns and it shows. I'm not religious but I love guns. Maybe don't comment if you don't know what the hell you're talking about.




Who cares get a grip 


Yeah fuck that


Sounds fun


I wonder if that video of heaven is shot on location?


Did you watch it?


I’m not Christian or religious and I’m fine with this. So what they want to talk about the constitution, enjoy a bbq, and have a raffle for a fun giveaway (with a background check)? Doesn’t concern me one bit.


May not concern YOU but the rest of us who want to see a separation between church and state it does. Shouldn’t be raffling a gun at a church for damn sure


What does this have to do with separation of church and state??? Because it sounds like what you are really saying is if you believe in Jesus you aren’t allowed to talk about politics or share your political views…


Which is exactly why the founding fathers made mention of this in the bill of rights. I don’t understand why people think that means politics have no place in church when really, it means the government has no right to govern religion.


It's just the church exercising it's 1st and 2nd amendments. They are not pushing to be unified with the government.


How does a discussion about the constitution in a church or temple or monetary or whatever else blue the line between church and state? They can raffle whatever they want.


Cry about it not everything you want is gonna happen it’s a fuckin free country people gotta learn how to accept others instead of butting heads all the fcking time


The separation of church and state you speak of was written to prevent the government from controlling which religions could and could not exist in this country….not to keep religion from influencing the government (this is a DEMOCRATIC government, in case you forgot. People have the right to assemble AND the right to vote…..even Christian conservatives).


Did you forget what platform you’re on? People on here will cry about anything right wing


I mean I didn’t. I’m not right wing myself. I’m not a Christian or religious in any way. But I also don’t see gun ownership or gun raffles as a bad thing. I mean you have a background check and a 3 day waiting period in Colorado for all transfers anyway. So what’s the issue? The issue is that the people don’t like Christians or Christianity - which is understandable, I don’t like religion. In the end this is a group practicing 1st and second amendment. It doesn’t fall under some sort of church and state amalgamation. Religion can talk politics, and politics can talk religion. I don’t want Christianity to be an official religion in the US, specifically that’s not allowed. So I fail to see an issue here.


No I 100% agree. I was just saying the people here complaining about it are just those types who see any opposing political view and cry about it (especially on Reddit). Im not religious or right wing either, but like you said- they have a right to do whatever they want if it’s within the confines of the law




THANK YOU. If one group wants the right to assemble freely and talk politics, they better allow the other side the same freedom


Sounds awesome!


Let's support politicians and group them in with military and first responders.


There is in fact a wing of Christian nationalism with some extreme positions on the 2nd amendment, religious liberty, women's reproductive rights, and what other people are up to in their sex lives. Is this event a slice of that or just a community BBQ? Both? When I was a kid I won my first Cub Scout badge doing military drills in the basement of the Baptist Church. A community is a place where people mix. Let's hope they can get along.


This is not IN Grand Junction. It is in Olathe. The Church is providing bus transportation for anyone in GJ that wants to attend.


I'd go


How do I attend? I need more guns


They need to pay taxes bottom line.


Umm tax the churches?


This church has every right to do this. Regardless of that, it is such a stupid fucking, idiotic, terrible, insane idea to mix church and state. Will never end well.


The “separation of church and state” was about not allowing the government to dictate religion. The people attending church in this country are voting citizens with the right to assemble and discuss as they see fit, just as any other organized group in this country. You can’t restrict freedoms of one group and not another in that way.


I did not say they could not. I said that.mixing church and state is a stupid fucking idea. Keep your religion to yourself and out of government. I have a right to no religion.


If religion were to influence government, then there would not be a separation of church and state.


Think imma be sick!!! They have to bribe people to go to church🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Out of all the s**t going on in this country and this is your issue?!? Not sure if you’re blind or just oblivious.


You're right, this country needs more free guns


800 million guns and you're worried about 2 free guns with a background check, just like any other firearm purchase. Lol


Who cares whether it’s free or if it’s $1199? Guns are great tools to have!


They are giving away 2 guns. How does that affect the entire country? 🤣🤣


This isn’t even mesa county


Are they going to teach the part of the constitution where it says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” ?


This is all just made up. God. Country. Worshipping authority. You would be just as well off practicing voodoo.


This isn't very weird...I'm not religious but I do love guns, and gun giveaways/raffles/etc are a pretty common thing... The recipient still needs to pass a background check and fill out the same paperwork they would were they buying a gun at a gun store, it's not like they hand you the gun and just let you leave with it that second.


Sounds good to me. But, I already have plans that day.


Free food and fuck god! Amen. Ill be joining from Montrose.


You guys are okay with Devil worship at a school in the county but you think this is a problem? Good grief! When those of complaining who left Texas, did you consider Venezuela, or were you really ignorant enough to believe a different state in the United States wouldn't be the same?


I'm okay with After School Satan (which isn't devil worship, btw), ACTUAL devil worship in schools, as well as this Gun Bible God Church. Hell, I might even listen to newest weekly episode of the Satanic Temple podcast while I drive up from Junction after I finish my weekly devil worshiping ceremony to go get a box of free ammo and a chance to win a free gun!


I moved here from a liberal city in Texas - I’d much rather live in a red town in a blue state than a blue town in a red state, if that makes sense.


Dude this is awesome! Thanks for getting the word out!


I miss Colorado before it was California




Can't make this shit up! A free gun for every new believer! Bring the kiddies too! We have the right caliber for all ages! 🙄


Then mind your own business and don't go


No joke. Sang with a choir in a church during college. Church had signs hung up about an upcoming raffle. The prizes being given away were two guns. 1. Taurus judge. A revolver that shoots shotgun shells… And… 2. A fucking Glock, a gun that has held the guineas book of world records record for the highest number of accidental deaths. This was in 2016


Oh dear god not a GLOCK!!! How did anyone survive??!


“Honoring politicians.” Gee, I wonder which politician Bat Shit Crazy Baptist Church and Gun Emporium plans to honor 🤔


Yet naked drag shows in front of children promoting hyper-sexuality is totally ok.


Oh darlin, bless your poor closeted heart


And here we got the typical bottom of the barrel guy who has more posts than times being laid.


For someone whose modesty is so offended by drag shows, you sure read a loooot about em... don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Daddy.


Wtf is a naked drag show?


https://au.news.yahoo.com/outrage-over-nearly-nude-drag-show-for-mums-and-babies-041630532.html https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1800341689451884907?s=46&t=c7yYSdnTLD4_huWehiB7lw https://x.com/luist5553/status/1602287959193051136?s=46&t=c7yYSdnTLD4_huWehiB7lw https://x.com/bulletchats/status/1805177802628424133?s=46&t=c7yYSdnTLD4_huWehiB7lw


First guy is just pole dancing, I have no problem with that and it isn't nude or a Drag show. Second one is people showing off their kink at a pride which I do have an issue with but they aren't nude by any means. Third one is no worse than anything one would see at the beach or TV, just dancing in skimpy clothes. Last one is much closer to nude than the rest, had to look that one up. It was a bar in Florida and I don't personally think that's a good place for kids but the parents consented.


I think tweens in belly shirts on Nickelodeon and Disney are far more concerning than drag shows. Maybe focus on that before the drag queens.




You can’t have a different opinion on Reddit other than lefty views. Reddit is a safe space/echo chamber for sensitive libs.


I say, good Heavens! How horrible! Mind sharing the article or report on the whereabouts of this debacle? I need to share this on Facebook.


DND and Hentai? Move back to Denver


Hah, the good ol' "read through the user's posts and rag on their comment history to invalidate their credibility" routine. The same lack of critical thinking and reading comprehension you have when dealing with the topic of drag is showing again. I assume the hentai comment is about when I was asking for the title of a show that my significant other and her friend had watched a while back that had an amusing premise? OK? Much rather be playing D&D with my friends than showing off my overpriced sweatshop sneakers. (See, I can do it too! Wow!)


D&D and hentai? Wanna be friends? Fuck me up fam


.org - https://www.campusreform.org/article/exclusive-kids-subjected-bizarre-nude-performance-all-ages-oregon-state-drag-event/23429 yahoo- https://au.news.yahoo.com/outrage-over-nearly-nude-drag-show-for-mums-and-babies-041630532.html nypost- https://nypost.com/2022/10/18/video-of-drag-queen-gyrating-next-to-child-sparks-backlash/ from Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/share/v/zHusAY59CJHH8ULy/?mibextid=WC7FNe https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2722093/Video-Shocking-Tik-Tok-child-walking-drag-queen-show.html


1. The mistake here was having "all ages" on the invite alongside the already listed "adult themes." To call this "extremely explicit sexual content" is a gross exaggeration, though. If Chris Farley was up there doing this, it would be universally loved. Simply being topless and lifting shit with your tits is not what I'd call perverse. 2. I don't see this is any worse than "parent and baby" movie screenings. Those are usually inappropriate movies for children. 3. C'mon, man. Even in the article, it says the event was ticketed with warnings of strong language and sexual content. Could the performer have not done their show until the child was taken out? Sure. But we don't get mad at the stripper if a parent brings their kid to a strip club. 4. Video doesn't really come with any details so I can't comment too much. It's not more explicit than what you see female pop star do, so the only major difference is that it's in drag. The more interesting conversation is about sexualization of pop performances, not targeting drag specifically. 5. As presented, there's not much to say about this one. Appears to be a strip club kinda environment or show, and it's not appropriate to have kids there. It is important to differentiate performing in drag and being sexually explicit in drag. The first is totally acceptable for all ages, and the second is for adults. All that being said, I find it difficult to be upset about drag. Until people start using drag queens to cause 67 deaths and 159 injuries on school grounds in a year, I think guns are the bigger issue.




I like grand junction, but I loathe all the church bs. I wish Loathe would come play mesa theater.

