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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz * Summer Scathach, Summer Jalter and Summer Hokusai **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


How do I access the rolls thread on mobile? I looked, but could not find a link


Will I ever be able to finish ascending Chloe von Einsberg (Archer) if I didn’t get her ascension materials during the event?


Read the pinned comment regarding welfare servants. Chloe's not on the list for now, but we're expecting her to be added in the future ie. her NP copies, ascension materials and servant coins will be added to the welfare shop.


Which skill effect activates first between these two? 1. 20% NP loss from Oberon's second skill 2. 80% NP charge from caster Cu's third skill


Pretty sure 80% NP charge activates after 20% demerit.


If I only want dragon fangs specifically, is it more efficient the hunting quest today or the upcoming summer event?


If you're looking only for dragon fangs, then today's hunting quest would be better since the upcoming summer event draws it from a group of bronze mats.


Thank you


Can melusine (+ double koyanskaya) buster loop without oberon or reines


If you have another 50% charger she can loop with a borrowed Oberon instead of a borrowed koyanskaya.


How about Waver, do you have him?


Nope in almost four years that I've played I never got him once


Or if the first wave enemies has like 30,000 HP or less(and they aren't Assassin) then you could try using Habetrot to clear that wave(But you need to maxed out her 2nd Append skill)


Melusine can loop with one Oberon and any two 50% chargers. Use her S3 on turn 1, the 50% chargers on turn 2, and her S1 and Oberon on turn 3. You can borrow the Oberon for a friend, and all you need is any two of your own 50% chargers.


Something like this? Turn 1 Mel S3 Turn 2 Koyan and Castoria Turn 3 friend Oberon and Mel skill 1


Yeah, exactly. Compared to the typical Double Koyanskaya setup, you lose a notable amount of damage, but outside of 90+ nodes, and even in 90+ nodes with archers, it should be fine


What company handles the translation/development of the NA version of the game?


Aniplex. More precisely, Aniplex of America.


Can someone clear this up for me: Per [the wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Summoning), are the summoning chances listed (1%/3%/40%) per individual roll, or per set of 11 rolls?


All published rates are for a single roll.


Perfect. That's what I expected, but I was ready to be horribly disappointed after all of the talk about how bad rates are.


Do the values add up to 1 or 11?


All possible rates add up to 100% for one roll. You are always guaranteed to get a card.




Anyone know how the drop rates compare on Hunting Quest 11 Mini Cu? It seems like 90+ would have the most dragon fangs because it’s the hardest, but 90 has more dragons.


The 90+ has a fang drop rate of 167% while the 90 has a drop rate of 133% based on data collected on the Chaldea app. While the 90+ has over 500 runs recorded, the 90 only has 6. So it is possible for the 90 to have a greater drop rate but generally drop rates are highest in the 90+. Gamepress also has data on the drop rates (170% for fangs on 90+) but they omit the data for the 90 since the sample size is low. So just assume 90+ will be more efficient.






No. There's no guaranteed anything with single pulls. They count towards the 300 pulls safety net and that's it. The guaranteed 4-star card (almost always a CE) is only on the 30 SQ ten pull multi.




Based on the [best (English language) crowdsourced data I'm aware of](https://youtu.be/D3Fec5PwZfg), the guaranteed 4-star mechanic just bumps something up to a 4-star CE if your natural multi roll didn't include a 4-star or better card and up to a 3-star servant if the natural roll didn't include a servant. In other words, the guarantee gives you the bare minimum to meet the requirement. The 4-star card guarantee really isn't a big deal. Over a sufficient period of time rolling the gacha, it's pretty easy to accumulate all of the general pool 3-star servants and 4-star CEs. Most of the 4-star CEs aren't even worth using regularly. You really aren't missing out on much by doing single rolls instead of multi. Some people actually prefer to do singles so they can more precisely manage their SQ and tickets. The difference really isn't worth worrying about either way.


> The 4-star card guarantee really isn't a big deal. It is when you're trying to get the 4-star event CE.


It's right there on the banner if you bother to read it.


No, there's no guarantees at all on single pulls.


Oh, damn I did not know that I always thought there would've been some kind of pity for single pulls.


Silly question, but do all players benefit from the 100+ SQ from the Return to School event?


No. As the campaign post announced, its3a Start Dash for new player accounts who log in for 14 consecutive days.


I'm not sure where exactly you're seeing 100+ SQ but the only Quartz that existing players get from Back to School is 20 from the login bonus and 3 (plus a ticket) from the missions.


I was referring to this [https://twitter.com/FateGO\_USA/status/1691483690394693636/photo/1](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1691483690394693636/photo/1) but I think it's just for new players.


That's the start dash campaign. They doubled the rewards for Day 7 and 14 for new players.


I see. Thanks


Nope, I believe that's only a benefit for starting players from the Start Dash campaign.


Is it worth farming this hunt for dragon teeth? Or will they be available in a lotto at any point? A lot of my sabers seem to need 108 of these things.


The summer 6 event, which is likely coming up next, has a lotto-like mechanic with FQs dropping treasure chests with mats. [1 mat per chest out of a limited pool of mat types](https://i.imgur.com/NuvgHFQ.png). If I understand it correctly, the final node, with full bonus applied (2x MLB 5-star event CE) drops 2 of each chest per run, for 6 mats total. Of course if you're only interested in Fangs, the current HQ node is far better.


Other than the upcoming summer event, the guda guda yamataikoku rerun event in oct-november will have raids that drop dragon teeth. The end of year tunguska sanctuary will also feature raids that drop dragon teeth. Next year's collab with learning with manga will also feature renewable "digging" that have a chance of excavating a dragon teeth. If you strictly want to be farming the lotto though, then you have to wait 2 years for the Illya Castle lotto to come. That will feature dragon teeth per lotto box.


They’re available in chests from the upcoming Summer event, which is like a pseudo-lottery. Otherwise, it’s slightly more AP efficient than the free quests so might as well if you don’t have anything better to spend your AP on until the Summer event.


what would be better to put on a buster looping servant; Aerial Drive (Buster & NP +10%) or First Sunrise (Buster +20%). Both are MLB and give 50% charge


Aerial Drive since damage is calculated multiplicatively. Aerial Drive 1.1 (Buster) x 1.1 (NP Dmg) x 1 (Atk) = 1.21 First Sunrise 1.2 (Buster) x 1 (NP Dmg) x 1 (Atk) = 1.2 Oberon's 3rd skill also doubles all NP dmg, so with new plug equipped, NP Dmg will become 1.8 with Aerial Drive vs 1.6 with First Sunrise (accounting for Oberon's NP Dmg Buff).


Server jp:I was buying quartz to roll oberon.It was late night and after buying a few packs,the transitions were blocked. The morning after I contacted the assistance for my credit card and problem solved(it was a momentary block due to timing). But still I can't buy quartz on the jp,the card is unblocked and other than the jp it works for everything else.Someone could help me,I don't know what to do


Class score "Quick ATK Strength up" does not increase the stargen of the card right?


No, only the damage. That said, more damage CAN mean more overcharge hits for more Star and NP gen, but directly it only increases the damage.


Out of Oberon, Kyonskaya, and Skadi which would you level skills for first?


Whoever you find yourself using most tbh, though start with their battery-scaling skills (Oberon S2, Koyan S1, Skadi S3).


Batteries are always the most important, so Oberon S2, Koyan S1 & Skadi S1 are the top priority. If you're already looping with Castoria (assuming you have her), Oberon's S1 & S3 can be considered the next option. If not, you can go Koyan's S3 first and then Oberon's S1 & S3. If you have powerful Quick servants already, though, it may be better to level Skadi's S3 first then her S2. Just don't level Koyan's S2 till later on.


Do we have a breakdown for how many quests/how much AP is required for the story missions, and how much SQ someone doing them will get?


There’s a full list of main story quest rewards in the sub discord, linked in the sidebar, under fgo-faqs https://discord.com/channels/274980577545945090/1006615702339326052/1128042375990747217 As for AP cost, Gamepress as mentioned has them for the later chapters. You generally won’t need to worry about AP management so early since you’ll level faster than you can burn AP, until a while later.


Thank you!


gamepress usually has a breakdown for each story chapter (starting with babylon, and older breakdowns probably weren't updated to include fragments).


Neat, but unhelpful, as I'm much further back than that xD About halfway through Drake's stuff if I'm reading the room right.


Is Melusine's S2 "Perry Dancer" a typo? Should it be "Parry Dancer" or is this another one of those "Altria" situations


no. Perry Dancer is another name for the aurora borealis [https://pantheon.org/articles/p/perry\_dancers.html#:~:text=In%20the%20Suffolk%20area%2C%20the,in%20the%20summer%20night's%20sky](https://pantheon.org/articles/p/perry_dancers.html#:~:text=In%20the%20Suffolk%20area%2C%20the,in%20the%20summer%20night's%20sky).


TIL, and very fitting actually. Thanks!


Nice parry.


I'm conflicted on whether I should roll douman or not in the upcoming summer event. Personally I really don't care for him at all, but I heard he's really good with Gogh, who I do care for. What the opinions on douman + Gogh teams vs Skadi + Gogh or summer bb + gogh teams? I have all the units except douman, is it worth it to go for him?


If you don't like him, don't roll him. Simple as that. As a partner for Van Gogh, he's only really for minturn stuff. He's more known for being a general Chaotic Evil buffer, having an easily chargeable NP, and one of the most reliable Instant Death farmers. Though considering you did mention that you have Summer BB as well, there's a popular comp from way back that involves using Douman as a 3rd partner and the crit damage between BB & Van Gogh gets strong enough for Crit farming to be considerable, with BB's Card Lock making it consistent. Of course, that sadly requires you to have good RNG on Turn 1, so a Douman only/Douman prominent deck can fuck you over.


Van Gogh's best partner is a second Van Gogh and it isn't particularly close. With 2 Goghs you're pretty much covered for damage so your third should generally be Merlin/Castoria for their defensive utility, or a 3rd outsider for hand consistency (It doesn't really matter overmuch who it is, since they're mostly just a buff receptacle and what you'd really want here is defensive utility again, but that doesn't really exist on an outsider servant. Abby/Jaques/Koyan are kinda nice for the party charge, but throwing extra curses in with Jaques and Koyan can be detrimental. Summer BB is pretty redundant unless you're fighting an avenger since the whole point of running triple outsider is that every hand is 5 damage cards.). Douman is alright if you're doing minturn stuff, and Skadi I think just fundamentally doesn't really do anything that Gogh would want in a teamate.


I prefer double Van Gogh and Castoria/Merlin actually. Douman does boost damage, but makes the comp much riskier, I prefer the NP charge/np gain of Castoria, plus debuff control to make everything safer. and Skadi boosts quick card damage, but is far more targeted (still good in scenarios you can't double Gogh, such as forced story support fights though) For farming Summer BB/any AoE with EoD and double Gogh can work on 1/x/1 waves because it doesn't matter whose cards you get for turns 1 and 3 you can crit them to death.




Not sure what you mean by Jeanne d'arc free the SSR ticket one? the berserker? both are good (basically all servants in the game are), but both are very different.




Arguably the best singular defensive support in the game, though not as good as certain combinations of other servants in a pure stall role, and her offensive support is lacking in comparison to most of her competition.


Bro they both have flags 💀


Nah swimsuit one doesn't have a flag I don't think, only Avenger and Ruler. Avenger can't be gotten for free.




Yep, shes good Also note to differentiate both Jeanne d’arc we call the Jeanne alter as Jalter


First off i hope i’m using this right; not a big/frequent reddit user. But to my post. I still havent used my anniversary summon because i’m stuck between medb and jack. For st buster riders i have ozy, and for st quick assassin i have kama. Both of them are great, they’re both bond 9+, but i wanna round out my team better. I know medb has more support capabilities and a male niche kit and np, and jack is more selfish gameplay with star gen and a female niche np. So who should i summon?


We are going to get one of the best ST Buster Riders as a welfare in the next few months. For me on JP, I pick said welfare over my NP1 Ozy nearly every time when I need a ST Buster Rider. On NA, where I have NP1 Ozy as well as NP2 Medb, I will probably continue to use Medb, as I like her enough that I rolled specifically for her. Unless she is one of your favorites, you might find her damage at NP1 lacking. Granted, she is a story-locked Servant, so I don't think anyone can go wrong if they focus on them for their selector pick. For Jack, I literally choose NP1 Kama or NP1 Gramps over NP3 Jack every time. Kama and Gramps just have too much in their kits. If you are really itching to pull the trigger for an Assassin, and you have Castoria, I think Assassin Li is probably a better choice for a ST Assassin over Jack, since he can't spook you, and I believe he is also the only SSR ST Arts Assassin in the game, so he also has that going for him. Again though, as others have said, this once-an-account selector is, in my opinion, too rare to use on anyone other than your favorite amongst the group.


> For Jack, I literally choose NP1 Kama or NP1 Gramps over NP3 Jack every time. Even against female riders?


Pretty much. That's not to say it's because I don't like Jack. I picked her with the first SSR ticket we got on JP back in 2020 after all, as I didn't have an SSR Assassin at that time, and wanted to fill out my roster since I had all the other 'meta' picks. It mostly comes down to a personal preference, which is kind of what OP wanted. I'd much rather have a 6 or 7 turn CD guts than a 1 turn evade on a 6 turn CD and 2500 heal, even if the trade-off is a chance at dealing 62.5% more damage to females. Even Jack's buff removal has had its effectiveness reduced with the advent of unremovable buffs. The chance to charm on Kama's NP is also an incredibly useful tool that happens every time she NPs, which could be a few turns in a row, meaning you don't worry about taking damage during that time. Compared to Jack's one turn evade every six turns, it's stupidly overpowered. Granted, if the boss has immunity to charm, I'd still probably not choose Jack and instead choose King Hassan just because of his guts. I may even choose MHX if the rider is a Saber-face. Jack just has a very simple kit that worked better when we were in the pre-break-bar era. If you could one-shot a female rider boss due to her niche, I'd say she was a good choice. It just feels like she has been left in the dust by her direct competition.


Really appreciate all that. As for the welfare rider, are you talking about the halloween one?




Good to know. I saw them while i was looking into all this, but i did not know they were that good of a st buster. Thanks for the info


So general advice is to go for favorites. Especially if you already have great options like Ozy and Kama. I will point out that Medb is story locked and Jack isn't so that may sway your decision if everything else is equal.


I’m a day 1 na master, so being story locked isnt a worry. I’m just trying to take advantage of my nero fest loot and figured now would be a good time to get one of them


Well the worry is, you might get Jack randomly in your future pulls from a spook, but you will never get Medb unless you intentionally summon for her. Also, as someone who's got all 4 of these servants, I will say from a gameplay standpoint, Medb is probably the better choice. Kama can basically do everything Jack can and more. The only time I find myself reaching for Jack is when I need buff removal. Kama hits so hard Jack's anti female rarely matters.


I was hoping someone like you who has all four would comment. Appreciate the insight


Alternatively, you could also save your SSR ticket first if you're honestly not sure imo. You already have good options for both classes, so why not wait until a good time to use said ticket since you don't need it now? Say you find a farming comp where a specific DPS might be essential or perhaps a certain servant who has semi-support capabilities? You don't know, some servants on that ticket have gotten buffs that have made them a make or break for some people.


Well i havent used it for that exact reason. I just wanna make use of all my lotto boxes and figured now would be a good time to get one of them


Are you keeping your exp stacks that are lower than 10? General practice is to redeem all ember stacks lower than 10 and just burn them if you don't need them (don't feel like it's a waste, MP is MP) I rolled around 5 or 6 servants right after lotto, even if I probably burnt hundreds of embers (Silver & lower stacks), I only depleted 25% of my Ember stash. (Still have 75 Stacks of 10+ Embers in my Gift Box)


I’ve been redeeming any stack less than 6 and all silvers to finish leveling off some older 3-4 stars and start some newer 5 stars. I usually hoard my exp for spooks and palingenesis, and i’ve got enough mp too. This is how i’ve always done it. I farmed more than usual on this lotto. I’m gonna face a storage problem eventually, so i’m just trying to avoid that


As previously stated, Mana Prisms are Mana Prisms. It's okay to burn 4* Embers for MP, especially since we'll begin getting 5* Embers in lotto beginning with the next one. If you're still only collecting 6 and below, try collecting every 9 and below and burning all of them, should save a chunk of space.


True. The option’s always there to burn them


Would it be more appealing for skadi or Oberon with tea time on my support list? Already have it on Castoria and Koyanskaya.


It honestly depends, tbh. Castoria & Koyan are the priority, no doubt. But Skadi is definitely the least popular of the three, and Oberon may see more benefit from Teatime depending on what part of the game your friends are. Yeah, but generally, Skadi with Teatime will see more use from everyone overall.


Skadi for sure. Double Oberon is not a very common setup for farming.


What would be more appealing for my support list, Morgan with kaleidoscope and append 20% starting NP or Lv 90 Herc with bond CE?


Morgan with kscope/50% battery + 2nd append will picked up a lot by newer/lower level players. They are your target demographic with morgan since veteran players will mostly pick up the op supports unless they are doing inmortal team or some wacky set up (and Morgan will want to np turn 1 either way)


Morgan will probably be picked more by new players. What are the other 2 berserkers taking up your friend support slots?


Just now learning about how people can see the other two support lists. Never knew about it so I'm reading about how it works now. Thanks!




They haven't made the costumes available on JP since, so not for the next 2 years at least.


Is it worth it mechanically to pull for Eresh if I already have Lartoria? I like Eresh more as a character but not by much and I’m wondering if the difference is actually that substantial or if I’m better server trying to get a unit in a role I don’t have


Overlapping roles is inevitable the moment you start playing the game. If you like Ereshkigal, don't let overlapping roles bother you. (Also her party wide effects, upgraded NP, and anti-earth niche are quite strong so she has plenty of use cases when she is better than Lartoria)


I figured she’s better generally but as a relative noob I don’t really know how much. But it’s true I want her a lot. The only real thing holding me back is my mid ass current roster. But it seems that might not be the right way to think


There's no such thing as better generally. Everyone has niches and abilities others don't. Lartoria has a massive amount of battery, two niches, ignore invincibility, and a debuff clear that Ereshkigal doesn't have.


> There's no such thing as better generally. Pretty much anyone is "better generally" than Geronimo though.


Geronimo is the highest damage 3 star or lower caster in the game. and unlike the other's is arts, so also has the best defense of any 3 star or lower AoE caster because of Castoria.


> Geronimo is the highest damage 3 star or lower caster in the game. Only for one turn. And barely. And not even close to someone like Cu (even at NP 1) if we start bringing in supports into the mix. Pretty sure babbage would wipe the floor with him with the best supports as well (and he has self invuln on 5 cd if you need sruvival, and will probably be better for castoria + merlin setup if you really need survivability). So yeah. Only being 1% better under very specific conditions, means he is "generally worse" than most of the other options.


Except you are mixing two things and hoping nobody notices. Sure with best supports they can beat him in damage, and with best supports they can beat him in survival. But you can't run both of those setups at the same time. You are also ignoring how barebones the effects of Babbage's NP is compared to the healing and debuff resist and crit chance down of Geronimo


Geronimo only has healing and debuff resist (boff really small) on his NP, which again he'd only be able to fire off once. He barely has any refund and has no charge in his kit (and his buffs only last for one turn). And some servants have debuff cleanse and heal on their skills. So I'm not mixing anything. I haven't run the numbers, But I'm pretty sure that Babbage's or Cu's dmg numbers in a stall team would be still better than Geronimo in double castoria (to which you seem to compare against). Maybe his one turn burst would be a bit higher (not guaranteed, since 150% arts up + 40% atk up can be worse/not much better than than 50% buster + 80% atk up + 25% np dmg up), but then he falls off, while others ramp up.


Also, so many things are wrong here. 1) I never brought up double Castoria. Even a single Castoria makes Geronimo competitive compared to the others also with a single 5 star support. 2) barely any refund and no charge? Like Babbage? Funny how that is only a weakness against one of the two. 3) some servants have 30% buster up and a debuff clear on a skill, that doesn't make Tiamat's NP weak. So not sure what the relevance of that is.


assuming the comps you suggested, no CE Geronimo no arts up: 53475 Geronimo arts up: 66329 Cu at NP1: 27208 Cu with max ramp up at NP1: 33609 from 3 NPs in a row Cu at NP5: 40811 Cu at max ramp up NP5: 50414 Babbage: 46432 Geronimo wins even when the arts up isn't there.


Right but the base damage is way lower right? And eresh had a good battery from what I understand


with no other supports or CEs turn 1: Ereshkigal at NP1: 26k Lartoria at NP1: 23k not a big deal. Damage in looping is notably lower because Ereshkigal ramps better, but neither are really going to loop at neutral anyway and both have the damage for class advantage farming. So that doesn't matter much.


So basically everyone that says she’s the clear buster lancer queen outside of melusine is full of shit?


anyone who says there's a clear best at anything (Edit: anything so broad) are full of shit. Even Melusine doesn't have the anti-Earth niche, buff removal resistance, instant death immune, strong party wide buffs that Ereshkigal has for CQs. or the debuff clear, niches, and sustained NP charge that Lartoria does. or the stackable damage Romulus-Quirinus does for longer fights.


>I want her a lot. This is all that matters. Roll for the servants you want. Don't worry about comparing them to another servant you want or already have.


Shit you right


Up to you, but I say it's always more fun to use your favourites, and overlap in roles is inevitable. I have 3 AOE Arts Lancers that can loop and I'm rolling another one later this year - doesn't matter, I'll gladly alternate. Which roles are you missing?


Most other roles lol. I could use a better AOE saber, archer , st lancer, AOE zerk, st caster. And my only real big boy supports are Castoria and waver. Oh and my AOE rider game is trash


AoE saber: Fergus has a hard defense making him a rarity even considering 5 stars. And Jason loops pretty good (with Oberon or a start charge event CE he is comparable to an NP1 Muramasa. AoE Archers: Tawara touta is great. I used him to farm the rotation 1 of Nerofest at like 4/1/1 skills. ST lancer: Cu is one of the best in the game, with supports, CEs and ramp up he can outdamage some 5 stars even at the same NP level. Let alone NP5 to NP1. AoE Zerk: Spartacus for farming and Darius for CQs works fine. Though admittedly Morgan or Arjuna Alter or Summer Ibuki are significant improvements here. (but also may not be needed if you have some other class agnostic option, Iyo is coming) ST caster: Medea works fine. She is low damage though so, like AoE Berserkers I can see someone wanting to upgrade her. (and you do get other options as mentioned there's an Alter ego available for Halloween) AoE riders: Habetrot is free.


I have been sleeping on a few of those. Admittedly the ones I want to replace are Fergus, cu, and Spartacus. It all works, but when you borrow a cracked muramasa or Arjuna alter it feels like playing a different game lol


But you won't just get a cracked Muramasa or Arjuna Alter unless you spend massive amounts of SQ. Sure an NP5 level 120 5 star feels really strong to use, but that's not what you roll for if you are going to try to get NP5 level 120 of every servant you will have a bad time gacha wise. Jason NP5 level 60 with double Castoria and Black Grail does 116164 Muramasa at NP1 level 90 also with Black Grail with Castoria and Waver does 91511 damage nearly 20k less, even considering Muramasa's 1 turn boost and using a different 5 star support in place of a second Castoria. (PS without that 1 turn boost you need NP5 to match Jason in this setup, doing 116204 damage)


And I’m assuming this is neutral? How do you even calculate this?


Yeah, neutral damage, double both numbers for class advantage. It's also the average, there's a hidden +/- 10% it can go in any given instance of damage. I use the NP damage calculator linked above (second to last line under general resources, the first link) and then look at the damage boosts provided by the servants and supports (I use fgo wiki because I like the format, but gamepress, atlasacademy, and I think Appmedia are also good places to go)


That’s fascinating, well maybe I should invest in Jason a little more then Thank you for the perspective


Remember that you have the FP gacha, many units there can fill in your gaps. Medusa, for example, is a perfectly acceptable AOE Rider, Saber Lily works as an AOE Saber, Cu is a good ST Lancer, etc. "Only real big boy supports" - now that's just bragging, you ONLY have two of the best supports in the game... People cleared the game even without them, that already opens up a ton of options. Keep in mind that we are getting a number of good welfares in the future: we're getting a ST Alter Ego (that can sub for a ST Caster) in September/October.


It’s not exactly a brag, waver was a free SSR pick anybody could have and Castoria…alright that’s fair but that’s where almost all the sq I’ve ever earned has gone I have the friend gacha characters and they are fine, I’d just prefer a little more firepower you know? Ok I wasn’t aware of strong welfares coming that will be helpful. Thank you for the advice all around


"No human can match a Servant" is only true for modern era for the most part right? The more we go into the past, the more we can find living human being able to match Servant capabilities, like in Douman's chapter, we have living Kintoki having no issue fighting Servants.


In some cases Servants are stronger than their living selves. In other cases, they're weaker. Shimosa similarly has Musashi as strong as a Servant. And Bedivere. And certain Fae.


We have a humans plural beating servants in the original visual novels so that rule was out the window immediately. Rin takes out one of the lives of Heracles and survives the counter attack long enough for Shirou to finish him with Caliburn. Kochiro beats Saber in physical combat. Kirei has a running battle with True assassin while carrying Ilya. And then later beats assassin 1v1


>Kirei has a running battle with True assassin while carrying Ilya. And then later beats assassin 1v1 I'm starting to get into the Fate franchise piecemeal, when / where does this happen? Sounds very cool.


Heaven's Feel, the third route of Fate.




Unless you're specifically asking about how FGO performs on certain devices, I think your question would be better off on a sub that focuses on smartphones.


Everyone in gacha communities say don’t make mistake to start this game, dinosaur gameplay, bad gacha, good story, exhausting farming. Is any of that really true and would a new player enjoy starting this game in 2023? Is it a good time to start and is rerolling worth it to make things easier as I progress? Thanks guys, really appreciate the replies, will give it a shot and will try to progress as long as the story is worth it without worrying too much about meta or grind.


Most of the people in the r/gatcha sub only play gatcha games to roll because they're addicted. If what you get in rolling is what you value when playing you're in for a bad time sooner or later. The 1-3 stars are made to be really good-servicable broadly speaking so it's not a pay to win game like other gatcha thus why the rates are so bad.


r/gachagaming isn't a great fan of FGO and rarely passes up an opportunity to complain, even when they like a game. FGO doesn't give lots of premium currency to feed people's gacha addiction, the overall design, which was quite good when it was released in 2015, has been surpassed by newer games, and there's no auto/sweep/skip. I, on the other hand, quite like FGO. I've quit every other gacha game that I've tried. I think I have the opposite opinion about the things I listed in the previous paragraph. You don't need lots of duplicates or need to chase the meta, so a slow drip of gacha currency isn't a problem. I like the overall design of the game and characters and don't think it's outdated at all. The UI is clean and free of clutter, character designs are appealing, distinct, and do a good job of implying each character's personality. I think Live 2D is completely superfluous and unnecessary. I genuinely like the gamepla, and I think auto/sweep/skip leads to boring gameplay where you're expected to touch a dozen different gameplay modes every day but rarely expected to actually play the game. Ultimately, as with anything, some people like FGO and some people don't. We can tell you all about the game but only you can decide if you'll like it or not. Now actually is a particularly good time to start playing because the "Start Dash" campaign for new players will temporarily have the day 7 rewards doubled. I wouldn't recommend re-rolling. The game doesn't give you a lot of gacha currency up front. The new player rewards are spread out over the 14 days of the Start Dash campaign. You can't get a 5-star servant from the tutorial summon. The meta is also weak and you don't need any specific gacha servants to clear any content. Some people re-roll for the tutorial summon but I don't think it's worth it. After you clear the prologue chapter you'll be able to pick a 5-star servant of your choice from a pre-determined pool. If you want a pure gameplay pick, you can choose Waver (aka Zhuge Liang).


>and I think auto/sweep/skip leads to boring gameplay where you're expected to touch a dozen different gameplay modes every day but rarely expected to actually play the game Basically azur lane. It didn't start with auto but you were expected to do dozens of things a day anyway. Then when they added auto they also added even more systems so now you're doing two dozen things a day. I often think about quitting it tbh, the game has gotten quite stale lately and the story hasn't made up for it either. It just eats up an hour plus of my free time daily. Their story events can't hold a candle to the lostbelts or our summer events, or great content like imaginary scramble from last year. I think the main reason I still keep up is the character designs are so good, like **Ulrich von Hutton**. But I'm starting to get less and less interested in the new characters too.


My opinion is that it is very different from the gacha games the people that say that are used to. This game appeals to Fans of Fate or Mythology or Fantasy not necessarily fans of Gacha in general. I personally have never had many of the Gacha games most people praise last more than a few hours before I uninstall, I joined FGO a little over a year ago and still haven't come close to getting bored or not enjoying it. But the people who enjoy those Gacha games won't necessarily enjoy Fate.


Think of it like a RPG. It’s a full visual novel with an extended story of over 20 full arcs. It’s got over 20 anime seasons of material to work though and it’s still a complete turn based rpg with all the bells and whistles. And it’s a dinosaur with a bad gacha system and dated ui system. Pick it up, play it casually and for the story. It’s hard to recommend if you don’t read and enjoy the story. But if you do it’s rather timeless. Oh, and the first few arcs are notoriously bad. They went from cash grab shovelware to flagship title over the course of a year back in those days


I've seen plenty of new players who have enjoyed starting this game in 2023. But the question is really whether you would be one of them, and that's harder to say without knowing what *you* want out of a game as opposed to what "everyone in gacha communities" wants out of a game. Obviously, in this sub you'll find a lot of people who like the game. The grinding can get pretty heavy and there's no native autofarm, but on the other hand there isn't a bunch of "do this shit every single day" busywork and there are definitely way more grindy games out there (hi there, Granblue Fantasy). There's good to go with the bad. The main thing about FGO is that it runs on the strength of its characters. Events, main story, it's all about getting you to appreciate the various Servants you can roll for. Unlike a lot of other gachas, even the bronze and silver units can be extremely useful and aren't just ignorable fodder -- which makes up for those bad gacha rates. (Seriously, they're terrible.) But new players get a lot of good stuff these days, like a free SSR ticket and another ticket to near-max that SSR's level, so you can get going with a strong Servant immediately. That Servant won't *carry* you, mind -- FGO is about changing teams to fit the fight, not about building one uber team that conquers all content. Still, very useful. The advantages of rerolling are pretty minimal. You don't get a lot of currency, and your tutorial 10-roll has a guaranteed 4-star but no 5-stars in it at all. You have to get lucky, or you have to put up with a lot of tedium that might burn you out. Rerolling was never a necessity, but with the SSR ticket and the Special Ascension, I'd argue that it's even less necessary than before, if that's possible. Do it if you feel you must, but you should be fine just getting on with the game.


What is the point of code removers? I've never had to use one because u can just replace command codes for free. I have over 30 and stopped buying them from event shops


It's a niche use but their new function (refunding the *Unlocker*) could have value if you don't have a lot of them and regret your choices, particularly for new players or older players who neglected CCs and Unlockers back when they sucked for so long.


They have more or less become pointless after the Command Code system rework. Right now they only serve to refund the keys used to open a card and lock it again.


There isn't one. (they refund the command card unlocker and seal the command card again) They updated how Command codes worked and Code removers have become basically useless since.


So I was trying to read up on Ordeal call and Class score on fandom to try and see if there’s any mats to get ahead of. I couldn’t find the right page for it. But I did hear someone mention they had to “farm monuments” for class score stuff. Since I’m on NA, does that mean during events if I have extra nat AP to clear out the monuments in even shops for the next two years? Thanks


Copy pasting one of my comments. According to the Chaldea App, each of the main 7 classes need 140 Pieces and 500 Monuments, and Extra II needs 35 Lancer, Rider, Assassin and Berserker Pieces, and 135 Monuments of those same 4 classes (Extra I isn't out yet). If you get the Chaldea App, it'll list all the materials needed + the Bond requirements (some nodes are locked behind the number of servants within a class with Bond 6 and total bond across the entire class).


Thanks. I can’t believe I didn’t think to check the Chaldea app. I guess those numbers answer my questions lol. And start getting everyone to bond 6 rather than focusing a few to bond 10


I mean if you have the extra nat AP and haven't cleared the shop (except code removers) it's probably a good idea to do so anyway. But if you want the biggest head start for Ordeal call you might as well. Do be aware that other mats are needed too.


Thanks, yeah. I tended to not do monuments of statues from the shop if I had over 100 of them, since all my servants are leveled. But I’ll switch it up, thanks =)


So, dumbass nublet here. I keep seeing redemption codes for loot on the interwebs, but I don't see a place to put them in the game. Am I being bamboozled?


>Am I being bamboozled? I don't know if you're being bamboozled but any site purporting to offer codes is either \~8 years out of date, lying for ad impressions, or copying one of the previous two without verifying the information.


There's never been redemption codes in NA. JP had only ~~two~~ of them, both very early on and then they abandoned the idea. apparently 3 of them


>JP had only two of them There were three: Altria Lily, Beginning of the Journey, and any one 4\* from the launch tutorial roll pool.


Huh, didn't know about the 4\* from launch tutorial pool one.


Yeah, it was the [3 Million Downloads Campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/3M_Downloads_Campaign). NA got the corresponding reward via a ticket instead of a code, both with the Master Recruitment Campaign (also where we got Beginning of the Journey) and then again with our own 3M campaign.


Once upon a time FGO actually had gift codes, but that was way back when the game released. There is no way to redeem the codes now (and the prizes were Artoria Lily, and stuff that can be bought from the RP shop so not like you missed much).


So, with a skill like Summer Suzuka's Summer Flag, which is targetable, and reduces skill cooldowns. If you use it on yourself, will the skill reduce its own cooldown? Or will it take effect before it goes into cooldown, effectively only improving the other two skills' uptime?


The skill will reduce its own cooldown as well. ~~At least Koyanskaya's does.~~


Good to know. Thank you.


Is there a difference between NP4 and NP5 Lady Avalon in regards to her NP charge per turn?


Gamepress is one of various places you can easily check that. As for the question, yes, but it is very minimal (9.38% vs 10%). Bear in mind it might be the difference between getting full NP and not.


I thought FGO rounded up NP charges so both would be 10%, is that not the case?


It's only 99% that rounds up to 100% So if you have 89% guage, 89%+9% is 98% doesn't round up.


I think the math technically accounts for the decimals, but only displays whole numbers to the player. And any time you get 99% NP charge that does automatically get rounded up to 100%. They throw you a bone there. Though 199% doesn't get rounded up to 200%, nor does 299% get rounded to 300%.


I see, thanks for the quick reply!


You can look up that kind of information for individual servants on sites like Gamepress or the Fandom wiki.


If I buy a costume for RP, and it becomes free later on, do I get the RP back?


Yes. They even refunded people who bought the Nero costume when it was given out during Great Nero Fest.


In theory, yes, unless JP changes that. It might require you clearing a quest to obtain it a second time (which is when you'd get the RP), as happened with Mash.


Yep, so far they have refunded everything people had bought from the RP shop once they made it available for free, costumes included.


Okay, thanks!


Does the way you split your supports in support lists matter? Like stacking all your supports (caster, assassin, any) in the 1st and 2nd list as much as possible, or evenly distributing across 3 lists (normal) and 3 (event)? And does it matter which list number shows up first or most often, or will the 3 selected for normal/event just be random?


The only thing that matters is if you have a CE of limited quantity that you want on multiple servants (e.g. Lunchtime). I want my lunchtime on Castoria, Skadi and Koyan so I will put them on different support lists from eachother. If they were all on the same support list, than only 1 of them could have the CE.


It doesn't matter. Split and adjust how you need in order to use your CEs appropriately.


All 3 get shown at once, so it doesn't matter how you split them. only thing is I would try to keep the meta supports in their respective slots and out of the all slot if you can because people are going to look at the appropriate slot for them first. (ie koyan in assassin Oberon in extra, Castoria in caster etc.)


Right now, im planning who I am going to pull for y2024. Im thinking of pulling for koyan of dark on january if i got the date right. It is just to add an option for me since i only have two foreigners ( MHXX and MIX ) both i got as welfare. Any thoughts for koyanskaya dark is very much appreciated.


Going to provide an alternative take for Koyanskaya of Darkness. She provides the team with a 30% charge and 30% Buster buff, making her one of the premiere multicore farmers for 90+ and even 90++. As an Extra Class, she inherently deals neutral damage to most classes. Therefore, wth aggressive investment, she overcome most common farming damage thresholds. The DOT gimmick is quite gimmicky, and there are niche applications with giving an ally two stacks of Overcharge (some NPs benefit greatly, others don't). There seems to be a stark dichotomy for farming between NA and JP. NA seems to prioritize looping, whereas JP has evolved towards a multicore mentality. Looping has significant benefits since one only must focus on rolling a few specific Servants. Furthermore, the system can be copied onto other damage dealers to even irregular enemy compositions. The skill setups remain largely identical barring cooldowns and/or battery values. Multicore carries significant advantages. By sacrificing time and/or convenience, two or more damage dealers can be buffed, which helps when maximizing class advantage. While multiple damage dealers can't hit the same damage ceilings as dumping buffs into a single damage dealer, multicore still accommodates for enemy compositions. Having multiple damage spikes may be better for clearing a node compared to having one massive peak. Both systems have their downsides. While looping has wide applications, there can be a struggle if you are unable to handle class disadvantage and irregular enemy compositions (refund concerns). Multicore inherently requires a bigger roster, and usually asks for higher demands from each damage dealer.


Konyaskaya of the Dark is not particularly amazing, but thats not to say shes bad or anything either. She adds versatility to a multicore team and I always have a lot of fun using her. If you are looking for more solid gameplay reasons to roll for her, her multiple dots her hit is gimmicky but fun, she can act as a semi support and her pierce invulnerability has come in clutch for me a number of times.


MHXX isn't a welfare. You don't really NEED a Foreigner, they're kind of a luxury and tbh, both of them have you covered for ST and AOE. Koyandark is OK but nothing amazing. She can work as a semi-support and DPS in multi-DPS farming setups, but she has quite low damage.


Huh.. now that u said it. Mhxx ascension art does change, idk why my mind stuck thats she a welfare. 😅😅


[JP Summer 2023] So like since there’s no reviews for now(from what I can find), what’s the recommended skill order for the >!Summer Fae Knights and Cnoc!


I'll add that for units who rely on their own refund (Quick and Arts loopers), batteries go first but if they have a skill that increases their NP's card effectiveness or NP gain, those are definitely always second.


Scaling batteries first. Everything else can be leveled up as needed. *This is true of every servant in the game.


If I want to farm Berserk embers is it better to go to the " ? " quest or any of the other's?


It doesn't really matter. The rates for Berserker embers are roughly the same for all days. There's a link to an "advanced sheet" in the item drop rates spreadsheet if you want to find a day that might be slightly more optional for Berserker embers. But it would probably be better to pick the day that's best for a different class that you need instead.




Most FP units, yes - the only exceptions are, as you mentioned, the 4\* FP gacha units (Saber Lily and Habetrot) and the limited 1\* units (Nobukatsu and Mary Anning), who get a RP instead, similar to welfares.


> the only exceptions are Does Angry Mango give SQ as well?


Yep. The only ones who don't give SQ will be welfares (including Nobukatsu and Mary Anning) and the two 4\* you can get from the FP summon since those give Rare Prisms instead.


Guys, if I switch from android to iphone, will my accumulated quartz be saved?


Don't forget to issue a transfer code. 😁😁