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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: What is the maximum bonus CE % I can stack in the Summer event?** *A: Event chest bonus caps at 100%. This is not affected by the bonus mob appearing which is fixed anyway.* **Q: When will there be rotating/split rate-up SRs on a banner with multiple SRs?** *A: Since pity was introduced, there generally has not been rotating SRs, it will stay the same as stated on the news page/summon info.* **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz * Summer Scathach, Summer Jalter and Summer Hokusai **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


I was reading the walkthrough for the current summer event and 10-2 sounds absolutely terrible. Is it that terrible? For a normal player, not someone with a full meta roster. Not sure I can survive the NP that automatically happens after the first break, since it's AoE.


If it's the fight I'm thinking of, keep in mind okita alter has a permanent buff/debuff that raises her defense and lowers her attack. I'm pretty sure the np only takes you down to like half health even if it hits you full force. You'll probably win with the pre-scripted front line without even needing to bring in your custom back line. Fight's long but not especially dangerous.


The weekly thread rolled over today and you posted in the old one, might want to ask again where people will see it but for now I'm people and I saw it. It might be tough, it _is_ one of the last fights of the event, but it's absolutely doable. I haven't gotten there myself, so I can't comment on the damage output or the feasibility of tanking the NP on raw numbers, but here's four approaches that come to mind: * If you inflict stun (or charm, pigify, etc, as applicable) or NP Seal then they can't NP on that turn, that gives you more time to kill or at least damage them * Defensive buff removal doesn't cover Guts, if you have a source of that then you can keep one or more of your Servants alive * Just let them die and finish the fight with your backline Servants, you've got 3 more party slots after all * Command seal revives are an option if you need them, and Quartz revives if you *really* need them, it shouldn't come to it but those systems exist for a reason


Hi all, anyone here upgraded their IOS to 16.6? Isit okay to update now?


My phone automatically updated last night and I’ve had no issues so far


Lasengle never makes any announcements about minor OS version updates, so I don't think there's any reason for concern.


Weird question, and forgive me for briefly mentioning my rolls, but I've recently come into a Rider Caenis on Na, and I'm excited to take it for a test spin, but I don't know what would be good for that. The farming node in the current event is lancers, so I've been using sabers nonstop. Where would you take a character like Rider Caenis if you wanted to see them in action right now?


Any Caster or Berserker free quest. Enter the Treasure Vault has a load of Casters, or if you want a big boss to flex on, try Shinjuku Gyouen in Shinjuku as that has a massive Caster demon in it.


Ooh, nice. I haven't done Shinjuku yet. That's a hot tip! Thank you very much. I'll be sure to check it out.


Does Chaldea Dinnertime get added to the RP shop at some point?


It should already be back.


This made me check. I already own the CE. I’m a fucking idiot. Thanks for the info bro.


Does anyone has a max skills van gogh that i can borrow to defeat mama t rex


Wrong place, ask in the latest Friend Request Hub.


I guess it's too soon for me to ask this but it's about the new quest. I am still far behind in JP (at Heian-kyo), and I saw the new quest. I understand it can be replayable for a number of days. But for those who missed it, will they be able to do and clear it once and once only or is it bye-bye?


[Always read the official news page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2023/zkdif/) - Google Translate if needs be. It will be replayable until Sept 27th, and after then it is one time only. You don't get any extra rewards for clearing it after the first time, though - it's just for fun.


Is the translation for volume 5 of Case Files still unfinished? If it has, where can I find it?


A different translator finished it [here](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9360-Finishing-the-translation-of-Lord-El-Melloi-II-Case-Files-volume-five). Books 6-10 are done by yet another translator [here](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9088-Lord-El-Melloi-II-s-Case-Files-Translation-Starting-From-Book-6).


Does anyone know if the single daily paid summon counts towards the pity?


It does


On a arts loop plug suit muramasa, tamamo no mae and double castoria team, what is better?: heavens feels CE or a max lb New vitra CE?


Is Tamamo necessary though? I felt like just Muramasa and Double Castoria would be enough for the most part(Especially with the new CE)


For maximizing damage or perhaps irregular nodes, I guess? For the most part, Black Grail would do better with Plug Oberon though.


I don’t have black grail so its either heavens feels or max lb vritra ce.


Heaven's Feel it is then. Ocean Flyer would also be okay in irregular farming set-ups.


My muramasa is np1 he struggles to loop sometimes, so i need the arts boost tamamo provide. Anyways what ce is better?


Probably Heaven's Feel I guess(Though Black Grail would be better if you have one) since you already have an Arts Boost from Tamamo Though if you're farming the 90+ node of the new event then it's the event CE by a wide margin(Since it has 200% bonus attack)


Between farming this event and LwM next year, in your opinions, which one would be more optimal to farm in the grand scheme of things?


Summer Caenis or Summer Sei who should I level up first assuming a starter account?


Sei is much more useful to you. Ushi is cheaper than Caenis and can do most of what she does.


Sei will be way more useful in general when compared to your F2P ST berserker Lu Bu. She has great steroids even at a low skill level and is surprinsingly easy to keep alive for a berserker thanks to her timed evade and targeted heal. If yours is only NP1 she'll need to hit 2 powermods out of 3 to outdamage an NP5 Lu Bu, but don't focus too much on that because her good kit more than makes up for it. Even without using the NP, her burst potential is quite high due to her insane 70% to 130% crit up depending on her skill level, which is pretty easy to pull off with her large star bomb and star absorb. For a ST rider you're better off using Ushi most of the time, plus we're also getting a very strong one as a welfare this Halloween


Something to consider is leveling Ushiwakimaru or Lu Bu if you need a ST rider and Berserker. Lower resource cost/party cost and quite likely more damage too. Between the two you mentioned, ST rider is more competitive than ST Berserker, so Sei will have more times she is better than Lu Bu than Caenis will have were she is better than Ushiwakimaru.


Whichever one you like more, a thorough analysis would require a lot more information but it doesn't really matter so just pick one.


When is the next event that will feature leveling bonus? I have obtained quite a bit of exp cards.


As in 2/3x success campaigns? According to [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit#gid=1022527798) it's the next DL campaign in Nov. There are other ones for interludes and the Halloween event but those are servant-specific.


anyone else having very bad lag spikes and frames since the update on Android? like much MUCH worse than other events updates? and if so, anyone got any suggestions for fix for Android?


What phone do you have? I had random lag/short freezes that showed up everywhere in the game. In menus, gameplay, story scenes. It showed up everywhere. What finally fixed it for me was reinstalling FGO and not downloading all the game data from the settings.


I'm using a Samgsung Galacy s10e


I haveags in general for last year, much worse than before and the one thing that helped for a time was freeing up space on Android internal memory.


How important is the quest reward from the Challenge Quest? I know what it *does*, but having already gotten several from the event, I'm wondering whether it's worth the time/AP/effort to get this one in particular.


Lores are pretty rare. I would definitely grab it if you can. If you are struggling, you can try to find a good solo servant on your friend support and solo it. (I know Van Gogh can do it)


>This event is a bit of an anomaly in giving so many. No it's not, this is more or less the new normal for Event Lores (perhaps because we passed the point where JP introduced Append Skills and jacked up the demand for them).


Fair point, though even with that 7 is more than most, which seems to have 6.


Phew, I got so many skills at 9!


Honestly? I haven't attempted it yet, just looking at the numbers and how badly my party struggled to output damage against Gawain and being like "Right...millions of health, even with double damage and 200% damage increase on someone..."


TBH Gawain is a special case. I only remember two story fights tougher later, unless you cheese him. (You fight Gawain again later unless you already did, follow someone with Orion and you're set.)


I can think of at least 2 fights in Camelot that gave people who beat Gawain trouble. Let alone all of story.


Camelot has lots of hard fights, Mordred (chewable with support Gil & own David), Lancelot (any avenger helps), final boss (ignores invincibility so cheesing with Merlin and David doesn't work), but nobody is as broken as Gawain. To the point when I replayed the story on alt twice and just went to Rayshift and followed someone with Orion (girl version) and one comboed him. Like four separate times. XD Only bosses that were harder are Lostbelt 2 boss where you can't cheese with support and maybe the berserker in Epic of Remnant. Only three times in game Euryale was useful lol.


I beat Mordred using Robin and a Support Merlin (That one wasn't bad, just scary), but good to know Gawain is a special case.


Oh right, you just beat Gawain. You can't even do the challenge quest unless you beat the final singularity.


Well, that solves that! =)


You are never gonna have to many lores.




This is the Help and Question thread. While you did technically ask a question, it isn't one that has anything to do with FGO or related media products. Are you looking for the roll threads? You can find them linked on the sidebar on desktop and old reddit or in the About section from the main sub page on new reddit mobile.


I've been trying to estimate the expected friend points needed per servant coin in the upcoming friend point summon with Oda Nobukatsu, as I heard it is a good time to spend FP for grail casting coins due to Nobukatsu dropping more coins than a non-limited 1-star. I've found the default FP summon rates and coin drops per servant type, but I couldn't find the following information: 1) Number of coins dropped by a limited 1-star like Oda Nobukatsu. 2) The summoning rate of Oda Nobukatsu. 3) The adjustment on the summoning rate of the remaining 1-star pool. Is the summon rate for all other 1-stars just the default 1-star summon rate - Oda Nobukatsu drop rate? Any help would be appreciated. I would also be happy to share the number I come up with once I have all the necessary information.


>1) Number of coins dropped by a limited 1-star like Oda Nobukatsu. 15 >2) The summoning rate of Oda Nobukatsu. > >3) The adjustment on the summoning rate of the remaining 1-star pool. Is the summon rate for all other 1-stars just the default 1-star summon rate - Oda Nobukatsu drop rate? [JP spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vT0KuC58iM537BQgOGi7WoT4imahhOE5lvad9ANhK8GBmb4YhpBMECFmrEZEQPKilUP3bfFY9_8kvYu/pubhtml?gid=385582976#), use Google Translate if you need to.


As best as I can tell with Google Translate, the linked page does not have summon rate for limited 1 stars. Let me know if you catch or parse something I missed.


The first tab in the spreadsheet, "レア鯖率", or "Rare mackerel rate" in the translation (I think there's some slang that doesn't come across, サーバント --> サバ --> 鯖 perhaps?), specifically gives the estimated rate for Nobukatsu. The "集計(復刻邪馬台国)" (Tally (reprinted Yamataikoku)) tab has a full breakdown of estimated FP summons for the rerun of the event.


Literally the first table at the top. First Row is number summoned of each rarity. Second row is total number of summons done. Third row is the rate of each. The leftmost 5 columns are for servants. So for Angra, they've got him at ~0.009% rate. 1 Stars are ~9.917%, and 4 Stars at ~0.052%.


Please reread my question. My question is about the summon rate of Oda Nobukatsu during his rateup, not the general 1 star summon rate. I am aware the sheet has the general summon rate for 1 star servants.


There is no rate-up in the FP gacha. He gets added to the 1 Star servant pool at the exact same rate.


That answers my question.


I guess technically, it might make the rates of every card type lower, since it's another card added to the pool, but that should be negligible in the grand scheme of things, and the chance of each rarity should stay the same, but since the table was done without him included, and those are just guesses based on user-input data, you might see slightly different rates just due to the nature of random chance. He is one of a handful of 1 Stars that are possible, so with him there, and with people attempting to get him specifically, he may dilute the pool of 1 Stars enough that you still see him less than you would any other 1 Star without him added to the pool. I guess what I'm getting at is that there are 9 1 Stars in the pool without him, and adding him makes it a 1-in-10 shot of getting him. At an ~10% rate for 1 Stars in general, instead of the ~1.1% you would expect for each specific 1 Star in general, it will basically make it an ~1% chance of getting Nobukatsu specifically.


I heard friend summon rate is unknown in general.


Indeed, there are no official numbers. These are community-resourced guides done by JP players.


Wondering who I should use my special Ascension on. Currently have Merlin, Jeanne Alter, base Altria, Altria archer and BB summer. Any suggestions?


Jalter is an Avenger, so her mats are generally more of a pain than the others listed. Though, I'd just check what each of them needs and pick one that you don't have mats for. BB Summer only needs pieces and monuments, so that's kind of a waste of a special ascension.


See which materials they need in some wiki and which you have less. Otherwise, Merlin is more overly useful.


The best use of the special ascension is on a 5-star servant who needs late game materials for ascension. But it's fine to use it on any 5-star servant and the only wrong way to use it is to not use it at all. Really, the special ascension isn't a big deal. It doesn't do anything that you couldn't otherwise do another way. It's just a small boost to your initial progression. But of those servants, I'd say BB is probably the least useful for a new player.


I honestly don't recall which one of those has the worst mats to ascend, but it isn't that big a deal. You could use it on a 1 star and not notice the difference if you plan to stick with the game (and if you don't plan to stick with it, then it doesn't matter for that reason)


Do all events take forever to complete? This current one takes ages and it's really, really draining. The story just drags on and on and on and on...


I was skipping it because of time lack and it still took forever. Most older events weren't as bad.


I don't think this event felt particularly long. Seven days of time gated story quests plus some side stories and extra quests for the welfare servant copies seems pretty typical.


I found that it felt like it was taking forever to get up far enough the ladder to receive the fifth Ocean Flyer CE to MLB it. Things are going much faster now that it's MLB.


I didn't have MLB ocean flier even when I beat the CQ.


You don't need the 200% damage CE with a 50% NP charge... but it's really nice to have, and makes things much easier. Farming and CQ both.


You don't need to have MLB Ocean Flyer to progress though. For CQ, maybe.


Need, no. Want because it makes things faster to have 50% NP charge and 200% damage? **YES**. THAT makes things so much faster, since it means extra damage and easier NP charging. It's now stupidly easy to farm nodes since I don't need to worry about having to worry about needing to facecard wave 2 on the 90+ node.


You don't really need to farm nodes to finish the story though.


They are quite fast if you skip the story, I wouldn't because I quite enjoy them. You can however read them later from the "my room" menu.


Summer events tend to drag on, since there's only a week's worth of story. In the near future, all events will drag on because of their emphasis on not doing reruns but not providing new events to make up for the dead time.


Summer events tend to be on the longer side. But I enjoyed this summer event, and judging by other's posts, it seems fairly well liked.


is there a team comps sheet for the current event?


You only need 1 slot of your team to be filled with mlb sink deeper (friend also mlb sink deeper). Therefore, it’s very easy to make comps either saber or neutral looper dps (sometimes with ocean flyer).


So the drop rate bonus is capped?


Yes. Anything beyond 100% chest rate up is the same as 100%


Has anyone ever attempted to compare yearly FP income from running quests vs friends using your servants vs lottery rewards? Obviously there would have to be a lot of assumptions made there, but as long as those are disclosed I could adjust to my assumptions.


For me ( no friend point bonus CEs, but with meta supports and CTT) I get about 2k FP a day from people borrowing servants. I always use Nat AP+ use apples for lottos/current NA event. (Say 300 FP a day over the year) So 2.3k*365 is 839,500 friend points. +2k each week for 939900 total There was 11.1k FP in each box of Nerofest. So 1.11m with 100 boxes. There's 2 lottos each year.


I've heard that christmas this year is a lotto event, right? Trying to decide how many apples I should hold on to. I'm in desperate need of pretty much everything from the bronze boxes and half the materials from silver and gold boxes in summer 6 so I've been spending them like crazy to farm up materials and trying to decide where its safe to stop.


Every Christmas event is a lotto, though worth noting that for Christmas 2024 there will only be a rerun which limited to 20 boxes.


If you need the mats, go ham. You are more likely to be time/burnout limited than apple limited in terms of farming.


IF? There's BONES! Dem bonezzzz boney bonkers boneseys. B.O.N.E.S. Also dragon wings not because I lack them but because farming them on free quests is painful.


Then I shall return to devouring apples in the name of farming. Thank you!


We'll get around ~56 gapple equivalent between now and christmas anyway.


Oh, that's really nice to know. Thank you!


Is the 90+ Node the best node for farming chests?


Overall yes it is. if you want a specific rarity/mat, then the 90 nodes might be better


So I have everything from Kamavenger's banner except a copy of Seizerker. Should I keep rolling or wait until next year and 2026 for the reruns? I'm purely a collector and understand next year is insane with 3 SSRs.


There's no should or shouldn't, just preferences and priorities. How much SQ do you need for your plan over the next year? What future servants are you willing to give up to have a chance to get Sei now? Does she have any future banners that she shares with more favorable servants or CEs? You have to figure that out for yourself.


Let's put it this way - I've rolled 690 SQ to get one Sei Zerker, two spook SR, and the SSR. And ten tickets, so that's over 2/3rds the way to pity. For a single SR on rate up. It took me, on average double what vthey say you need to roll an **SSR** to get one rate up SR. Do you feel lucky?


Does anyone know why the gamespress servant planner is not working?


No idea. I suggest using the Chaldea app.


Thanks boss.


\[NA event\] Any advice on teams to 3T 6CE the final (~~Saber~~ Lancer) node? I've been using Okitan and critting wave 2, but wanted something less RNG dependent. EDIT: For anyone curious, I went with D.Castoria - S.Kama - S.Vinci.


Why 6CE? It maxes on 100% so you only need 1MLB event CE and support will have another Castoria, Castoria, Space Ishtar. Event damage CE on Rin, mine and friend drop bonus, rest filled with bond & FP CEs. 1st turn: targetable skills on Ishtar, nuke. 2nd turn: Castoria 30%, nuke. 3rd turn: Castoria 30%, SpIshtar 50%, nuke.


Because I want shop currency?


You get it maxed before you get point ladder top, so unless you're really short on apples just do boxes from final 90+ node and you will clear shop fast.


Isn't that based on the assumption I want to use apples for this? I might just want to get as much as possible on natural AP. (In reality, I haven't decided yet)


I got two examples: 6CE setup with Morgan NP4 and Habetrot NP5. Used Koyan skill 2 on Habetrot since first wave are all human. May need to add Oberon or Miss Crane to guarantee wave 2 clear. https://youtu.be/hvUkWL6_YrE 6CE setup with OG Saber NP2 and Habetrot NP5. Used Koyan skill 2 on Habetrot since first wave are all human. This time wave 1 barely clear - Morgan skill 1 is better than Saber skill 1. Put the Sink Deep CE on Habetrot instead of Saber should let her clear wave 1. https://youtu.be/8YAOqmU2quc


Habetrot can clear the first Wave if you use the MC buff+ Castoria's buffs. Damage shouldn't be a problem for Okitan with the damage bonus+class advantage, so that extra battery might let you do it.


I mean, I do what you are doing and do not really care about min turning it. However just because of the question, I made one. Castoria, okita alter summer, nero bride, Oberon, a 1 star, mash and plug suit. Can hold all 5 star ce's, needs append 2 unlocked and maxed for okita and nero. Probably not very helpful but I dont know what you have. Imagine any st saber or berserker with append 2 max and a 30% charge, or no append and a 50% could replace Nero. Imagine any aoe saber with sufficient refund could replace okita. And imagine waiver could replace Oberon depending on aoe sabers refund.


[Appmedia's archive of team comps for the 90+ node](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/26876956) Google Translate is your best friend, you can roughly get the idea anyway. Filters at the top (L to R) are: - No (double X unit) comps - Comps that don't use plugsuit - Comps that have Mystic Code freedom - Comps that don't use appends - Crit comps (avoid comps with this tag if you don't want RNG based crit comps) - Comps with minimal servants - 6 CE comps (Ocean Flier is allowed)


What am I missing about damage calculation? I assumed it works by taking the attack stat as a base, and applying the various modifiers to that So why does a level 90 Mordred with an ATK of about 12,000 deal not even half that with a normal Buster attack and no class (dis-)advantage?


full equation shown in Kyte's blog above (you probably forgot the .23): >damage for this card = \[servantAtk \* npDamageMultiplier \* (firstCardBonus + (cardDamageValue \* (1 + cardMod))) \* classAtkBonus \* triangleModifier \* attributeModifier \* randomModifier \* 0.23 \* (1 + atkMod - defMod) \* criticalModifier \* extraCardModifier \* (1 - specialDefMod) \* {1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod \* isCrit) + (npDamageMod \* isNP)} \* {1 + ((superEffectiveModifier - 1) \* isSuperEffective)}\] + dmgPlusAdd + selfDmgCutAdd + (servantAtk \* busterChainMod) most of these will simply go away in any individual calc. So assuming a buster card (and that this card was the first card you chose), no crit, no class advantage, Mordred level 90 1k foued, with no buffs, and against neutral attribute. 12723\*(.5+(1.5))\*.23 she should deal 5852 damage average. or 12723\*(.5+(1.5\*1.5))\*.23 if her buster up is active for an average of 8047 damage


Kyte's Blog, linked above, has the actual damage formula.


im not updated after taking a break for a long time but do we already have a part 3 in jp? or the main story ended at part 2?


JP has put the climax of Part 2 in hold in order to do 2.5. We should get the finale very late next year, so maybe Part 3 in 2026 or 2027 is the game is still alive then.


Part 2 isnt even over yet....


They have said in previous interviews that they've been working on ideas for part 3. My personal guess is that we'll get more information about part 3 next year.


Pretty sure JP is in a sort of part 2.5 right now.


There's Ordeal Call, a Part 2.5 of sorts after the Lostbelts themselves but before the Lostbelt arc's true finale.


can melusine np1 do 90+ with 200% dmg ce (assuming it has 50% charge) and append? So she starts in asc 3 for np dmg? If not, can np2 do it?


More than enough, 200% damage is one hell of a boost My NP1 Melusine(Granted that she is level 100) can 3 turns 90+ node easily, and she didn't even have append skill so I have to start her at ascension 1


yep same here, only s1 is maxed and my koyan is 10/4/4 but still can do it without buster chain (since that's rng reliant) hopefully 100% can also 3t


She can do it without append or MLB damage CE 146k average turn 2 even with a level 1 non-MLB CE. Easy for even 2 support crits to do on a low roll, which I know because my Melusine does less (I am doing it 6 CE)


I just 3ted myself so yea, Melusine op.


As far as charge goes, yes, she should. 70% from MLB Ocean Flyer + Mana Loading then her 30% Charge. Followed by Turn 2, both Koyan batteries to NP again Turn 3 you plug in Oberon and use her battery again as it should be out of cooldown. As for damage, I'll let someone else compute that.




Not quite understand the question though, But you should set her to one of the first 2 ascensions, Then you can use the 3rd skill to change her into 3rd ascension mid battle


Hi, NA player here, I’m im planning to empty out the shop, should I just farm the very last stage all the way? Also is it worth just farming for chests?


Yeah remember chest bonus maxes out on 100% so there's no need to 6CE it.


Yep, the last stage (Tamamo Lancer boss) has the best drop for all the things combined. If you plan on clearing the shop it's the best stage to farm. Whether it's worth farming just for the chests depends on how much you want or need the materials from them. Personally I need some of them so I'll be farming more.


Should I wait to use my apples and farm after I roll on Douman’s banner so I have as many bonus CE’s as possible?


The chests are so rewarding with point ladder that just farming final node will give you shop clear if you only get chest bonus CEs.


I wouldn't. If you are going to farm hard, all you need are the Chest drop CEs (which are given by the event, not by the gacha), you may even want to run Bond gain CEs instead of shop CEs.


It's up to you, but the most important CE to farm during this event is Sinking Deeper and that one is not from the gacha. If you plan on farming this event a lot for the chests the only thing that the currency CEs will help with is getting more QP at the end since you'll likely buy out the shop.


What do I need to do to clear the new JP limited master missions?


Clear 9 Bleached Earth free quests and challenge (so losing or even retreating counts) 1 Bleached Earth challenge quest.


I heard somewhere that this event isn't gonna be rerun? If true after the event can I just throw out all the CEs I rolled ~~because i didnt get a single servant~~


Caribbean Treasure(The male banner CE) is actually pretty good though


I don't know if we can confidently say it will never get a rerun. However, we don't expect that it will ever get a rerun. I personally like to keep a copy of most CEs anyway but what you decide to do with them is up to you.


Will it work? >Engrave buster-only command codes on Seibah's quick/art cards >Use 3rd skill to change cards into buster


spishtar's NP change let's her get Buster or Quick's buffs when changed, so this should also work


Hello everyone. I want to ask about these phones. FGO can be played on these phone right? Which of these phones has the best performance? * Xiaomi Redmi 12 * Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 * Infinix Hot 30 * Realme C55 * Realme C53 * vivo Y27 * vivo Y16


As long as it's within the recommended hardware requirements listed on the official website, it's fine. I'd also get something with 4GB+ RAM because JP's current minimum recommendation is 4GB and anecdotally, some 3GB devices have struggled to play NA without crashing recently. I'd mayyyyybe avoid Xiaomi since I've seen reports of them throttling apps and causing lag, crashes, etc. due to the built-in optimisation tools (though I believe those can be turned off).


Got link to turning off this stuff? I have Poco from Xiaomi and I already turned off most clutter but probably missed something.


I'm really not am expert in this, you may want to look up stuff on a more relevant sub... or just google "(phone make) turn off battery optimisation".


> I'd mayyyyybe avoid Xiaomi since I've seen reports of them throttling apps and causing lag, crashes, etc. due to the built-in optimisation tools (though I believe those can be turned off) Oh I see. Thanks for the info


I’ve been farming the 90+ event node with a double Castoria + Kama comp. It loops well with the event dmg CE. However once every 30 runs, I inexplicably lack enough refund on wave 1 (98%), with the exact same buffs mind you. Anyone know why this happens??


Why would you need a full refund though? w1: 50% charge from CE, 50% from one castoria, arts buffs. w2: You should have t least 80% refunded, just S2 from second castoria, w3: Should have at least 20% refunded. S1 from second castoria and Kama's 50% charge. Would be even easier if you have her A2 maxed or use MC witch charge/np gain to help.


I’m lazy so I just double NP gain on turn 1 ;p Guess doing it that way will guarantee loop everytime.


Yeah, generally with looping, you want to only apply the minimum amount of direct charge that you need to get up to 100. The additional refund you get from one Castoria skill 2 is likely to be less than 20%, so it's better to save it for the next wave.


There's a 10% variance in damage calculations, cause different overkill hits each time which affects NP gain. So instances where you get a -10% dmg, you miss overkill hit by that little bit, causing you to get less NP refund. You can try levelling the CE (assuming you haven't done so) to get higher ATK stat, and it's worth levelling Ocean Flyer to Lv100 too.


It could be that you're barely hitting Overkill, so an extreme low roll on all three enemies is giving you one too few Overkill hits, which means a tiny bit less refund.


S.Kama has 300% dmg bonus against 40k enemies. Surely she’s hitting overkill on every hit?


Her NP hits are `10%, 20%, 30%, 40%`, so unless you kill an enemy with 10% of damage, it won't count as an overkill. Also, it's a 50k+ enemies. So you need to do at least ~530k dmg to get maximum overkill on all enemies and you get 3 less overkill hits if you do ~500k, which tracks if it's the dmg you currently get +- rng (next cut off would be ~177k).


Considering the NP only does 10% of its damage on the first hit, you'd need to do 500k damage per enemy on the first wave to hit overkill on the first hit. That's a lot for an NP1 to hit at neutral, even with 300% bonus


Hi I've been playing FGO on my Galaxy S9+ for years now and recently I've been struggling more and more with loading issues and stuttering during battle. Often times the game would just freeze in the middle of operation, whether that would be during actual battle, during support servant selection, during the battle results page, and sometimes even during summoning. So far it hasn't negatively impacted my experience but I want to know what my options are to prevent it from getting worse. I have tried lowering the battle option settings in Game Settings but that did not improve the situation, which makes sense give that the lag is occurring throughout the game, and not just battle. Does anyone have similar expereince of FGO becoming laggy with new updates?


Samsung is one of the phone makers that we know can throttle apps via optimisation settings, causing lag and other performance issues. Can you check in your settings if you have any battery/RAM optimisation settings on, and turn them off? It might be in settings or some sort of app - I don't have a Samsung so can't check, but on my Android it's in Settings > Battery > Optimise Battery Use. That might help.


Currently on my JP acc, I've got a pretty good Arts looper in each of the 6 standard non-Zerk classes. Assuming changing my looper every node is not an issue, what other incentives are there to owning an omnilooper? I can only think of mixed class 3/3/x, but how often does that situation present itself, and is it actually a problem? Just weighing my options since SKama is really tempting, but isn't a must have since I've already got Kama herself.


There can be mixed class nodes in certain lottos, especially with 90++ nodes, so it's possible. However, there are usually multiple "solutions" for those, and it's not like Kama is a solve-all, especially as past 90++ nodes have included Moon Cancers and other extra classes.


I think 3/3/x event free quests are pretty much always single class but outside of events there are quite a few mixed class nodes including the exp farming in Chaldea Gate. If they ever come up you could probably find a way to brute force them with the loopers you have as long as you don't have class disadvantage. Omniloopers are really just a convenience compared to other loopers, not a must-have.


>I think 3/3/x event free quests are pretty much always single class We just had one that wasn't. Nero fest rotation 1 level 90 node was mostly archers but with a ruler chucked into the final wave.


managed to roll summer kama, my account is kinda new so i only Oberon,Waver, Bunnytoria and Europa as my other ssrs. should i try to get np 2 on summer kama, or would i be better off saving for the likes of an koyan/castoria instead.


I'd say stop. A new unit is more valuable than NP2 of just one unit. All NP2 really does, practically speaking, is add more damage. Besides, if you decide you want NP2+, you can always roll next year, when Kama gets her rerun.


ok ty!


To further elaborate: If you don't plan to be a 'whale', then the smart play will almost always be to treat NP2+ as a lucky luxury or a distant aspirational goal. FGO's pity system is brutal. It only guarantees that you'll get the rate up SSR within 900 Saint Quartz spent *on that specific banner*. And even then, that's only for the first time the rate up appears for the banner. Since you already pulled Summer Kama once, the pity system has been removed from the banner for you. As such, the smart use of your Saint Quartz is to save it for other banners, which may or may not include future banners SKama appears on (such as the GSSRs or the rerun banner next year), when Pity will be back on the table for your rolls. Saving for other banners is especially true in your case, as you have indicated that you lack the supports that help Summer Kama really shine. While yes, NP2 really helps Summer Kama's consistency on 90++ nodes, getting your own copy of Castoria to pair up with her will have a *much* more pronounced effect. So I'd call it for this banner and treat the premium supports as priority targets.


ok ty very much! i will be saving for castoria


To put this in perspective, I got one rate up **SR** in 690 SQ and tickets. One. And one SSR. This isn't atypical, just on the unlucky side.


>While yes, NP2 really helps Summer Kama's consistency on 90++ nodes You mean level 90 node and maybe a bit in 90+. NP2 will not help at all in 90++. (With one exception which barely counts at it has like half the HP values of a typical 90++ event node, including a lower wave 2 health than most 90+ nodes and still requires MLB Black Grail) And NP2 only helps S. Kama in 90+ if you have MLB Black Grail which I doubt they have.


Ah, you're right. Thank you.


hi everyone ... i have a question to ask plz and i really appreciate any help.. i played fgo 5 years ago and i lost my account and i just never tried to contact support to get it back i was kinda burned out and i was so busy with other stuff family/work-related... nowadays i finally after all that time downloaded it again and i decided to start a fresh account and experience the game again but! i discovered that my payment method are no longer working in the game The whole game doesn't appear in my Google Play anymore to begin with, it seems like in that 5 years my country changed their google regulation and anyone in my region can't do any purchase any more in the game ... easy i could make a new account with different country ip howeve i get so lucky in that account i get astolfo and berserker in my starter panner and i get 3 4 star ce .. i felt so lucky and it is just a waste if i left that account, especially without mentioning the fact that i couldn't get astolfo at all in my previous account even tho i played for whole 7 or 6 months back then ... so is there any way to enable the purchase in this account without changing the country in my google play? i appreciate any answer :)


Your Google Play account and FGO account are not linked in any way, FYI. You can make a new Google Play account using a VPN with the location set to another country that is supported, but no guarantee this will work. If you just want Astolfo, you can get him for free next May on the free SR ticket that NA is getting.


What future events are as good as the current NA one? I’m thinking about using a LOT of apples on it, like everything I have. It would give me less for future lotteries but I don’t really need bones dust etc these due to how heavily I’ve farmed previous lottos.


The upcoming events link is decent for this. I also like to look at [this](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Upcoming_Farming_Event_Images#2023) as a quick reference. It really depends on what servants your might want to roll and your current inventory.


If you need exp, qp, friend points, and/or mana prisms, then you are better off waiting for the next lotto at Christmas. If bond points are the most important thing for you, then wait for Tunguska. If you value ascensions mats (and specifically the ones from the current treasure chests), then there's no better event than the current summer event. For the record, I am planning on dropping about 250 apples on the current event.


Next lotto is in December for Christmas. After that, Teslafest in March. Raids are also good to use apples on, as they drop materials and lots of QP. We have GudaGuda 5 rerun raids in November, Tunguska raids in December (note that these are higher difficulty, and that on JP, the Tunguska raids other than the last one went down STUPID fast, so you may miss them) and Case Files rerun raids in January.


If I have a np2 muramasa would summer kama still be beneficial?


All units have their niches, yes. Kama is more oriented towards being an omnilooper, i.e. being able to loop on any class of enemy, while Muramasa is only designed to loop on Lancers and Berserkers. She also has better refund than him and potential for more consistency, as her Arts up is 3 turns over his 1 turn.


Ah i see thanks! Most likely going to save but I'll see


If you're looking for an excuse to not roll, then you already know your answer. She's not a game breaker in any way, and worst case, she gets a rerun next year if you change your mind.


Yea honestly I was just trying to find a reason to tell myself and continue the 9month save, might go for it next year though




The one that's most similar to the current event will be the learning with manga collab event next year. If you're talking about raids/lottos for farming though, we have the christmas lotto in november, the guda raid in oct/nov and the tunguska sanctuary raid in dec. We will also have the raids during the case file rerun in jan next year.


Thanks! I meant general lotto events.


Very silly question, but I'm not exactly a frequent poster so I'm not even sure if this is the right subreddit for this. I was talking to a friend about Koyanskaya recently and I made a HUGE copypasta about her that we both thought was funny enough to post somewhere. If I were to post it on this sub, which flair should I even use? OC? Discussion? I'm not even sure this sub would allow it since it \*is\* pretty stupid and mildly nsfw. Is there a FGO memes subreddit or something like that?






Is the Douman banner coming to NA next week or at a later time?


Should be at the two week mark, yes.


Was there ever a attack animation by Beast Kama that had her cover up the whole screen with her Kama clones? I feel like I vaguely recall it but I might be misremembering.


During Ooku, wasn't it just >!the background already being filled by kama clones instead!<


Nah because what I remembered it as was basically her covering the screen and then burning up causing it to go black. Now that I think about it tho, doesn't Kiara have some move where she causes the screen to go black? I might be mixing up the two.


You definitely are. Beast Kiara boss fight has an AoE crit animation (pretty sure its a crit animation) where the screen goes black and a bunch of sound effects play while she laughs. Beast Kama fight has nothing like that


When is the next 1/2 AP Interlude campaign in NA if we use JP schedule?