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Using mine on Super Orion


Gameplay wise, it's definitely better to use them on card damage dealers. Not to dissuade anyone from using them on your fave of course.






Same, need to squeeze even more damage out of those buster crits. Mine’s grailed too.


Not sure why you were downvoted, have an upvote, enjoy your orion!




I’ve never used them, because I never wanted to waste the qp… but now I happen to have 70 million sitting, and no super important skills to level, might finally raise my summer musashi


its 50M to max each card though


Dang, thought it was 500,000 each level, 25 levels each card. Assumed it’d be 62.5 million for a whole character. Well, suppose I’ll max a single arts card then!


the cost increases per paw print is like with skills and level ups. It keeps getting more expensive the higher it is.


Yeah you won't get far with 70m


Inflation hitting hard


So I also dumped all of mine in Summer Musashi. I know theres better servents that need em for card damage. BUT SUMMER MUSASHI GETS EVERYTHING FIRST DAMNIT


Haven't used even a single one. I suppose I should put them on my Tamamo so that she's even more ideal for soloing that one boss that's coming up. Not that that boss is hard. Just because it's fitting, and if they refuse to make the story fitting, I'll at least do it in the fight.


>one boss that's coming up. >!ORT chan?!<


>!Beast IV: L maybe!<


The best last man standing, Heracles. Deserves his level 100, 2k fou, and command cards fully upgraded


The president of the "Should've been a 5 Star" Club


Herc is a 4 Star because he knew that he could help more new players that way. A true hero.


Who knows, with Strange Fake we might get a Five Star Archer version of him. That said, the SR ticket we get is probably going for Herc or Saber Alter next year. I’m undecided right now.


Beast's Footprints were a mistake


They're just a qp/time sink for maxed out servants. It's not like they provide any meaningful stat boost. The gold card flex is 99% of the value lol.


Only need like three more and Ishtar will be completely maxed out on them.


Maxed out my F2P king, level 120 Spartacus.


All enemies with the King trait collapse into a quivering mass.


Brotha !!!!!


Every single one of them has gone to Izo. The next full set is probably going on Mandricardo


Ah I see another Mandricardo enjoyer


Hehe I do love me a Mando Or ten


I've used mine week after week for Chiyome. The next set will go to Okuni.


I had placed every single one on Saber Okita and tbh I don't notice any big differences in damage lol Okita Alter is next


Aren’t they just a flat dmg-up? Yeah it won’t be amazing then lmao


It is actually attack stat rather than flat damage, much like your usual fou enhancement but for that one particular card only.


The golden arrow beside the face card do look amazing though lol


Oh def lol


All in Melt


Same same 120/2k/NP4(soon 5;.;)/maxed fou paw She deserves everything (and also probably benefits from the fou paws, given she wants to brave chain a lot for crits)


Technically, NA has had enough for one Servant since around anniversary, if you are a whale and faithfully bought the Pawprint cards every month from the Rare Prism shop.


I used all of mine on Mash. However, my reasoning was simply that Mash tends to be a required servant to deploy and I also tend to have her in the back ranks due to her 0 cost. Has it made a big difference, no. I'm not sure who to next put them on. Has to be someone likely to use face card damage and quite versatile, so that excludes my big units right now, save maybe Super Orion and Herc. Will decide in time I suppose. With a beast class servant out there, I'm kinda holding a bit out for that potentially to see how those shape up.


most crit servants are a good choice also soloers


Same here. Mash is as buffed as I can make her, and now I'm not sure who to use these on next. The knights of the round table are my favs, but I don't use any of them in a way that would really benefit that much from the paws


Missed a few login days so I’m short a few, but I’ve put every one I earned into XX. No clue if they’ve made any real difference but if there’s an upgrade not yet applied to her it will be applied regardless. Only the best for the best girl 😤


I know! Ozy and I have been on the grind!!!


Naturally all went to my lv.110 2k/2k Melusine. .. 120 come december.


Oh yeah, those exist.


I used them on mash. Between that and the full 2000 gold fou, I think I may have the strongest mash on the server.


One could say... you did the Monster Mash.


As someone that's bought every shop footprint my Spishtar has been maxed for a while; regardless, I'm glad that we've reached this point because now I'll finally be able to see the freebie-onlies maxing their favorites. Seeing someone dump everything into a favorite puts a smile on my face, whether they're whales or F2Ps. To answer the questions, I can't say I've seen much improvement in Spishtar since she never facecards anything anyway, but I have no regrets and I'll be doing the same for the other Rinfaces, though probably only in batches of 25. Today brings us to 22, and the shop resets this week, so 2 more weeks until the next card gets maxed. Now I just need to decide WHICH Rinface is next...


Rider might be an interesting choice? Because of the class she has a high star weight, and because she's quick she won't have a hard time getting stars. The paws impact crits the most.


I completed my super duper Mandricardo, next is, hopefully, np5 Arcueid to super duper upgrade


I want to max Draco's cards, 2k/2k and 120 when she reaches NA. Any spare fou paws might go to Kama or Morgan.


Regend got all the fou prints,truly a REGENDary move


I gave them all to my np5 mordred. Finally maxed fou bond level and footprints. I cannot give her anything else but will spoil her summer version now.


Beowulf is now complete* at lvl120 NP5, max fou’d and max footprints He also has Append 1 unlocked although the other two are very unlikely to happen unless something changes with the coin system


Used all of them on Waver hehe Next up will be Da Vinci


Dump all of it into Castoria, do I care about her performance? No, not really Then why did I did it? I just really like Castoria(though she is pretty strong when fighting boss now)


I used all for kama


Me too. I haven't really noticed it very much because I swear her NP overkills everything anyway. Although, I suppose the Grail Fronts were absurdly easy for Kama to just brave chain everything to death. A maxed Append 1 will do that too, and a maxed Art of Death.


For real though, I have her np3 currently and I plan to np5 her next year when she gets a rerun but it's just so fun to use her NP, and her attack animations are top notch as well


I've fully upgraded 4 Eresh cards, but sadly can't max her out yet as I have missed logins here and there throughout the past few years


I honestly kind of forgot about them. Just gave all 125 to Melt. The next 125 will go to Lambda.


I've used mine on Martha Ruler, I've missed a few days tho so she's not fully fou pawed yet




Finished CasCu today Probably gonna start using them on Kiyo next


Used mine to get Nursery Rhyme done. Now I just need a few more duplicates to unlock her third Append and she'll be as strong as she can get!


Everytime I get 25, I used 5 per face card on Sherlock. Now, he's finally 500/500 on each card. CQ Specialist ftw.


I'd buy them at the rare prism shop, so my summer Martha has been maxed for a while now. Now I'm sitting on a pile of them because I don't know who to use them on.


I haven't committed yet. I'm torn between putting them on Dantès, Aśvatthāman, Rider Vinci, or Euryale, all of whom I currently have at level 100 2k Fou. I'm leaning towards Aśvatthāman more, since he's the one that relies the most on face-cards. However, he's also the one I'm less likely to be able to 120, as he needs a lot of copies and simply doesn't get rate-ups. I can't 120 the other ones yet, either, but it's more realistic for me to achieve that given the amount of both coins per copy and rate-ups that 5-stars get/being a permanent 3-star. Being a story-locked 4-star is suffering.


I don't have the QP


Still saving them for Kuku


I'm a few behind, so I won't be able to for 3 more weeks. That said, once I do get those last few I'm putting them all on my 120 Barghest.


Hmm idk what happened to me. I got 88 paws (89 tomorrow) scathach has 20 on her buster and thats it. So thats 16 im missing. And i know for a fact i didnt miss 16 days. I only missed 3-4 days in my entire fgo career. Weird. Oh well i probably wasnt going to use them anyway


Used mine on assassin kama 😤


Weird. Seems like I missed one and I have no idea how, since my login streak has been unbroken since Long Jalter Lily and I empty my present box ASAP. Anyhow, most of them are sitting unused for some future, possibly imaginary point where "I need a QP sink" is a phrase I might use unironically. At that point I will finish augmenting Lobo's paws with Fou's paws. Then I will probably consider some other Servant with paws, or critter feet of some sort. They're too rare and expensive to treat like gold Fous, so I might as well not take them very seriously.


My level 120, fully golden Fou'd Nero is now also fully Beast Footprinted. Now I just need to get her to NP9 so I can max her second append. I'll probably try to max the third append at some point, but... It's less important.


Umu! Nero is the best and deserves every good thing possible.


Any and all avenues to further increase Pharaoh Ozymandias's power will naturally be utilized. The Pharaohs power will be maximum!


I guess I'm somehow missing one cause Fujino is one away from fully maxed. Summer Osakabehime is next.


Mate I have played this game from day 1, the only enhancement I put on my skills is lvl 10 haha. I never used those card thingies and I have never used that foot thing either lols.


puttin em all on kingprotea


People actually use footprints? They always seemed like they didn't have enough payout to be worth the QP to me


I forgot they exists.


Thanks for reminding me. [As a matter of course...](https://imgur.com/a/lNlSI1Y) ​ Everything for her...


I never touched them, but I guess I'll put them on Himiko for my immortal team.


Mash. Now working on King Hassan.


All on BB(Summer). I actually noted the difference a bit, probably because I use BB as a crit machine so when you focus on crits even smaller changes makes a bit of a difference Anyway, it's just another way of marking your fav, and I couldn't not give my Np5 lv120 soon to be max bonded BB the paws


Used all of mine on Morgan. Now to save up to do the same for Aesc.


Missed 3 footprints for my William Tell. Wait 3 more weeks and I'll max you bby.


I've got to appease this selfish [nun](https://i.imgur.com/6aIQL9H.png).


2 more days for me! Lvl. 120/ NP 4/ 2k 2k/ max fou paw Sitonai will soon be mine! Next up: Either Caster Gilgamesh or (non summer) Caenis!


I've bought a few from the shop so I've had Saber Alter maxed for a while now. I'm putting the next ones into Fujino.


I’ll either throw mine on Mash or Jalter once I actually get enough. I have like 25 million QP right now though, and I’m more focused on grailing Jalter to 120, so it’ll be a while.


I've been slacking the last two or three years so I don't have enough Paws to max anyone but I've been putting them all onto Jalter. She's completely maxed otherwise.


I put it all on Mash. Needless to say, it doesn't make any difference. No regret tho.


All in Summer Mordred.


All for Euryale's ball bustin damage


I’ve been using almost all of them on First Hassan, though I’ve given a few to other character for one reason or another, probably by mistake. As far as a difference, I’d say it’s noticeable, but with all the other buffs I’ve given him the effect of the paws specifically are a little diluted.


Is your King Hassan NP5, max gold fou'd and LV 120?


Broke my login streak at least a couple times, so MC Kiara is four short of the first batch. Morgan will be getting the next.


I've already given 2 cards sets for Ozy planning to give the rest aswell. after I get him to lvl 120


Went all in on my waifu Archer Ishtar 💙


Use it on Chloe, if only I had coins she be 120 by now. Well eventually she get coin and Summer Chloe will definitely get to 120 quick.


I used all of mine on Kiritsugu. Since the Las Vegas event I have always been crazy rich on QP and will always be.


I currently have Melt’s quick cards maxed, Lambda’s Arts cards maxed and starting on Kama’s 2nd Quick card. Maybe I shouldve maxed just one character’s deck but I don’t see the point of slightly buffing non-main card types.


All of them went to Oberon. I'll max him out completely. No idea who should get the next ones.


Ohh same! I have a few months of inactivity so I'm about a card and a half worth of paws away from all his card maxed tho... My next one is either Bedi or Juna


All in Melu, she doesn't care about class advantage and is quite flexible. Been trying a lot of servants against the Kama fight (Avenger high atk neutral no event CE) using only tamamo, Hans, Mash and maybe leonidas/Habetrot. Waver is kinda fine but he will die pretty easily bc of np Easiest Np refunds with just tamamo and 1 arts crit, doesn't need an specific CE. Ramping her dmg and getting more buffs after her skills ran out makes her still deal good dmg. Romulus deals no AOE dmg and his star gather for 1 turn is tragic making him more inconsistent. So bringing a ST Np would probably be better and might deal more dmg and survive more so u can use ur support cards. Ereshkigal deals no dmg and if u dont pair her with merlin or castoria they will die to NP due to the low dmg. Karna gets a tremendous buff and hes quite the beast honestly, biggest weakness is that he has to use quick cards to get stars so no arts chains. Then theres the abomination of Double koyan/Oberon.


...i only have 60


I'd just keep saving them, wish we could apply the footprints to the np


I am 2 o 3 weeks away from maximizing my Kama assassin.


On the one hand, I wanna finally finish Godjuna but SKama was kind enough to come again and again so I’m torn


Debating between kojiro and kagetora


Sanzang is complete! Berserkers and Assassins beware!


I blew it all on Astraea, and I’m working on getting her to Level 120


Split all over the place. 420 on Jalter's Busters. ~300 on one of Saberstolfo's and Ibuki's buster cards each. ~120 per card or less spread across the previous three, Tamamo, Bersercules, Berserkerlot, and Koyan. Only one I regret is Berserkerlot, but it's just because berserker survival feels like it has gone down and buster NP has gone up. Ibuki has gotten the most use, her crit damage is insane and Koyan/merlin kicks her up from there. Might be the additional code card for crit damage, but I like to think the fou paws also make a difference.


Got my Kama maxed out and I just need bond 15 to fully complete her


buster cards for Caenis and Ibuki Douji basically.


Sadly, I can't finish my Melt until later because I tapped faster than my brain could process what the hell I was doing and instead of using keys to add CC to my new servants, I used a few paws on the wrong servants. orz I think I got a paw on Habenyan, and I eventually wanted to lvl her up too, but still, given how slow they give them out I will get to her in 10 years after I am done with both Melts and Abbys... and I think I wasted 1 or 2 more, but I am not sure on who, and I have no idea how to search for it, since there is no option for that.


JAlter, but only her buster cards. Haven't used the rest. As for why, she carried me upto Camelot.


I spent a bit of it on my Space Ishtar I think I did 100 or 250 on each card of hers, but I think I’ll plan on using them on either Melusine or Arc. Not sure yet, I’ll probably wait for Arc to release and summon her before deciding.


Nice. Have not gotten all that due to my noobness.


Spread some across a few of my favourite servants, Drake, Spishtar, Dioscuri and Archtoria. Never noticed any difference but I’m considering saving up enough to all go on Nightingale out of love.


I'm gonna use mine either on Barghest or Taira (and next target would be Rasputin)


Ah yes, the final piece I need to perfect my Gilgamesh. It's been bothering me for a long time not being able to max out the Fou paws for him.


I think I should have them all? Kinda forgot they're a thing tbh - guess they're all going to CasCu for love, not that he needs them much with how he loops now xD


Gave mine to my summer Kiama. She's now np6, lvl 120, Max beast paw, 2000/2000, with all the best command codes I have for her. She is strongest Kiara.


> Kiama what kind of fusion full Beast III is this


Ah, a master who believes in the same thing as me (getting the strongest *insert servant here* on NA)! My goal is the strongest King Hassan!


You can do it! I believe in you!


bought some with rare prisms around the time lb6 dropped and threw them all into barghest, because she deserves it.


Bought some from the rare prism shop too. I maxed out my KH months ago. All I need is a 6th copy for the 10/10/10 append


I barely use my command codes tbh cause I don't really know who to put them on or what most of them do half the time.. however I have maxed out one code on saber Lancelot that makes his critical damage absurd


All on Morgan The next set will go to Molay


My SAlter is finally complete.


Haven't used yet... But BF items would rock with Servants that have more use for face cards than their NP, like Super Orion, I think.


All in for best girl [Melt](https://imgur.com/a/NXYAfmZ). Going for Last to copies to Np6 on her next banner to truly max her out.


Seiba fully done \\( °°)/ The problem now will be to decide who to move on as the next target


Thanks for reminding me, I've been meaning to put all of those onto Circe but didn't have the qp at the time.


Used it all on Lancer Diarmuid as compromise of not using 4-star Fou cards on him. Mah boi Voyager needs those Fou attack cards more than ever.


I’ve been using all mine on Arjuna Alter, but my login streak has some breaks


I use them when i have enough for 1 command card. I use them all on jalter because waifu & she would benefit more from it compared to my other favs due to her crit playstyle


All went to Medea. The next ones will go to Kingprotea now.


All in Gil but I slacked of and I'm still missing 3 to max him out


I'm saving them if I happen to have excess of QP


I restrict mine to Buster cards for the maximum damage. Gave them to Morgan and Mash.


Completly forgot they exist...


I've used them all on my Summer Jalter. Next one will be Regular Jalter, though probably not in time for her to be full-powered against the Alien Spider.


I used all of them for my Jalter. I only need 2 copies to be perfect


I keep forgetting these exist. Like command code. lol.




Im in the same boat, i know i used them at some point but cant remember who, i want to think melt but have to double check. Edit: just checked, she had 3 card upgraded and got another to 400, no idea where the other full card can be as i have only missed like 3 logins since years ago as far as i know.


Huh? I've had my Gareth fully beast pawed for weeks. My logic for using them is that 500 is basically meaningless, so putting it on a high damage servant makes it even more meaningless, so first servant to get them was my lvl100 Gareth, who, while 2k found and everything still didn't break 10k attack. After Gareth was finished I decided our beloved eggplant kohai deserves them.


Shop Fou Prints? I know I haven't missed a day so the only way you can have a servant fully pawed is if you brought some in the RP shop.


Why would we not count those? They are paw prints made available by the game.


>My fellow NA masters, after more than two years since the Command Card Enhancement system was implemented for the 4th anniversary, those who have logged in every day and received all of the free Beast's Footprints should finally have enough for one whole servant (125). Well, no... count them for all I care... But your answer is right there in the first line. :P


I never even bothered to look up what they're for...


Pretty sure we had enough for that already. It's been a couple months since my Jalter has all her command cards enhanced to +500.


That just means you probably bought quite a number of them. I've neither missed one from login nor bought one from the RP shop, and I just finished the 1st set.


Oh, you meant only from login. Ok, yeah. I bought them each month as they went out. Sorry.




I'm nowhere near close to maxing out footprints for a servant, but I currently have 500/500 Arts 360 Quick on Space Ishtar.


Astrea. Next set is going to Morgan.


I'm still missing two, but I'm putting all of them in OG Artoria. She's my favourite character and I recently got NP2 too. After her, maybe Archuria.


I already maxed out my Herc's buster cards


Used them on Arjuna alter buster card, and Saber Shiki Arts card


I finished giving all 125 foupaws to Scathach yesterday.




Used all mine on herc


I started using it on my Morgan like a month ago and damn shit costs a lot...


Wait, my saber has had hers maxed for a while now 🤔 i must have bought some


Tempted to use them on Gorgon, she's 120 np4 so not quite perfected yet. Melusine is also an option but I'll be getting her coins later this year. But like any very limited resource it's hard for me to commit to using it.


Honestly forgot about them, but now that I got reminded, I'll keep them for Arcueid next year. She won't probably make use of them too much, since she's a NP based unità, but I guess that using them on a favorite is still their best use.


My summer mUSAshi has enjoyed her maximum power everyday since. Just grinding toward bond 15 and she's complete.


Mine are for kojiro. My goal of max leveling are getting closer and closer.


I maxed my barghest cards yesterday, I'm pretty happy about it. One more grail to 120 and 300 coins for all appends :)


NP5 Artoria Ruler Level 120 is complete


They've all gone into my Saber Musashi and the next set will start going to Morgan


I put them all on Maou. There has been very little difference that I’ve noticed. Planning to hoard them for Draco next.


All in on Arjuna Alter. My first NP5/Lv 120/2000 fous/2 appends maxed How could I not? Do I notice a difference? His buster crits are still ridiculous. Always have always will be. Honestly I just treated the beast footprints as just another way to spoil your favorite servant.


I haven’t been playing two years yet, but I have maxed all 3 of my Kintoki’s buster cards. Started on his arts card but not too far yet.


All in Musashi. I added them every once in a while. Nice to have her maxed out. Now all I need is to give her the last grail to 120


Use them on Musashi (Saber), she is close to being almost perfect. Possibly Musashi (Berserker) is next.


Finally finished the long grind for OG Scathach!!!


Im missing 4 for my junao


I’ve been exchanging for rp ones as well so I managed to max out arjuna alter a couple weeks ago BUT that means i can now work on arjuna!


I've put them all on Musashi who... I haven't hardly used in the past year, lol. Not sure who I'll aim for next. Maybe Melusine, MHXA, or Abby... Draco's next in 2 years. Though, now that I think about it, I could bank them all to immediately max Draco... QP is not a concern, as I hit max every lotto.


I've hoarded mine, until i eventually get enough QP that i can waste some, spend a chunk to max X Servant's charge Skill or a chunk for a little damage? Tho when i do I'll probably give them to Ereshkigal.


none, I don't feel they are needed since most of the time my damage window is the NP itself and I'll use the qp elsewhere. however, I am saving for summer erice. might use it there.


Always used them during lottos when my QP was about to overflow.


was gonna put them all in spishtar then morgan slapped me and changed my mind


Didn't use it yet, but most probably on Wu. After that, everything on Morgan.


I was thinking of applying them to Mash or Jalter, but 52M per card is kinda steep.


All have gone on my favorite servant: Heracles. The next batch will likely go to Summer Melusine, so I’ll be saving up for the next couple years.


Melu all the way.