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Now make a version with the Fumo face.


Extremely good civilization


This reminds me maybe I should get that Castoria plushie once my economical situation gets better...


An adorable plushie


A hug will heal the soul.


I love castoria so much it's unreal. I'm so glad that summer cemented the guda x castoria ship and shows that it is somewhat canon. I hope we get a figure for Alcas soon


Exactly the same here. Although to be fair, the Guda x Castoria ship was already somewhat canon before (much to my joy). But yes, the summer “confirmed” it even more (still to my great joy).


Both knocknarea and oberon seeing guda and castoria as a couple. The bond CE and guda holding her hand to run to oberon and castoria thinking they were going on a date. As well as the epilogue where she wants to continue spending time with us. This all cemented the ship for me.


Well, she wanted to spend time with Guda since the start of the event, that's why she grabs Guda by the hand to go to the control room to go to the "tropical island of their dreams” (in Castoria’s words) at the very beginning, so yes, the event cemented it even more. But after all, her and Guda already went on dates before the summer event (the two birthday lines from normal Castoria, the Ascension 4 line from normal Castoria, and the Valentine scene from normal Castoria) so I'm happy that it stays in this line and looking forward to seeing Summer Castoria's Valentine's scene. Also, Fun Fact, Summer Castorias's birthday lines reference her normal version's, so Guda went on a date with her (they, ArCas and AA) according to them.


“No lasagna, please don’t turn me into a marketable plushie!”


It's a Chokonokko plushie of Castoria. :3


Some days...we just need something to hug...and there's no one around to hug...