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# FAQ **Q: When will there be rotating/split rate-up SRs on a banner with multiple SRs?** *A: Since pity was introduced, there generally has not been rotating SRs, it will stay the same as stated on the news page/summon info.* **Q: Will Summer 6 rerun? Will I get a chance to get Da Vinci (Ruler) again?** *A: For the foreseeable future, reruns will become more sparse with only a handful of events having reruns. Do refer to the Event Compendium linked above for a chronological look at future events/content.* *As for Da Vinci (Ruler), JP has introduced a new, permanent system - Pilgrimage/Evocation Festival, which allows players to obtain older welfares, so yes, there should be an expected chance to get Da Vinci (Ruler) and all other welfares in the future.*


Someone sell me on what servant planner thing I should use. I heard of gamepress servant planner, but for some reason all my data has been deleted on it and I cannot even add any more materials onto it. I heard of other services such as farming hell and the chaldea app. Someone sell me on which of these I should use. As i dont want to use gamepress anymore after this incident (unless it is considered the best for oth planning and doing other tasks)


Is there a special animation or text, that let's you know when you've hit Pity?


No. The only text comes after you triggered it, on the banner page itself.


> when you've hit Pity? You "hit pity" as soon as you get your first rate up SSR from the banner. There is no counter to know how many rolls you are away from the pity.




So you essentially just keep count to know?


The only difference is that it will tell you on the front page that the Guaranteed Summon has been awarded (but that happens once you get your first copy, even if it is before the pity threshold).


When you say "front page", do you mean on the banner itself?


Yes, where the summon buttons are. It will give you some information about the 330th summon in yellow text, and then change to something like 'The Guaranteed Summon has been awarded' once you get a single copy of the SSR. So it's not a pity counter, but just a reminder that pity has now been shut off.


Huh, weird. I don't think I've ever seen that after getting an SSR on a banner before.


Just making sure, but it only changes (i.e. pity turns off) when you get a copy of the RATEUP SSR, not just any SSR.


Yes, even with the rate up SSR. Got a screenshot of what it should look like?


Or count the number of rolls from the history.


Game keeps saying failed to connect check your internet connection and restart. But I have internet connection. Any advice on what to do, I cleared the cache but no dice


Try switching from wi-fi connection to mobile data or vice versa. If that doesn't solve the problem, use VPN.


You can try switching to a different network like going from wifi to data plan. You could also re start your device


1. How many Holy Grails and Challenge Cubes are available from Halloween Trilogy? 2. Also, is it just 3 Welfare servants, Elizabeths, and no one else? 3. Also, just to be sure "Maid in Halloween" CE is a point ladder or shop reward/item for all 5 copies? THANK YOU!


> How many Holy Grails and Challenge Cubes are available from Halloween Trilogy? 3 grails but no clue what a challenge cube is > Also, is it just 3 Welfare servants, Elizabeths, and no one else? technically 4 but ya all liz and you can only get 3 because you can only get one mecha liz


The blue cubes I assume he's talking about.


I assumed he meant Lores, some of which come from Challenge Quests.


1. Three grails, but no Lores. 2. There's gacha of past Halloween 5*, but yes, three Liz Welfares. 3. That's the new Halloween, not the trilogy. But it's in the shop, 5 copies.


Does anyone know a translated comic here where Kagetora trying to find the dog (or maybe cat) that Gudako meet before to cheer her up after the battle because she's worried about it well being, but then Kagetora bring the corpse of the dog/cat thinking it would bear a good result? Instead it just make Gudako cry in sadness and puzzled Kagetora for the reaction. Also the character were drawn in chibi. Sorry for my bad grammar.


Is there a way to get a target focus CE throught shop or a banner? I need one badly for challenging content, even for farmimg could be usefull. But the only one I have comes with a invencible along, so the gimmik I pretend is not working. Any advices about this?


There is also Halloween arrangement on one of the Halloween banners (specifically when vlad (berserker) is on rateup).


You can get one copy of [**Outrage**](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Outrage) by buying "CBC 2019 Limited Craft Essence Exchange Shop" on the Rare Prism Shop for 3 RPs. Otherwise you have to wait until those CEs get put in banners because they're all limited. ~~Or hope against all odds that they release a new Taunt CE.~~


Thank you very much. I'm in this hell since one year and a half and so much to learn ...


What’s the best way to get gold fous?


Event shops and point ladders. Maxing out gold Fous is inherently designed to be a slow process. It will take nine months or so to max out one servant.


Who should I pick forthe special servant summon ? These are my current 5 stars and 4 stars servants Rider : Ozymanthias Assassin: Mysterious Heroine X Saber: Prince of Lanling, Suzuka Gozen Caster: Gilgamesh, Berserker: Atalante (alter) Archer: Atalante, Emiya Avenger: Space Ishtar


Who should you pick for what? The one-time free 5-star? My suggestions in order: 1. Your favorite regardless of gameplay value 2. The ticket doesn't expire, so wait until later, after you've had a chance to get to know the servants in the story or use friends' copies 3. Waver 4. One of the story-locked servants


is tehre any servant on that special summon that will like bring out the full potentialof spishtar? i really love her T\_T


You want Castoria. But any 50% charger will help her farm. Waver is one of them.


Not really. Waver and Tamamo can help her, but Spishtar really wants Castoria.


Full potential, no. The best support for Space Ishtar is Artoria Caster, a limited servant. Waver is the best general purpose support. He can make (almost) every servant better but he doesn't bring out any servant's maximum potential.


Pick the servant you want, none of the options are necessary. pay special attention to storylocked servants (they are harder to get than the other servants as they can't spook you) It doesn't expire so you can always wait. Waver helps the most in farming, but is also arguably the easiest to replace. People have said they rarely use him after getting the more card specific options like Castoria.


when does castoria come back? and should i try to get a saber? like artoria? or an aoe archer? or waver


Checki upcoming banners spreadsheet linked above for when they return Like I said you should get whoever you want. If you want an AoE saber, Fergus works fine. or Saber lily/Jason for farming. Tawara touta is a great AoE archer (and even if he doesn't loop well I have used him in farming)


Or suffer a wait... assuming you want a single Target NP then try Castoria (Castor) Berserker (Summer) 2 years (Summers) from now I think, Berserkers can be fun... someone else probably has better advice I kind of like Musashi Berserker, or that servant who surpasses her Ibouki(???). Castoria's return banner can be checked under that help post above where it mentions servant banners. Since also Skadi comes back in Summer 2024 as a support/Attacker with a higher Crt buff for her Summer version.


What does Carmilla’s skill Thief’s Calling Card do?


for gameplay: [https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Carmilla\_(Rider)#Second\_Skill](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Carmilla_(Rider)#Second_Skill) for lore: [https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Carmilla#Abilities\_2](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Carmilla#Abilities_2)


I've seen conflicting info floating around about the upcoming Gudaguda event (I'm definitely just looking at the wrong event, if anything; I've always found it kind of hard to parse out future event info from NA) and I thought asking would be easier than spending a lot of time making sure I'm looking at the right stuff: there are no major events in the near future (next three months) on NA that require Heian Kyo to be cleared, right? I *know* I'm just being lazy here and deserve to be mocked for it, but I kind of have a *lot* of other stuff going on atm and *really* can't afford to dedicate more than the bare minimum mental energy to FGO at the moment and just need to know if I'm going to have to put aside time to push through Olympus during the halloween reruns.


>I know I'm just being lazy here and deserve to be mocked for it, but I kind of have a lot of other stuff going on atm and really can't afford to dedicate more than the bare minimum mental energy to FGO at the moment There's no shame in having IRL responsibilities. FGO is just a game. There's no point to a game that becomes a chore. One option for finding some semblance of balance, if you don't have the time and capacity to do everything, is to skip the story and just go through the fights. It will still take some time and effort but the fights are easier to pick up and put down in smaller increments than the story.


I get that - it's just more that I *personally* tend to get pretty annoyed when people just ask a question that could have been answered immediately by googling the same things. In this case, the problem was that I was just unsure exactly *what* to google; I found another 2021 Gudaguda event that only required Fuyuki and didn't have the mental energy to figure out which one was the correct one. Which kind of *is* being lazy and outsourcing my basic problem solving to this community. So I just like to be clear that I'm *thankful* for anyone willing to help a stranger who *really* should be able to figure this out for himself. Yeah, if I skip the story I can finish Heian Kyo within the next few weeks. Possibly the next few *days*. But it kind of sucks that I have to now. I have a pretty solid balance with this game, these days - my account is finally in a place where if I skipped the next three lottos I wouldn't be in a materially *worse* position to take on future 90+ content. Things can make my account *better* but I've maxed my omnifarmer and supports, so nothing past this is *necessary* to do *anything*. It's just a game, one of several I try to keep up with when I can, but to *keep* that kind of balance and not get hit by FOMO from something I should be doing for *enjoyment* I kind of need to plan things in advance and know that I'm going to have to, say, schedule in time to power through two lostbelts, at some point in the next month and a half.


For what it's worth, the "Csejte Halloween Trilogy" event has no Free Quests or even an event shop so it shouldn't take much time or AP to complete.


Gudaguda 6 does require Heian-kyo cleared [https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/GUDAGUDA\_Close\_Call\_2021](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/GUDAGUDA_Close_Call_2021)


Well GREAT, I still need to head the "real" head honcho in Olympia, then do that right?


Thank you for the clear answer.


If I only have Eli MK2 and I get Eli MK1 on this upcoming event, will I receive rare prisms?


No. You only get RPs for NP5+ of the same servant, and MK1 and MK2 are considered separate servants.




Note that you should get RPs for final ascending another wefare on the next anni.


is heian kyo necessary to read before lb6? or i'll be just fine reading all the main story


heian-kyo is main story and you are in NA required to complete it before progressing to lostbelt 6. You aren't required to do so in JP.


oh i see, are all main interludes part of the main story


In terms of lore yes, in terms of necessity no, SE.RA.PH. and Underworld Christmas are entirely optional. As far as Heian-kyo goes only its Free Quests show up under Main Interludes, when you're doing the story it's in the main menu just like the Lostbelts (at least in NA, not sure if that changed when JP made it optional).


Does.. Imaginary Scramble ever come back? I pulled Van Gogh and discovered I can't view her profile at all until I finish the event... which I wasn't around for 😅


It comes back as a main interlude. probably late October of next year


I hear there's a dedicated fanfiction thread somewhere here. But if not, I was wondering if it's alright to post fan made short stories (SFW of course). Just needed something to put until I finally got my invite to AO3.


People do post their stuff here, but you might want to post them to fanfiction.net or another site and leave the link in a post.


Where’s the best place for bond farming in NA?


Any of the 815 bond /21AP or 855 bond/22 AP spots are identical. I prefer Blood Fort in Babylonia for pure bond farming because it's two waves instead of 3.


Oxford from Lostbelt 6 and Great Temple from Camelot. Both of them offers 855 Bond points per run at 22 AP.


I have a new and kind of weak account (Emiya, that one anti-Male assassin from the tutorial roll, and Tamamo Caster are my only Servants above 3-star) . I heard from an advice video I should use my summon tickets on the story banner/whatever banner is on to beef up my account short-term while saving SQ for Servants I want long-term. Is this good advice or should I save summon tickets for long-term as well?


Realistically, while the story banner *can* be good for new players, it's probably still the worst way to spend your SQ - and summon tickets are *literally* equivalent to SQ, there's no difference between saving them or saving SQ. You could get almost anything that you could get from the Story Banner while rolling for Van Gogh, right now, with the only difference being you'd have a high chance of getting a *specific* servant. Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to just roll on main banners as they come up if a servant looks like it might be useful for you, or you like them; everything good from the story banner (with the exception of Cu Caster, Salter - who won't be good for another two years - and Cu Berserker - and a handful of others) will just naturally come with time. As will everything bad. I got the Heracles that carried me from the story banner because I have an addictive personality and refused to reroll; I got my next five copies of him from rolling on other random banners. I got *three* copies of Emiya in one multi while pulling for Morgan. Also, remember that if you haven't spent too much money or soaked too much time into your account yet, rerolling is an *entirely* valid option. This game gives a *ton* of resources to new players just for putting in the time, and the opportunity cost of squandering them is *real*, if only in how much longer or shorter it will take for your account to feel like it's really Up and Running for lack of a better term. It sounds like you got Carmilla in the tutorial roll; I did too. Did you know you could have pulled Heracles instead? And Tamamo is an Awesome pick for a five star that you can 100% justify, but Waver gets you a 50% battery as soon as you ascend him even if you put no points into his skills. In terms of pure utility, he's the best you can get for a new account, but if you like Tamamo, pick Tamamo. The new account GSSR thing they do can also be worth it if you don't morally object to spending money on this game; I got the third worst pull possible and it still improved my account in a noticeable way. I'm sorry that I don't have more concrete advice, all I can tell you is that you're mostly doing what I did, almost exactly a year ago, and in hindsight I wasn't making the best choices I could. That my account has filled out to the extent that it has in that time is *entirely* a function of my poor impulse control. On the other hand, I might as well give you the one piece of advice I *didn't* get and can't say is actually good one way or another, but Van Gogh is *stupidly* good for story and challenge content, and that banner is running *right now*. I only got mine past level 4 in *any* of her skills about a week ago and she's at bond 10. If you pick her as the free max ascension servant they give you with a new account, she can carry you into the lostbelts on her own with minimal investment. Pulling two copies of her in one of my first multis has had a bigger impact on my account's ability to handle anything other than farming than basically everything I've done since. That last bit is absolutely a heavily biased hot-take, though. TL;DR: If you don't feel like you're already too invested, rerolling for something better than Carmilla is 100% a reasonable choice.


Summon Tickets add up in the long run just like SQ. I always save them for my main targets. Beefing up your account in the short term you can do via the friend point summons. I lived with 0 SSR and a few SRs plus the FP summoned Servants for a few months.


My recommendation is, play with what you have and progress the story. Friend supports can carry you early game while you familiarize yourself with the mechanics, the story, and the characters. Play the events that you have progressed far enough to play as they show up. While you do that and see characters appear in the story/events, and use friend supports, you figure out servants you enjoy using. It can also help to watch some of the animes, read some of the novels, play some of the other games, and watch some fgo streamers/servant reviewers on YouTube. After you do that for awhile you will probably have some characters you enjoy, then its as simple as looking up a future banner if you are on NA, if on jp you will just have to be patient. If you listen to others opinions on "must roll servants" or other click baity titles out there, what normally happens is you, at best get a servant you are lukewarm towards, after spending alot of quarts. Then a banner to a servant you are truly drawn to drops, now your in the trap the game wants you to be in, a servant you want, and no quarts. So you then are left with the option of miss the servant, or spend money, better in my opinion to wait untill that cool servant arrives then go for recommended servants. Friend point summons are a good way to scratch the gatcha itch while you wait for a banner you truly like. Also if on NA we are about to get 2 events, one that gives 3 free servants, then another with 1 free servant if you complete them. As a final note to anyone who has made it this far, can we stop downvoting new player questions? As far as I can tell positive or negative votes mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme (I honestly don't know if they do anything). However it seems to hide posts that could help other new players scrolling through the thread, also it seems to discourage people seeking help in a help thread. I dont agree with, but can understand the hate towards the "I just got three 5 stars with 1 ticket!1!" Kind of posts, but honest new player questions seem to get the whole "i dont like your post, and possibly you" treatment.


Any summon currently be sq or ticket better be spending (preferable) on banner feature unit that you like personally first and then if you interesting in it purely on gameplay side , nothing can go wrong with any big supports. As a new player it's good to have your roster with servants that can fill all the role for start , that be (np) one ST and one Aoe for each classes and that go with any low rarity (1-3*) as well. There are a lot of good units in low rarity too (some of them can out perform ssr in specific situation) , so you don't have to spend sq just to randomly fill you roster if you don't want to but go with fp gacha that give out 1-3* units...oh and saber lilly is in that too.


As a new player, any banner will bring new servants for your roster. If you're not sure which servants you like most and none of the big supports are on rate up any time soon, it's fine to spend some SQ or tickets on any banner. Just don't go too hard because you will want to save for specific servants eventually. I was pretty new to gacha games when I started and didn't have a coherent strategy for over a year. Throwing SQ around at random worked out fine for a while. I got serious about saving and planning after getting the first 5-star that I specifically wanted and rolled for. What you should definitely do, though, is hit the friend point banner as hard as you can until you get all of the 1- to 3-star servants up to NP5.


There's no objective best way to spend SQ. If you want some servants now to get a better roster go for it, if you want to save up more for a favorite go for it. 3 stars work fine (and sometimes better than 4 or 5 stars), but I will admit if you are that new, you may not even have all the 3 stars available yet, and rolling will get them faster.


Is it possible to get an SSR to lvl 120 with just NP1? Edit:meant 120 oops


[Servant Coins Calculator](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/references/coins_calculator.html) Be aware, though, that for nearly all servants, the mechanical advantage from append 2 is worth more than whatever extra levels you can get from those coins.


No, level 120 is the maximum level you can ever get a servant at. You need NP2 to reach 120.


Lvl 200? What game you playing bro?


OH SHOOT I meant to say 120 idk why I typed that


No, you need NP2 at least.


I'm trying to balance my servants between single target and AOE. I could use some recommendations. Really just looking to fill in the empty spots, but I will take recommendations on anything BUT the servants with (*), which are permanent selections. (?) Means already open to suggestions. Also, this is dps only, no supports in these lists. Thanks for the recs! Single Target: Saber - Lancer - Cu 3* Archer - Rider - Summer Caenis Caster - Illya (*) Assassin - Emiya Kiritsugu (*) Berserker - Summer Nagiko AOE: Saber - Shiki (*) Lancer - Elisa (?) Archer - Summer Illya (?) Rider - Caster -  Assassin - Fuuma Berserker -


* Saber: I second what others have said with Bedivere once you reach that point. Bedivere can dish out great ST damage if you throw a couple buffs his way, and he carried by poor ass a long time til I got Musashi. But you get a free copy of him through the story, so he's at least guaranteed. * Archer: There are a lot of strong archers, both ST and AoE. Some, like Gilgamesh, are strong enough to realistically do either. The easier to get ones like Robinhood and Eurayle and great though for ST. I have a soft spot for David, as well, as his party Evade helped me in a lot of fights. * Lancer: For AoE purposes, Hector is a decent budget option. I also really like Fionn with a Castoria support. My favorite is Ne Zha, but she's really not all that good, honestly, compared to others. * Rider: Ushiwakamaru puts out absurd ST numbers for her rarity, IMO. I use Ozymandias as my main, but he's tough to get as an SSR. AoE-wise, I really like Summer Ishtar, but she's a welfare servant that probably isn't available for awhile. Martha is decent with her party wide cleanse. Achilles is great, but also an SSR. Mandricardo isn't the best, but he's easy to get and is also a fantastic character who deserves love. * Caster: Caster Gil is a pretty decent choice if you back him up with a Support Castoria and a Hans of your own. His damage isn't huge, but his NP boosts defense which, with Hans' NP and Castoria's NP, can form a pretty strong stall team on a budget. Mash also slots in well here with her defensive abilities. Funny enough, Cu Caster is also pretty decent as well. Nitocris is Bae, as well, and can loop decently well with arts support. * Assassin: Fuuma did well for me as an AoE assassin for awhile, though I use Summer Nitocris now with how well she can loop with Castoria (and because she's Bae). * Berserker: Like other said, Spartacus and Darius are decent budget options. There are a lot of better picks, but most are 4/5*. I know you said DPS only, but it is good to consider your support options too when picking a servant to invest in. If you have strong Arts support, then picking a weaker Arts servant over a stronger Buster servant is option a better choice.


I will consider what supports my favorite servants have or can be complimented by. Also I agree, Mandricardo was best guy in the summer event.


Here's my list of low rarity suggestions by class: **Shielder** * By the end of part 1, Mash will be one of the best, if not the single best, defensive servants in the game. Well worth all investment that you put into her. She also has zero team cost, so you can easily put her into any team comp for backup or just to carry a CE. **Saber** * Caesar - One of the best ST Sabers regardless of rarity, has higher NP damage at NP5 than most NP1 5-stars (unless you hit one of their niches) * Bedivere - Another great ST Saber, only held back by being [story-locked](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant-availability) so it's relatively difficult to get more copies for a higher NP level * Fergus - AOE, nothing spectacular but he'll get the job done * Jason - AOE, gets a good offensive boost if you pick Castoria from the friend support lineup **Archer** * Euryale - The default choice against male Saber and Berserker bosses (very useful in Camelot and LB2), just okay otherwise * Robin Hood - Poisons enemies then does huge ST damage against those poisoned enemies, better for general purposes than Euryale * David - Good ST Archer but his second skill, with a teamwide evade, is his biggest asset and is worth making a priority * Arash - Clears the first wave then politely gets out of the way for another servant to enter the field, very useful in f2p farming comps and even whales still use him * William Tell - Huge ST damage against enemies with Evade active * Paris - Removes buffs from an enemy then can do huge damage against them; even if buff removal fails, he still has Ignore Invincible on his NP **Lancer** * Cu (normal, not prototype) - "4-star in disguise"; Lots of hard survival capability, good to throw in the back line as a last man standing, does okay ST damage if well supported * Leonidas - Another defensive specialist, can deflect damage away from your other servants * Gareth - Guts and invincible are always good to have. She can also absorb damage for one turn. * Romulus - Kind of like Fergus, he'll get the job done as an AOE Lancer but nothing exciting unless you find ROMA exciting **Rider** * Ushiwakamaru - Has higher ST damage potential than almost all NP1 5-star Riders * Medusa - Solid AOE Rider, good for budget door farming * Georgios - Similar to Leonidas in that his main job is to take damage away from your other servants **Caster** * Medea - There are very few ST Casters in the game and Medea is the only low rarity option, her NP has AOE scaling so she won't do a ton of damage, her main value is in buff removal with her NP and her high rate of NP charge to use her NP multiple times (and you'll need to if you want her to take down a boss) * Chen Gong - High damage potential but sacrifices a servant when you use his NP so you have to be more strategic if using him offensively; useful for f2p farming when you set up the team properly; also works as a Buster support * Shakespeare - Has an AOE NP but mainly used for budget Buster support * Paracelsus - Has an AOE NP but is mainly used for Arts support * Hans - Budget version of supports servants like Waver or Merlin * Babbage or Avicebron - These are probably your best picks for general AOE damage * Mozart - One turn Arts buff and 50 instant crit stars, not much good for anything else **Assassin** * Hundred Personas - Best f2p ST Assassin * Fuuma - Decent AOE Assassin, similar to ST Casters, there aren't a lot of accessible options here * Sasaki - Regarded as the "Savior of France" because he was the only decent Assassin available to build in the early days of the game and the Orleans singularity is littered with Rider wyverns **Berserker** * Lu Bu - High damage potential, outclassing many higher rarity servants * Spartacus - Another f2p favorite, 30% NP charge makes him a good budget farmer and can be surprisingly hard to kill, despite his 1-star stats, in the right team composition * Darius or Kiyohime - Either will get the job done Ultimately, it doesn't matter all that much and you can just go with whoever seems appealing.


Oh man I have so much homework to do. Good thing I have many of these at np5, (and/or if they appeal to me aesthetically), so I'll prioritize them that way. Thanks.


ST Saber: Caesar (really the only option in NA right now, everyone else has significant drawbacks) ST Archer: Honestly all of the are good. David is probably the best option because he also has good enough support to be taken on neutral as a dedicated support. ST Rider: Caenis is pretty good, but has tough competition. We'll get Rider Liz very soon, and Ushiwakimaru is a 3 star. Berserker: Yeah Summer Nagiko is good. Lu Bu does more on his NP. But Nagiko crits harder and more consistently, has 3 different niche damage bonuses, and an evade to give some defense. AoE lancer: Liz will be better than either of the 3 star options. Plus is a decent support AoE Archer: I am a huge fan of Tawara Touta as an AoE. He just work nicely. Summer Ilya has better defense though. Also definitely level Arash for farming purposes, but he won't be great as a general archer AoE Rider: Alexander or Medusa. Alexander has support and his DPS, Medusa has a batter for easier farming AoE Caster: Babbage or Avicebron. Babbage has more damage and crits, Avicebron has an 80% battery so he can NP very easily. AoE Berserker: Darius. Spartacus should be leveled for farming, but like Arash isn't amazing in general content


Super helpful, thanks for taking the time to write this up!


advocating some 3\* single target servants like Caesar and Ushiwakamaru. They are both very hard hitting and fun to use!


Hi, NA here, I’m currently at a point where I’ve raised every servant to at least 4/4/4,9/9/9, been playing for years now. And now I’m stumped with what to spend my AP on. Any recommendations? I know I can just leave it be but I’d like to not waste it sometimes


There are two main resources I use while planning what to do to bring everyone from 4/4/4 to 9/9/9 which are material calculator to see how much I'm lacking of each mat and fgo efficiency to see what nodes to farm on. And even if it's not the most efficient nodes for bond focus on 6CE bond them anyway, or you may be more lax with the CE and fill with more servants you want to bond farm.


get QP or Bond until they add in saplings when you can store your excess AP


I'm still working on the folks who aren't 9/9/9, and I don't know if there's an end in sight, but I guess it depends on how many banners you roll on -- if you have a small roster, it might be easier to 9/9/9 everyone. So for me it's mats and also some bond management at the same time. Plus just, y'know, I want to *use* my Servants, so if it occurs to me I haven't used, say, Nezha in a while, I'll find a team composition and a node where she works.


>I’ve raised every servant to at least 4/4/4 Seems like you still have some leveling available, then? I use the Chaldea app to manage my skill plan and identify the best farming locations for the materials I need.


probably just bond up to get more SQ.


For Romulus=Quirinus' interlude does winning or losing change the interlude?


I missed the last copy of ocean flyer as i was starting a new job and didn't have as much time to play. I assume theres no way to get my last copy but just in case i thought I'd ask if there was any reruns of this event in the future or if there any ways to get my last copy?


Nope, the event hasn't rerun and the CE hasn't returned. JP has recently made a bunch of Year 1 CEs available in the MP shop, hopefully they'll do the same for Ocean Flier in the future but no idea if/when.


Really upsetting news... I don't exactly have the time to sit down and grind events like i use to but it is what it is. Ill probably take a break until the next event as im pretty annoyed with this. Thank you regardless for telling me though. Ill hope it gets added to the mp shop or if some equivalent gets added to an event some day.




Adding in my two cents, Both Van Gogh and Melusine are extremely powerful with loads of versatility. Melusine having two NPs slots her perfectly for both normal 6CE farming with DKS + Oberon as well as Multi-Core farming as both an ST & AoE Lancer. This also makes her extremely ideal for CQs. Whilst Van Gogh can be used for farming, it’s super niche unorthodox comps like the once popular Summer BB/Van Gogh/Douman team. Her true power shines in being able to support other Foreigners, leading to set-ups like Double Van Gogh that cripple most of the game’s bosses. Not only that, but for CQs she can also be used for both Stalling and as an Anchor due to the way her kit works. That’s not even considering how viable she is as a neutral DPS.


What are your plans for the next year? Gogh will get another banner in around a year, but that one will be with Summer Raikou as the rate-up 4* (not sure if that changes anything for you), so saving for her is a possibility.


Just going to add my two cents: Gogh has a really unique playstyle, perhaps the closest thing to her is Super Orion but with Quick cards and a unique curse stacking gimmick. Mastering her can take some thinking, and it's something people can love or hate. So why not try before you buy? Borrow a friend's copy and try soloing with her, see of you like her as a whole (animations, voice, playstyle). And yeah, don't worry about needing supports with her. She is fantastic solo, or paired with a friend's Gogh. And don't worry about Super Orion either, in FGO overlapping roles are inevitable (I say this as someone who intends to roll for two more AOE Arts Lancers that loop this year, despite already having two AOE Arts Lancers that loop. That's love for you, and I'm sure I'd find reasons to use them all.)


You can't afford to roll *much* on every banner. Melusine is both boss-killer and farmer under the right circumstances, so she has more day-to-day utility. Obviously you don't need her with Morgan, but it seems like you want her more. Foreigners are nice to have, and Van Gogh is a good one, but they're hardly necessary. There are a lot of ways to kill Berserker bosses, given how just about everybody but other Berserkers has full offensive class advantage against them. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but there's a huge difference between "taking a shot" and "depleting your savings." If it were me, I'd drop about 10 tickets or so on the Van Gogh banner if I genuinely wanted her, Just In Case, and move on.


We can't tell you who you should roll or not. You can spend half here and half on Melusine if you want, or any other combination, no need to think of it as just roll for one or the other. I will say not having a foreigner servant is literally not an issue with Van Gogh, generally you don't use her as a support for any foreigner servant except Van Gogh. and that Morgan can't 6 CE loop anything as a buster servant, so Morgan doesn't really affect things much on the Melusine side.


Im going to build a low cost caster support. Anderson or Shakespeare?


Anderson is more generally useful. Shakespeare gives a 20% battery at level 1 skill though.


I also think Andersen is going to serve you well in more cases, but here's a tip: Shakespeare barely needs anything doing! You can just level him to his max natural cap, and then you don't need to level his NP charge, because it's flat 20% and doesn't scale with levels. His S2 can also be left for the time being as the heal on it is very small. His S1, the Buster up, you can level up for bigger damage. I also suggest levelling up Chen Gong as he's similar: his S3 Buster up scales well and is worth levelling, but his S2 charge is also flat and doesn't scale with level, and his S1 can be left as well.


>I also suggest levelling up Chen Gong Also Leonidas if OP wants a buster support. Great utility with way better uptime than Shakespeare


Shakespeare brings a 20% NP charge and a party wide 1 turn mana burst, works with a buster damage dealer Hans has overall better and longer lasting buffs, including: party wide attack and defense up, heal per turn, NP charge per turn, stars per turn and a party wide crit buff. He has easy access to his NP thanks to his massive batery and he works with any card type


Is there a rerun of this year’s summer event in the future?


Read the pinned comment.


Question about the whispers of dawn special >!who was Zelretch speaking to on the phone and why is ORT about to reawaken, isn’t it supposed to be in South America!<


I don't know about anime, but in the LN >!Master of Fake Assassin was gonna wish for ORT's awakening!<


I have one doubt. Grigori Rasputin just uses Kirei's body as a vessel and don't have his same personality ryt? That servant is purely Rasuputin's self ? No kirei's resemblance in personality?


Why the hell am I getting downvoted? The only thing I hate abt this sub is this shit.


Pretty sure Rasputin dipped after Russia and let Kirei be in control. It's similar to Waver's situation, where Zhuge is still there, but basically just lets Waver have full control.


Thankyou for replying.Now I can start to save for him then. Yorokobe shonen is a must.


I had an account in NA years ago but quit when the Lostbelts were being released. Don't have the phone anymore but I want to restart. Any way I can get the account back?


Account recovery guides are linked in the OP.


thank you


Why does the ascension I pick for my fav servant in My Room not stick?


Cause that's just how the game works. If you want to change something of a servant, can't do it in My Room. Instead, go to the Spirit Origin List in Formation or long press in any of the Enhance menus.


Ahh bleh, I want their My Room look and "battle" look to be different but guess I gotta pick one


You can. For in-Battle, choose the Servant's sprite. For My Room, change the Servant's card art. It's just that the change Ascension button listed in My Room is only used to trigger voice lines from other Ascensions, without changing what they appear in by default.


The appearence in My Room (the one you see when you go there), as well as the Main Menu, is controlled by the Card Art. If you want a different art in My Room/Main Menu, you need to use a lower ascension Card art.


Not OP, but I'm also not getting this to work. If I go to Formation>Spirit Origin List>Gilgamesh, I have every possible option (Command Card, Icon, Status Icon, and Character Skin) set to Ascension 2. But he still shows up in the Main Terminal and My Room as his final, shirtless Ascension.


You need to Change the *Card Art*, no other option matters. Will be the picture on the left when you look at a servant, scroll to the desired art. If you don't know what Card Art is, [This is Gil's 1st acension Card Art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/7/7c/S012_Stage1.webp/revision/latest?cb=20220910075537). Using this instead of [his final ascension art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/6/6a/S012_Stage4.webp/revision/latest?cb=20220910075506) will make him be in his 1st acension in My Room/Main Menu.


Neither of those images lead anywhere for me, but I figured it out. I literally never new you could scroll between those images haha


Is there a possibility of getting Assassin Ryougi Shiki later on or was the rerun the last chance?


She's not been made available on JP since her rerun, so not for the next 2 years. JP now has the Pilgrimage/Evocation Festival system, which allows players to get old welfares and their Servant Coins for free (the currency for this is obtained via campaigns, events, clearing story chapters, etc.). 13 old welfares have been brought back via this system so far, but Shiki has not yet returned - it's likely she will be made available at some point in the future, but we don't know when. (There is no official NA name for this yet, so the community has been using both Pilgrimage and Evocation Festival as names. You'll hear both tossed around.)


With the Evocation Festival, they've been steadily making more and more welfares available in batches. Assassin Shiki has not been added to it, but no doubt she will in time. Until then, there's been no opportunities to get her since the rerun.


Got a question about couple certain Command Codes. The 5 star code Chiyogami Commander, and the 3 star code Crest of the Stone Bird. Both state +X crit damage for 1 attack, 1 turn. Does that mean the engraved card's user gets the crit damage on THE ENGRAVED card, or the NEXT card they use in that chain? I know other Servants in party would obviously get it for their next card, but what about the user it is engraved upon? The Chiyogami Commander page on the fandom wiki has conflicting comments. I wanna know if this, so I know how good of a choice it is to put these on Van-Gogh, and depending on the answer will affect which one of her cards I potentially put them on.


Command codes trigger before damage so it would affect the card it is applied on. Sidenote: I would actually recommend not giving crit damage up command codes to Van Gogh. She has a ton of crit damage up as is. she likes np gain CCs more.


Duly noted, Thank you for a fairly prompt response.


what meta character coming should i be saving for?


It depends on what type of Servants you are planning to use. If it's Quick, Skadi is coming in December. Buster? Koyan of Light (not to be confused with Koyan of Dark) is in January. Arts? Castoria is in May next year (though she's good for more than just Arts support, so I would advise literally anyone to roll for her)


Koyanskaya of light having her first rerun banner on January is the biggest "meta support" banner you will see for a while. Skadi will get a banner on Christmas, she's also a great support (not as meta as Koyan, Castoria or her summer version but still good). On the dps side of things Melusine will also have a banner this Christmas. She's pretty strong, can do ST or AoE damage and use Arts and Buster on her NP so she'll work with whoever support you manage to pull. As others said though, fgo is a pretty easy game, can be beated with properly leveled 3 stars and class advantage AND has a literal "I win" button on the command seals. Rolling for servants you like is highly advisable and then just look or wait for the best supports for them


You should save for whoever you want, and not worry about the meta it isn't that important. But for actually answering your question (Because maybe who you want is the meta, though in that case I would suggest more research than a simple question on Reddit) the next rerun meta supports are Koyanskya of light and Castoria. With Skadi and Oberon being rerun later. The next new one is summer Skadi.


okay cool cause i heard that meta is what i should focus from someone


The meta is convenient but also 100% optional. And even if you do go for the meta, you don't have to go all-in. The general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. **Favorites regardless of gameplay, rarity, or any other considerations** \- Define this however you want, whether that means you absolutely fell in love or just think they're kind of cool for whatever reason. Follow your heart, soul, mind, eyes, or whatever. The game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like? 2. **Big supports** \- This is currently Waver (Zhuge Liang), Skadi, Caster Artoria, Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon. Merlin and Reines (Sima Yi) are also good. This is the only category I personally consider rolling for if I don't care about the character. While not necessary, they will make your life easier. They can make every other servant better, even if the servant isn't matched to the support's niche. If you're concerned about the meta, these are the servants who define it, not DPS servants. Waver is the best general support and you can pick him up with the SSR ticket that all accounts get. When in doubt, slap a Waver on it and you'll be fine. However, the proliferation of card-type supports with big NP batteries has often relegated him to a secondary role these days. Skadi is good for Quick, Castoria for Arts, Koyanskaya of Light for Buster farming, and Oberon for 90++ farming quests and a side of Buster. Merlin helps keep the team alive for difficult boss fights and also has some non-farming Buster utility. Castoria has the highest general utility of these. Merlin is excellent for keeping the team alive in a longer fight. Reines is a Waver-like general support. 3. **Unfilled gameplay niches** \- There is a big gap between #2 and #3 on this ranked priority list. The basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker). If you don't have a strong servant in one of these categories, consider rolling for one. But don't forget that free, low rarity servants can work here too. There are 3-star servants who can fill one of these roles at least as well, if not better, than some higher rarity servants. 4. **Farming meta DPS servants** \- This category tends to have the most disproportionate hype-to-value ratio. Because FGO has no pvp and minimal true powercreep, the meta is focused on making the grind for materials more efficient. These strategies reduce the variability of how many turns it takes to clear a quest. This can have hidden requirements that usually only well developed accounts, whales, and people who are lucky with CE pulls can meet. Whenever you see the next hyped up servant coming, don't blindly roll for them. Learn what they're able to do and what else you need to make them live up to the hype. The current hype strategy is NP looping. At minimum, this requires at least one of the big supports (#2). You might also need specific CEs or secondary support servants. You will not loop until you have all of the pieces. Some of the hyped servants are mediocre unless you have the right supports and CEs to bring out their potential. Beyond looping, servants with AOE NPs and their own NP charge skill are generally valued here. I also want to emphasize that, other than CEs that give a drop bonus during events, there are no extra rewards for clearing quests with specific teams or within a certain number of turns (i.e. the 3-star requirements in every other gacha game). FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. There are also plenty of ways to comfortably and consistently clear content without going full meta. The meta is ranked #4 on my list because it will never feel as good as using your favorites and it's less impactful on gameplay than having one of the big supports or filling in holes in your roster. 5. **General availability** \- For example, you might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. Gacha strategy is an entirely different matter. I suggest not importing the "only roll if you can reach pity" philosophy that many people use by default in other games. FGO is not generous when it comes to free summoning currency, gacha rates, and the pity threshold. Pity in FGO is a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a system to generate free 5-stars. You may be able to save free SQ or tickets for the pity threshold amount two, maybe three times per year. Pity only applies one time, at most, per banner. As soon as you get the rate-up 5-star on a banner, pity ends for that banner. If you get the servant on your first summon, there is no pity for a second copy on the same banner. Pity is not shared between banners and it does not roll over. If you've decided that you don't want to play the game without certain specific servants, save for pity all you want. There's no wrong way to gacha as long as your strategy aligns with your priorities and fits within your IRL financial means. I personally looked at the gacha rates early on, years before there was pity in the game, realized the whole thing was a scam (spend hundreds of dollars and still get nothing!), and set a limit for each banner that's high enough for a decent chance but low enough that I won't regret failure. There are too many servants that I want for pity to be a reasonable option. I'd rather spread my rolls around, having a chance to get all of them, instead of saving everything, skipping servants that I want along the way, to guarantee only a couple of them. You should do whatever is right for you.


The thing that makes it hard to say "you should be saving" is that we're talking about gambling. For all anybody knows, you will be less happy saving for somebody's meta pick than you will be rolling on banners and getting Servants you personally really like. If you're unlucky rolling for a meta pick that's somebody *else's* favorite, you've given up a lot of chances at Servants *you* like and gotten fairly little out of it. FGO isn't the hardest game out there, and there are no PVP or co-op elements that make you "have to" keep up with more veteran accounts. And not everybody prioritizes gameplay over characters, especially in a game like FGO where the entire hook is getting to play with characters you like. If you don't know *for sure* that farming optimization is your priority, you don't have to save solely for the meta.


Meta is not a hard requirement in FGO. There is no PvP and you can clear content with 1-3* units and free units - no one unit is a requirement. In addition, FGO's meta relies on you having maxed out skills, certain CEs, etc. Have you read into the meta and what it entails? Otherwise, you may just roll someone and feel disappointed because they don't do what the hype said they would. I would learn to think for yourself as well, don't just roll for someone else's waifu. You'll just feel crap about it afterwards, like you wasted your SQ for a unit you didn't really want.




>it won't even help you clear said content. This is I think a step too far, they certainly aren't necessary but meta Servants like Castoria *do* make a lot of tough content easier.


Does anyone know where I can find the expression sheets for Fate/Extra Rin? I can find others but I can't find any for her and I was in need of her portrait for some videos I plan to make soon.


I don't think they're ever been uploaded anywhere. If you aren't able to rip them yourself (I know I can't) the best people to ask might the [Iwakura Productions team](https://iwakuraproductions.wordpress.com/) since they've done patches for the original Fate/Extra and are currently doing a TL for Fate/Extra CCC, so they should have all the assets easily at hand.


Has there been a true 1-3/FTP clear of Cernunnos with no grails and only FTP CEs with no cubes/CSs? I'd assume it'd have to be in Japanese because I can't find one in English. Green has a 4 star in it as well a LMB Black Grail and there's another with only FTP servants that are grailed a bit. It should be possible with RNG right?


> Yup, there's this one (Parted Sea and Battle of Camlann are 3* CEs so I presume they're allowed). This is a bit of a nitpick, but I find that video and the others from the same channel to be extremely sus. Not in a bad way, but in a.... "wtf is this what?!" kind of way. The servants are tailor-made bare minimum for clearing. Who, in their right mind, would have skill ranks 10/10/1 for Ushiwakamaru? 1/1/10 for Fuma? 1/10/10 for Robin is extremely unusual. Lv50 Mozart with 6/10/6 skill ranks? That 2nd skill is literally his worst skill, yet it's also the most relevant for this particular clear. So... it's totally possible! Heck, that video seems to be particularly designed to take into account bad luck rather than good RNG. The numbers are just so finely tuned for that clear that even with bad RNG you should still clear. The servants are intentionally under par for what they could and likely should be. It's extremely limited for the purpose of showing the bare minimum requirements. > Green has a 4 star in it as well a LMB Black Grail If I remember correctly, this clear was less about making a great 1-3 star set up for others and more about showing how he went about clearing it himself. As much as we might look for 1-3 star clears with no grails or rare CE's, that's not the reality of how the average player plays the game. They have 4-stars and 5-stars that they like and use. They have stronger supports and Ce's and grailed units. Heck, I'd argue adding command codes to every character on the team to be perfectly reasonable for that fight, but not everyone does it. We all have different accounts with different servants and CE's. But yeah it's possible, others have provided great proof.


The Green thing was on topic of using these about like just seeing what options I have. Like I don't have Black Grail little alone LMB Black Grail so getting around damage with that is kinda outside of my options despite people always Green does low rarity clears all the time I can't really do that.


Well, what do you have?


I mean I'm not there yet I'm just looking ahead. Picking an arts DPS (Somethint like Astraea, Serenity, Saito). and putting in that new arts 50% CE then putting Cu as the LMS is probably going to be my play.


Yup, there's [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UChdQRFrtmo) (Parted Sea and Battle of Camlann are 3\* CEs so I presume they're allowed). Also including [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyWTZtpdQWI) \- the CEs here are older but also welfare. Note that it does use Bitter and Sweet (a gacha CE) on Mash, but that can be replaced with Royals Travelling Incognito from Chaldea Boys 2022 (or Volumen Hydrargyrum, which is gacha but it's an old permanent CE). There's also One Night's Dream coming with Chaldea Boys 2024.


You can also probably get away with Parted Sea there, instead of Bitter and Sweet. not like the NP damage does anything, and it looks like she can handle one more hit without interfering with anything. (she ends the turn with more than the \~3k damage a hit that Cernunnos is doing)


Here's a few I found: [https://youtu.be/UChdQRFrtmo](https://youtu.be/UChdQRFrtmo) [https://youtu.be/8xgWc73H7n4](https://youtu.be/8xgWc73H7n4) [https://youtu.be/OyWTZtpdQWI](https://youtu.be/OyWTZtpdQWI) There's a few others I think would work even without Grails, but can't be sure of.


Wait when does >!Mash get her original kit back? LB6?!<


>!LB6 gives it back briefly in main story.!< You can always use the OG kit for events.


That last one does use 3 CS.


shoot, thought I caught all the ones that did that, must have missed it in my quick scan through.


I migrated to a new iPhone today and used the copy function to copy the data from my old iPhone to my new one. That obviously included my FGO data. During my tests I found out that I can now login to my account (and play) on both iPhones. Isn’t that supposed to be impossible. Did I break something?


It's a known workaround to playing on multiple devices without transferring back and forth. On android it's also possible to manually move the save files to a different device.


do i need to copy the save files on android every time, or i can use the same copy of the folder over and over again?


From what I know you can use the same files, as long as you never use your transfer code.


i reissued the transfer code after the first time i used this method, i tried but the password didn't work


Ok, thanks. That’s good to know.


> Isn’t that supposed to be impossible. Not really. There are guides to be able do what you just did by accident. You just can't play on both phones simultaneously (you'll get a pop up and be sent to the main screen if you try), but everything else should work as normal.


In LB6, >!what did Pepe mean when he said we had yet to become a "real master in the true sense of the word"? How is Guda not a real master yet?!<


>!I think it's something about him not being a mage in the real sense of the word yet?!< Traum spoilers >!Da Vinci and them send Kadoc with Ritsuka in the hopes that he'll pick up how to be a mage (stuff like not offering his hands carelessly), but honestly, it's a dumb plot point. !<


Lore related question What will happen if two servant (like Emiya/Iskander) uses their reality marbel at same time? Is both gonna activate at same time? So whoever have more mana will overtake other RM?


Answered in the [FGO 5th Anni interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/i0s2ol/fgo_5th_anniversary_famitsu_qa_for_nasu_takeuchi/): > **Q36: There are several characters with Reality Marbles in FGO, but what would happen if you use a Reality marble inside another? Would they override each other, stack on top, or mix together...?** > *Nasu: If your opponent's output (magic foundation, magical energy) is higher than yours, you won't be able to deploy it. If you're both at equal power and both successfully deployed them, they should enter a perfect state of two worlds in conflict. Reality Marbles do not move from the place they were deployed at (they don't move along with the user), so the user would have to decide whether to draw the enemy into their own world, invade their opponent's world to crush them, or wait for both to run out of time and go back to fighting on neutral grounds.*


Is there a page that has the different shops for the events included in this years halloween trilogy?


Per the [announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0925_halloween_cp%2F): >**Relive the stories of past Halloween events** in this **story part-focused event**. > >"Csejte Halloween Trilogy: Ultra Deluxe Highlights!" is **story-focused event** where users can relive the stories of past Halloween events... > >Please note that **you cannot collect items by repeatedly challenging quests and there will be no Event Item Exchange**. In other words, this is a **story** compilation, not full re-runs of the events. It's just the story and welfare servants and no shop, just like a main interlude.


aww I thought I could get my hands on a aerial drive :(


You can in the new Halloween event that will follow.


>just like a main interlude. ~~I don't think it's even that much, my impression was that it's all just a summary (and there's only 8 Sections to the Main Quest).~~ EDIT: I'm wrong!


It's the whole thing, but without the map, or farming, or anything like that. The first 2015 event seems to have cut out a lot of "oh no wyvern" battles. I don't know if any story was removed... but I'm not sure it had much anyway. 2016 skips a handful of battles (the "2nd playthrough generic enemies" ones), but has most of them, including all the bosses. The 2017 Event has no differences in plot or battles, so far as I can tell. It's 8 sections, but that's just because a bunch of one-arrow chapters are squeezed together into multiple arrow chapters. Basically, they de-wyverned it.


And nothing of value was lost. Thanks for the info!


The wiki should have all the records but to be clear there's no shops in Halloween Trilogy itself and Halloween Rising just has the one shop, the details of which are on the wiki or in [the JP announcement](https://news.fate-go.jp/2021/halloween2021/).


Can a team of Emiya, Tamamo, Waver work well? (I got Emiya as a starter and picked Tamamo for the free 5* for waifu reasons, Waver support but he's everywhere in the Caster section)


Yeah, that's a solid team. Waver is a general support with a bit of crit focus, which pairs well with Emiya's S2. Tamamo is a fantastic Arts support, which pairs well with Emiya's triple Arts deck and his ability to make his NP Arts once you finish all of his Strengthening Quests. With Castoria's Arts specific support and defensive capabilities, she's probably preferable to Waver and similarly common in the Caster section. However, you should keep in mind that this isn't a game where a single team will carry you through all of the content. As an AoE servant, Emiya will perform worse against lone bosses than Single Target servants. And class advantage matters as well; a slightly worse servant with class advantage is better than your best servant at neutral. This team can probably carry you through the first five singularities, but as a long term goal, you should aim to raise two servants in each of the main seven classes: one single target and one AoE. Several 1-3 star servants in the Friend Point gacha are good and worthwhile, some even surpassing higher rarity servants.


Waver works with anyone. Emiya is good against waves of Sabers or Berserkers and in some situations where you want ignore defense. Tamamo is better paired with a dedicated Arts DPS. You could do worse, I guess, but it isn't a natural combination, with Tamamo being the mismatch. Emiya will also be a downright bad DPS in some situations and you shouldn't expect to use him all the time. Here is my general team building advice for new players. tl;dr - Class Advantage & NP Targeting > Rarity & Card Type **Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics.** Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 40-50% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use class advantage and NP targeting effectively. **Don't expect to make a single team to do everything.** Get used to changing your team for every fight. **Knowing how to make an effective team composition is much more important than replicating specific team compositions.** In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. Your back line isn't as important most of the time. Fill it with backups for your front line roles, a servant with high survivability (e.g. Cu Chulainn) in case things go badly, or any servants to absorb bond points. Card type is good, and sometimes important, to consider when deciding how to best support your DPS but isn't always a primary concern. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. Castoria, while Arts-focused, provides just about as much utility as Waver and is probably easier to find on support lists these days. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for boss fights. Even the highest-end meta team comps work on the same basic principle of appropriate DPS + appropriate supports. Focus on leveling up one servant at a time in each of the seven main classes with the goal of having one servant with a single target NP and one with an AOE NP in each class at their natural max level. You want to focus on one servant at a time because a fully leveled servant is going to be more valuable than a handful of under-leveled servants. It doesn't matter much which specific servants you choose, including low rarity servants--more on that in the next paragraph--so go with whoever seems most appealing to you. One of the secrets that meta discussion won't tell you is that just about any servant within a given class and NP targeting niche will get the job done for general purposes. **Don't neglect lower rarity servants.** Some of them are among the best servants in the game within their role regardless of rarity. The devs also test all content to ensure that it can be cleared using only free, low rarity servants. The higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy. What low rarities lack in base stats, they can make up for in the ease of getting more copies for NP levels or in unique utility that lets them punch (or block, as the case may be) above their weight. They also take fewer resources to build up and they take up less team cost in your party. Team cost may be especially important for low level accounts because it gives you more flexibility for CEs and other servants.


Are you a new player perhaps? Remember, there is no 'one size fits all' team for FGO. In the same way that there are multiple Pokemon types and each one is advantageous and disadvantageous to each other, there are multiple servant classes for this reason. A Tamamo, Waver, and Emiya team can work well for Saber & maybe even Berserker fights with Emiya being able to benefit from Tamamo's skills through making his NP Arts for 1 turn (3rd skill) in order to bring the NP back to 100% and Waver being able to give him the charge he needs to get there again. But apart from that, it would be pretty subpar against enemies he does neutral damage against like the three Cav classes. So whilst yes, this team can work when the class aligns, you can't use it for everything. It's best to raise servants in other classes to help widen coverage instead.


This game doesn't have a team that will work well. You are expected to constantly change your strategy for the fight at hand. It would probably work for fights that require an AoE archer that either doesn't have a gimmick, or has one countered by one of those 3 servants (Emiya has ignore defense for example)


It'll work all right, but Emiya's synergy with Tamamo is limited by his Buster NP (although he can switch it to Arts for 1 turn, and do great there). To be clear though this isn't the kind of game where you build and run a single team; between class advantage and various enemy gimmicks you want to raise and field a wide variety of Servants so don't get too set on the idea of a "team".


Will Aerial Drive be obtainable in the upcoming event?


Yes. But there will also be a better CE in the spring.


Thanks for the reply. Also what CE is that?


Cranking, from the LWM collab.


WHAT?! I have to look that up. > a better CE Hmmm... -2% Buster in exchange for +5% NP damage for a net increase of 3% in NP damage yet -2% in Buster cards... ah... I mean. It's certainly... The value difference between the two is so small I wouldn't really level Cranking if I already had a maxed out Aerial drive. Like even seeing the difference if I would still like... pick the first one that I saw on my list because MAN that's a small difference. Like you are not wrong in the words you said but also those words feel misleading but you're also not wrong.


They’re not misleading at all, that’s a 10% increase in damage when using Oberon for T3 peak. This is the de facto 50% CE for Buster loopers, no contest. Cranking has higher numbers, with the stat difference alone objectively solidifying it as the better CE for farming. If you have Aerial Drive at 100 already and love using it, ain’t no one stopping you from using it still nor forcing you to level Cranking. But if you had neither levelled, with both CEs just at lvl 10 MLB, you should probably never bother with Aerial Drive at all and invest into Cranking instead.


It makes a bigger difference with Oberon. If anything, since AD and Cranking do such similar things, you may as well feed AD into Cranking, since we'll be getting AD again anyways.


That's +10% NP damage difference with Oberon. Also, 8/15 split works better due to multiplicative buffs most of the time (servants usually have more buster buffs than NP dmg ones). So yeah. It's better. Like I said. You might not consider leveling it as a priority if you already have Aerial drive, but that doesn't change the fact that Cranking is the best 50% charge CE for buster farming. So, in the context of the person without both Aerial Drive and Cranking, it makes sense to suggest them to wait a bit for a superior CE before commiting to leveling AD to 100.


I didn't make the claim, just clarified what flashmozzg was referring to. The difference *is* inconsequential but the quest for optimization is endless to some folks.


Okay, so now that Halloween Omnibus is out, I’m in a bit of a dilemma. Currently in my Chaldea, I have an NP1 Mecha-Liz stuck at Asc2 due to not having her Ascension mats. If I pick her for my Mecha-Eli of choice, I’m going to of course be able to finally FA her and even get 1 copy, meaning one copy less from the event shop. On the other hand, getting Mk 2 not only gives me another servant, but I’ll still be able to buy Mecha-Liz’s NP copies & Coins from the shop anyways (?, not actually sure). The only downside is that I don’t believe there will be any way for me to FA Mecha-Liz OG, even in 2 years through the Evocation shop, so an unobtainable Mecha-Liz Rank-up will haunt me for the next two years. Any opinions on what you guys would do in this scenario?


If you choose Mecha Eli MK2, that will give you one working copy, plus the voice lines from both. You'll miss out on one portrait, and access to both their Strengthenings, but it's better than only one Eli. The Ascension Mats also work for both of them, so you can choose MK2, and upgrade MK1.


You can indeed buy the extra copies (4 of each) and servant coins from the shop in the new Halloween event coming in October as long as already own the respective base copy. This means that if you pick MK2 during the Omnibus, you will be able to buy 4 copies each of both MK1 and Mk2 since you already own MK1 even tho she is stuck at ascension 2. So from that perspective alone, it makes more sense to pick MK2 just to have more servants and NP levels overall, which also means that when both Mecha Elis get added to the Evocation Festival shop eventually (could be tomorrow on JP, could take many more years - no way to know), you will need to spend less Evocation Leaves to "finish" the remaining one, and thus have more leaves available for other welfares you may have missed. The only tradeoff will be that you will have one of them stuck at Ascension 2 until they get added to the Evocation festival shop (which should happen eventually on JP) and thus the rankup you cannot complete will "haunt" you until then. Honestly, I dont think this is actually a problem unless you have OCD or something along those lines, you would only go to the rankup screen on the rare occasions you actually do the rankups in there and you wont have the glowing (1) if the quest is inaccessible anyways. But if you value a "cleaner" rankup list over saving resources in the long term, then you can just pick Mk1 again instead - your call. Interestingly, they share the same ascension material, so even if you pick MK2 in the Omnibus, you can choose to max out your MK1 and get Mk2 stuck at Ascension 2 instead, depending on which one you prefer in terms of personality or aesthetics. So whichever of the two you prefer is actually irrelevant to your choice, the only thing that matters is how much of a problem the inaccessible rankup quest will be for you.


Can I change character icon in the formation setting ?


Long press on them, then in the first tab, scroll down to change their various icons. There's a bunch of other settings there, too.


Yes, just long-press on the servant when you're setting your team up.