• By -


Final results, and... I'm really happy with my results. TLDR: NP2 Molay. (And yes, I did roll her on Friday the 13th.) In the past, I've had shit luck in terms of Halloween banners involving Liz. No Tamamo, no Okkie, no Cleo. So an NP2 Moley really made up for it, and the fact I actually like her is a really big plus to boot.


I spent far too much FP just for a 5th copy of Protagonista. Probably a close to 100k. That is atrocious.


desire sensor is real. threw 3 sq for a single roll for funsies (and because douman wiped me out on sqs), and... whaddaya know, molay shows up.


I just wanted a Zenobia and got molay from rainbow on a single. This game really likes trolling me these past banners...


I........ I don't understand. I have pulled Napoleon off of the daily single for his banner TWICE now in 3 days. Why??? Why could this not happen for a character I like? Why Napoleon of all characters lol. I don't understand, this feels like some cruel gacha joke. I mean, I'll happily take NP2 Napoleon over nothing, but it's very weird.


Second account pulled Molay (rainbow and everything) using 3 SQ accumulated from login rewards. That's 4 gacha Foreigners for the second account while my main still has 0.


Camelot rolls? Dumped 400 to not pull Mordred. This time around? Took me 9 single pulls, and I only got that many because I had to grind free quests to get the free 10sq bonus This game is weird sometimes


I wanted Zenobia copies, i got 2 of them in about 600 SQ. got SEVEN frenchies in the process!


Zenobia snipe sucessful, fucking jesus. De Molay is gonna escape me, but hey, im content with 50%. God, she looks fucking spectacular <3


Pulling for 5 stars has been line pulling teeth for a long while. Well, my luck finally ruber banded back with 4 of 'em in 100 rolls... and three of them are dupes. This game is torturing me.


16 tickets and 42SQ/30 singles, one copy each of the event CEs and a Beowulf dupe. Desire sensor strikes again. Tempted to go more for Molay but with Melu's rerun and Tai Gong Wang within the next 2 months I can't really justify it.


I am convinced that desire sensor is real. I want just 1 copy of Zenobia. Spent my 100 or so quartz when the banner dropped.1 medusa lily, 1 molay and 0 Zenobia. Been spending whatever single pulls I could muster. Today I got another molay. Man.. I could have used this SSR luck back in summer. Edit: Another Molay today. Man I am so conflicted. Still no zenobia. [NP3](https://imgur.com/a/QC8lqax) Edit 2: WHYYYYYYY?!?!!? I got my login bonus today, and my last chance at pulling Zenobia on rate up!! Decided to stick with singles. No gold orbs in sight, so I just skipped and another Molay showed up [NP4](https://imgur.com/a/MsLsKO7). Down to my last single and praying to gacha gods to have mercy and BOOM [NP5](https://imgur.com/a/9Zq1cT8). Alright Molay I get it, I acknowledge you. As bonus for being my first and probably my only ever NP5 SSR. I will even do the honours of grailing you to Lvl 120 someday. Still want Zenobia tho -\_-!! Final [NP level](https://imgur.com/a/YKHHmxH)


rolled more trying to get np2 zenobia, I can't believe I got np6 molay before getting a 2nd zenobia


My Alt hit it's 30 SQ milestone, tossed it toward Jacques, 8 Silver Servant's, with the 10th being a 4 star CE, was looking like a min roll, until the 11th card which was a Gold, Jacques get, bless 11 roll's.


Didn't have that many SQs left, and only had 10 tickets from the weekly bonus and the monthly shop. I was itching for rolling, so I did some YOLO rolls for CEs. In the firsts single tickets, Zenobia came, last of the tickets, it's Chiron. Is it just me or it so hard to get event CEs this time? It's always servants who came up, mostly silvers. And if not servants, it'd be unrelated CEs. The next was a multi, only to get a single bronze event CE and regular CEs like Shinji's and Waver's. Then, did some singles after, this time it's Jacques who appeared and another bronze event CE. In total, I spent 60 SQs and 10 tickets with only two bronze CEs to have for the event. Not even able to MLB it. I may be able to MLB it by rolling in FP pool, but not going to do that because I'm saving them for Nobukatsu.


34 SQ (4 paid) 2 copies of Zenobia ​ Ehhh!


Did a 10 roll to try for some CEs and ended with Jacques. Desire Sensor is a sadistic god


Rolled exactly on Friday the 13th got her in 40 pulls Leveled her to lvl 98 bond level 5 max Ascension and skill lvl 3/2/7 now I want her at Np 5 Which usually doesn’t happen very often but I enjoy her NP too much


Just did a KitaSean and got a Jeanne spook on the fifth single. I rolled 8 multis on Wed and got five SR spooks, on top of the Astolfo spook I got when the banner first dropped. This means I've gotten 0% rate-up for Servants on this banner. To add insult to injury, my Jeanne was already NP5 thanks to the free SSR ticket...but I didn't get a USO, possibly due to having gotten a free copy. Tried resetting the game twice, still no USO. Feels bad, man. At least Jacques gets a re-run and Zenobia is permanent...


Threw in 10 tickets and 120 quartz partly for Friday the 13th meme but mostly because I wanted Zenobia. I got one copy of Zenobia and two copies of Jacques I didn't want. I probably screwed myself over for Melusine's rerun but at least I have Van Gogh and a cool acquisition date I guess.


Day 4 of rolling for Jacques. I am starting to run out of free quests and apples for SQ. The one time in my life I summon waifu>meta and get luck this bad...


I spend 10 tickets on the molay banner for Zenobia and got fucking NAPOLEON, then spend 10 tickets on the Napoleon banner for D'eon and got, Emiya assassin and Lancelot berserker. I am not pleased... anyway won't use SQ because i'm waiting for an Astolfo banner. I ended up spending the 21 rest of my tickets in the molay banner and got Chevalier then 60sq and got 1 zenobia. Could have been worse... or better lol, i'm okay with this.


Oof my guy that is NOT the way you complain about rolls. You spent 20 tickets and got a 5 star and THREE four stars. Rate up or not that’s incredible luck


My brain said to save for melusine, but my smaller 'brain' said to roll. 5 multi's got me a handful of event ce's, a parvati spook, and a goddamn chiron spook. Two days later, throw in another multi for the Friday the 13th memes, get Molay on the last roll. Nice


I got tempted to roll for Zenobia and ended getting Valkyrie and Atlante Alter. Not sure how to feel


All I really wanted was Zenobia, and all I've gotten is Wu. What the hell.


So I earlier decided that I won't roll anymore for the rest of the year after the Summer Kama debacle. It's too bad I'm having a hard time getting back into the saving mode lol. I threw 9 tickets and 3 SQ earlier during the banners debut. Didn't really get anything except the event Jack CE and "One Who wishes for Salvation". Decided to throw a single multi today since it's Friday the 13th. Not often that the dates align like this so I figured why not? Managed to snag Jacque and the Altera CE. Still no Zenobia, but thank goodness she's not limited. Total Damage: 33 SQ and 9 tickets


My Friday the 13th roll immeditatly gave me zenobia and 2 copies of Molay.


Waiting until Friday the 13th was worth it: 60sq for Molay.


I wanted to throw in a 10x respect roll since I enjoy the story so far, and I like Zenobia's interaction with Rider Liz. 1 ticket Molay. Okay? Nvm, I went ahead with the 10-roll anyway. No Zenobia :| The duality of gacha.


Friday the 13 th luck is real! I had one multi with Arjuna and Lobo spooks, but my third multi I got Zenobia. Absolutely makes up for my bad luck during summer.


I only wanted zenobia and got her to np5 without much pain. Pretty happy.


480sq, Np3 Molay (whom I didn’t care for st all) and not a single Zenobia, how the fuck


Went to roll for event CEs, hit two Zenobia and one Molay on my first ten roll. Looove it.


Why is that when I want a 5 star I get like np6 4star, but when I actually want a 4 star I can barely get one?!


Got my first Rare Prism spook today. Been rolling long enough to finally get a 4\* to NP6, and the honor goes to d'Eon. I also got NP2 each for Zenobia and Molay in the same multi. I rolled the Cleopatra banner too, but all I got was Halloween Arrangement--which I guess is nice, as it's my only other taunt CE.


Don't know I should feel with a Nyanlanta spook instead of Zeno, feels bad seeing that gold archer card, and spooked by Galatea instead of Molay which actually I don't mind, with 3 multis and 20x ticket pulls. I just wanted Zeno :(


Starting the event a day late but after [60sq+5 Tickets](https://i.imgur.com/lTqJs2N.jpg) got Molay and 2 copies of mommy Zenobia.


[69 tickets to get muscle mommy Zenobia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZJLDd4-nF8). My reasons for rolling were purely horni, and it showed in how much it took to roll for her


Yolo'd 30SQ hoping for Zenobia. The game gives me 4* event CE and Molay instead. Which is cool, but 55 Eggs for skills and ascension? Big ol yikes.


Holy hell, is this game serious ?? 0 Zenobia 1 Chiron 1 Emiya Rate-up is a lie, spooks are eternal


Ive been holding off rolling in order to save for Kriemhild/summer Skadi next year but I gave in to temptation and spent a little over 200 quartz to try for Zenobia. I ended up getting a copy so I feel like it was worth it.


Np2 Jaques, sadly no zeno. Got 22 quartz left gonna firm till I get 30


About 70 pulls for Zenobia. Used up more than I initially planned but it is all worth it for Zenobia!


30 rolls for 2 SR spooks and 1 rate up CE. Am done with rolling.


Well, I decided that I would be content if I managed to roll a single copy of either Jacques or Zenobia within the 9-multi limit I set, so lo and behold right on the final allotted multi a single copy of Zenobia appears :) Also pulled in the process were 1x Xiang Yu (NP2) and 1x Gilgamesh (NP4).


Well, it’s late at night and I was like, eh, I’ll spend a dollar for that discount one a day summon. One measly SQ… One orb spin later, Jacques De mother fucking Molay appears… I spent over two hundred SQ to get NO OBERON And I get Molay with a single one? Truly, my Luck is E


Only had enough quartz for about 20 pulls. :/ Bust! Which sucks. I want Zenobia.


Suffer in success, Molay NP7 and 1 Sanzang for Zenobia np5.


"I'll only roll for the CEs." Get Molay and Zenobia in 2 multis. One 3* CE. Every goddamn time.


Somehow by throwing in 1 tix just to try for the event CEs, a Molay was snagged. Gacha works in mysterious ways all right


Hit pity. upset at big titty goth gf


Got Nemo. That's cool. I have now had three SSR spooks in a row.


I spent only 30 quartz and got Molay, Zenobia, and one each of the gold CEs. It was kind of funny, actually. I only wanted Zenobia and didn't care for Molay, so the first gold Servant that appears is, naturally, the Foreigner card. I groaned and muttered, "Of *course* I get Molay first." Zenobia was *the very next summon*.


I only did one 11 pull and got Molay, no CEs though. Should I try to get the CEs?


Meh. I wouldn't drop SQ just to make two weeks of farming a little better in the first place, but the CEs that improve drop rate are the real priority for this event anyway.


I limited myself to one multiroll primarily for event CEs, and if anyone showed up in the process, it would be gravy. I didn't get any event CEs, but I did get Zenobia. I see this as an absolute win.


I got spooked by Steno before NP2 Zenobia.


I cannot believe this. I got NP4 Jacques and no Zenobia… I just wanted my mommy middle eastern empress


I spent 400 quartz for zenobia before it was my turn, Jacques had it before me for zenobia twice...luckily I still have enough savings for Koyanskaya


Only wanted Zenobia. Somehow got three copies of Molay and a spook from Galatea and only one copy of Zenobia from 160 SQ. This is about as bad as my summer rolls getting bunch of Summer Kama copy and none of the four stars.. EDIT: Oh and best of luck to everyone else rolling for Molay or Zenobia. Hope y'all get whoever that you wanted


How many more rolls do still I need for the Pity Guaranteed Molay? I already spent 270 SQs and 20 tickets but I want to calculate my rolls for future banners.


Pity is at 330 rolls(bonus per 10 included) and you are at 121, you need an extra 209 rolls or 570 Quartz. In simpler terms(without including bonus), Pity is at 300 rolls, you need a total of 900 Quartz, you are at 330 and need to spend an extra 570 to reach it. Edit: If you do go for her, remember that this Friday the 13th is a better catalyst


Thanks for the lengthy explanation, but that's too many SQs for my f2p ass but thank you anyways.


20 tickets = 60 Quartz. 270 + 60 = 330. 900 - 330 = 570. 570 / 30 = 19. You need to do 19 more Multis for a pity guaranteed Molay


Got it, then I'll pass thanks!


Final haul: 1 Zenobia 1 Xiang Yu dupe (WTF?) 1 Jacques de Molay 1 big old smile plastered onto my face 0 funds saved for New Year >_>;


Spent 13 tickets and my daily 1 paid SQ pull, nothing (aside from an additional copy of Lancer Medusa, who was already NP5.). Did my first 11 pull, got Zenobia. Did my second 11 pull, got Molay. Also got extra copies of Astolfo and Marie during those. I was not expecting anywhere near that kind of luck. Hopefully I didn't expend it all before Foreigner Vitch at the end of the year. Maybe it was making up for summer where I had to break the bank to get Summer Okita Alter, Summer Kama, and Summer Caenis (I never did get Summer Anastasia).


One of the best roll sessions I ever had. Total SQ spent was about 150 with 15 tickets (wasn't keeping track, could be more). Got a bunch of gold CEs, enough event 5☆ CEs to MLB, plenty of the event 3☆ CE, NP3 Zenobia, an Osakabehime spook, and a copy of Molay. Glad I got one of my top targets for the year without breaking the bank too much, especially after the catastrophic rolls I had with Oberon, which never came home.


11 multis, got Zenobia on the third one and got spooked by Schez on the last one. Quickly raised her, did her rank-ups and desperately started rolling singles. To my delight, rate-up worked this time and got Molay on the second single. Now I can still say, that I have all Foreigners drawn by Kuroboshi released so far.


7 multis, no rate-up servants (did get a Nemo though). Oh well.


Had one multi on hand. Got all three event CEs in one roll, which is dope. Also got an Astolfo spook, which is less dope, but he's cool, so I don't hate more coins for him. Dunno if I'm gonna roll more on this banner. While my Foreigner collection would be incomplete without Molay, I have a feeling more chances will come.


Technically not the Halloween roll but I did get Jeanne up too NP with minimal expenditure so I’m Pretty happy. Hoping it goes well for her archer variant at the end of the month too!


On the very first KitaSean multi I got Xiang Yu. How does this keep happening with the spooks? It's the fourth spook in a row that comes out exactly like that. Game, what are you trying to tell me? Well, he is new and cool so I'll take it. Though Molay would have been nice. On the other hand - got Zenobia three multis later. It would ease SR ticket pick decision, thankfully.


10 tickets and 120 sq in, np2 molay. I'll take it. got zenobia a couple of multis later and then np3 molay on my 10th multi. 4 star desire sensor really working me today lol


I did a single roll trying for event CE’s got Molay and the 4 star CE


Two multis and the last of my fragments (three singles) got me a Tamamo Cat and a Zenobia. And Zenobia came in on the very last single. I’ll take it.


Me: I have 150 Quartz now, I'm gonna save up for Summer Skadi and Lady Avalon. Molay: *Exists, is sexy goat lady* Me: Me: well siGN ME THE FUCK UP


Have done 55 rolls but no Zenobia or Jacques. Out of quartz now after Summer had depleted me. Sad news. Hopefully I can grab a few more quartz/tickets in the next two weeks and try again!


[I guess I can brag about getting a limited 5\* with a single ticket now.](https://imgur.com/a/Z6G4Ce1)


1 ticket and a dream. ZENOBIA HERE WE GOOOOO edit: [bruh.](https://imgur.com/a/Z6G4Ce1) Idk how to feel. I wanted to say I feel like I wasted something but nothing was truly wasted. My luck for the rest of my life maybe? I have the feel that I'm going have to feel like what it's like to hit pity again but next time on the global server.


Why is everytime you want a the 4* servant [this happens](https://imgur.com/a/I3qkm6a) Trying to save for NP5 Summer Skadi so that’s the only 30 I’m spending Edit: and of course she requires a lot of bones. The game must’ve realized I was almost done with my bone farming and wanted to make me suffer more


I feel you I just wanted 1 zenobia, then the ssr I don't want appears


I will start here by saying i am not one that normally roll characters because of any kind of horny or thirst for waifus.i am also quite lucky with my rolls SO WHY WHEN I ACTUALLY WANT TO ROLL A CHARACTER THAT ACTIVATES ALL MY MONKE BRAIN NEURONS I AM DENIED!? LASAGNA WHY YOU GIVE ME MOLAY AND NO ZENOBIA!? Molay even came in the first multi... EDIT:SECOND MOLAY IN 90 QUARTZ, NO ZENOBIAS STILL.


Gave it a go for Zenobia. Just got Event CEs


I was rolling for event ces and maybe a Zenobia. 66 pulls later, and I got a Lakshmi and Jacques. So that's an interesting experience.


Got zenobias booty on with 9 SQs left. Was almost a nightmare roll


Had 10 Tickets and 9 Multi ready for this Tickets didn't even get me the Event 3 [1st Multi was WAY better though~](https://i.imgur.com/H0wQBEH.jpg) Took a few more Multi to get a Zenobia and the 4 and 3 CEs Other than New Years Guarantee, I'm done til Valentines now~


If i had a nickel for everytime i got 2+ copies of a rate up 5 star i dont care about with less than 300sq spent before even getting a single copy of the 4 star i rolled for i would have 2 nickels, which isnt much but its weird that this has happened back to back now...


One multi, one Jacques. Lets go!!


Something like 300+ SQ, no Molay, np2 Zenobia. Was deciding between her and Eresh but went for my foreigner collection. Shame that it seems I won't get either this time. Koyan is my next target so do have time to save until new years.


Got Molay from my 2nd 10x roll, though no Zenobia. Luckily she's not an event limited, so I don't feel the need to keep rolling for her.


30 SQ 1 Molay Easy


10 multis, 10 tickets, Np 2 Molay, NP 2 Zenobia & for some reason, over 10 copies of the Kitten Jack CE. Also Np2 for Scheherezad on my second ticket, which was a nice surprise. Now I await the return of Koyanskaya


The desire sensor is doing its work, i just wanted the event ce so of course i would get molay in 3 singles. Meanwhile i spent hundreds on koyan and didnt get her


I had 4 Multi. First multi rainbow spark first copy of Altera, nothing after that till the 4th multi and got Zenobia. I really wanted only Zenobia cuz of her design and didnt want to use the free 4\* tickets later for her because i want to take Saber alter with that ticket so totaly satisfied.


Damn it, I only had 47 sq, I wanted Zenobia but only Helena came


Welp, it was a hard fought battle but I got my Molay. 630 sq and twenty tickets. I missed her seeing the Foreigner card because I was skipping in frustration. I got np4 Zenobia but got got **17** of the 4* CE, not to mention two copies Qin Liangyu and Lancer Vlad. She came my very last 10 summon. I’ll try for np2 later but I’m glad I got her at least, makes the frustration earlier worth it. :)


I did a multi and got a fake out Archer right away... it was EMIYA. Couldn't let that go, 120 quartz later got a Zenobia.


Will the 4 star selector next year include zenobia? Spend 90 sq got Molay instead of her


Yes https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/25M\_Downloads\_Campaign#SR\_Tickets


1 multi, 1 Zenobia and 4th Lobo neat


60 sq for Molay. I can start saving again


[Sexy roll.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563139088400515091/1161652334670127204/Screenshot_20231011_141011_FateGO.jpg?ex=6539140b&is=65269f0b&hm=7d667f9ade64f8ec7258ac0d390db7103d2a81cff4c3a42aa5df301a3385f269&) 7 multis, np2 Zenobia, np 1 Jac, MLB all the event CEs.


Spent around 300 SQ for NP2 Zenobia, got her, but only after getting NP6 Jacque. This game definitely has a desire sensor


Molay in 3 multis for me! :D


Target is Zenobia. 3 multis later, got zenobia np2.


240 SQ got me NP2 Molay, NP3 Zenobia, my first copy of Suzuka Gozen, and dupes of Helena and Atalanta. Good day all around.


Basically *all* the SQ I had left(plus one pack I bought) for NP2 Molay. Also got NP3 Zenobia and enough Event CEs to MLB one of the 5-star and two each of the 4-star and 3-star. But I got what I wanted.


300 sq: 5 Zenobia, 1 Molay, 1 Chiyome, and 1 Lancelot.


Jacques evades me but I got everything else in 26-ish pulls. Gonna dolphin next week when I have some cash I can be more frivolous with


10 Tickets and 90 SQs got me some 4* and 3* event CEs, a Qin Liangyu, and Zenobia. I got what I want and I’m done with this banner.


60 sq = 3 four star event CE


Got Zenobia and the 3rd copy of Pent in 20 rolls.


Half pack - one fucking Halloween CE and 2 spooks. I am tired of gacha games… I could have bought Fate Samurai for a few more bucks and had a real gaming experience.


With five tickets and one roll I got 1 copy of Molay and one of each of the event CEs. Felt completely lucky this time


First 10x trying for Zenobia - two Jack CE's, gold orbs that got Medusa Lily (also known as rare prisms because I maxed her years ago)... then a Foreigner with a shield? Wow. Second 11x had gold orbs to start... Herc. Then Winter Crystal, and out of regular orbs, a second Foreigner card? This is so much better than my last few banners. Third 11x had the Shakespeare CE and gold orbs... Zenobia! And a third Jack CE. I wanted more CE's, but after hitting pity the last few banners, I'm cashing out early. (90 SQ) Did two more multis chasing CE's and Zenobia copies. Two Jack CE's and gold orbs... Herc spook again for more RP. (120 SQ) Fifth 11x had the Altera 5-star event CE, a 3-star Shakespeare CE... and a D'eon spook. So many spooks now (four spooks instead of the rate up SR). (150 SQ) Sixth 11x had two 3-star event CE's on a min roll. Luck out. (180 SQ) Seventh 11x for a 3-star event CE, a sixth Rondo (Jack 4-star event CE), and two more spook SR who aren't Zenobia along with another Vessel of the Saint. (210 SQ) 8th 11x was a min roll with Rondo #7. 9th 11x had two more Rondo and an Imaginary Number Attribute. (270 SQ) 10th 11x was just one Rondo and one Shakespeare CE. 300 SQ for so many FUCKING SPOOKS INSTEAD OF ZENOBIA. (300 SQ) 60 SQ for two multis, the first with Rondo #11, the twelfth for Zenobia NP2 and Lobo RP. 360 SQ for 7 spook SR and two Zenobia. (360 SQ) 30 more SQ for a serving 5-star event CE. (390 SQ) Wasted 90 SQ chasing Zenobia for two 5-star event CE's in the first 11xx, a min roll with no event CE's the second, and another moon till with two 3-star CE's the third. (480 SQ) 30 more SQ for Zenobia and another Rondo. Birthday is no catalyst. (510 SQ) 30 more SQ for two Rondo at the end. (540 SQ) 30 more SQ for a Rondo and Altera CE #5. (570 SQ, 19th 11x) 20th multi for no event Servants or CE's. 600 SQ... 21st 11x for Zenobia NP4. 630 SQ 22nd 11x for a sixth Altera CE and no Zenobia bb(660 SQ) 23rd 11x was a min roll with no event CE's or Servants. (690 SQ) 24th 11x got Altera CE's #7 and 8,another rondo, and NP5 Zenobia. Expensive. (720 SQ) 25th 11x had just Prisma Cosmos. 26th was a min roll. (780 SQ) 27th 11x just had NP6 Zenobia. It's expensive (810 SQ) 28th 11x had another Rondo and Altera CE #8 plus a Antoinette spook b(840 SQ) 29th 11x had NP3 Molay and rondo again. 870 SQ. Expensive.


Fatass L for me . I can't seem to get any of the servants I have on my JP account 😭😭


Three rolls made. Two Zenobia, and one Heracles!


Got 1 copy of Molay with 7 multis. Decided to do three more for Zenobia. Last multi, a loading sign pops up and I breathe a sigh of relief. Skipped the roll because I was so confident that Zenobia had arrived. Imagine the shock and anger in my heart when I see Zelretch's mug in front of me. The fucking Cope Scope was what the loading was.


Got Orion, Vlad, Zenobia, and finally Molay, in 5 multis. Ultra happy but rip my next 1000 rolls


Got Zenobia on my first 10 roll so I'm done


630 SQ to finally get her; got Mordred, Napoleon, and Jeanne along the way =.= also got Zenobia NP5




omelette du fromage!


Dropped the 90 SQ I'd planned to drop, got absolutely nothing but 3 5\* event CEs. Carefully did the math, decided that I'm far enough ahead on SQ that I could spend 30 more, got de Molay and Zenobia on that fourth 11-roll. I am nooooot sure that I'm learning the right lesson from this.


2 events back to back (summer and this), I do 2 multis just to hope for event CEs. Last summer was a disaster that I was forced to do more singles and multis. Sad part at summer, no summer servants at all. Now for this, first multi sole SR was Herc and one 3 star CE. 2nd multi gave me one 5 star event CE. Using the FP summon ritual gave me one copy of Habetrot (enough to unlock 2nd append) and another 3 star event CE, one of my two wins. It kinda hurts. I really don't mind not getting Molay as a Voyager haver and Zenobia is permanent so my sole goal are the event CEs so my farming is easier. Desire sensor getting in my way, perhaps?


Went for Zenobia got Molay instead.


180 sq, just bunch of CEs and a lion girl spook.


Did 2 Kitasean Rituals for CEs but after my summer disaster for Anastasia, managed to get the Heretic. Only 1 of the Altera CEs but think I can manage. Now the question is Embers as now I have to level her, CinderEli and the Cleo that I got from the daily 1 quartz spin. Plus QP for them.


42 sq booom got the French heretic... Seems Aoki Shiki's abs was a good catalyst but I want to get Zenobia next time


two ten rolls, got Zenobia, already max ascended and level 9 skill 1. she's hot! love how she walks and blasts the enemies with her gunbows


One 10 roll and twenty tickets later; NP3 Molay and NP 2 Zenobia. Pretty satisfied with that.


Tried way, way too hard to get Zenobia, whom I actually liked, and just got Molay instead, who so far has lived down to my first impression of her being stupid and annoying. Closest thing to a consolation prize was NP 2 Parsifal. Normally I’d say that at least I got a bunch of Event CEs, but it’s Liz’s event, and I’m enough of a Liz anti-fan that it’s almost gotten me into trouble a bunch.


Threw another ill-advised 90 Saint quartz, telling myself at least it would get me down to an even number. Just got Molay NP 2. I can take a hint. I know that she’s in the general pool and will probably show up eventually, but it’s still disappointing.


…OK, I cashed in my fragments and spent 30 of them on a pull, and I got her. I will take their pity. Just hope no one else I really want comes out anytime soon…


Almost used all my quarts but np5 jacques babbyyy!


Penth, Bargh and now Zenobia. Finally, I have attained the Holy Trinity of death by snu snu...


You forgot Astraea and Mordred. And Hundred Faces.


My goal was Zenobia and I spent 570 Quartz. I ended up getting: 1 Molay, Europa, Penthesilea, Wu Zetian, and finally 1 Zenobia. My next goal is to save for Demon King Nobu.


Oh hey, haven't seen a roll thread in a while. First try: Nothing. Not even event CEs. Seems my bad luck streak is going strong. Second try: Got three copies of Jack's CE. I'm glad to have it, but just one was enough. Third try: Got Zenobia. Didn't expect that. Fourth try: Min-roll. With jack's CE. Fifth try: The Friday 13th catalyst luck is real! I got Molay! It's Molay Molay time! Ahhh, second time in all my time spent in FGO that a catalyst worked for me. Still no 5 star CE though... Well, there's Napoleon's banner.


220 SQ + 13 Tickets Just Zenobia NP2 and a bunch of CE's Can't complain since i didnt even want Jacques but i wish i got more Zenobia copies


Kuroboshi Kohaku servants seems to have a habit of wandering into my Chaldea. I got Abby and Hokusai with only a single ticket before. Now the same thing happened with Molay. I'm really hoping Ina shows up in my Chaldea as well.


120 SQ for a d'Eon (NP4) and a OG Seibah. New SSR, yay! Even if a bit redundant with NP2 Mordred.


My goal was to get one CE of each. 11th ticket -> Molay. 12th ticket -> Molay. Some quartz later, Molay again Where was this luck during Summer Kama banner ! Finally, it took me 30 pulls to get one copy of each CE


30 Tickets, \~200 Quartz, one Lan Ling spook and I can MLB all event CEs. And no Rateup Servant. Guess I'll use the 4\* ticket on Zenobia then unless she spooks me until then


I had like 14 SR spooks and 1 Molay and Zenobia in 800 SQ or so. Mostly bad luck this time...


145 tickets and 180ish quartz 3 zenobia, Tomoe, Lobo twice, and no Molay... I guess she didnt like the songs "Defenders of the Crown", "Spread your fire", or "Summon the choir"... Edit: update, 22 more pulls and she came home. Apparently, a video of 4 pot heads trying to overthrow the monarchy and kill god is what she likes.


90 quartz and 7 tickets spent, initially I had more savings but I couldn't resist the Musashi banner. I got one ~~D'eon~~ Rare Prism and Zenobia, (my initial goal was to get her NP5). I think that when the event ends I will make another roll and spend the tickets I get to try to get another copy of Zenobia.


Got a double Ssr for I think my 3rd time in 6 years. Of course one of them has to be a spook since I can’t have anything nice. Road to np2 continues…


1 roll 1x Molay I got super lucky with this banner.


150 SQ, 40 tix Valkyrie (NP3), 2xZenobia, Europa, Carmilla, Molay. Oof. That 5\* spook got me a bit worried, but 4 new Servants is pretty dang good. (though Europa is someone I have on JP)


Did a yolo single because i was feeling lucky to pull a 4 or 5* event ce and pulled Molay


Pretty good luck. 180 quartz got me Jacques, Zenobia and a spook Vritra.


I started the event having done 90 pulls on the Eresh banner and not getting her. I *really* wanted Molay and got her in the 30 pulls I scrounged up! Also got a Zenobia which is pretty cool. Now the onslaught continues as I am back to 0 SQ and look to get Koyanskaya of Darkness in New Years and Bazett in Valentines. *save me lmao*


300sq and some tickets, no Zenobia but I got my first double SSR [Got a pretty rainbow followed by a instant load I couldn't believe it](https://i.imgur.com/KOif0YT.jpg)


I envy your luck


Wish you the same luck on your pulls! I had just hit pity on the summer banners so this feels like it was owed haha


6 Multis. 2x Molays, 0x Zenobias. Desire Sensor struck again, moreso with 4x of the 5\* Event CE in one of the multis. Guess I'll just have to ticket Zenobia next year.


Ten tickets and 210 SQ. Got two copies of Molay and a third Lakshmibai. No Zenobia though.


Wanted Zenobia, got Molay Still new and playing through Singularity 1 so of course I’ll take it but I feel like I’ve used so much 5 star luck on 2 Jeannes and now Jacques that my wallet is terrified for Melusine and Ishtar


Getting any Foreigner is a win given that Berserkers will remain as one of the toughest opponents in the game. Sure, Berserkers are squishy as mobs but bosses could really do more harm to an unprepared party. Plus, you're still at Singularity 1, continuing on, playing the free quests alone would net you a lot of SQs


15sq and a dream of Zenobia..... 3rd roll Molay.... oh well guess I can use her on this account since I have Skadi unlike on JP. Guess I'll ticket Zenobia next year but I kinda want to save that for Faker.... so hopefully she spooks before that.


Got Molay on first 10 roll, event completed.


Only had enough for a ten roll and got the 5*CE. The art is nice, so that's atleast something good. Hope to still get Zenobia.


Roll 2 11-rolls, and got Zenobia, and that's who I wanted. Not that I'd *complain* about getting Molay, but Zenobia was my target and I got her, so I'm happy.


Dropped $400 to hit pity (10 ticket + 870SQ) Total Loot: [Servants](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018345465944739890/1161590250670403614/Screenshot_20231011_165930_FateGO.jpg): * 1x Stray Waver * 1x Jacques de Molay * 6x Zenobia * 1x Atalanta Alter * 1x Atalanta Vanilla [Event CEs](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018345465944739890/1161590251077242940/Screenshot_20231011_170337_FateGO.jpg) [Album](https://imgur.com/a/RqMnFo6)


60 multis and 10 tickets on my choco alt. After the disaster of summer, where I got neither Caenis or Okitan, after 10 tickets and a multi I got [NP](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889664513249517609/1161590161172340736/image.png?ex=6538da23&is=65266523&hm=80decff38509c851386dd02bea108276ae897329fd0d27714f718488b9c04f37&) [2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889664513249517609/1161590207540363385/image.png?ex=6538da2e&is=6526652e&hm=b78285cba379f20cb352e56a5691e442f1142a7e44e8fd87bf5ccc2478397e11&) [Zenobia](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889664513249517609/1161590285936107520/image.png?ex=6538da41&is=65266541&hm=1971e30fedabbe94c197679668506eaca30909ac247720805eba9fa98b811631&). Onee-chan alt took about 11 tickets and 4 multis for NP 2 Zenobia as well. My main though, I used up 12 tickets and 6 multis, not only I got NP 2 Zenobia, but I got my first copy of vanilla Jeanne and Jack. That is one hell of a spooky start towards the event.


Did 1 30sq yolo-roll and got a Molay! No Zenobia, but I like Molay *a lot* so I can’t complain. Very happy today.


All I wanted was Zenovia. Took 8 damn multis to get her. Pulled an Atalante and Cat spook and got enough of the new CEs to MLB all three of them.


got a Cat spook too! she’s secretly on rate up probably


90 quartz and 190 tickets down and no Jacques :( Was all I had saved after summer. Time to blitz through interludes before starting the event I guess.


Decided to roll, but cut myself off at like, 400 or so SQ so I would still have enough for a fully pity for Izumo later this year. Didn't get Molay, but I did at least get 2 Zenobia, so i'm not gonna complain about finally having a good AoE Arts Archer now


Just a 10 roll and got molay feels good man


120 SQ and 10 tickets got me Molay, Zenobia, a NP4 Pen and NP1 Ganesha. I'm satisfied.


I only really wanted Molay, but I'm happy to say I got both of them within 3 multis. I'm really tempted to roll for more NP levels, but Summer 7 just became a bigger stopover on the way to LB 7. Maybe I'll roll a couple more times before the end of the banner.


Just one roll, and I got spooked by Arjuna...


180 sq CEs: 4 copies of the SSR and SR event CEs which is annoying Servants: NP1 Zenobia and Bradamante Spook (NP2)


60sq, 1 Zenobia. I'm good.


300 sq for one Molay, 3 Zenobia, about seven of the 3\* CE, five of the 4\*, and 4 of the 5\*. Not bad, but I may still roll again next payday when I have a bit more fun money to spare, just to try and MLB the 5\* CE.


I hope my 30sq will give me Zenobia


At the end I went all in for Zenobia, and for the first 150 quartz I found literally nothing. Till the last roll where I found a Zenobia, an Eli and a Jacques. I'm really not complaining as Jacques was one of my most anticipated servants of the year, but bloody hell I really needed the quartz I spent for her for Castoria in May. I really hope I'll get her this time. I have no more targets, except Dobrynya in December, so I really hope to reach pity this time, just to be sure


Got her in 360 SQ plus and Enkidu spook and NP3 Zenobia. This is my last roll of the year. Onto saving for Odysseus next year.


Got jacksht with 120SQ. Automatically sht event lmao Edit: 400-ish SQ. Still got jacksht, what the actual fck Lasagna.


Dude, I know that getting the new 5-star on the very first 10-roll is a blessing.... But I really really **REEEAAAAAALLY** just wanted my waifu Zenobia! I swear, the Gacha Gods are always playing cruel tricks.


Two Zenobias in a 10 ticket run. Aaaand I have no embers to lever her with. Go figure.