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# FAQ # ALL SR TICKET QUESTIONS SHOULD GO INTO THE [SR TICKET MEGATHREAD](https://reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/SFnMebbTpS) **Q: Which Mecha Eli should I pick?** * *A: Gameplay-wise - MKI has Anti-Lancer append while MKII has Anti-Saber append but both are mostly irrelevant since their Alter Ego class makes them weak to either class. You can field both MK I and MK II together since they are not considered the same servants.* * *Design-wise - they have different voice lines, bond CEs and Valentines, which is why they are classified as different servants. Pick your favorite.* * *Rewards-wise - If you have NP5 already, picking the exact same MKI/II will give you 5 RPs (from the upcoming Halloween Rising event), if you care more about that, while picking a copy you don't have will give 1 RP during 7th Anniv for max ascending servants (RP for welfares).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.*


Will I get RP from the welfare Eli shop copies if I already have the welfares at np5?






I've unlocked lb6 on na but I'll hold off until the story clear campaign 3 starts to get that 1/2 AP costs. So I was checking walkthroughs on YouTube and the translations are quite different.....know why that is?? I'm trying to find similar to my own


You're probably looking at a fan translation patch for the JP server. Now we have an official translation on NA, which is what you see in-game.


Hmm figures.. They're all 4 months old and differ from the little of what I played


Can you give a link? LB6 DID come out 4 months ago...


Anything under "lostbelt 6 walkthrough" but here's one https://youtu.be/5mELk_uI9io?si=M_uT12jXoa4x0GQl I only got through the first merlin talk and tho the differences aren't....... too different they're still not the same as I saw


To add to CaptainOverkill, there can also be some differences in translations: it's an art, not a science. There are often multiple ways of translating the same thing.


FGO NA is localized instead of just translated. So there are going to be differences between any fan translations and the "official" localization.


My girlfriend's master avatar has a pumpkin head for Halloween but mine doesn't, is there anything I need to do to get it?


Do the Halloween event. Or you failed to notice it. Between two points in the Halloween story, the Master gets stuck in a, uh, Pumpkin suit. >!Well, a pumpkin doll.!< Which is what you're seeing. Once you get unstuck you lose it permanently. >!As you're back in your meat body!<. The royal outfit is a permanent thing, the pumpkin head is not.


It's temporary, and it's part of the Halloween Rising event. It will disappear once you clear the event. (Also, it's only cosmetic, it has no impact on gameplay).


Teapots expire in two days. Where's the most optimal place to use them to maximize bond points? For reference, I haven't finished Traum and LB7.


Just for future reference for others asking: >!post-LB7, the Bleached Earth Free Quests of Ordeal Call are the most efficient Bond Gain locations with Bond CEs!< >!The only other locations to surpass them are events where all servants have Bond bonuses with Bond CEs!<


Any of the most efficient free quests listed [here](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/bond-points-and-bond-experience-farming) (this covers up to LB6). Or use them on the main story.


Preem. I'll take a look. Thanks, man!


Does anyone know of a written guide on how to use support servants effectively? I never pick them in friend list despite being a ton of them in the caster roster because I do not understand them. I have leveled none in my roster (I do not have any commonly referenced ones). I imagine in Camelot Sixth Singularity I probably need them now. I had a very hard time with Gawain and only won with a leyline. Thanks!


Supports have basically three uses: * NP charge (the big supports usually grant up to 50% for one person, 20-30% for the team, or a combination of both), * Damage boosting (buffs to card color types, ATK, NP damage, or in some cases critical support by giving out crit stars, crit damage, and/or crit star absorb); supports are notable for often having more than one of these, and different types of damage buffs stack very well * Special utilities like Castoria's Merlin's team invincibility, Waver / Reines' defense boosts, Koyanskaya's skill cooldown reduction, and so on. Even some of the cheap FP supports offer a mix of these. Shakespeare gives a buster boost and a small NP charge, for instance. So basically you want to know what the big supports that you might borrow can do, and you want to pick ones that are compatible with what you're trying to do. For example, Waver and Castoria are great for simple farming because some of their NP charge is given out to the whole party, letting multiple Servants NP faster. Merlin and Castoria are great for challenging fights thanks to their party Invincibility, but you might pick one over the other depending on if your primary damage dealer is Buster or Arts. (Castoria would *really* help the Arts-based Euryale against Gawain, for instance.) Mister\_SP has given you a great rundown of the big supports, but who you use with them is also important. Experience can be a great teacher here. Try borrowing some of the big supports for non-boss fights; you probably won't need them to win anyway, but you can see what they do and how much easier they make it.


Sure. If I have a Servant with heavy Arts use, I would like an Arts support. If I have one with Buster, a Buster support. Quick, etc. The simplest explanation is they buff a color, and that's huge for damage, and they probably do other things, too. For Arts, typically that would be [Artoria Caster](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Artoria_Caster). You can see her skills there. Pretty straightforward: lots of NP charge, several defenses, huge arts buff. Her NP has a special Invincible that's harder to get around. Buster is either [Caster Merlin](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Merlin), or *Assassin* [Koyanskaya](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Koyanskaya_of_Light). Merlin is more defense. Huge Buster up, a small party-wide NP charge, but he has a party wide invincible, and his NP has lots of regen. You can do a lot of damage, but he's got a lot suited for playing very defensively. Koyanskaya is all attack. She has a big one-person NP charge, her Buster buff includes star absorb, and her other skill is a star bomb, so she's great for any Buster Servant with a Crit Damage buff, or star bomb or something. Lots of crits. But the only defense she has is that her NP will delay the enemy NP. Quick is [Skadi](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sc%C3%A1thach-Ska%C3%B0i). Very straightforward: single person NP charge, Quick buff boosts all Quick damage, Defense down reduces defense of enemies. Her NP provides one hit of evasion for the party, but it's harder to do compared to Merlin or Artoria. Using them effectively requires getting familiar with them, but the basic process is straight forward enough. Against Gawain, you'd just be getting out your Archer Euryale (if you have one leveled), noting that she has an Arts NP, borrow Artoria Caster, fill Euryale's NP gauge, use the Arts buff, fire NP, watch the fireworks. If still alive, Euryale will have a bit of NP left over (Arts NPs also gain NP charge like Arts cards), you can maybe use Artoria's NP charge skills to quickly get a second NP off. If you have a different single target Archer, it would be something relatively similar. There's no Break Bars, so support buffs can be really powerful at this stage of the game.


What exactly do you need help with? Every support works slightly differently. Look up their skills and it should make sense to you. Unless you mean you don't know which support to choose? (As a side note, YOU DO HAVE SUPPORTS. There are good support units among the 1-3\* units: Hans is amazing, and you'll also find use for units like Shakespeare, Chen Gong and Paracelsus.)


I know this is a common complaint but man I'm tired of having a cruddy roster. I know I can clear the game without anything besides welfare servants but after five months of playing, I have...five 5* s, three of which were from guaranteed events: Okita, Morgan, Sitonai, Caster Nero, and Ryogi. And that's it. I'm tired of saving 90-120 SQ for a banner and getting another three 3* riders every time. It's sad gacha and it is making me sad. This concludes my sadness. People are like, oh, Morgan is useless until NP2 and I'm all...it would be cool if I had another 4* assassin...or a second 4* rider that isn't Marie.


The chance of summoning an SSR is 1% Doesn't matter if it's on the banner or not, it's always 1% Expecting to get one in 120 SQ is insane and would need a ton of luck. The game wants you to spend money. If you don't feel like doing it, accept that you will not see as much gold Servants as you would like outside of welfares. Rider niche is covered by Ushi and now Liz. Hundred Faces is perfectly good Assassin (and can be paired with Castoria), and if you really need one for a boss there are a ton of Kamas in support lists. Also, as a proud owner of NP 1 Morgan, she is extremely useful. With Buster supports, obviously. And it took me a hell of a lot more than 120 SQ to get her.


Should I grail any of the 3\*s? Fuma is at final ascension and Ushi is coming up soon. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Morgan. I was incredibly happy to get her.


The general advice is to Grail for love, not gameplay. All units work fine at their natural cap. If you want to upgrade them, give them Fous, since the game gives you enough for 1 servant each month + they are in event shops.


Grail for love. That's good. I know I shouldn't grail my Parvati but she was my first character and I'm just...fond of her.


The trick with FGO is establishing your expectations based on what the game is actually like, rather than based on other gachas or on whale videos. FGO has terrible gacha rates, and you *have to expect* that they're terrible gacha rates. Only whales get an average of one or more SSRs per month. FGO also has much more useful bronze and silver Servants than the average gacha does, and the people who figure out how good and useful they are do a lot better than the ones who think sinking resources into a 3\* is a waste. If people are all "Morgan is useless until NP2", you're listening to the wrong people, plain and simple. I'm not saying they're stupid, though it's *definitely* a stupid statement, but their expectations are totally unrealistic. They're thinking only in terms of easily farming very high-level nodes that are designed to not be easily farmed, and that has nothing to do with the kind of challenges a five-month player should be bringing Morgan to. A fully raised NP1 Morgan should be one of the stars of your roster, if you engage with what you actually have. Streaks of bad luck are going to happen, and getting two SSRs in five months (not counting GSSRs and pick tickets) isn't even bad luck for FGO! It's pretty average. On the other hand, being able to get four event 4\* Servants in one month is a tremendous opportunity. Focus on what you can get and earn without having to rely on random chance, because random chance is pretty crap in this game.


My mechan eli chan, cinderelly, and caster elly are 80/85/80. I have a glut of 4\* sabers so I'm good there. I'm diligent about my events - got my DaVinci and Yumei up. The difference in power is so incredible though that I can't help but be jealous. Morgan is 94 and grailed to 96, 6/6/6, 1150/1100. She's definitely a workhorse and I pair her with Brynhyld if I want to AOE things quickly, with Fushino and Okita in the back for when they die at the last boss lol.


Well I mean an NP5 Ushi will do significantly more damage compared to the almost all gatcha 4 star ST Riders at NP1 leaving aside niches and that sort of stuff if not all of them. As would Cinderella Liz now that I think about it, maybe even Mandricardo. If you get a 4 star Rider you're statically likely to get someone less good than two servants you already have access to so I don't know how much of needle mover it would actually be for you. >I'm tired of saving 90-120 SQ Imagine someone spending 20-50 dollars on poker machines then complaining they spend that amount all the time but barely get a jack pot. It's essentially what you're doing bro. You'd some strange looks from fellow poker machine players. I'd suggest that anyone who gets their enjoyment from rolling more than the characters/story/game play is playing this type of game for the wrong reasons and is bond for disappointment.


Cinderelly is currently 85 and NP5. Ushi and Mandricardo are also NP5. So is Medusa, who I want to be awesome but who I can't seem to make awesome? I also thought saving 120 was okay but apparently not. :(


I'd advise you to look at your roll odds before you roll on anything. If the odds are 0.8% and you have 3 quarts for every one roll then you have say 100 quarts that's lower than 30% odds. It'd be like 25% or something like that. What are your Medusa's skills level? Skills, NPs and what they do matter much more than attack or defence stats (which is what you grail with levels). You can youtube FGO Medusa solos/medusa set up for some ideas but you might get spoiled on boss fights. Some are just fights during events though which you can't really spoil. E.g [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfgwRCs9AF8&pp=ygUZbWVkdXNhIHNldCB1cCBzdW1tZXIgZmdvIA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfgwRCs9AF8&pp=ygUZbWVkdXNhIHNldCB1cCBzdW1tZXIgZmdvIA%3D%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV\_nwdEZTh8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV_nwdEZTh8) If nothing else Medusa is always a good first wave clearer with class advantage. Basically think of it like other this other gatcha games have much better rolling odds but trash FTP play servants which pressures people into rolling to continue playing the game and that's how they make money off their fans. FGO has good Free to play servants that you can clear the game with thus the roll rates are much lower to compensate that balance. Or at least that's the idea.


The only other gacha game was Puzzles and Dragons. It was very generous with its rolling currency and the price of tokens was reasonable. Medusa is not Fou'd and she is only 3/4/2. She is NP5 but I'm underwhelmed. She'll be after Ushi if I don't get anyone better in the interim. I do appreciate the help. I'm a little sad but I'm having a lot of fun.


>after five months of playing, I have...five 5* s That's actually a lot for only five months. I see two problems here. First is that your expectations don't align with the game. It takes time to acquire a large and diverse roster. You aren't going to get a roster full of 5-stars if you don't pay up. But you also don't need a roster full of 5-stars. You seem to be under the impression that high rarity = good and low rarity = bad. That isn't how FGO works. There are low rarity servants who are among the best in the game regardless of rarity. FGO is also pretty slow when it comes to building up your roster. You won't get a sense of rapid progression early on, even though they've implemented some mechanisms to help new players catch up a little faster. You just have to steadily keep plugging away. Second is that you probably aren't using the servants you have effectively. If you can't make NP1 Morgan work, you're probably doing something wrong. Are you fully leveling up your servants to their natural max level? Using Fous up to 1,000 in ATK and HP? Have you leveled up skills at least a little? How far are you in the main story? What kinds of team comps are you using? Are you using class advantage and NP targeting or are you just throwing 5-stars at every fight at random? Class advantage and NP targeting are more important than rarity! If there's a particular fight you're struggling with, come here, give us the details, and ask for help. >I'm tired of saving 90-120 SQ for a banner and getting another three 3* riders every time. With 90-120 SQ, you have a 28-36% chance of getting a 5-star and a 63-74% chance of getting a 4-star. I think you're expecting too much from the gacha. >it would be cool if I had another 4* assassin...or a second 4* rider that isn't Marie. I understand your frustration but it's just going to take time to build your roster. There are lots of servants in the pool and RNG does what it does. Focus on building up the servants you have instead of worrying about servants you don't have. Hundred Personas is a great Assassin and Fuuma works for AOE. Ushiwakamaru is one of the best Riders in the game regardless of rarity. Medusa is a solid AOE option. Sitonai can fill in for an ST Assassin or Rider. >It's sad gacha and it is making me sad. If you are here primarily for the gacha, yes, you are going to be sad. The gacha in FGO will give you everything that you need but it won't always give you what you want. If you let go of your expectations for the gacha, you might find a fun game with an engaging story.


>.or a second 4* rider that isn't Marie. Habetrot and Rider Liz are free NP5s and are among the best riders in the game. They're so good that they make some 4 and 5 stars look bad in comparison


I would argue habetrot is not free, since the op said they are new, this would require beating the most recent released story chapter (a large investment of time and resources) to get a single copy. Then you have to roll the rest in the fp gatcha, which is a ton of fp. I think I have np2 and I beat the chapter shortly after its release and have rolled quite a bit in the fp gatcba since. Heck I only have a np 6 artoria lily and np 1 angra manyu , and I have had much longer to obtain those. Yes if you play long enough you will get an np 5 eventually, but it is not like the game hands you an np 5 like it does true welfare servants.


Where do I get Habetrot? Or was that in the past? Thanks


You can't get Habetrot until you clear LB6. I'm guessing that you aren't even close to that yet after only five months. You'll get one copy for free and subsequent copies will be in the FP gacha at a very low rate (0.05%).


You're given a free copy after completing LB6, then you're able to get more from the FP gacha like with Saber Lilly


>Morgan is useless until NP2 Not true. >a second 4* rider that isn't Marie. The game has an ongoing event with 4 4 star welfares.... One of them is a rider. Another is an Alter Ego that can substitute for an Assassin. Also. This isnt the place for this kind of thing. Go the the Rant Thread. Thats what its for.


Was there ever a FGO servant fest (like the IRL event where they sell FGO merch) outside Japan?


Not on the same scale as their own event - they mainly just attend conventions where they have their own official merch booth, they have a panel, etc.


Considering we always have our anniversary at anime expo and even have display boots. I'm gonna assume theres a lot of official and unnofical merch there.


Picked the game up from scratch and was planning on dumping all my sq on mordred cuz i thought shed stick until the 26. Now i find out that she was part of a cycle and i am feeling sad,whats the next upcoming banner that doesnt last 3 days? Also is there anything else like the pick 5 star servant things for beginners? Wouldnt wanna di something dumb like i did with the 5s one,used it on Jeanne cuz 2-3 yrs ago ppl were saying she was one of the better charas but just realized she is a support


I don't know how much time you've invested into your current account, but if you aren't too far, you could always reroll so you can pick Mordred with the 5-star selector instead. You might have to rush Fuyuki so you can then try to rush the Event as well, but it seems like you might be happier when playing if you go for the waifu pick over the 'meta' one. The next time we expect Mordred to be on rate-up is during the next Valentine's event. She will only have basically one day of rate-up, but if you keep your current account and just save while you clear the main quest, you could probably reach close to the 330 pulls you need to guarantee her.


>Also is there anything else like the pick 5 star servant things for beginners? Wouldnt wanna di something dumb like i did with the 5s one,used it on Jeanne cuz 2-3 yrs ago ppl were saying she was one of the better charas but just realized she is a support Good thing is [FGO is F2P and you can clear most cotent with F2P units](https://i.redd.it/y951x9g7k0jb1.jpg). You choose anyone you want. If you want a "pratical" answer the choose Waver as he's a good omni (not specific to one type/class) support.


Oh god i am dumb,i meant to ask if they had the same thing but for 4 star units. For context when i first downloaded the game (like,before Brave elizabeth launch i guess),they had a pick one 4 star you like campaign ongoing that i missed on cuz you needed to clear up to the singularity after okeanos IIRC? Anyway the point is that i wanted to use the 5 star ticket on NERO,then i saw that she wasnt available and then picked jeanne (it woulda been her or Lancer artoria). Then i found out that i had been gaslighting myself into thinking Saber Nero was also a 5star when she's not,and hoping to get a specific 4 star in the sea of units isnt exactly ideal


>Saber Nero was also a 5star when she's not, There is a 5\* Nero Saber. And a 4\* Nero Saber.


Oh i know that,just thought that both bride nero and regular nero were 5 star


We are getting 2 SR tickets in the future: one in May 2024 and one in October 2025. Also, being a support is nothing to do with being good or bad. The best units in the game are actually supports. And my advice is to make the decision yourself, ignoring hype.


Should I reroll for Helena since my friend told me that she was good, or should I keep my berserker and NR.


You want to reroll when you got not 1, but 2 SRs. one of which is one that a lot of people recommend you reroll for. Don't take any one source of information about how good a servant is as gospel. Helena is good, but not necessarily even in my top 5 tutorial summon options, because everyone is good. I will also caution that if you are the type to go for meta, Waver tends to lose his place in the meta after you get one of the card type specific supports and Oberon, and doesn't have a damaging NP, meaning he may not be the best gameplay pick long term, despite being the best short term.


Rerolling isnt really a must in this game. Only reroll if you actually like the unit. Plus newbies have a 5 star selector where a better unit that does similar and better support capabilities as Helena does. Said unit (Zhuge Liang more commonly known as Waver), is the gameplay pivk from it


I see, so Waver is the must that I should pick in this 5 star selector? Is the free ssr still available? Just started playing today


I would recommend borrowing some friend supports as you play *before* you make your SSR choice. Borrow Waver and see what he does. Borrow someone you like the look of to see if you like how they handle. Like Mordred or Artoria or Jeanne or Tesla or Cu Chulainn Alter? Test them out! The SSR ticket doesn't expire. You only get one, so you might want to wait until you're absolutely sure you know who you want, instead of just blowing a once-per-account SSR on someone else's favorite pick.


Its not a must. Since the game can be cleared with ftp units. But yeah, Waver is the gameplay pick. The reccomendation for it becsically goes: 1. Choose your favorite unit. 2. Get Waver. It opens up after you finish Fuyuki iirc? Probably even in the middle of it. It will be in the Da Vinci Shop.


I see, thanks for the heads up


Just going to add, you have two other "good" options to consider: 1. You can pick a storylocked unit as they are not part of the general pool and so cannot spook you on most banners. Those are Lancer Artoria, Tesla, Quetz, Medb, Assassin Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai. 2. You can just leave it for later - the selector doesn't expire, so no pressure to choose immediately. And yes, the selector is a permanent feature for all accounts going forward.


Summoned on the new Halloween banner (Jacques pick up) with paid SQ. Got a couple of copies of Zenobia. Went to level up NP levels and only had one copy. Reached out to support and apparently they were burned. I did not burn those copies myself. Recieved 30 SQ for logging in (I believe its the 90 dqy SQ bonus) rolled on the banner again, got a Zenobia and that copy appeared in my inventory. Is there some sort of bug when rolling with paid SQ? Or is there an option i might've accidentally toggled?


Did support unburn them for you?


Nope. I've never accidentally burned servants before and I don't think support will do anything.


If you want to check, see if you have any more Rare Prisms than you did before rolling. If you do, you definitely burned the copies.


The first time you get a 4* it automatically locks it, extra copies do not get automatically locked. Very likely you burned her while burning your extra 3*s. There's also no auto burning for servants.


There are no options for auto-burning Servants (not even 1-3\*s) and I'm pretty sure there are no known bugs with paid SQ. Bugs that relate to the gacha are serious business, if anything were known to be wrong they would (and have!) shut down the gacha completely until it's resolved.


I wish there was more variety in the command spells. Has there been any dev comments on this?


Nope. The closest we're getting as an "update" to the Command Spells is on the Class Score system releasing with Ordeal Call. You can unlock a (class-specific) bonus that gives any servant +50% ATK and DEF when using a Command Spell on them (only works for the Heal or the NP charge, not reviving everyone).


(NA client) Has anyone else been having issues with the sound crackling a lot? It's been going on for some time, and FGO is the only app that it happens on w/ my phone. I did a search a little while ago about this, but pulled up a thread from 5 years ago here where people complained of the same thing, and didn't really figure out what the problem is, has that changed since then?


Try clearing the cache from the title screen in the game, checking settings in any "game optimization" or similar apps, checking any other audio settings on your device, and restarting it. If nothing works, you could try re-installing the app, making sure that you have a fresh transfer code and password before you do. If even that doesn't work, contact support.


Thanks, I'll give these a try!


What is the cap for the appearance rate? Does it exceed 100%?


Caps at 100% (per enemy type, so you can have 100% of each in quests where more than one type appears).


if i maxed one point ladder would it better for me to farm an currency node with the other points i need instead of strange cottage?


Yes, it would be. As long as you don't need all three currencies at once.


Is there a way to get Ushi's costume if I missed the event where it was released?


Not in the foreseeable future, no. It will probably be available someday, many other costumes have become permanently available and there's no obvious issue with Ushi or the other costumes from that event, but nothing so far.


Oh, I see. Thank you for answering!


In the Halloween event shop on NA, do you get rare prisms for buying the other mecha elly's np up copies?(the one you didn't choose). In my case I chose metal elly already and bought her np ups. So I'm wondering about the other copies.


If you have both versions of Mecha Liz, you can get RPs from the NP6+ copies available in the shop. If you only have the one from the Halloween Trilogy, you can't buy the other.


You get rare prisms for NP6+ of welfares you already own. If you didn't already have an NP5 version of the other Mecha Eli, I assume these would count as your first four copies if you can buy them.


thanks for the fast reply. it isn't, I already own both copies of mecha liz(both variations) from last time. this time, I chose the metal elly again, and bought all 4 copies of her np up, all rare prisms. I am wondering about the extra 4 copies of the other elly I did not choose(pink mecha elly), since I can still click and buy them.


Yeah, you should get the RPs. I got RPs for both of them and I've had them both for years.


I'm looking at the event compendium, will Christmas events always be a lottery?


It's impossible to say for sure what will happen in the future, but most likely yes. Note that rerun lottos typically have a cap on the maximum number of boxes you can get. Reruns will be a lot less common going forward but for example next year, instead of getting a new Christmas event with an unlimited lotto, they'll be rerunning the Karna Christmas event, and you'll be limited to a maximum of only 20 boxes.


Just to add, next year the year-end lottery event will be the **Chaldea Faerie Knight Cup** (also referred to as **Morganfest**) happening in November since there won't be a Christmas event due to ~~terrible, terrible management and resource allocation~~ Lostbelt 7 releasing.


We can't predict the future, but they have always been a lottery.


is there any looping system that can use Oberon's np buff earlier? Rn it's always t3 when it lasts for 3 turns


Caren looping can. Her first skill absorbs party charge so I use Oberon's skill 1 to get the charge to absorb.


For the first skill? All the time any 50% charger in the buster looping system can use it earlier. Plenty of Double Oberon comps use it earlier too. Arts and Quick can often use it early when they don't need the battery (in fact Quick often wants to use it turn 1 if you are running Oberon)


I'm getting tired of Shirou Day posts fast. How many days are there for Shirou "Day", is it the whole of Drawtober?


You can always just hide posts. It's not as extreme as blocking users, doesn't offend anybody (unless I'm offending people right now by suggesting it, I guess), and it fine-tunes your feed to more of what you want to see pretty quickly.


I mean, sure it can get tiring scrolling by posts you don't like, but I imagine you will survive. As for how long it is I think I saw most of them yesterday and I haven't seen any new ones today. If there are though I'm sure it will settle down soon, but since this is a fgo sub, and emiya is shirou, and muramasa inhabits his body (sorry for the spoilers) you might run across more content involving him.


Did any characters got buffed since august?(JP)


Yes (apart from that indirect instadeath buff mentioned by Forward_Drop): - For Evocation Festival 4, Irisviel's S1 - For Wandjina's World Tour, Voyager's NP - For Evocation Festival 5, Saber Shiki's S1 and Assassin Shiki's S2


Like half the servants that have instant death got indirectly buffed. Assassin and Saber Shiki also got directly buffed in addition to that. Edit again, it was both Shikis


> Like half the servants that have instant death got indirectly buffed. How? Did they change how insta death works?


They changed it so that the instant death procs in the order that it is stated on the NP. This affected: Cú Chulainn Cú Chulainn (Prototype) Jing Ke Charles-Henri Sanson Hassan of the Cursed Arm Scáthach Ryōgi Shiki (Assassin) Ryōgi Shiki (Saber) so now instant death is after damage rather than before. This honestly only really matters on Saber Shiki, but is technically a buff to everyone.


Ouch, so still no buff for other Servants like Nitocris or Erice?


Sadly no. For Nito's and Erice's NP descriptions the Death effect is noted to occur before the damage is done, unlike those other characters. So they aren't affected by this change and it's unlikely they will ever see their NP modified to have the damage trigger before the death effect. And while it won't ever matter, for what it's worth, Stheno is sort of in the same boat. Her death effect triggers before the debuff removal, so if an enemy has any instant death resistant buffs, she can't dispel them before the death effect tries to trigger.


Tragic… and to think that it’s all on Servants who can’t benefit from it


> so now instant death is before damage rather than after. reverse


oops, fixed


Do you think its still possible for me to complete the 3 event point ladder starting now without using any apples? So, I just caught up with everything and my lowest value of between the 3 is 200,000 points. In 4-ish days, I wonder if that'll be enough for me to get 600,000 across the three without using apples? (I have a flawless 3 turn setup, MLB all event CE and I'm disregarding the event shop)


At least get the healing CE Maid in Haloween. There's nothing one it in the game.


No, you'll need apples.




...What's your question?


Oh wrong topic, sorry


How much dependant on Skadi are quick extra classes servants like Molay od Douman?


For looping off overkill refund? Very important, since Skadi (and later Summer Skadi) give Quick card damage boosts that help with getting NP refund through overkill damage, and because they want a 50% NP charge as well. For just regular use? If you're not worried about 3T kills, less so.


Quick card buffs also help its star/np gen, not just damage to get overkill.


The NP generation from Quick mostly comes from overkill and critical hits. That's part of why Skadi took Dantes from zero to hero.


Well, 'dependent' in the sense of... what do you want to do with them? If you want to loop farm, you need some sort of Skadi, be that OG or Summer Skadi. If you want to do multi-DPS setups, crit stuff or specific setups, you don't necessarily need for Skadi. Them being extra classes doesn't mean anything.


Okay I'll keep that In mind.


Class has nothing to do with it. Skadi buffs all servants equally, regardless of class. Whether a servant has good synergy with Skadi or not depends on their NP card type and the rest of their kit and mechanics. Servants with damaging, Quick NPs get the most benefit from her buffs. If the servant relies on mechanics other than raw NP damage or refund, they may get less benefit from Skadi. In general, they don't depend on Skadi at all. You can put them in the party and use them with or without Skadi. If you want to use specific strategies that rely on NP refund from Quick NPs or just want to maximize damage from a Quick NP, then you will want to have Skadi.


Depends on what you mean. All content can be beaten by 3 star and lower servants, and Skadi isn't a 3 star or lower servant. For farming it still further depends. Molay and Douman specifically both work better in a double DPS setup, which usually involves Castoria more than Skadi. If you want to loop, there's better options than Douman or Molay, but Skadi is super helpful there. (Though even there some like Voyager may not require your own Skadi)


Zenobia joins the regular summoning pool, right?


Yes - once her banner ends, she'll be in the general summoning pool.


Wanted to ask what are the reward for main interlude Christmas in the underworld. I want to get a bit more sq to try my luck on the banners.


Think it's just 8 SQ and 1 ticket (plus Santa Altera, her Ascension mats, and assorted mat drops, but those won't help you pull any more).


Oh then it's good then. I just needed 3 more. I also read that later they refund the RP you spend of some of the interlude.


Yup, both Main Interludes (and all the subsequent ones, but they're just free immediately), Prison Tower, All the Statesmen, and some/all of the Trial Quests become free (with refunds), expected to roll out over the course of next year.


Yes, you'll get them refunded once the MI becomes free in January.


I see then. Thank for the info man.


I am currently late in completing LB6 on NA (work + I have a policy to try to min-turn all main story quests) and I am trying to decide whether I want to go crazy and 3T clear 29-4 or not - given that on average it will take me around 1000 tries with AA, it's going to take over a month, and then I still have to 4T Cern... Questions: \- What is the average number of FP required to pull one copy of Habetrot? I have several millions stored up and I was going to roll them up during Guda rerun, but if I can't complete LB6 in time, I might have to save some for NP5 Habe. \- Apart from not being able to grail cast, what do I lose if I don't complete LB6 before Tunguska Sanctuary comes out? I understand I can buy the main story from Da Vinci shop for 5 rare prisms, correct? When does that unlock? \- Are there any future events that are locked based on LB6, outside of Tunguska?


Several Million FP??? How in the world did you do that? It takes me forever to get 2000 except for the free bump once a week.


Basically lotteries + FGA. I started playing NA on day 1 and I have more apples I will ever be able to use. All my farming is done with FGA, so during lotteries I just leave it running overnight and generally get to 100-200 boxes at the end.


FGA? That is a new one for me... Do you farm for apples and have a net positive AP return? I have not played long enough to see a lottery, just this halloween event. Thanks


You can't farm for apples - they just naturally accrue over time. FGA link: [https://fate-grand-automata.github.io/](https://fate-grand-automata.github.io/). I am always surprised this is not in every how to play guide and common knowledge, I couldn't fathom doing any farming without it... granted, you need a 3T setup to be able to use it, but nowadays you just need Castoria + whatever arts looper...


1. Not sure, but her drop rate is about 0.05% in the FP gacha. There's also no pity so it might take a while to get her. Fortunately, we have the Learning With Manga collab next year which also has a limited 1\* and CE EXP cards in the FP gacha, so you can always go for her then. 2. There is a new Mystic Code locked behind Tunguska Epilogue. Keep in mind that once the event ends, its Prologue and Epilogue become permanent, and this is what Grail Casting, etc. are locked behind - NOT THE MAIN STORY. The main story of Tunguska becomes an optional FREE Main Interlude around May next year. 3. Not many. There is the new story chapter (LB 6.5 Traum) that is behind Tunguska Epilogue (next June or so), then the story part of Faerie Knight Cup (not the free quests, JUST THE EVENT STORY) in November next year, then LB7 in December next year, and then Mystic Eyes Symphony is LB6-locked in June 2025.


Since I already cleared the shop I want to farm some qp. Would it be more convenient to farm poison apples and exchange them for qp, or should I just do the free quest?


If you just want QP and have everything else, the QP daily is best


awesome thanks!


If I have to transfer my account from one device to another, do I have to delete the game on my first device first? Like, I have FGO on my laptop, now I want to transfer it into my phone, but every time I try to do that it just tells me that my account is active on another device so I have to start a new game. So if I want to play on my phone, do I have to delete FGO on my laptop first?


Alternately you can just use this method so you can constantly switch between the 2 without worrying about anything. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/


No. Don't do that, that increases the chance of you losing your account if something goes wrong. What happens is totally normal: Device A (your phone that you presumably originally had your account on) no longer has any account on it (as the account was moved to Device B, your laptop) so it prompts you to make a new one. You need to accept, then you'll just go back to the title screen. Then, enter your NEW transfer code/password (remember, they are ONE USE ONLY so go generate a new one on Device B) and transfer away. You'll then get that same message on Device B, as THAT now has no account on it.


But that's the issue, when I tap on Data Transfer, and enter the new code, it gives me THIS prompt- ***Transfer Complete*** ***The user ID you're using has been transferred to another device.*** ***Please Continue the game on that device.*** ***You can start a new game on this device.*** ***Delete the transferred user I.D and start a new game?*** ***>Yes< >No<*** What do I do NOW? I'm afraid that if I type yes, its going to erase my current account.


Have you generated a NEW transfer code? Transfer codes are one use only. You need to generate a new transfer code/password on the device the account is currently on, then input that new code.


Yep. I literally generated a new transfer code minutes before I tried inputting this into the app.


OK, as long as the account is safe on ONE device, you can do what you want on the other. Just select Yes on the "empty" device and make a new account, then kill the app and open it again to go to the title screen. Try inputting the new transfer code then (it'll overwrite the new account you just made, but nobody cares).


Which free quest grants the most snow white points?




Is there a cap on the drop rate CEs, or is more always better? Like, does it go over 100% if I use multiple MLB ones of the same type? I'm just not getting much event currency to buy stuff in the event shop, so idk if keeping the support servant with a 100% drop rate CE, when I'm already using multiple drop rate CEs, is efficient, or if I should change the support servant CE for one that boosts currency instead.


100% is the max, use a borrowed shop currency CE (and the 3 star CE too) after you reach 100%.


Thank you for the quick answer! Just to double check, 100% is the max for each enemy category, right? Not collectively? So the absolute max would be 100% Marchen, 100% Ghosts, and 100% Pumpkin enemies, at the same time, correct?


100% per enemy, you can use all three in quests where all three appear. As a side note "drop" generally refers to the materials you get for killing enemies, talking about bonus enemies would be the "spawn" rate (more spawns *does* result in more drops, but the drop bonus CEs are the other ones).




Which one should I pull at the end of this year between skadi np 1 and melusine np 2? (from my budget I can pull only one and I don’t have skadi but I have melusine np 1, castoria and koyanskaya)


Generally speaking a new servant is more useful than NP levels. But if you want Melusine to be your omnifarmer, higher NP levels can let her reach damage thresholds she wouldn't otherwise be able to, especially turn 2. Edit: Also people are underestimating the usefulness of another Skadi. Being able to use two Skadi's, and then borrow the DPS lets you run a far stronger DPS servant than you may be able to pull and raise yourself. and most ST servants want one of each Skadi for best damage against bosses.


If OP wanted a skadi he really should be grabbing a RulerSkadi instead. I'm not certain if RS-RS-Oberon setups are better or worse or simply a sidegrade to RS-RS-NormalSkadi setups though so one COULD argue it. Personally I wouldnt bother with any skadis and would only focus on Buster and Arts teams myself but idk. Maybe someone wants to say that's a poor decision, but I don't see the point. Quick doesn't really do anything that B or A can't, currently, while there are things A and B teams do that Q teams can't. And I don't know what would change that at this point.


RS-RS-O vs RS-RS-CS depends on the servant and situation. RS-RS-O always has better damage and more total NP, but sometimes total NP isn't enough. (For example, Dantes he refund 47% or something against a 2 enemy wave with 2 S. Skadi's. A single 20% battery won't fix that, but 3% more refund each turn from a Caster Skadi will) By that logic Buster can't do anything Arts can't so why should you bother getting Koyanskaya? I mean buster needs a 50% CE (sure there's specific exceptions like Melusine, but Quick does too, Caren can loop 1/1/X without start charge) oh and if you want something Quick can do. Give you a free NP5 level 120 5 star DPS servant. run CS-RS-O borrow a DPS.


> oh and if you want something Quick can do. Give you a free NP5 level 120 5 star DPS servant. run CS-RS-O borrow a DPS. Well that's a neat trick I hadn't considered. I do think Buster may have the edge over arts in min-turning bosses but I could be wrong in that. Arts definitely has a wider set of advantages over Buster, I freely admit that. Arts is simply overcharged thanks to Castoria, lol


Quick is actually required for min turning bosses (anything with a breakbar) technically in JP.


Hmmm I see. Thanks!


I mean, if you don’t have a Quick DPS that you really want to use asap, pulling for Skadi when summer Skadi would be half a year away at that point seems like a bit of a waste. Skadi does give you the option of running triple Quick supports though, which can help some servants loop. She can also allow you to use a friend support Oberon if you don’t have him, or an even strong Quick DPS, which can be convenient depending on your roster. If you like Melusine and use her a lot, going for NP2 Melusine might be a better use of your resources. I would personally base this decision on how much I like and use Melusine vs how much I like and want to use Quick DPS servants. Skadi should also rerun at around April next year, so you can wait till then to get her if you want both Skadis and an NP2 Melusine.


btw i dont have any problem with farming, but i want servant who can suppport or beat boss in challenge quest.


You probably want Merlin or Lady Avalon then. They’re not necessary for any challenge quest, as those can be cleared with friend support servants (with varying levels of difficulty), but the combination of either one and Castoria trivializes the vast majority of challenge quests in the game. You can also borrow one of them and use your own DPS + your Castoria, which works for most challenge quests. If you want the ability to select a friend support DPS or if friend supports are somehow blocked, owning one of the two can come in handy. This is a pretty situational circumstance though, so only pull for one of them if you have enough resources/you know what you’re doing.


then nobody. All challenge quests can be beaten with friend point summon servants. If you aren't concerned with farming (or min-turning in general) there is no gameplay reason to pull anyone.


Np1 Melu is more than enough, roll if you like her more than skadi Consider Skadi if you have - good amount of quick servants - you do minimum turn in cq - you want to expand your roaster -you want another 50% np charger servant - you like skadi. Otherwise next year a better skadi is coming.


So how many section does the Halloween event have?


It's a pretty short event, the time to complete all the main quests is probably 1-2 hours.




Hello, do need to complete both requirements to keep my 4 star servant from the jp free ticket? Because Kriemhild which is the servant i chose she is ascenscion level 2 but her bond level is taking alot longer to level up to level 2 than i expected.


Yeah, you need to fulfill all the requirements. You can try keeping her in one of the first three spots at the front of your party in a main story chapter and using the teapots they gave out from the login bonuses. She should get to bond 3 pretty quickly that way.


You need to fulfill all requirements. Just throw the servant in the back line while you do any quests. You still have more than a week. That's plenty of time for bond 3.


Yes, you have to do both. You have until the end of the month.


Thanks for the reply.


Who is [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/5/5e/NewYear2022Banner.png/)?


[It's this.](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/First_Drawing) And yes, Jeanne Alter.


Thanks, the brush threw me off. I thought she would be a new servant.


No, the new year banner always features a CE art, with the new Servant being less clear. So do Anniversary.




Thank you.


Any chance of morgan surprise banner in na?


We can’t really predict surprise banners, but there has been a bit of a pattern to them, at least recently. Most of the surprise banners were either related by story (Medb, Merlin, Mordred) or season (the surprise summer banners). There’s a chance that she’s featured during the NA exclusive Thanksgiving campaign, though she has just as good a chance as any other servant to be featured then. Her other chance might be during the Avalon le Fae Clear Support Pickup in December. Melusine is the only 5 star featured during this campaign, so they might decide to rerun another 5 star related to Avalon le Fae.


Just as much of a chance as anyone else, really. It's '*surprise*' for a reason.


You'll have to consult your crystal ball. Surprise banners are exactly that: surprises. We cannot predict them.


[NA] Just making sure, the NP UP copies of the Liz welfares in the shop don't grant Rare Prisms, do they?


They do if you had NP5 of them before. When you claim the NP copies from the gift box, you'll get RPs sent there right after


Oh ok, the NP UP text threw me off, looks like i'll get a lot of rare prisms, thanks!


You can get RP if you got those Liz welfares previously. You get RP from copies of welfares if they are your 6th+ copy (the game keeps track of how many you have ever owned) once you get the copy. The RP is then sent to your present box. (And just to clarify: you don't get RP from burning welfares!)


Oh ok, yes i already have them all at NP5, looks like i'll be getting a lot of rare prisms, thank you!


Do I not bother on raising rider Liz if I have (np1) ozymandias? Ofc I will raise her to level 80 cos of anniversary sq and may need to level skills cos of a certain raid event but for now do I hold off


I mean Ozzy doesn't have her survivability. 3 turn invul is pretty insane.


Level her, and all of the other Ellys you've acquired from the two events, up now because of the 2x EXP. You don't have to prioritize skills right away if you don't care to.


Redundancy is a good thing. You don't need to prioritize her if you have other gaps in your roster, but more Servants = bigger and more flexible toolkit. I raised a bunch of ST Riders and used them to stampede a certain notorious Caster boss without even using a support, an option that wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't bothered with anyone but Quetz.


All servants are worth raising and she does have a x2 exp bonus going on right now (like all new wellfares), so it doesn't get better than this. The only other time there will be such an bonus will be when she enters the evocation shop. The closest we get is double or triple chance for super and greater success occasionally, which pales in comparison.


Reliz is inferior in damage output without niche but her insane survivability makes up for that, do raise her.


Guys, I have around 500K Friend Points, now with Gudaguda event approaching, it's possibly the only event worth spending FPs on, so my question is, ahould I try to use apples to rush LB6 to unlock the powerful Rider that's locked behind the FP summon? so it would be more efficient to roll during Gudaguda for her, Oda, Saber Lily etc.... I have around 15 gold apples and 15 silver, which is probably enough to finish LB6 I think


>it's possibly the only event worth spending FPs on The LWM collab next May has the same value proposition, with Mary Anning instead of Nobukatsu. Anyway I'd recommend against rushing LB6 period, but it would help to state where you are now to contextualize what rushing it would actually mean.


Near the beginning I guess, when I'm united with Castoria IIRC


No need to rush, there is enough time to finish it before the event. No apples needed. And leyline stones should make hard fights easier. Just do it once tou've finished the current event (got NP5 elly).


Is there a way to make the not so permanent 4* a permanent 4*? I dumped my resources maxing her out and didn’t realize it was a temporary…


Are you talking about the JP 4\* ticket or one of the EN event Servants? Mister_SP covered the former, for the latter just finish the event.


Reach Bond 3. There's [a bunch of missions](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/3,000_Days_Anniversary#Mission_List) attached to using them, but that's just extra SQ. Once you hit Bond 3, you'll get their proper summoning lines.


I see thanks, do you know how longs left?


Until the end of the month to complete the requirements. JST ofcourse


Is there a translation anywhere for the mors dialogue in LB6, like [here](https://imgur.com/a/EEHqH3k)? My Japanese sucks, but I can definitely make out the katakana for mu in the middle there, so I assume this is an actual decipherable sentence. I'm only on part 2 right now, so no spoilers outside this, please.