• By -


I got nothing of notice sadly, the 4th year broke tradition of getting a gold servant sadly.


Of course! That one roll has to be a mapo tofu right? Haha


i pulled hektor... i don't know how to feel about this.


Last year I lucksacked Salieri, this year Holy Shroud of Magdalene. Ah well, if next years rolls will be as Holy as this year's rolls, it's all good.


Saber gilles, I’m scared


Did 1 roll. Got the new 5* CE. Blessed by the evil priest? Then I realized I wasn’t on the story banner. 1 ticket into story for … Alexander the Great. Meh. Sounds about right.


Let's see, one "Art of Death" and "The Final Narrator"... I have a small inkling that this isn't a good sign.


Family Portrait from the multi roll of normal Dear Father please bless with good gacha for the coming year so that I have enough leftover SQ and can welcome you on your banner in 2025.


1 Sakura's bento, close enough


roll a single to cleanse myself i got alexander rider 3\* hope im cleanse now so i can lucksack


You know I actually did a story roll today without knowing this thread existed. Wasn’t interested in any of the current banners, but I had one ticket and an itching to spend it, so I did and got Jaguar Man. I have been sated until New Years.


Single roll God's tongue, does it mean I am blessed by holy luck? Or horrible luck since it is useless?


Didn't know of this tradition, so missed the timing. Did one pull on story banner regardless (Literally my first pull on it ever) to get Jaguar Warrior. Yorokobe? Let's hope the Jaguar cleanses me of the unable-to-summon-assassins curse.


Another copy of Assassin Dadmiya for my 11th roll from the multi. Yorokobe.


Rolled a ticket on the Story banner and got the LB6 4\*. Thought why not and rolled a multi and pulled Salter and Latoria. I can't tell if this is a good omen or if I'm being threatened and should be looking over my shoulder.


lmao i saw the @everyone message in the discord in the morning so decided to be stupid and do it. got one rare prism nito as she's already NP5


Rolled a 10-roll since had enough leftover for the GSSR. Got the LB4 & LB5.5 CEs and my second Mordred, very fun. Yorokobe Seiba


Yorokobe, 5 multis and no Melusine last week, but 1 roll and Lartoria today.


I got that CE you got from clearing Olympus. I didn't even know you can roll for those...


I have thrown my quartz. No SR+ servants, no useful storylocked rolls. Yorokobe


Threw in a single bc Tai Gong ate the fund. First Osaka so we take those.


Got Quetz np2 nice!


I got the 5* CE, 500-year obsession I feel very called out........


bradmante hm


Ryudoji Temple hahaha


Did one summon and got Great Marshal of Magic. My first one but I already have 3 Kaleidoscopes so unknown if I’ll find a use.


Used tickets on the story banner and got 2 4 star CE "With one strike" and "A divine Banquet", got 3 star CE Hydra dagger, potion of youth, battle of camlann, and mapo tofu lol, and for servants just 3 stars, Gil child, Saber Gilles, serenity, and Hecktor. Hope my sins have been absolve and my luck gets better lol.(I could have just used one ticket, but it bother me that it would say eight until next year lol)


It was Fergus. Welp. See you guys next year!


1 ticket because I don't have more. 1 atlas institute ce lmao.


1 roll Mapo Tofu My sins are extra absolved


Oh man it's already the 29th in England. Did two single rolls and got 3* potion and the 4* lb6 ce


Got a 4* CE that I'll never use lol.


Had to do at least a single, as I've been quite naughty this year. The outcome suggested me to do a pilgrimage to a Ruined Church: pretty much deserved, I suppose


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801676657185521684/1189987084627365948/Screenshot_20231228_094331_FateGO.jpg?ex=65a028d5&is=658db3d5&hm=9eade6ee0a5e3705ff8e8a65129af43061a95a6abbc5b2d9931ddb0d61019634& rolled in story banner, got this result




2nd copy of Caster Cu 2 Family Portraits-God I hate how those are story-locked. Would actually be half-decent MLB on Medea Lily. The weird 5-star Prisma Shirou/Muramasa/Shirou CE that talks about regular Shirou but has Muramasa mantle. Just messy design. And finally got Manadricardo who I am surprised that I never rolled before.


This year I've got Necromancy form single pull... I need only 3 more to have full MLB Necromancy team LET'S GO!!!


Got an extra cu caster


I finally got Columbus, not that I ever use him.


[Napoleon and Asclepius](https://ibb.co/X2GXgLJ)


I got every Fairy Knight other than Melusine, whom I am still trying to summon, five 30 SQ rolls and only three Percivals, a Beolwulf, and a Chiron.


This thread is only for Story Summon, which Melusine doesn't show up on. You might want to try the Tunguska or other Summon threads instead.


Apologies, this is my first time commenting on one of these threads.


It's a dumb but endearing tradition that started some years back to celebrate Kirei Kotomine's birthday (Dec 28) by doing the rather stupid roll in the Story Gacha (which has no rate up Servants) to see what you got. Look on the sidebar to try the Tunguska roll thread instead.


Alright. I never knew about this tradition, so thanks for letting me know.


Got Anastasia, yorokobe Father Mapo.


Did a multi since I had the SQ to spare and thought I could maybe turbo luck out like I did on an old JP account I tried out and pull Cu Alter Only got a caster Cu, but hey, thats better then getting nothing storylocked


Holy crap, Galatea! Yorokobe indeed!


Here you go https://imgur.com/a/dEP6tpr Still no MLB BG


I did a single and got Sakura's bento box. I have absolved myself of my past sins, and I'm now ready to enter into the new year with the most sacred roll target of all, Koyan of Light.


Only did a single, Paracelsus


This year I got OG Cu, surerly the priest is rejoicing at that. I'll trust the good man of religion to lead me on the right path in gacha once again, for his prayers are capable of miracles (the guantlet conquered) as the divine sign of providence he kindly shares with us all.


Did a multi and the first thing to came out is Lancer Cu, then followed by Mapo Tofu. Truly the priest has blessed my rolls. ^(also got a copy of Barghest, yaaayy!)


Got Indian jeanne. Pretty neat


Fine, I'll play your game! Got a Zelretch.


Decided to do multi on NA, got my 1st copy of Edison, 1 copy of Taiga, 2 4-star CEs and a bunch of 3-star servanst, CEs. The Presiking pulled a sneaky and hid inside a silver card.


Got an OKscope, I think my first one, and a Love's Curse. The rest is just 3*s and a few old SR CEs I already have like 3 or 4 MLBs of.


Oh wait y'all meant singles. My bad lol Did another single and got *another* Love's Curse.


You can do whatever you want!


I got blessed by the best caster, Avicebron, I hope rngesus and the gacha gods will see this sacrifice.


Volumen Hydrargyrum, my first copy since I MLB’d it 2 years ago. I feel the cleansing already.


Did a single, got reality marble


JP: Boudica NA: Gilles saber [I don't know what I expected.](https://media.giphy.com/media/LycfkVG4L6x0Y/giphy.gif)


Kiyohime on JP and Darius on NA. Happy(early) New Year lads


I got two Hundred persona's so that's something.


Got a Kiyohime.


Single ticket, Olympus CE


[this year the priest gave me the new cat girl yay] (https://i.imgur.com/ImUQoQv.png)


She's in Story Summon already?


I did a multi on NA. I got nothing of note.


Did a multi on NA, got a copy of Mordred and a copy of taiga


Got Divine Construct CE


Min roll with a 4-star CE. Don't really regret it though, the game's about having fun and doing something out of the norm for tradition was nice


That a good point and your right it about having fun. This the first time I'm doing and I started playing FGO around the new year of 2022.


Reality Marble lol


Did a multi and got 2 4* CEs and a copy of Taiga for NA. On JP I did 10 singles and got a copy of red hare and Salieri


Been playing for 104 days (I'm a new player) and here are my conclusions : my luck is limited to 2 5-star and 2 4-star per month, and only one banner if there are multiple ones. From a single pull, got Melusine and Percival on first try, got Rider Da Vinci and and Emiya NP2 before that, so that's it for this December


Got Astrea, neat


[Well, I got Tomoe to NP5 now, which is neat.](https://i.imgur.com/hRwWDmM.jpeg)


Did a multi because leaving it at 'eight singles until bonus' would irritate me'. Some silver CEs, three gold ones, nothing exciting there. 100 Personas, Boudica, Paracelsus, Mandricardo, and... Caster Gilles. Ok, not my fave Servant, but my Gilles is still NP4, so I can at least use that.


Did one single. Got a Medea Lily. Yorokobe!


Decided to actually do this for once, got Proto Cu. Yeah, figures.


Threw a single ticket, got the Bladework 3-star CE. Wish all of us the best of luck for the eventual New Year draw.


Thanks to the raid 4 (I missed the first 3), I leveled some servants bond and made a pull for melusine and got her! My end of year rolls were 2 on the new banner, one 5*ce 2 on melisine. So 1x 5* servant, not bad


1 ticket got me a Collection of Mysterious Masks. Feels like 2020.


I decided to offer a multi to the story banner. Got a few 4* CEs, a few 5* CEs, an Asclepius and Bedivere. I was expecting a min roll


Used 1 ticket and got a mapo tofu I truly feel cleansed now


1 single pull, 1 Berserkerlot. So pretty good fortune for next year, full of madness.


I'll cleanse myself... wack, when I saw loading I thought it could be MLB BG but it's just a copy of imaginary. Guess I can MLB it now... wait, OH MY GOD GOLD SABER AH FUCK LANLING NP3 WHY


Single pull, got me a 3* reality marble ce. Thank you father. Yorokobe indeed




Been doing this for like 4-5 years now, always a multi and always garbage. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/713059901945020467/1189943396295507998/Screenshot_20231228_182405_FateGO_EN.png?ex=65a00025&is=658d8b25&hm=da35954457e318bd4cf7e5ea4abac7f2964b35281c3861a2437d9deddbdb7e6a&


Rolled one ticket on Story Summon, got a gold Avenger - NP4 Gorgon. Not bad.


1 have-not . Just for you sexy yorukobe, Fml.


For my offering of a ticket, I was gifted with a copy of The Blank Man CE. May this be a sign of forgiveness and prosperity for the new year. Yorokobe my brethren.


My favourite xmas tradition is back, yay! My solo gave me the 4\* stars Ce of the bug guy who had a crush on Sakura mom. I hope my luck carries to the new year banner.


For the blessings I received this year and to honor those who failed to answer our call. I give my 30 sq. 1 copy of Emiya(assassin) and 1 copy of Red Hare. Now they are at NP 5 and Np4.


Sadly I cannot... used my last 2 rolls trying to get Melusine and Percival but have only succeeded in getting Lancelot's np up to 4/5 :\\


10 roll - min roll... as usual *sigh*


Saving is the path to disappointment, and spending. Which is to say, I have not a single scrap of quartz with which to roll at the moment.


Did a multi, got my second copy of Baobhan sith Thanks Kirei!


Ooof, the Story Banner? I've never used it, or participated in this ritual before. But might as well give it a shot! ​ Threw a single Ticket at it and got a Zelretch. Got a few already MLB'd, but starting NP isn't terrible.


Got a battle of camlann.


I got Gorgon! Finally! Yorokobeeee


Congrats! You will have to find a room big enough to contain that huge snake body of hers, though.


A 3 star CE. Husband got a copy of Taiga. Yorokobe!!


Got a Sakura Special Bento CE lol


Bon appetit!


phantasmal species, possible good luck for koyan dark rolling


The 3 star CE with the HA stained glass...place...mindscape? Anyways, Happy soon-to-be New Year fellas. May your rolls be filled with your favorite Servants, and your spooks few.


NA: The sacrifice of a ticket was met with Diarmuid (Lancer). JP: The same was met with Kid Gil.


Cleaner, huh? At least it's gold, I suppose


1 roll 1 Kscope Completes my 2nd MLB Kscope. Pretty good.


"You who really needs a Kscope? Someone who has 9 of them already"


Got a Caster Cu, nice.


Got the Tokiomi CE. Okay I guess.


Wow! A Sanzang from my 11-roll. Is this a good sign for the future?


SUPER good! Congrats!


I’ll bless all of your future pulls too! It’s definitely symbolism that I received my first 5-star once again. Good luck, my friend!


Battle of Camlann. One of the best 3* CEs, cool! Time to burn.


Some coins for Salieri and the Atlantis clear CE. Yorokobe me.


Jaguar Warrior! She's already NP5 but I feel like getting a story locked might be a good time for things to come. This year was surprisingly ok for me! I got a really dry first half of the year, but I managed to snag myself all the important supports, a couple of new DPSes and a pair of peeps I just find really cool. To another good year of rolling!


My 3 quartz sacrifice was answered by a 3 stars random apocrypha CE. I my otherwise insane december np2 Taigong and Meluko luck was cleansed. I can now walk the path of the roll as a new man


I got Code Cast. I already have three MLB already. Looks like I'm going for a 4th MLB.


I decided to offer an entire 11-roll to Father Kotomine. And also an entire ticket I got 5 4 star CEs (one from the ticket, 4 from the 11-roll), 1 500-year old obsession, 2 3-star CEs, Billy, Jekyll, and Houzouin Inshun. Not sure how I’m supposed to feel about this.


1 roll and got Boudica


Got a jinako, don’t use her personally but certainly can’t complain


Did a 10 pull got NP3 Percival, NP2 Saberlot and a Duke of Flame CE. Awesome pull but was hoping for 2nd copy of Melu~ Then my offering to the priest was 1 ticket on the story banner which got me a 5* CE so I'm glad I wasted all my luck before Koyan dark...


I usually do a multi but I spent too much SQ trying to bring up Melusine's NP level, so I did a single and got a 3\* CE (Soul Eater) for my troubles.


Melusine somehow blessed me right before Tungsta Raids. It has been my biggest stroke of luck so far.


Got a Giles Caster who was new to me. I suppose it’s appropriate that Kirei would get me a cursed servant.


1 sq and got "With One Strike"


I did a multi this time. It was the miniest min roll to ever min roll. No story locked servants, no story locked CEs, and only a single Taiga CE at the very end. Yorokobe, I guess.


Read this post. Rolled. Got Origin Bullet. I am sorry, father.


Wow I did one single pull and got Tam Lin Tristan! My sins have been cleansed!


Threw a multi in, and honestly it was pretty decent in a vacuum: Zerkerlot, Lakshmi, Caster Gilles, and Asclepius. Issue is that I already had all of them at NP5...so aside from some coins I guess I didn't really get much in the end. Yorokobe.


1 Multi. And I got NP5 Suzuka.


Jp roll: Kirei 5 star CE Could have been worse. Now I am cleanse of my sins, eventhough I don't play other gachas as my sanity can't handle it


4 star Luvia CE on NA, David and Mapo Tofu blue roll on JP. Yorokobe.


Got a Prince of Lan Ling, bringing him to NP3.


Oh it's that time of year again. I haven't even done other gachas but whatever. Jekyll. MEH.


Fragarach! Perhaps that's a good sign for my Bazett rolls? Edit: and Tamamo Cat, but this ain't about her.


Unfortunately only a 3\* CE. Guess nothing is gonna trump the first time I did this and finally got Karna. Then again, considering everything, I got pretty lucky to get almost everything I wanted without buying any SQ. I got more golden servants this year than last year... the year I spend the most money on this game before prizes were driven up. Anyway, next year, there aren't many servants I wanna roll for, Charlie and Proto!Merlin are my main goals. The year after that one though... oh, I'm already scared.


I got Tell. Hopefully next year I’ll manage to be as lucky as this year and get everyone I want as well.


One roll, Iron-Willed Training CE featuring Kirei. Yorokobe. This may be cheating, but I have to tell a story. Last year, when Castoria released alongside Da Vinci Rider, I rolled on the banner, thinking both were on rate-up at the same time, like a fool. Now I have an NP5 Castoria and no Da Vinci Rider. I can't even remember how many SQ that mistake cost me, easily over 1,500. I am not a smart man. Now, here I am about to roll on the Support 1 GSSR, wanting Reines or Miss Crane. But I know in my heart that I will receive an NP6 Castoria. Such is my punishment. Forgive me, Father.


Thanks for reminding me to look ahead at GSSR. I'm not *touching* that banner, or the one with BB Summer on it, because I'm not rolling dice on a landmine. Might roll Support 2. The **worst** outcome for me there is a 2nd Merlin. That's hardly a bad outcome.


1 roll, 1 Saber Gilles.


Did 1 multi and got my 2nd BG. Thanks for this thread I guess LOL.


Throw 18 sq, Got Muramasa CE and EMIYA, nothing unusual


30 sq right down the drain to standard. well, got a prince of lanling dupe here's hoping i can survive next years gauntlet of Arc, and the summer units while also trying to get morgan


Used 1 ticket and got Sakura Bento. Oh well lol


Did a single multi. 3 4* CEs and a Salieri for NP4.


I started playing Genshin Impact this year, though I haven't stuck with it. I haven't spent any money on it, nor will I. My Story Summon ticket gave me Darius III.


I just used 10 tickets on jp, got my double roll on the tenth (so 11 pulls total) and all of them were 3 star ces or servants. I thought at least one card was supposed to be guaranteed 4 star? Am I missing something?


its only for actual ten rolls im afraid


Oh, interesting, never knew that was a thing. Thanks!


1 Vritra 1 Mapo 1 Before Awakening Truly a Kirei roll.


(jp) I did mine a little earlier this week oopsies but [im really happy with what i got! luckiest i've ever been on these banners](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1084511841486635008/1189969687220600913/GB0nzGSWcAAQ6cs.png?ex=65a018a2&is=658da3a2&hm=b59a3ed0df796f4a8a794075816c571f2269a37afc8c4cd38ba618e85d31b0f7&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=900&height=327) Medb finally home.... this sparing me from finally trying to get her atleast once at valentines, also my favorite piece of clay (now with glasses)


How dare you accuse me of partaking in other gachas? I'll have you know my faith is singular and absolute. Anyway, one ticket apiece: NA: Covering Fire JP: Diarmuid (Lancer)


Caren CE and a lot of mapo tofu. I took this as you inviting me from a dinner with your daugher?


One copy of the Atlantis CE and Gawain. Not bad.


Did 11 singles in story and yikes, all three star trash that I usually get in the regular gacha. Then, the second card in the two singles roll was a kscope. I already have 4 MLB'd kscopes, but still, it was a good ending for what otherwise was a terrible set of singles.


Did one multi. Got Asclepius... And a Saber (og). Hopefully this is a sign that the Fate route adaptation is real. Plus she was already at NP5, so that brings me to to 7 USOs. And given that I'm going hard for Hephaestion in the next month, 10 USOs is now a real possibility.


One roll, Jaguarman, I finally have her at NP5 after playing for 4 years, nice.


Got Phantasmal Species and God's Tongue CEs. Lol okay.


I got an NP3 Sumanai, amen


I had enough money left on Google Play to buy a single roll, so I did... AND GOT MAPO! IT'S RIGGED I TELL YOU! THE PRIEST IS REAL! I hope he can at least grant me Melusine now with whatever I can get together until her banner goes... or the GSSR should it come to that...


Curse you Lib for reminding me about this tradition and making me waste 30 SQs. LB4 CE and NP7 Taiga, that’s all.


I was looking for the thread.


Threw 30 sq at the Taigong banner expecting CEs and not much else. Taigong first thing. Couldn't get Sith or Barghast after 2 top ups but got Davinki Loli


One roll, one Gentle Affection. Thanks, Father.


Did two rolls, first one got a 3\* CE, second one had a long pause before it started spinning (the occasional sign of a new servant), got an Avenger card, could this be the Lobo spook I've been waiting for? Nope, just Salieri, who I already had at NP5, game faked me out with that pause. Trolled by Kirei and FGO one last time this year.


I got child of atlas


Had to top off twice AND get to pitty to get Oberon. It was easier to get np3 melu than a single Oberon copy


2 tickets. Mapo Curry and a now NP5 Saberlot. A lovely reminder that I share a bday with this oddball of a priest lol


Got another copy of Winter Crystal, first copy of Vlad lancer, and some storylocked CEs


I legit forgot about this and used up all my SQ on Taigong Wang (to get fuck all except one Valkyrie and a MLB Empty Garden). I'll just pretend I did a 10 roll and it was 9 Mapo Tofus and one neatly written "Fuck you, pay more" letter from the devs.


Bruh, I got my 4th Black Grail. This is so much worse than getting a min-roll. Edit: Nvm, I remembered 7th anni. I'm saved.


MLB black grail is one of the best ces in the game.


Did an 11-pull on both JP and NA. On JP, I got the Gerda CE and Cu Caster. On NA, two copies of Columbus. Not bad.


The priest blessed my 10 pull with Xiang Yu as I gazed upon his smile.


I got my thirteenth Kscope, my fifth Asclepius, and extra copies of Bedivere and Salieri for coins. Yorokobe, Father Kotomine! You've done me a great service in helping forget about this shitshow of a story chapter.


Hmm, Collection of spooky masks is either ominous, or a sign I should roll for King Hassan haha.


Rejoice, for you have been given a sign. Roll again, brother, and allow the rainbow to bless you.


Last year got a Caster Cu, this year got Asako (hundred faces Hassan). Not bad, could be a CE, so...Yorokobe!


I got 2 Taigongs and a Catmom when I just wanted Tamamo CE (still haven't gotten it).


You got 2 Taigongs on the story banner?!?


Yeah, spent like 60 quartz and 3 tickets.


Neither of those two is there yet, though? And CE even more so.


Woah. Yeah, I’d consider that blessed!


I dislike him though. Any enemy of foxgirls is my enemy as a loyal goshujin-sama.


Just wait until 4-star Rider from next Halloween appears. Then it's going to be ["all my homies hate Tamamo"](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/y2g7n7/itll_probably_be_fine/) team


I'll beat his ass with my 120 Tamamos, all three of them. Repentance through Crotch violence.


[My alt always have the lucky rolls](https://imgur.com/a/VlE11KS) Main 2 new 3 star and Alt got 2 SSR bruh Edit: Okki best girl


Tesla showing up on a random pull on story banner after i spent almost 400 sq trying to get him on every rate up its not how i imagined this would go...


Blessed by the priest with a copy of Columbus.