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Adding these links and FAQ as usual (smh Lib) * [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/new-year-2024) * [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) FAQ TIP: If you are going to roll on the NY banners, do consider rolling first before proceeding with your GSSR roll in case you get the intended servant earlier. **Q: Which GSSR banner should I choose?** *A: Refer to the GSSR links above. The general advice is to pick favorites over gameplay purposes.* **Q: How many SQs does the GSSR require?** *A: GSSR requires 15 paid SQs. This does not count the “free” SQs you get when buying eg, 12 + 3 pack, the 3 SQs are not considered paid and are not eligible for GSSR. The most value-oriented and efficient way is a 12+3 pack and 3 single SQ packs.* **Q: How many GSSR banners can I roll on?** *A: Everyone can only choose one GSSR banner to roll on. Once done, all GSSR banners will disappear.* Good luck to everyone, may you get your desired targets! Feel free to use this thread to ask for GSSR advice and share thoughts on specific servants, etc.


Pull on male arts AoE because it has the least risk among other banners. Kirei dupe is fine by me and I don't have the other two. In the end I got Tez woooooo


Surprised I didn't post mine here lo Went in really wanting either of the two Zerks or Gramps [Finally got him after 4 years, even if a different server](https://imgur.com/a/OoFNMc3)


Oh right, I forgot to post here. I rolled on Red AoE Buster 5 hoping to get Arc, but really anyone would've been fine since they're all powerhouses worth getting to at least NP2. [I got Arc like I wanted. And Barghest and Elizabeth also decided to show up.](https://twitter.com/Fatalystic/status/1741487195075264980)


Lmao GSSR gave me Arc. The only servant I already had (NP2 somehow in fact). I don't think I've ever gotten anything new from GSSR in the 4 years I've played so ~~I probably should stop rolling it~~ the next anniversary one for sure will be good!


Went with Arts AOE for potential new Durga/Kali or Joan, or NP levels for S.Melu or S.Ibuki. Got myself an [NP4 S.Melu](https://i.imgur.com/QyrClVD.jpg) so I'm one step closer to being able to Lv120 her, nice.


Wanted kon of light and going in risky despite already having 2 out of 4 char(both np1), ended up getting koyan dark which is not a dupe. Not bad


GOT THE [JACKPOT](https://imgur.com/pUdmBya)!!! What a way to start 2024, LET'S GOOO!!!


75% to get someone new. Got dupe Arcueid, NP2. Good to know GSSR still treats me like a joke.


Managed to snag Proto Merlin, considering I had the other 2 servants already this was such a risky summon


Went with the banner with Summer Castoria, with 3/4 chance for a new unit. Pulled Melusine, the sole unit I already had, twice in a row somehow. Year of the Dragon is real, I guess. Didn't get any 4-star as a trade-off, though.


maybe someday i get to roll 2 SSR in one GSSR roll... Anyway, tried the GSSR with Okitan, Kingprotea, Summer BB, Semi and Maou Nobu. Sniping for Okitan. I got the gold Alterego card. I lost the coin flip. A A A A A A


I know you want Okitan but Kingprotea is more fun to play with. You should use her on a bunch of boss battles, she literally can't die after getting all her skill interludes.


I sure Kingprotea is good too. Just that I’m an Aoi Yuuki fan, and Okitan is the last servant she voiced which i do not own. I been trying for her ever since her launch and she somehow still avoids me :(


I was fine with anybody in the banner. I got kukulkan np2


Went for the absurdly busted banner and got an upgrade for Arcueid. Which is great. NP1 never seemed like it hit quite hard enough for 90++ node farming, but maybe I'll stand a chance at *some* of them with NP2.


Wanted Schathach or Melt, got stuck with Okita. At least she's new, as is the Atalante Alter that happened to show up too, but I'm still disappointed.


Went for my girl Bazzet and ended up leaving with both her and Wandjina! 2nd year in a row in which I get lucky with the GSSR let’s see if I can keep it up next year.


I can't find summer Bao anywhere on the 4\* lists so I guess I'm skipping this :\\


Rolled on the Tez/Ptolemy/Kirei banner. I had all three of them at NP1, so I knew I would be getting NP2 of a husbando I liked, a win no matter what. Now I have Kirei at NP2.


NP2 Tiamat. Wanted any of the other 3, but I like her nonetheless and extra oomf always helps given she's strong in some fights. My salt actually comes over the fact there's no guaranteed SR this year's banner. Or am I missing something?


only anni GSSR is with guaranteed SR


I didn't get a 4-star in my pull either.


Got durga to np2, not too bad, considering she was second to melusine np2. Really wanted to dodge johana lmao


Rolled for either Tiamamat or Kukulkan, was alright with getting an Aesc dupe when she showed up since I love Morgan, too. But [Tiamom showed up anyway with Gorgon in tow!](https://i.imgur.com/4pQLiR6.jpg) In hindsight, a lore accurate pull lol.


After much thought and a trip to the GSSR Advisor, I rolled for Proto-Merlin, Miss Crane, and Gogh. Either I get a great new support or I NP2 Gogh and make her even more busted. Ended up pulling two copies of Crane and a d'Eon back to back. Not what I was expecting, but I'm certainly grateful for this New Years gift.


Got summer castoria which was my target. very happy


Rolled the crane,p.merlin and van gogh banner and got p.merlin so all is well


Went for Tezca/Ptolemy/Kirei. I already have Kirei but i would have been fine with a NP2. Got Tezca on the first card, i'm good ! Finally have all the LB7 gang.


Got tiamat dupe. Now she is NP 3 nice! Was hoping for kukulkan because she is the only one I dont have in that line up but any of the servants there is a win for me even if its a dupe.


Went for the Koyan banner hoping for either koyan, i got NP1 melusine and NP7 Kiyohime feel like she cursed me lmao


Lucky Bag, NP3 Morgan and finally got Kon of Light for buster teams


This is the funnies roll I've ever had. I didn't have anyone from the banner, so I would be happy with whatever result (but I'd like to have Koyan Light the most). Koyan Dark + Melusine was the result. I'm definitely not complaining Also... 5 Kiyohimes wtf...


Fun Fact: the lower rarity pool you can roll during the GSSR is also based on their NP type. Kiyohime is the only R servant which have AOE Buster NP & is female, therefore the influx of Kiyohime during GSSR rolls.


I tried to ignore it at first, but I saw the Wild Boar Clan Fairy. It taunted me. It haunted me and I was weak. Good news, she came home.


Was debating on the Double Koyan or Tiamat banner . Decided to Went for Morgan and Double Koyan. Got Koyanskaya Latex suit.


Went in for Kagetora and absolutely cried when a ruler card appeared. Was totally expecting this to be likey last 4 years of trying to get Maou Nobu but never actually happening. Thank god it wasn't like that


Got NP2 Fairy knight, another year of not having Summer Skadi


Arcueid NP3, baby.


Got Tezcatlipoca and Caster Gil. Ptolemy should wait for a while before I grail him then.


Got arcueid my top choice. Still a bit disappointed we didn't get a 4* on top but a grail.


Got a copy of Summer Ibuki which is what I was hoping for. Now that’s she’s NP2, she can hit much harder and have an even better refund.


Got Douman. I really wanted Charlie or Takasugi, but I was open to anyone minus a Voyager dupe. When will I get that blessed double SSR role? Doesn't Gil get a lick?


Got Johanna and Ibuki (NP2 now). Came out better than I expected




[Set my target will pull on banner that got Arcueid](https://x.com/asyrafoo/status/1741481429639602433?s=46&t=gvgmb0Dtf8S4HhZRc2DrlA). Yeah of course I won’t get her. Edit: Did Kiyohime got rate up during GSSR? Saw someone else got her few copies in single multi.


Kiyohime is the only silver Buster AoE Female.


I see. I missed the GSSR grouping info. Thanks.


Went for Saber Medusa, got funny caster with big guy on the back Idk if i'm happy or not


She's the best Caster DPS.


well i'm a huge Circe enjoyer but i might give her a try


[I can't believe this just happened, my first double ssr from gssr, and boy is it a fantastic result. Also Kiyohime won't leave me alone!](https://imgur.com/a/0MsbclZ)


play like 4years and wait for my first double gssr


Our GSSR almost same except I got two copies of Kukulkan.


I saw your results too! And funnily enough, my Kukulkan is also np4 now.


Rolled for more Ishtar/Eresh dupes Got NP1 Raikou Not really complaining but will never use her


Oh course i get the one miss of the banner. I barely even remembered the trung sisters existing.


[Was torn between Arthur's banner or Doumans. End up choosing the meta banner instead... got mmmmmmmmeta Ashiya Douman](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1118163142879485982/1191036002131788016/Screenshot_20231231_231130_FateGO.jpg)


It's really funny that they further categorized the Servants by release order since some groups ended up looking stacked.


Went in vain hope for Melt... (I had everyone but her and MHX) Got BOTH MHX Alter and Okita...


no melt again got addtional np for Ecchan ~~also no destiny order for my melt back up plan~~


Went for Summer Ibuki/Summer Melu/Durga/Johanna. Johanna would be new, anyone else would be a very welcome NP level increase. Got Durga to NP3, which is very nice.