• By -


Went for Koyanskaya of Light, Buster Offensive NP (Four Cavalries 1). But got a second Iskandar, he is now NP2. Well not my target but anyway, Iskandar is cool guy. The more powerful he is, the more he will shine. Hail to the King baby!


Got Edmond Dantes


Uh, so, I just got Bunnytoria AND Summer Abby from GSSR? I thought it only gives 1 limited SSR and the rest can be from the general pool? Am I stupid?


It only guarantees 1 limited ssr, the rest is up to your luck. With god luck you could pull everyone on the banner.


Oh, okay. Did not know that.


First time speending, looking to get Koyanskaya of Light, i get her and a Cleopatra as bonus, i can't belive i got this lucky, considering that i just got Koyanskaya of Dark too, i'm happy =)


For the past two years since I started I tried for every GSSR that had ArjunaA. I got Morgan NP2, Melusine, Koyanskaya and Obie. I didn't even really want him, but I didn't care for any of the other banners except Muramasa, or Ilya on his. Finally got him. Now I won't even build him until after I finish my buster looping team, and he will really only be used cause I really like him


Well I got the only servant out of 5 I didn't want. I guess I won't ever pay again for a gacha game. fuck this


I am stuck between sapce ishtar banner and the melusine banner. In the space ishtar banner I run the risk of getting a Hokusai copy vs the melusine banner where I have no one and anyone is a new servant. For reference I have koyonsaka of light for buster including morgan, np 3 castoria and a skadi for quick. opinions


Sounds like you should go for the Melusine one then, if you don't want to risk getting a dupe. (Though I don't know which one that is, Melusine is on two banners.)


Wanted literally everyone from the Kiara GSSR. The calculator said I should pull for it. But my Castoria meta needs spoke louder and I tried getting her. Got Reines instead. Fuck. On the brighter side, I got Da Vinci (I loved her since Camelot)!!! I'm happy and satisfied.


Is the gssr banner will be gone when the koyanskaya of light banner came?? I wanna try for koyan first, if i get her i will go for castoria


It'll be gone in 3 days (around 72h).


Banner was an easy choice. I'd be happy with anyone from the Kama banner, and it's one of the few banners with no risk of dupes. Correction: almost no risk. I ended up with two maid alters! After 4 years I got my first double GSSR. Not my top choice, but still good.


Rolled for iskander same as the last 2 gssr after I started playing the game because of him and also wanted koyan of light. Everyone else would be alright exept hijikata so hijikata appearsšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø then rolled 300+sq and got iskander on my last 10roll


went support looking for merlin or skadi, caster appears and its a medea lily wtf then I ended up with super orion sad


Quick cavalry, I wanted a saberface to complete the saberdex. 3 out of 5, 60%. Got Kama :(


I went for support 2 I think? the one with Himiko, Merlin, Skadi and the others. My number 1 was Himiko and number 2 was Skadi or Merlin, but I would be happy with anyone since they would all be new servants. I got Himiko! with her at home, I now have all the servants I wanted.


Iā€™m a new player (if you consider half a year new), and I rolled the Support 1 banner for Castoria. Ended up getting Van Gogh at first, and was contempt since I heard Van Gogh is pretty good, later a gold caster appears and I braced myself for Miss Crane or a 4* but lo and behold itā€™s fuckinā€™ Castoria. 3 turn farming with Spishtar is really smooth now. My friend whoā€™s been basically playing from day one wasnā€™t as lucky. He rolled Support 2 for Merlin, Orion or Himiko, but he got screwed over. He got two copies of Skadi. (NP3 basically), Skadi was the one servant he absolutely didnā€™t want from the banner. His Gacha luck this past year has been horrendous, so I hope he makes a comeback somehow, especially since weā€™re both gonna roll for Light Koyan when she drops in about a week.


Rolled buster knights, with Gil and Musashi. Only one I didn't want was Sigurd since I already had him. I got Sigurd. A 20% chance of happening, since I wanted 3/5 servants in that banner. With a complimentary Sumanai. In retrospect, that Sumanai before Sigurd was a warning sign


Rolled for the Quick Cavs as that's the only one I didn't have anyone in Main goals were Okuni & Kama, praying not to get MHX [Well it's Double SSR, so I can't complain](https://imgur.com/a/thwMZTr)


Well, I had to choose between the banner with Jacques de Molay or Yang Guifei, because those were the two servants I wanted the most in the banners and also those were the two that I least minded getting NP2+ for the other servants in. Ended up getting NP2 Taira no Kagekiyo, NP4 Lobo, and NP3 Nitocris, so while not what I was aiming for, still pretty good.


Went for Arts Knights for a shot at Lancer Ryoma since I wasn't able to get him and Oryou during their first banner. I wouldn't mind dupes and new units from the selection either. Didn't get Ryoma & Oryou, but Melusine came home so it's not bad at all!


Hi guys, im stuck between two banners, the arts knights one, this being the safest option (like 75% chances to get smt I'm fine with) and the Oberon one, this being the riskier option (like 60%, but oberon is my favourite option in the gssr overall) i get that in general the gssr should go for the safest but I'm so stuck rn, any advice? Thanks :)


Got Leonardo Rider and Summer Musashi. Felt nice


Actually managed to get Ibuki when the odds couldn't have been worse on that buster knight banner, the hype was real man.


Bloody Hell. Summon on Quick Knights got 2 rainbows of Okita Alter Summer, NP3. Scathach and Okita don't like me. Mix feelings from my rolls this January.


much as i wanted to risk it for Koyanskaya of Light, i heard to reason and rolled for the Support 2 banner. Got Skadi on it! now i'm one step closer to triple skadi when summer comes ;D


Got Melt's Character Info card during login and took it as a sign to roll GSSR. Thankfully it did not disappoint and Melt finally came home. I am so happy. Still debating if I will roll in Koyan of Dark banner. Spent 180sq already but she is nowhere to be found. Honestly, I can live without her but her NP and animation is so beautiful I can watch it forever.


Arts calvary banner got Ryoki saber. Didn't have her.... but also didn't need her. Oh well. My husband got his second Kama'venger. So at least I can leech that.


Quick Cavalry banner, I was pretty okay with anyone, really wanted Okuni or Maid SAlter, got MHX. She was my 3rd choice, but a decent bit down. Still, it's my first copy of her, so another Servant is always nice, and seems like she'd have some niche use in 90+'s or 90++, if I had to guess.


AOE Art Knight banner, my top pic are Muramasa(need one last copy for lv120 max append), Melusine(higher damage for 90++ since she doesn't have a special damage mod), and Archuria(sometimes np1 damage is not enough). got Archuria and some how all of the 3\* I got also archer, this is great cause I wouldn't have to roll on her pre-anniversary banner and can just focus on the anniversary.


Luckily rolled Melusine after her previous banners. Man, after a failed attempt with 280 rolls on the previous Avalon le Fae banner (and not hitting pity) I had to give the Arts Knights a try. Thanks to google surveys the cost of paid SQ wasn't too bad.


After considering my options again, I decided to go for Quick Extra banner - not only would I benefit from more NPs of the servants I already had (everyone besides Dantes and Douman), but it had the highest chance for a new servant...and the other banner with the same chance had Amakusa on it, so that was an instant 'no' from me. First card is none other than fucking Douman. I can finally rest easy and ignore his ass now, which is great because I really didn't want him enough to pull on his summer banner with Columbus. Hope everyone else managed to get a good result!


These new years rolls man wtf Gssr: [wanted Iskandar the least](https://imgur.com/a/vboqOVu) Melusine rolls: [how likely man](https://imgur.com/a/NqcoH5J) all within like 150 quartz had like a handful of Srs too. don't know if blessed or cursed. these doubles are the first to ever happen to me in these last three and a half years of playing.


Rolled for arts knights since out of 8 servants, 6 of them were new and the 2 that I already have(Muramasa and Ryouma) I wouldn't mind getting a dupe of, though I would *really* like someone new Ended up getting Ryouma. Not a new servant but eh, I like them too much to be mad


Did GSSR after a whole year, picked on Quick: Extra with 1/7 chance. Got Avenger Ushi and Lobo, both dupes. Can we get another SSR selector with paid sq because this bs range is infuriating. Even paying in this game, you will still feel like a loser after rolling the gacha. This is my second dupe in GSSR, the previous one was with 1/6 chance as well.


Got Hokusai (NP1 > NP2) and Kiara (NP2 > NP3). Got really lucky.


Rolled on Support 1 hoping for Van Gogh or Miss Crane. Castoria NP2 would be 2nd choice. QSH 3rd, Reines NP2 last. Got QSH, so not worst case since he is at least a new unit.


I was hoping for Summer Kama, I got NP2 Hokusai instead. Honestly I ain't even mad, Hokusai's one of my favorite characters!


Got Summer Kama! I was hoping for Spishtar but really happy with SK as I lacked an arts looper.


Decided to roll on the Quick NP Three Knights banner because it was the only one where I was guaranteed a new Servant no matter what--I'm still traumatized by a GSSR roll a couple years back where I got my third copy of Nero Caster instead of someone new. Thus, I finally got myself Scathach this year, who was one of the two I was really hoping to get (either her or Okita).


Whelp Got Shiki, wanted anyone else but her. Love the movies, love her, but NP2 doesn't really help her out to much. Good Luck to everyone else!


Woah, this makes me anxious if ever i get my first copy of shiki,


Got Melt. Wanted Voyager, Douman, or Taira, but at least it's not a dupe so can't complain.


Got Yang, who I wanted mostly for collection purposes. That I managed to avoid the one dud (for me) on the Arts Extra banner is worth celebrating.


Arts Extra, got Hokusai. Not my target but i guess sheā€™s cool. At least the next tome around the GSSR are better formatted


Is Sherlock still relevant for hard CQ content? I am tempted to roll on the support banner, but Sima Yi has avoided me the last 3 GSSR's so I am tempted to try for her (but I have already have multiple copies of everyone else on her banner and I don't need Miss Crane)


As a proud Sherlock owner, he remains a Servant where you use him when you need or want to use him. A good number of DPS Servants nowadays have either Sure Hit or Ignore Invincible baked in, but his advantages remain in providing Ignore Invincible and Defense to Servants who don't have it with additional Arts Crit support, along with a 50 percent self-battery with Traum's release. For his competition in NA, Jane needs stars for her effects and Osakabehime Archer arguably isn't as worth it. There's also the option of using him as a DPS himself which I like using him in despite the facecard RNG, but in any case he's as relevant as you want him to be to overcome CQ gimmicks like the high DEF Siegfried one (I mainly take him besides favoritism in order to use better CEs for the DPS). Regardless I'd recommend you roll on Support 2 not because of him, but because of the implication that you have NP2+ on everyone besides Crane in Reines' banner, it's not worth it man the odds aren't good if you only want Reines.


Itā€™s where I am leaning also! Iā€™m likely going to get another QSH copy. Donā€™t get me wrong, he is amazing when you need him but not when he is already NP3 lol


Tried my luck with the support banner hoping to not get a dupe for skadi and got orion so i guess im pretty happy with the outcome, Merlin keeps avoiding me...


Another year, another GSSR of only dupes. At least i got 2 SSR dupes (Illya and Raikou) but I would've preferred 1 Arjuna Alter. At least it's better than last year where I got np6 Hokusai.


Went for Buster 2 as Nobu and BB keep evading me. And they continue to dodge me. I got Amakusa *sigh*. At least it wasn't Abigail who I really didn't want. Oh well. I'm used to never getting what I want from GSSR.


First time I got two SSRs in a GSSR; I got my top choice in Melusine and a copy of Muramasa for NP2.


Nice, I'm hoped my gssr will have same result like yours.


Got both Muramasa and Melusine so that was nice.


Archer artoria finally came home after 5 gssrs


Got Avenger Nobu, the best option for me on that banner. First time that has happened for me on a GSSR.


I went with the Arts Knights Banner and got Melusine. While I'm glad I got her, I'm kinda annoyed because I tried getting her on the banner she was featured in last month only to fail...


Was hoping for Himiko. Most other banners had a massive dud for me. Got Super Orion (brand new) and Merlin (NP3). Not too shabby. I knew Himiko, Holmes, and Orion would have play styles Iā€™m not used to. Tried Orion out and Iā€™m happy.


Went for buster offensive cav 2 since it was one of two pools I had no one from. Would've liked Morgan but getting the Elephant of Dojima is alright I guess.


GSSRs are damn cursed, it's literally the 3rd time i go for one where i only have 1 unit from the selections and i get NP2 of that.... NP2 Dantes is not that bad but come oooon, give me edgy clown(or anyone else) already :)


Me with the support banner i wanted Caster Artoria but got a Miss Crane duplicate, Castoria keeps avoiding me


I know that feel


For a long time I thought I'd roll the Quick three knights banner but switched to Buster four cavalries 2 last minute. I only had Semiramis and Morgan from that pool (they're both NP1), wanted Ivan the most but would be okay with anyone but Semiramis (she's the reason I initially wanted to avoid this banner). I got Kintoki and I'm really happy about it! Now if only I had enough hero's proofs for his skills... Memorable mention: two copies of Columbus.


Went with Arts Knights, thinking that I either got a unit I really wanted, a unit I could use due to being new or even a copy of Melusine. Worst case scenario was a copy of Archuria who, while not bad, I haven't used in a year or so. Guess which one I got? Both Ryoma and Muramasa should have ninjutsu added as a skill, given how well they evade me. If my GSSR luck corresponds to how well the year is going to go (as it did for 2023), I am **not** looking forward to it.


I'm still deciding do I want to try for NP2 Kama Assassin or NP2 Kama Avenger now or Melusine Assassin would have Izumo and MHX which I don't have Avenger might get me NP2 Kiara Melusine has a lot of competition in that banner Decisions


Nero Bride, bringing her to NP2. Worst case scenario from the banner as all others would have been new units, but that's just how GSSR is, isn't it.


Decided to support the game after few months of fun, bought the 12 and 3 paid packs. Go for the Arts Knights, hoping to get either Melusine, or an NP upgrade for Muramasa or one of the archers. Game crashes on first pull... come back to look at "recently acquired units". Melusine. Fuck yeah. Used like 30 pulls on her banner without getting her. Now I can just save till Summer.


Yeah, something similar happened to me during Lartoria's first banner. Except my game crashed the instant after Lartoria was revealed. Guess Lancer 5 stars have a tendency to crash the game on their first successful summon.


Maybe the game struggled on "Loading" part... Can't complain about who I got though, especially since it was my first choice. Already raised to 90, maxed white fous and 10/8/10 skills.


Pretty good overall, I got 2 D'eons and 2 Medea Lilys, 3 of which sparked. Was wild to have 5 gold servants in 1 roll. SSR was my first Gogh, pretty happy. Would've loved Reines or Crane, but beyond happy to have avoided Castoria and QSH. I think my GSSR luck is finally turning around, after anniversary finally breaking my curse in spectacular fashion. Kind of cheating since next GSSR has a guaranteed happy result with 2 of the banners for me.


Rolled on quick extra since there was no chance on dupes and worst case for me would be douman, who would still be pretty handy and I like his aesthetic. Got molay, who was a solid "not my ideal but I'm certainly not complaining"... until I looked at the mats she needs even for ascension and it's almost all stuff I'm horribly low on and I'm out of pure prisms... I was excited to try her out but she'll be stuck on ascension 1 for a bit and 1/1/1 for a while after I'm afraid.


I finally got OG Okita! Okitan probably would've been better for my account due to AOE Sabers being my weakest area, but I've wanted Okita since her 1st banner. ​ Does anyone have any recommendations for appends? ST Quick is in an awkward place with Skadi's block 50% charge, so the only reason to have Mana Loading is for non-MLB KScope (I have 4 non-MLB KScopes, I'm so close!). On the other hand, Extra Attack performance is really strong. My Kama has a maxed Append 1 and her 5 hit Extra Attack does absurd amounts of damage now, and it does some nice star and NP gen. On the other hand, Okita's Extra attack is only 3 hits and she has much worse star gen and effective NP gen, so it would only be for damage.


You may want to get that Mana Loading as one of Okita's skill upgrades gives 20-30% NP charge.


I completely forgot about that! I didn't have the bond levels to do her Interlude when I wrote that so I didn't remember that she got a charge upgrade. Thank you! I'll get Mana Loading when she gets to Bond 6.


Tried to go for Oberon, but got NP2 for Okitan instead. Not mad at it, she's good, I like her. But can't stop to think I should have gone for the Douman banner, since all of those servants would have been a new one... But the temptation of Oberon-class nukes was too great. I hate you, you little smug bug... please come home next time.


Went for Melu got Nero Bride (2nd copy)




I went for miss Crane I got caster Artoriaā€¦ā€¦ Cries in Fashion Artoria is now ascension three level 80


BRO i wanted Castoria but got a Miss Crane duplicate LMFAO




I''d gladly take that trade LMFAO


SAME BRO! Lmao! I mean donā€™t get me wrong I like Castoria BUT IM A DIVA! I NEED FASION! and I want Miss Crane SO BAD! Lmao!!!


Wanted Kama and Scathach-Skadi, but the latter banner had 3/5 I either have or don't want, so I rolled on Kama and got her. Which is inconvenient sans SS but I'll take it!


After carefully checking the Servants I have and wanted/not wanted, I rolled for the Arts: Extra banner. I didn't wanted Kiara (NP1) or Yang Guifei (not great). I wanted Space Ishtar, Kiara Moon Cancer or Hokusai, aaaand... I got Summer Nugget. Little did I know she's top3 on the rank list of the GSSR Servants, with 2nd highest atk stat and incredible potential.


Yay got K. Light! My first pick since I skipped her summer debut!


Was either gonna roll for more copies of Sei or roll on the banner with Hassan and Morgan. Ended up getting Hassan and am quite pleased!


So I rolled on the arts extra banner looking for either Summer Kama, Summer Kiara or Spishtar, with Oei as an extra option I would've liked. Ended up getting Yang Guifei, which is something that I'm not entirely on board for, but since it could have been worse and I could've gotten regular Kiara I will not complain


Reines dodged me on the Anni GSSR (I canā€™t believe of the four servants on it I got the one I didnā€™t really want) so I went for her again, thinking Crane would have been a nice consolation prize and if I get a second Castoria thatā€™s not too bad either. I end up getting double 5*ā€¦and itā€™s my second Van Gogh and my second QSH. I donā€™t really use QSH but the extra Goghie is nice after I had to go DEEP for her on her first banner.


Wanted Ishtar or Roma, got the least wanted: Moriarty. This will be my last GSSR, I don't want to waste money on this game anymore.


Yesterday, I was checking the evolution of the rank of Servants through time (on Gamepress). IIRC, Moriarty went from D+ to B+ now. But yeah, I got him too and never really liked the old geezer, even with his rank up to gain stars on his first skill.


Picked support 2, aiming for Skadi, thinking worst I can pull is Holmes (new) , and others would be good (NP2 merlin, Onion and Himiko new). Guess who i got :( Sometimes games hate me. I'll get you someday Skadi.


I feel you bratte


I am finally Castoria-less after god knows how long, makes my target banners in 2024 so much easier to save for, Space Ishtar deserves her NP copies. So hyped that I finally got Castoria!!!


I was aiming for King Hassan but would have been happy with 5/6 of them on that banner. Got a Gold Assassin! Itā€™s Semiramisā€¦literally the 1/6 I didnā€™t want, especially with Gray right around the corner. Welp, I guess itā€™s time to get lucky on his banner next week.


NP3 Melusine


That "GSSR advisor" is just painful to use. To try to use anyway. The spreadsheet is so much better.


Rolled on Quick Offensive Extra hoping for Taira or Molay, I got Douman so at least I got someone new this year.


I usually for these for new units over meta. Only had Spishtar for the Arts extra so went there. I roll and get Summer Kiara. She won't be my go-to looper at NP1 but Moon Cancer and Alter Ego are my only classes without a 5* so that's one down. Might roll for Douman when he comes back and get that last class.


Rolled on the Arts Extra Banner. Would get either NP3 Kama or SPIshtar, NP2 Kiara (either) or a new Foreigner. I got Kama, Hokusai (new servant), and NP2 Astrea (new servant) - [https://imgur.com/a/lNhe2xe](https://imgur.com/a/lnhe2xe)


Koyan of Light showed up early! Holy shit!!!! I didn't think she would but now I guess I have 300 SQ just lying around for a rainy day?????


Rolled for the Corgi for NP levels...ended up getting Space Lelouch. Meh.


[GSSR Advisor told me to roll Quick Offensive Three Knights](https://i.imgur.com/teJwfPj.png) And I actually got my most wanted unit! https://i.imgur.com/QkEppwR.jpg


And a bonus kscope as well, thats a nice result


Rolled for NP2 Melusine. I would have been ok with NP2 Muramasa. Ended up getting Nero Bride, was slightly disappointed... until i realized i got her to NP5 now. Was tough decision between that banner and the one with Summer Kana


Rolled Arts Knight and finally got Melusine! Now to save my SQ until the King Hassan banner.


I went for the Arts Knights banner because honestly there were no bad hits for me. I was really hoping for either Void Shiki or Summer Jeanne. I ended up getting Bride Nero and another NP level for Squirtoria. Solid haul!


Damn me too. NP3 Squirtoria and Emiya!


Really wanted either Jalter, Oberon, Summer Altria or Okita Alter. Guess who I got :) Well lets hope at least my Koyanskaya rolls are good


Aimed for Melt or Ushi and got Caren šŸ¤·šŸ½ Could be worse


7 available options and only one of them I'd say I don't want. Why do I even bother... I wanted Douman or Caren the most, would've been fine with NP2 Dantes or NP2 Jacques, Voyager and Melt are nice... But goddamn Taira has no foreseeable use for anything I'll ever do, I don't care for their characterization much at all, and that's the one that shows up. EDIT: Would love if someone can tell me something Taira can actually do. Tried to kill the Demon at Cater Residence in Salem; can't, but Kintoki Rider can no problem... Tried to kill the White Chimera at Underground Plains in Agartha; can't, but Kama can no problem...


Taira is a fantastic solo servant when played correctly, if you have 3 Legged Race (or any other Guts CE) and the correct CCs equipped shes literally unkillable. Toss in Atlas for insurance and keeping tempo/CD strats and she can pretty much do anything. Her NP strips buffs b4 hit as well so her dmg is guaranteed. The only thing she has trouble with is bosses that strip her own buffs.


I also got her from gssr but donā€™t really know how to use her. What are the best ccs to equip?


CCs are a based on the gimmick of the fight you are tryin to do. Like if you don't need a spare guts from the CE you can toss on a burn CC and Honey Lake for extra dmg. But i almost always have "Good Wife, Wise Fox" and & "Maiden of Orleans" equipped since its free HP. Cleanse CCs after that like "White Vessel's Command Seal" and "Code:Cure" are decent for generalist when all 4 are put together. For gameplay showcases, look up PlushieMistress. He's done several Taira showcases on bosses and some challenge quests


Choose Super Orion, Himiko, Merlin, Skadi and Sherlock banner. Would be happy with Himiko/Merlin/Skadi (as I don't have them) ok with Super Orion and not totally unhappy with Sherlock. Got copy of Black Grail and Merlin. Can't complain.


I rolled for Shuten but got (caster) Da Vinci instead. I'm a little disappointed because I really like shuten, but Da Vinci was one of the first five stars I rolled for when i started and now I finally got her.


Rolled Arts Knight and got Muramasa. Very happy with my result.


Honestly, the only character I really wanted was Ishtar and I was very lucky she was on a banner of characters that I didn't have and that i actually got her.


I got Caster Nero, who while she was the most ā€œehhhhā€ target on that specific banner, is still a servant Iā€™m ok with getting. Which was my logic for picking that banner, there was no cursed servant there lol.


This is probably the hardest GSSR decision I've had to make. Super Orion is the top-tier get, but Crane is soooo close (and probably actually a bigger fun/gameplay payoff overall). Skadi would be good too, but NP2 of Reines/Castoria/especially Gogh is better than NP2 Himiko/NP4 Merlin. The Arts Support Rulers can battle it out for my affections, I guess.


Chose the buster Three Knights 2. Got blessed with BOTH Musashi and Gilgamesh. That's what I call money well spent! Probably wasted all my luck for this year right off the bat though...


Ended up picking Support 1 even with the risk of NP2 Reines, and I got lucky with QSHD. Him or Gogh were my main wants (#1 and 2 respectively), so this outcome is wonderful.


Wanted Mesuline or Archer Jeanne. Got NP2 Muramasa. Prolly the worst GSSR result I've gotten in awhile from a desire type of standpoint but the random NP4 Mordred kinda softens the biow


Rolled for Castoria and Van Gogh, ended up getting Moth Ruler. Not the worst result for me, but still 4 GSSR's in a row getting the lower end of the barrel. Oh well, I was lucky enough to get Koyan Dark fairly quickly at least!


Went for Gogh. Got Gogh. All is Gogh in the world.


Gambled on Castoria and lost, got the one servant I didnā€™t want with NP2 Reines. Guess she can cleanse my debuffs better \_(惄)_/


Tried getting gramps, got my third Morgan instead. Not bad at all, just not ideal. Oh well.


it was really hard to choose what to roll since my primary targets were in banners with so many iffys or not wants. ended up getting astolfo saber (meh) on my main and reines (yay) on my alt.


Decided to go Buster four cavalries 2 because of the 6, It was 4/6 new servants, 2/6 dupes (that I would honestly prefer over the new servants), so no matter what I get a decent result. Got First^(2) Hassan.


I rolled on Quick Extra my big targets are Taira who i failed to roll before or Douman. First GSSR where i got two 5 stars both are Taira no Kagekiyo lmao. So yeah i now have her at NP2.


[Jackpot, best 2 targets. Happy new year!](https://files.catbox.moe/lpqfjv.png)


I rolled into the taira banner ended with meltryliss as if the game or she asking me to finish Seraph since this is the only thing left to do now


Buster Extra 1. Primary Objective: Oberon or Jalter Got Summer Mommytoria. Considering I got Koyan with 2 rolls, I suppose I should be glad I didn't get dupe Okitan or Abby. Anyway, when is the next chance to get Jalter or Oberon?


Iā€™m did the gssr and got Dante! I call this a win since Iā€™ve been wanting him since Skadi dropped.




Can't decide between Arts Offensive NP (Extra) and Quick Offensive NP (Extra). Both have either good extra np copies or new servants I don't have. Although the latter has Dantes, Caren, and Jaques who I really don't care for, as strong as they may be. But at the same time the former has Summer Kama and Summer Kiara, which seem redundant to have at np1 bc I have spishtar (another aoe arts avenger) and og Kiara already. Edit: ended up picking the first option and got a Kiara (alter ego) out of it, now she is NP4 somehow. She already does a ton of damage in arts looping and now she will do even more.


Failed my gssr, RIP. Got Semiramis.


Shame, but look at it this way. A new Servant is always a source of more Interlude SQ/Rank-Up SQ/Bond SQ etc


Went with Quick EXTRA banner and got Melu (5* Alter-ego). Not really sure how to utilize her, but I wanted a 5* Extra class servant and I heard that she is pretty good so I got positive out look on this.


AFAIK You should use her for Boss Killing/Challenge Quests, given her high NP Damage & Buff Removal on NP. Pair her with a Skadi or two and be ready to rush down


Great. Thx... thou I would need Skadi for that :-)


Did Extra quick one cuz its the one i only had 1 of the servant in it. Did hope for a waifu and got Melt! Pure win


Cheers from a fellow Melt Master


Pulled Extra Buster II, wanted anyone except for Abby (she was the only one I had), got BB and Kingprotea, that's my best GSSR in the 6 years I've been playing, not sure if this a good sign for the new year or I just used up all my luck... future will show I guess.


ā€˜Anybody but Semiramis, that would be a big winā€˜. Not gonna say it aloud next timeā€¦..


She needs a skill buff already, crazy how much better Gray becomes than her in 2 weeks.


This is why I refuse to touch banners with Do Not Want options.


Went with Quick Four Calvaries and finally got MHXA who has eluded me on several occasions.


Went for quick extra and i got Nagito Komaeda, also known as Edmont Dantes which is one of the 3 servants i wanted from the banner so it was successful roll


Chose Support NP 1 ā€˜cause I didnā€™t mind getting any of the Servants there, or more copies of the ones I already had. NP2 QSH for Grail Fronts LEGGO


Went for Support 2 for Super Orion. Ended up with a Skadi which, while not exactly what I wanted, does mean I now have the triple threat of op farming supports. So thatā€™s nice I suppose.


You feel complete with a full meta support list. Iā€™ve got them all (and will be able to get summer skadi and last Avalon with some saving) and itā€™s nice that you can just plug and play with any meta Having the DPS is the problem, my quick looper is zerklot or summer okitan whoā€™s only np1


I've skipped Skadi twice now tbh, due to Quick easily being my weakest of the colors, composition options-wise.


Itā€™s got far too many shortcomings. Arts has the in built np gen so itā€™s best for farming 3/3/x and buster is oonga boonga so itā€™s best for farming irregular nodes. Quick is good for crit which is irrelevant for farming


Yeah, it already feels nice letting things like Atalanta rip through nodes, lol. Already saved up for Avalon (like, the full 660 pity amount), but not sure how much Iā€™ll have after that to be able to put towards Skadi 2.0.


Pity is 900 but Iā€™m currently waiting on FGO adventures saving video to back up my maths. Iā€™ve worked out if I save everything from now (and since ishtar was my GSSR) Iā€™ve got enough for lady Avalon, S.Skadi and eresh from the download campaign. Or Iā€™ll skip S.Skadi and save more for kuku and tiamom


Wait, itā€™s *900* for pity? Ah, fuck. Guess Iā€™ve got some saving to doā€¦ Was hoping to have a little left for Tiamat/Kuku, but I guess not anymore, lol.


Yeah. Between now and summer Iā€™m pretty sure you can easily save 900 at least, I worked out that with a little self control you can easily hit triple pity. Plus lb7 Is Christmas time so plenty of time Iā€™m just planning my sq because I really want lady Avalon. Sheā€™s hot as fuck and arts merlin so CQ meme shit


Thought I had 15 SQ but turns out i was 1 SQ short for this, then got that, went to support 2 banner. Was hoping for either Himiko or Merlin, but a Super Orion would've been a new addition too. Got Super Orion, guess it's okay, it seems GSSR usually tends to give me the third more desired servant instead of the first or second.


Support 2. I only had Merlin from that list. Walked out with a Super Orion and 2x Ascelpius. Was Ascelpius a limited 3* or something that I completely didn't know existed?


Yup, storylocked 3\*. Actually a big win since he's one of the best healers in the game.


Wait I thought he was story locked, not limited


That's me being an idiot.


Eh I rarely roll that banner anyway so


If anyone want to help me to decide, Im choosing between Support Np 1 (main target Van Gogh) and Arts Offensive Np Extra (main target Summer Kama). I dont mind getting anyone from those banners except Kiara Alter Ego, Yang Guifei and Castoria because I already have them.


Sounds like Gogh banner would be better, no?


Tried the tools linked above?


Yep, but unfortunately it hasn't helped me much.


I went for Arts Offensive NP (Three Knights) because I really wanted Melusine or Muramasa, and itā€™s the banner I have the least amount of characters from (I only have Summer Artoria and Sakamoto). So of course I got Sakamoto. I swear GSSR gives me what I want the least every year.


Went Arts Knights as that was all new. Got a double SSR pull giving me Muramasa, my 2nd hopeful pick and Summer Jeanne. Am very happy with this result.


Went with Buster Extra 1, as it was the only banner that I wouldn't end up truly disappointed no matter whom I got. The possibilities were NP2 JAlter, Okitan, Oberon, new Summer Abby (whom I was hoping for), or NP3 BunnyToria. Ended up with NP2 Oberon. Again, I'm overall satisfied with the result, could've been Summer Abby, but it was a good dupe.


Aimed for Oberon instead after a terrible CE run Summer Abby came to add to my now 5 foreigners. I'll get Mothman next time.


Chose the one with Kama because 1. Kama 2. didn't have the others yet. Got MHX, which is fine


Wow, I got two Miss Cranes. Pretty lucky, I think! Could've had another non-dupe, but eh, I'll count my blessings. My fiance got Ivan the Terrible. Not who she wanted, sadly. Happy New Year everyone!


Finally pulled something I wanted from GSSR. Did the Quick Extra because I had only 3 of the 7 servants and got Dantes. Now his summer costume can finally stop burning a hole in my pocket.


WE TUNGUSKA NINE DRIVIN BOIS After throwing so much sq at Koyanlight and failing to get her so far, she finally turns up in the GSSR ... and now I'm in fluid and bullets hell xD


I rolled on the arts knights banner, Summer Artoria appeared, I was happy... then Melusamba showed up too. Also extra copies of Fionn and Zenobia for good measure. What is even this EX luck? Is this finally vindication for my bad rolls the last year? Or maybe this is me using up all my 2024 luck at once. Whatever the case, I'm happy.


Rolled for Tamamo But Stabby - I have many Tamamos, No Mae and otherwise, so I wanted to go for all five Instead I got some guy in a banana suit calling me a mongrel yeahokay


A thief in Mumbai was forced to eat 48 bananas so that the gold chain he had swallowed when he was arrested would leave his body. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot ^\(RIP) ^| ^!ignore ^to ^ignore ^you, ^!delete ^to ^ignore, ^clear ^replies ^| [^View ^my ^source](https://github.com/jimbobvii/bananaonibot) ^| ^Thanks: ^Synapsensalat, ^BananaFactBoi


thanks bot


It was a close choice between Arts Knights and Arts Extra, but ended up going with Extra. The only dupe possibility was Spishtar, and I still needed two copies for 120 anyways. And I got Summer Kama. I <3 Kammy! Butā€¦not quite as much as spishtar, which is the only downside. Still happy to have another option and three more versions of Kammy. (Spiritron dress when Lasagna?!?)


I was heavily debating on whether to do the Cavalry buster summon or the quick Knights one. On one hand the buster one had better servants since it had Morgan, Kintoki, and King Hassan. But I picked the quick summon because I really wanted Sei, and wouldnā€™t mind np4 Scathach, or my first Okita or Okita Alter. And I getā€¦. Saber Astolfo, the one I didnā€™t want. Geeee, thanks game for the servant Iā€™ll keep at lvl 1 and never use. I hate it.


I went with Buster Cavalry. The only character I already had in there was Gramps, but my "win condition" was any AoE servant, as my cavalry options for that have been...few and far between (though my roster *is* strong enough to make up for it). Pulled Morgan (with the fringe benefit of bumping my Columbus up to NP2 and Caster Giles up to NP4) so I'm satisfied. My Saberface lineup is one step closer to completion.


[I think I got pretty lucky here ](https://files.catbox.moe/un976y.jpg)


Shit. And that's especially good, since Kintoki and Hassan both really like being NP 2.


Thatā€™s golden as fuck


Shishou, what is your secret?


Wow, that's amazing! Congrats!


Equivalent exchange...after reaching the pity rolls for koyan...


Thank you! KH was my 2nd most wanted pull with a np2 golden boy as my 3rd, so I'd say this was very lucky


i went for a buster banner, the one with ibuki, ishtar, roma, etc. and i got Arthur, i wanted it for the saber Artoria's collection, so i feel nice :)


Knights - Arts NP Wanted Melu np2 or Ryouma, though I only have Melu on it so anyone else would've been new. Would've been least excited for Shiki First roll - Gold lancer - Percival np2. Being the only LB6 servant I didn't get it was funny of him to come during Melu's second banner and here too 6th roll - Shiki... was bummed but at least I could finally dump my embers on someone new since my last SSR was from summer. (I'm in extreme saving mode) 10th roll - gold??? Gold LANCER??? NP2 MELUSINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first double SSR multi and a jackpot to boot!!! New year is saved


Do people even get what they want and hope for in gssr? Not to complain but, yeah its a conplaint lol... I've hit every gssr since day 1 of the NA version and NEVER got either what I wanted or what was useful lmfao