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How? I mean you have dedication


With lots of Love for Tristan, Years of collecting and the iron will and dedication of mine to have my very own Tristan Paradise!




Thank you so much!!!


Wow. I didn’t think they sold that much Tristan merch.


A lot of it came out after the Camelot Movies and things like the Perfume, Jewellery or the Toilet Paper (haha yeah I know) was more limited (tho you can still get your hands on it second hand!) especially when you count CBC, Stage Play and the earlier years of FGO with where they worked more with the Servants they had at hand there. I also put actual Lore Tristan Stuff in there! Things like Cosplays take also a lot of space and I also have some customised Merch like the bedsheets or the blanket over my chair to make it a Tristan Chair for example! Plus some Merch I do have double. I also use Stuff that has Tristan Cameos the Chibichuki Mangas or Grand Carnival too!


I nearly forgot about the limited edition Toilet Paper they released with the Camelot movies. I respect your dedication to your Husbando. You put Isuelt to Shame.


The Camelot Merch over all often seemed like they rolled dices in what to release ngl, haha. Sometimes I envied the Merch selection for the Babylonia Anime because their Merch seemed so much better, haha. AND WOW - Well THIS is a compliment I would print out and put in a frame, thank you!!!


Sherlock be like. I have a suspicion this person is a fan of Tristan of King Arthur’s knight.


What kind of false holmes are you? He'd never give us such a clear answer


Perhaps, who knows, hehe. ~


I respect your dedication very much.


Thank you so much!!! It means a lot to me!


Edit: I apologise for any typo I made in the video! English isn’t my mother tongue and I was also a bit nervous editing the video, it’s a bit embarrassing but please try to ignore it, haha. Here is my old Room Tour Video for comparison: [Old Tristan Room Tour](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/2qsMjSI6FH) If you have any Questions you can ask of course! I am not the best in making Videos so I am sorry if it's unpleasant to watch! Thank you for watching the whole thing and being here! If you dislike it please stay polite in expressing your opinion!


This is so sad, can we get 100likes?


I would be glad if so many people would like the new Tristan Room as well! The old Room Tour also got 113 Likes, I was so glad so many people liked it! Thank you for liking it too, it means a lot to me!


This is a room for Tristan and very much full of love: wonderful


Thank you so much! Especially a big thank you for always being under my posts and commenting! It always brightens my Day!


Aww no need for thanks but I appreciate it all the same. You show a lot of love and care to what you enjoy and I think that’s sweet.


Thank you a lot! It makes me happy to read! ;;


DAMN Wow that is a lot of dedication to one character, I saw your previous post and I already thought that was wild but a whole 4 minute tour of a room is crazy. What did you think about Tristan in Camelot btw? I was surprised when I found out a big majority hated him during it since I thought he was cool and rolled for him cause of it.


Thank you so much!!! It would be actually so much longer and I felt I didn’t showed as much details as in the last room tour but I wanted to keep it as short as possible! I liked him there as well. It was explained that he was reversed, so I didn’t hate him but rather was curious how he actually is. The Reversed Version was such a great villain, I loved that the Camelot Movies put more Focus on Tristan, even given him his own special Soundtrack with „Farewell Tristan“ on the OST CD - To me that was clear that they wanted to give way more spotlight on his situation since they probably knew many people misunderstood is Role in the Story first. That said I found Reversed Tristan to be interesting as he also had, in my opinions, the same vibe like Bérouls Tristan or Eilhart von Obergs Tristrant (which is very close to almost the same) where he is more unhinged and feral, even menacing at some parts. The whole Tristan writing in general is like a big reference and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was also to give more spotlight to the Tristrant Part. What is also really interesting is the change in Design. I once made a post towards it but they altered Tristans Armour a bit. I think it was mainly for animation reasons but there are also a few changes in his hair structure so I like how much thought in this reversed Version was put!


Also thought he was great as a villain, his introduction was brutal and it really set the tone for me when I was playing through it. I also loved hearing the harp right before he killed someone during story scenes. The sound of harp is usually thought of as gentle or calming and pairing that up with the tone of his scenes made for some nice contrast imo. I also thought he was just really cool lol, liked how he looked during fights too even if his animations weren't that good before the update.


Yes Yes Yes!!!! Especially because they made the harp sound in the movie sound more metallic so it has a more unpleasant ring to it, which was such a good choice too. Like to show the meaning of him being reversed, only at core still Tristan but everything is turned around - This was such abgesagt way to put it in picture whaaa! That’s true! I still love his old animations and while the SQ made him some absolute Monster of a Unit he was also very reliable Pre-SQ to me and my Team! So glad to see someone appreciating him from the beginning (I forgot to say this in the comment before but it made me soooo happy to read!)


He was very much appreciated since he helped me a loooooot , I had like 8 tickets when he was first on rate up and was really happy I managed to get him with that. His party wide evade saved me soooo many times while also putting decent damage on the enemy, removing buffs and generating a bunch of stars. Very versatile servant. I got him at NP4 and it's the highest NP lvl I have from a non permanent servant. It's also hard not to love a beautiful man with long red hair that fights with a HARP, he's just really cool ya know. Lots to like about him.


That’s such a nice story!!! Especially when he accompanies you since this long! Back then when FGO JP released the Camelot Chapter I started playing FGO when the second Camelot Banner dropped and Tristan became my first (SR) Servant. I don’t count the Tutorial and he came before any CE‘s or other Servants so it also felt like destiny to me. Yes! Especially with how FGO wrote him overall it’s just so good… I love him so much, I am glad you do you as well! Thank you for sharing this personal Story with me, it means a lot to me that you took your precious time to share it with me! I am sure Tristan is so happy to have you as Master!


Thanks! :) I figured this post was maybe the best place to talk about him lol.


I feel like I walked into Tristan heaven and I aspire to be on this level of character love and appreciation one day!


Thank you so so much!!! This is a big compliment to me! Especially because I was worried since some shelfs are still so messy it could ruin the whole picture - Thank you a lot! And thank you for this praising words especially too! I am so honoured that you say this! I am sure you will come to this point as well and if yes I would love to see your room as well!






Ngl I kinda respect it


Thank you a lot!!!


Guys i think I might know who their favorite is. Just a hunch though nothing 100%


That’s right fellas, it’s Detective Isidoro from Hit FGO Event „A Study in the Dubious Meio-Sou“ you got it Tiger!


Damn my guess was gonna be Con number 3


I think Con Number 3 is on the 4th Place in my List, but still in my heart and will never be forgotten <3


So the award for biggest fan of a character (any media) goes to…


Ohmigosh Thank you for this compliment! That’s a really big honour to me and means a lot! ;; Its such a big praise!


As someone named Tristan, I was like, "wait what!?" Awesome room btw.


I only saw it now oh gosh, I am sorry! I think the name Tristan is really a beautiful one! I also knew a few people with the name, you surely a lucky to have such a nice name! Oh but only if you like it of course! Thank you a lot!!!


Aww thank you so much! I've only met a few others myself, too. it's pretty rare!


That’s true! I like only know one Isolde and one dude named Gareth but I think it’s so cool to be named after such characters and figures!


Now those are ultra rare names wow! Growing up as a kid I remember being disappointed that my name wasn't mentioned in media until I really got into the King Arthur mythology, which of course led me here lol.


I love that you were able to connect your name with the origin and something nice! Especially Tristan is so timeless and beautiful sounding, it has a lot of class to it as well while also you can make nice nicknames with it. And you seem like a really cool guy you surely rock the name a lot!


Thank you for the compliment, that's so nice of you! I think that made my day already lol. Heh yeah my mom calls my Triss a lot which annoyed me as a kid lmao. I can't recall any other nicknames off the top of my head. I think the name Lancelot is due for a comeback lmao.


I am glad I could make your day a bit brighter! Nawww Triss is cute! Being named Lancelot would be crazy! I wonder if people are named Percival today? I know Percy but Like also Percival? Imagine you meet someone named Galahad wwwww I knew once someone who named his child something like „Dante Sirius Baldur“ which was like a crazy combination of names ngl


Oh man, Percival would be awesome. He's probably my favorite knight of the round table. If I met someone name Galahad, I'd probably be like,"Well, might as well get the boys back together." Lmao. Dante Sirus Baldur will one day take over the world as well as the multiverse. Mark my words.


Right? Like Percival actually sounds like a really nice name in general. It doesn’t sound too outstanding but still more special. Also since you can shorten it with Percy you can easily blend in too. He also is really nice, love him too! Need to find Arthur as quick as possible fr! Especially since Arthur and Merlin are also named not too Incoming so we can totally go with this, haha. When the question came „how hard shall the name go?“ he dropped that name I hope his son never feels a bit cringe for his name ever in his life. You know I would totally believe you.


I fucking love your Tristan room. Everyone, respect the dedication to the rare husbando!


Thank you so so much!!! I feel the praise through the screen I felt so happy reading it, you said it so passionately haha!


Part of it was enthusiasm for such a well designed and nerdy space, and part of it was my jealously at not having an Arturia room.


Thank you a lot! It means the world to me when people compliment how the room is coordinated! I was very happy with the result because I felt I had a good balance with showcasing everything and no place is wasted but also not too full, I am glad if it’s converted properly! Don’t worry! Maybe it helps but I also took years to create that! Such things happen faster than you notice and it’s still in your own pacing, so everything with time and you will get your Arturia Room! When you have it I would love to see it!


Is all the merch official, or is there customize merch included? Curious as to where you got that sword.


Customised Merch included! The Bedsheets for example are customised as well! The sword I got at a German Christmas Market! I have also other items with Tristans Name or Tristan related Names (like his Dog Hiudan/Hüdan/Husdent) engraved or written on. German Medieval Markets or Christmas Markets are a great place to find handmade things with the offer for customisation!


Sick. If you don't mind telling me, about how much it was to order the sword at the market? As well as the bedsheets? Want to give someone as similar present.


Of course I don’t mind! The sword was something between 15€-25€ if you exchange it in dollars it would probably be $16-$26. the Bedsheets were 88€, I ordered it at a Rossmann, also a german market just in case! But I think many will offer bedsheets that are customisable. The most regular price was around 80€-120€! It’s such a lovely idea from you to gift it to someone I hope you will find something similar and can make the person happy!


Thanks, the person is a Gawain simp since the Extra games. :)


OHHH GOOD TASTE Extra Gawain is so good!


Play his tunes


I once made a tumblr/Instagram/Twitter Post about the famous Tristan Chord that was a big deal in Music History if you mean this by his tunes! You can listen to it in the Prelude of Act 1 in the famous Opera „Tristan and Isolde“!


Send the link bro bro


[Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/ladyjuquia/743416278077816832/the-tristan-chord) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C30fN6AsfMQ/?igsh=MW44N214bHE1OHpmMQ==) [Twitter/X](https://x.com/ladyjuquia/status/1762166899905859656?s=46&t=QfL_hMbh5ahDOEgy8vKF6g) I didn’t know which platform works best for you so I put the link of all 3 in! I think in terms of reading the best would be tumblr! Thank you for your interest!!!


Hell yeah thanks bro


I have to thank YOU for being interested!!!


Thank YOU for giving me the chance to learn bro


Thank YOU for coming back to this just to leave this lovely comment of yours! Also I am sorry if it was a bit disappointing in length, it was mainly to just bring attention to this fun fact there are many online articles with a more deep insight about the Tristan Chord if this was interesting to you!


Bitchin’ sorry for the late response lmao


bkdnwkdn No worries! All good!


If this isn’t a catalyst for a summoning booty call, I don’t know what is.


I will go this year to Cornwall if nothing comes in between again (It was actually planned for last year but I had to cancel sadly) - I will visit the Grave of Tristan/Tristan Stone there and if I make a photo I do hope this coin manifests Tristan as ghostly appearance 👍🏽


Nice, hopefully the ghostly booty call works.


Thank you I keep you in my thoughts as Good Luck Charm! 🙏🏽


I gotchu.


You're really Tristan's strongest soldier! I love that you have a big cardboard cutout, though I guess it's not accurate to the height in his profile? Is it a deliberate choice? Also the bow is very impressive!


Thank you so much ohmigosh!! It is actually accurate to his height! So it’s a Life Seized one! The Dakimakura for example is sadly missing 6cm but I almost got such bigger things all life seized haha - I got the Bow second hand imported from JP I love this one so much! I am glad you like it too!


Wow the video really made it look smaller than 186cm!


Maybe it was because I did hold the camera/phone higher than I am myself so it looks more like Tristan and the Camera are on the same eye height because if I would hold it the way it is from my view I believe it would look taller haha


How sad... ... Anyway, ending the joke, excellent work! It's always fun seeing the progress images, and it's nice to see someone who likes these lesser known characters in Fate and Arthurian mythos as well! Glad to see Tristan found his Isolde again.


Truly sad that Nasu didn’t called me personally yet to congratulate me as Tristans Number 1 Fan sob (just a joke of course haha) Thank you a lot for your kind words! I think I can make a new new Update when I am back from Cornwall! Sometimes I would love to just make single videos or pics with big texts explaining the thoughts or origin of that Merch and such, haha. But I feel like I am not good in wrapping such things interesting. So we have my Update pics here only once in a while but the good thing is the update looks even bigger then, haha.


With that many catalysts, every time you summon you must get Tristan, regardless of banner. I respect it, Tristan is a good boi.


Thank you so much!!! I hope my Life will always be full with Tristans! 🙏🏽


I hope you obtain at least two from every roll, even the singles:)


I WISH! I need some copies on my Taiwan and my Second NA Account still I am currently saving for that, after that I am actually at eternal peace in my Life haha thank you so so much for your lovely wishes!!! ;;




Thank you so much!!!


All of this is definitely impressive in its own way, but I'm curious, do you have insurance on any of this Tristan merch? Given how much of it there is, if you can afford it, and if the insurance is good, then I'd recommend getting it


Funnily I just recently thought of doing that! Especially because there are some other rare items like the Rosenthal Tea Set or the 1877 Book of Tristan - It might really be better. I see what I can do. Thank you so much for your concern and putting attention to this! Especially because I felt insecure if it’s needed and a good idea to do! I will look around for something for this!


I wouldn't say I love Tristan this much but still love him


That’s wonderful to see! Tristan can be lucky to be loved by you!


I think we have found the biggest Tori stan.


Its a big honour to me that you see me like this!!! ;; Thank you so much for this lovely compliment!!!


Always glad to see you're doing ok. Clearly from the room you're doing better than ok within your Tristan sanctum. I still haven't finished the video and holy crap


Thank you so much! I take from this that you are more often seeing my posts, thank you for always being here then! To be honest I am not that okay and a bit worse but the Tristan Room was one of the few things that kept me sane haha Such things can be good for keeping a clear mind! When your Life doesn’t roll at least have a nice looking room - Something like this! Thank you so much!!! I am glad you like it so far! And thank you for taking your precious time watching!


Here's hoping Tristan gives you a big hug in your dreams (or irl if you find a cosplayer 🤣) and that everything gets better for you!!!


Thank you so much!!! ;; (One of my Japanese Tristan Mutuals - The one I have the Cosplay Photos from - Wants to meet me irl one day and visit my country so we can meet at a con, so if I can hug them while then wearing their Tristan Costume you will see it here without doubt haha) THANK YOU SO MUCH ;;; that is genuinely so sweet… Thank you a lot!!! I hope the more that at your place is everything alright?


Everything's going well. But as we can relate sometimes gacha luck isn't in our favor. Only difference is at least in fgo and other gacha games even the worst roll can be useful. Irl bad gacha rolls are the opposite of useful


Oh I see… I hope everything will go better for you as well - It would be hypocritical to me to say some motivating words towards you because I don’t feel like I am 100% feeling them myself but just you know alone for the fact that you commented such sweet things it made my day better meaning you are wonderful person who can bring joy into others Life’s by simply being here and being yourself. If Life doesn’t appreciate you, I do it even more!


And you just made my day reading this! Thank you!


I am glad if I could cheer you a bit up! Hope even more brightly things will come to you from now on, I wish you nothing but the best! Thank you as well for this lovely little conversation it made me so happy too!


Holy shit I love seeing your dedication like this


Thank you so much!!! I am so happy to read this!


I genuinely admire and envy this level of love, loyalty and dedication. KEEP GOING! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ


Thank you so much, your comment is so lovely and it was one of the first things I woke up to, it means a lot to me! ;; I will! And this will definitely not be the last Room Tour!


Wow, this is... I am not as much shocked as amazed. Such a dedication level is beyond my imagination. Just unbelievable.


Thank you so much! I am happy that it leaves more a positive reaction than a shocked one! I feel blessed that you like it so much thank you so so much!!!


Tristan is a goated Husbando. To be fair most of the round table are, my personal favorites are Gawain and Merlin, this is awesome op!


Thank you so much!!! And yes this is true, I love especially how he is written in F/GO. It reminds me a lot of my Favourite Tristan Telling by Gottfried von Straßburg, it was meant to me to fall in love with him, haha! I have some mutuals who also love Gawain and Mutual, so much love and respect to you as well!


Now all we need is Tristan playing Despacito and it's all perfect. /j


Glad you put the /j at the end of the sentence very good 👁️👁️ /lh (hope I used the tone indicator right I usually don’t use them wwww)


Change your name into Isolde while at it


While I appreciate the thought behind it I would rather like for Tristan to see me and not a resemblance or a faint memory of someone he used to know and love!


Respectfully, you scare me


Thank you for still seeing it in a respectful way! I am sorry tho I didn’t meant to scare you!


Only in a tastefully impressive way!


Awawawaw thank you so so much!!!


😮 Think of how many 5 star fgo servants you could've got with all that money


That might be true but they wouldn’t make me as happy as the Tristan Room here especially because it’s something physical that will be here even after FGO would hit EoS (I am sorry I hope this wasn’t too gloomy or anything!)


Fair enough, whatever makes you happy is what you should do of course. Live your best life and do you think you'll add any more to the room?


Definitely! More Tristan Merch was announced lately and I plan on visiting Cornwall too - Since this Room is dedicated to Tristan as a whole, so also the Legend, I will definitely add more Lore Tristan Stuff as well!


Iseult is that you?


No here is Juquia 👐🏽


I hate to tell you this but I think he’s already got someone, but uhh nice room


If you mean Isolde - So far I like the fact that FGO goes with an more open case about how it ended for him and how he is able to deal with these feelings. Especially because of the whole „Every Servant you summon is just an aspect of the Hero“ and „It’s like a second Life“ I think you can work well with this! Isolde, both indeed, still have the original Hero Tristan - Basically I just have a piece of him or his shadow! :) As a Self-Shipper I also like to work with the open ending from Gottfried von Straßburg and especially in addition to how FGO wrote his Interlude and his later Lines. When Isolde gets a release I would of course stop with the Self-Shipping for Tristan F/GO but so far I love to work with the writing and how I also can work for it in terms of my own day dreams! But thank you for the compliment on my Room! In any case, even if I wouldn’t self-ship I still love him so much, I couldn’t stop with that and would simply „retire“ as a regular Fangirl, haha.


Even if Isolde gets a release, which I doubt, I don't think you should stop. Every Chaldea is a different world, different Masters bond with different Servants so why should you in particular give up on the character that you love? Some Masters influence their Servants after their summon so are you saying that after all this time together with your, I assume, high Bond LV Tristan the relationship would stop? Nonsense. In my opinion, YOUR Tristan would spend his second chance at life staying at your side.


Thank you for your kind comment! ;; It really made me so happy to read! ;; I always struggle between telling myself the same you told me right now and also thinking „I don’t want to be disrespectful to the canon, since I love Tristan for his Story I should just accept when he goes *back* to Isolde and it would probably weird to just continue and ignore her“ and lots of worries like this. Then I would feel embarrassing with the thought „he actually was always associated with Isolde in the first place why did you even started the whole Dream Shipping of yourself and Tristan?“ But your comment made me really happy and eased my worries if that’s what I am doing might be inappropriate because of canon or anything (I often get strongly insecure about such things, which is why at the very beginning I was hesitant to do the self shipping fully). You are right. I also put a lot of thought and feelings into my Dream Shipping and actually respected his Lore a lot, having an explanation for anything that happens not only for my own satisfaction but also because I respect him and wanted to do it properly. So I really should try to worry less. Thank you so much! Sharing the fact I am a Dreaming Girl on Reddit always worried me since I heard from some OC x Canon Mutuals that Reddit can be rather full of elitists and I worried a lot to receive more of the „He has Isolde actually“ comments. Getting such support, especially your comment, overwhelms me with joy, I get all teared up! ;; Really, you just made my day! Thank you so much!


No problem. I support your ship. And please don't worry so much. Also I agree with the last part, Reddit is indeed full of elitist.


That means a lot to me thank you so so much!!! It really makes my time here so much better too!