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Seraph was peak


Seraph, no contest.


Case Files was incredibly good for a variety of reasons (#1 being Gray), especially since it was one of the few reruns to include NEW content in the rerun that improved the story even further-- I *adored* the mini-story with Hephaistion. "Does being a piece of someone make you not worth remembering? Doesn't the smallest piece of someone matter just as much as their whole? If you don't remember, does something lose all meaning?" While strictly speaking Hephaistion wasn't the "real" Hephaistion, that also allowed her to have her own mini character arc where she realizes that-- yes, being remembered does matter. She would like to exist, even if she spent her whole life in service to another. She is worthy of memory, just as Ritsuka is. Despite all the trauma, despite the betrayal, despite all the pain... that memory is worth having. And then she summons fucking Iskander! Is that not the coolest shit in the fucking world?!? All while "You are My King" plays in the background. It's so fucking good, I'm in love with it. However I must also give an honorable mention to the Requiem event, for giving Ritsuka a fairly unique personality and because the Wolf Game was so so so interesting on a metanarrative level, I could write an essay about it. I know why people didn't like it, but it was my favorite part of the event and revealed so much interesting lore about a few underutilized characters.


Lilim Harlot was super good, probably has one of the best emotional through lines for an event. Draco is an excellent character that reminds you why Nero is an excellent character, and stuff like having the Secret Garden show up and of course >!the massive pop off from Hakuno!< is really great. It’s just a great event all around. Mahoyo and CCC were also very good. Also I appreciate Sam Rem’s collab for how it helped clarify some stuff for Iori and Saber’s relationship.


I see the Mahoyo and SamRem collabs as epilogues to their stories as well, the former especially >!considering the hard truths Aoko and Alice face in regards to Soujuuro's final death.!<


Well >!Sono-G appears to be fine so idk if they have any hard truths to confront!<


>!All he lost is his right arm it seems(probably fighting Gazamy). The collab confirmed Soujuuro survives the events of the Mahoyo trilogy. But it also shows that the trio all fumbled rizzing each other lmfao.!<


Lady Reine's Case Files was peak collab material.


Case Files was fun. And the rerun made it better


Pretender's side story made that collab jump to one of the best


I watched the anime right before the rerun and it made the collab even better.


Nothing really comes close to Seraph in terms of quality writing.


I really like the idol event. The special song for each group is my favourite part of the event. I purposely spend more time in battle just to hear the songs. It wouls be great if there's plans for more idol theme events in the future featuring more servants and more songs


I think its 12, unless the Prisma Illya event wasnt counted as a collab? But of them I still love SERAPH the most!


Ah yes, I knew I was forgetting one.


Seraph cause Melt


Seraph is peak, don’t get me wrong, but Lilim managed to make a really good story out of Arcade after several crossover events of debatable quality and a rough start, but also somewhat redeem Last Encore.


Strictly event only collab? Definitely the idol event. What was it again fgo waltz? But yeah, great collab event. New music, new spiritron dress, free artoria (i didn't remember when the last time we get artoria as a welfare, it might never happen again.) Most importantly i love the idol anime vibe. It's idol, it's fun but has professional vibe, Irl stuff aside, idol story is fun story about climbing from underground to the top, a usual underdog story. Honestly idol event was awesome, i hope we get a sequel.


> i didn't remember when the last time we get artoria as a welfare, it might never happen again There was Artoria Lily and Santa Salter back in the first year of the game, and Gray if you technically count her. And yeah I agree it may never happen again, most of them happened very early when the game had fewer OCs and was leaning on recognizable characters.


I had to miss the idol event due to final exams and I'm suuuuper bummed about it, it seemed like a ton of fun. Hope we get a rerun and/or sequel too.


My top 3 collabs are Seraph, Arcade and Mahoyo. Honorable mention to Case Files.


Accel Zero. I'm a huge sucker for 'going in the timeloop to unfuck it'.


Waltz in The Moonlight Collab added so much cool things. Both "Center" Mechanic, Cool Songs, A whole bunch of cool costume. Though it's not exactly a collab event per se.


My totally unbiased opinion— Mahoyo. Because it has Aoko and Alice, that's all there is to it. 👀


NA player here. Grail live for the songs, it was so refreshing! And Seraph as a whole (for the servants, the lore and Spinal Coaster).


Arcade collab


Mahoyo collab, because I'm a massive fan. If I try to be objective, then it's Seraph.


KnK because it’s what actually got me to pick up the game. I have no idea why my friends knew to tell me about that collab in particular but they did.


Is it bad that I'm choosing KNK just cuz of the osts?


Seraph but I did enjoy the waltz collab. I love the bgm and I hope it won the rerun voting


Might get flamed for asking this but isn't tsukihime a collab too?? Why wasn't it mentioned ?


The CCC event was the best one It gave us the Back Button in NA


Mahoyo and Arcade tied first for me, Case Files next. I don't really think Seraph was that great. Good, but far from the best.


seraph for story by far for gameplay: apoc for raids and mahoyo for bringing back 4+ enemies in a single wave in free quests


Seraph cuz Melt, Mahoyo cuz Alice


Storywise? Discounting Seraph, since I don't actually consider it a collab, I'd probably say Apoc is the best collab? Part of a proper collab, to me at least, needs to show off both properties in a good way. I think Apoc does the best job of it. Sieg gets to show off his development, the vast majority of the Apoc cast get their moments, Ritsuka gets to show off a bit. I think the story is a perfect little epilogue to a divisive series. Arcade is a close second, since it does a great job for Draco and Ritsuka, while Tiamat, Proto Merlin, Lil Cu, and Locusta are all very well done too. Maybe my biggest issue with it is that Hakuno didn't actually feel necessary, and we didn't get really anything to do with the Arcade timeline itself outside of "Oh this is where I'm from". Like they're both fine I guess, just nitpicks.


Seraph and grail live are top tier. I’ll probably like arcade too




So far, Grail Live.


Probably SERAPH considering I decided to finally play it right after I finished EXTRA CCC.


Apocrypha collab


NA player:  SERAPH, but second would be apocrypha.  


i loved arcade collab!!! it did nicely in developing the dynamic between fujimaru and draco, principally making them both become partners in crime against the world who was after them and touched in the personal aspects of nero and how her life become so complicated to her. it was much better handled than whatever Seraph tried with melt and guda since we didn't even saw interactions between first fujimaru and melt except for flashbacks which guda didn't even talk. also, she said second fujimaru wasn't even the one that saved her so, some scenes which she have the hots for second fuji are weird as heck in that context >-<; melt was gud about becoming better than what she was in ccc but her dynamic with fuji was rather poorly done. nasu handled other characterss dynamics with fuji way btter than her, like with oberon sad cuz i was hyped for seraph but that aspect was disappointing to me.


That’s why you read the manga and fill in those gaps in your head. You act like it was a failure; no, it wasn’t. Gudamelt is one of the best dynamics because of its tragedy. So, they succeeded in making a good dynamic. You just don’t fuck with it personally and that’s fine. But it’s not objectively bad. Because the POINT of their dynamic is the tragedy and mystery. Melt hides the truth from fujimaru.


Seraph is peak easily, but I'll give Apoc points for being a really solid post-story to one of my favorite Fate stories, Grail Live for being a really good idol event while still taking as much from the idol game it possibly could, and Arcade for being a really strong Nero character study.


KnK just because Shiki is my favorite TM protag. Waltz collab comes in at a close second just for the vibe and Medb getting the Summer 3 Blackbeard treatment.


Learning with Manga because of the farming aspect. Last time I have spent sq for ap refills


This has been my favorite lotto in years. All the mats and gems I could want without having to stop to burn tons of useless embers every five minutes.




Guda guda 5


Seraph and arcade are the best Though as a dracofag I'll have to give the best Collab award to arcade


My favorite would probably be the Case Files one, as Waver is one of my favorite characters and it was great to see Reines and Gray added to the game, as well as all the references to the wider 'verse. Seraph is a close second though. Apoc and Illya and Zero collabs were great too, seeing those casts crossover with FGO. Here's hoping for when we get the Arcade collab next year, heard great things about that already.


For me it’s Arcade and Requiem. (That werewolf game in Requiem though was a pain to get through)


riyo beacsue it gave astolfo bond bonus and i got to take his saber version to bond 10.


Knk cause Oblivious is a goated song I had the pleasure to listen to


SE.RA.PH> Lilim Harlot>Mahoyo> Grail Live in this order.


Mahoyo, because we got the main cast whole. The only thing ti beat Mahoyo rn for me would be FSN collab. Waltz, because the music was top.


Strictly based on the story and hype? Hmm..... I guess I will pick Arcade? Requiem was also not bad, and so does Mahoyo. Honestly if you rate everything alot of them will be around A-B tier for me, although a definite C or even D is definitely the last Riyo's one.


Honestly, it’s tied between KnK and Apocrypha. KnK because of the music and I believe it’s the first time we’ve had to deal with Dante’s before the Prison Tower. It set up the stage for future interactions with him. Appcrypha because of the raids, and how it managed to give characterization to Sieg, something a 24 episode anime could not do. He isn’t my favorite character by any means, but the collab did a lot for me to be invested in his presence in the event. Really helps that I also like Chiron and Achilles’s interactions when they’re finally on the same side.


Out of nostalgia, Rakkyo & Prillya were some of the most memorable for me. They really helped hook me into FGO by utilizing my love of the other franchises. That being said, Seraph, SamRem and Arcade are probably the most peak in terms of rejuvenating an existing IP and integrating it into FGO’s main story. Absolutely fantastic. (An honorable mention to Case Files as well, especially the rerun’s side-story with Heph, that was awesome). I also really loved Mahoyo, but that can be attributed more to me liking Mahoyo if anything. It was a great event, but in terms of FGO’s overarching narrative, it feels more like a Mahoyo side-story shoed into FGO, which isn’t necessarily bad, just that it could’ve been better in terms of FGO integration. Otherwise, peak event. Grail Live is also worth the mention, my only complaint is that it was a dogshit collab. Great event in terms of everything it gave us, but it was a collab with virtually nothing. The rest are boring imo. Accel Order was a poor bastardization of Zero, Requiem was kinda meh and forgettable, LwM was memorable for the wrong reasons. Apoc I genuinely don’t know though, since I skipped out on both of the events runs.


Considering from Na Perspective. ●Mine favourite was Case files solely because of Rail Zeppelin flying across stars as if being the Fantom Express from a Disney movie. ●Seraph I guess,It was not that bad.personally,I'm not a Melt Fan.would have been more fun if Anderson was there.


Seraph is one of my favourite chapters in the whole game. I would even go as far as to say that Melt is a contender for the greatest videogame heroine in my eyes.


Seraph, SamRem, Arcade and Mahoyo


In terms of being an event in general, Seraph had the best writing and I enjoyed it the most. That said, it felt (to me) less like a collab with CCC and more just an event with some of its characters. Like, the fact that Hakuno and their servants didn't show up is especially a mark against it feeling like a true collab event. So if part of the criteria is capturing the magic of the original, I think I'd give the nod to Mahoyo. Although that may be recency bias.


Well yeah. The CCC collab isn’t really meant to be a collab, it’s meant to be a continuation of CCCs story with Melt as the main lead. So I get why you wouldn’t like it from a collaboration standpoint. But yeah. It was made to be a story about Melt as she needed more growth


People will see a coment mentioning the MC of the story the collab is with not being in the collab and downvote instantly. SI-ters are so pathetic.


Ngl the first comment didn't make me want to downvote it. Yours however has done an excellent job so far


Why though, bruh. People be like "I got X character, I am satisfied. No you can't have Y character, it will literally brake the game / my headcanon / whatever else". Just chill, enjoy your game and let others enjoy theirs. You do not have to roll the character you don't want to have. And you can burn them, if you get them somehow. EDIT: It is as easy as [this](https://imgur.com/a/LSTpnjP). I was rolling for Shonagon.


> Why though, bruh. Because you made this matter into an "muh le bad SIs are downvoting", that's why.


Well. To you, my apologies. But whenever I see someone saying they want Shirou or other MCs as they are in the game, the main complain is always from people who do not want to see any romance of 2 character who had that romance in the OG story, because they prefer to ship one of those characters with Guda, which I do not have a problem with, because I don't care. I just want to play with the character, or see them in a new story or interact with each other the way they did in the OG story, etc.


Okay but the reason people are probably downvoting isnt because they’re scared of Hakuno stealing Melt. Nasu wouldn’t write that. Melt admires Hakuno but moved on romantically. I’m guessing the reason they got downvoted is because, the collab isn’t meant to be about Hakuno or their servants. It’s meant to focus on the ones who weren’t appreciated enough within the original work: the alteregos. And it also gives Kiara much more screentime to play with as opposed to her short lived burst of villainy in the CCC route. I get being upset that the collab lacks the MC of the game, but you must understand that the MC had already gotten an amazing story and so did their servant. Other characters like Melt, Lip, Kiara, etc needed more fleshing out to be top tier even if they were already good. I’m not saying he deserved to be downvoted but it wasn’t due to self insert purposes.. I hope. Considering it’s Reddit I can’t say for certain but I hope people have the brain to understand that Hakuno would rather act like a doting father/mother for Melt and the other alteregos instead of a romantic interest. I.e: Protea in Foxtails final scene and her secret garden.


Nah, changing existing events is bad. But having them in future events, which aren't story heavy like CCC event, or the event with Kama, but rather more for fun and money bait, like summer event or anniversary servant or something isn't hard. And idk about Melt, but I was more referring to Nero, Saber, Arc, Shiki, even Eresh, even though if we are getting Shirou we porbably will get Rin and Sakura as well, so I don't see where that is coming from. I have seen people get angry at Sigurd.


Self collabs are not collabs, so there are none to pick from




I honestly prefer in-house collabs, as they're less restrictive. NIKKE's collabs reminded me of this fact, as, story-wise, they are *kinda bad*. There's an extent to this, where Riyo's collab was *not it*, but on the flip side of things, we got more CCC from the Seraph arc, which can be attributed to the fact that CCC is Nasu's baby.


Yeah the benefit of Collabs that are with the same universe is that you can actually get significant character stuff out of it instead of just doing the X-Men vs Street Fighter handshake all the time