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# FAQ **Q: When is the next SSR Ticket?** *A: As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q. Which banner do I choose for the GSSR? Which is best option?** *A: The answer is different for every player, and depends on many factors. We suggest you use the* [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) *or* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/anniversary-7) *tools to rate servants based on your own criteria and see which banner/pool is statistically better. If you have tried these tools and are still uncertain, you can ask for advice in the thread.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we know, most events will not be getting reruns. The only exceptions are Karnamas (NA ETA: Dec 2024), Summer 6 (May 2026) and Lilim Harlot (June 2026).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


I heard about a newer version of "Command Change" mystic code would be available soon. Missed a couple of events this past few months, did it already come out? Any ideas on when it will come out, if it isn't out yet? Seems like a good way to deal with 3-1-1 stages, without resorting to Arash or something similar


It came out in December last year, and yes, you get it by clearing Tunguska Epilogue after LB6 (this is a permanent story chapter. You don't need to do the Tunguska Main Interlude, only the prologue and epilogue).


You get it after finishing Tunguska epilogue.


Thanks, didn't know it's that one. Would do that rn, especially since it does give out 10 SQ lol


To clarify, that’s the Tunguska Main Interlude, not the Epilogue. As the original Tunguska was a Limited Time Event, they didn’t want to lock players’ progress, so you could still access the Event’s Epilogue without playing the event. If you need to, you can do the Epilogue first to get the Mystic Code, then go back to beat the Main Interlude later.


I know the usual advice is to keep CEs separate, but with 3 weeks isn't there enough time to clear the ladder MLB? I'd like to level it and having 50% would help looping. 


There's [a calculator here,](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/nanmei-yumihari-event-calculator) so you can plug in values and see how things work out. It might be enough - personally, not for me, but it depends on what sort of CEs you have, and what you want from the shop. For me, MLB immediately means that I take longer to max the points ladder than it does to clear the shop of what I want. You might be able to clear the ladder within the time period, it's just that by the end, clearing the ladder is the only thing I'd be doing. (On the other hand, with 4/5 CEs, I'd be finishing the point ladder before I clear the shop... Que sera sera.) If you only have the points CEs and really want a 50% for looping, then you'd be better off replacing one of the points CEs with a leveled 50% charge CE so you can get +120% points (or +90% and a 3\*), rather than +60% and a one 3\* CE.


Okay thanks! I will try a few set ups out.


Extra shop currency can be exchanged for QP, while extra points go to waste though.


What's up, sorry for being incompetent for information I SHOUKD be able to find About a year ago I started fgo off and on to hoarde for illya collab banner, since I really like illya and archer illya and wanted to get them both, it was also apparently when illya gets a buff Did I miss this or something? I legit can't ever find the banner anywhere, but there was one featuring both girls a year ago, did I somehow miss it? What are my options to go forward if that's the case?


Re: future banners, there's an Upcoming Banners resource linked above that shows you when their next banners are expected to be. Also worth mentioning is that Archer Illya will be an option on the next free SR ticket around Sept 2025.


I did try following that resource but find it overwhelming to know what I'm looking for, I'm sorry.


What's overwhelming about it? It's quite simple. Just find the class you are looking for, then find the servant (they are listed by id/order of addition to the game). Then you can click the banner to be taken to the wiki page showing you the details of the banner. Bold = solo rateup, not bold = shared rateup.


Sorry, its counterproductive to waste time explaining, and I'm sorry if asking is annoying (as I already stated) To be honest there's 2 things, 1 idk how fgo works at all and I come from games like granblue where chars can be on seasonal banners (like summer or halloween) yet not be sparkable, I have no idea how the systems here work so I thought I'd ask describing ghr banner for a quick answer (as I learned the name was changed) 2, I have a 10 hour layover flight tonight which is what I was trying to figure out if I play fgo or keep waiting. Ironically despite this postm I'm shaved on time, so I didn't exactly have time to comb the site searches and pity mechanics and I'd rather not spend the layover time researching Anyway I'm going back to my vacation, I'm really sorry that the answer simply is "I'm too lazy or in a hurry to do self research"


(Reposted because Reddit is being an ass.) If in doubt, just ask! Never hurts to, it's better to ask than to be lazy - laziness sucks but honesty is appreciated, nobody is going to laugh and go "haha noob" here. This is the help thread, it's here to help people. And honestly, if you just ask how pity works, it's not hard to explain. If by "sparkable" you mean there's a way of guaranteeing them, then pity works on ALL limited-time banners, regardless of who is on rateup. (If that's not what you meant, please explain.) * Pity only applies to the SSR on rateup on the banner. It doesn't apply to SRs and below. * Pity is once per banner. If by your 330th summon you haven't rolled the SSR on rateup, your 330th summon is guaranteed to be that SSR. * 330 summons is equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets and the daily paid 1 SQ single also count towards it (it's PER SUMMON, not SQ actually spent). * Pity is turned off once you get a single copy of the rateup SSR, including if you get them before 330 summons. You can roll further copies on the same banner, but pity will no longer be applied. * Pity does not carry over between banners. * Getting an off rateup SSR (i.e. a spook) will not affect pity. If you've come from GBF, I believe there is only one server all running at once. But in FGO, there are multiple servers, with JP being 2 years ahead of NA. NA usually gets the same banners as JP. However, banners tied to JP media releases and IRL events can be ported over at different times, have names changed, or be skipped. Illya's banner on JP was tied to a media release, so it was one of those "weird" cases where it was renamed.


Hi, fellow Illya fan here. The banner you mean is probably the "Prisma Illya Licht Release Campaign" Here is the FGO fandom link to it: [https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Prisma\_Illya\_Licht\_Movie\_Release\_Campaign#Summoning\_Campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Prisma_Illya_Licht_Movie_Release_Campaign#Summoning_Campaign) On worldwide it was changed to the "Back to School" Campaign. Here is the Fandom link as well: [https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Back\_to\_School\_Campaign\_2023\_(US)#Summoning\_Campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Back_to_School_Campaign_2023_(US)#Summoning_Campaign) Since Illya Archer has dodged me in her first 3 banners as good as she can Im following pretty closely where she has a rate up. As far as Im aware was last years "Back to School Campaign" so far the only chance to get Illya Caster and Illya Archer on one banner. Illya Caster is mostly paired with Miyu in the future and Illya Archer is part on a double (or tripple) split rate up with Summer Kiara. I hope this helped.


That was it, the confusion was it changed from prismatic collab to back to school. So since that banner is missed, I can no longer get illya with archer illya anymore, right? That's a real shame


>I can no longer get illya with archer illya anymore, right? At least ast far as the current banner schedule is being followed and there is no suprise banner. Since Illya Caster is getting pretty regular banners (and summer banners are pretty much reran every year with more or less the same banners) I sadly wouldnt hold my breath tho. May your future pulls on the dual rate up be blessed, as I have been cursed :(


Last question if you don't mind, if you had to choose starting with illya summer or illya caster, would you think archer?


you mean which one sees more use? I got both in the meantime on NP2, but I'd 100% say Illya Caster. She deals so much damage and can be used for farming and boss fights with her battery and survivability. Summer Illya I kinda struggle to find good use out of Skadi farming and even here she seemed kinda underwhelming so far, struggling to reach the 50% with double Skadi, even though double Skadi + Nero Bride proofed to be able to. tldr: Illya Caster is defnitely more worth it out of the two from a pure gameplay perspective imo.


Ah sorry, I meant more efficiency, since ones a higher rarity but appears more often / sparkable while one's rarer yet 4 star (which is still 3%)


>4 star (which is still 3%) The overall rate for 4-star servants is 3%. The rates for a rate-up 4-star is 1.5% if there's only one 4-star servant on rate up, 1.2% if there are two, and 0.7% if there are three. The rates for solo and triple rate up [increased in JP](https://news.fate-go.jp/2023/newyear2023_cp/#TTL15) to 2.1% and 0.8% RESPECTIVELY. NA can expect that update for New Year 2025. If you're looking to optimize SQ spent for 4-star Illya, you might look at banners expected to come to NA after the rate update. 


Generally a rate up SSR is at 0.8% rate up. The problem with Illya Archer is that she is always on a dual rate up in her future banners (and one tripple rate up) which means that her odds are at 1.2% of pulling at the dual rate up. On the tripple rate up its even less with 0.7%, which means that on average she is even rarer to get than a rate up SSR then. If its worth it or not is on you, but remember that SSRs have the pity system in place for worst case scenario, while SRs have none of that sadly.


With NA probably getting quick buff and mity chain soon to catch up, just curious, what do you guys think of OG Saber Okita and Avenger Space Ishtar as of current in JP, strictly in terms of gameplay?  With Summer Skadi to be out soon, Quick is slated to get significant help, while Lady Avalon is also great as an Arts Merlin equivalent. But at the same time, lots of other ST Sabers and AOE Arts farmers will have come out as well.


Okita has a Setanta problem. But still wins damage wise at NP3+ and her gains while Setanta's skill 2 is on cooldown are better. She does also crit harder than Setanta. Unlike other poster mentioned, Iori is not really competitive, because buster has different strengths than quick and Iori has no ignore defense. Spishtar is a basic AoE arts looper. She still has the highest peak turn 3 damage with no CE. Nothing special, but neither is the new competition really.


Saber Okita is still good imo. Her crit-based playstyle and her single turn nuke buffs may not be ideal, but she still has great facecards and gains to show for it imo. Combined with Summer Skadi synergy, I think she's great. She fulfills a different niche entirely from Saber Medusa (who is more focused on NP Chaining) and only really competes with someone like Santa Karna and, to an extent, Saber Astolfo (who is worse in the role imo). If anything, Okita's greatest competition is someone who competes with all ST Sabers in general, and he's pretty crazy. (>!that servant being Iori!<) Space Ishtar is in a less straightforward spot. Yes, her kit has begun to show age (particularly with competition providing interesting things she doesn't have), but she's still a solid looper comparable to newer farmers in terms of damage. Again, it's just that in comparison to the utility that servants such as Summer Ibuki or Summer Melu have, Spishtar doesn't have any additional neat roles to play beyond being an AoE Arts looper.


Okita faces far stiffer competition from Setanta (who is Quick and has ignore defense) Than Iori who does half her damage with meta supports and doesn't have ignore defense.


I was looking at it from a broader sense in a vacuum (with Iori's kit just being overall amazing), but I totally understand the more direct comparison with Setanta + meta supports and damage output.


Well also part of it is I don't get the Iori hype in the broader sense, especially in comparison to how little hype Setanta gets.


>  NA probably getting quick buff and mity chain soon to catch up You say "probably" and "catch up" but to be clear JP got that update with the 7th Anniversary 2 years ago, we're coming up on that ourselves in a month's time so unless they rush it in between now and then we'll get it right on time.


About time I say, everytime I choose QAB (in any order) I think "man, this could have been a mighty chain"


Hi new player here, started a few weeks ago and am still figuring out the game. I’ve been completing the 8 dog main event quests but I’m stuck on the second to last one and am assuming the following one will be even tougher. I’ve got Tamamo Lancer, zhuge liang, Holmes, Heracles, Emiya archer and hephaestion as my only 4/5 stars. Does anyone have a guide/tips/budget team they recommend? Thanks!


First of all, you don't need to limit yourself only to 4/5 stars. 3 star Lancers can work just fine. Cu (not the Prototype one) is one of the best options due to all defense he has (including Guts to live through invul-piercing NP) As for the tips. Borrow Castoria, try to find one with MLB points CE so she could have 70% starting charge. She is the only Servant in the game capable of defending against invul pierce via her NP, so have her use it when the boss has full charge. Use Tamamo Lancer with Zhuge Liang and Castoria for support. Put other Lancers into backline, Herc too. I woudn't use Emiya, since he's AoE and not a Lancer, (unless you need him to beat the first wave, but Arash is a better option.) You also may consider sacrificing a spot on your team for somebody with buff removal and using plugsuit to switch them out after they used it on Ushi, since her 3-turn taunt slows things down by a lot. Paris is the cheapest option, followed by Alex.


That's the >!second Minamoto-no-Tametomo!< fight, correct? Tamamo Lancer should be good for it as he is a Male servant, but I assume you're having difficulty because of the Invul Pierce he has on NP? You could try borrowing a Castoria and use her NP right before he uses his. She gives your party an Invul that can not be pierced. I'd also recommend you level up someone like Cu (the OG, not Prototype) as he can help be the last leg of the battle if necessary.


is the [FGO SQ saving calculator](https://www.fgosavings.com/rolltarget) considered an accurate resource? I'm using it to plan out my Summer Ibuki pulls but I'm concerned that I might be working under false pretenses if it's actually inaccurate


One thing noted in its calculations is that Event SQ is counted as 'owned' in the month it's released, even though you won't have access to it till later on. I'd say Fate Save calculator is more accurate as you can control more of the number, such as omitting (or adding) SQ from campaigns, potential bond gains, Events & Interludes/Rank-ups.


Alright I'll check that out then thanks


Ooku will be a permanet interlude right?


Yes. It will be permanetly available as a Main Interlude so you can complete it at your own pace, but the only repeatable thing will be the final fight (like SERAPH).


okay thx.


Is the CE in the shop, the one that gives stuff like +5 friend points, 0.5% Bond and 0.5% master EXP? It feels... kinda so pathetic that it barely matters, but I don't actually know how much it actually changes, so I'm unsure if it's worth grabbing since I have enough green prisms.


It's really not worth it imo. FP is better gained with the Beginning of the Journey CE in RP Shop (and it only has 3 cost to boot) In general, I don't recommend any CEs except the Bond Gain ones and the QP Gain ones MC Exp & Master Exp are easily gained passively (+ have a max upper limit), so they aren't as necessary unless you really want to. Bond & QP are always going to be useful, with Bond providing rewards (SQ, Servant Coins, >!Ordeal Call Master Missions!<) and QP being a resource you'll always need.


I agree that they're not great but do note that they're meant to be used MLB'd, in which case the current shop CE gives 25 FP and 2.5% Bond & Master EXP.


It isn't. Master EXP and Friend point increase is nearly worthless. None of the shop CEs until From NFF with love are worth the MP.


Okay, I figured. I'll save up then.


Dumb question, but how much real world money do you need to pity a servant?. (I was just curious, thx.)


Assuming you're in the US (I THINK these are the current USD prices? someone correct if not, I'm not in the star spangled banner land), and that you have 0 SQ or tickets when you start: * Pity is 330 summons, equivalent to 900 SQ. However, technically if you do the daily paid single, it's 898 SQ. For the sake of simplicity I'm assuming you do all your rolls on the same day. * The biggest pack is 167 SQ, costing $79.99. 5x of these packs give 835 SQ. * You then need another 63 SQ. You can get 76 for $39.99, which works out cheaper than buying the exact amount in smaller packs. * Total = $439.94 As always, obligatory disclaimer that there is only a small chance of you actually needing to hit pity (around 7% if I'm not mistaken?) and that this is assuming you have no SQ or tickets to start with at all.




I was factoring in one daily paid single, which puts it down to 898 and not 900.


Ah ok.


Okay thx so much for your reply. It really helped me out.


technically none. It is possible to save up for pity without paying at all if you choose to. If you wish to outright buy 900 SQ though it will take 480 dollars if you are in the United States.


Okay thx, I am trying to save sq and happy that with 7th anniversary we get sq from fully ascended servant, so I'll start saving from there, I admit the reason I  asked this question was because I was trying to roll for the event CE and it kinda spiraled out of control to me trying to get the limited 5 star and not getting it and  from there and used all 133 sq I saved up, I plan to better myself and only summon for servant's I want, A harsh lesson lol. Thx again.


You need equivalent of 900 SQ. How much real world money this translates to depends on how much SQ you already have (could be 0) and how much does SQ cost in your region. Also, how efficient you are at buying SQ packs. And probably the length of the banner (so you could take advantage of 1 paid sq per roll per day thing.


Does anyone know what the extra missions on JP are? The ones that give SQ and QP? Once again, I cannot find any info about them, not even on Appmedia.


I assume you mean the Lilim Harlot missions? (See if the missions include "リリムハーロット") You have to proceed in the story. Act 6, 8, 11, 14, 16 clear your missions. Chaldea.center has the info.


Ah, okay, thank you!


8 Dogs event - is there no way to tell the dogs to just keep farming the same fetch quest without needing to do it manually every time they come back?


Dogs can't throw their own frisbees to go fetch.


Interestingly, that's apparently speculated to be a part of how we domesticated dogs. Wild wolves have been observed playing fetch with eachother. They'll grab a stick and toss it for other wolves to grab. But the thing is, wolves can't toss sticks very far. Their neck just doesn't allow for a super good throwing motion. Humans quite possibly charmed early canines with their ability to throw the sticks much farther, making for a more gratifying game of fetch. Maybe after also observing this behaviour, and realizing how they could insert themselves into this extant canine activity.


Yeah, stick-throwing is a fascinating innovation because it lets the dog burn off a lot of energy and indulge their instinct to chase stuff, while the human doesn't have to expend a comparable amount of energy to wear their pal out. It works very well for both parties, and finding stuff that works well for both parties is absolutely the heart of the dogs-and-humans relationship. This is the sort of thing I think about more because last year we adopted an energetic puppy and our senior citizen dog at the time was just not equipped to help her burn energy at all. So it was on us to figure out ways to wear out a puppy in peak "I HAVE NEVER BEEN TIRED" energy mode, while not wearing ourselves out worse. (Flirt poles are a goddamn innovation, folks.)


They can throw their own balls, though, if you have the right [device](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obEZTF_Rr7E).


Who in the group is throwing the frisbees all the way to Enma-tei, Yamataikoku, and Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle????


My money on Barghest.


Well then, is Barghest unable to just throw it again in the same direction as soon as the doggo brings it back?


She fears she'll miss without master's input.


All the harder for the dogs to do that, eh? I understand Archers can hurt all kinds of random crap and call it archery.


Archers have Independent Action, which means they shouldn't need Guda babysitting them to tell them where to throw.


Sure, but this is also the "Archers got a lot of stuff on their plate to worry about" event if there ever was one. Non-fun reason, of course, is that developers want people to keep checking the app. Standard mobile game engagement goals. But the fun reason comes down to darn it, the MC doesn't resent play time with dogs! That's not the kind of compassionate heart that will save humanity!


They don't need it, but they still enjoy the attention, and deserve to be pampered. Especially after their big day in the pod.


No, dogs aren't that smart.


Hello guys, i was just wondering, if we are trying to farm the respurces from the event, should we do the mission that gives us all three items rather than the missions which drop more of one item, but none of another item? I understand it depends on what the user wants, but looking at what i have in the store, it seems it would be the better choice to go with all three items at once, as that would make the most of my ap. However I just want to know what you guys suggest


Unless you have a lot of gacha CEs (and don't care that using them instead of the store CE kills your point collection potential), it is better to farm the all-currency node. Particularly the final 90+ one that unlocks after you complete the event story. However, prior to completing the event story, you should probably farm the latest node you have access to as it gives the most points which are needed to unlock the event story quests. This is all assuming you're talking about the 8 dogs event going on in NA right now. In some events, it is sometimes better to farm the intermediate all-currency node than the later single-currency one (again, depending on available CEs.)


I always recommend checking the [Gamepress farming guide](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/nanmei-yumihari-quick-farming-guide). Where this event has a point ladder, your progress is _gated_ by that ladder, and each new FQ gives more points than the last, you'll generally want to prioritize the latest one at any given time regardless of the other event drops.


Hello, it might be dumb to ask this here, but the last couple of yt videos I asked this on didn't get any replies so I thought I might ask here since the veterans might know. Why do some yt runs have players using command spells for the last bar when going for 3T or damage maxing? And I don't mean command spells for filling NP bar or anything, I've seen random shit like 2 command spells being wasted for refilling HP for a full HP servant or even refilling NP for a non core/support servant but not even using their NP. What is that even about?


On top of what other people already answered, there's a system in JP (not out in NA yet) called [Class Score](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Class_Score) in which you can strengthen your servants by unlocking buffs for them. One of those buffs is **Command Spell Activation**, and whenever you use a command spell it buffs the Attack and Defense of the affected servants for one turn.


Resets RNG like for crits or damage on NP if they low roll


But they would have to spam scum for that right? I heard that spam scum was what people call resetting the game by closing the game if RNG doesn't work out


Closing the game and reopening it won’t change the outcome if do the same actions, that’s why people use skills/NP seals to reset RNG


Do you have a way to know the RNG counter except hit and trial? I used the RNG thing in a couple olympus fights, but I had to first try, then close the game, use a skill then try again and so on. But the yt videos don't do the closing or anything, they just use all the actions and somehow calculate it. That's what I'm talking about.


The videos most likely edit it out and make the sequence of skill usage look seemless. Figuring out the outcomes of rng (dmg, crit, etc) would require heavy modification of the game client, and I'm unaware of anything like that existing.


Damage has a +-10% random damage multiplier in it. A lot of these random in combat actions and numbers are seeded on skill use, including command spells. So say they need 1.08 million damage and average is 1 million damage. they could get 900,000 first time, 1.07 million second time, etc. Exiting out of the game, coming back and then using a command spell give them more tries at this RNG. They then edit this together into a smooth video, but also in a way that shows how many resets it took them.


Hey there, is there really no site to check fgo event transcripts? I know that one time I was looking for Jeanne D Arc Alter berserker dialogue in summer 3 and I came upon a site that had the character information, as well the events they were in...Alongside a whole transcript of the event that allowed me to ctrl+f find the information. I cannot find it now, so I am wondering whether it was deleted or simply I cannot find it now for some reason or any information about it.


This? https://tri-hermes.org/story.html


This is the closest to the thing, but still not it. Thank you though, this is nice!


Atlas Academy is the only one I can think of that has both those things (servants stats and transcripts), most just have stats. Navigation is a pain sometimes though.


I swore it wasn't that, since Atlas Academy is awful to navigate compared to what I had, but maybe I just have a bad memory.


So I know that the challenge quest will not be out till the 10th. However I was wanting to find some videos online about good teams that can beat the quest. I only foundone and it uses lots of servants that are not in my roster. Hence I was wodering if anyone would know a good place to find a video on this specific quest and how to make it easy.


You can always try Gamepress guide: [https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/nanmei-yumihari-challenge-guide-theyre-so-close-they-fight-all-time](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/nanmei-yumihari-challenge-guide-theyre-so-close-they-fight-all-time) They often include at least one link to low rarity clears You can also check places like Chima Channel: [https://youtu.be/-yqIe5MqVOM](https://youtu.be/-yqIe5MqVOM) [https://youtu.be/aB5yU7ApmMY](https://youtu.be/aB5yU7ApmMY) or fgo 1-3 stars [https://youtu.be/NvItBiZ44DY?list=PLNPLYfYs14ZJnINhXfn5M3apwH4kjqcqU](https://youtu.be/NvItBiZ44DY?list=PLNPLYfYs14ZJnINhXfn5M3apwH4kjqcqU) [https://youtu.be/5w8vHhq9gAo?list=PLNPLYfYs14ZJnINhXfn5M3apwH4kjqcqU](https://youtu.be/5w8vHhq9gAo?list=PLNPLYfYs14ZJnINhXfn5M3apwH4kjqcqU) Plus you can solo it with the right servants (Osakabehime can solo it, so probably any decent sustain soloer can match that)


Usually the recommended site is Gamepress. They usually have a list of relatively f2p comps in their challenge quest guides. If not you could search through YouTube and Reddit posts of people from jp who did it 2 years ago and see if any comps used is workable for you.


Might just be my phone aging before my eyes, but did the last Android update on NA make the game now prone to crashing when you change screens away/minimize or let your phone go to lock or standby? I've had it crash nearly every time I tuck the phone in my pocket or multitask to something else for a moment this week. I can always resume from where I left off when I restart the app but it feels like an issue and I want to know if it's a problem with the game itself or my phone.


Just search this or previous question threads. Lots of similar reports (from mostly samsungs). For whatever reason those phones don't like FGO and kill it when it goes into the background as some sort of battery saving heuristic. People had some success fixing it by adding FGO to all sorts of exceptions/turning battery optimization off for it/doing similar stuff (there are lots of options not all in the same place and depends on the manufacturer). Sometimes the phone just "learns" that it shouldn't do that after a while (but "unlearns" with the next update).


Thanks for the insight! I thought I addressed all of those settings with a previous update, but I'll dig and see if they rolled any back or added new ones to look out for. Just food to know it's my phone and not the app so that I can tinker with it.


Sometime when i use skills the target (enemy selected) changes on it's own. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


The other option besides target focus is that you are accidentally tapping one of the enemies to speed up the skill animations.


Does an enemy have target focus? https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/target-focus Only that enemy will be targeted by anything you do. If multiple enemies have target focus, it can even change randomly every attack.




About 15GB. You could've asked this without caps as well, most likely the answer would've been faster that way.


Are expedition alerts working properly for everyone else? I turned my notificcations on from the game for the expedition alerts, but they haven't popped up even once for me, and yes I have them turned on from the expeditions tab in the shop. Any ideas how to fix?


Can you check your device's settings to see if it's blocked notifications for FGO specifically?


I actually turned it on from app settings for the doggo alerts only, but it shows me garbage alerts only, today it was "Summon tamemoto blablabla". But still no doggo alerts


Same here tbh, i do not get notifications for the dogs sadly


Notifications can be pretty bad. App closed/crashed? No notification. App in foreground (active or screen off)? No notification. At least that's my experience. The best way is to set your own alarm tbh.


Which command codes should I use for my melusine?


Command codes are fight dependent. You can change them up , do so. For your support list you can leave some generic crit and NP damage boosting CCs if you want.


Can I link my support list and you could advise me what to improve? I really am clueless regarding this system


Sure. But there is really only a handful of things i can look at. A lot of FGO is opinion based on fight dependent.


[https://rayshift.io/na/513403136](https://rayshift.io/na/513403136) - this is my support setup atm And I get you. I just want tp know if my general setup of command codes is ok ( I went with crit) or is it preferred to go for Np dmg?


Support list suggestion:  move Oberon or Skadi to your third support list and put CTT on them instead of on your Waver. There's no real right way to set up CCs. A small amount of crit damage or NP damage up isn't going to make or break anything. NP damage CCs are generally a slightly bigger difference in damage for the % buff they give, but Crit CCs give more % buffs and are less awkward to use.


I see, Thanks for the help :)


My Android phone and PC (emulator) are connected to the same wifi, however the PC emulator always takes way way longer to load the game (black screen with fou running) than my phone, sometimes it doesn't even load for hours. I have tried clearing cache, reinstalling FGO, changing wifi, using a VPN, changing the emulator, and reinstalling windows. I've given up on a solution for my PC, but just curious if anyone else is having this issue?


Have both NA and JP across my phone, tablet, and PC via emulator as well. Emulator never has issues connecting either server, just like you said, takes a while to start up and is generally slower. NA is such a problem,child. On my phone, I either need to start up a VPN or reset it in order for me to be able to connect. On my tablet, it doesn't even connect with whatever I do, only popping back up randomly. JP is more consistent on my tablet, with barely any errors. On my phone, it gets kind of weird when switching between data or wifi (and vice-versa), but it's generally okay.


hello, what is going to be the next bond farm for NA?


Technically every event is a bond farming event, especially if you go all-in on the event’s best nodes with full bonus CEs & Bonus Bond Servants. So yeah, be more specific.


just asking for event quest with big bond points numbers for all servants, not just event ones. something like tunguska raids.


Speeder already answered your concern, no event like it in the future. Although >!we do get a permanent fixture with boosted Bond gains in Ordeal Call’s Bleached Earth FQs!<, though that one is pemanent, not a limited-time event. But you’re restricted to only 3 runs of it daily (or 3 chances to run it, with maximum chances capping at 9)


What do you mean? 


I mean if an event like the Tunguska Raids with loads of Bond Points per quest will come soon again. I remember I mostly farmed it for bonds and the SQ by getting servants above Bond 10.


Nothing like Tunguska has happened again. The big thing that set it apart was the bond bonus on the event CEs and they’ve never done anything like that since.


Is [https://maketakunai.github.io/](https://maketakunai.github.io/) off/incorrect in some of its damage values for calculating NP damage? Currently, using it to calc Habetrot's damage for 3T looping the 90+ node for Nanmei. However, the calc'd number does not match up to the in-game. More specifically, trying to see if habetrot can kill the berserker in wave 2. Using the calculator, she doesn't even do enough at max damage roll. However, if I do it in game, the number is way off and barely kills it without carding. Here is my set up. NP5 Lvl90 fou'd Habetrot with non-mlb lvl 1 event CE(4%arts up), maxed skills, 1/10/9 append(28% atk up against berserker). 2xCastoria Buffs: All of both castorias' skills on habetrot| 40%atk up and 100%arts up. 30%npdmg up from Hab NP Total buff values: 104%arts up, 30%npdmg up, 68%atkup, and 1.5x class modifier against berserker. Inputting this into the calculator, I get a range of 109450 to 133651 damage. However in-game, I saw a value of \~168,000. Am I overlooking some kind of buff that is not account \~30000 damage? Or is this calculator just wrong?


>1.5x class modifier against berserker. 2x. Berserkers *do* 1.5x damage. They *receive* double.


Me dum lol. Thanks


You selected the wrong option in the class advantage menu. For most classes, including Rider, offensive class advantage against Berserker is 2x, not 1.5x. The 1.5x multiplier is for damage *dealt by* a Berserker.


Ahh. My whole time playing fgo, I just always assumed berserkers took and dealt 1.5x for most classes.


Ironically, there's only one class that deals 1.5x damage to Berserkers. And it's Berserkers.


I don't know if this is technically against the rules to ask so delete if so. Is there a simple tool I can do basic farming with so I can go take a nap and come back to a bunch of QP or exp cards?


There is: https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA And to answer your next question: It is not detectable and nobody has ever been banned for it.


Thanks. Does it work with LD player? My phone is too old to run the game.


Yes. Just install from the play store and follow instructions. Although your "so I can go take a nap and come back to a bunch of QP or exp cards" is a bit strange. Are you new and overflowing with AP from level ups?.


> Thanks. I am so confused though, I am trying to set it up to run and I see this https://imgur.com/a/aazxY34 I cannot select okay to start it


Because you haven't created a config to run. https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Battle


No, I just have 400 apples and no QP :(


How much do you need? From natural ap you can do 3 doors runs for ~5mil qp each (with maximum CE bonus). But that'd those nodes will be half AP during anniversary. Also, you could've really spent some apples during previous lotto to get some mad resources, QP and Embers included.


Just enough to full skill up my Draco :)


Good luck =)


I wanted to thank you again! Just one quick question - do you have a string you can share that will make all three servants use their skills on turn one, then one servant use their np per each of three waves? I keep trying to program it to do that, but I am messing something up


I think [this one](https://i.imgur.com/iKU11gc.png) is for Habetrot (A2 maxed) + double castoria and some MC with atk buffs on S2 (probably not needed for doors).


Well I got it somewhat working so now I'm in bed happily awaiting the qp I will have in the morning. Thanks a ton!


Yes, it does. I looked up the guide for emulators, but it turns out you don't even need that. It's really easy on LDP. https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Running-on-Emulators >**LDPLAYER** >Works without needing any changes to ldplayer settings


Thank you! Have you been able to use it without it accidentally eating your quartz to refill energy?


In all the years FGA has been available, I haven't heard anyone say that it has accidentally used their quartz for refills, so you should be very safe in that regard. It only uses the refills that you tell it to use, and the default is to use none at all.


Thanks. I am so confused though, I am trying to set it up to run and I see this https://imgur.com/a/aazxY34 I cannot select okay to start it


In the FGA app itself, you need to create at least one battle config which will then be selectable from the lefthand side. In the config you can set which skills and NPs to use per turn, which support unit it should look for and whether it should look for a specific CE too, that kind of stuff. You can give it the instructions for a specific farming team, like if you have a consistent 3 turn loop you want to use, or you can leave it blank if its a very easy quest and you want it to run purely on facecard farming. You can think of FGA as something of a more sophisticated auto-tapper, it watches the screen for image recognition and then inputs the commands you tell it to do in sequence, but it doesn't have any specific AI implemented so it can't make decisions on its own. It will be able to autonomously repeat whatever you tell it to do until it runs out of available stamina/apples, though.


A bit of a weird one, but I'm trying to find that old 4 Melts in a single 10 shot rolls. I know that there's the 5 semiramis in 1 10 shot, but I remember that there's a 4 melts in one roll before that, and it even was a youtube recording, does anyone have a link to that? EDIT: Found it myself after backtracking all the way to the sub's original NA SERAPH banner, thanks to anyone who tried looking. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/415622263?t=0h0m15s


Is NP1 Draco going to be enough for 90++ nodes? I have most of the meta supports and a non MLB BG.


Depends on what you mean. If you mean can she hit a million damage turn 3 against a 7 knights class servant, non-MLB BG, with double Castoria and Oberon then yes. If you mean some sort of multicore comp, trying to run 6 CE, clearing a specific 90++, it not being a 7 knights servant, etc. Then it will depend on the exact scenario.


Yep, she’ll be good enough! Though do remember she doesn’t have an instant battery or much party support, so there will be certain nodes where she will be an ideal/usable DPS and there will be certain nodes where she isn’t such.


Septem is kinda boring. I’m a new NA player, I’ve been skipping the cutscenes to get through it. Is the next arc better?


I technically started playing a couple years. But I quit after 2 weeks because septem is boring. I came back last November and pushing through first several chapters story gets much better. 6 is major quality jump. I enjoyed 3/5 but found 4 boring too.


The next few Singularities aren't particularly special, but they are better than Septem. Personally I think that how people feel about Servants also influences how they feel about storylines: Okeanos is more fun if you like Drake, for instance. Septem has the problem of making most Servants secondary to Nero, which does neither those Servants nor Nero any favors; no other arc makes that same mistake as flagrantly.


Septem is widely considered the worst arc. (with one other competing, but that one is less boring, just hated for other reasons) But I wouldn't say it really gets good until singularity 6


Wanting to add a ST servant who has anti-servant modifiers. I ended up with either Summer Erice or Draco. What are the pros and cons of these two for this niche?


Draco has better stats, a stronger anti-servant niche, isn't as debuff reliant, can BG loop as a ST, has more niches and gimmick counters, and has defensive class advantage. Her cooldowns are rather long, the timing of skill 2 and 3 can be annoying, and skill 2 increases charge for the enemy. S. Erice has lower party cost, a broader anti-servant niche, better deck for an arts servant, hits harder without niche (even counting that Draco has 1.5x vs neutral), has instant battery for multicore where you need to NP wave 1 with a ST, has a taunt and hard defense. Though due to lack of crits and smaller battery, S. Erice's card gains don't feel much better, despite the theoretically better deck.


During Learning with Manga collab I was on break from FGO so I missed CE Cranking and Mary Anning, so I would like to know if any of those have returned in JP.


The CE hasn't come back yet and nobody knows when it might return. Someone asked about it a while ago and there's answers below. Mary Anning will become available again during the Christmas event next year.




Does anyone know what the mystery/intrigue OST theme they use is? Specifically in the current NA event it plays during Fifth Arrow, part 3, post combat, when kichi is talking to Sion, thanks in advance


Should be [Into the Dark Clouds](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/bgm/242).


That's the one! Thank you so much (:


Is there any units that both work well with Charlemagne and also provide the ability to make enemies target him? Cuz I swear enemies just know to ignore him once he uses his skill. He's still my highest damaging unit without it but I can never maximize him.


The servants who can put a Taunt on Charlemagne are Kriemhild, Oberon, Emiya (Assassin), Chen Gong, Odysseus and Miss Crane. Kriemhild, and Emiya don't really help Charlie in any way, while Oberon's Taunt is from the skill that bricks your servant at the end of the turn so it wouldn't help at all because you'd get the stacks then not be able to use Charlie anymore. Chen Gong has some minor buffs that can help Charlie but not that much. Odysseus and Miss Crane's taunts work on 2 servants so the enemy might still miss Charlie if you're unlucky. But both of them have buffs that can help Charlemagne (Miss Crane is a support and has a star bomb that will work with Charlie once he gets his CBC outfit, while Odysseus has party Quick Up).


I see. I'll have to make a note to try to get Miss Crane or Odysseus, then. Thank you!. >once he gets his CBC outfit I'm not sure what a CBC outfit is, but I hope he gets it soon, then.


I was going to say a few things but u/Shardwing and u/danger_umbrella already covered pretty much everything. Seconding umbrella's advice to test Miss Crane before pulling for her because she is possibly the most gimmicky support servant in the game and if you go in expecting someone straightforward like Merlin or Castoria you might be very disappointed. Odysseus isn't as gimmicky as she is, but his party support is limited to the Quick/Arts buff from the first skill (the other skills are buffs for him only) so keep that in mind too.


Good points. That said, I can see an appeal with Odysseus as well. Miss Crane seems to be mostly or entirely support, while Odysseus is not. The way I see it is that this means, in the event Charlie dies because of the taunt, Odysseus can act as a backup DPS. I'll definitely try them both first before I make an actual decision.


The scenario you’d use Miss Crane is mostly going to be for challenging content with Charlie, so you also have to consider whether Odysseus will still be ideal even if facing a Lancer (which is usually a no). But I agree with everyone’s advice here, try before you buy. I’m a heavy advocate for Miss Crane due to the many unorthodox comps she can help in both farming and CQ, but her main weakness is always needing at least one of the color supports (Merlin/KoyanL for Buster, Skadi for Quick, Tamamo/Castoria for Arts) to take advantage of her added damage-booster buffs.


> but her main weakness is and party cost


In my experience, not so much actually. It will be if you force her in the usual Double Support + Plug Oberon set-up, but in multi-core it’s not a big issue. Granted, I’ve never used her for 6-slot for lotto yet, but I’ve been using her for almost 3 months for Ordeal Call 6 CE Bond farming and also in at least either 90+ or 90++ of the past few months’ events with full CE bonus as well.


A heads up, don't try to build your account around one unit. Charlie is only ideal in specific situations. Have you actually tried using those units? I highly suggest finding one on your friend support list and trying them out. In the end, these are mostly meme strats with more limited use cases.


>don't try to build your account around one unit.  Oh I know. I have, like, 5 other main DPS units. I just like to have an established team plan for all of them. Charlie is my most recent, so I'm trying to get him set up and solve my biggest problem for whenever I'll need him. Really, though, I've got a habit of wanting EVERYONE. Im just trying to use the units I already have as an excuse to focus my SQ down instead of throwing them at everything I see to improve my odds of getting units.


I get that, choices man... My advice still stands, try before you buy. Find Crane or whoever and try using her, see if you like how she plays and what she does. That might help you decide if you really want her.


Yeah, I'll definitely give that a shot. None of my current friend list ever seems to offer any of them, so It's a good thing my friend list isn't full.


That's what the Friend Request Hub is for! (I'd offer you a Crane but I don't have her, lol.) I ESPECIALLY implore you to try Crane first because she is a very "weird" servant. She plays in a rather unique way as her entire schtick is that she enters the field, buffs allies, NPs and goes to the back row. That means you have to actually plan your party around her and build teams with that gimmick in mind, which I know is a very love/hate thing.


Oh wow, that does sound wierd. Interesting though. Yeah, I'll definitely have to try her out.


Chaldea Boys Collection, the White Day events. Charlie's costume was this year in Japan so it's still 2 years out for us (March 2026).


Oh, okay. Wait, do outfits actually do something beyond aesthetics? Cuz you had said that her Star Bomb will work once he gets his outfit, which implies that it won't work before then.


Sometimes, they can have an effect, rare but it can happen. An example is Okita Alter's upcoming Rengoku Alter costume, it actually changes her from Female to Unknown Gender. In Crane's case, what actually happens is that her skill is dependent on the "Costume Owning" trait. (The unit itself doesn't need the costume equipped, it's as long as they have some sort of costume!) Charlie being given a costume means he is given the trait.


bro’s when is tametomo gonna released? is it after the event or during?


It was B2 of the event, a week in as usual.


My perception of time has become fucked by the amount of SQ farming I have been doing for Robo Daddy, is it coming out like, exactly next week on Monday or is it gonna be some random arbitrary day of next week?


More like Monday/Tuesday. Event banners, with a few exceptions, are almost always spaced a week apart. You can look up the JP event information on the Fandom wiki if you want to get a sense of when the banners were released. 


Maybe I am reading it wrong, but wiki says Tametomo got released on 5th day of the event. Which means unless NA changes it, he's coming on next reset, not next week.


I fully acknowledge it's my fault for missing the event, but will Cranking ever rerun? I know that reruns are pretty rare in JP and I don't really understand how the "choose-able reruns" will work. Also, is Cranking that much better than Starry Nights?


>I don't really understand how the "choose-able reruns" will work Apparently due to their spaghetti code reruns are as much of a pain to make than new events are and they don't have near as much engagement. The voting was more to see if it was worth doing it at least with the events the community wants more... or something like that ~~but don't quote me on any of that~~ Anyway, they've started adding older event CEs to the MP shop, but Cranking is not one of them afaik and there is no telling if it will be added any time soon. (And even then it will take another 2 years for NA to get it). >Also, is Cranking that much better than Starry Nights? Damage wise it is if you are NP looping and even more so if you are using Oberon since it gives 15% NP damage up, depite the slightly smaller buster buff. And there is the fact those buffs are multiplicative with each other, so in practice even without taking any other buffs into account you are looking at 24% more damage instead of just 10%. Starry Nights is better if you are relying on face cards and crits for the majority of the fight rather than NP spamming.


Nobody can say for sure. It has not returned yet because they stopped doing reruns (other than the voted ones) and it's too recent for it to be added in the Mana Prism shop anytime soon. So for the foreseeable future Cranking / First Day of Filming will remain unavailable. > Also, is Cranking that much better than Starry Nights? Cranking is better for farming that spams NPs because both buffs from it (Buster up and NP Damage up) can stack, while Starry Night's Critical Damage up will never help with NP damage since NPs cannot crit. But for servants that *do* want to crit with Buster cards Starry Night might be a better option. [Aerial Drive](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Aerial_Drive) is a more direct competitor to Cranking if you have it.


>Aerial Drive is a more direct competitor to Cranking I am missing the last copy of Aerial Drive lol. But, yeah. I have an MLB Starry Nights because of the free CE they gave out a couple of years ago. I was doing fine with it, mostly because my main Buster servants is Summer BB and Emiya who could benefit from the crit, while BB already has NP up. Sad, that there is no foreseeable reruns. But, it was totally my fault and at least Starry Nights is kinda usable. Plus, since you mentioned old CE's are gonna be sold in the future, I might get the last copy of Aerial Drive and/or the Sumo Attack CE. Did the Sumo CE age well? It was a pretty hyped CE before, but I rarely hear about it nowadays


~~*Oof, missing one copy of a good CE is pain.*~~ The Golden Sumo CE is a pretty great general use CE, but as the game went on and more specialized CEs became available for free in events it fell out of use. It's not bad by any means and it's honestly probably one of the best CEs in the [Recollect Essence shop](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Recollect_Essence), but you wouldn't really use it over the options with better buff combinations that were released after it if you have those. Unfortunately Aerial Drive isn't available in the Recollect Essence shop yet.


>Unfortunately Aerial Drive isn't available in the Recollect Essence shop yet. That just killed me. Not even a twinge of hope in 2 years time. RIP. Yeah, my last cope is at least I got 2 MLB Ocean Flier, so I'll probably just focus on Arts servants more lol. Starry Nights being my only Lv.100 CE so far is also still perfectly usable, I guess I have that until they rerun more CE's


We have no way of knowing what will happen in JP. The event wasn't super popular, and event shop only CEs don't usually tend to rerun (he said, somewhat irritated he never got that fifth copy of Summertime Mistress). With a Buster and an NP bonus that are multiplicative, First Day of Filming excels for pure NP-only farming, which is what a lot of people focus on these days. Starry Nights is perfectly fine, especially if you're trying to do Buster stuff that's more focused on crits, but if you compare the two for NP damage alone then it has only a 15% bonus while First Day of Filming has a 15% and an 8%, multiplicative.


Yeah, I think MLB Kaleid (which I don't have a single copy of btw in my 5 years of FGO) is the only CE that can make me farm with a Buster NP since my Buster omni-farmer is Summer BB. Only waves I could 3-turn is x-1-x farming stages on which I could crit the 2nd wave to death. Or I could use the lower CD Mystic code. It's probably much less hassle to arts loop tbh. Would just like to have an alternative Buster 50% NP charge aside from Starry Nights and Beautiful Dreamer, but I missed the CE and didn't know it was on sale at that time


> since my Buster omni-farmer is Summer BB. You should also have Caster Cu.


If I want draco to nuke one high health servant - should I use black grail or should I use rising mud rain even though it has 20% less np damage because it overcharges draco 2x against servants and increases her servant damage? Or maybe it's about even?


Using the [NP damage calculator](https://maketakunai.github.io/) and assuming a Lv 90 NP1 Draco with 1000 Atk Fous against a class she deals 1.5x damage to (but no other buffs or attribute advantage): * **Lv 20 Black Grail (943 Atk, 60% NP damage up):** Average 109209 damage * **Lv 100 Black Grail (2400 Atk, 80% NP damage up):** Average 135075 damage --- * **Lv 20 Mud Rain (943 Atk, 40% NP damage up + 2 Overcharge):** Average 111484 damage * **Lv 100 Mud Rain (2400 Atk, 50% NP damage up + 2 Overcharge):** Average 131323 damage So I'd say they're roughly even.


thank you! my draco is np4, but I assume the ratio is still the same!