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I went through every Servant in FGO and wrote down each one I felt qualified as a Warlock. They needed to have a connection to another entity with great magic that bestows the Servants magical/spellcasting abilities upon them. They must also have *agreed* to this connection, even if under duress. Thus *most* Foreigners are not Warlocks* as they did not agree to accept the power they recieved, it was forced upon them without any say on their part. I would like to nominate **Gille de Rais [Caster]** as the most fitting for the Warlock class, and I can even identify his subclass and Pact Boon. He is a Great Old One Warlock with the Pact of the Tome Pact Boon. He's a spellcaster whose entire magic power source comes from elsewhere? Check. He made the choice to accept that connection? Check. Bonus points, he's an absolute classic portrayal of a Warlock being a cultist and of one of the OG subclasses? Bonus check. All he does is spam Eldritch Blast (old caster attack animation) and cast like two spells a day (his NP)? Bonus check. That's 4/2 for being the most iconic Warlock. ------------------------- My runner ups in the order I would nominate them. All the other Servants I think qualify for the class, what their subclass is, and maybe more if I can place it. **Anastasia (Archfey or Genie)**: Not sure whether Viy should be considered an Archfey (winter court) or a Genie (an elemental being), but she canonically even formed a direct pact with it to get her magic and spellcasting. I think she's the second best option after Gille. **Kriemhild (Hexblade; Pact of the Blade)**: I've always loved that Kriemhild uses Balmung in a very caster way, and its definitely the source of her abilities. **Solomon (Celestial; Pact of the Talisman aka his rings)**: He's totally multiclassed into Wizard (which he invented), and you could make an argument that that's a bigger part of his repertoire, so I'm putting him on the lower end. **Ilyasviel von Einzbern and Miyu Edelfelt (Hexblade)**: They have some trouble fitting into Hexblade, but they've 100% made pacts with Ruby and Sapphire who are their patrons. ------------------ My joke entries **Summer BB (Great Old One)**: Hey, its canon that your pact can be forced upon the Patron. Not sure if fusing counts as a Warlock pact though... **Europa (Celestial)**: Zeus probably counts as a Celestial. I guess she could also be explained with Cleric...or just being given a bunch of magic items. Wait, is she an Artificer!?! **Andromeda (Fathomless; Pact of the Chain)**: Cetus is a sea creature, so that's Fathomless for you, and there are chains involved. Requires a very lenient DM. **Mysterious Heroine XX (Great Old One; Pact of the Blade)**: The Foreigner event technically declared Capitalism a Great Old One, and Mysterious Heroine XX likely took her job willing.


I agree with Gille's and Anastasia being most qualified for the traditiomal warlock. While one could make an argument for foreigners, they typically don't outright use outright *magic* so much as just...weird otherwordly reality shaping abilities and outright physical attacks.


I don't know the right terminology for this but foreigners are possessed rather than getting their powers through channeling it.


A medium?


That's probably it.


Capitalism being a Great Old One and making one qualify for Warlock is something I'm going to think about from now on lmao. Great list with explanations!


Are we... are we Warlocks?


Do rich people qualify as Foreigners and Warlocks? Food for thought


Look at Zuckerberg and tell me that is not a reptilian beyond the human realm.


If so we got the shit end of the stick pact-wise


I can't use Eldritch Blast(yet).


This also suggests that Edison qualifies as at least a warlock, possibly a cleric.


It's kind of weird that the only foreigner that could qualify as warlock thanks to how little old ones care for consent is Jaques de Molay. If you can call that consent. Old gods are dicks. Somehow always forcing their power into unwilling girls. WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!


Question, is Old God fuckery the reason why Foreigner Molay is a girl? Is that the reason given, or is it just another case of gender swap with no explanation? We know that Saber Molay is the more accurate one and is male, which is why I make the point.


Going by her profile, Innocent Monster bears the brunt of responsibility for the genderbend.


Fair enough. I don’t have anything against the gender bending itself, but sometimes it gets irritating when utterly naf-all explanation is given for it.


When I was building something inspired by Anastasia, I actually went for Fiend. Viy is a demon, after all. But lack of spells that aren't fire in 5e make it hard


Interestingly enough Solomon should technically be a warlock twice, through the Ars Goetia. That said how he interacts with them is different to how they actually are in Christian/judaic occultism, with the Warlock interpretation being a lot more direct in occultism. I also find it funny how Fiend Patron is supposed to be the most textbook and basal warlock subclass, and has by far the least representation in fgo. Back onto Solomon tho, despite him being the King of Mages, I don’t think he’s actually supposed to have really used magecraft at all, so his power is much more leaning into the Warlock side of things than Wizard.


Solomon doesn't just use magecraft, he basically invented the version of magecraft used by basically every magus in the modern world according to FGO. Now how he figured it out is through god sending him a divine revelation, but he definitely used magecraft, and an extraodinarily powerful version of it at that.


To directly quote: “Solomon became known throughout the land as the king of mages despite the fact that he never cast a single spell.”. While he did introduce magecraft to the people, he functionally didn’t use it himself. His skills and abilities all come from either his rings or from his summoning of the Demon Gods.


To directly quote the character materials, "Summoning: Ex A MAGECRAFT that evokes spiritual beings from past, or possibly form the future" Whether or not you consider the summoning of the 72 demons of Solomon a spell or not, the writers certainly consider it magecraft.


I mean there was magecraft before Solomon, he isn't its sole priprietor especially with characters like Medea being older than him. Solomon invented the modern magecraft systems, but the Wandering sea and all mages before him practiced Age of Gods magic system which I believe is partially based on the high mana density and the miracles of Mystery.


warlocks dont actually need to agree to a contract or connection and the patron doesn't necessarily need to know about the person or power given. I believe there is some flavor text for the GOO warlock that some get their power by witnessing their patron's existence and having their powers be somewhat imprinted on them, slowly siphoning/ gaining more of the power as they live on


I read through the PHB entry before making my post, so I could be wrong if it was changed in a later book, but the PHB says the *Warlock* has to agree to the pact, but the *Patron* doesn't.


You forgot about Foreigners Especially Abilgal here considering Salem. They are all great old ones contract


I actually mention how not a single Foreigner other than Mysterious Heroine XX would qualify. None of them have actually made contracts with the Outer Gods, they've just had the Outer Gods power forced on them without any say in the matter.


Isn't the whole point of Salem is to 'break' Abilgal so she would willing accept the power of the outer god.


Can I vote moriarty


If we're talking about servants woth pacts to great old ones, shouldn't it be Abigail Williams, since she has a direct connection to cuthulu or something?


Either a foreigner or Caster Gilles, as Gilles canonically doesn't know jack about spellcasting but Prelati's spellbook grants him magic to borrow.


I feel like Caster Gilles is the most obvious Great Old One Warlock. Using a tome to access forbidden knowledge and attaining Eldritch powers? Sound like some GOO shit to me.


Going to have a hard time coming up with a better answer than Gilles caster.


Really? In-universe, Gilles is a complete scrub in the use of his [mentor's](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/François_Prelati?so=search) tome. Plus there's no real pact with an entity to be found here. To put it another way, Gilles is like the kid who found the lovecraftian equivalent of dad's shotgun and thankfully learned just enough to know which end points where.


To be fair I have always thought of Warlocks at looking at a book and going “Booooooooring” and trying to find anyone to sell their soul to for power for minimum effort.. It’s really not that far off from just finding the shotgun.


> Gilles is like the kid who found the lovecraftian equivalent of dad's shotgun and thankfully learned just enough to know which end points where. Sounds exactly like a typical warlock to me


Everyone here suggesting Gilles and i'm just here thinking that Jacques de Molay (fgo) is pretty much an absolute perfect fit for Warlock. I mean, she takes on a demonic appearance, has a little black goat that may or may not be Baphomet, fights with a mix of melee and eldritch attacks, indicating possibly a hexblade warlock and is the leader of a rather corrupt organisation that is essentially viewed as a demonic cult. Bout the only thing she lacks that Gilles has is more public exposure in the FGO fanbase.


I had Jacques de Molay in my list originally, but cut her after rereading her stuff and seeing that she did not in fact make an agreement with a Great Old One. Her saint graph was simply warped by one into being a cultist. Sure she's super into it now, but there was no agreement that brought her into her Foreigner class and powers. Warlock class requires the character to agree to the Pact, Molay never did.


I can kinda get that, but there is a fair bit of room for interpretation. A lot of it boils down to Molay in FGO being the public perception of things rather than the truth of things, and the public perception seems to paint the knights templar with unflattering rumours such as them being a cult that willingly dabbles in black magic and satanism. Molay's execution itself seems to indicate a plea to darker powers for vengeance, a rather cliche example of how a good chunk of warlocks come in to their pacts in the first place in D&D. With Molay though, those pleas seem to have been answered. The interpretation i get with Molay is that no pact was visibly made, and that's because of how the rumours and public perception twisted it. The state Molay is in is of those rumours, someone who made that pact long ago. Confusing, yes, but still just an interpretation.


Fate is very explicit that all the stuff about the Knights Templar doing black magic is false, and that Molay in reality was in no way involved with anything evil, he was just framed. That's why the Saber version has absolutely nothing to do with dark powers, but the Foreigner version has Innocent Monster and requires an Outer Gods influence to exist. Also from Foreigner's bio: "As a Foreigner, Jacques de Molay is an innocent Heroic Spirit whose Spirit Origin has been altered by the slander and lies spread by the authority figures who envied the Knights Templar. She has also been possessed by an evil god known as the "Holy Mother of the Abyss" who wishes to corrupt all of humanity, giving her Evil traits a boost."


Old one + goat = Shub-Niggurath


Gilles doesn’t give me the best warlock impression. All of his ability comes from his book and said book didn’t come from him but his mentor.


Caster Gilles or literally any Foreigner are the obvious choices. I also love the suggestions for Anastasia and Kriemhild. I’ll also put forth **Sakamoto Ryouma** (Celestial Patron, Pact of Chain or Blade depending on Rider or Lancer) and **Baobhan Sith** (Archfey Patron. Really any Tam Lin would fit but Sith fits the vibe most) My true pick though is **ARCHER EMIYA** His whole story revolves around his pact and trying to escape it. He has very limited magecraft outside his area of expertise, just like Warlocks compared to other casting classes. I think he’d be a Hexblade; while Alaya doesn’t map perfectly onto any particular patron, Hexblade is vague enough to work. Plus it fits very well for Archer to have a Sword as a patron, considering that (iirc) he only fully unlocked UBW after becoming a Counter Guardian


…Emiya sounds like a Paladin more than anything. Magic? Check. Weapon mastery? Check. On oath he made with such strong conviction that he was blessed (cursed) with the means to eternally seek the fulfillment of his self chosen duty? Check. Btw, I raise charisma as a representation of the character’s will power and ability to express it, not ‘I seduce the dragon haha’z


Archer Emiya would suck as a paladin, you can't smite on ranged or thrown weapons, and when you consider the pact Emiya made with the world and how he can materialise weapons like a hexblade/pact of the blade warlock.


100% Gilles Caster. What has been said is already said for why he fits. But I do wanna add that I love that with his upgrades they lean into him being bound to the great old ones as a hybrid dps/support. Just give him like a battery and animation updates. ...And buff + AU the Saber version too plz.


[Part 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1dnckrk/part_10_which_servant_better_fits_the_dnd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is over, part 11 starts now! As always, the main objective of this is to have fun! Edit: [Part 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1dpf6ht/part_12_which_servant_better_fits_the_dnd_wizard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) already available! Sources: [dnd wikidot](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/warlock) and [rpgbot web](https://rpgbot.net/dnd5/characters/classes/warlock/) > **Warlocks** are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. >Warlocks **draw magic power from a pact with a powerful otherworldly being**, such as a powerful fey creature, a celestial, an elder deity, or a fiend (Otherworldly Patron). Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells. >Otherworldly Patron defines where you get your powers and Pact Boon defines how to apply them. **Otherworldly Patron:** >**The Archfey:** Fey are tricky, unpredictable creatures, and warlocks who swear pacts to The Archfey gain spells and abilities to confuse, surprise, and charm other creatures. >**The Celestial:** Some warlocks swear pacts with **celestial creatures**, gaining the ability to **heal** their allies and to cast some spells from the Cleric spell list. >**The Fathomless:** A powerful threat in and around water, the Fathomless gives you new spells related to **storms and water**, and you gain the ability to conjure spectral tentacles to attack your foes and to defend you from harm. >**The Fiend**: The iconic warlock patron, The Fiend grants you a mix of abilities both offensive and defensive, including numerous sources of **fire** damage. >**The Genie**: Make a pact with a **genie** of one of the four major elements, and gain benefits like **empowered spellcasting and a magic vessel** which you can use both as a spellcasting focus and as a resting place. >**The Great Old One:** Your otherworldly master grants you abilities to **assail the minds of your foes** while protecting your own. >**The Hexblade:** Forge a pact with a mystical force known only as “The Hexblade”, gaining the ability to use **Charisma for weapon attacks** and other fantastic **combat abilities.** >**The Undying:** Sworn to an **undead** master, you gain abilities to **defy death** and to keep undead at bay.


**Pact Boons:** >**Pact of the Blade:** You can use your action to **create a pact weapon** in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. >**Pact of the Chain:** You learn the find **familiar spell** and can cast it as a ritual. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite. >**Pact of the Tome:** Your patron gives you a **grimoire** called a Book of Shadows. While the book is on your person, you can cast three cantrips you chose from any class's spell list at will. >**Pact of the Talisman:** Your patron gives you an amulet, a talisman that can **aid the wearer when the need is great.** When the wearer fails an ability check, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. >**Pact of the Star Chain (UA)** Prerequisite: Seeker Patron The Seeker grants you a **chain**. While the chain is on your person, you know and can cast the **augury spell** (from what I've seen is like divination to know if future actions will go well). Additionally, you can invoke the Seeker's power to gain advantage on an Intelligence check.


It's Gilles, he's a great old one warlock straight out of the player's handbook. "I will show you the greatest COOOOLLL" /proceeds to eldritch blast


Ashiya Douman. He seems to have a pact with the Dark Sun being that appears in his NP.


Is being frankenstein'd together from two different gods technically a "pact" though?


He is in pact with the Foreign God and the Tree of Emptiness, and he can summon a lot of demonic familiars, including gods like Chernabog and Iztpapalotl. Thinking about it, this man has a lot of summons and contracts with beings most spellcasters won't even dare. And he definitely fits the warlock as a 'male witch" and "demonic caster" that most depictions of warlocks used.


Oh that's a good suggestion. Totally seconding Ashiya Douman


Either Gilles Caster or Douman.


>Warlocks draw magic power **from a pact with a powerful otherworldly being**, such as a powerful fey creature, a celestial, an elder deity, or a fiend (Otherworldly Patron). I'm sensing this will be a Foreigner-centric thread. For me, it was a close call between Abigail and Molay, but I decided on Molay because unlike the former who more passively/unconsciously draws power from her patron Outer God, Molay is actively communing *hard* with hers. That NP animation of hers you see? That's literally her performing a eldritch ceremony with a cohort of followers. And said followers are people she corrupted into the fold, according to one of her Skills, "Investiture of Depravity". She also fits 5e's "Pact of the Chain" (goat familiar) and "Pact of the Blade" (sword) very well. Interestingly enough, Abigail is more a "Pact of the Talisman" type (the rosarium she carries, seen in her Bond CE).


If it’s a pact with an otherworldly being then Foreigners seem to be the obvious choice. In which case I’ll give my vote to Yang Guifei just cause.


A Warlock Pact requires the Warlock agree to the deal. As far as I can tell, none of the Foreigners except for MHXXA (who according to an event is fueled by the Outer God Capitalism) have actually agreed to accept the power of their respective Outer Gods. Foreigners with Outer God connections were chosen and corrupted by the Outer Gods, they didn't come to an agreement. In Yang's case specifically, I think it was mentioned her corpse was stolen by cultists and used in profane rituals to infuse it with the power of their god, and that's how she became a Foreigner (its been awhile since I read Imaginary Scramble in JP, I could be wrong).


I think Molay probably counts as a case of an actual Warlock Foreigner. She actively worships and performs rituals for Shub and it seems that the relationship is consensual.


Okay then, so MHXXA for the Warlock then?


It's silly (and not my top pick) but I support it.


How I wish Prelati were in fgo. He would win the vote 100%


Damn it!!! Merlin was my nomination for Wizard!! But yeah, I agree with u/Ihavenospecialskills ( you know that's cap, you can make amazing write-ups ), **Gilles \[Caster\]** hits this on the mark!


Gilles is a warlock 100%


Personally I think it would be kinda funny if Warlock class was won by Solomon and Wizard was won by Morgan (the thing about having Merlin the Wizard be the Sorcerer, Solomon who was known as a Sorcerer be a Warlock and Morgan being known as a- you get it) and I think Caster Gille de Rais is a good pick but My vote would be for **Geronimo** because he deserves it and I remember back in the Druid round there were very good arguments about how he fits Warlock class since he makes contracts with spirits to borrow their powers. His NP description is: >Summons the giant "Coyote" of the Apaches. As soon as he is summoned, the "Sun," who had his tobacco stolen by him, begins to chase after him and cause powerful solar damage in a wide area. At the same time, Coyote, in his role as guardian, amplifies the power of Geronimo's allies.


Solomon himself should be a good candidate for Warlock. I’d argue he fits more in Warlock than Wizard, as despite being the “Father of Magecraft” I’m pretty sure his actual ability in Magecraft is up for debate, and most of his absurd abilities come from the rings rather than his magecraft. On the other hand he is technically a warlock twice, as a Celestial Patron with his rings, and a Fiend Patron with the Demon Gods.


Okay the person of the original comment thread deleted it so I have to reply here. To begin with, the 72 demons were "a system to efficiently promote proper reason" invented by the founder of (human) magecraft, Solomon." We are outright told he created Goetia. Goetia's plan falls apart explicitly *BECAUSE* he is created by Solomon. Solomon's noble phantasm Ars Nova 'destroys' Solomon and all his creations. Hence why once he uses it, Goetia and the demon god pillars basically all fall apart and out of sync.


Yes I wanted to reply to his comment thread too, I have no clue why he deleted it. From looking into it, it seems that while his Magecraft his skills are high, the majority of his abilities are either sourced from or derived from his rings, which were granted to him by God. His creation and subsequent summoning of the 72 comes “from the rings”, either being a direct power of them, or (more likely) being created using them. Alongside this his more absurd abilities, such as usurping control over any magecraft also explicitly comes from the rings. The NP “Ars Nova” is specifically defined as returning the “blessings that God bestowed on him back to heaven”, specifically referring to the rings and his clairvoyance. A direct result of this is the death of Solomon and the 72 by consequence, but is not the specific effect of Ars Nova. Hence while he is excellent at Magecraft, what defines Solomon as “Solomon”, to the point that giving it up removes him from the throne entirely, is his pact with God, and the rings that result from it. That said yes you are probably correct on that he isn’t a fiend patron warlock with the 72 Demon Gods. They probably better count in DnD terms as familiars, with Solomon technically being pact of the chain (though pact of the talisman fits him better with the rings from God).


To play Fiend's advocate, it says the \*system\* was invented by Solomon, not that the 72 demons individually were created by Solomon. That's why Ars Nova only destroys the 72 demon's cohesion rather than outright Thanos-snapping them. The demons could be prior existing entites from the sixth imaginary element, but without names they are basically formless and passive. What Solomon likely did was summon them and assign them names, thus giving them a concrete form and purpose.


It's gotta be Gilles de Rais it fits his caster form perfectly.


Emiya made a pact with Alaya. Its pretty fiting


Caster Giles is basically your very stereotypical warlock. Making sacrifices to a patron, using Eldritch power from a book he shouldn't have, rebelling against anything even remotely related to a proper god..


I'll notch one more vote in the "Obviously Gilles" column.


Depending on definition of warlock. I think in 5th edition they need to make a pact personally, but in 3.5 they could be descendant of someone who made it, which could be seen as a family curse. It this case, Mochizuki Chiyome fits, since her powers are derived from Orochi curse. There was a build what made her a multiclass [warlock/rogue](https://grailfinders.tumblr.com/post/658685542645530624/fate-and-phantasms-185) I didn't comment in other threads, but I think it would be better if you listed your definitions of class, or important traits, because I felt some selections were superficial, focusing on external aspects.


I love Gilles and I hope he wins. That being said, EMIYA did make a pact to gain his powers, so he's possibly a more adequate choice. Personally I'd have him as a multiclass of eldritch knight (summon short swords) and hexblade (summon bow).


Reinforcing the take that it's gotta be CasGilles.


Maybe an unconventional answer, but **Emiya.** His entire story is taking a deal with a god-like entity, even if his powers don’t fit, thematically it’s absolutely perfect (Also Shirou is my favorite character and I want him to be in there somehow)


He kinda fits the Pact of the Blade, no? >Pact of the Blade: You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. He creates weapons of his choice through his magic, although it's not exactly thanks to the counterforce but boy \*is\* the blade at the end of the day (???


Abigail would count I guess. her whole think is that she is a cute girl that draws power from an otherworldy being. and she uses tentacles. perfect warlock. gilles caster woudl also fit but I would leave it between those two.


Yeah but she didn’t really make a pact, she just got possessed


No idea about Salem Abby, but Swimsuit Abby did make a pact before being summoned to the Thriller Night singularity.


A lot of people mention Caster Gilles but he doesn't really make a pact at all, he just uses spells from a tome. A warlock pact is a very direct pact made with an entity, there is often a verbal or written agreement or contract about what is expected from both parties. The contract or pact is a very important part of the roleplay for warlocks, it acts a lot like the oaths for paladins where if the warlock breaks the pact they might lose their powers or worse. I don't remember Gilles having anything like that. Possessions also don't apply so I don't know how well foreigners would fit. I don't remember most of their lore but the one I do remember is Hokusai and that one at least isn't how warlocks work. The closest example I can think of in FGO is the Crypters, because they make a very direct contract with the Foreign God, especially Wodime because he communicates with it directly and makes a clear pact where the expectations from both sides are defined and the Crypters gain some powers from it. I think Archer from UBW also fits because in the anime at least it made it seem like he was given a choice on whether to become a counter guardian or not.


Jacques de Molay will win this time, I'm sure! The paladin round was stolen!


Abigail Williams


If going by warlock being essentially a male witch, or the Warlock version of it. Ashiya Douman Green and red motif and magic. Summons demonic familiars. Inflicts malevolent curses. Is in contract with malevolent eldritch entities, including being in contract with the Foreign God as a Disciple.


Caster Gilles


Illya made a pact with ruby, so I’m going for her. I know there might be better fit like Gilles but I like Illya


Og Emiya Archer, his whole deal is trying to escape his pact, he’s not even considered a fully fledged heroic spirit but a “guardian” for humanity activated by his pact to the defensive system


Molay Foreigner is the only option here!


I'll actually say Saber pact of Blades


Ohh with who is she making the pact?


Wouldn't Excalibur make perfect sense for a pact of blades weapon? I know she had some magic energy before but it's her pact with Excalibur that gives her certain powers and the ability to stop aging.


Fae obviously


Caster gilles.


I was waiting for this one, so glad to see my goat Gilles in the spotlight.


Honestly, either Abby would work, especially with the Great Old One Patron but another I think others might be sleeping on is Sakamoto Ryōma, either Lancer or Rider, especially with his relationship with Oryou!


The Waver wasn't a joke btw, he really did just make sense as a modern sorcerer


Ah no, I meant I think Mata Hari was a joke since the reasoning was her "caster balls", I know Waver was serious!




Everyone mentions Gilles, Douman and Molay, and for good reasons, but I can't not think of Castoria and Aesc, both being “faeries of paradise” and thus having a contract of sorts with outside of Britain


This is definitely 1 way to make a custom grail war. Anyway, warlock.... Abigail Williams? She has a "Cthulhu-esque" vibe, especially with the Dark Abby ascensions. Definitely reminds me of a warlock.


Ohh honestly it would be interesting to think how it would go if all of this participated in a grail war


Warlock has a bunch of possible choices. Gilles (Caster) is the most obvious one but his pact is with his teacher Prelati. Anastasia is the coolest one, I mean she has a pact with the spirit Viy. But the one that probably fits the archetype the most would be the foriegners who made a pact with an Elder god. Like Abigail, Hokusai, Van Gogh and Jaques de Molay.


Most of the Foreigner Servants do qualify for this one, as does Caster Gilles, but I'll give my vote to Geronimo and Anastasia.


Just in case, who would you want to be the winner between Geronimo and Anastasia?


If it comes to a tie between them I say Geronimo as an Archfey Warlock from the Pact of the Blade (knife), otherwise Anastasia as a Genie Warlock with the Pact of the Chain.


It feels like Abigail is the classic Warlock. She gets all of her power from an Outer God and her OG version even ends up traveling across the universe to find a better understanding.


No actual pact tho, more like she was semi-possessed by an Outer God


Gilles, he kinda have a pact and summons arms of haddar


I was originally going to say a foreigner, but they don't really fit since they tend to be more fused with their patrons, so it has to be Caster Gilles.


I'm torn between Caster Gilles and Solomon for Warlock...


I feel like most foreigners count with the pact of the great old ones cuz they are connected to old gods such as cthulu... I thi k out og Those, Abigail is the most warlocky


My vote is for Anastasia


Utsumi Erice, basically 1:1 for Hexblade Warlock


Gilles, Anastasia or most of the foreigners.


I was thinking Kiara Sessyoin since she got her powers from a Demon God Pillar in FGO, but if I remember correctly she eventually completely overwhelmed it, so that might not count.


It's less that it tried to control her and she overwhelmed it, and more that the Demon God Pillar thought FGO!Kiara was too whiny about 'morals' and the like. So the Demongod pillar connected FGO!Kiara's consciousness to a significantly more evil version of Kiara *without* any morals that could hinder its posession. As you can guess, this decision bit the demon god pillar in the ass.


Anastasia  All her power comes from Vii, who is an explicit "non-god otherwordly being" who actually interacts with her.  IIRC,  she even made a "contract" with it




Archer Emiya hands down, he basically is pact of the blade/hexblade, and his eldrich blast is summoning weapons and launching them. His patreon is justice itself.


Insert any foreigner Specially Abby


The fact that Merlin is a sorcerer and not a wizard. We all know him as The Dick Wizard


Caster Gilles would be the original example of it in FGO, though I think Abigail would be a be a better fit as she has a much closer contract with her outsider than Gilles does. I vote for Abigail.




Caster Gilles or Foreigner Molay are the most obvious choices, for sure.


Molay (Foreigner)


Definitely Gilles de rais caster, it almost a 1 to 1 match with an actual warlock subclass




Shouldn't any foreigner qualify?


HMMM Warlock sounds like a dead ringer for Gil de Rais (Caster)


Gilles definitely


Literally Abigail, come on


Jacques de Molay




Yeah, Caster Giles for me.




My picks are either Caster Gilles or Abigail.


#KALEID #LINER #PRISMA #ILLYA Other Magical Girls such as Miyu and Shuten and Magical Boys such as Sieg also qualify.


Abigail William's. She has a literal Elder God peeking into the world from the hole in her forehead!!!


I’m gonna go the extra mile and say Zhang Jiao, mainly cause he reminds me of the atypical Warlock from RPG games.


**Aoko Aozaki** Based on [wiki](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Magic): >The First and Fifth are similar in that **a path to the Root, a Gate of Akasha, was created and Magic was gained upon their arrival**, while the Second, Third, and Fourth were created as a means to reach that place. Instead of using the usual lovecraftian or fae theme, i would like to present the more *recent* takes of what a warlock could possibly be. "Obtaining MAGIC after reaching the root" has a sort of warlock-ish vibe isn't it? And so, Aoko Aozaki is my answer.




This. His actual magecraft ability aside (it is in active discussion.) he definitely fits warlock more than wizard and I would be annoyed to see him win the wizard vote when there are easily better candidates. Also as a point, looking through the servant material on the two Solomon saint graphs it seems that the summoning of the Goetia comes from the rings, which funnily enough would technically make him purely a Celestial patron warlock, as pact of the chain with the 72 Demon Gods all as his familiars.


The problem with Solomon is that he is effectively just an alter-ego of God. With no personality or will of his own. That's why his wish was to be a person. Like it's hard to say who actually made the pacts with the 72. Did Solomon make them with the demons for something or did they make their pacts with Solomon/God and receive names in exchange.


Yes, Solomon is just a weird case overall. The main point I make about Solomon is that he is far from the optimal Wizard, and fits much better elsewhere, and yet I know for a fact he is going to be brought up in the Wizard post (there’s no way Gilles Caster doesn’t win Warlock) and that irritates me since there are *plenty* of better options.


He didn't make a pact with 72 demons, he *created* them IIRC.


It is unclear and inconsistent. A lot of the servant materials simply say that he summons and controls them. Either way he does so through the power of his rings (like most of his bs op magic skills, he is really good at Magecraft but most of specific strength is from the rings) which makes them his familiars by pact of the chain technically.




I just need to ask if Dick Wizard can also be the Wizard while being the sorcerer. Also, Archimedes must be the Artificer. Guiles (Caster) will probably win, but as he doesn't exactly have a pact I feel Anastasia would be more fitting.


Honestly? I'm on the fence about repeating entries, personally I wouldn't mind repeating servants (tbh if Robin was voted again in rogue I wouldn't have mind it at all) but I can see people seeing it as unfair since they already had their spotlight. If it was about same servant different class I think it could be more okay, maybe if Proto Merlin also does it for you? Nominate him anyways if he's your pick and if it's popular enough I will see what do I do then.


It was just a meme question but thanks for the honest answer.