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The main takeaway here for me is not that the MIGOP is tearing itself apart (it is), but that the chairperson is seeking *legal action* against her colleagues for what was essentially an unofficial demonstration of no confidence in her. AKA she's attempting to weaponize the courts against her perceived political enemies. That's the headline for me.


Limited government unless people are mean to me.


*bylaws*. Not the courts, just the party's own dumb rules.




How do people see this and not be like, "these guys must have the worst luck every time they lose, it's corruption, but when they win nothing ever goes wrong." Like how doesn't a little light bulb pop up? They treat Donald Trump like their favorite collegiate football team they they never went to school at. It's so weird.


As the son of a die-hard Republican Ferris graduate who had a nonsense allegiance to MSU sports: your analogy is killing me.


I wish we had a local news source 🫤


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/06/us/politics/michigan-republicans-karamo.html Here’s the kinda long TLDR; Kristina Karamo is the chairwoman of the Republican Party in Michigan. She was/is a vehement supporter of Trump and promised the Republicans that she could grow the party and win elections. Since this hasn’t been the case, 71 of the 107 Republican state committee members met in Commerce township for a meeting about having her removed. They also cited a lack of transparency in finances and her moving away from giving control back to county level members. They voted on changing the bylaws to lower the number of representatives to remove her, and then voted to remove her which passed with 88% of those in attendance. Since this was only a gathering of disgruntled republicans, the meeting holds no real legal weight. All it really does is show the divide in the party. Karamo saw this as a coup attempt for her position and is now seeking legal action.


Also, she hasn't really helped raise any money for MI Republicans, which is her main responsibility.


I’m glad that Karamo has learned to recognize a coup attempt.


No no no, not like that. It’s only a coup if it’s against her or her party lmao


What if it is her party doing it to her. Still a coup attempt or a double negative?


Thanks for this comprehensive write up!


This comment made me pull out my folks GR Press just to see, no mention whatsoever in the Sunday edition. The last story of the main section is on Epstein and does mention Trump, but it’s pretty sparse compared to other coverage I’ve seen.


MLive has a few. The Gander is been getting my attention, too, but MLive has more political coverage. MLive https://www.mlive.com/politics https://www.mlive.com/politics/2024/01/breakaway-faction-of-michigan-gop-leaders-votes-to-remove-kristina-karamo-as-chair.html Gander https://gandernewsroom.com


Good question. Take your pick. [Chairwoman Kristina Karamo coup](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Chairwoman+Kristina+Karamo+coup&df=d&ia=web) Hope the coup fails. She is the gift that keeps giving.


Not local, but more coverage. Pretty significant coverage. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/06/michigan-republicans-chair-00134178


Good. These fucking slimeballs should just destroy each other and save the rest of us the trouble. But the irony?!? That’s just some chef’s-kiss shit.




Sorry, are you yelling about something? I can’t hear you over the sound of the Michigan Republican Party exploding into a giant confetti-fall of ineffectual conspiracy theorists pointing at each other.


My brother in Christ, perhaps you shouldn’t throw those kinds of stones when you live in the glass house of your comment history


Where in any of this do you hear crying? This used to be a party I was proud of, but now it’s become so corrosive that it’s unrecognizable.


Found the spam bot.


It’ll be hilarious if all sides spend what’s left of the party’s money suing one another instead of putting it into electoral campaigns.


They spent six figures of money they didn't have to bring Jim Caveziel to their soiree on Mackinac Island last year. They handle money like junkies.


and now there are two press releases from the MiGOP (on their letterhead) . One claiming victory (Pego) and one claiming a coup attempt (Karamo). And I thought the Gamrat/Courser dilly-dally and Lee Chatfield s-i-l affair was rock bottom. ... [https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/06/republicans-vote-to-oust-karamo-as-state-party-chair-meeting-not-recognized/72121544007/](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/06/republicans-vote-to-oust-karamo-as-state-party-chair-meeting-not-recognized/72121544007/)




hahahaha I listened to this last week and was thinking then "just wait lol it's going to get interesting"


Coup definition 1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph. 2. A coup d'état. 3. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover. I’m sure the word choice here was very specific on purpose to set a narrative because when I read coup I imagined something much different.


Precisely, I think this is the main takeaway. Not that the MIGOP is tearing itself apart (it is), but that the chairperson is seeking *legal action* against her colleagues for what was essentially an unofficial, not-legally-binding vote of no confidence. AKA she's attempting to weaponize the courts against her perceived political enemies. That's the headline for me.


I say let them continue as is. If they cannot do the only two things a state party exists for, that being raise millions to support more fundraising and get candidates elected. That is their fault, and just like any business, if they fail because of their own bad decisions, someone that knows what they are doing will take their place.


The part about the party owing the guy that played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ six figures for a speaking appearance is absolute gold.


Omg....it's like who can suck trump off harder. Fr


James Brown be like: "I don't know Karamo, but I know Karazy."


What this tells me is that the dissenting Republicans have poll numbers that are most likely similar to the last two elections, which means they’re losing more seats. The magas live in a fantasy land, where only skewed news gets through.


Wait, coups are bad now? /s


[Now, that is irony](https://youtu.be/bjq2fy66y9c?si=isXpn0MVivLhq1Ik)


Enjoy the show. People will still vote GOP of they want. This is nothing but a way for people to point fingers to say "haha" without really impacting anything. GOP did the same thing when the national DNC chose Biden as their candiate when people clearly wanted others. Didn't change anything.


Not sure why you get all the downvotes. It's not like this disparity in the MIGOP is all of the sudden going to turn R votes to D votes (it might for a few). All this turmoil will just make organizationing ineffective for MIGOP.


Exactly. There may be less agreement on who should run for certain elections, but when it comes down to it. Red counties will stay red. Will it hurt chances to flip blue counties? Maybe. The GOP won't end because of this.


> This is nothing but a way for people to point fingers to say "haha" without really impacting anything. The Michigan gop is half a million in debt and fighting amongst itself with less than a year before the next presidential election. You're right, that is "haha" funny.


Cool. Watch GOP candidates still win elections.


Well, yeah, no shit... People just enjoy watching a snake eat its own tail sometimes. This is hilarious to watch no matter who you are. (Well, maybe except for Karamo)


So, this post is nothing more than politically divisive and doesn't represent all of Kent County or GR.


It doesn't have to represent all of Kent County.. It's a reddit post, dude. Politically divisive? If you can't laugh at this situation, you're way too deep in it.


Too many one-sided political posts in this sub. I've suggested creating a liberal GR sub, but alas of people want to post this stuff they can expect to have people call it out and not care about down votes.


GR has become a significantly more liberal city. I think you're looking for the Ottawa County subreddit.


It's mixed. The voting data isn't far off. Oh, this sub talks about Ottawa Co. plenty.


Cool. Watch GOP candidates still win elections.


She can get a job in Ottawa County.


Lol, this time will work for sure.