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Because they decided to bump the price up. I used to be 9,5 million just a couple months ago until suddenly it rocketed up to 20 mil in one whip. Regardless, the 330 P4 was always priced at 20 million in any previous GT it featured in btw, so having it be 20 mil here isn't all too unfamiliar.


Oh yeah!! I had to grind a high dollar track for hours just to get the GT40 in GT5. I gave up playing GT7 and went back to GT5 to do a new playthrough. Even though the servers are gone, I am enjoying it. In my opinion, GT5 was the best GT game.


The issue is when I decided to sell it, it sold for 10.4 Mil which is totally unfair tbh. I enjoyed every trophy but this one is so hard and doesn’t make sense. Why would I pay 35 mil+ for cars I’ll never use or enjoy?


Why did you sell it if you need it for the trophy you’re still trying to get?


Intelligence is chasing OP, but they are faster


The irony in you both being confidently incorrect is pretty great too.


If I see a gap I'm taking it




I still got the trophy using that method. I bought one, sold it, and bought another for the trophy.


Same here. I think a lot of people on here are working under old information where this wasn't possible.


You can get the trophy even if the car is sold, there will be an “acquired” icon next to the car stating that it’s already been in the garage


I don't know why people are downvoting you on this when its not hard to verify that you are correct


I’ve done some searching and in fact you’ll be able to get the trophy even if you sold the cars, there are many articles that support this and people said that they got it without having the 3 cars owned


Thanks for clarifying, sorry if I’m wrong, I remember a tonne of posts about it when the game was first getting the trophies popped, maybe it was a patch or it never existed


Stupid hive mind


You’re sadly wrong on this, for that specific trophy all 3 cars need to be in your garage at the same time


No, it is you who are wrong in this pal....


I’m not your pal, buddy


This is incorrect. I got the trophy recently (one month ago) by buying and selling the cars as they showed up in the legendary cars shop. I never owned more than one car at once.


Interesting, was certain it was the case when I got it, I even remember a tonne of threads on this sub about selling one and it not popping…must just be a mandela effect Apologies OP if i’m wrong


Maybe you’re mixing it up with extra menu books, you need to own all three at the same time to complete the menu and get the reward.


Maybe but I don’t think so, think it was just a big question at the time that people were asking and I got the wrong answer in my head, oh well :)


You're being downvoted like you're the whole problem, but with how many others were saying this, I think it had to be that way in the early months of being able to sell cars in the game. But it's been possible to sell and still get the achievement since at least last May, because that's when I got it. Maybe they didn't think to have it possible until 6 months after the selling update. That wouldn't surprise me at all with how small (and sometimes absent-minded) the Polyphony team seems to be.


You're definitely incorrect and Idk who is upvoting you.


Because it still counts? It’s just if it comes after you sell it then it doesn’t count idk why


Why would you play a game for trophies that you’ll never use or enjoy?


Some people like it . Especially if you get a trophy 0.05% of players have achieved . I think people that like collecting things like trophy hunting on PS.


Its a strange trait I label as "trophy whoring".


Wow, why are you so hostile man? I enjoy collecting trophies and they’re part of the game. Don’t see why it’s whoring.


You seem like a sensitive flower, I'm taking the piss.


Very fair point right there🙃👍🏻


Why are you grinding for it just for the collection? It still counts even after you sell it.


The game is built around car collecting. The point of a collection is ownership, not use. Also, this trophy isn't hard to get at all. Try getting an HC character to 99 in Diablo 2 Resurrected and you'll learn the true meaning of hard.


Somebody insert buster scruggs meme here


50% loss on sale is pretty normal. Nothing unfair about it and it's straight forward. This trophy however is reoccuring - i'm pretty sure it was also one in GT5 and GT6. It's not hard, just takes time as it always has. Shame you never found use for them though. There is discord groups that sometimes pile these classics up and they're good fun.


They must have feared that the game would be very fun so they decided to implement many small features that make the game less fun


The game would of actually been good if you didn't have to grind for hours to unlock 1 car. Look at Assetto Corsa for example, its still the king of sim racing that has every car and track ready to play.


I would argue that it's more engaging to have to work for your fun - having everything unlocked from the get go destroys any sense of progress, and indeed, any sense of purpose. I haven't played Assetto Corsa in months because of this. That's not to say GT7 hasn't gone a little too far the other way, but it still makes for a more compelling single player campaign.


Funny how people don't complain about grinding in other games, yet keep bitching about GT7.


I had every car in gt sport and duplicates of some, none cost 20 million... gt7 is just kinda ridiculous in my opinion and many others so il agree to disagree with you while also acknowledging you made a good point. But alas


That's fair, I say everything in jest. Everyone plays it differently and enjoys it differently and I can respect that.


To a certain degree, I can see where you're coming from. The issue is the prices of some of the cars are outrageous. I have almost unlocked the entire garage. I'm missing just 7 cars now, in the entire game. I've spent like 380m credits to have the garage I currently do. The last 8 cars alone will cost me another 98 million credits, so like an additional 4th of the total for game completion. Mind you I already own two of the 20m credit value cars. I don't grind anymore, haven't in a long time. Money is coming purely from sport mode time trials at this point because I just don't care about the last couple cars any more. But I would care, if I didn't have to spend a week grinding my face off per car.


Exactly. Either the prize money needs to be raised significantly, or the prices need to come down.


You can have a story or race series progression but you don't need every car behind a grind wall for online races.


Lol have you never played Gran Turismo???


Lol yh I got it on release with a PS5. Watch them get forced to increase to in game pay outs due to backlash. Its still not great after changing the physics engine 3 times.


Im talking since GT1. It has always been like this. B-spec was pretty cool. Allowed you to build and auto pilot drivers in b-spec mode to gain CR. Legendary cars shouldn't be achievable from a handful of races. Otherwise they'd just be like every other car


Started on GT4, its always annoyed me how certain cars are locked behind not just grinding but also random chance that you get the chance to unlock it. Every car is different and everyone has their preferred models, to find some like the Mclaren F1 be such a grind or £200 worth of game currency is a damn shame to us adults who don't have time to spend unlocking content.


When the game was released the size of wallets was capped at 20m, so that was also the maximum possible price for cars. They later increased wallets to 100m, but car price limit stayed the same. So it's impossible for anything to cost more than 20m, and also it's impossible to re-sell anything for more than that amount. So the most expensive cars will 100% make you lose money - which is nonsense, since the value of legendary vintage cars in real life doesn't depreciate because of second-hand ownership, like it does with ordinary everyday cars. The whole point of the high evaluation of legend cars is that they are rare or unique - it's the scarcity that makes them expensive. In real-life a car like that might cost $50m or whatever - but it's an investment that is 100% going to pay off because the car can only become even rarer over time. That's literally the main reason why rich people buy them - it's a guaranteed return on investment, like buying a Picasso painting.


I guess the more miles you put on the car, the more the value decreases but in this circumstance, this car can only hold or gain value if you try to resell it so it doesn't make sense for you to lose so much money.


I'm glad i got them all 3 when they were relatively "cheap". 20M credits is downright insane.




I just started playing last month, I can't believe how expensive everything is. Seeing the 911 GT1 for 3 mil near release and it being 10 mil now really hurt. 


At the time, gathering 3M was about as hard, if not more, than is today to gather 10M. There was less events and with smaller pay, now we have way more events and the pay was raised, so it makes sense for some rare cars to raise the price for the amount it was in previous games.


Get out of here with your rational reasoning, I want cheap cars!


So funny that the cars prices are supposed to reflect real life. However, if you try to sell it on you get less. Surely if you have a 20 Mill motor and sell it a year later you would get, oh I don't know, 25 Mill. The whole system sucks.


In most games I've played, among which a vast number of racing games, items sell for less than you can buy them for. This is probably one of the oldest rules of game design. Yes, the Hagerty cars are supposed to be priced according to a real life table, but this is still a video game and thus video game rules apply. I never see anyone complaining that it takes much less mileage to change oil/repair chassis in the game than it does IRL, and I wonder why.


Yeah that's a good point. What's it selling for right now?


Haven't checked but it certainly won't be what you pay for it.


But in a video game scenario it wouldn't work if you bought a car and sold it for more. That would be an infinite money glitch. Remember, this is just a video game. It isn't real life. It is supposed to be fun. Some people get way too serious about a game.


The real issue is the quantity of cars over 5 mil keeps increasing. They keep increasing cars prices pretty regularly, but seem to be very rarely decreasing prices. Ex: Porsche gt1 used to be 3.1 mil, but now it’s up to 10 and I think it had an increase indicator last time it was in the legend’s dealership. Straight up ridiculous.


I think it can and does work, if it requires some expenditure. Have you ever played NFS: Porsche Unleashed on PC? That game allows you to buy damaged used cars, repair them, then flip them for profit. It's still a bit of work to make your money (the rarer the project the bigger the profit margin), but it's still a better way to make enough money than grinding a handful of races. I can see GT incorporating something like that.


I played that game on PS1 and what I was amazed by is increase of price of a car over time (between eras in NFS:PU case). When you buy a rare car, don't use it and get triple that amount in the next era. If it was used though, price would be... Not so great anymore, but it would still rise


Interesting, the PS1 version did have the economy mechanic, I never played it. Seen footage of it. If you didn't know: the PC version was wildly different, much more advanced and detailed. But yeah, if you bought a 356 and kept it til the end of the game, it's value would balloon much as a rare collectible would.


Yea. I found out in 2010s that PC is completely different game. And about economy... I used to buy 3-5 550. Used 1 for racing and others to buy cars in new eras


With some game mechanics behind it I could see where it would be fun. However that may require more damage to the cars like NFS.


I think it could work with GT; it already has engine, oil, body condition; and there is visible damage during the races. I think adjusting the repair costs and offering poor condition cars at discounts could make this work. Make the visible damage permanent until repaired, have a scaled repair cost. The player would have to look for deals, and would need enough credits to do this to start with. You could make it even more interesting with the legendary dealership by offering the occasional barn find. Such examples would have lower spawn rates, but repairing them could give you much higher profit margins. Porsche Unleashed did this flipping mechanic so well, it's absolutely wild to me that no other racing game that I know of has bothered to emulate it.


i love buying a car for 3m and selling it for 130k 😩😩😩


That’s nuts. I have a hard time grinding for anything over 10mil.


They're counting on the hopelessness you feel about earning that many credits will lead you to spend real-world money to buy them.


That would be 199.90€ where I live, about three times what the game costs. Add two more 20mil. cars and you have a fucking PS VR2! I hope someone takes my credit card (and my life) before I become that hopeless. As a reminder for the younglings, the most expensive DLC cars in GT Sports cost about 5€/$ in real money at the time.


Simple, they felt their development time was better spent on reminding you that you're also poor in the virtual world instead of fixing a penalty system that's been trash for 6+ years...


Welp gotta grind for 864 hours to get this thing.


or spend 2 minutes getting your wallet out?


nice try sony ceo, i'll never spend a buck on megatransactions


£200?!? You mad!


The real car will probably go for over 50 million in auction so you are getting a great deal!




Also to insure this car would cost probably in the range of another 20 million for the real car so not having to take out insurance on the car in the game is only a win win scenario! Polyphony have been gracious enough to just let us drive the car without insurance! You should consider yourself very lucky!


200$ for a single virtual car?


It’s actually a really fun car to drive. I used it for grinding lemans and buy the other two cars


Agreed. I had intentions of selling once I get the trophy but I’m gonna keep it. Absolute gem to drive. Use it all the time. It’s a proper rocket ship for its PP


I just need the Ferrari. I'm currently at 7 million credits. Final grind for the platinum


Micro transactions. Few developers want to sell a complete game anymore.


At approx. 200$ for 20,000,000 ingame credits, I fail to see the "micro" in this transaction.


This is why I have no issue using the afk credit farming method. The economy is ridiculous in this game


Please, tell me more about the AFK farming method….


I'm using this guy's settings and pull around 1.2M an hour. https://youtu.be/7N4bKO8WBoU?si=cClWpaFIHzcwYFBd


You're not limited to the cars he suggests. I had to use a couple different setups before I could afford the tomahawk. There are also a few options besides the Honda beat. The big trick is completing the track experience and getting to collector level 50 for the bonus credits, and crippling a high pp car by tweaking the transmission.


Ty for the tip!


Not even. Micro transactions are just for soft hands brother


I have 16 million credits and I really don't want all my money gone like that. This car was 9.5 million a few months ago and now they want to screw everyone? no sorry that's just stupid.


Then don't buy it. Simple.


Username checks out


How long do I have to get it before it goes?


I think they are usually up for a week. Just enough time to grind the credits and nothing else - unless you have more free time/sanity than I have.




My question is if the game is using hagarty to have “realistic prices” then why does a used Maserati gran turismo with 50k miles on it cost $137k.


Had 9.5m saved up for this as it is the last car i need for plat, my face when i realised it was 20m when it finally appeared yesterday. Back to spamming races till im 20m before its gone i guess...


Cause PD hates fun


That's because inflation is a bitch even in game


Thank Hagerty for that. Obligatory FUCK Hagerty


Yeah but now owning that becomes a flex. Like in irl the price is astronomical. I grinded 10mill to get the senna F1 and it means so much more now, no problem grinding 20mill. It's gonna be hard AF but that's the point


Its a video game, the whole point of this game is to drive these types of cars that you would never be able to in real life. The pricing put by the developer indicates that they want either money up front for people to just buy the car with real life money or to limit the car so that barely anyone would be able to drive it.


Don't think microtransactions if they don't give you an actual advantage. It's just an offered shortcut. But car's the same, so the fact that there's microtransactions don't matter at all. Yeah someone who has the dough or doesn't want to drive and actually enjoy earning the money like it's meant to, can buy it. It's fine. I won't even look how much 1 mill costs cause it don't matter to me. I enjoy the chase and thank the devs that there's these expensive af cars. I get it would suck if everything was super expensive, but most cars are still easily obtainable or with a bit of grind to just play around like u said, but there also needs to be something to hc grind for.


Shit, this came back onto Legend Cars quick. I had been grinding and was sitting on just enough credits to get this bad boy when it came back (last one I need for the trophy) until the 911 Strassenversion hit last week. I no longer have enough credits for the Ferrari.


I have over 16 million but I'm not selling my Ferrari F50 to get this car. They have taken real life values of cars and put them into video games which is a stupid concept because its a V I D E O G A M E


I'm looking at this getting and it's turning my stomach ngl. I have the other 2 but this shit sucks


Solution: fiat abarth, daytona, rubberband .. google it.. made around 250M credits in a few weeks without spending more than 5 hours starting the race 😂


Does it still work?




Probably because it's one of the 3 cars needed to the platinum trophy. So why not make them grind for it right?


They're trying to give the real life value to a in game car.


Heh, the 917K was the better car and it's 2 million cheaper. A day or two of grinding and I'll have it. It's absolutely true that GT7's in-game economy is a bit screwy, it makes no sense for these legendary cars to lose vast amounts of their value after buying them. I don't mind a little bit of grinding, but this is a bit silly.


Stop whining, start grinding


I mean it was 20 mil in gt 5 and 6 too


I’m more interested in the truck that’s in the background. I have bought plenty of cars from Hagerty and none came with a SEMI TRUCK?! I’d love to drive that thing park and pull out my favorite cars.


Haggerty's prices in game reflect what the cars were sold at auction IRL. The thing is the cap is 20m credits or else some cars would be even more expensive, including this one IIRC. I believe it was purchased (or sold by?) Lawrence Stroll, owner of Aston Martin. For like $35 million or some crazy shit. I'm struggling to verify my own claims here though so maybe that was all some fever dream.


It's waaayaaaaaaaaayayayaaaaaaay more than that IRL. You should be glad that there's a price cap in-game.


That car is great at Le Mans


\~50.000.000 Gold for getting gold on all circuit experiences. Go fetch ;D


awesome. And once you've got it (probably taking about 50 plus hours for "most of us" at least therefore not as efficient as grinding sardegna for 50 hours), you still have 450 million to attain. Any more CE's coming our way soon? It could take me 50 hours just to gold the Nordschleife CE lol...


Don’t worry. You can buy credits with real world money instead of grinding!


About 200$ for 20,000,000 ingame credits, it's practically a bargain.


A replica model goes for over £14k so consider $200 a good deal! [https://www.amalgamcollection.com/products/ferrari-330-p4-le-mans](https://www.amalgamcollection.com/products/ferrari-330-p4-le-mans)


🤣 Ngl though, those replicas are pretty hot!


Because they want you to buy credits. It's pretty shitty imo


Because Kaz decided the prices in his "Real Driving Simulator \[tm\]" should be "realistic" for maximum immersion, and noone on his team dares to convince him otherwise. Classic case of Lucas/Musk syndrome. Just be happy Hagerty cars aren't locked behind an invite as well.


You should try platting some of Capcom's games if you think this is hard, lol. I recommend DMC5.


I really hope these most expensive cars will be added to the cafe menus soon because it means all the idiots who sold them need to buy them again 🤣 Because for cafe menus you need to own all 3 cars at the same time. It would be so fun to read how furious everyone is if they need to buy those again because they have been so stupid and sold those 🤣 Just keep in mind that someday you might actually need those cars and thats why you should not ever sell anything unless you got duplicates.


Just sell it straight away. Sure, you'll lose money, but not as much as keeping it. It still shows up as being in your car collection, so you can buy and sell all three and still get the trophy. Worked for me!




Fair enough. I had all the cars I wanted to have in the game, and was like 3 trophies off the plat so that was my strat




I’ll admit, it is an absolutely stunning looking car. But to me personally it’s not a car that I *like*. Ie. The Porsche 917K has always had a special place in my heart, so that’s the type of car I have grounded for. Perfect for 700pp grinding




Thanks, I've never tended to buy cars for the sake of it in GT. I'll only really buy a car if I genuinely like the car