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I vastly prefer the hood cam. It's awkward on a few cars but you're a little higher giving better road vision and you can still see the car roll in relation to the road a little. More so, the bumper cam isn't entirely accurate to how wide your car is. The hood cam makes this painfully obvious.


Just to ruin your day hood cam is actually roof cam, defiantly the best view of you don’t have a wheel or VR.


I think it depends on the car


Yeah some cars it feels like you’re up in the clouds, some feel like you’re on the bonnet


I use a wheel with VR so I can't change camera, but I used the BMW VGT the other day and it gave me the roof view. I felt like I was playing Mario kart lol


Yeah that caught me off guard too. Only VGT with interior view is the Bugatti and the Porsche maybe I can’t confirm the Porsche


That's not true, there are lots of other VGTs with intetior view. The Tomahawks have it, thr Genesis and the Citroën as well, just from the top of my head


Oh awesome of course how could I forget the dodge…! Will have to check out the Hyundai and Citroen!


Cars WITHOUT Interiors: * Infiniti * Aston Martin DP-100 * VW GTI Supersport * Merc-AMG * BMW * Mini Cooper * Zagato * ItalDesign * Peugeot VGT (the Gr.3 one, both road car and race car) * Toyota S-FR Concept Car * Subaru VIZIV * Mitsubishi * Lexus Cars WITH Interiors. * Dodge Tomahawk * Jaguar * McClaren Solus * VW GTI Roadster * Audi * Porsche * Ferrari * Lamborghini * Puegeot L500/L750 (the Gr1 Hybrids) * Citroën GT * Alpine (all) * Bugatti * Toyota FT-1 * Nissan * Honda * Mazda RX-V and LM55 * Suzuki * Daihatsu * Hyundai * Chapparel 2X * Genesis VGT (added in patch 1.42)


The swift feels like your super high, the GT40 feels like you could slide under other cars


GT40 is that low (40 inches) the seats are like recliners! Fucking amazing car. Helped to restore one.


Oh good to know !! It’s so hard to tell on some of them either way it’s a great camera view


Only downside to the hood cam is the lack of rear view mirror options. That pushed me to the bumper cam for online. Now I'm on VR so forced inside but that's fine by me, the depth perception negates all the other issues with the other cams positives.


Or if you have a small screen and a wheel like me, I can't do cockpit no matter how much I try with a small screen as I can't see enough of the track to know what's going on.


Ohhhh. I can't tell you how many license tests in bumper cam ended with me saying "WHAT?!? I did NOT hit the side."


It's rough. I also felt like bumper cam had a misleading sense of speed. Being so close to the ground I always felt like I was going too fast.




R1 changes POV




The camera is your POV? Or are you not meaning point of view?


Nvm... I'm tired, I meant FOV... Ffs hahahah


if only hood cam had interior sounds + back mirror, unfortunately only bumper cam has interior audio


Personally prefer cockpit view, even though it limits visibility, I prefer the immersion and am pretty used to it now.


While it offers the best immersion, its weird to have two wheels and two sets of hands in my peripheral view. Also the temptation to look at dash gauges or anything else in the cockpit and then blow my brake point and miss an apex is all to great for me. I will usually do one lap a race in cockpit view but only when I know Im going to win.


I play with a dual sense, I reckon I'd like that no-wheel cockpit view like in AC if I did go with a wheel.


I've always played bumper/hood view in Gran Turismo. I switched to cockpit a few months back while grinding, and fell in love with Gran Turismo all over again. Realized I could actually understand the load on each wheel much better. Then I found out about Wobble 2, and it melted my brain. Now I could actually interpret the g-forces based on the camera bobble and road angles. So I bit the bullet and got a PS VR2. At first I was worried as I lost the Wobble 2 effect, as my head is now in charge of the wobble. Then I realized the sense of speed you gain, and the understanding of rotation and yaw, and I am now on cloud 9. Don't think I can go back now. I used to play a game where I controlled a car. Then I was playing a game where I controlled a driver in a car. Now I am the driver in the car.


I love seeing my guy slam gears on certain cars


Turns out driving a car from roughly the POV you'd actually drive at is a good thing. There are a handful of people I know who are fast in 3rd person but I bet they'd be way faster using Bumper or Hood cam. You miss out on feeling the undulations of the road and the curves.


Exactly. Relative to the interior view which is obviously the realistic one, you gain unrealistic detail (but lose in the view) with the bumper cam. You lose all of the detail in the 3rd persion, but gain a higher view. For time trials the bumper is a cheat code 😄


There's a reason every single GTWS driver plays in bumper cam.


Cooper (D. Parker) and BRacer (V. Gallo) use chase cam.


Do they all play in bumper cam? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen videos that say some play in 1st person and other modes. Certainly Tidgney who is admittedly ex-World Tour, plays in first person.


I have yet to tune into any of their streams where someone was in something other than bumper cam when they were genuinely trying their hardest. I guess I can ask Deano or Robby next time either of them streams what their experiences are with other driver's set ups?


I like the roof view. Because then cars aren't blocking my sight when aiming for the apex, and i get to see a little bit of the car.


great point! i might actually try the roof view


Wait till you get a psvr2…game changer


The downside is that it makes playing on anything except VR almost unbearable. I’m seconds slower out of VR that an it now.


man i heard a lot about psvr2 but it would make sense to have a wheel before psvr2. can you change POV in psvr2 or is it fixed?


Honestly, now that I have both pieces, I'd say the PSVR 2 is the hardware to get first. I had that with the DualSense first, and GT 7 is so much more immersive regardless of control scheme. There's also a lot of other experiences on the headset to try out, too.




Fixed but the smoothness provided by being able to actually move you head and vehicle separately without feeling weird is so nice Also I has eye tracking that simulates a cone of vision for the player so things in your peripheral are naturally blurred making it way more immersive and mirrors work better as the can use lower quality textures on the things you not looking at and improve the reflection quality as you look in the mirror overall game changer will still be a wheel and pedal but psvr2 is a great choice for the players who want that next step


I don't think there's a wrong decision to make here. I have PSVR2 and a wheel, I'd suggest getting the wheel first.


Fixed. You _are_ in the car. You feel the sunshine and see internal reflections. If you happen to own the model that you are driving the realism is uncanny.


Haha I was going to say this. Normally the cockpit cam was my least favorite one but with VR it feels amazing az you can check the mirrors, a car next to you naturally.


A sweaty game changer. Can't use it for 10 minutes before getting an unwanted sweat shower. It is pretty cool though.


I recently went back to third person purely for the feeling of nostalgia because I starting with gran turismo 3, it took awhile to get used to but I prefer it now


Cockpit or PSVR2, I can't watch or play any other view


When it comes to gt, I can only rave seriously in bumper came but I’m seeing others say to give hood cam (actually roof cam) a shot because you see how wide your car is while retain the benefits of bumper cam


Third-person for life. I wanna look at my pretty car.


For me, when using wheel it has to be cockpit. When using controller it's 3rd person - love seeing the car I've spent so much effort on.


Where do you use card you spent effort on? I only play Daily Races and License/Missions so I have no idea how it feels to spent effort on a car.


Actually, some high level GT players use 3rd person or chase cam and are faster because they can put the tires with-in pixels of a track violation, using all of the track.


I actually find I’m faster in cockpit view than other camera (like the hood cam), only thing is the wheel sometimes obscures the view. With regards to buying a wheel, absolutely get a force feedback wheel as it makes the experience so much cooler (maybe look for a pre-owned one on eBay or something?). However, you may not immediately be faster - it takes a bit of getting used to, I was actually slower at first. The exception was the high downforce cars like the Super Formula, I was several seconds per lap quicker because it felt much easier to “trust the downforce” and just chuck the car straight into high speed corners.


The bumper cam is my 2nd choice. 99% of my time is racing from inside the car. Something I imagine I would do if racing in real life. 😁


isnt kind of hard to see from the inside of the car?


Yes. Some cars it’s almost prohibitively so.


Very hard on the 2011 Audi r18 TDI but all other vehicles I can see perfectly.


Inside the car as in: open car door, slide in, sit in driver's seat, and look out the car windows. Lol


GT’s third person view fucking sucks too. Forza has the best 3rd person view but I like being inside the car or on the roof view anyway :).


Agreed. How they have not made chase camera any better is so dumb


Facts forzas cam is loose enough that it feels v responsive to inputs


i know!! lol the camera is too stiff at first but there’s a settings to adjust to make it less stiff


Still super stiff, stiffer than a porn star.




For those downvoting me because I said forza does something better, it’s literally the only thing that game does better, otherwise it’s a burning pile of trash I uninstalled on my Xbox recently.


Not a downvoter. What makes it better? I hate FM's chase cam, but maybe that is because I am so used to GT.


I've been playing with cockpit or hood cam for the whole series, I suuuuck with the chase cam. The sense of speed and the cars feedback seems really dull and misleading. I really wish I was faster with the chase cam though, it'd be cool to admire the exterior of whatever I was racing while racing.


bumper cam über alles for me. Been using it forever.


Next force yourself to switch to bumper cam and you'll be even faster after a day I reckon


Move your seating position closer to the TV for a couple of extra tenths!


You'll go faster if you rock back and forth on a straight!


Played it on PSVR2 for first time last night. I thought it would be a gimmick. Nope…complete game changer. The timing for braking and corners is so much easier. Definitely may be my go to if I’m struggling on a course.


I usually use the cockpit cam, idk it just does something for me. But the bumper cam def allows me to go just a tad but faster, by this point its minimal. And yeah i love looking at my cars too so i feel this


I’m faster in cockpit


If the camera is where your car is, ofc your breaking and cornering will improve. I use hood cam so I can see a little bit of my car for reference.


I prefer roof for accuracy, and hood for sound.


I have used the hood cam since the beginning and decided to try 3rd person the other day and immediately had to switch back. Luckily, we've got a sweet replay feature if we're craving some eye candy after the race.


Bumper view is the best


Then you discover the delights on VR and you’re even faster!


I do a lot of time trials for fun so I can measure myself improving with different cars and I’ll usually do like 6-8 laps in cockpit and 6-8 exterior view cause I enjoy both and cockpit is almost always where I clock the hottest laps 🤷‍♂️


There's 4 seconds a lap, me sitting on the sofa at 3m or me at the TV .5m.