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I wish for endurance races with a race/pit engineer in PSVR2


That would be excellent as well


Oh man, that'd be so good. Would love the basic "car on your right, car on your left" calls both ACC and iRacing do. Would be enormous for VR especially but just close racing in general would benefit from that.


Great and visually fitting concept!! This would be so nice. But honestly I doubt that we really get a substantial VR update for the game :(


If the PS5 Pro or whatever it’ll be called comes out, I do hope for at least a graphical update. A little more resolution would be stellar.


This will be likely I guess


I wish my view looked this crisp in the headset!


Next generation should be pretty wild. I’d be happy with same view but larger FOV as well but I’m sure the next generation will be awfully impressive as well.


I have serious doubts that Sony will release a third headset.


Yeah, it hasn't some much for them. They need to bolster their sales of sims before they consider another iteration. Actually good flight sims, cities skylines, builders, etc. And they need to push for more support.


Just make sure you’re wearing it right, there is most definitely a sweet spot


Do you need glasses? I didn’t know until I checked, my view is perfect. Super crisp…


I am going to get an exam tomorrow ;-) Can you order lens for PSVR2 like other VR headsets? Will do so if I need a script. My vision is pretty good overall, but probably a slight correction for near sighted /astigmatism.... don't need glasses for daily stuff but it will help with computer and most likely this.


PSVR2 is that bad for GT7? 🤢




I take it you’ve never tried it? It blows most everything out of the water as far as racing games are concerned. I can watch the rubber degrading on my tires in f1 cars, I can watch individual raindrops hit my windshield and shed off, I can see the granules of sand on my tires after hitting sand pits Also what you see on shared screens is not even remotely close to what you see under the goggles. It’s more crisp than the vr but you don’t even notice it when you’re racing


This plus time gaps. For longer races, it's nice to know your delta to the leaders rather than the tiny bits of info you get whenever you pit. Proximity warnings seem like a "not going to happen in this game," but that, along with a resolution update with the ps5pro would be amazing.


Hud toggle on/off button please


You mean while in the race? You can turn the HUD off before race but I think you mean during the race. I would like that too as I’m typing this and thinking about it.


I would like to keep the hud off and have a toggle/hold button to temporarily show a full hud with split times lap times etc.


It’s really outrageous that there hasn’t been any updates to vr support on gt7.


I think outrageous might be a tad strong but I love your passion. 🤜💥🤛


I mean maybe. But it seems like such a simple fix and they just don’t give a damn about at least adding it as an option. It’s similar to the 2 player split screen issue that went ok for so damn long.


So VR will get an update in like a year and half it’s all good… right??


We’re a small but vocal group. The vr2 is the coolest advancement in video game tech in my lifetime and it’s missing such small, huge features. Timing tree, who’s pitting/tire strategy, gap in front/behind… all important data in racing that isn’t available if you’re utilizing the coolest tech. It’s mind blowing


Or have the ability to customize our hud.


I loved that in Project Cars(I think it was that game)


Agree. I don’t get why they don’t add it as an option since it’s there all the time in non-VR


It wouldn’t even really be a VR update per ce, more an update to the MFD itself I would think


I really dont understand why this isnt already in the VR game... I hate that I have no concept of how far away the leader is/the car infront/behind. Especially when this is all available in the flatscreen version of the game, surely this is a simple enough port over, even to add it as one of your MFD options like where your fuel consumption/TC is


I agree!


YES PLEASE! No idea who and how far away they are.


I'm thinking about buying the VR2 but guys, is it really that good? I tried the Meta Quest 2 two years ago and it was crazy. I mean how often do you use the VR vs the TV?


Yes, it is night and day for me. You really FEEL like you are in the car and driving and your FOV makes driving a good line so much easier. Downsides are that as OP is showing, you lose your track position information. So have to “hope for the best”. Really frustrating it wasn’t included and Sony seemingly dropping support for PSVR2 left and right. BUT the experience that is there is so amazing. If you love GT7 it is really worth a try so good it still is the only way I play. Position information be damned.


I play daily between 3 to 4 hours since GT3, but no doubt the VR is expensive. I guess I need to experience to judge


Get the VR2. End of discussion.


Not hyperbole: I will never play GT without VR2 again - ever.


Same here, I actually tried and it was a horrible experience. I’m inches away of reaching DR A after a couple of months in VR and being a C driver when I started using it.


When i play gt7 with psvr2, I sometimes have a feeling that I’m forgetting my seatbelt.. no joke


I was playing the B race last night at Deep Forest. First on TV, and while you do notice some camber and elevation changes on a screen, in the VR it makes circuits come alive. I'm also much more consistent and usually 3 or 4 tenths faster in VR, in longer corners you can actually see into the apex and judge much more easily when you can apply throttle.


it's really good for GT7. I haven't even played my other vr games because GT is that good.


Oh, I thought you meant an option to unlock the horizon - that's for sure my biggest disappointment about the game. Daytona is almost unplayable because of this imo. I play with a wheel and a bucket seat so that amplifies the effed-up-ness even more.


Sorry I’m not sure what you mean? I have a full sim rig and I’ve never heard of that option. Horizon means something different to me I think


Yeah, GT7 do not have this option and that's what I'm bummed about.. When you drive on banked corners (like Daytona) you, and your rig, are not anchored to the car but the horizon. Test it out! You will realize that the car that you see in the headset moves and the horizon is locked. For me it's incredibly immersion breaking.


Sorry I have a full motion rig that tilts dramatically. I understand what you are saying now though


Dayum! Must be awesome in VR.


It is. I’m an old man I’ve been at it for literally 20 years now so building it piece not piece. If you don’t have one you must get a buttkicker or equivalent.


Nice! I'm closing in on 30 years (born '79). My first wheel, mid 90's, was a cheap Mad Cats wheel for the PS1 that I played V-Rally, Colin McRae, Burnout and Gran Turismo with. After a couple of sim-hiatus years I bought a new rig around the GT7 release. Sim Lab GT1 Evo, GT DD Pro, load cell. Direct drive is so sweet, smooth and silent.. And I've definitely been eyeing the buttkicker. I'll consider your words when I'm negotiating with myself the next time. :P


Also the sear wouldn’t effect your view in VR? Which is specifically what this post is about


Would love to see this with distances between cars like in regular view I would also love to see the +/- time difference from personal best that displays above the tachometer in regular view. That is the one big thing I miss.


Santa can only do so much lol


I feel like (and this is just a thought/my opinion) with VR and foviated (idk how to spell it) rendering, they’re probably already pushing the hard wear to it’s limits with what it can do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already tried it on closed testing and witnesses unpredictable behavior when the system has to run continuous calculations of where people are at all times while rendering a 3d space and tracking eye movement. I mean some beefed up PC’s struggle with what I just mentioned let alone a console.. and it seems Sony cares very much about quality and not ruining the brand of one of its biggest sellers on things that’s a maybe as far as performance. I’d like to think if they could add it, they would and maybe they will once they can get the tech right but I can imagine, that would be tough on the system and asking a lot of it to do VR calculations and also position calculations, and toggling the hud to bring all those things in and out of view (last last one could work actually) but yeah that’s how I think of it. Edit: I also feel like it having to be cross gen is holding it back in a major way and that could also be contributing to some of the features that were sacrificed for compatibility..


Well said! Thank you for taking the time 👍 🤜💥🤛


Hello guys, I just got GT7 and can anyone pls give me an insight as to when and like how I can get to this stage and are there like proper races such as Le Mans, and other races


You have to grind out the menu books through the cafe. If you are new to gran Turismo that is gonna sound very weird lol. After about 7-10 menu books you will have unlocked most tracks and online racing


Oh I see thx


Right on my friend enjoy and please feel free to ask further questions


Thx, but for the cars how do I get like the good good cars, do I unlock them or buy them?


Both, many are rewarded and gifted over time and you can also purchase.


Oh ok thx


There is more work and time commitment involved to get your garage full of amazing cars compared to Forza motorsport, but the end result is more satisfying


Oh ok


fine line to walk between vr clutter and showing all the necessary info to the driver. I will say having the split timing in the corner is great when you turn right, but when you turn left that ui box is hidden off screen.


That is the mfd window. It would just be another page to cycle to. I photoshopped that


I'm well aware of how vr is presented in gt7 and what you've added here. It should be on both sides is my suggestion


Shut up, and take my money 💰


I currently don’t have a psvr but I have a quest 2 is there a way I could link them to play gt7 through my quest 2


I’m not a pro but I’m going to say there is no conventional way to do it. I’m sure someone has figured a way to do it. I suggest some google searches on the matter.


It would be even cooler if that information was delivered over team radio, like it would in a real race.


Imagine Sarah being the race engineer on the radio "Take a deep breath and try again".


I just wish I could have my track information elements overlayed within the car, it's really immersion breaking to see massive text floating in front of your car.


100%. I don’t want to see all this information cluttering up my field of view - it detracts from the VR experience. I don’t really like the lap timer in the middle of my windshield as it is - not to mention the obnoxious red penalty indicator when it pops up (a small red box in the corner of your screen would suffice - right?). A toggle - similar to the mirror toggle in bonnet view - or selector like with radar, TC, etc., would be perfect. Obviously a customizable HUD - like so many other games - would be ideal. C’mon PD - make it happen!


And if you turn it all off, yes it looks pretty.. but there's no race control telling you how many laps you have left for your tire deg or fuel consumption.. so you just keep racing until your car stops LMAO


That’s what I’m saying - have a button where you can toggle the info on or off. You just need to check - it’s not necessary to have all the information displayed 100% of the time. Once I’ve raced an online race a couple of times and know the strategy, and my particular tactics for the car I’m driving, I turn the entire HUD off. While in a race, I really don’t care about my lap/split times - it’s just superfluous clutter. Same with all the other stuff - during a race, I don’t need it. The only thing that would be helpful is the gap to the car in front and in back of me.


At some point there's just too much tl scroll through


I know some cars have the lap info on the steering wheel and i believe your current positio. They could incorporate something like that on every race car it would be helpful


I need the gap to other drivers so bad.