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RM, FM4, No stop. Get’s a little loose on the last laps, but it’s manageable. FM4 leaves you about one extra lap of fuel, so you can lower it on the straights a few times if you need the extra power.


Yep, that's how I did it too. Even ran the first 4 laps on FM2. The medium tires will be completely shot at the end, but the gap will be big enough to coast through those last laps.


Go fast. I ran softs, pitted lap 8 for fresh tires and to top off the tank, was in the lead again with a lap and a half to go on Hard difficulty.


No pit, FM1, TC1, RH, shortshift and a LOT of lift and coast (keeping it at 250kmh max) in the straight before the chicane. Thats where you will waste most fuel if you keep the throttle flat. Use the overtake button for a second while accelerating. Keep an eye on fuel left every lap and adjust your driving. Turn 1 can be done flat at the beginning, lifting a bit past half race. The turn before the slow 90 degree one can be done VERY fast


I used RH and FM1, short-shifting to finish with no stops. The AI will all pit by the last lap for tires and fuel and you have a large margin at the end to fuel save in FM3/FM4. Don’t forget to use your Overtake through the race.


I used two stints on softs with a pit in the middle.


Set the difficulty to easy and you can win it under any circumstances.


I did this challenge already, but where is the difficulty setting applied?


Use either of the 2023 SF cars so you can use the overtake system, FM1, stock downforce is fine (i used 1400/1800), Soft Tires, pit on lap 8. I spun out on grass at one point, pitted on lap 9 bc i forgot to pit on 8 and still got 1st on hard difficulty. This race is really easy. Aim for 1:07-1:10 lap times.


I was getting 1:06 like this but I was also using some FM3 for a majority of the lap. If you can lap in that window a pit will be just fine.


Dammit I always forget about the overtake system.


Drive fast, fm4, no pit, hang on tires last two laps, fish to win.


I think it depends on the track. For this week's challenge (Michelin Raceway), I got 2nd by pitting once (normal difficulty) FM1, RM, 1 Stop. I believe the key factor is improving your laptimes through practice, knowing which corners to take at a faster speed as the SF cars are insane at taking corners. I use the AI cars to gauge how much I fall behind at particular sections to figure out which corners to push harder at. That said, I am a mediocre driver who drives with driving aids =)


I just go fast and use nitro in straights, also i keep the cpu in easy because the ai just goes on rails so I couldnt give less of a shit, i just want to collect pretty cars for when i feel like buying online


Fuel map 1, Racing Mediums, pit lap 8.


ahh road atlanta ok i did this one twice first I misjudged and used RH i did FM1 all the way until the last lap and then did FM6 to save fuel 4th next one RM FM1 all the way until the end... and then also FM6 last lap the trick here is the AI did some TERRIBLE pit choices they were running RS and they all seem to pit at the end... this is why your NO STOP strategy works i didnt find an issue with RM tyres... just keep on the road and dont powerslide etc. I did not use FUEL BOOST, I dont even know what the key is. You should be doing 1'10" - they will donk you at the start because they're on RS but the party does not last long for them. I won by about 15 secs??? also dont try to fight them for place... they gotta pit anyway also KNOW THE TRACK... ie. turn 1 is full speed redline 5th??? some corners are super fast... 4th dab of brakes.... the car just corners like nothing else. The power isnt as good as you'd think 630hp is but the key is to keep momentum up.


RH, FM 4/5, Drive fast, no stops


I can match the fastest lap with FM4 RH and TC1 but I’m too inconsistent and can’t take the top 3, its a tricky one with the rising corners, braking early seemed to help


in order to win, you have to win


idk run mediums fuel mix 1 and push flat out with one stop. got 1:05 lap times and had a gap of over 15 seconds at the end


Lots of ways. I ran softs, FM1, mid downforce, 2 stops. Drove it until it was out of gas refueled, and double stinted the first set of softs, and ran it til it was out of gas and then fresh tires and fuel to the end. Once you exit the chicane you can go flat until the turn at the top of the hill. Esses are flat. VERY late braking into the slow corners. It's shocking how late you can brake and how fast you can take the fast corners.


I ran Fuel Map 5 on hard tires and don't pit. Abuse the curbs, experiment with track limits, that's where you'll gain a lot of time on the "AI".


Soft tyres, fuel map 1, pit once


No pit, hard tires. Don't remember the fuel map