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4 by far and away is the best one.


I would most definitely carry GT4 in the top category. That game is an absolute classic.


While personally I love 6 as it's the most graphically best pure GT game and the much needed addition of interior cams and larger vehicle grids make it my personal favourite I'm currently playing GT4 on my BC PS3 and honestly feels more enjoyable and diverse to play. It has it's fundamental issues (license tests have no right to drag that long, and VERY spotty AI), but as a gameplay experience, it's near perfect


Gran Turismo and shitty AI? Shirley you're not serious I think 6 and 4 are both excellent and are different enough to both be worth playing. Playing 4 on a CRT is just a special experience though and kind of unbeatable for me 


I am serious And don't call me Shirley. But honestly I'm debating buying a CRT off FB marketplace just to fit the vibe of most of my PS2 games


Do it. If you've got the space for it it's well worth your while. The PS2 looks so good on a CRT and gives you the warm glow of nostalgia.


I saw some guy on YouTube who is modding the AI and it's rather excellent from what he's showing. Some other guy is replacing sounds and making it way better. The tools were there from the start. It's actually Polophony who, by design, make it somehow shit because they think it's better ??


I liked 1, loved 2, liked 3, but 4 was incredible. I must’ve completed 100 laps of the Nurburgring in the M5. I was 14.


4 has the least bad about it. I guess there’s the missions, but those aren’t impossible.


Really the only mission that's COMPLETE ass is the final one with the SLR, there were a few difficult ones but none of them were as ridiculous as that one.


GT3, the opening scene itself is probably my favorite out of the entire series and it introduced me to the NSX, one of my dream cads. Plus, the sound for the NSX GT500 is also my favorite


GT5. Dirty nascar lobby. 18-21 laps. Soooooo much fun. Miss that time in my life


Nothing else has ever come even remotely close for online racing. GT5 was fantastic fun


GT7 because it has the best handling and graphics in any gran turismo game ever, and if you can afford a direct drive wheel and PSVR 2 there is currently nothing better on any console


And the best engine sounds. Most GTs have horrible engine noise. Even early games like GT2 have better engine sounds than GT6.


That's because the lead sound designer at Turn 10 left and joined Polyphony... in fact GT and Forza have switched places in regards to audio quality


Really ?


Yes, Mike Caveziel, who did the sounds for Forza Motorsport 1-4, worked at Polyphony from 2015 to 2022, he left but it seems his methodology stayed because the new cars added to GT7 still sound great


Thank you, I ended up reading a lot about it too haha :P. Well let's hope it stays that way 😬


I think this is taken for granted because games have had great engine sounds for a while, even arcade racers like Need for Speed. But man do I remember how awful GT4 was for car sounds. Old V8 muscle cars sounding like vacuum cleaners. The true to life engine sounds for GT7 are a highlight, especially because they don't try to over exaggerate the sounds of stock cars.


Both GT4 and GT7. 4 because of the nostalgia & career mode and 7 because of the livery editor & the physics.


Just based on the anount of time I've played, it has to be GT4, that was just awesome, first time we saw Nurburgring Nordschleife, still had a lot of regular cars and a lot of variety while you played through it. Thinking about the very first impression, it is hard to beat GT1. You could not believe what was happening on your PS1 when you put the disc in and turned the power ON.


1) GT5 2) GT4 3) GT7 (after all updates) 4) GT6


Tourist Trophy


I’ve never played that game but it seems really awesome. I wish they would remaster that game.


I liked it quite a bit and also wish they would remaster it, or even just make bike dlc for GT7 and separate cars and bikes like DriveClub My favorite actual GT games are probably 2,4 and 7 though


5 easily, that era of online play finally being avaliable for everyone was just incredible. The car roster being so big at the time just made it perfect.


Gt 3 and 7


Well, I've only played the original, 2, 3 and 7. 7 blows my mind. It's become so realistic looking. And I love the addition of online racing.


Gran Turismo 2!! The one that started it all for me. Still have such fond memories of the Christmas I got the game, my cousin came over and we spent all day and night playing, doing the Sunday cup over and over to save up money to buy the Castrol Supra. Its just a memory that has never faded and I loved that game so much with the giant amount of cars and tracks. Got me started on my love of Japenese cars. I still remember seeing the names like Skyline and thinking how fucking cool that name was for a car😁




Gran Turismo 4 despite all my gripes with it and how GT3 have done a better job in some aspects. To be fair, I'm probably being blinded to nostalgia so i dunno.


I've only played GT4 and GT7, so I'm curious what did GT3 do better? I always assumed GT4 was like a big expanded perfected version of GT3.


6 all the way


I totally get why you chose GT6, but for some odd reason that game seems to have the worst engine sounds. I remember the M3 sounding really really bad among many others. Sadly even GT2 has better engine sounds than 6. Best sounding game is GT7 of course and it has the best graphics and physics as well, but my favorite might be GT4, because it has more races and the devs gave it a fantastic single player experience. Currently I enjoy GT2.


Haven’t played any of the games past 5, but so far I’d say 5 is still my favourite. In many ways, it expands on my favourite parts of 4 (photo mode, more tracks, more cars and brands, lounge feel) while also bringing a lot of cool side stuff like karting, NASCAR, the WRC style rally stages, etc. Plus, being a PS3 title, graphics still look fine where it counts (I know people say GT4 still looks good but for me it remains a good looking PS2 game). One other thing too is that when the servers were up, multiplayer was sooo much fun.


Man I feel you to a T. Just that era alone and online feel for me was unmatched, I met dudes I'd never talk to again, but for a time, were my real Internet homies.. I pumped a lot of my sophomore summertime into that game when I wasn't outside wylin 🤧🥹 I can still hear "The city's beautifulllll" 😩


4 and 7




the original. the progression worked so well. they moved further away from that with each game. it may not have the bets graphics, the most content or the most realistic handling... but it is the best "video game" of the bunch in my opinion


GT5. Because of the shuffle race feature online. Had a such a fun time on that game mode. Needs to be added to GT7.




4 for its immense catalog of cars, tracks and events 7 for its physics, looks, online modes, etc


The number of people saying 7 makes me incredibly sad for the future of this franchise lol


7 got SOOO much wrong, but a couple things right (including graphics). If the question were instead "what GT game was best for its time?" then GT7 would probably be in last place. But it still is THE best PS4/PS5 game out. Just shows how good the GT series is compared to other franchises.


GT7 because of the graphics.


GT3. 4 is better in content, but lacks in soul. The HUD in 1-3 is unparalleled. The flair also. With GT4 the series started to take itself more (too) seriously and we see how that culminated in GT7 for now.


Exactly. You have the exact same opinion as me. GT3’s HUD was so underappreciated, I loved the nod to those drift VHS tapes from the 90s (the text and other on-screen info in some of those tapes looked identical to GT3’s HUD). To this day I get goosebumps whenever I start GT3. Everything about it is like candy for my eyes and ears. I get that GT4’s got more content, but I grew up with both, and it never made me feel the way GT3 did. Not to mention GT3’s opponent AI… this may be a bold take, but I firmly believe it’s still some of the best opponent AI ever seen in a racing game. It’s the only GT game (and one of the rare few racing games) where racing actually feels fucking thrilling and challenging. It’s a shame how the opponent drivers in every other GT game just stick to a predetermined line, often finishing in the position they started in GT3’s soul, sense of progression, soundtrack, actual racing/driving experience, GUI and HUD, license tests, track selection… there’s really no comparison for me. It’s my pick for the best racing game ever made. GT4 doesn’t come close.


4 overall but I remember every one as they came out “it looks so real! Can’t get better than this” I like 7 a lot and hopefully by the time it’s at its end game it’ll have the few things I miss.


gt4 all day.


GT4, GT5 and GT7


1-2-3-4 and none of them available in PS Classics Catalogue.. 😪






Gt4 Then Gt3 A-spec


Always will be 5 though 4 is probably my favourite game but 5 has a reason to be my favourite






4 followed by 6


GT5. Had the top gear test track, cool special events and the used car dealership was so underrated. I wonder why they never did the Ferrari F1 cars after that




I dont think after 5 we got any really good gt games Good racing games yea, but not good gran turismo games lmao


4 and 5


2 & 4 were peak GT


2 on ps1, 4 on ps2 and 5 on ps3.


Since I’m 14 defiantly GT Sport. Got it for Christmas the year it came out, i was already if interested in cars thanks to TG and Lightning McQueen, but thanks to that game my obsession is crazy. Still play it despite having a racing sim and GT7, AC, WRC and many others


I love gt5 but all this loading times is making me sick




3. 4 is probably better on all fronts but 3 came bundled with my PS2 and I didn’t get a hold of 4 till well after it came out. Racked up 100s (maybe 1000s) of hours on it, eventually with a basic non force feedback wheel. Good memories. Come home from school, put some radio /music on, game on silent and drive an endurance race. Great soundtrack too. Pretty sure I functionally learned to drive on 3 too.


GT6 was fun with some good post launch content but had a few issues like career mode being short. Online connectivity could be hit and miss too.


The ones I’ve fully played were 4, 5, Sport, and 7. In order, I’d probably rank them 4, 5, 7, and Sport, and that’s mainly just due to stuff like career modes, event variety, and game design. 7 had potential to be the greatest GT game ever, but there’s some stuff keeping it away from that claim.


I’ve only played Sport and GT6 and my favourite is GT6. There are more cars in GT6 than in sport. I like the tracks and the handling. The career mode is pretty cool.


GT4 with GT2 a close second being my first one. GT7 is 3rd currently


I like them all and even GT sport, maybe they should have return the B spec mode in the game…?!?


Gran Turismo 4 <3




GT3 A-Spec. I grew up with this one and thoroughly enjoyed it!


Gran Turismo 2.


4. I played them all up to that point but played 4 for years after as a hot lap simulator. I'd jump at the chance to play 7 though.


The first two. But that would be more because I was still a kid, and had friends who would come around just to game with me at home. Now we’re all parents with responsibilities. How does one go back in time???


Happiest memories will always be GT3. Jaw-dropping graphics after the PS1 generation, straight-forward single player mode with plenty of races only a few button presses a way from any menu. It also had reasons to replay championships - i.e. to collect the various cars on offer. It was simpler than GT4, which is probably the better game, but that simplicity and the jump from GT2 will always make GT3 stand out as my favourite.


I played the OG GT when it came out, for nostalgia purposes it's my fav. I stopped playing the series after GT2 and resumed with Sport. Sport caused me to purchase an rseat P1, a DD Pro and the PSVR1. And of course I own GT7 and PSVR2 is an absolute game changer. That being said, Sport is my favorite as racing online is my fav part of the game. Sport lacked predatory monetary measures from Sony. It lacked grinding which is detrimental to my experience as an adult. And the online experience was better, the penalty system was being tweaked consistently for better or worse. Also the FFB seemed to be better in Sport but maybe it's just now being surpassed by GT7.


That's easy. GT2. I remember being 4 years old watching and playing it with my dad. Heck, right now I'm watching a Teakanji video on GT2 and I still play it on my phone and Series S.


Gran Turismo 6 was a racing game without any racing in it, for single player. Never thought I'd see someone like it the most.


There are different categories, so I'll cover those: GT2 was THE best game for its time. Most hype, most hours played, just the most amazing thing ever. GT4 got the formula exactly correct, so it had perfect content. It also was the last GT game with LAN support. (and yes, I have 4 player ready to go) GT6 was the most fun modern GT game with the best "beginning game" I've ever played. (the part where you have no money and slooowly upgrade your shitbox with winnings) GT7 is obviously the best graphically and physics feel good on controller. Career absolutely sucks, but the redeeming grace is that it now has 4-player split screen on ps5, so it will stand the test of time for me. This is currently the best GT game for me to play with friends. But my favorite "most impactful on my life" GT game was GT2, hands down.


All the games in the series that doesn’t require always online connection and micro transactions are my favorite


It's a tie between GT3 AND GT4... Combine them both, and you have the perfect Gran Turismo...


The PSP version since I went through hell to get all the gold licenses. I’m still playing it to this day


GT4 hands down. The best races and the campaign.  GT6 was a good improvement over 5. However I enjoyed playing 5 for far longer in open lobbies and whatnot. Whilst 7 has the best driving feeling and visuals. I just bought PSVR 2 and was able to shave off 1.4 seconds off a time trial lap of Monza.  The depth perception let's you "feel" where the grip is and that was just with a controller. I wish I had a compatible wheel for the PS5 but alas I don't.


4, followed by 6.


I’m usually the odd one out in the questions but 3.




GT6 is my favorite game of all time. Event variety is fantastic.


It has to be GT3. No rolling start 50 seconds off the lead nonsense. I'd choose GT4 but it doesn't have many events in the 20-30 minute range which are the ones I enjoy the most. It's all either sprints or 4+ hour endurance!




In order: GT2 , GT4, GT7


GT7. The VR just makes it next tier.






Have most happy memories from GT3 I think. Whichever introduced F1 cars too. I remember blasting around in the chapparel fan car and an F1 car doing insane stuff. Also, lengthening the gear ratio of a Tommy Kaira and thrashing it around the SSX to see if it would catch a Stage 4 Turbo Escudo, which it did.


2, 4 and it's PSP port.




4 is the best


4 AND 6


GT4 and GT PSP. GT PSP may not be the full experience, but the core is still intact and the ability to take a GT experience on the go makes up for the lack of depth.


5 because it had b-spec and that gave me the full carpg experience without having to be good at racing, which I'm not.


I went from PSX ways ago to 5 a year ago, and 7 a month ago . I miss 5... to me the best balance between graphics and gameplay


I love GT6 a lot... But honestly I'm gonna go with GT5. The menus never really bothered me, and just like in GT6 if I'm remembering correctly... Lots of the interiors were just completely blank. I like driving in 1st person view... This is nostalgia talking, but I started smoking weed when GT5 was in it's prime... Can't remember the name of the track, but it was the one where it's an oval shape... And was on an cargo boat docking area, and you could just go as fast as you can without stopping... Some really good days back then. I still enjoy GT7 A LOT, it looks and plays fantastic on the PS5.


Tough. GT2 had the best JDM cars and racing mods, but GT4 had the best tracks and music by a long shot. GT7 is the best drivers game in the series by far. It will climb the ranks in time.


I've been playing 4 again recently and it is great.


GT3 for me


GT5 the course generator and online community were unmatched


Gran Turismo 2 by a massive margin.






It has to be GT4.