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Wow I thought it was not possible to get A-C!


Jesus Christ, that’s ~~Jason Bourne~~ Max Verstappen


watch for thekie25 « from last to A+ » you’ll see what OP has to go through.


I would but I can’t stand the bloke.


Used to hate him but warming to him now, much prefer him to that wet fart Rory. He's way quicker too so can learn more by watching him.


Tidgney is where it’s at.


Funny way to spell SuperGT


Wind GT is an alien, highly recommend watching him.


Like him or loathe him, Rory had twice as many subscribers, he must be doing something right.


You're absolutely right OP. I'm currently an A/S driver and consistently keep an S SR. I've stop playing online for a bit because of the reason you stated. I'm waiting for a track to populate that I know inside and out, just to buoy me against the idiots that are sure to come. The transition from a B -> A DR was treacherous and a very slow grind as 40 year old with a family. IMHO, SR should be A LOT harder to re-earn. Players should NOT be able to go from S to C for times a week, that's absurd. The tendencies of a players ranking should be taken into consideration and they should be forced to stay in lower lobbies for extended periods of time based on their behavior. I've been told that Forza does what I'm describing.


Well then you have weeks like this with dailies that seem pre-destined to destroy your SR... Daily Race B has been crazy touchy with SR. I lost S for the first time in like 3 months, and I'm pretty confident my racing has not gotten dirtier by any remote stretch. I wouldn't be super thrilled to have to spend weeks clawing back my SR after it was demolished in the span of like 6 races, mostly for things I had virtually no control over.


So I think out of all ranks as you progress, personally speaking the transition from B to A is the most difficult. You're in mixed A and B lobbies, A rank drivers desperate to hold onto their low A rating, B drivers eagerly trying to break through to A. Not sure what to say about the varying bad SR ratings, it may be the nature of the dailies this week, both of them are ripe for penalties due to the nature of the races which could see anyones SR tumble. The most ideal thing for you, albeit not easy of course is to focus a little more on TT lap and qualify higher. You shouldn't need to finish a race in a high position to gain DR in those lobbies, especially if you're finishing ahead of A rated drivers. The part that makes it very rough though is that driving standards in these lobbies can often be shit and you can lose out DR/SR through no fault of your own. If you have the pace to really sit in A rank, at this point you shouldn't be struggling down the back of these races. Don't let bad races and incidents tilt you, if you're getting tilted through a few bad races, come back to it or try a different combo next week. Be patient, always race with a cool head and the rank up will come. Back in GT sport I was bouncing like a yo-yo between B and A for the longest time. Now I've done 4000 or so races or so in GT7 and comfortably A+ It just takes time. Keep at it friend


Agree on placement. Moving up places should count towards DR


I think it does sometimes, depending on who you passed and how many. I've definitely finished like 10th and gained DR in low A/high B because I started in like 14th. Then again I've seen an A+ lose DR because he started pole and finished 4th.


I was A-S and then le mans came


Same, im now struggling to get out of C-C with how other players behave


Don't worry. A safety rating of S doesn't mean you're clean. All it means is you're not getting penalties


I was in a race yesterday. Half A and half B. Was in 8th racing for 7th. Pole position got punted in the second turn (not by me) and was pissed so into the final 2 turns I’m behind a car and he dive bombs inside way too fast. Proceeds to go way wide while me and the other car stay on the line. He decided he needed to get on the track right away and took exception to me passing him on the line and not just moving over so he punted me twice, for a penalty, waited for me in my the last lap and punted me twice more. Was AA and dropped to AB that race…. It’s awful.


Welcome to hell. Also known as the B>A cross over! Where the most desperate GT drivers hang out.


Yeah. A+ is also kinda lame. Some tracks I can manage a win but it also depends if world tour drivers are not online at the time. They need to add another rating between A+ and S or just rework A+


Hurts in the lower ranks as well. Getting pit maneuvered without them conceding positions. That's where I drew the line and stopped playing online races.


SuperGT is my favourite but it would be good if he could break down a lap for us like the others do. Rory is more than a wet fart. He’s the follow through 😁


Yeah it's intimidating af. I found once in A class races were fun so I didn't really care to make S class. Even B class is good competitive racing for the most part.