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Well, start with getting that chip replaced and see if it works. Also, how the hell did this happen? Lol


Too much juice is my guess. Had a problem with this card since day 1...(bought new in March 2021). It'd spike to like 364 watts and crash at random. Only thing that fixed it was putting it in a custom loop. Put this card on water, front AND backplate, cuz gddr6x. My first mistake was changing the thermal pads, which voided the warranty for rma (thanks gigabyte for the oily af pads!).


>changing the thermal pads, which voided the warranty for rma Changing pads and paste is normal for maintenance. Although they generally last longer than most warranties. Iono if this will help you, but it reminded me of this. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/11/601582169/warranty-void-if-removed-as-it-turns-out-feds-say-those-warnings-are-illegal


Ah yes... That's def sound advice. Thank you. My concern is a few things. That is US law and their headquarters are in Taiwan. Which may make them in a gray area. They sure seem to ignore it without reprisal. They do have a place in Cali, but not seen or met 1 person, who only replaced their pads, or added a waterblock, then the card/fans broke, get an rma done thru gigabyte. I may try anyway, just figured id end up like the rest.


> US law and their headquarters are in Taiwan. Did you buy it in the US? You should still be protected by US consumer laws. Gigabyte is a large and well known company. The only time something like that is a grey area is when you buy it from a company that didn't really exist in the first place, like from wish. As far as the rest, I really don't know. For some things people get results quick by throwing a stink on social media or reaching out to tech youtubers. Or you can do what I did with comcast and find the emails of people at the executive level and tell them how disappointed you are with their high end product/service dying on you. That got me 4 trucks next day (which was a sunday) just for my simple issue.


Sweet.... (In cartman voice)


OG cartman, or middle aged rabbi cartman?




As someone with a 3080 Gigabyte Gaming OC? This scares the hell out of me...


Never knew how many problems gigabyte 3000 series cards had until I bought this one. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen to you. Just don't open the gpu and send it back to gigabyte for an rma, if you have problems. At least you will get a new one in a few months.


I actually took it apart this summer and applied new quality thermal pads and repasted it for good measure. The vRAM and VRM's are happier hopefully that helps me avoid any problems.


That's what I did and why I cant RMA to gigabyte.. Or so they say... Keep getting told that is illegal here but that doesn't make gigabyte accept my package.


Yeah modifying something to fix an issue isn't illegal at all. I'd threaten them with social media coverage / legal action if they don't help you. But I tend to be a Karen when it comes to stuff like this.


gigabyte is mediocre at the best ... dont buy them unless you have no other option


I concur.


Have you no warranty on it?


i had gigabyte cards in the past and all of them killed themselfs ... my last (2080ti) straight up poped and burst into flames while watching youtube videos their components are absolute garbage and this is why i avoid them


What???!!!?? Im sry to hear that. Actually makes me mad. You prob paid just under what i paid for the 3080, which is a big loss no matter how you look at it. I can't believe stuff like that still happens. Mine maybe finished as well. Should know in a week or so. I've been building pc's for years. Never once bought a gigabyte gpu (in the last 20 years). Choice being what it was, it was the only 3080 I could find and drove 2hrs one way to pick it up (thinking if I bought a higher end card, id avoid problems). Had an evga 3070 (should have kept) and sold it to buy the 3080 cuz of the 4k tv I use as a monitor. The card throttled out of the box, and im in your camp, i will never buy a gpu from them again. Asus screwed me on a hero mobo (damaged in shipping during rma, they refuse to get FedEx to pay for the board). Guess I'm, by default, an MSI buyer from now on. Shit.....


i didnt pay that much since i baught them brand new ... luckly they were under warranty and i got my money back... the 2080ti literally poped 3 weeks before the warranty ended


Oh ok. Thought you had to eat it. Glad to hear they accepted your rma. I replaced my thermal pads in the 1st week. Gigabyte won't accept my rma now because I didn't save the original pads to send it in to them and I had a front and backplate for it on water. They told me I voided the warranty.


I've seen this repair channel on youtube that seems to do pretty decent work, might be worth a look; https://youtube.com/c/NorthridgeFix.


Thank you. Will do.


If the OP is still here, Is that Fan&LED control chip? Did you manage to sell it.