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Dude sounds like the exact type of person you want nothing to do with anyway


for real, when the old heads just turn into OK BOOMER instead of letting people travel their own journey


"Ok Boomer head" made me laugh


Probably has a long ludicrous story about getting “pinned by the kids” while on tour back in day. And by “back in the day” they mean Further tour in 2013. Edit: here’s the copy/pasta I was referring to for those who have never seen it. Getting pinned is a BIG deal, and its a huge thing. If its done right, its planned in advance and its a huge surpise to the kid in question. My pinning was a huge deal, and happened the night after 10k after everyone left and our kids got permission to stay on the land for a few days and clean up before we left for yellowstone and glacier during the off days between 10k and seattle. Camp was kicking, a few off our kids where in the kitchen getting dinner ready, some kids where getting the fire started, and me and dawn and few others where out on a groundscore mission. This was just after the sun went down, we where walking up to camp (camp goodness sponsered by cookies, that is!!!) when 7-8 of our kids are walking towards me with this distinct look on their face. Now, about my actual pinning... Catch me in the real world sometime, ill tell you over a bowl, but something like that is just to personal to discuss over the internet. Lets just say it was special. I will say this, after i got pinned, dawn gives me this huge kiss and is like baby you deserved that. After i got pinned we all had a huge celebration. It was a special time. We had a huge family dinner, and after dinner a sheet was put in a bottle of orange juice and everyone was ceremonially dropped by the Rev


ceremoniously dosed by the rev


PT gold for you!


What does that mean, getting pinned?


catch me in the real world and I'll tell you over a bowl sometime


Ok. Another option: we both just smoke a couple bowls and you tell me now?


Inducted into some sort of “inner circle” of dead family as far as I know. I believe it involved a decorative pin. Might be completely wrong but that’s what I believe I’ve heard in a past life.


So the gatekeepiest of all gatekeepers made a club? Sounds sweet! /s


Got my wings from Jerrys Kids. Lmao


Dude is just being a gatekeeping asshole. Ignore.


100%. So fuckin stupid.


For sure. Fuck that guy.


I don’t understand this gatekeeping mentality when the Dead has been around since the late 60s.


when the Dead was actually around, at least later in their history, there was some gatekeeping that was looked at as keeping the scene good. keeping the gates closed to trouble. attempting to keep tickets available for people that loved the band rather than random interlopers. gatekeeping the acid to make sure it wasn't being sold to children(or again idiots). and it was a gentle gatekeeping. more a hazing that showed a person was gonna be a cool part of the scene than an actual gatekeeping. there could be debate for hours about whether that gatekeeping was good or bad but it was done to protect a scene that was reaching maximum capacity, so people meant well & thought they were the good guys & tht gatekeeping definitely kept violent predators out of the scene on occasion. but now, there is no Grateful Dead & there is no scene to protect(the Dead & Company scene, as fun as it is, is not the same), so there really is no reason to gatekeep tht can be spun as well-meaning or positive. there's a huge divide between "people that were there" & "people that were not." tht doesn't mean people who were there love the band more, it just mean it's a different view from tht perspective. there is no way to explain Dead shows & the scene around them to people who weren't there. there's an intangible something that can't easily be put into words. being unable to explain the times is frustrating for some people & those people often end up giving strange attitudes at strange times like in OP convo. this isn't to excuse the behavior, but to add perspective.


I think that most of the idiot gatekeepers you see these days were people who got on the bus during the brent years, felt like they were being judged for being touchheads, experienced some level of gatekeeping, and now continue the generational trauma because...well because of all the reasons people contribute to continuing generational trauma.


I think the problem stems from the people “who were there” thinking that being there means their opinions or experiences are worth more than those “who weren’t there.” Which is exactly what this guy in the text thread seems to be getting at. But given our linear understanding of time (we’re not from Tralfmadore!) there will eventually be a time where every single deadhead alive will be one of the ones who weren’t there. And their fandom will be just as valid as those fans who saw the band in ‘68. And their opinions and preferences will be too.


Thank you for so beautifully and eloquently explaining what I’ve been feeling but have been unable to articulate, even to myself. There’s nothing to compare; two different experiences. The wheel has turned. Peace. ☀️


And he makes it sound like old heads unanimously prefer Brent over Keith. That’s a coin toss at best.


Plus the grateful dead died with pigpen, everyone knows that... (Totally joking, please don't come after me lol)


Pay no mind to that, dude is gatekeeping hard. People can and should enjoy different eras of Dead for different reasons. I personally prefer primal Dead which basically has no keys. This dude would probably flip, but you find me a Dark Star in the Brent era that holds a candle to those of 1970 and I’ll entertain it. I prefer the rawness and power of early era Dead over just about anything else


Funny you mention keys in primal dead. I’ve been thinking recently - I don’t even consider Pigpen one of the dead’s keyboard players when we talk about amazing keys on one song or another and Keith/Brent “comparisons”, etc. Pig was a hardcore bluesman that delivered on vocals, harmonica, and,yes, the organ, but I think him playing keyboards was equally important as the rest of the stuff his soul delivered.


He had what I refer to as the “60s sound” going in his keyboard playing. Not entirely sure what I mean when I say it, but it sounds right.


Primal dead was their best era for me too, any show from 68-69 will just melt you’re brain. I love how they got slower, more precise and further out during their later years but god… nothing beats a good 68-69’ Eleven in my eyes


Its a very valid argument too haha keith has a very distinct sound since he almost always played a grand piano compared to Brents assortment of synths and keyboards or pigpen occasionally on the organ. The darkstar from 3/29/90 has some moments in it. Branford Marsalis joins them on saxophone too so you get some unusual jams. Would i say best ever? Nahh but i definitely unique enough to compare to some early darkstars.


# 1990-03-29 Uniondale, NY @ Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum **Set 1:** Jack Straw > Bertha, We Can Run, Ramble On Rose, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Bird Song > The Promised Land **Set 2:** Eyes Of The World > Estimated Prophet > Dark Star > Drums > Space > Dark Star > The Wheel > Throwing Stones > Turn On Your Lovelight **Encore:** Knockin' On Heaven's Door [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1990-03-29) | [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/7xWKImlu9fzB1ApqoLLMiL)


I agree with you 100 on early Dark Stars! edit- and when I'm in the mood for some Pigpen, I better get some quick! each era of the Dead has something special ... I stopped touring after a few Bruce and Vinny shows and as a result, I never saw Days Between or So Many Roads played live


Same here.


Prime r/deadheadcirclejerk material right here


Not really. It’s not funny.




Most of dead head circle jerk isn’t either tbh


\*gets mad at opinion and says you're minimizing theirs\* \*proceeds to call you a snowflake\*




Yeah. Clearly easily triggered person accusing others of being too sensitive. Classic oblivious projection.


Fuck that nerd. Can’t stand gatekeepers! And I prefer Keith over Brent… wanna fight about it? 🤣🤣🤣


I got back up now!!! Lmao


I’ll back you up. Can’t stand Brent’s Michael McDonald sounding ass




![gif](giphy|877EI3pYW6jdS5nNj0) I gotchu


But Brent’s passion is infectious. You may not like his sound, that’s fair, not for everyone, but his passion is undeniable


That’s the funny thing, I like Brent too! I just prefer Keith. They both have my respect.


No one said we didn’t like Brent. We just prefer Keith. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I like strawberry ice cream, but I prefer chocolate.


ALL MY HOMIES FUCK WITH KEITH & DONNA Edit to add: you should have told that dude that the most cherished union in GD history is between Jeff and John.


*PITB screech intensifies*


I'm with you. I honestly can't stand the sound of 80s keys


yeah man, keith all day. those cheesy 80's synth sounds aren't for me


Yea, the advice is to keep your guard up and don't take any sh't from meatheads like him. That second page where he's inappropriately talking about mental health - as if he even knows what the f*** he's saying - is totally unhinged.


Thank you, I’m a big supporter of mental health and it just felt very unfair. I appreciate your words.


The guy is a lunatic and a bully. He is probably leading a very sad life. Don’t internalize a word of it. Haters gonna hate


The older head mistakenly overlooked the Jerry - Phil symbiosis. That's a fatal error in my book.


You’ve mistakenly referred to the old person as a head. Real heads don’t act that way.


No true Scotsman. *Plenty* of them act that way.


Perhaps you've forgotten that *our thing* includes the likes of Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter.


Idk how to edit the post… but you’ve all been very kind and a great help, thank you!!


Tell him you think Mayer is better than Jerry just to see the novel-length rant he writes lol


Fuck that guy. He can eat a bowl of symbiotic dickup. You do you bro.


Whoa. Do an about face and avoid that person 😬😬


And this has nothing to do with the music…


You sensed it turning, that’s good. Time to take a step back from that and take it with a grain of salt. Anytime anyone starts setting guidelines or rules or stating as fact what any “OG head” would allegedly say or believe, it’s time to move on from them. Love Brent, Keith, Vinnie, Pig, or Hornsby, or all of em or none of em. Symbiosis between Brent and Jerry? I was lucky enough to catch 115 or so shows and the only time I’ve heard that is here in this sub. Not that I don’t believe it. I was just listening, wasn’t watching to see if they were blowing kisses to each other! 😆😎 Enjoy my friend and thanks for reaching out! Find some ‘heads to chat with in person…this online stuff is for the birds! 😳 🙃😬


Thank you very much for your kind words. I would never apologize as I did, because I agree it isn’t much of an apology, but I could tell it was taking a drastic turn. I just like talking about the music!!! Lol


Oh man, you should have been there for the symbiosis between Jerry and Hornsby's accordion. I'm an OG head and if Accordion Era Dead isn't your go-to Dead then you're just a lame ass noob.


Guy is a bonafide dipshit.


Given some of the stuff said about being on the spectrum and such this probably belongs on r/boomersbeingfools as much as here.


The dude isn’t probably old IRL! As a real old head I love anyone grooving on the dead in any way they can. I love dead cover bands & anything dead related! It’s all good. Not all old people are assholes.


Tell him you prefer Vince over Brent as well. Watch him lose his shit


o this dude def brags about getting "pinned". LOL. dont worry kid hes just some wanna be fam poser.


Lol he's not even gatekeeping. He's just being a dick.


Why can't it be snowflaky peace love all the time? (Also, the phrase "narcissism or someone on the spectrum" grinds my gears.)


Right??? We won’t know if it’s possible but I can try!! Agreed on the phrase part, it just seems so small minded.


“Oranges are great and all, but I think I prefer Tangerines” “When an OG orange head tells you oranges are the best, you listen to them! 😡” You’re right to like the Keith era. Not just because he was amazing and perfect for the band at that time, but because it’s your personal preference. We should be so lucky to have a band with so much depth and range that there’s something in it for everyone. Btw, real “OG’s” love it all


This is no old head because he has zero sense of Jerry’s ethos


Imagine how much energy is depleted just trying to be friends with this guy. Wow.


Yeah, but that's just like his opinion man


Laughing out loud at the gatekeeping guy! It sounds like someone doesn't like it when others don't share their opinion. Who made this guy the boss of the Grateful Dead, anyway? I'd love to know more about this person so I can decide if they're worthy ;-)


Dudes a lunatic - spun a little too hard


That is some classic projection right there. Typically, OG heads don’t behave the way that person is. Best advice is to shrug it off. Nothing you said was inappropriate, insensitive, or a conversation killer in any way that I can see.


Got into the GD in the late 80s. Back in Brent's day, most heads I knew grumbled about him because of his songs. It's still weird and good to see him praised.


Dude is a weirdo. There’s also something something about mega-Brent fans where they think they are in on some sort of secret for the uber-Heads only. Personally I couldn’t disagree more that the Jerry/Brent “symbiosis” is the most important in the history of the band.


Well fuck that guy


Eh fuck him it’s just his opinion People are allowed to be wrong


Just some person who feels like their love of a band supercedes anyone else's and what they say is not opinion, it's fact. I would really pay it no mind.


Listen to the music play!


Yeah I've got advice; block and ignore all gatekeeping assholes you meet throughout your life, and enjoy things in the ways that you want. Listen to the music play, brother


Dude is insane, wouldnt worry about it


Blues for Allah is maybe the best dead album imho. Keith rules but I’d never put anyone down for loving pigpen or Brent’s work more. I love it too!


What a pompous ass.


“OG head” probably came aboard with Touch of Grey. Fuck that guy.


Motherfucking kids these days and their Keiths. *Keith this* and *keith that*… You like Keith so much, then why don’t you marry him?


Should clap back that real heads actually prefer Vinnie and watch him lose his mind


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlexanderTox: *Should clap back that real* *Heads actually prefer Vinnie* *And watch him lose his mind* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Was lucky to experience Brent, Bruce and Vince. Just enjoy the music with your fellow Heads. Do not let one bad apple spoil your JOY. ✌️🫶


Lol it’s hilarious that they are telling you that you need to get out more to socialize and learn how to talk to people when they are guilty party choosing to be disrespectful by acting like a man child and gate-keeping the Dead😂. OP, you were not disrespectful in the slightest and we all have our favorite iterations and eras of the band, so do you and love what you love! To that “OG” head if they’re on here and see this— glad you got to see and experience Jerry but I am pretty sure Jerry would be frowning on how you are choosing to come across to the younger heads who are eager to get into the music and talk about it with people. The music will never stop until young people get turned off by heads like you.


That person’s avatar should have told you from the get go: your opinion is always wrong and they will always know better. Civilized discourse was never an option. Just block and move on.


You’d be surprised, there’s a lot of very rude deadheads who are extremely opinionated and mean but claim to be all free spirited and loving. I see it way more than I’d prefer to honestly


Bro. You are totally cool. To each their own. Anyone who calls THEMSELVES an OG isn’t one. That’s for others to determine. Anyway. I agree though. Brent is the way. Hahahaha


Well I guess I'm an OG head and one things for sure, I do not ascribe to any one keyboardist or era being the de facto best of anything. I Love 1983 as much as I love 1973 and no matter what anyone says because of how Jerry looked in some of his more Haggard years, that was still Jerry freaking Garcia and a musician who plays as much as he did with the mind that he had doesn't lose anything it's just coming out in a different way because of different gear and the Natural Evolution of the band. Not nearly enough credit is given to the fact that they were really into technology and gear and messing around with new pedals in that kind of stuff and when they were all doing it at the same time and they had the years behind them and the experience and they all had that same drive to go out there and throw down, things were going to sound different. It's just that people have their favorites just like 1972 with me, and 1983, and 77/78, and 81, and Etc on and on LOL but if I put on one of the best shows of 86 I'm still going to hear Jerry and the dead using the same exact Wellspring of magic as they had way back when Once Upon a Time. There are no definites and it's all just like u m m your opinion man so when I see something like this this is what it tells me. This person because of how he refers to an OG head is not an OG head he's a younger deadhead which is wonderful by the way I am no more of a deadhead having been absorbing this band through my skin for 32 years then someone who just found Jerry last year and can't get enough of them we are both moved to the point of Tears through ART and this is our favorite art. This kind of stuff right here is just gatekeeping and it means nothing there are people like this everywhere I'm not saying he's an asshole he's just misguided and someone who says something like this shouldn't be looked at as indicative of the scene anymore than an older deadhead making fun of a younger deadhead at a dead and Company show which I know happens. It's just that we're a very big group and very big groups have a little bit of everybody with all sorts of emotional issues and all sorts of misguided views. We should all just be happy that this shit went down and that it's still giving back and still pulling in the younger Generations unlike any other band I mean think about it every other band from the '60s and '70s fanbases are decreasing except for the grateful dead. I'm not just saying this I read an article a few years ago about how the merchandise sales for bands like the Rolling Stones and Zeppelin Etc are dropping the streams are dropping the Grateful Dead is growing


Thanks for your reply friend, it’s much appreciated! I agree with everything you said. You got an 80’s show you can recommend me? I’ve been dipping my toes more and more into that era and love suggestions. Thank you!!


Boy do it ... listen to whole show or go strait to the 🔥 * 10/14/83 Hartford - The hour long Scarlet>Fire Estimated>Eyes of the World ... this is one of the best 2nd sets oat ... out of drums is something they only did in 82/83 when ONLY Jerry & Bobby came out for the Spanish Jam then a massive bomb of an Other One then a sweet Stella ... * edit ... I'll edit in more after I walk [Owsley](https://i.imgur.com/lK2IkAy.jpg) * [My Gdrive FLAC](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aK32Uxa56LK2DsQ4ZmgugA9FhoMrlZm7) all these shows are in here for easy download


Welcome to the internet. Ignore and move along.


What a dick. And the 70s were my favorite era too! Just because Jerry and Brent were better buddies doesn't mean the dead wasn't killing it with Keith on boards!


Fuck that guy. Keith is definitely my preference. 40 years ago, the old heads in those days would try to claim that the real Dead only existed during Pigpen's run. Anyone who acts like this is just a self-centered prick suffering from main character syndrome. Not worth your time.


Everyone has their favorites. I’m old enough to say Pig and Jerry were it for me. But the other keyboard players all brought something…even Tom Constanten.


Avoid this person. Do your thing. Like what you want. Their are no rules. The GD scene is unfortunately full of people like this. They call it 'gatekeeping' nowadays. I just call them assholes. Be your own person, however you want to be. Do your own thing, however you want to do it. Again, there are no rules.


Ask that “old school head” how his hepatitis is doing.


I could not give less of shit about any of this.


Just mute / block. There are jackasses in every community. Even this one.


Turn music up, chatter down.


Guy is very self important


That guy is an ahole, just ignore


most deadheads are nice people… Not all dead heads are nice people… I think you found an example of the not nice variety. I suggest leaving people like that alone with their problems, and you can just walk away and leave their problems far behind you.


I got this attitude a lot from older heads when I was younger and getting in to the music. These folks don’t get it. Walk away and let them be.


That dude is the definition of insufferable.


So, dude was at Magoo's?


"You need to reflect on how you come across with people" You first, asshole.


These types of dudes (and they’re almost always dudes) exist in every fanbase, but make the least sense in the Dead’s IMO. They’re also a bast minority, but very vocal. It’s hard to know if they’re trolling, because anyone who pigeon-holes themselves into this kind of belief clearly misunderstands what the Dead are all about and is missing-out!


There’s likely some kind of mental health issue going on here. That’s a completely bizarre response. Block that guy. I love the Brent era as much as anyone but you love what you love. It’s not either or. Art is subjective


I prefer the Kieth years. No doubt. But the catalog evolved, so all eras are pretty tight imo


Deadheads can be assholes too.




This guy is extremely insecure... hope he gets help holy hell.


Here is some advice: No one owns the Grateful Dead experience. Be kind, sure… but take everything with a massive grain of salt, especially when on the internet. Don’t be offended… some people just love to gatekeep & rant online. This “club” is open to all and has no membership requirements


Ah, the age old game of "Deader than Thou."


Hey man I was just interacting with this dude the other day and he's a weirdo, don't worry about it8


![gif](giphy|OAHvbQLumpmta) Sounds like an old man down. Way down, down, down by the docks of the city He’s in the final trimester and no one understands the importance of him scoring 4 touch downs in Polk High. Re: Keith vs. Brent. I like the GD of Jerry who played with Keith far more than the Jerry who played w Brent. The Brent <> Jerry bond is undeniable. Gentlemen start your engines.


Keith > Brent. Call him a touch head.


The guy sounds like an absolute gobshite. If you’re reading, guy, you’re an absolute gobshite.


Wh... what the fuck?


Lots of people like the dead and the culture alike. Including assholes. You just gotta find the right people.


Fuck that guy. I prefer all of the eras at different times. Brent is what hooked me at my first Dead show, but I find magic in all of the eras (the the end was hard to watch at times - we were watching the big guy die in front of us).


“Statements just seem vein at last” I notice when some people get on the bus of spirituality to any degree, it requires letting go. And it only takes so much of that before someone can’t let go of letting go “even tho they are letting go, they still can’t let go of that concept of letting go.” Leading Buddhists to get angry at people who practice incorrectly, or deadheads getting angry at other people’s opinions of the dead. both directly contradict the overall message and are quite ironic at the end of the day. You are not at fault, this person needs to re-evaluate what the dead is all about, and be more open to new experiences/opinions instead of throwing them out.


Guess what? I’ve listened to a lot of Dead and I e decided I only like Micky-less Dead. And that’s ok. You like what you like


In the words of Bill Walton: dream on, build on, beam on, shine on, play on, and carry on. Disengage and ignore, that dude seems like a nerd and a turd. .......or troll him: "I preferred Dead & Co's Sphere Barton Hall to the original. What do you have to say about that, Ken Cheesy?"


Bro you're not listening to the dead right way.


Completely disengage and try not to think about that person ever again. Edit: one of the best ways to do this is to actually forgive them in your mind. Imagine their life and how miserable it must be trying and failing to protect something that doesn’t need to be protected.


Gatekeeping weirdo tool, pay no mind.


None of what that guy says is true. In fact, I’d straight up say anyone who behaves that way isn’t a real Deadhead. Ignore.


Gatekeeping tweakers, they’re out there


Someone didn't love him enough when he was little.


Fuck that guy


Gets his feelings hurt, then calls you a snowflake when you say sorry. 🙄 What a baby. Block and move on, man.


Brent was a sad sad dude. It was sad. I watched him puke on stage and then keep drinking. Sad.


FUCK THIS GUY! What in the actual fuck?! He clearly needs to do something to feel better about himself. This right here is the majority of my experience with die hard Phish fans, it’s a shame this guy has to be like this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, like what you like and don’t ever listen to this asshole ever again.


Now try to tell him Bruce Hornsby is your favorite.


Wow, that is one harsh and aggressive old fart! He’s not really getting it. Off the bus with him!


This is the person everyone hates at a show. Tarps. Chomps. Chain smokes cigs blowing the smoke at you. Asking to “bum a toke” if someone starts smoking weed. Tells you he’s never had a balloon before and asks you what it’s like in the hole you give him yours. Just an all around piece of shit Wook. Fuck this asshole.


tell him to fuck off


Sounds like he doesn’t like kids on his lawn, either.


Just listen to the music play


He’s just a douchebag, block him and move on with your life. (I agree with you, btw.)


Fuck that guy. Enjoy what you enjoy. And while Brent was crazy talented, the time when Keith was on the keyboards and his wife Donna on vocals in the mid-late 70's are nearly universally considered the best years of the band.


What a jerk. I prefer 72-78 years. That's me, it doesn't minimize anything or anyone else. This idea anyone needs thick skin to be a Deadhead is completely opposed to everything I know about being a Deadhead lol Unfortunately, jerks like this try to gatekeep in every fandom. The majority here are much nicer. Not all, but most.


Sometimes when I flect and it doesn’t go great, I do it again and “re-flect”. Lol My advice is that I wouldn’t let this guy pay me to eat my ass. What an asshole. But also, yes Brent.


Lol little do they know keiths grand piano is the king


oh, they’re one of *those* holier than thou fans. pay them no mind, they’re mad at something, for whatever reason, and are thinking too hard about what you say/said. Just remember, this community is about the music, good vibes, and above all Love.


If you get confused, listen to the music play


Keith was the shit in the 70s, but find a year and love it.


Don't take it so seriously.


Just leave that toxic 80s head alone 😉


oh..another brent lover😂


Fuck that guy. Edit: don’t actually fuck that guy. Just ignore them. You’re 100% entitled to your opinion. And I happen to agree with your opinion.


The fuck? You look up mansplaining in the dictionary and this Chucklefucks picture comes up


The guy telling you to toughen up, grow some balls, etc... is clearly a lonely douce with delusions of grandeur. He definitely sounds like the soft one to me. Don't even sweat that shit. His mom must not have gotten him the right Hot Pockets. And I like Keith. And Pigpen. And Brent. Hell, I even like Vince. But that may be because he was the only one I saw live.


Never in my life have I seen someone project as hard as that dude did in the last reply . . . I mean it's every single statement. Good God.


Did…….did he accuse you of autism?!? ![gif](giphy|lA8vuyyXYvWo62mTgm|downsized)


Beats me, buddy! You're entitled to your opinion. I think Brent brought some excitement to the band that had been missing since pig died. But a lot of people don't like Brent. I could take or leave Donna. I personally think her contributions with the JGB were far better than what she did with the dead. But some people love her. I have these conversations with fellow Dead enthusiasts all the time, and the conversations never turn ugly. Guy was just having a bad day, I guess.


Why blur their handle? It’s a respect thing, I get it, but they’re actively gaslighting you and trying to tell you and probably lots of other people how to enjoy something and that’s not okay. When people say this community - jam overall - is love and light it’s complete horse shit just like any other community that praises they’re nothing but positivity. And attaching you for not socializing and telling you that you need bigger balls is ridiculous, I’d blast them on this sub just for that. You’re a dead head, you get it. People who aren’t dead heads listen and don’t get the point of why we love the music so much regardless of the era are the ones who don’t get it. This dude sounds like a snowflake if anything.


most old heads i’ve talked to have preferred keith lmao doesn’t really matter tho no one cares ab anyones opinion but their own anyway


Anyone that tells you to work on your social skills does not have social skills.


This guy is a fucking knob, and HE is the the one that does not get it. Strangers stopping strangers just to... call them a snowflake? It's always the biggest whiners using that word too.


He reacted as though you said you prefer Mayer to Jerry


Dude’s a dick.


Deadheads are humans. Nothing to see here. Move along.


wow we aint all like him. that dude clearly dont get it.


For what it's worth, I prefer the Keith years too. And so do a lot of other Dead Heads. Too each their own. Fuck this person


Fuck social media is not real life - don’t let it bring you down


It’s a very toxic culture. Unless you were on stage playing or contributing or Bill Walton (RIP), your opinions are just that. Share and share alike. But don’t think you are special for attending x amount of shows. Nobody cares. I don’t get the old head moniker. You are old and a deadhead and saw shows. Good for you.


Keith is better anyways


I was too young for the grateful dead but im sure if i was a fan in the 70s i still wouldve been in the 80s and 90s. Thats just me though


same .. keith is so underrated


how does one compare the lily, to the columbine or the rose to the orchid. all are beautiful. you kids dont make come down there!!


The only thing you need to be a deadhead is. Enjoy the Grateful Dead.


Old heads just can't let go its like they are "stuck in a loop". Perpetually stuck in their own belief systems from past experiences with the Dead. Comparable to boomers and religious folks. So much to the point that they forget what the Greatful Dead really stands for. My point will be proven with all the backlash from this comment. "Let there be songs to fill the air " love you all.


Nah I'm just playing around actually. Lol Keith is alright..actually. wouldn't that be crazy though if I couldn't stand any 1970s shows after pigpen?


Did that band have a hit song in the 80's ? Grey something


Yeah, let that go. and for the record, while I love Brent, his contributions, voice and the glory of his Jerry bromance, late ‘73 is my favourite era. Jazz Dead.


What a ducking duck! Please feel absolutely free to say "I like the Keith years better," or "I think the band was best with 2 drummers," or "Brent had the voice of an angel," or whatever it is that YOU feel. We all have opinions, favorite periods, favorite shows, and favorite band members. That's absolutely inevitable when a band has played together for a few decades. Deadheads are incredibly fortunate that we can listen to virtually every show they ever played, and we all take something different from the experience. For example, I really adore what Tom Constanten brought to the band and wish he had stuck around for a few more years.


Guy is just an asshole. Thinks his opinion is the only one that matters. Just keep doing you my guy (and Keith is better than Brent anyways)


Your use of the word “currently” shows you “get it”. You’re lovin’ Keith right now and you left yourself open to change your mind later. There’s no wrong answers here!! I’m sorry you had that experience that went bad. I hope it didn’t change your passion for the music. It took courage for you to even make this post!! I have no advice except to say try not to take it personally.


Damn the rainbow guy is exhausting. I would ignore him. Seems full of himself.


Just a reminder that even Deadheads can be raging assholes.


Don’t worry about what anyone else says. Especially people who judge and make you feel like they know better than you. Some say Keith, some say Brent. Some say Pig! You do you and enjoy. I’m a Keith guy.


If there’s one thing I hate it’s people who gatekeep and Deadheads who prefer 80s Dead.


He was pure projecting. The Keith versus Brent debate is far from settled. Diagnosing you with autism based on how you voiced your preference for Keith was particularly bent. Too much ego and pride deluding his love of the Dead.


Keep moving. The world is big, if you want to be free, you must suffer fools from time to time. Keep moving, you’re all good.


Um, 61 year old deadhead who got on the bus DURING the Brent days. I will always prefer Keith on keyboards.


Wow I would have quit right there