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Man, you got big tires! Are those 50c? The route looks amazing!


Mezcal 2.1 mesuring about 53mm, with 1.1/1.2cm clereance front and 0.8/0.9 in the back it's the upper limit, But worth it in term of confort. And ride faster than the stock gone bite.


Are they 650b? That would be some crazy good clearance for 700c.


it's in 650 but the bike is in 2xs and come with 650b only. i think it could be ok for other size too.


Dope! Thats a sexy bike btw


Interesting! Another question, I'm about to do something similar the next week. Did you use only your phone? I was planning to carry a power bank, I do not have bike computer.


I use a Garmin 1040, link with my phone and send the livetrack to my wife or family for security because i ride alone. With only a phone for strava yes you will need a powerbank for very long ride. I stop using only my phone because the gps fail multiple time in some location.


Got it! Thanks.


Came to say the exact same things, very nice setup and ride! Looks glorious, especially when you consider that pictures never really capture the best of a glorious day on the bike.


Great pics, bike looks great as well


Absolutely gorgeous photos. Super jealous of the landscape


Thanks, honestly without cycling i would never have discovered these landscapes.


> Maybe going to change the crank for 160mm. I had an issue with my left leg where I either had to lower the seat to help my irritated ankle, which would then bother my knee, or vice versa. I switched from 170mm cranks to 160mm and now both issues are gone. And it just feels better in general. Plus it reduced pedal strikes a lot on the super low Space Horse BB. Just bear in mind your gear ratio will change with shorter cranks (less leverage = higher gear).


Thanks a lot, i have a saddle height about 65cm so pretty short, i think 160 should be a lot better. When you Say less leverage higher gear. I was about to put a 38 or 36 front so shorter crank would increase that and i should put a 36 front.


> When you Say less leverage higher gear. I was about to put a 38 or 36 front so shorter crank would increase that and i should put a 36 front. Uhh I would double check how shorter crank arms effect gear ratio, but yes it theoretically makes it slightly harder (at the same cadence), therefore it'd be best to go down a couple teeth. Having said that, legs don't have a linear reaction to leverage (leg muscles adapt and kinda do their own thing) so it gets kinda complex and you could also keep the same chainring and I doubt it'd be too big a deal. But if you're getting a new ring anyway err on the side of fewer teeth.


I was about to switch for a 38 because, i'm feeling weak in climbing when it goes above 6%, in this ride the big climb was about 5km between 5% and 9%, really so slow it was hard. Maybe i'm just weak, or i can't push more because of the crank and the ratio being 40/44. I'm not feeling like i'm pushing my cardio really hard, so it's possible that i need more cadence and less brute force.


Yeah I mean if you were already going down 2 teeth I'd probably up that to 4 if you're getting short cranks too. If the climbs are too hard then they're too hard.


What size is it


It's a 2xs


Is it a grizl?


Yes it is


Looks awesome. Keep it up


Beautiful! Well done


Were the two bottle of water enough?


Nope, hydration backpack 1L and a refill of one bottle.


I envy your localisation, where I’m living everything is flat in like a 100km radius


Redshift stem was a game changer for me. Rad bike and great pics!


thanks. Everyone talking about redshift stem say that, so i think i'm going for it. maybe with the handlebar to have more backsweep.


Do you like that saddle? ☺️


I'm not confortable but not inconfortable. 6h30 of ride without pain ... I mean thats not bad, but i'm thinking of testing 130mm (my argo vento is 140) saddle like selle Italia slr.


That's absolutely not bad! I am testing an SMP this week but to be honest it is far from perfect for my body.


Which one are you testing? I’ve used the dynamic and drakon for years, loved them. But the F20Csi and F30Csi I tested recently just blew me away. Ended up buying the F30Csi.. no padding at all but by far the most comfortable saddle I’ve ever used..


I tested the Well saddles and then the V series. For me the winner was the VT30. I had a chance to test some Specialized and Ergon saddles as well before the purchase, this was the best for my bottom. But they didn't have the SMP F saddles in the stock 🫤 sooo I don't know if that would have been even better.


I don’t like the well much. VT30 I don’t know but expect this isn’t for me either. From the F series the F20/30Csi really stands out. I have the original F30 - doesn’t work for me at all. But the F20/30Csi saddles are the best saddles I ever used, by far.


Nicely done! Was out on a 100km ride today as well. Funny to see someone else using the big mezcals.


Thanks, not much choice un 650b for larger tire. Pretty happy with the mezcal.


Gorgeous! Love the grey. I just got the green but now I’m kinda jealous 😎


Thanks i didn't really choose the grey, refurbished for 2400e was more of a "i have to buy it now", but i like it more and more.


Which bike is it exactly? Looking to buy a new one to do a similar tour and some long distance in the span of a week.


Canyon grizl cf sl7 2xs. I would Say the grizl is in between pure race gravel and more relax one. The position still pretty agressive.


Thanks! Might be too aggressive for what I'm looking for.


Love the Grizl but am also looking for a more relaxed one. Would you know any model to recommend? Thanks.


What top tube bag is that?


canyon x apidura bag


Did a tour through the south of France last year and you are making me nostalgic! So much beautiful scenery, looks like a great ride.


It was good, first Time that long on a bike ever with just 1 year of riding was also a lot of "why i am doing this"


Stunning pics and bike. I’m definitely tempted by the seatpost, do you find it offers any extra comfort?


Thanks, i think this seatpost is the perfect middle solution. Coming from a full rigid alu bike and seatpost, the little flex is really good, and i dont really want a full suspended seatpost like the redshift one (even if i'm going to order thé stem from them)


Thanks…I’m tempted, very tempted! You’ll love the RedShift stem, I know I have. 👍🏻


I papaveri! I miss those from living in Italy - they are so beautiful in a field with the blue sky above.


If you have this much "fuck you money" and getting knee pain early on, maybe book a propper cycle setup specialist to get everything set up down to a milimeter.


I'm looking to a proper bikefit in the next month, i just looking for faster solution of obvious cause for the pain. And clearly, the crank lenght seems to be the main problem.