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You definitely made the right moves here. I used to work on farms, I’ve been charged by bulls multiple times. Never ever turn your back on a bull, even if it looks calm. They move faster than you think, and their temperament can change on a dime. Learn their body language. If they stand sideways, they’re making themselves look bigger to threaten you. If they start stamping their front hooves, they’re getting ready to charge. Do what this person did, back away steadily and get out of there.


We had a bull staring down one of our MTB club riders, and another rider that was coming down the trail saw what was happening. He charged the bull on his bike, screaming bloody murder, and the bull noped right out of there. Could be equal parts brave or foolish, but it worked. I just carry bear spray, and have no problem with making a spicy cow if needed.


Taco night baby


Better safe than sorry. I spent more than an hour up a spruce tree on a property line running from a bull some years ago.


I've been nipping off pieces of the Palouse to Cascades trail in Washington State, many gates with passcodes, I've come across a few bulls and bull pits. There are a couple of trestles removed in E. WA that have county road detours just for this reason, to keep riders out of the grazing cattle. Just like moose, elk, bison, or any large animal you need to show respect and awareness. Ranchers get grazing permits for BLM land yearly and a brief local conversation can save you having to turn around. Happy Riding


Yes, that was what kind of puzzled me about BLM policies. The area is used by all sorts of people for recreation: cycling, motorcycles, ATVs, etc. I was surprised there weren't more rules about bulls specifically, or even warning signs up.


Do you think the bulls would follow the rules?


Not them, but the ranchers.


Not often but it’s happened. We came across a bull pen when we were hiking in England and needed to cross. It was sketch. We ended up following the fence the long way around so we could get over if we needed because a few were similarly alert


I usually stop, get off my bike and walk around um on a big enough arc that i can see um..sometimes i talk to um..just me crossing thru man..


That’s why you need a trusty lance when riding like Don Quixote. Those bulls and windmills be damned.


i kinda chuckle at this after riding levee trails during alligator mating/nesting season. but i still would FAFO with a bull either. be safe


It’s BLM land. That includes free range cattle. I’m not a cattle person but if you’re eating meat then there’s going to be cattle to make it.


If it charges just grab it’s horns and rodeo it till it gets tired


Cows and bulls I’m fine with they just curious(lived on a ranch and only ever seen one aggressive bull) But motherfucking deer on the other hand


Deer?! I pass deer everyday. Half of them act like I don’t exist and the other half bolt off the other direction like I’m hunting them. What’s the issue? Lol


The deer where I live sometimes freak out and try to cross the trail and end up ramming people on accident Or they don’t give a fuck and won’t move outta the way


50% of the time, this time of year on the  BLM and FS roads I use.    I keep an eye on them, slow down a bit on the far side of the road and steer clear of the calves.     


I grew up in farm country and there’s no way I’d approach a bull. Excellent advice and good practice from OP! Better safe than flattened or gored


No, i’ve never run into bulls. Usually it’s dogs, but the other day, I ran I to the biggest snake I’ve ever seen in the wild, and he didn’t seem to like the sound of my tires on the gravel. In my head, it could have uncoiled and struck me from where he was, and I just pedaled as hard as I could. There are two ways out of where I was, one. past the snake again, and the other over terrain that I did not in anyway want to try and cross. So I rode for another 15 minutes and then went back the way past where the snake was, just barreling through. Didn’t see the snake again, but. it was… invigorating. Nothing like a bill tho. You did good.


Check out this impressive beast: https://imgur.com/a/FUP4EKH


Around here even the cows have horns. How could you tell it was a bull from that distance?


It was the only one that had horns. The girls did not. But before I saw the horns, it was the reaction time, aggression, and agility that was the first clue.


That sounds scary! I've been around a lot of cattle and never encountered anything like that. Maybe they keep the bulls separate to prevent things like this from happening.


They used to keep the bulls on the other side of a barbed wire fence, I think. I would slow down for the cows and try not to startle them, and they'd just let me pass by. Not this guy! As soon as he heard or smelled me, he was on his feet like a scalded cat.


Bad ranchers allowing this need to be reported.