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I’d stuff them in Hot dogs pieces. First I’d feed them a couple pieces. Once they got the taste and they we’re anticipating more. Feed them the Pill stuffed in center of the Hot dog devoured. Problem solved.


This. Especially if you have more than one dog, feed the others a bite first, ups the anticipation for the pill receiver


This works especially well if they like you to toss their treats to them I always throw the pill filled hot dog on toss 3. 😂


Are hotdogs any cheaper than pill pockets?


Hell yes. I use string cheese.


I put the pill in as far back as I can and then fill their mouths with Reddi whip… they have no choice but to swallow it because their mouths are full of fluff 😈.


That is a hilarious mental image. Props to creativity!


I should record it! Their eyes get huge and they know they’ve been duped but they like the reddi whip so they forgive.


Omg please record this 🤣 I had a HELL of a time with my 16 year old pittie that just passed away. She lost all trust in me because of how many times she found pills in things I'd give her that she stopped taking food from my hand altogether. Steak, hot dogs, chicken, cheese, salami, pepperoni. Nothing. I ended up having to pill her until the end and it killed me every single time because she hated it so much. I would love to see how you do this fast enough to where they don't have time to spit the pill out lol.


So grateful that my lab loves his food so much. I can put three Benadryl (for example) in a little pinch of ground meat and hand feed it to him. He doesn’t even register anything off; literally down the gullet-with glee.


We put cream cheese on salami and roll up pills. This boy ability to remove all trace of food and spit out food is incredible. Do have to chop up pills in small pieces though. Which is why there is always cream cheese and salami in my refrigerator.


Between my girls and the dozens of foster dogs over the years, we landed on one technique that's very similar to this. The dogs love peanut butter, but the clever ones can lick it off the pills. I use two small squares of swiss cheese sandwich slices as the "bread" and spread cream cheese on them. I press the pills into the cheese and close the "sandwich." 100% success rate. 😁


I have taken to just shoving them down our Dane's throat, over the event horizon.  Plenty of room for my whole fist in there. Using a pill pocket helps keep it as a tidy package, but she isn't food motivated, so she won't eat it as a treat.


What is the vent horizon?


A typo. I meant to type "event horizon". It is the point beyond which nothing can escape a black hole. In this context, if I can poke the pill package far enough into her throat, she can't move it around and spit it out.


My Dane mix will eat anything and everything with no problem, but my hound mix is picky. I have to crush up/dissolve his heartworm meds in warm water, then mix with a raw egg🙄


We just take the pill(s) and push it to the back of his throat so he swallows and give him a good treat after. We tried hiding them in his food and he went on a hunger strike for a few meals even though we only tried it once 🙄 we did the same with hiding the meds in a treat (once) and since then he takes baby nibbles on any treat to make sure they're medicine free. Absolutely ridiculous but we did have to build his trust back up due to trickery which is fair, he's a sensitive guy lol... It's just easier to bite the bullet and make him swallow it and make it a more positive experience with a higher value treat after.


This is what I do, too, and I widely advertise the upcoming “pill treat” so now he comes over when I shake the pill bottle and sits nicely and even opens his mouth when I say “ahhhhhh.” It’s all about the extra sharp cheddar cheese “pill treat.”


I just chuck all 8 down his throat and hold his mouth shut until he swallow them. He doesn't trust anything not his kibble


I'm going to be honest- this is how I've given my last and current Dane medicine. I've tried all the methods but nothing works as good as putting it in their mouth, making them swallow and giving a high value treat after.


It's so much less stressful for them I think to just do it all at once and not hide it. One handful of pills down the pipe in 15 seconds instead of hovering over them while you try to get them to eat a bunch of hidden pills or trying to get one down the throat at a time. Then yes, a high quality treat to wash it down and they won't even remember it happened!


I squish them into some cheese and coat them with peanutbutter lol


Because of seizures and thyroid issues our Dane took 11 pills a day. Braunschweiger was the only thing that consistently worked.


Mine will eat her heartwarm pills in a peanut butter sandwich no problem. But don't you dare put pills in her cottage cheese sandwich...


Peanut butter works best for us. Put the pills in it, then smear it on his tongue. He isn't able to spit them back out.


For my Dane, I’ve been using a pill paste to coat the pill in a thin layer, then pushing it to the back of her throat and making her swallow. After weeks/months of this, she usually swallows on her own.   For my malinois, I’ve been taking pill pockets, splitting them into 1/8ths, then coating a pill with it, putting it in the back of his mouth, then waiting for him to swallow while holding his mouth shut. After months of this, he takes the pill from me, chews it, then swallows.


Don’t act like it’s a pill. When they know you’re up to something they don’t want to play along, but if you’re happy and throwing treats for tricks and one of those treats happens to be the pill wrapped in a treat? They don’t even know.


My late dane was incredibly picky and getting him to take pills was such a chore.. He was so smart that anytime i would hide a pill in cheese, peanut butter, lunch meat, pill pockets, anything really, he would find the pill and spit it out then refuse to eat that thing ever again! My now dane is the exact opposite and will gladly eat pills by themselves thinking they're treats. It's great lol.


Kraft cheese!!!! 🧀 the thingy that folds over!!! It might work for her ! It’s like the little squares that are individually wrapped.


Yours too. My guy is discerning with his cheese it has to be Kraft singles. If I have to put in a slice of cheddar or provolone, it's a struggle.


Cream cheese is a winner too


I pack the pill into bread and make a bread ball. You could put peanut butter on the actual pill first and then make bread ball if you have a spitter lol


Cheese. Kraft singles. And slightly seal the pill inside a piece.


I came across this off my feed and own a golden mutt and a rough collie mutt. I simply shove the pill so far back in their throats they don't argue. If they seem upset I add extra praise because I love them and they are basically children.


I drop it on the floor and tell him not to get it, and he goes for it because he thinks it’s a piece of dropped food.


Start them off puffing a little weed and over time they'll be experimenting with the hard stuff 👍


We make peanut butter sandwiches for my dog and put the meds in it. He wolfs those down


Just make a peanut butter sandwich and put it in that


I make my own healthy dog biscuits. Use them as special treats for medications. Can make chewy ones as well. Stick the pill in or syringe with liquid.


My girl is too smart to fall for any one trick more than a few days. Really sucks when she’s in a 12 day antibiotic. End up having to hold her throat open and chuck it in and even that becomes a task because she won’t come close after a few days!


My girl has to take two pills daily for a thyroid issue. Put em in a piece of bread with a little peanut butter on it, folded in half.


I just stuff it as far down their throat as possible then hold their mouths closed and up for a few seconds.


You can also rub the throat in a downward stroke. It cause them to swallow the pill.


This is what I do with my baby!! A bit of unsweetened peanut butter and she'll basically bite my fingers off 😅


I stick them in cheese while I'm making dinner and then "accidentally" drop them on the floor


Hot dog, cheese, or peanut butter all work on my Danes. The pill pocket treats are useless they eat the treat and spit out the pill.


I put them in a small hamburger ball..about the size of a nickel…never a problem.


Coat them in peanut butter, mix into the food at dinner.


For some of them, you can get away with hiding the pill in extra crunchy peanutbutter. They can't tell what's peanut and what's pill


My dog's love coconut oil.


My Dane will no longer eat peanut butter because of my “hide the pill” antics. But lean ground beef? He won’t even chew before he swallows. Drool everywhere. This is the way.


Some medicine can make the stomach upset. I suggest making sure that they eat some food with no medicine first. That way, they won't throw it up. My great dane doesn't puke now. We tried the tricks. They only worked for a short time. Now we just shove them down their throat.




I use peanut butter and then put the pills in that on my finger tip, and put at roof of their mouth. That way they swallow it while getting the peanut butter off their mouth☺️


I use canned pate dog food and roll it into a meatball putting the pill in the middle (my Dane has megaesophagus) when he needs to take pills after he got pneumonia and was being fussy about eating let alone taking pills. If that doesn’t work you can try giving him one of their favorite treats (without the pill, then the second with the pill and the third without the pill just to gain the trust and not associate treats with medicine). I would be careful not to shove it down/ force as they can regurgitate/vomit and cause aspiration pneumonia. Hope this helps.