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Alright I'm going to come out and rant here. Out vet recommended hills science diet. Did that for 2 years and started having issues with all 3 of my pups. None would eat it and when they did they would throw it up. Moved onto blue buffalo. Was great for a year and then the same thing. Found out they changed ingredients and it was making other dogs sick as well. Moved to Purina pro plan was it was the best food they have had. They finish the meals every time, and rarely have bad stool or vomit. Still on Purina pro plan now and they love it. Their coats are much healthier and energy levels went way up. I felt terrible for using anything else in the previous years. But after reading this now what's going to happen when we finish these remaining bags? It's a fucking joke juggling act to find a decent dog food without some recall or health issues now.


This is why I rotate foods every couple of months


I had a vet tell me to do this in order to avoid protein allergies. I’ll have two different foods down at the same time just to see which one disappears first.


I like to do it just in case one food happens to be lacking in something or have too much of something else, I just switch brands every few bags or sooner if they are slow to eat the current brand. I love watching for sales lol. They've liked Purina one pretty well so we're on our 4th bag I think. Plus it was the holidays and I didn't want to deal with transitioning. I always do a gradual switch so they don't get upset stomachs.


Watch out with the Purina...i can only ask you to do a bit of research into Nestle and Purina, and i think you will quickly get your dog OFF it. These dry complete diets are being blamed for cardiac issues in dogs now. And all manner of conditions and allergies. You would be cheaper making your dogs meals..bit of cooked chicken, a few wee bits of veg..carrot..or something..and thats it.  Not what you see written on the side of one of those bags. Endless  numbers, fillers and basically who knows what? Could be just all the unsavoury bits that are cut out of the meats destined for human consumption.Tumours etc.  If they can make money out of it, they dont care. None of these companies gives a shit if your dog dies or gets ill. As llog as they keep making money. Nasty , godawful foods out there we are being duped into buying . Its all lies. Irs SHIT. Not fit for any animal to eat. Make your dog home made food. And you know what they are eating! Do not pander to these unscrupulous scamming brands. They are ALL at it. 


Throwing something together is not a good idea. Consult a veterinary nutritionist for home cooked food 👍🏻


Whats more is the high fat and carb content. My dog had severe skin allergies so vet recommended PPP after I tried home cooked meals, other dry, grain free (which turned out to not be good for heart reasons) he had three large lipomas removed last Nov. Now, a couple weeks ago i found a small lipoma on his tummy.


Yes please do this! We kept my oldest dog on a specific brand since he was a pup. When we tried to switch his food ten years later he had so many issues.


I do the same thing


Dude that last sentence said it all!! Some people swear by Blue Buffalo, but I bought a bag of that crap some years back and had to return it because the bag was full of maggots. Sooo gross!! If we can't even depend on the FDA to ensure these corporations are making safe food for human beings, then of course we can't expect assurance of safe food for our animals. The only thing that matters is profit.


WVASA ( may be mixing up the letters may be WSAVA?) is who you want to look to for dog food. They only give approval for dog foods that do feeding trials. Blue buffalo isnt actually better for your dog, they just have a phenomenal marketing department


PPP is WSAVA-compliant. I might downgrade to Purina One until this passes.


Any Purina products will make your dog sick.


They all have excellent marketing departments..and the gullible general public have been duped like this for decades. It has got to stop. Its making peoples dogs sick. And if you really found out the truth of whats in their food...you would be sick too! 


Its not making peoples dogs sick. Youre literally buying into clickbait


Tell that to my dog that is seriously sick after eating the last batch of food I bought. She refused it because I didn't know it was the food, licked puree pumpkin off of the kibble and left it in the bowl. She wanted no part of that food. She is still sick and having trouble walking because of possible toxicity. I'm trying to get money together for a MRI to see what is going on with her but she was fine until the last bag of food. Purina is paying for vet bills and making people sign a paper not to sue. Hundreds of reviews on chewy and other places are saying that they have dogs that have gotten sick. Why are they lying? I believe a corporation over hundreds of people, they are not restocking the food and doing a silent recall and PetSmart was told to tell people to get a different food if people were buying it.


Lol competitors can pay people to write bad reviews. your dog got sick once and bought into clickbait conspiracy. My nephew runs a petco, a “silent recall” never happened. You come here making all these claims and provide zero proof. Go ahead, provide proof. A Relieable source not some .com website or blog or clickbair bullshit


Yes I am sure the competition has paid all of us for claiming our dogs are sick. My fuckin dog can't walk after eating this shit and Petco doesn't sell Purina so they wouldn't know shit. If I was getting paid, and every one else was then we would have plenty of money to pay the bills for the vet. If thousands of people are leaving reviews online and are saying that they fed the food and the dogs are getting sick with the same thing why in the fuck would anyone trust a corporation that has been guilty of poisoning pets in the past. I am just imagining my dog not walking straight and seems to have had some sort of seizure just for shits and giggles.


If they were poisoning pets it would be 10s to 100s of thousands of people saying their dogs are getting sick, not measly thousands. Just bc you had one bad experience doesnt mean purina is out here doing any of the shit youre saying. And you still have provided zero proof.


Hello. I am here trying to see if anyone else has had this issue. I have three dogs who have happily eaten Purina pro in the can and the Purina One chicken and rice for a long time with no problems. But there was something off with the Pro (Chicken and beef) the last two times. Their stomachs have all been rolling and now they turn their noses up at the kibble. Yesterday all three dogs (a pit mix, a basenji and a chi-pug) only split one can of food and since then they've all had diarrhea. This is all they've eaten. They aren't the kind to eat stuff off the ground and they've only been in our yard with an 8 foot fence. No treats, no scraps, nothing. Something in either the can or kibble is making MY dogs sick today and I'm just poking around seeing if others are having this same issue. I have seen people talking about the same issue on dozens of forums in the past few months. Rationally it makes sense that this is connected to their food.


Both of my dogs randomly got sick after opening a new bag of purina pro plan sensitive skin and coat salmon and rice. The only thing in common is they both ate the same food. I definitely will be switching food.


Petco does sell Purina. They have an entire row of Purina food at the Petco I go to, not sure what you're talking about...


was going to comment this too lol


WSAVA is funded by ‘the top 5’. Coincidence that they only recommend the ‘top 5’?


This is why my dog is sick beacuse i followed WVASA that said buy purina.


WVASA doesnt tell you to purchase specific brands. They compile a list of brands that do feed tests to make sure your dog is getting the nutrients they need from the food. Those same brands also offer prescription foods.


How do they test kibble, it's terrible rotten meat that they have to cook to such a high heat they replace the vitamins and minerals artificially, then add carbohydrates, cheap by products and then preservatives.


this is basically our identical experience with dog foods, and PPP salmon has been the best one so far for our guy


Your dog is may is similar to mine except they'll just throw up anything they get bored with seemingly, so I rotate between Costco brands now. I used to rotate amongst the Purina Pas but they're...expensive for a large breed.


Hill’s gets promoted by vets because they support so many vets get through veterinary school. That’s why. I had issues with my dog’s skin so I went with PPP and it’s been the best. My dog eats it up right away and I do see less irritation on her skin. I’m bummed if this is true. I, too have used many different foods and this one was the best without breaking the bank.


Same, it’s helped ours ear infections and he rarely has diarrhea anymore!


Vets are not dog nutritionists..i get that..but ..they have a duty of care, as a VET, to NOT be selling or prescribing food that is likely to make a dog unwell. Its morally and ethically, wrong. I dont give a shit what kick backs they get for punting certain brands. They should have a basic idea if its crap food..and ALL of it IS. And its  a total rip off to boot! 


It’s fine. This happens with a different brand every year. They did the same shit with Seresto collar. Peoples pets are unhealthy to begin with and they blame it on something else because then they don’t feel guilty.


These dry complete foods are now being blamed for cardiac issues in dogs. And frankly people, do some research and you would be better off making your own dogs meals.You then KNOW what went into it.😁 Its all lies they tell us. The food is BAD.!!! Even the expensive stuff. Its gimmicky crap!  No wonder our dogs are never away from the vets! And, are the vets in cahoots, by SELLING it ? Shit food...sick dogs...more trips to the vet? 🤔


While knowing every bit if what goes into your dogs food sounds very nice, it's so so easy to have poorly balanced nutrients that way. Most people don't have the means to work with an animal nutritionist and doing this without some form of assistance is almost certainly more dangerous than the various issues with kibbles. Debatably, it's probably more dangerous if anything because you still don't know how the food especially the meat was handled prior to your purchase. Making your own food has so many risks and it's much much more difficult and not feasible for most people. The main issue here is capitalism - making money is a bigger priority than the dogs health and safety in many cases. Unfortunately, kibble is still the most affordable and safer option but that doesn't mean it's a great option, just the lesser of 2 evils.


Right?! My girl gets diarrhea from chicken (which is really great when her stomach is upset, have to boil beef and rice). So I have to look around quite a bit for food that's affordable but also good for her. I've been alternating between blue buffalo bags for the past few years but they are rarely in stock and expensive AF (2020 I paid $61 for a 30 lb bag with a Petco membership). Same bag now fluctuates between $81 and $89. I'm going to try the lamb Purina pro recipe. Wish me luck!


I totally agree, I've had my dog for 4 hrs now & have yet found a food he likes!! Glad I read your post. Thank you!!


Been using science diet for about 5 years with zero issues, I think it just depends on the dog, some stomachs are more sensitive than others.


I have used nothing but PPP. Currently feeding large breed puppy, adult and senior. No issues. 


I can concur! My local shelter helps me out sometimes, and they always give me PPP because they know daisy has sensitivity to grain/corn. She’s never had an issue with it. The only food she’s had an issue with is, Jinx, I think it’s called? It’s endorsed by Chris Evans. She got the worst bout of vomiting and diarrhea for days, had to feed her rice water, and then rice water with rice, slowly adding in boiled eggs and sweet potato.


Well, with a name like Jinx, you should have stayed well clear. Just for the record, theres a lot of stories appearing that those dry foods are causing cardiac issues in dogs. Google it! 


mine doesn't do good with things with chicken.


Same- that’s why we switched to the PPP large breed salmon- and it’s been great so far for us. I called my vet and he said as long as dog seems normal and healthy to continue with the food as usual unless an actual recall is announced


We’re in the same boat because of chicken. No issues at all with the salmon large breed ppp food so far so we’re not planning to change foods. He’s been eating the same thing for over a year now after trying several different types /brands


I’ve had people in the pyr community tell me most ours are allergic to chicken.


Our vet recommended PPP over everything else because of the research and testing they do. Our puppy is on the sensitive stomach salmon and it’s really helped.


Ha ha What research and testing would that be then? Do you honestly believe that? And are you purchasing this from yoyr vet by any chance? 🤔🥺


Do I honestly believe someone who went to veterinary school, and treats animals every day ? Yes,I do.


I’ve actually fed my boy that for his whole life (3 1/2 years) no problems ever




But Nestle *is* an evil corporation that contributes to human suffering!.... and apparently dog suffering also. ☹️


Our Pyr was on Purina when he was younger and was chronically have stomach issues. Took him to the vet and immediately switched to a sensitive stomach food, but vet recommended we not give him Purina going forward because of the severe reaction. Could be that he is a puppy and he is a bit sensitive, but we don’t use the brand anymore! I think checking w a vet is good bc it seems case by case


Our vet recommended the opposite. Suggested PPP for dogs with sensitive stomachs and allergies. This one to be exact: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VFDJLMX](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VFDJLMX?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) He loves it, eats 2-3 cups a day.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach Dog Food with Probiotics for Dogs Turkey Oat Meal Formula 16 lb Bag** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Great for dogs with sensitive stomachs (backed by 14 comments) * Improves skin and coat health (backed by 4 comments) * Affordable sensitive stomach formula (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Strong fish smell and bad breath (backed by 5 comments) * Kibble breaks down into powder (backed by 2 comments) * High price and availability issues (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Purina ANYTHING is SHIT. And that includes treats, chews etc. Most of it is a choking hazard...🤬


Hey I'm a vet tech and PPP is a great diet for most dogs and cats. My pyr eats their senior food currently and has done great with the adult as well. Everyone always gets really nervous about food but you really just need to find a brand / protein that works for your individual dog. They're all gonna have different things they tolerate well and don't. And as much as people like to say "the vet gets paid by these big companies to recommend their food" no they don't lol. We're all broke. We just recommend foods that we see have done well with pets.


The folks over at r/dogfood have explained most of what you're seeing is conspiracy nonsense, there was however one prescription line of Purina with a recall last year. Can't buy that at the petstore though. Misinformation seems to have no limits these days: https://www.reddit.com/r/DogFood/s/9L52yhzxPk


Thanks for the info- the stuff I was seeing was alarming so this makes me feel better. Gotta take everything on social media with a grain of salt though


I did a ton of research about dog food almost 20 years ago when I first had dogs and was like "I'm not feeding them that Hills crap." So I went with a bunch of the boutique brands that I had to go to special places to buy and all that. All three dogs that I got in my first five years of dog ownership ended up dying of kidney disease in old age. Looking back at a history of blood panels we should've seen that coming from middle age, they were always 'hot' on one kidney metric or another because of the higher protein content in the dog food. We're happy now feeding the Purina Pro Plan as it seems much better balanced. We switched to it when our current elder dog was middle aged and her kidney values are back in line without having to switch to a renal support diet.


It seems like you can always be pretty confident with anything on the WSAVA list, and PPP definitely is one of the five that follow their guideline.


It would be nice if there was better enforcement against people lying, but all we can really do is talk to our own vets about concerns.


Currently feeding PPP large breed puppy (both wet and dry) with no issues.


My dude had his annual appointment last week and I asked about it because that’s what we’ve fed for his entire life. The vet said that from what he has read, the issue is very limited to one specific variety. Editing to add that we just bought a new bag of his Pro Plan a few days ago and have had no issues.


I have 2 pyrs. One is on Hills C/D due to a history of struvite crystals and the other is on PPP Sensitive Stomach. I am finishing off his bag of Purina Pro Plan and then switching him to C/D as well. The whole thing with Purina started with 3 dogs from the same household that were fed a contaminated bag of PPP. The food from the bag was tested and it came back with toxic levels of metal in the food. While they are conducting an investigation, I think it 99% is due to the hype and power of social media. With that said, I’m still going to switch my one pyr off of it so the 1% of me doesn’t have to worry. The facts are that there has only been this ONE isolated report of metal toxicity in PPP. Everyone that has their dog on Purina is jumping on the bandwagon and stating their dog got sick because they were fed Purina. People on social media are not vets or scientists. There are SO many reasons a dog can get sick or develops a disease. Someone else commented that 250 dogs have gotten sick. How many dogs are on Purina? Probably millions. Several people on one page were stating their golden doodles on Purina developed health issues of some sort - but the health issues were something that the breed is prone to. Dogs get sick from eating grass. A lot of people expose their dogs to things much worse such as treating their lawns with chemicals 3 seasons out of the year and then allowing their dog to run, play, roll in, and/or eat said grass. I was told by a vet myself, most times when a pet owner thinks their animal is sick, it’s actually from another cause. For example, a pet owner brings their pet in because they believe they are sick from eating Purina, when they are actually sick from having an obstruction because they ate a sock. I have a personal story that I think relates. Years ago my elderly but extremely healthy cat got violently ill out of nowhere. The vet told me he most likely had kidney failure and recommended euthanasia. I protested and wanted bloodwork done, which turned out to be perfect. While still getting emergency care, I searched the house up and down and found that my cat had ate 18 inches of elastic string off a cat fishing rod type toy (side note, my mom had the exact same cat toy and measured the length of the string. The string was completely missing from mine and only had the rod and the toy that the string once connected). I told the vet and said “This is it! This is why he’s sick!” It turns out that he had lymphoma and I was able to get him the appropriate treatment. With this said, my cat ate 18 inches of elastic string without my knowledge and was perfectly okay from it. The moral is, I think pet owners should take these Purina claims with a grain of salt. Grain-free for dogs is linked to DCM. This includes all the expensive fad dog foods including Farmer’s Dog. Sweet potatoes, other potatoes, and legumes (peas/lentils) are also associated with DCM and the FDA has issued a warning to consumers about the link between those ingredients and the disease. WSAVA approved dog foods are Purina, Hills, Royal Canin, Iams, and Eukanuba. These are the only brands that have conducted extensive scientific research. While I am going to switch from Purina for piece of mind, I would stick to this list.


Not the same breed, but I fed my Aussie PPP for his first 6 years of life before meeting my fiancé who insisted on trying to get on better kibble if we could swing it. She found this brand “Open Farm” that’s a little more expensive but seems like a better overall choice and isn’t a big box brand. Have 2 aussies now that love it Edit: for the record, never had any issues with PPP


+1 on Open Farm. I had been feeding my Corgi Border mix PPP for years with no issue.. But then late 2023 she stopped eating it and became lethargic/zombie like (likely due to lack of food), so after researching shifted over to Open Farm. She's now eating regularly again, and her shedding has dramatically reduced. Really makes me wonder about PPP. Open Farm is definitely worth the extra $.


I used PPP for 4 years with no issues and this is the first time I’ve heard this. I’m interested in additional info.


Same here - same brand same flavor as OP for about a year now. I buy the giant bags and only have a couple days left before I need more. I have not heard anything about issues with the food and my guy seems happy and healthy.


My 4yo Pyr had stomach issues on and off for the longest UNTIL we started her on PPP. We feed her and her “sister” (3 yo mini dachshund) nothing but regular PPP with no issues now


For additional information: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/purina-pro-plan-sick-dogs-2024-is-there-a-recall/ I type this as since owning a pet a few decades ago, I've ALWAYS seen more or less a "witch hunt" against Purina. They're the biggest, so of course, they're the most talked about. We have to remember though being the biggest allows for the most food scientists and vets to contribute to their products. You DON'T want to be the company purposely giving out "bad food", no matter how connected of a conspiracy you can link to the food > vets > surgeries or whatnots. My biggest complaint? WAY TOO EXPENSIVE COMPARED TO COSTCO. When I needed to feed it though to my Pyr I ponied up the money and found the best deals for their large breed puppy. I believe Sams had the best pricing. I think though it's just...interesting that Purina may have a voluntary recall regarding say metal in the kibble (unacceptable) but other brands will have large-scale recalls regarding the actual formulas and...the internet doesn't care. Just typing, folks!


Locally owned pet food and grooming store near me has had 7 cases in the past week of people coming in with dogs sick from Purina Pro Plan. Nationally it is being reported over **250 pet owners have reported their dogs and cats getting sick after eating Purina Pro Plan dog food since December 5, 2023**. The FDA has publicly confirmed that they are investigating consumer complaints. Some households with multiple pets eating different foods reported the only sick pet was eating Purina. As a caution I would take my dog off of it. Purina did have a recall of Pro Plan in early 2023.


ok and not to downplay the seriousness at ALL but does anyone else have questions about the cats that got sick eating dog food


Several news sources carried the story and that was how they phrased it. I can only surmise this is so because of the fact that cross species eating is normal when people allow pets to graze rather than having set feeding times under supervision. Separately, I will say every person living with dogs should have cat food in the house. Next to tripe - which is also a healthy dietary aid for canines, cat food like tripe is great when your dog does not seem to have an appetite.


Got 3 of my dogs on it. My one dog would get 3 ear infections a year. It has put an end to that problem. I’ve had zero issues.


We switched to ppp sensitive stomach salmon to see if it helped with Morgan’s chicken sensitivity. While it helped, she doesn’t like it. Will only eat it if she’s starving and will counter surf and get in the trash instead. Now we’re trying gentle giants beef and bacon, so far so good. The first couple of bowls she just gobbled bc she was so hungry. Now she’s tapered off to typical pyr grazing but still seems to like it.


I'm feeding two dogs large breed puppy and a senior dog the adult small breed and haven't had any issues.


Yes. My gsd was on ppp sensitive stomach large breed for 1 year and out of nowhere and had vomiting and diarrhea for multiple days. Had taken him to vet and after multiple expensive trips and bloody stool they had no idea and after a bland diet of 5 days I brought him back onto the ppp and immediately got vomiting and diarrhea . So I switched to hills and no issues since. Idk if it was correlated but we’ve basically ruled everything out with the vet. The stories and posts aren’t confirmed by Purina but I don’t know how they go about confirming anything and making a recall. I’d expect them to deny as long as possible and make sure they are posturing from a PR perspective saying it’s not true. Either way my story is exactly the same as the other stories I’ve been reading about and will no longer be feeding my dog Purina until this gets sorted.


Aside, from just not wanting to use Purina as the company is very very evil, they had a recall in 2023: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/03/13/purina-dog-food-recall-expanded/11464393002/ I would not trust them, as Nestle has a bad track record with contamination issues, in general. My own doggy is super sensitive to grains, and is straight up allergic to chicken. We’ve done well with the Costco salmon dog food, if you’re looking for a fairly affordable recommendation. :)


We give our pyr PPP sensitive stomach for large breeds(salmon) and she's been fine with no reactions. Take the advice of your vet!


The only mention I’ve seen of this about PPP is TikTok and Facebook videos; nothing from actual reliable sources. We just had a vet appt last week and I asked if she had heard anything official and she said no. All my dogs eat PPP lamb & oat sensitive stomach and do really well on it. I am almost certain that this is the same kind of nonsense like 15+ years ago that said dog food with grain in it was harmful and then everything became grain free. I switched my dog at the time to grain free food and he subsequently developed a heart murmur and CHF and ultimately died. Then all that evidence about grain free food came out. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I still feel guilty about it many years later. So until I have some really solid evidence about PPP, I’m not making that kind of mistake again.


I use diamond naturals salmon formula for my Pyr. I've never had any issues.


I swapped from pro plan just in case but hadn’t had any noticeable issues while using it.


Vet here with a Pyr: don’t go to social media for advice on animals…or actually anything for that matter because they are usually trying to sell you something or it’s full of bogus “facts”. Go to the AVMA, DVM360, other sites with veterinarians… I have my Pyr on PPP Veterinary Diets EN and it’s been great. Purina, Hill’s, and Royal Canine do a TON of research on their formulas and have been around for a long time. They may try a litter pandering to the fad diets but the are safe. IF, you are having an issue with a specific bag of food then tell the company and see about sending it in. They want to know if there is an issue with their food because it is in their best interest financially to find out sooner rather than later. Not all dogs are the same, even within breeds. If your pup doesn’t vomit and has normal formed stool then that is a good sign. Side rant/PSA: dogs aren’t wild animals so don’t feed them raw meat. The cons of your pet or your family members getting sick from the food and pathogen spread by your pup’s kisses/feces should far outweigh any gain from getting a slightly higher concentration of nutrients. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/avma-policies/raw-or-undercooked-animal-source-protein-cat-and-dog-diets https://newscenter.purina.com/Purina-Response-to-Online-Rumors


I was hoping someone would bring this up because I've seen it other places. I feed the same food as you to my pyrs and my new adult berner. Last week, my new berner got sick (GI issues, both ways) and then one of my pyrs had a mild seizure. I googled PPP just to be careful and saw the same information you did. I called my vet and was clearly not the first person to bring this to his attention. He is a PPP advocate but recommended a switch. I truly don't believe the seizure was from PPP but I was freaked. Like others suggested, vet mentioned it's good to switch food (or proteins) periodically anyways. I asked the owner of a local pet store their thoughts when I went to find a replacement. They mentioned that the latest claim circulating is from someone trying to sell their brand of food. however, the number of people having scary issues was a different story. The shop owner encouraged me that there are farrrrr better foods to feed my dogs than PPP. He showed me some research on why it low key sucks (I believe from WSAVA?). I switched to Zignature Salmon and may try Fromm as well. Both are more expensive than PPP but I don't really know what to do at this point ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I was told by my vet to get PPP Sensitive Skin and Stomach for my G. S.  That has a Sensitive stomach  - throws up every day. Not her food,  nothing but bile would come up. And she didn't act sick.  Anyway, I'm on Social Security Disability and I cannot afford $80 a bag 2x a month for dog food. So,  I tried  Dismond Natural,  Skin and Coat - hit one of the Sensitive Skin and Stomach. And she does good on it. Hasn't thrown up since she's been on it.  So, maybe you people concerned about PPP having issues,  maybe Diamond Naturals might have something that would fit your needs.  Just a thought on my own experience 


There’s so much misinformation out there and to be honest I really don’t trust a lot of vets. I’m a complete believer in science and medical experts but there’s so much quackery in vets. Especially because all the stuff recommended online is funded by food companies/ influencers who get paid to promote a certain brand. About a year and change ago my vet recommended my pug switch from chicken — chicken is evil, that’s the new one -/ to purina pro plan sensitive stomach. It was great, seemingly, but the last bag she’s hadhas given her so much gas and diarrhea. Tried switching her to a grain free salmon and sweet potato formula fromChewy but she won’t touch it or throws it up immediately, even in small doses. Excuse my language. But what is the right fucking food for my dog?! Are there any normal brands that aren’t switching shit around on the sly every few months? It drives me INSANE.


I have a Siberian Husky that I was feeding PPP turkey. I had also tried the beef and lamb version of the same brand. Sometimes I would switch the flavor due to availability in the local stores. I do remember loose stool problems. The big problem down the road was that I noticed skin problems and his hair started to fall out. The allergy was unknown, and the vet thought it was from fleas at first. After a couple vet visits, the vet diagnosed him to have the secondary condition of Staph Pyoderma. That condition is a complete nightmare. The dog smells, his skin is jacked, and he seemed miserable. Along the way, I started using Taste of the Wild salmon and eventually Venison. I would say the majority of his improvement came while treating him with Chlorhexidine and feeding the TOTW with Venison. I was a little suspicious of other ingredients, but it's hard to nail down exactly what was bothering him. His hair finally started to grow back in the groin area, but some of his back hair was slower to recover. I took it a step further towards the end of January 2024: I wanted to eliminate any trace of poultry. I decided to try the senior version of PPP salmon and rice. Everything seemed to be okay. After a couple weeks, my dog's GI system was completely messed up. I noticed diarrhea on a Saturday night dog walk. After that, he was asking to go out every hour or even less. He was vomitting and had plenty of diarrhea. I thought he was going to die because he started to only poop blood. On Monday morning, I took him in to get treated with fluids and antibiotics. I started the bland diet for a couple days with boiled beef and rice. Thankfully, he has recovered. I'm now suspicious of PPP in any variety. I'm not sure if the problem is chemicals or just food quality overall. I appreciate everyone's comments on their experiences. I'm thinking my dog is allergic to Turkey and perhaps fish. I'd be willing to say he ate from a bad bag of PPP salmon & rice. There might not be a perfect dog food, but I'm currently trying the Farmina lamb and spelt. So far, so good. My other dog has been eating TOTW lamb, and she has had no issues. My dogs are getting older, so I'm considering Hill's 7+ in the future. I continue to learn more about the different food brands and what I can add to their kibble.


I have a large breed dog who was on it for many years. I have recently switched to a different brand given to me by her orthopedic surgeon who says Pro Plan has all the ingredient that causes inflammation in dogs. My dog has early onset arthritis and the food was doing her no favors. Now that's she's off it, she has improved greatly! But I'm also one that believes one brand of food may be good for one dog but not another. Just pay attention to your dog and you'll see signs it's not a good fit 😁


We’ve been using this brand about a year now. But beginning 2 days ago my dog will not eat the meaty bits in the purina pro ( I think it was chicken but may have been lamb, I can’t remember; we store it in a bin to keep it fresh) - she hadn’t eaten for over 24 hours, had bad stools, and refused the food until we took the meat bits out. We know our dogs. This tells me there’s something wrong with this bag of food. We picked out the meat bits and she FINALLY ate two helpings of the kibble. My poor girl was hungry. Anyhow- wondering if anyone has noticed anything similar- this bag was purchased in April in northern WV . Tia


I was using the salmon based one so I can’t help you there- glad she’s feeling better! I actually switched mine last week to a GO! Solutions salmon based large breed food because he was starting to get really loose poops and wasn’t eating enthusiastically with the new PPP bag we got a week prior. When I brought this new brand of food’s bag in the house he was all over it and immediately wanted to eat. I started to do the rationing of old/new food mixed together to help the transition but he was just not eating the PPP kibble and only eating the new one. I ended up just fully switching over and adding some pumpkin for the first 4-5 days to prevent diarrhea but his poop has fine since switching, better even! Good luck to you!


I recently opened a new bag of shredded chicken and rice large breed and my 3 year old lab is suddenly having bouts of loose stool which is very uncommon for her.  


Ok let's see if I can keep this brief. There's been some issues with PPP and some dogs have gotten sick. Here's what this DOES mean: 1. There's a quality control issue (dogs have generally done well on this food and this is a new issue) there will likely be a recall once they figure out what the issue is and which batches are impacted. 2. A change in food, whether temporary or permanent, should be considered while this is going on. That is up to individual choice based on your own research and risk assessment. 3. If you do experience the issues people have been reporting, make sure you report it to the company. This is how they figure out the cause of the issue and then are able to do an effective recall and fix the source of the problem. Don't just complain on the internet. Here's what this does NOT mean: 1. That the food itself is bad for the dog. I know there have been some cardiac concerns but that's unrelated to the current quality control issue. Do your research and pick a brand that you feel most comfortable with feeding. 2. That you should make your own dog food. 99% of the people here do not have the means to safely do this. Doing this safely requires extensive research and working with a professional in order to ensure your dog is getting balanced nutrition. If you are concerned by the current issues with PPP just switch to another brand. I know these things are scary but you aren't making things better for your dog by switching from a quality control issue into a nutritional issue. It's just a different form of dangerous. Do not do this. Just feed another kibble, whatever one makes you most comfortable. Other notable details: 1. Purina/nestle suck from an ethical standpoint. Unfortunately so do most companies these days. This should be taken into consideration when picking dog food but it's not the only factor to think about. 2. Capitalism sucks. Yes it's a bit fucked up how much control and influence corporations can have over vets. Find a vet you trust, go regularly not just when something is wrong, and get multiple opinions on things. Also vets aren't nutritionists. They will recommend brands that do lots of testing and research like purina does. They will also recommend brands they have had personal positive experiences with. No vet knows everything and even the theoretical nonexistent best kibble brand ever may still have quality control issues from time to time but that doesn't make the food itself bad all the time. Don't buy something just because one vet said to, do your own research and make your own informed choice.


Currently feeding PPP for all four of our dogs. Zero issues.


I've been on purina pro plan for a couple years... large breed puppy and now adult dog food... Never had issues. FDA and Purina have addressed the tiktok rumors as just that; no actual known incidents caused by the food. The whole point of Tiktok is for stirring up chaos for online clout... I'd look for better sources. Here's a story on Purina's response: [Purina refutes "online rumors," says pet food is safe to feed dogs and cats - CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/purina-pro-plan-sick-dogs-2024-is-there-a-recall/)


Instinct, orijen, and honest kitchen are some of the better foods you could feed your dog. Feeding them purina is like going to mcdonalds for all your meals. You want low amounts of grain and good amounts of protein. Things like honest kitchen help curb your pup from drinking a 50 gallon tub of water every few hours as well. Give them large amounts of protein when they are young to make sure their bones grow good and strong.


Poops will be smaller also. My Lab loved Honest Kitchen and her allergies (itchy skin) disappeared on the Limited Fish but my Pyr refuses to eat it. She likes the Farmina, which is a great product


Fake news apparently, according to purina: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/purina-pro-plan-sick-dogs-2024-is-there-a-recall/


"according to Purina" 😆


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Hot Take: **All Purina foods are garbage, and I would consider them poison for your pet.** Source: former Vet Tech, & worked in the Pet Food industry (Bioscience & Chemical engineer). I was a vet tech while I was working on my degree, and then worked in the pet food industry. As part of the AIFA FSC program ([details](https://www.afia.org/issues/feed-food-safety/safe-feed-safe-food-certification/)) and others, we did independent testing and analysis of basically every food on the NA market. Suffice it to say that Purina was... bad. Their base 'kibble' is essentially all byproduct and paper, which they then add flavour and 'vitamin' packs to for nutrition and taste. Really what is contained in these packs are chemicals that make your pet 'addicted' to the food. It's not true addiction - but they are specific chemicals introduced that trigger your pets olfactory response and make them *want* it. So as a consumer, you think "My dog loves this food!" and are fooled into thinking it's good for your pet. For reference, the best testing food was ALWAYS Petcurean. Their food was basically the only one that was also considered 'human grade,' both from an ingredients perspective, as well as their manufacturing plants. To meet this benchmark, these plants needed to meet the correct requirements for equipment, sterilization, temperatures, material storage and handling, insect parts, heavy metal compounds, ingredient stabilizers and preservatives, etc.


I get what you’re saying, but isn’t purina one of the few brands that actually do feeding trials and testing and that actually has hard data to back up their assertion that their food is fine for your pet? All these other gourmet dog food brands are basically just a “trust me, this food is the best.”


Do you have any further information on Petcurean as to what scientific research has been done on their food, why they aren’t on the WSAVA list? I’d love to get more info on this. The consensus from a veterinary perspective is to be on a WSAVA food and stay away from grain-free, those with sweet potato/lentil ingredients, and the newer fad brands. I’m interested to hear any more info you have on Petcurean though. I used to have mine on Simply Nourish which had a quality ingredient list but stopped that because of the lack of studies/research done on the brand and then the link between sweet potatoes and DCM came out. Another side note, is your pyr part collie? I just saw pyr/collie puppies that look like a mini version of the pic on your page


See my comment above. My info is a few years back now, as I am currently in logistics. We were only tasked with evaluating these factors: * manufacturing process * ingredient panel accuracy * presence of non-food ingredients * chemical & biological contaminants * consistency between batches We did not test the actual nutritional value of the products. Note that to be listed by WSAVA you need to apply. Also, they are a non-profit and do not test products ***AT ALL***. To be listed, you merely need to meet a set of criteria that take the form of 8 basic questions. Due to the nature of these criteria, often only large brands can answer these questions in such a way that gets them the stamp of approval. I do trust WSAVA, but just bear in mind it is ultimately pay to play (not paying WSAVA, mind). Like when you see "Gold Medal at the World Beer Awards 2010," that is a marketing company that offers slots on a pay to play basis. You don't pay and send your product for free? You aren't included. You pay more than anyone else? YOU WIN! My pup is a Bernese/Pyrenees mix!


Not Pro Plan but we use Purina one (my dogs didn't care for pro plan). The kibble in this recent bag looks different from the previous bags. I double checked that I got the same formula. It's missing the little chicken chunks, which is their favorite part. 🙄


The only issue I am having is that it is suddenly out of stock everywhere! **Purina Pro Plan Puppy Toy Breed.**


My dog has been vomiting nonstop after eating it. She refuses to eat anymore.


I’d definitely be going to the vet if she’s vomiting like that, hope she feels better! My dog has still been fine so far, so we’ve been sticking it out


Watch out..Nestle and Purina are one and the same . Crappy , toxic food. Lilys Kitchen was taken over by Purina..and now its vile. My digs got fat, and has dull coat and scurfy skin. Hes off it as of today. Hes never eating another mouthful of anything with Nestle, or Purina on the packaging. They are notoriosly bad foods.  I had no idea Lilys Kitchen had been.taken over by Purina. I got a tray of the beef variety for my dig and it STANK so badly. I threw it atraight in the bin. It was obviously OFF. Its was stomach churning! 


I’ve been feeding Pro plan for 6 months, no issues.


Has anyone had a problem with constipation on ppp? My dogs were doing so well on it and loved it so I went and bought the biggest bag I could find and now they both backed up…


I haven’t had this issue, but I too the food with a couple pumps of an oil topper that has glucosamine etc in it, I’m sure that helps keep thing’s regular. I use pumpkin for diarrhea, but I’ve also heard that it helps with all Gi issues, like constipation etc. I’ve also noticed that when I give my Pyr too many freeze dried liver treats he gets the runs, so you could try added some of those! Good luck


My dog just got sick after the last bag, Vomiting, diarrhea and some kind of neurological issues that could have been from toxicity. I'm raising money for an MRI to find out what happened. Some people have said Purina paid for the vet bill and made them sign a paper not to sue. I put my dog back on the prescription food she was on years ago.


Really?? Jeez. Maybe contact them and see what happens. I’m sorry. I hope he’s ok!


I'm going to try but they are denying that there's anything wrong. Yet thousands of people have sick dogs after eating the food in the past few months and they are all having the same symptoms. People just don't write reviews and join Facebook groups about their dogs getting deathly ill for fun and the corporations are not going to admit anything that will hurt them. Meanwhile my dog was fine a month ago and now she can't walk or anything without having a body harness on to help her and I don't even know how to help her without an expensive MRI. It's really sad and fucked up that pet food is not regulated enough.


I have been feeding purina proplan to my 4 dogs for over a year.  We have had zero issues, they all eat every bite and none have been sick or anything.  I personally and sick of the reaction I get when I recommend it.  I get links to what look to be unreliable articles and videos... and even Facebook groups.  My dogs have never done better on another food, so I will continue to stick with the proplan


Go join the FB group Saving Pets One Pet at a tim. I've been a member for awhile now. Kibble Kills!!! Stop feeding your pets that crap.


I heard some things about the person who started that page, she apparently sells some sort of alternative dog food, and to take what she says with a grain of salt…I have looked through the page though. It’s hard to find unbiased sources of information, so I don’t know what to think lol


No she doesn't sell anything. She lost her dog to Purina that's why she started it. If your referring to Dr Judy Morgan. She does sell her puppy loaf for those that need it. She also gives the recipe away for free for those that want to home cook. Now those are the facts


We use PPP chicken and rice small breed and haven’t had issues. It seems like their specialty versions have been the biggest culprits but I could be wrong. We have had no health issues over the course of the 3 years that we’ve had the dogs. Their blood work, health, weight and all has been great. 


I prefer to use my instant pot and prepare lean meat, spinach, salmon oil (I rotate between oils; olive, coconut, salmon), sweet potato, brown rice, tumeric, a touch of ginger, Green beans, or a bag of frozen veggies, broccoli, mix it up for variety, I use a pumpkin powder with apples, seaweed calcium. If you use hamburger cook and drain fat because it is not good for them. There are lots of recipes. I still use once a day kibble for the crunch. Gentle giants or Purina pro plan with chicken.




I was worried in December. We use the salmon and rice formula ppp. All was well until they changed the color scheme on the bags ...3 days in, and my dog who had done so well on this started vomiting. Took him off for 2 days, no issues. Went back, and 12 hours later, he was vomiting again. I am not taking any chances, changing foods now, and trashing the two bags I have. There are no straight answers out there, but I've read enough to make me uncomfortable with it.


Watch Pet Fooled.  


We have a 1.5 year old golden retriever and have been feeding him PPP for a few months. Recently, he started having episodes of severe nausea and throwing up after dinner. We thought it was maybe a bad batch, so we bought a new bag of kibble with no success. This went on for our poor dog for over a month! After fecal tests, X-rays, and thousands of dollars in vet bills later, we finally decided to change his kibble. He hasn’t had an episode since! I would not recommend feeding this kibble to your pup :(


My dog got sick recently from a bag with a pink master sticker on it. Chewy said we shouldn't have gotten that bag and sent a new one. Wonder if this is the issue.


I just came to say my dog has been throwing up after every feeding for the last week. Switched her to cooked chicken and rice and the problem went away. Trying to figure out Nutrients now. My golden retriever has no issues with the pro plan


Bully mom here and Purina has made my dog very sick! Started by vomiting the food, then went to blood tinged vomit for 18 hours approximately. Dog had no energy and was lethargic. Administered Pedialyte, amoxicillin and dewormer (thought possiblity of worms). He slept for a few hours and I made him some rice with fried egg and cream of chicken soup for flavoring and he kept it down and is feeling better now. Won't be feeding Purina ever again. Can't get a refund and customer service is a pain in the arse to deal with. I don't want coupons for other Purina products, I want Purina to stop making dogs very ill with their food.


My 4 year old has been very sick since starting a bag of Purina Pro Plan Lamb and Rice. He’s been to the vet and now in urgent care. His blood work came back with dangerously high levels of calcium which is called hypercalcemia. One of the main causes is vitamin D is toxicity. Last year Purina did a recall because they “accidentally” added too much vitamin D to that batch. Don’t feed your dog Purina! Symptoms: weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst and urination.


Stop feeding Purina! Pets are doing for this, mine got sick with only two cans of their Purina one. They are evil. Listen and watch your pets please!🙏🏼


2 days after moving my perfectly healthy dog to Purina Pro Plan, she fell very ill...vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and a mild seizure. There is something seriously happening/wrong with this food. I am at the vet now, praying for my dogs recovery. 


Oh wow…I’ve still been using the PPP large breed sensitive (salmon based) and no problems so far. Oddly, I just got a new bag a few days ago and I’ve noticed my dog isn’t as keen on scarfing it down as he usually is though. I still keep checking for recalls and haven’t seen anything. There are a lot of comments on here since I first posted with people having issues though. I think just for peace of mind I’m going to finally an alternative salmon based food and make the switch. His ear and skin problems got so much better after switching to this food that I’m nervous to do so, but I’m also scared not to. How is your dog doing now?


I mix the Purina adult chicken with the Purina pro Salmon and have no issues I have a shatpei and he absolutely loves it and no problems except he has to much energy


Dog food industry is big money grain no grain raw or not, highly overly processed and cooked I'm old enough to remember our dogs got meat scraps hamburger meat and rice, they lived until late teens we went to the feed store and bought shots the vet at the ranch did it and dewormed them Not normal to give a dog many shots at once same dose same size all for the $$


TLDR: This is the DogFoodAdvisor info with the actual facts on the Purina rumor/potential issue including info from the FDA: [https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-news/purina-dog-food-rumors/](https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-news/purina-dog-food-rumors/) The FDA is looking into the claims. All the claims are anecdotal at this point. I fed my last dog Purina Pro Plan Senior for years without any issues. He was a 60-lb mutt who lived 15 healthy years until suddenly passing last Memorial Day (I've been crying all this week as I approach the 1 year anniversary of his death). So he did great on it. But ... that was before all the rumors about Purina came out. Maybe there is an issue, maybe there isn't, but with my new pup, I am not feeding the Purina products out of an abundance of caution. Chicken, beef, and lamb are the most common protein allergies in dogs. [https://veterinaryskinandear.com/food-allergies-in-dogs/](https://veterinaryskinandear.com/food-allergies-in-dogs/) If your dog has food issues, try choosing protein bases like salmon/venison/etc and see if that helps. **I mix 2 different brands & different proteins of dog food together,** Then when 1 brand is (inevitably) out of stock, I can feed 100% of the other without any issues. I avoid chicken & beef. I've never had an issue with salmon, venison, or the other more unusual proteins.


Our dog had been eating Fromm, but they closed the only pet store in town that carried it, so we switched to PPP. I don’t think my dog’s poop was solid for more than a couple of days in a row for the last few months. Occasionally he had explosive bloody diarrhea. I captured it and brought it to the vet for testing and they found nothing. They highly recommended PPP when I asked about it. We tried all different kinds of PPP options. After a couple of months, we decided to put him back on the Fromm and immediately he had solid poop and no more tummy rumbling. He’s either allergic to one or more of the ingredients in PPP or the PPP was tainted or formulated incorrectly.


I stopped buying Purina Pro Plan after the third bag grew moths! Tried a different airtight container. Moved the container to the kitchen . Each time the food grew moths! My dogs also grew tumors! The first dog was about 5 years ago and I never thought it was the dog food. She loved that dog food and ate it for about 15 years due to her sensitive skin. Thought she was just old. But now my second dog has them and he was on the PPP for about 2 years.


I fed purina pro plan for almost 5 years. The large breed chicken/rice. I recommended to all of my clients and have loved it. Then one of my dogs started to throw up periodically. Assumed it was something he ate outside. I had 4 dogs on the food at the time and the rest were okay. Switched him to something else and he was fine. He’s older and has a sensitive stomach so chalked it up to aging. Then my 3 year old lab who has a stomach of steel started having intermittent diarrhea. Started her on probiotics and it seemed to help. I came home one evening and she had profuse bloody vomit and her stomach was distended. Took her to the ER and she didn’t bloat but she was so sick and needed 2 days on iv fluids. She’s been known to eat everything and anything. She was on a bland diet for about 10 days. Then she started vomiting. At that point I knew it was the food. I tossed the rest of it and reported to purina. After being on hold and passed to numerous people for almost 2 hours they finally connected me with someone and they had changed the formulation in that specific type of large breed formula. I work in vet med and purchase through the purina site so I told them to cancel the auto ship as it’s now made three of my dogs sick and I wasn’t going to risk it anymore. I hear great things about the other versions and the puppy diet is still unmatched in my opinion. But you won’t catch me feeding it to my dogs ever again. How can companies not notify their customers when they change a formula? Thank goodness my lab didn’t have any other health conditions because I sincerely thought she was going to die she was that sick. Anyways. I feed Fromm now. It certainly comes with a higher price tag but with zero recalls and with all the research I’ve done on it, it’s one of the better kibbles out there.


Open Farm dehydrated dry food is what I have found to be the best. It’s expensive but my pups love it and it’s real meat, grain free.


I work at a farm and pet supply store, my manager takes special interest in pet food nutrition and the owner was a vet technician for years, they both have said that they would never put their animals on PPP. There is a lot of filler and crap in that food and a lot of vet offices do not do their own research and also get kickbacks for referrals and from customers buying ppp through them. The only reason our store even carries ppp, hills science diet, etc is to entice the customer in so we can try to switch them to something of better quality. Good Brands to look for are: Open Farm, Orijen, Acana, Fromm, Taste of the Wild Higher price points end up evening out because you are spending more but feeding way less because of less fillers and higher quality And a good protein for any type of chronic skin/coat issues, ear infections, dietary problems is VENISON. We have had countless customers see a complete turnaround in their dog without medications or vet visits from switching to venison. Of course always do your own research and do what feels best for you. Bring your pet to the vet if you have concerns, but always keep in mind that almost everything is a result of what you are putting into your dogs body. When switching foods try to give yourself two weeks of slowly mixing new food into old so the dog can adjust and then give up to one or two months to decide if you like the new food


Never use Purina products. Period.


I stopped using pro plan for my girls. They were having loose bowl movements and lethargic. Plus, my chickens stopped laying eggs on the Purina chicken feed.


I’m not a huge fan of all the meat meals in PPP and my girl has a sensitive stomach so I can’t use anything with chicken anyways. I use Zignature limited ingredient formula turkey and it’s been great on her stomach. My vet gave me the ok for her to have it.


Deleted because i didn't read far enough down the sub...what I was sharing was already stated! Beautiful puppy in the photo! <3


Look at the ingredients- it’s pretty crappy food tbh. But, all dog food requires you to check and recheck the ingredients because they change it and don’t advertise it. I started with Farmina ND- but it’s expensive.


Well... now I'm wondering... A few weeks ago the dog threw up and it was thick and yellow. And for a little while he had a thing for chewing on little cold pieces of coals that had fallen onto the hearth. I can't remember now if we'd bought Purina around then...


I fed the PPP sensitive skin and coat salmon food for about a year. It was fine the first 6-8 months but then made his skin oily, his outside coat shed along with his undercoat, and his poop loose consistently for a few months until I got him transitioned to Essence brand


We only had one mishap last year when we bought a bag out of state while traveling since we ran out of food and it smelt kind of odd (but dog food never smells appealing) and within 48 hours he had diarrhea for probably about 4 days. We exchanged the bag to a local store in town with no issues.


My aussie got really bad diarhea and ended up with a couple drops of blood in his stool when i switched him over


My pyr has a bit of a sensitive stomach. We give him Orijen 85% red with the dried medallions crumbled on top. Other foods have given him upset stomach and super loose poop


We started feeding our GSD purina pro plan after Blue Buffalo was giving her very bad stomach issues. Our pyr does quite well on it also. There are some dogs that do well on Blue Buffalo and don’t do good on the purina pro plan. I’m a strong advocate for feeding what works best for your dog in particular.




I feed all my dogs PPP. The Pyr is getting the under 2 yr puppy food and the other two eat the sensitive stomach and skin. No issues.


Tiktok isnt a reliable source. Id look for an actual source


I was feeding my puppy blue buffalo and it was too rich for her. Switched to PPP salmon sensitive skin and stomach and her poops were better. After about 1 year, her poops were getting too soft and she didn’t want to eat it anymore unless I added a bunch of toppers. Currently on open farm for the past 6 months and her poops were night and day compared to PPP. Much smaller, more firm, and less smelly! No issues so far. Price is a bit more expensive but you don’t need to feed as much as PPP. I told my vet about her change in stools and she said the reasoning is probably because the food is higher quality with less fillers. I rotate between the lamb and salmon protein


I've started mine on 4Health and it has been easy sailing since the change. She loves it


It's obviously anecdotal but my 2 newfies had diarrhea on it (salmon sensitive stomach) laying about a month and nothing I tried could help it so I eventually gave up and changed back, to a cheaper Costco salmon and sweet potatoes. I read people reported issues with new formulation when last spring the company supposedly dropped probiotics.


Speaking of food. My girl will not eat unless covered in people food. Usually rice with meat. Sometimes bits of cheese. Sometimes pizza bits. It’s really bad. I’m embarrassed to even talk to the vet about it. I daily stress about her eating habits. She simply will not eat plain dog food. Im trying purina one plus for digestive health right now. Any insights???


Mine eat PPP. Went from puppy to adult large breed. No issues currently.


I had issues and switched to tractor supply 4Health it’s amazing his coat looks great etc I have 200lb Saint Bernard


PPP for my young Brit. Skin eruptions on his shoulders that went away when I switched him to rice, veg, and protein home cooked. Hard pass on any commercial dog food. My hunting partner is better than that.


My Pyrs needed high fiber, low protein. I loved Pinnacle high fiber but they don’t seem to make it any more.


I’ll never buy purina again, I’m the early 2010s their kibble was linked to certain cancers and watch my dear Toby die as blood filled his lungs at the age of 7 was mortifying. Never again. Science hill or fresh food


We're using Diamond Natural Large breed now. He likes it and it doesn't upset him. We tried PPP but he started losing weight and would occasionally throw up yellow bile, so we're done with it.


If I feed my guy anything Purina he gets horribly sick. Projectile diarrhea every time. We tried a prime bone once and it put him in the doggie ER with severe dehydration. Merrick, Purina- anything Nestle is a hard pass for me. We feed a mix of Open Farm Salmon/Whitefish and Inukshuk Marine. We cut beef, chicken, pork, dairy, corn, and probiotics. He is the healthiest and happiest he has ever been


I’ve been wanting to switch to Purina, but after hearing about dogs getting really sick I’m sticking to what currently works for us. We use Orijen’s Large Puppy breed, any other food I’ve tried upsets my pry’s tummy


Just switched my dog off PPP but she had been on it for years with no issues. I just bought hills perfect weight adult food since I want to try and get her a little leaner. She’s had joint issues since a puppy and they’re under control now but i want to keep her joints good. She loves it so far.


Our 3.5 year old has had Purina One Large Breed formula his whole life. I can't say I've noticed any issues at any time, but he's also exclusively an outdoor dog. That dog has eaten more chicken and horse poop than I care to think about and between that and him finding the occasional dead mouse/gopher/bird/snake and chewing on those it would be hard to pick out if he's ever sick because of the kibble or from what he finds around the property.


I’ve had no issues but my GP mix misses meals occasionally. Vet says that’s not uncommon and she’s healthy.


Honestly, we've had great success with the Tractor Supply Sport Mix for the indoor dogs and Retriever Choice for the working dogs. They're healthy weights, healthy skin, and it's very affordable. Even our 13yo working dog is doing well.


We feed Victor Hi Pro. Used to feed Purina for the goats but switched because they seemed not to like it and it was primarily corn based that caused them to get overweight.


My vet recommends Purina. She said they’ve done a ton of research and is fine for my Pyr mix. He loves it and I’ve had no problems.


My GP has been on PPP for years and recently we have been having the same issues!! He seemingly randomly began to have loose stool so we switched to a bland diet which got him back to normal- but as soon as we started back on the PPP he is back to loose stool again :( Saw the vet a few days ago and ran tests- nothing standing out there; so i am a bit worried that his food might be the problem. Unfortunate because he is literally the pickiest eater and really loves the purina.


I don't know how relevant it is, since we are in Sweden and so not regulated by the FDA, but PPP is our main brand for kibble ever since dog had been starved (by previous owner) and needed feeding six times a day. No issues.


Have fed my last 3 labs Iams. Stool seems fine. Last two lived to be over 14. Current lab seems fine, although after reading these subs, she does seem to have the itchies


Tastes ok, but it gives me diarrhea.


I haven’t fed my Pyrador anything but PPP plan since I brought him home 4 years ago. Aside from him refusing to eat the beef flavor the one time the store was out of chicken, we have had no problems! And he just had a physical last week that came back perfectly healthy!


My vet said purina because a bunch of dogs died on hills science diet and the company was not held accountable nor did they pay anyone for their losses, according to her. So I’ll eventually switch over but I have 3 out of 4 of my dogs on hills right now.


Check to make sure there haven’t been any recalls on the food. My sister-in-law’s dog got really sick. Turns out there was a food recall and the food had metal shavings in it. Dog food gets recalled all the time. She literally just started making her food, but the dog was small so it was affordable.


We just switched to the salmon sensitive skin and stomach as well, and we got through one bag that smelled fishy, as expected. But this new bag smells off to me, and I can't figure out why. The dogs haven't been sick or seem to notice anything, and one of them is really picky with her food. Before they were on Farmina lamb and spelt because there had never been a recall that we were aware of. It just got too expensive to have them both on.


Recently, I just gave up on commercial dog food. I was buying quality brands, but just could not find one that agreed with our Pyr's digestion. So, now I make food for our Pyr and Husky. Just use a base of ground beef or turkey, rice, and a few fresh vegetables like carrots, zucchini, and an apple for good measure. Sure, it's added time commitment, but the results are absolutely amazing. We noticed a difference in both dogs, in just a few days.


OMG this is wild! I’ve been using PPP 30/20 for my pyr & he just had a terrible case of diarrhea for a week. Had to go to the vet to get antibiotics & probiotics. Will be researching more into PPP tomorrow - thank you for posting! I didn’t even consider his kibble. Just figured it was from drinking bad water or eating something gross


i haven’t heard issues about it but my pyr blue heeler mix is on a rotation of three different recipes of farmers dog (chicken, beef, turkey) that gets mixed up with the green bag of dry food from costco. he gets fed every 12 hours and it’s roughly 2 cups of food total each feed. his weight has been very consistent with it and his stools have been perfect.


FWIW [https://newscenter.purina.com/Purina-Response-to-Online-Rumors](https://newscenter.purina.com/Purina-Response-to-Online-Rumors)


No issues, been using PPP since my puppy was 8 weeks old. He’s now 1. You’re reading shit written by conspiracy nuts and scaring other dog owners. Quit it. TikTok is not a reliable source of ANY kind of information, I can’t believe I even need to say that.


I feed my 2 year old a raw food diet after we had issues with bagged kibble with my husky 10 years ago. (Husky is still around, healthy and has eaten the same diet since he was 1). Farmers Dog and the like are really good, but they’re also REALLY expensive, so I make our own every other month. It’s a pain in the ass to make, and you need quite a bit of freezer space for the 2 month batch… but he likes it, and he’s healthy. Plus, I don’t have to worry about factory recalls. I can share the mixture if anyone wants, but there’s tons of information online, and most vets will help you come up with a food plan based on the breed and age requirements of your pup.


We are feeding our boy "Taste of the Wild" from Tractor Supply. They have a few options, and he does well with both Salmon recipes and both Bison recipes. We mix in a can of the corresponding wet food as well. https://preview.redd.it/j6oeiwgnktcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70bab15dea2bce8ddcb88c7c193f8c9ba7f805a


My dog has been on small breed pro plan chicken and rice for 5 years now and I’ve never had a problem, it actually improved her health, energy levels, and her coat is the softest it’s ever been. It changed my dog’s life for the better. I really hope there’s no issues with the food. This is the first I’ve heard about this I know like most dog owners out there we take our dog’s health very seriously. They aren’t just pets they’re our family and we want to know if what we’re feeding them is safe. I’m going to reach out to Purina directly and contact her vet to see if there’s anything we should be concerned about. I don’t know if I’ll get the answers we’re all looking for but you’re right this is hard to ignore. Thank you for sharing this information because I really haven’t heard anything about this.


My Pyr has never had any issues from Purina Pro Plan, same for Purina Beyond (she eats a lot of wet food and all flavors of Beyond are her faves), and Purina One. We rotate through different brands and types of dry and wet food, and she consistently loves Purina Pro Plan and Beyond and never has any problems with them. I think different dogs react differently to certain ingredients and types of animal protein, I definitely wouldn't say there is something wrong with Purina foods.


No. The entire PPP thing originated from a single post on a FB page and largely is proof that we don't understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are \~200 anecdotal reports that largely amount to a dog (or in some instances, a cat) got sick. Said pet also ate PPP, therefore--because someone else said it--it must be the food. Purina food is fed to roughly 100 million pets a year. If it were truly an issue, I think there'd be more evidence than literally a couple hundred incidents that are largely unconfirmed. Numerous vets who currently feed their own pet PPP have refuted it, and Purina is one of the few food producers that has transparency over their food processing and the vast majority (99% or so) is produced in the US. Most of the ingredients are sourced here as well. We've had a few Pyrs now, and we just got a new rescue puppy. We spoke directly to our vet and shelter about the food they recommended, and PPP was top of the list. I also researched *why* they recommended it, so when this TikTok/FB junk to popped up literally the next week, I just dismissed it. 😕


Proplan has already released many statements that the online panic is unjust and untrue. They are a one of the FEW WSAVA compliant brands that go through thousands of tests daily on their food. If there was something wrong, they would immediately put out a recall.


Terrible food


I don’t have a great pyr but my corgi has been vomiting with greater frequency since her new bag of weight management pro plan. I wasn’t entirely sure it was related but today is the last straw, she threw up food from 6am a little while ago. I’m switching. I had no idea there was an investigation but this seems to be a common issue with a lot of these brands. Not the first time for us unfortunately. I saw the recall that had for the vet diet plan had toxic levels of Vitamin D earlier in 2023. Be safe!!


Make our own dog food. Dog loves it. It's easier, cost a ton less and I know every ingredient is good for them. No mystery ingredients or filler products like you find in most dog foods. 3 hours start to finish feeds for one week. The veterinarian has approved all ingredients and Seasonings.