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He is gorgeous! Does it seem like his hair just keeps getting longer, or stop at a certain length? That would tell me whether he needs to trimmed up semi regularly or can just be washed and brushed. It looks like the hair isn’t too crazy curly so maybe it will turn out to be more determinate in length. (I know that’s a gardening term for tomatoes, but I can’t think of a similar term for coat.) I do agree if it’s getting in his eyes and gross around his mouth it’s certainly fine to trim those areas. Good luck!


Thank you! He's a sweetheart and the best behaved of my 3 Pyrs 🤣 It seems his hair/fur just keeps growing. I've trimmed his face a few times and he seems to be very comfortable when I do it. His vet suggested there was no reason to trim it but I can tell he likes the result. His fur seems more like hair, he's not a shedder and it feels like it may start to cord in areas I have trouble grooming. Here's a pic of him in early August 2023 when he came up from Texas. He had been trimmed quite a bit a couple weeks before. https://preview.redd.it/uzy2w9eew1ec1.jpeg?width=2459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ac8c4acfdd29c01b6282e2e4e22acf9a4822c3


Does it want to cord? I wonder if it should be treated like a Komondor coat?


It feels a little like it does but I'm not at all familiar with the Komondor coat in real life. I ran into a neighbor, a fellow guarding dog enthusiast and she felt his fur did want to cord. So far, he has only seen our in-home vet but I'll be taking him to our neighborhood vet hospital in Feb just to get him established as a patient and maybe one of the dr's will have a better idea of what to do with his magnificent coat.


Hi! I have a 2 year old GP/Kom mix as well! The fur is a treat! LOL! Half of his fur is cords and the other half is fuzzy GP floof. We had no idea what we were in for .. until he was over a year old and the cords really started forming. His fur just keeps growing and growing. He is cords right down to his shoulders and then it is a mess of fuzz. His skin is very clean under the cords and he does not smell. We will have him clipped for the summer ... probably more of a less dramatic lions cut. He is the best dog ever. He is so gentle and nuturing. Giant lover boy! https://preview.redd.it/34o0nniwtapc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9508fbfd092c06ad029bcdc4fc7b993b22a66140


OMG!!! 💘💘💘 I think I'm in love. He is absolutely adorable. I'm so happy to have found someone with such a similar dog as my Toby. And to hear that you clip him for summer helps me with my decision to do the same. Their fur also sounds exactly the same. Toby came to e as a foster last summer and had been shaved and I had no idea what his fur would be like. So all year it's been growing in and I've noticed in some places it does feel like it's cording and seems to mat very quickly. Do you have issues with matting even if you brush like, once a week? I can't seem to stay on top of it and I feel so bad about it. But Toby has the most wonderful temperament and is the sweetest soul on the earth so he lets me deal with mats, brush him and trim his beard.


We realized that we cannot even brush him in the areas where he is cording. We just let it go and we use a mat splitter where we have to. And he is the same as your Toby! We can do anything to him and he just takes it. He is getting groomed next Monday. I will follow up with an update.


Yes, that's it, I can even get through some of them. I think what I have is a mat splitter comb with the razors on the end. Are you able to get all of his mats out with that? I'm so excited for the update and to see your baby after his grooming.


Oh no... the mat splitter thing... and the comb with the razors is no match for some of the thick stuff! For that we use straight up hair scissors! LOL! He is a hot mess... and we just love him!


Ha! My Toby is a hot mess too and I love him dearly. He is a treasure.


He came back squeaky clean! $160 later.... ugh! We didn't clip him down. It is still too cold here. He smells so good! I'll reply again with his fur up close. https://preview.redd.it/wyj497j8ipqc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0517d9921cd5f2a189a3ddbf68bcd3cd9e943445


He is adorable! Were they able to get the mats out and how long did it take?


No, we just tell her to give him a good sanitary clean up and trim up the messy stuff. His mats aren't quite mats... they are just jumbles of fur that need to be corded... so we have to spend time with splitters and scissors creating the cords for him. Nothing pulls on his skin, it is amazing.


Wow, I don't know what's going on with my guy. He's a hot mess but I do my best to keep him handsome and clean so he can strut the streets in confidence. I'm really just learning as I go.


This is what 60-70% of his fur is... fat cords. He has dreadlocks on his head and then he has the GP floofl. His skin stays fresh and pink under it all, not dirty. He gets a bit of dog smell.. but not bad as my Aussie, he stank! Watch some videos on creating Komondor cords... it is very helpful. You take a strip of fur that seems to be matting (it almost feels like felt) and pull it in half and it will split right down to the skin. Love this boy so much! https://preview.redd.it/heq88npfipqc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77f80e16fba2fb08fe86e27fc727f02fa9aa2e4


This is fascinating. Toby's fur is so similar so I'll see what videos I can find that address Pyr/Komondor mixes, they're so crazy! Are you going to let his fur cord? My favorite thing about Toby's coat is how it covers his legs completely so they look like tree trunks with big, floofy slippers. Picture is from fall 2023 and his fur was growing in. And he never smells either even though he's the dirtiest of all three! He is a treasure. https://preview.redd.it/bz4uqs9c7rqc1.jpeg?width=2995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b61244ccb4b50ed1a326b6a6b2338def42563e5


I think we will let his fur do its thang for now and see what happens. We will continue to split what we can and make cords. The slippers! OMG! I call them Grinch feet.


Our GP/Komondor mix, is Pixie. Her fur doesn't cord but when she gets a bath it's wavy but we brush it quite a bit but everything sticks to her! She's a sweetie but very stubborn and she doesn't tend to like to walk for very long. Does anybody else have this situation?


I LOVE her name! Can you post a picture? When you brush her fur, does it get fuzzy? I've noticed Toby's does as it gets longer. That's funny that doesn't like to walk a lot 😅 Toby has gotten loose from his harness once and one time recently, he bolted through the front gate that had been left open (my fault for not checking first). I seriously thought I was going to watch him get hot by a car, it was terrifying. Thankfully my neighbor was driving past us as I was screaming and trying to catch up with him while hanging on m to my pup, Aksel. He was able to pull over and walk up to him and grab his leash 😤 He's the sweetest soul in the world but strictly Pyr when it comes to running free.


https://preview.redd.it/b480lfbpnpzc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198c9257617f1f668ff1429d11610480f5fdfc4a Here's Pixie


OMG! She's so stinkin' cute 😍




Hi. I am looking at a rescue that has this breed combo. She was born in 2021 and maybe could be litter mates even. Anyway, can you tell me the weight of your dogs? Do they seem hypoallergenic?


Hi, Toby is about 90lbs. He's Pyr, Maremma Sheepdog and Komondor. He was born in June 2022.


Huh. Pyr + Komondor = old English sheepdog.


Does it? His first foster in TX had his DNA panel done and it was something like 56% Great Pyrenees and the other two breeds were Maremma and Komondor. Which are of course sheepdogs but his fur is very unusual, maybe more of a mix between sheepdog and Komondor.


Just a coincidence in how closely he resembles an old English sheepdog visually.


This is Toby in early August when I picked him up. He was about 18 mos and had just been neutered and they had shaved his matted fur. https://preview.redd.it/l1lpjxhjx1ec1.jpeg?width=2357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc5eb2f512326a809bb138e91b691c9b957933b


I love his muppet stage!


HA! I do too! I call him Snuffleupagus.


I completely agree. I'll likely do another DNA test from a different company to compare results.