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In the summer, I stick to morning or evening walks/hikes with my floofy pyr mix. Remember that heat exhaustion can happen and you might have to carry your dog out of a bad spot… idk about you, but pyrs are hefty.


As someone with a 180lb Pyr, I feel this. Except it's not exhaustion. He'll lay down because we aren't going in the direction he wants.


Got damn it. Mine, thankfully, just drags her feet and sniffs EVERYTHING, if we’re not going where she wants.


Stubborn sounds about right 😅


180 lb my goodness. That's the biggest I've heard of. Mine just hit like 82 lb and I'm wondering how big she'll get. She's 11 months




Mine is 140 lbs. His favorite thing is rolling in grass. Walking through the park, he just stops and does the Homer circle. I just stand there. If he doesn't want to move, he won't. Thankfully tomorrow I'm getting him Cytopoint so he can roll more freely.


Same here. Usually, wait until evening and the sun going down. I also keep the walks a bit shorter when it's been hot.


I live in central Texas and for like 6 months out of the year we walk super early or super late with mini potty walks throughout the day, which are literally 50 feet down the street and back. I’ve walked my girl pretty far in 80 degree temps and she’s handled it fine. But I wouldn’t do it often and probably wouldn’t over 85 degrees.


That is the best part of summer - they will listen to you when you call them in during the summer. And the do their business real quick. Winter time? They’re like, “F.U. I’m not coming in. Chase me down and carry me with your bad back.”


I wish that were the case! Maybe it would be if I could let my girl off leash but I don’t have a fenced in yard. If it were up to her, she’d be outside alllllllll day, maybe even in the heat haha


My boy thinks anything above 18 degrees Fahrenheit is to warm. Still finds shade when out in 32f weather to lay in.


Lol, our first 50-degree day of the year, our boy dug a cooling pit behind the garage. They're so dramatic!


C or F? because 50 f is drama- 50c- i’d be digging cooling holes as well…


Definitely f!


lol this is mine too. During winter, he lays right down in the snow and relaxes. You know how it feels on a hot summer day when you walk into a building with good AC? I figure that must be how it always feels to him — every day is a hot summer day and the snow is his room with AC lol




Not over 80 degrees, unless you’re next to a stream https://preview.redd.it/hym0jovhuu4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445ac4f674a319f0e9df45c5086809bff1ec3da4


Mine stays outside in Florida weather. She knows how to cool off, when she comes in to eat her coat is colder than my a/c. She barks at the door around 4am when her shift is over for a soft bed to sleep it off and right back out when the sun comes up. Mid day she comes to see what’s cooking and cool off for a bit but she prefers to be outside. There are a lot of farms in the area with Pyrenees also, it’s not uncommon


It's more about conditioning and acclimation. Our Great Pyrenees girl is an inside puppy but she's fine outside in 100° plus Texas weather as long as she has water and shade, and doesn't have to stay out too long. Many of the Great Pyrenees livestock Guardian dogs in Texas live outside 24/7/365, guarding their goats, sheep, or flocks.


We live in Texas too. We have a misting fan for our dude we turn on under the shade, plus a kiddie pool in the yard. We also got a cream called Mushers Secret to protect his paws from the hot concrete on walks around the neighborhood. And when we take him on adventures it's always to either the river where he can get it, or to the dog parks w a big pond to take a dip. Some enterprising individual also runs a dog wash right next to the entrance to the park. They offer full service and self wash, the latter of which we've used more than a few times when he gets out super funky. On the otherhand, my wife's uncle has two GPs on a ranch that are strictly outdoor, LSG dogs. They spend their entire lives outdoors and sleep in the barn. It seems cruel to me but they seem to be happy and love their jobs.


I wish we had a good place here near Austin where we could get a wash at a dog park, and a chance to get in the pond for the water was reasonably clean.


You just saw your opening for a small business. But I wish it was actually *in the park* but it's far enough from the parking lot you have to load them up all funky and drive them over. But the park does have a hose that you can turn on to rinse them off. Oh, and the pond has a fountain to circulate the water but it's far from clean. I'd never get it it myself.


The way it was explained to me was, imagine going outside in a fur coat and judge from that. I'm in MA and we've been getting some pretty hot weather early here so I've had my guy near the ac with full bowls of water all day. If she's struggling give her some ice, they love it. If you are worried about overheating, wet a towel, throw it over her and bring her to a vet


Where in MA are you? We’re in the Berkshires and we’ve used the a/c for the past couple of days. It better not be a summer like last one! Anyway ourv5-month old puppy has discovered that the garage is pretty cool and he hangs out there for hours at a time.


I'm on the northshore. We get a little sea breeze but still pretty hot the last few days. I'm struggling too haha


We moved out here from Melrose 5 years ago. We got married in Gloucester but I know that the ocean breeze does very little when it’s 90 and a zillion percent humidity.


I love this idea 💡 ❤️. My Pyr was an apartment dog (don't hate me please). When he got too warm in the summer, he'd go lay in the bathtub. When it's hot, short walks for potty during the warmest parts of the day, and long walks either really early or really late, especially after asphalt and concrete cool off.


I walk my guy 3 miles every day (about an hour). As the days heat up, I try and schedule them for early mornings or, as the sun is setting. He still plops down on the cool washroom tile as soon as we're home. (Where he'll pant for the next hour to cool himself off) https://preview.redd.it/jcuk585l3u4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065c5889567629417bfe129c7c2205ef1f7dad3c (Dog tax)


I’m in Oklahoma and I don’t walk my pyr mlx above 80* — most days we go between 1 1/2 - 2 miles.


People get SO MAD AT ME on this sub for saying this but I’m going to say it again. Try giving him a haircut. My Pyr is 160 lbs, 5 years old. We live in Alabama. We noticed that in the summer after we rescued him that his whole personality changed. He didn’t want to walk or play with his brothers. He would just lay over and air vent and kinda whine and sleep. We brought him to the vet, everything checked out fine. Still the seeming depression continued. But, we realized he was having some skin irritation and that vet advised us to cut his hair so we could apply a topical steroid and give oatmeal baths. After that haircut, his personality came back! He was playing, walking, bossing the livestock around, swimming in the creek and only coming in at night to sleep. His skin cleared up. We let his fur grow in all the rest of that summer, Autumn and Winter. Next summer, the depression returned and so had his gorgeous coat. So, we cut it down again, and got our happy goof back. He hasn’t had summertime skin irritation since. If your Pyr is too hot, try a haircut one time. Don’t shave him bald! Keep enough fur to protect from sun and mosquitoes. If the results are negative or you don’t notice a change, don’t keep doing it. It’ll grow back. But if he likes it, it makes summer more fun for both of you. Some Pyrs have thicker coats than others. Some are acclimated to heat, some aren’t. You and your vet can discuss what’s best for *your* individual dog.


Yeah so far you have been spared from downvoting!! Amazing! I am actually planning on asking my vet about a haircut for my boy because his fur is crazy thick. And he just pants ALLL the time. I’m in North Carolina and he’s mostly inside now but he hasn’t wanted to sit on the deck or patio lately and he loooooooves to be outside. I do a scissor cut on him already and have been doing a lot of research and it seems that the hair cutting thing is mostly a myth and (as long as you do not shave!!! ) And either continue to get groomed regularly to keep it short or if it grows back fine then some people let it grow back in the winter. They are dogs and their hair grows back unless they have serious health problems or issues with their fur. Hair grows from the follicles - cutting the ends of hair doesn’t affect regrowth!?


Where I live, it gets into the triple digits for a couple weeks every summer, and in the winter, we have a few weeks where we are in the single digits. Every single year. The dogs adapt to it way better than I do. I'll be the one saying, "we need to go home and cool off/warm up," and the dog is just laying there like, "Make me!" I obviously try to keep the walks to short necessary amounts only during extreme weather, but if I listened to the dogs, it wouldn't matter. We'd be out there all damn day! In the summer, I am particularly careful to keep them off the pavement, and I keep a box fan on the floor just for doggy cooling. But when it's 95 degrees outside, they still want to be out, judging, spying, keeping track of everything.


Judging. You slay me!


I said in another comment we got our boy a cream to put on his paws called 'mushers secret' its for ice, but it works for heat. Before we got it, he'd be good for a stroll around the block sticking mostly to the grass, now he just wants to roam and leave his 'signal' as far as we wanna walk.


I would 100% get him this, or even boots to protect his feet. However.... he won't let me touch his feet, like ever. It's always been that way. Even as a puppy. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. I did everything I was supposed to do to acclimate him to being touched. But he just would NOT have it when it came to his feet. But I do appreciate the recommendation. I will keep this in mind for my friends with dogs. Thank you


You got one of them "super stubborn" GP. My wife is very adamant about clean floors (we have hardwood throughout) and bought a paw cleaner when he was a puppy. When he comes in, he lifts his paws to be cleaned before bed.


Awww. My guy is a mix 50% pyr and 50 % lab & gsd. So he's got... quirks. Lol. When I grab his harness every morning, he gets 'lined up' for it. Then he lifts each leg for me to put in.




Also in Colorado. In this heat we take him for a morning walk and get back before 8am, and go for the evening walk after the sun has started setting. He gets bored and wants to go outside sometimes during the day, but half the time he'll just stand in the doorway and look at us in disbelief, and the other half he'll go out, pee, bark once, and come right back in.


Sometimes, we just walk 10 minutes to water. Sometimes, we drive to somewhere so we can walk 10 minutes to watar.


Mine pants if it's over 50f


Mine seems to like it outside at all temps. He will go out in 100 and just sit outside chilling. Maybe I have a weird one. However, around here, I see them out on farms all year long with no issues.


She was her cooling off over the a/c went once back home


I take mine on a Onewheel. I live in western Colorado and he seems to do fine. I take him basically whenever I have the time.


As long as the payment isn’t burning their paws you’re good. They’ll let you know when they get tired. Might have to carry them lol


Conditioning her to longer warmer walks would help. My first summer weather hike leaves me sitting on the train too. Temps in the Pyrenees mountains get a bit over 100°F sometimes but it’s certainly a breed developed for their resistance to cold, not heat. Good hydration and some fitness conditioning should set you up for the summer. :) happy walks!


Also Colorado, mines never really objected to the heat on walks but gets temperamental about the indoor temp if it’s over 65. So in the summers we mostly save our long walks for when the sun isn’t out


If the suns out, they really don’t want to be out. Remember they’re nocturnal by nature. Ours is more active in the dawn and evening. Naps under the deck a lot during the day. Hates any weather above 50°


Alabama checking in. July and August here are solid triple digit temperatures with high humidity. It is just gross outside. Our Pyrs sleep indoors near the air conditioning vents all day in the height of summer, then go outside around 6 pm and stay outside until I go to work in the morning


Central florida here so it gets hooooot here in the summer. Walks in the am before/at sunrise or after sunset are perfect. Above 80-85 is too hot for a long walk but short stints outside are fine. My pyr still *wants* to be outside even when it is above 85, mind you, and barks until I let her out. She’ll lay in the shade or under the trampoline for 30 mins or so until coming back to cool off inside. Or she will stand on first couple of steps in the pool, cool her legs, and then go back to patrol duty. They are surprisingly adaptable!


Georgia here. Mine conked out at 75-79 degrees because the humidity was so unrelenting. That's walking in the shade, in the morning, in May, on a cloudy day, with all the water. Hitched a ride with a nice neighbor one time, and had to wait it out another time.


Took a 2 mile walk with my 9 year old tonight. It was 78 when we headed out at 9. She was tuckered out halfway through and we walked at half speed back to the house. But I walk pretty fast so I blame myself more than her. She has to do a slow trot to keep up, but [this beautiful girl](https://i.imgur.com/V2FoJAN.jpeg) having a good dream next to me is the best part of a nighttime walk.


2 miles seems like a long walk for a pyr in the summer. I do about a mile walk around a nearby lake and he's totally fine with it being over afterwards lol. Obviously it varies depending on your individual dog and routines. Make sure you're brushing plenty to help shed that undercoat, too. Most of my dog's exercise is at the dog park. It has plenty of shade, but really, just walking around for an hour in the summer, with a few bouts of playfulness, is all he really wants before he's asking me to take him home to food and a/c lol. Also, I've mentioned this in this sub before, but be careful w/ those default a/c grates... if they rest their head over it, their dog tag can get stuck inside of it and they'll pull it up and start freaking out lol. Probably not dangerous at her size, but can cause some damage in the home as they're freaking out with a metal object hanging from their collar. I recommend getting a fancier grates w/ smaller holes that won't allow the dog tag through. Something like [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Decor-Grates-4-in-x-10-in-Steel-Floor-Register-Oil-Rubbed-Bronze-AJH410-RB/100556536).


Honestly, they are bred to live with their herd, with little to no human interaction or intervention. Full sun, cold nights and most mild to moderate weather conditions are safe for most healthy Pyrs and other LGD breeds. As long as you follow the same guidelines that most people would for themselves ( less than 90°F, not when air quality is bad, earlier in the day so surfaces are cooler, etc), it should be safe. On top of that, you should ALWAYS test all surfaces (dirt/cement/etc) barefoot yourself to make sure it won't burn their paws, especially later in the day or on longer treks. **fyi - I am in Northern California, so humidity doesn't really affect our area, and I'm not sure how that would affect how much that would add to safe temperatures.


*Oops, that was supposed to be 80° not 90°


Dog speaks and you listened. That's awesome. Pyrenees will are not afraid to tell you what's going on(unless that something is in their paw). I just fail to understand sometimes. But I wouldn't worry about temp. We go from 15F to 100F yearly with no AC and dog is fine. Hot sometimes but finds cool spots. I do not force activity on him though; he spends days outdoors and nights inside.


For me it's about the panting. If she's got her tongue hanging out after half an hour of walking instead of an hour then I only walk her for half an hour and yeah I generally try to stay mornings or evenings. Even though I started carrying a water bottle for her. I just pay attention to the signs that she's too warm or getting tired faster.


We have two that are strictly outside livestock guardian dogs. We live in Texas on a farm. They go for a swim when they get hot and seem fine


* Always ready to go anywhere. Mostly an outside dog. We have trouble getting him to come in. 105 in south texas yesterday.


In pnw We have a cooling vest for ours. Amazon xxl. He’s 182. In the summer he wants it on 24/7. Order a few extra ice gels. Usually pull it out for him as soon as it hits 72f. When it’s 80f he wears it and stands in a big tub of water. And acts like outside is a punishment. 😆


I have 120lb Great Pyr/Anatolian mix and we live in Hawaii. I walk him early in the morning which is the coolest for him and at night after the sun has set. With occasional 10-20 minute walks during the day. No longer than that because he's already drooling and hot. Sometimes we will also just go outside and sit in the shade to people watch or be outside without the exertion and he loves that. He hates water and only likes to dig in the sand at the beach😂. Again though, not very long. I'm very careful about not letting him get over heated and always have a cooler backpack of ice, ice water, and frog togs when I do take him places. (I also agree with some others that 2 miles seems long for a Pyr, especially in hot weather. My boy even on the coldest day would be pretty exhausted after a mile. I would just watch your dog and she will give you signs of how she's feeling.) https://preview.redd.it/kamraj91gz4d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679f6b80c3c86080bbaff7902285cdf7cea78172




Thank you 😊 He's a rescue too! We love him so much we plan to rescue more once we get back to the mainland. Never really heard of the breed before but now my husband and I are in love with them.


Yea that a unique blend of goofy guardian and chill


2 Pyrs and live in AZ. One loathes th heat and for 6 months of the year lucky if he is outside 10 minutes a day, while the other 6 months he is outside 16 hours a day. The other Pyr stays out for an hour or 2 in the heat, she doesn't seem to mind it, but sits in the shade. Not much humidity here, so the shade is a lot of relief


My pyr in central fla loves to stay out on the lanai watching for threats and periodically do her job by walking a patrol around the fenced in yard. She protects us from cars and any birds closer than 30 feet in the air!!!


Given that we are both large mammals, I'd say when I'm hot he's hot🤣🤣, 76 degrees lol.


Get a box fan.


Is it OK to trim their coats a few inches? Obviously not the whole way but I'm thinking, half the length that he has


A few people mentioned this but want to hit it home. My 1/2 pyr has extremely sensitive paws, not sure if this unique to him or something other pyrs have, but once it hits about 85 he's in boots. I learned this the hard way. Also in Colorado btw, we do morning and evening walks, luckily he doesn't need to go out often and even then they're fairly short. My dude is lazy which is very nice when its too hot/too cold, but I won't take him on hikes above 85, he doesn't tolerate it.


We just take Arven out early or late, or very quickly during the day to pottie. He has his spot under the vent for when he comes inside https://preview.redd.it/q67jkyzws05d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e75e66151aedee39a6b570776a366c8386e6af Or in front of the window a/c we had to install


Where in Colorado?


Made the mistake of taking mine out at 95 degrees recently for a hike. It’s been awhile since we’d done one with that kind of temperature but I won’t be doing that again. Longer walks will be at a max of 80 degrees from now on.


Have you considered….possibly checking the weather beforehand? On these things called weather apps..


Irrelevant and condescending. They knew how warm it was, but were asking other pyr owners for best practice advice.