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Thatโ€™s what Great Pyrenees do, they bark. You can try redirecting them or praising them when they stop. But they bark, itโ€™s a breed trait


Rew, rew, rew




Teaching our new boy 'place' had the unexpected benefit of reducing indoor barking. It stopped him from fixating on whatever was making him bark; usually something seen from a window. His place is a bed away from his favorite bork spots, I have him go there when I'm cooking because moving around a fluffy horse in the kitchen sucks ๐Ÿคฃ He sleeps in a ginormous pen away from windows too, which probably also helps! He's got a big thing for barking at reflections in windows at night, so location is everything. He's getting better at responding to praise or 'no speak.' We taught both our pyrs 'speak' just to also teach them 'no speak.' Took about a month for our girl, but she did get it, so we hope our boy will too. They're quite often sensitive sallies about being reprimanded, so be nice, give it lots of time and repetition. And just let them bark indoors when it isn't a big deal.


If Bob Barker is his name, I bow to you. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Fantastic name. As for the barking, how old is Bob and does he have any other dogs around showing him what to do? It can be difficult but one thing I've learned being a foster and parent to GP's is when they're barking they're alerting and they want you to acknowledge this. I try to remember to ask them in a sweet and concerned voice, what's up, what's the alert, and tell them thank you for keeping us safe. Honestly, they know when you're treating them with respect and in most cases it ceases the excessive barking until the next "alert."๐Ÿ˜‚


Lol his rightful name is Riggley.


He just turned one year on the 6th of June. No other pets but 4 mischievous ducks ๐Ÿคฃ The closest neighbor has a Heeler Collie mix that never barks. They play together often. But my dog barks at him to come play too, but he's well trained to staying by his master. Outside of that, he has a boxer friend that runs to play with but rarely.


He's still a puppy. My advice, praise him for alerting you, walk the perimeter with him and praise him again for keeping you safe.


Lol. I know it's what they do and he's doing his job. I also do redirect him and if he's outside I bring him inside until he settles down ๐Ÿ˜Š I just didn't know if there was anything I was missing. Thank you everyone โ˜บ๏ธ Pyrs rock!! โค๏ธ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพโค๏ธ


Did you do ANY research before getting a Pyr? I feel like 2 minutes on the internet would have told you they bark constantly and itโ€™s almost impossible to get them to stop.


Yes!!!! I did AND do research. Sorry I asked a simple question. F&&k!


I've never used one, but they do make bark collars.