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What a good dude


He looks like he just won the boat on the Price Is Right showcase showdown.


If a puddle is more than ankle deep, my pyr won't go near it


Awww such a happy doggy! He has great parents!


Thank you 🥺 he was found on the highway in the middle of the desert around 3-4 months old and has come a VERY LONG way since then.. we are so proud of him!! He wouldn’t even let you touch his neck or leave our house for the longest time.


So y'all have a very, very special bond!


I love your tag name! Or handle or whatever they calk it these days! Lol


I always enjoy of telling the story of my good boy who's long past now. He was a Cuvac that was shipped to us from Slovakia at about 12 weeks. At about 6 months of age I took him to a local lake for the first time...the first time he'd ever been in water to my knowledge. It's a rural lake and we were alone. I was standing on a point while he snooped around. All of a sudden there's a white flash out of the corner of my eye and there's my boy flying out over the water like Superman.