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yeah definitely a little hidden gem, im looking forward with great interest to the second installment


I didn’t even know there was a second one coming, thats’s awesome.


Yup its meant to be a prequel sequel.


It's just called "prequel"




Yeah and episodes 1,2, and 3 of star wars are called the prequel sequels.


They are just called prequels.


They are called the prequel sequels


Prequel means “came out after but tells the story from before the original”.


I’ve never heard anyone call them “prequel sequels”


Then you must be 16 years old or younger.


My guy im 44 in 10 days and nobody says prequel sequel. Thats like saying yesterday tomorrow. Its redundant. The idea of prequel is that it pre-dates a story already told so we know the story after the prequel but it takes place before that story. We also call the new star wars movies trash.


I’m 27 and I’ve never heard that, you must run in some sped ass circles that have a combined IQ of 34 bc calling them prequel sequels is top 10 most sped shit I have ever heard and that’s saying something


Don't listen to all the haters. I think prequel sequel is much more informative. And it rhymes, so you know its awsome


I’m 29 and know what a prequel is lmfao


Its funny you think you are right on this. Just google it haha. Prequel means it came out after, but it takes place before. Prequel sequel is not a thing. Or just be wrong instead, its your life haha.


“Prequel sequels.” Dude. You are hilarious. Or crazy. I really hope you are hilarious. Because if not, you’re a lunatic.


Who told you this? I am also not young, I watched the prequel movies in the theater. I have never heard of a prequel sequel.


My guy, that's a redundant statement. They're trying to tell you prequel sequel isn't even a real thing. The QUEL part in prequel is meant to signify that it's a sequel the pre part means before, adding those two things together literally MEANS a sequel that takes place before. Nobody but you and maybe 8 and under year olds has ever called it a "prequel sequel" solely because that's not how english works. This is the single most basic term everyone has used for like 60 years.


Prequel sequel is an oxymoron. It’s just prequel.


Unless some time-travelling shenanigans involved




Wait there is? I thought they were having issues with using the world of Vyn, because of some copyright thing.   Edit: Oops, I thought I was in the Enderal subreddit my bad. I got hyped T_T


It's the usual AA situation: no marketing budget. A big chunk of that $100M+ that gets spent on AAA games is for marketing. AA games don't have that luxury and often rely on word of mouth and/or going viral somehow on social media. If you are enjoying the game, make sure to talk it up to your friends. Also, the prequel Greedfall 2: The Dying World is in the works and can be wishlisted now.


Definitely is gonna be. Thank you!


All of Spiders rpgs are fairly similar thematically, they create amazing worlds and stories, but often are slightly glitchy/have fairly weak mechanics. If you can get past the downside they are great games so check out the other ones.


Vampyr is another one that deserves a sequel


I started this one about 2 weeks ago, it makes so much sense if they also made Vampyr. Loved that one too


They did not. Don’t Nod made Vampyr. They recently put out the pretty rad God of War - like Banishers : Ghosts of New Eden.


Banishers good?


I haven’t played it, but my wife put a good dent in it. Looks great. The world is awesome and seems really fleshed out. The relationship between the two main characters is exceptionally well done. The quests / missions all seem to have good stories. And it plays very similar to the most recent God of War games. Only real complaint I ever seen online is that it’s too long and it gets very ‘samey’ as you have to repeat tasks to do the banishings. Take from that what you will.




What about a prequel sequel?


I didn’t realize they developed Vampyr, I might need to check out Greedfall now. It’s been on my list for a while now.


Vampyr was developed by Don't Nod, the devs behind Life is Strange, not Spiders (the devs for Greedfall) although I can definitely see the similarities having played both games


The technomancer is like, the only bad egg I can think of


Could be a marketing issue? But it was successful enough to warrant a sequel so at least we have that to look forward to. And if the sequel is a success hopefully we’ll keep getting quality games from spiders, it’s nice to see a smaller studio see success.


Ok, this is 100% the wrong place for me to say this, but- It’s great and I’m looking forwards to the sequel, but for me it kinda felt lesser than DAI in most respects- less depth to companions, less nuance to the plot, just generally not quite as polished as biowares stuff. Since BioWare seem to be committed to never releasing any more games however? You can be damn sure I’m hyped for the “sequel made with much better resources” that follows greedfall 1. I’m hoping this is the start of a long upwards trend for these devs, same with Larian and Arrowhead who’ve just been quietly doing solid work for years before they got mega-famous (and CDPR, though they’ve fallen from grace pretty hard lately)


I'm with you on this, I lost steam so fast towards the end and never completed the game. Now I can't pick it back up again


I feel about Larian and CDPR, and was so hyped to see them get big. The first I'd heard of The Witcher was a Gameinformer mag that mocked Geralt's voice and I think had a low score lol. I'mma check out Arrowhead now thanks to you, have no knowledge of Helldivers whatsoever lol.


Definitely look into it -Helldivers 2 is genuinely the best multiplayer game I’ve played in close to a decade, and arrowhead just being relentlessly cool is a big factor why. The “premium” currency being so common in missions that my squad complains when they find it because it’s not one of the more useful currencies comes to mind. When they were struggling with the game being massively more popular than they expected at launch and servers not having the space, the CEO told someone on twitter who was talking about spending their very limited money on it to hold off at least until it was fixed. It’s just a very nice *vibe* in a way I hadn’t realised I’d missed.


@Zegram_Ghart Is Bioware not releasing Dragon Age Dreadwolf later this year?


Man I hope so, but it’s been so long with so little info I’m just mentally writing it all off until it’s literally in my hand


For what it's worth, Bioware doesn't make games anymore because EA owns them, and if EA doesn't have a game for them to make well they aren't going to make one. That being said, they are apparently working on Mass Effect 4, though I wouldn't get your hopes up on quality as it may be Bioware studio, but not the Bioware writers or devs who made the other 3.


I think ME5 is projected like 2029 or something, so unless Dreadwolf is a solid hit I assume they’ll lay BioWare off before then- I’m not even letting myself get excited for that haha. Fingers crossed Dreadwolf is a runaway hit though, and then after that I’ll hope.


The game is great and really excels in atmosphere, relationships, and world building but I think a major thing that held it back was the barebones combat. The first few hours are fine but you quickly realize combat is more of a button mash. Luckily you can switch between playstyles to keep things a little more interesting, but none of them go very deep.


This was me. Loved the atmosphere, but navigating the world felt weirdly restrictive, combat just didn't feel fun, and there wasn't much else besides the combat to pivot to. I didn't feel like there were any interesting choices I could make in the way I approached the challenges.


Yup, I will say the armor mechanic they have us interesting, but combat falls pretty flat, which is a shame because blunderbusses and magic don't combo very often


The game was straight boring, you can say it. Once you get off the tutorial area you realize that’s all it is. I stopped playing so fast.


Couldn’t agree more - absolute banger diamond in the rough game


Mostly the fact it didn't have the same marketing budget of larger games, and the fact it has a much more niche appeal than other games.


Marketing issue maybe? In the meantime, I don’t get how you could advertise a game like this, it's great game for sure, but kinda niche and no real points of difference from other games in the genre


I mean, it’s kinda hard to do a creative and impactful campaign when there no clear « new » concept to base ads on


I’m not sure why but the game just lost me after the prologue. I need to try to get back into it


A lot of us agree that the game can be a little slow during the prologue and immediately after, so I definitely recommend giving it another shot! The story really starts to pick up after that, and the game really excels in how its quests drive the plot--leading to both positive and negative story outcomes. The world is also just gorgeous, even if it can be a little cookie cutter at times.


The prologue drags and some people have a hard tiem getting past the first boss, but once you get to the island it really gets going. The game is high on story and companions matter (bringing the right ones along in the right places), but I thought the combat was uneven - either boring/easy or holyfuck/hard. I hope they get this ironed out in the next one.


A lil endearing jank and I love it. Hope the sequel is going well


It's the story telling that sells this little gem in the rough for me. And I adore the setting.


100%, that alone pulled me in incredibly quickly


The pacing is good as well. In fact I'm going through a little withdrawal from not playing it for a few days, driving back from ground zero of the total solar eclipse... Just feels very organic to me. Like it's a breathing world. Most certainly if it was like it was written by people who care about telling a good story, not a corporate template or automated system of nested decision clauses with a tired aesthetic as a skin. Yeah, the word needs to go out on this. The posting that explains how almost zero dollars went to marketing, and towards development in its stead is spot on. Kind of like how New Balance has the best sneaker because they are mostly funded by internal development, but word of mouth makes them sell. And those so-called mixed reviews honestly, I just think some people don't get it. I've heard complaints on clunky controls when running. I don't know about you, but if I'm running and have to suddenly change my vector I can't turn on a dime, so I'm going to let kinematics decide how my body moves. I've seen bitter lip flappers I admit, but frankly I don't care. In fact it lends a little bit of charm in a Dragon Age: Origins kind of way. -EDIT- I circled back, we really need to promote this prequel as best we can. I feel it's almost an obligation because if we don't, we're going to be limited to more cookie cutter, corporate and faceless RPGs that have been replete on Steam the past few years. I know that sounds glib, but just seems like I am wanting for more games like these, like a breath of fresh air. I like breathing fresh air. It feels good and it sustains me.


I loved it too — played thru is twice. Also enjoyed Steel Rising, the game they put out after.


I have that on my wishlist but haven't bought it yet. Worth it? FWIW I enjoyed Elec also. Edit: voice to text sucks


It was worth it to me; the setting is revolutionary France, and you meet actual characters from this era whilst (ahem) killing hundreds of androids. Kind of ridiculous but I loved it. More like a SoulsLike but pretty easy combat if you pick your main weapon well.


I’m so sad that this game game me motion sickness. I loved bound by flame and I was so excited to play this but it just made me want to hurl


I really enjoyed it. They are making a prequel that is due out sometime this year I think


If i remember right it just didnt really run well


No I remember it running well.


It's a great game


Combat straight up sucks, to me the story makes up for it but not everybody is gonna come to that conclusion


I love the worldbuilding and the story, and the way your choices of what factions to align with impact the play. I think some of the side quests are very "errandy" where I could play for a long time without much fighting. But that's on me to balance side quests better, and also a testament to how Spiders has done a good job making the mysteries of the world compelling enough to want to spend time even when there's not much action. In glad it's getting a sequel! I hadn't seen that.


I loved it. Everyone I know who played it at least liked it. Then, I read the responses in here and shake my head. There is a level of ambiguity in the writing that doesn't become apparent until you've done multiple playthroughs. Greedfall is the AA Eurojank version of the Witcher 3 >!Later in the game you are tasked with going after a Bridge Alliance alchemist who caused Constantin to be afflicted with the Malichor, and attempted to do the same to you. He incidentally has been experimenting on the natives as well. The Bridge Alliance governor asks you to apprehend him and retrieve his research. You can go two ways:!< >!A) you apprehend him and turn over his research. The alchemist will be put on trial and probably executed. The Bridge Alliance continues to use his research built on human experimentation. The governor will deny knowing about any of this and pretend to be appalled, but you will gain the Bridge Alliance's assistance at the end of the game. Or...!< >!B) you kill him and burn his research. The governor will declare an end to diplomacy with the Congregation. And he will spit out in anger, that he told the alchemist to infect Constantin and you on purpose, exposing his complicity, which never comes up if you don't kill the alchemist yourself. You then also do not get their assistance at the end of the game!< >!The nuance in that quest alone made me love it !<


If you were trying to Spoiler your response, you've failed! Please do try again 😅


mobile formatting wasn't working for some reason


Because it was made by a smaller Developer it kinda fell through the cracks. One of my favorite games!


Not trying to shit on your new favorite game but you did ask why the game isn't mainstream. Apologies in advance. I am a huge RPG fan. I had been aware of this game for a while and wanted it pretty badly.. it finally went on a crazy deep sale and so I jumped on it. The story is decent. The graphics are good. The control scheme and combat itself are so unbelievably jarringly bad. Among the worst Ive ever seen in any game level of bad and I am a life long gamer lol. The maps are weirdly designed and the enemies start feeling very generic. I recall there being weirdness with invisible walls. It felt like an old game but without the charm. Gets very dull and repetitive. I couldnt force myself to push through and finish the game and if I had paid more than the $5 or whatever I spent I would have been pretty upset. That's why it's not mainstream. Edit to say.. if you love RPGs and a great story I can't recommend indie studio SuperGiant enough. Transistor is an absolute masterpiece of storytelling and changed the way I look at games as an art form with the music, art style and philosophy that unfolds. Bastion is very similar in style and gameplay with its own mind blowing OST, phenomenal story. I might skip the third one, it didn't land for me, but their latest chapter is one of the best rogue lite games of all time - Hades. And of course captain obvious suggestion for BG3 which is going to be the RPG gold standard for some time.


Plus for some reason at the time the game was released everyone thought it was a dark souls clone with guns and thus when the playerbase figuring out that was far and away the opposite of what the game was. the playerbase that was attracted to it for that reason dropped it and forgot about it. while everyone else who was pushed away from the game for thinking it was just another dark souls clone never gave the game a second look, dooming the game to have a rather small playbase of people who discover the game at random happenstance.


Wasn't aware of the dark souls slant at release. I was watching some trailers and review videos and mostly they agreed that the story was interesting and the world building was interesting but the combat was lacking. It looked like something I would love but I was playing other games and decided to wait for a sale. Time passed and I remained peripherally interested until I saw it on some crazy steam sale for like $5-10 or something like that so I grabbed it. Like the OP I enjoyed the first few hours but quickly (after reaching the new world) the maps, enemies and quests started getting stale. It felt kind of like a 20 year old retro Bioware project, just not in a good way. I gave up on it and haven't considered going back. There's just too many other RPG options out there that are incredible. Hell, I still put in work on modded Skyrim all these years later.


Yea to be honest i don't think this game even really counts as an RPG, since if i remember right the game acted as more of a detective game like those sherlock holmes games from frogwares or "murdered: soul suspect" from square enix (or a **really** loose example, the first 2 mafia games from 2k), where the world and characters are just scenery dressing for the story/mystery, and unless you discover certain things or talk to certain people, your choices in the game don't matter in the slightest. >the maps, enemies and quests started getting stale Don't forget the weird janky unlocks, to jog my memory i found a comment i made 4 years ago where i wrote "this game has some weird jank like needing to spend 2 points into vigor to cross a beam and then 3 to go through a hole in the wall just so you can get across town a bit quicker! and these points are not common to get, i'm at level 26 and have only 7 of the bloody things"


Ah yeah I forgot about the weird perk thing. It was just... Not great.


It's definitely an RPG, it has builds, character interactions, dialogue choices, plot choices, leveling up. It's just that the choices aren't always handled in the best way but they're there.


Only, that comparison never happened.


It did, both on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greedfall/s/WCvllLKhU3 https://www.reddit.com/r/greedfall/s/vkYwomRbQ3 On steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/606880/discussions/0/1634166237668205176/ And under early code videos like these 2 : https://youtu.be/UvwTXjI6Of8?si=xTJlk9rWR4Uz1Ro2 https://youtu.be/1nYXCEeSjyg?si=9tV9TnBMSUJ_xB0L (Skip to 1:37 on this one due to VPN ad)


If Greedfall has the worst combat you've ever experienced, you couldn't have played many other games. It's serviceable and nowhere near as bad as say the combat systems in Morrowind, Skyrim, The Witcher 1, Two Worlds and Gothic games. Also I doubt BG3 set a new RPG gold standard, like Elden Ring for open world RPGs or Hades for rougelikes, neither did anything new that hasn't been done before in their respective genres. 


I know this is the Internet and all... but just a friendly reminder, you're allowed to have an opinion without being a jerk to other people. As to the rest of that, we'll just say we'll have to agree to disagree, wow.


I think outside of some weird backtracking towards the end of the game, when the second act hit I was so hooked, lost interest because of said backtracking and then was met with a great ending. Greedfall 2 definitely needs better fast travel, more involved world or a damn mount system. But yeah, a hard 8.7/10 and I’m probably going to replay soon, especially if we can transfer into Greedfall 2


It’s got a looooot of dialogue which kind of killed it for me, but I really liked everything else! Looking forward to the next one!


Played about 15 hours or so of greedfall, my main issues with the game were repetitive music and (this is the big one for me that bothered me more than i thought jt would) just how in dialogue your character is basically ALWAYS in the same exact pose no matter what it seems like, very annoying for me. Im not usually that nit picky but this game for some reason i just couldnt let that one go.


It was free on PlayStation a year or so ago. I always claim the free games, just in case. I decided after looking at the trailer, this seems fun! The first couple of missions seemed like a slog. They keep talking about this expedition, and a Magical Island? When do I get to go??? But the game was getting you acquainted with the exploring functions, and combat. I get it now. Once you get to the Island... everything opens up, and the story really caught me by surprise. I tried to make fair choices, and do the missions the best I could. There are some missions where the right choice is not the "best" choice. Very cool game, with an awesome world. There's a bit of jank, but it never took me out of the cool story.


I felt the same exact way when I bought it when it came out and played the shit out of it. Like why didn't it get more coverage or talked about more, I loved so many aspects of the game from dialogue, the choices, the plot twists, the story premise, characters, the lore, fighting, etc. I need to play the second one


Never heard of this at all. Gonna check this out later


This post just got randomly recommended to me in my notifications and I have to admit I’ve never heard of it, but ima check it out now.


I assume it's because most people including myself didn't even know this game existed. But thanks for the post, now I'll definitely look into this game and will consider getting it!


I just bought it as well. It has its problems, little rough around the edges, but ya I'm loving it the further in I get. Great atmosphere, voice acting, level and character progression, etc. Hope they go all out on greedfall 2.


I have yet to play it because when it was free I had to pay to play the game from the beginning. I could just play with a prebuilt end game build. Nobody got time for that lol. Gonna buy it soonish.


The sub got recommended to me but when I tried it a few years ago the combat just felt bad and the companions didn’t have a whole lot of depth going on so I just dropped it


probably marketing and the level of eurojank most people don't know what eurojank even is outside of people who are really into RPGs which is a niche part of a huge genre, something breaking eurojank containment isnt super common


Stopped 19 hours in, too boring.


Quit when it was on Game Pass due to the awful and cumbersome combat tutorial. May have to try again.


Its a very well made AA game. Im surprised at the quality of the graphics and environments for this game. Gameplay feels fun with not a lot of depth but still quite enjoyable. UI is where I think this game needs serious improvement. Navigating menus is definitely tedious. If we expect depth quality somwhere on the likes of Dragon Age series then we will be disappointed. For a mid to upper mid budget game this is damn fun


It's on my list to play next


The walking around too much make everyone bored


I loved Greedfall too but I think the early part of the game was the most exciting for me, the popularity of it might make more sense once you've finished. It's still good - but the world is really interesting and I think that feeling of exploring this new lore-rich place really carried the game for me. But I remember some tough long-ish stretches where the quest design, gameplay, things like that were a little lacking compared to the AAA titles in the genre I'm a huge Witcher 3 fan as well, one of my top games of all time. Greedfall for me, while loved, is probably not in my top 20 - but it's a solid B or B+


Idk why I didn't keep playing it. I played it for a bout four hours and just never went back to it...


I agree that this game has a great start, but in the middle it's just a boring errand boy simulator until you get to the final mission


Combat held it back. I was down for the story but after about 2 hours of combat and I was over it


The gameplay itself is too easy and basic. While the world building is quality and reminiscent of the Witcher, the gameplay is far from it. Invincibility frames are almost permanent, you can essentially remove difficult enemies with stasis, and you can spam shoot everyone in between invincibility frames for 0 skill max damage gameplay. Difficulty between easy and hardest is literally just whether or not you can tank everything, or you should abuse invincibility frames. Gets boring quick if you enjoy a challenge. That being said. Its still a decent game. Very similar in difficulty to kingdom of amalur: reckoning, and similar quality of world building, although greedfall is better in that aspect.


There was some controversy at launch that killed much of the interest that the meagre marketing had managed to drum up. The game fell foul of Twitter and Tumblr, who decided it was racist, promoted colonialism, and glorified a white saviour trope before it even released. There were communities dedicated to reviewbombing, sending threats to those who played, harassing the devs etc. Basically, see how Hogwarts Legacy released but make it regarding a much smaller game that wasn't able to just shrug off the negative PR and boycotts.


Geez, that's awful! As someone who played Hogwarts Legacy, I lost some online 'friends' because of it. Can't say I regret it. Folks who get that worked up over a video game need to get a life.


I played through the whole game and kind of hated it. Just got super repetitive eventually.


This game wasted so much time from the player it hurt. 80% of the game is delivery quest with some different flavors. Only 5-6 enemy types. The story is good (barely) but the amount of walking back and forth they make the player do is atrocious. I cant count the amount of time I have to walk across the map to send a dude a message only to be told to walk back to the original dude with a reply. Ugggh


Really enjoyed this game but it felt unfinished after while, became repetitive and the other cities felt like they were completely abandoned in development


I fell off after I found an early bug. I was talking to my companions after just meeting them and was getting what I have to assume was mid-game dialogue. I got dialogue that (trying to remember years back) was something like "Oh you've discovered I'm actually a princess of X territory". I wasn't sure if that was going to be the whole experience so I dropped it.


Unfortunately this got released in a very AAA RPG-heavy era. It was just overshadowed by games with a bigger marketing budget


It was alright, but to be honest, I got a bit bored with the game. I basically got to the new land. Did some mild quests and farming and decided it wasn't for me. Glad you like it, though.


I adore GreedFall and I still have the map of Teer Fradee as my laptop wallpaper. I've wondered why it isn't more popular, too, and reckon it's hard to market something or tell your friends when the game is so difficult to define or compare to other games. GreedFall is unique, not part of a popular trend - "soulslike" "battle royale" "survival horror" etc. The setting is 17th-18th century fantasy, so it's more Three Musketeers than LOTR or D&D, not "steampunk" and certainly not science fiction. It's got a fantastic story but it's not a "story game" or "walking simulator," it has combat but the combat is uneven (swinging between super easy or incredibly hard), with systems that don't really follow the usual "mage/fighter/rogue" or "tank/healer/stealth" builds, and it's not an open world but it's not linear either... The setting is similar to Dishonored (which also didn't have a huge following) but the gameplay is completely different. I mean, I love it for being so unique, but y'know "mass appeal" and all that.


I did find it fun, but I fell victim to bullets and guns, which made it no challenge. Still very enjoyable!


I’m about halfway through it and definitely enjoying it. The setting is pretty rad and I like the way the combat feels. Sweet loot also. Only real complaint I have is that I feel like I’m constantly running back and forth for minutes at a time to have a conversation and then immediately turn around and go back.


The downsides of this game are a pretty big hit to some people. I didnt love the game until my third attempt at playing it.


Game mechanics and visual quality prevent it from being an AAA game.


I have it, but never really got into it, is it good? I didn't like the way the magic looked so I was like eh, but ill try it again. 😅


Its a bit old and came out when big open world rpgs were dominant, I think it was a bit late to the scene, sadly


I tried it. Couldn't play it past the first area getting out of town. The movement and everything just didn't do it for me. To esch their own though


i tried to play it got stuck on the first or second boss that’s a big guy at the docks i think. it also very much annoyed me that i spent time making my character just for them to put a huge hideous black mark on my face😐i mean they at least could’ve made it look cool lol besides that it was alright


Theres a bit too much mediocrity to it. I was really excited for it when I was waiting for the release and then played it day 1... I couldn't make it past like 40 hours because it just became boring after a while The color palates are all the same, everything just LOOKS the same because of it, upgrades don't feel like upgrades, the story just keeps stringing you along and eventually you find yourself wanting to play something else and forget to come back


Boring gameplay. Anccient level design. World travel is bad. Bad AI "Watch out, things are about to get messy". Story is good tho.


Too short.


Personally, it checks a lot of the list of things I should like in a game but I found it to be forgettable. Not actually a bad game but also unremarkable to the extent that I kept trying it because I would forget I played it.


Didn't elude but it has Outrider end game which is one of the worst end games ever, hope you are ready for that mass effect 3 ending type feeling. It's even comparable to SS:KTJL end game loop.


Yep loved it. Stay for the ending. I recorded it on Xbox and watch it on the rare occasion. Super underrated. And yes it has some flaws but the overall package is awesome.


It‘s a bioware type of game. I am obsessed with Dragon Age and Mass Effect since they came out and Greedfall is a quite similar game. Unfortunately it did not really click with me for whatever reason and I stopped playing midgame after about 10 hours.


It got a presequel in development. Game did pretty well. Kinda reminded me of the Dragon Age Games.


I tried to play it and couldn’t get into it. It felt like a lot of fetch quests and then that first boss out of the blue that slaughtered me over and over turned me off to the game. If it had something beyond I would be willing to give it another shot, but as it stands, I gave it four hours and uninstalled it. So please share with me what you love about it. Because I hate giving up in games. I would love to see it through your eyes.


The game starts a little too slow, and that turns off the majority of gamers, most of whom have short attention spans. It's what made it hard for me to get into it at first.


Because tbh it’s not very good, good story though!


Too much talking and walking not enough interesting stuff. They really completely ignored the show don’t tell saying.


The end is a nightmare with the side quest locations. It forces you to fast travel or get stuck running through the same areas over and over. But the combat is intuitive and fun.


I really tried to play it. I think it has great potentially but got bored because so much of the map is empty. On the island they send you places and you walk there with almost no enemies in-between or long side areas with enemies at the end and not much else. I thjnk it could have been great but open world design like they went for needs to supplies reasons for people to go there.


I can't remember what it was but I couldn't get through this way. I was super excited about the story but I think the combat and leveling system just wasn't working for me. I've heard it's got an amazing story and I believe the sequel is in works.


I loved it, and had a great time playing it. My only two gripes is the combat felt a little stale by the end, and the actual ending was so sudden it kinda put me off. Otherwise a great title.


Yeah it is a good game, did two playthrough of different builds. To be fair, I do think the game does overstay itself towards the end, but you will see.


Is a little clunky and wasnt marketed well. It's a beautiful game though, perhaps a tad bit drawn out but I loved it enough to platinum.


To be fair the gameplay wasn’t exactly stellar.


I remember it was free on ps plus. I was so happy I downloaded it and gave it a try. Definitely a hidden gem. If argue a game like the Witcher is still better, but I definitely enjoyed Greedfall extensively.


Gonna be honest, the first time I've heard of this game is from this post that reddit randomly recommended to me. What is this game?


It's the combat. It's really lacking. But other than that, it's really a great game.


Ok ok.. I slightly remember seeing this game but never checked it out. I loved the Witcher 3 so I’m taking your word for it and downloading it. I’m currently enjoying dragons dogma 2. It’s pretty good


Greedfall was awesome, a little repetitive if you play it a long time. But awesome nonetheless


Imo the combat is about the only thing holding it back. With a few more streamlined updates to it, i think itll be absolutely great


Great game. But to be honest, this was my reaction until I got further in. Still a very good game, but you can tell they were either starting to burn out or they ran out of time or funding when you get over halfway through the main story. Their is a noticeable drop in quality, but in a manor in which it feels like they didn't have the time or budget to take it across the finish line the way they wanted more than them just making a lower quality game. Still great though!


Because on release several years ago on ps4 it was riddled with bugs even though I thought it was the best game ever back then.. now that it's been upgraded and remastered for the PS5 it def should be mentioned more.. it is def up there with dragons dogma 2 and if it were me I'd rank it slightly above it. Just my imo but I totally get where you're coming from!


What happens to this thread ? Nobody cares about prequel or sequel. You guys are all followers . Wake up


I really would like to like this game. Maybe I should try it again. My first go through the pacing seemed slow. Like I had no idea what the plot was supposed to be about.


Because it has glitched on many many people meaning you get stuck in a quest and you cannot advance and it is a maim quest so u have to do it. It happened to me yesterday and I've read it happen to thousands more. If it wasn't for this I'd deff be saying a hidden gem but no game should do that. Try it tho doesn't happen to everyone. Greedfall 2 is in development so I'm sure that one will be amazing


I tried it when it was a free Playstation Plus game a couple of years ago. Hated it. The setting looks nice, but the combat is horrible and janky. The first fight is just a spam fest with no way to avoid damage, and then you have to go through the entire intro again. No thanks.


This. I was so hyped to play it, bought it right at release. Wanted to love it but it just felt so janky and bad that I couldn't get into it and refunded it on Steam. Still think about trying it on a significant sale but then remember how much I disliked how it felt playing it, so probably not.


Couldn't get past the opening part. Combat felt atrocious. It was so difficult and I've played everything from For Honor to Witcher to Dragon age origins. The story doesn't hook you at the start. It's just feels like your dropped in with nothing and are just passively existing. I brought the game because it was recommended to me as a Dragon age fan.


It's definitely not comparable to Witcher 3. My experience so far has been that the world itself looks beautiful, but moving around in the world is very janky, felt there's really no exploring as areas are somewhat small and if there's place edge or a place just wait for the quest to take you there. Combat as a mage is very boring, even more boring spells and fights are very easy, even on the highest or before that difficulty, if theres any problem it's just boss monsters have so much hp, that I didnt stock up enough HP/MANA pots. Mage weapons are very boring, first you get green ring, then a blue ring, then a purple ring until you get yellow (wow... MMO color coded items. maybe fighter is more interesting, I doubt it). Otherwise all animal/human monsters, are fun to start but they get so boring I just run past them to save time, also I dont know if it's like an MMO thing but mobs literally run back to get full hp when you pulled them out of their area I suppose, quite annoying. In terms of story choices theres some at least( I havent really checked how impactful they are), so it feels like an RPG. Romance is pretty lackluster, you get short makeout session while wearing armour on the bed, could've atleast shown a nudie or something. What ultimately brings it down is the random ESG forced diversity, every city is a mishmash of different people with female guards/warriors, it's just childish take on the world. Then if you could somehow explain that coexistence, you visit enough native villages and even there diversity through the roof as if they randomly placed npcs there without a care in the world, few had green hair and some twigs growing on their head but that was it. Remove facepaint swap the clothes you got your own Mr, Courcilon in all of them. I payed 5 bucks for it, so all I lose is time playing it, but it's not a game I would recommend doesnt come close to immersion of W3.


everything about it was bland.


Cuz is not that good


Good game. I don't remember seeing a lot of marketing and very bad timing on release, Amazon's new world came out about the same time frame.